Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 00:32:11 +0000 (UTC) From: Mike James Subject: Spanish Fun 10 (I think) It was my turn and I knew that something horrible may be in store for me judging by what had just happened to the ultimate love of my life.It is odd for a young boy not only to experiance that thing called love at an early age but know what it is . I had hardly sat down form consoling William in the mens room when my name was called and strange as it may seem I felt like someone going to the gallows.But I had to walk gingerly because William had filled my underpants and I guess that everyone in that waiting room was wondering if I was alright judging by the way I was walking. I sat down in the chair and awaited my fate.The Orthodonist gave me a cursory examination and told me that I too had a wear module put on my headgear at my Mum's insistance and I was quite a few hours wear in arrears.But he also told me that William's Dad had asked for the same for William but there is a way around it.You see the Ortho is a BL too and he had managed to get William's Dad to agree to a limited wiring , the same thing though could not be said for me.My Mum has always been strict and I was for the full Non-Compliance Treatment.I was to have my head shaved and a full contact cap over my head and wired to my front teeth.We could do this the easy way or the hard way he said.The easy way is for me to sit back and let his assistant shave my head and fit the cap the hard way is for me to be given a general anasthetic and they would put me to leep while they fitted the cap and front wiring set up.I said I wanted the hard way.I hope William would still love me.It seemed like an eternety but I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror I cried and cried.But sooner or later I would have to face William. I hope my hopes for a career as a Boy Model would not be crushed and ruined.