Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:20:33 +0000 (UTC) From: Mike James Subject: Spanish Fun 3 There we were just two boys enjoying each others company in the warm sweet waters of the Mediterranean Sea.I could see that Carlos was enjoying himself , I hope that my looks of rapture were that of a sweet little virgin which of course I was I din't want him to know that I had not experianced this form of boy gratification before. He looked up and I saw who he was looking at a boy not much older than the two of us was making his way along the beach , but something was wrong with this newcomer his head was bowed and there were tears flowing from his eyes. This is Pepe I was told he was about Carlos's age and build and with a Speedo body on him which could fit the lens of any model.Carlos went over to him and consoled him I could see that Carlos was gently cradling him the way my special friend William who now was home in England used to do to me when I was upset. William and I were a matched pair, I now believe in love at first sight ever since the day that William came bounding into the shower after swim team practice.He announced that his name wa sWilliam ..The Conquerer and he conquered my heart ever since then.He was about six months older than me so everything happened to him before it happened to me, those infernal braces, luckily William was in the orthodontists rooms when I went for my impressions he had the same National Health braces and I felt as though I had a temporary reprieve when I heard that but wondered what on earth the orthodontist was going to do for an hour when my next appointment was scheduled ..a banding session, that is where the metalwork gets put in place and then two appointments later the headgear oh my gosh I felt like a tv satellite receiver...Anyway my braces and headgear did not drown our love for each other.Williams' dad let us wash his car in our white underpants and took pictures of us splashing ourselves..He also took pictures of William and I asleep in the loft Williams room with Williams hand around my waist and us in our white underpants.He also had the first boy explosion you know where you cannot control a certain part of your body and white stuff comes out every so often...I was yet to experiance these boy wonders and William helped me through them.Our braces did little to stifle our love for each other although at times I had to control my urges to lick and suck !I wonder what he is doing now ....Anway back to Carlos ,Pepe his friend was crying a less now it seems Carlos can be very subtle ...What had happened is that Pepe had a crush on another boy in the soccer team and kissed him thinking he was gay ...unfortunately he wasn't and Pepe was outed by himself ...Pepe now doesn't want to play soccer ever again..oh well if anyone can fix the situation Ithink it will be Carlos because with some TLC from him the situation may rectify itself let's see....