Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 03:00:11 +0000 (UTC) From: Mike James Subject: Spanish fun 9 All good things must come to an end and we wound up the day actually cleaning the car , we actually got some detergent on the car and we got clean ourselves.....William' s Dad showed us the stills he had taken and the videos he had shot.We both had a boy explosion or two over the outcome and when it gets that way that you are having an explosion yourself then you know the shooting must have been good and fun too.William's Dad promised that they would go to only the best BL sites and blogs nothing cheap and nasty.I still could not get those grass stains out of my white underpants but at least William got them dry for me.And what was I wearing when I wasn't wearing my white a Scotsman wears beneath his kilt absolutely not stitch..The journey home was uneventful William's last kiss still fresh on my lips.My Mother was there to greet me with the stern words not to forget my orthodontist appointment the next day at least William will be there as usual the highlight of my day! There were questions about why my white underpants were stained and I just answered them matter of factly Iof course thought she was referring to the grass stains but she was meaning the stains in the FRONT seems I had lefty my calling card once too often,She sat me down and gave me the grilling of my life. I had been a bit prepared for the maternal version of the facts of life lecture..but she really was hopeless at trying to deliver it.I suppose she was scared that my father being gay would be passed on to me,it was mine Dads and William's little secret.I told her (truthfully ) that I was not really interested on girls but didn't tell her the COMPLETE STORY of course.Next day dawned unevenfully and I did my school day and the hightlight (besides seeing my love ) was P.E. I couldn't really resist scoping the boys in the showers and checking out who is scoping me , I wasn't being unfaitfull to William ,I never imagined myself with any other boy except him.After school I had my orthodontist appointment, that was time i really loathed.To see the others who have been put behind bars ( with braces) especially with National Health braces.When William came out from his appointment I noticed something wrong .he was nearly crying .The reason for this was I discovered he had his upper braces wired into his head gear.I tool him aside and we went into the boys room and I found a way he could get the facebow to slip round not completely off but the Orthodontist had fitted a wear module to his headgear and it said he had hardly been wearing it.Anyway,we still could have some fun.I gave him the best session he could dream of.My underpants will definately need a washing now before Mum gets home!