Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 19:12:19 -0400 From: mr. axl Subject: summer of the axeman 4 DISCLAIMER: MUTUAL BOYSEX, DONT READ IF ITS ILLEGAL OR IF YOUR UNDERAGE. "SUMMER OF THE AXEMAN" 4 After lunch, the two boys decided to head back to the tent for a drink. "damn it sure gets hot in this tent" Kevin mumbled. "try being piled in here with three other boys" Alex smiled as he opened the bottle of makers mark. "yeah I bet you hated every minute of it" Kevin said sarcastically with a grin. 'well it will definately be hotter tonight" Alex handed Kevin the bottle and crawled around him to rub his shoulders abit."how you doin? still feeling tense?" "I'm fine, be better after a couple more hits off of this bottle though" Kevin closed his eyes and took a deep hit from the bottle and then relaxed his neck as Alex rubbed his shoulders. "there is so much I want to show you man. I will give you the quick tour today , but since we won't have time to see everything today , I figure I will save some special things for tomorrow" Alex gently kissed Kevin on the neck as the other boy sat contentedly allowing him to rub his shoulders and drinking his whiskey. Alex described the campsite to Kevin as the two boys sat in the tent and then moved to the outside of the tent and sat in their chairs. Kevin smiled and then spoke up"its very peaceful out here, very quiet except for the music and the birds" "yeah " Alex agreed"tonight it will be crickets and tree frogs" "tree frogs?" Kevin enquired "yeah tree frogs, just like it sounds and self explanatory. But you wont have to worry about wildlife here, way too many people" Alex smiled softly at Kevin who was still trying to process all that he had been told "if we're lucky we will be able to hear the coyotes tonight, they sound so cool. very relaxing too" "umm , I think I will pass on the coyotes" Kevin said uncomfortably. Alex chuckled as he started to place wood strategically into the fire. "umm what are you building?" Kevin asked "a fire geniouse, you never build a fire before?" "well in the city, building a fire is called arson. So no can't say I have" Again Alex laughed "well you will have built a fire by the time we leave here"He smiled affectionately at his boy. He marvelled at how cute Kevin was, almost out of place here, but not really as it just felt right being here in the place he loved with the boy he loved. When he was done piling his wood, Alex lit some paper and then lit the leaves he had piled in the bottom of the fire pit. He blew gently on them to get them to flame and then added some small pieces of branches which too lit. Eventually the larger pieces ignited and the fire was ablaze. "whoa!!" Kevin exclaimed "very impressive. I hope that if I am ever stranded on a desert island that it's with you." "You better hope its with me, I mean otherwise my dreams wont come true. Thats like my fantasy, me, you, a secluded island. What more can I ask for??" Both boys chuckled as Alex stood and sat next to Kevin. Kevin looked deep into the fire, he was mesmorized by the twinkling embers as they brightened to firey red and then dimmed to dull grey. The fire, it seemed to Kevin, was almost alive as it seemed to breath and pulsate, the flames growing higher as the embers died down only to be reignited again. Alex watched the expression on Kevin's face as the boy gazed deeply into the fire,Alex was surprised at how this trip with Kevin had breathed new life into things he had takin for granted. Watching Kevin now reminded him just how fascinating and mesmorizing a fire can be. The fading daylight and the twinkling fire light radiated off of Kevin's face, lighting the downey fine hairs that grew on his cheeks, bringing his beautiful lips to a new shade of red, and adding a new light to those already hypnotic eyes. Alex found himself watching Kevin as intensely as Kevin was watching the fire. "I wonder who will be staying in that tent?" Alex spoke breaking the silence and pointing toward the neerest tent which was only about 50 or 60 yards away. "huh?" Kevin said broken from his trance. Alex giggled "I was wondering about who might be staying in that tent" He said again pointing "maybe it will be two boys, and their passionate moans of sex play will keep us awake all night" "I doubt we will have to worry about what anyone else is doing" Kevin smiled taking Alex's hand briefly before releasing it and looking around him to make sure noone else saw him. Alex smiled "yeah your probably right. So do ya wanna take a walk now?" "sure"Kevin said standing up "just lead the way" Alex stood, he watched the fire momentarily before heading once again to the basketball court as Kevin followed. "Your gonna love this place too, its a great place to watch the sun set. If we make it there in time" "then lets hurry" Kevin said "bet its alot better than it is in the city" "you better believe it" Alex said as he pushed his way through the thin row of trees and started climbing up the side of the steep rocky hill" "what the hell is this?" Kevin mumbled "come on. your not scared of heights are you?" "no I'm not scared of heights, I'm just scared you gonna have my ass hiking to hell and back" Kevin replied starting his ascent "by the time I get back to the tent all I'm gonna wanna do is sleep" "yeah, I'll make you think sleep. Believe me this will be worth the effort" The boys continued up the hill with Alex pausing briefly. "this is where Reese fell and broke his arm" Kevin nodded knowingly, he had heard so many stories about the campsite that he felt he knew the places Alex took him to. Alex looked to his left at the crest, this is the place where he took Reese's virginity just a few months ago over spring break. He thought about telling Kevin about it but he did not want to spoil this special day, he was concerned that Kevin would be upset with him, he figured he would just get silent and say little for the remainder of the week, but then again he may not have a problem with it and it would be a load off of Alex's chest. He knew he had to tell the boy, he just wasn't sure when the right time would be or if there would be a right time."Damn why are relationships so complicated?" He thought to himself. Finally Alex pulled himself up into a ledge high above the campground and then offered his hand to Kevin for assistance. Kevin turned and looked over the campsite, he stood there in awe. "we are really high up aint we?" Kevin marvelled "yeah if ya look over there you can see the basketball court." Alex replied pointing. Kevin could see across the roadway and the lodge, he could see the river and rows and rows of trees and forest. "I think I can see our camp!" Kevin said excitedly. Alex smiled as he lowered himself to sit with his legs dangling over the edge. "look over there, thats the bath house, and there are that boy and girl we saw earlier". Kevin lowered himself quickly and laughed "I'm tellin ya they are both boys, and why are you so obsessed with them anyway?" "I dunno really. I just noticed them, and then you want to argue with me about it so how can I not obsess? atleast until I prove you wrong" "so what ya gonna do? run down this hill and into the bath house to see which room HE went into?" Kevin said laughing "no need, I have all week" Alex smiled confidently. The boys continued to sit and watch over the campsite until the sun had set and then Alex put his arm around Kevin's shoulder, the boys sat there watching in awe of another miracle. "that has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen" Kevin broke the silence. "Mhmm" Alex mumbled pulling Kevin closer to him as the boy leaned into him and rested his head on Alex's shoulder. "I really am glad I came, I was just so worried about silly things. I'm glad you talked me into it" Kevin looked into Alex's eyes and smiled. Alex pressed his lips to those soft red lips and kissed gently. He then kissed the boy on the forehead. " I am too. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come, the thought of spending another week without you kills me Kevin. I really do miss being around you, seems that seeing you in school just isn't enough, being so close and not being able to hold you, it's like torture. I look at you sometimes while we're talkin in class and I just want to kiss you so bad." Kevin looked at Alex again and smiled "yeah" was all he could say before he kissed Alex gently on the cheek. "we're starting to lose light, I guess we had better start heading back down before it gets too dark to see. I mean I could climb this hill in the dark with my eyes closed but I'm not so sure I want to take the chance of your breaking your ankle the first day we're here." "yeah, I was kinda wanting to save that for the last day" Kevin said with a chuckle as they began to climb down. It had started to get dark quick and the sliver of moon gave little light as the boys made it to the bottom of the hill and then climbed through the small row of trees. "I wanna check on our fire and gather some more wood, then we can sit on the tennis court. It's a great place to watch the stars." "whats so big about the stars? I mean ya can't hardly see em. I always hear people talking about looking up at the stars and how pretty and everything. I just can't understand what the big deal is" Kevin replied. "tell ya what, we'll check out the stars for a few minutes and if you get bored then we will do something else." "fine" Kevin said with a slight giggle. While gathering fire wood, Alex noticed the two kids from earlier moving in and out of the tent nearest them. "Look, its them" Alex said grinning foolishly at Kevin. He dropped his wood and walked toward the kids. "Hi" he said. "hey" said the blond happily. "hey" said the other absently, Alex looked at the boy closely, he wore glasses and a cap. Alex also noticed that the boy was looking down and never looked up when he said hey. "I'm Alex, and this is my friend Kevin" "oh hey, I'm Tanner, this is Ryan" Alex realised that he had been wrong, although very femanine in appearance, this was a boy and he knew he would have to hear about it from Kevin later. "well hi Tanner and Ryan its nice to meet you, will you both be staying in this tent? we're like neighbors" He smiled to them. "why else would we have a tent unless we're gonna stay in it?" Ryan said sarcastically. Kevin was shocked by his attitude and braced himself for Alex's response. He only laughed though. "alright, so it was a dumb question, I was just making conversation. you two related?" "we're like best friends or something" Tanner said removing his hat and revealing his long, curley, blond hair. The curls were loose rolls and they hung to his shoulders, he had light blue eyes but not the silvery grey of Kevin's much deeper, Alex noticed his slender neck and thin jaw line. "I've known Ryan since we were like 4 or something" "we gotta go Tanner" Ryan interupted snatching a glance at Alex"my parents are gonna be eating soon and I don't want cold food" Alex noticed the boys green eyes and a sprinkling of freckles upon his lightly tanned skin. He too had a slender neck and was of similar build as Tanner, both were thin and wirey. "well it sure was nice meeting you guys. I'm sure we'll see more of eachother, stop by my tent if ya get bored and wanna hang out or something" Alex turned and headed back to camp with Kevin in tow. "bye guys" Kevin mumbled as he turned to follow. "nice meeting you Kevin" Tanner said as he followed Ryan who said nothing as he headed toward his parents trailer. Kevin said nothing but the smile on his face said it all. "alright, say it" Alex said as he dropped the firewood by the fire and entered the tent with Kevin close behind him. Kevin only smiled "what?" He chuckled " I guess you want me to rub it in, the fact that you were wrong I mean. I suppose you expect me to let ya have it for having the audacity to disagree with me? well I will say this, I am bigger than that and I guess you have learned your lesson, I mean if I were the kind of person to take pleasure from such a thing I might say something about your inability to tell a girl from a boy, or perhaps your needing to have a talk about the birds and the bees. Perhaps try and explain the difference between little boys and little girls" He chuckled. Alex only stood there smiling as Kevin unloaded his sarcastic rant upon him."I know the difference between little boys and girls" Alex said moving closer to Kevin. "well incase you don't I will be happy to explain the difference." He giggled again. "well LITTLE boys have one of these" Alex said grabbing Kevin's crotch. "whoa!" Kevin exclaimed "who you callin' little?" "you, stubby" Alex said swatting Kevin on the ass" "well I suppose I will have to find someone who appreciates my LITTLE stuff then, since you obviously don't appreciate a good thing." Kevin said backing away. Alex moved closer to him and wrestled him to the ground "Oh I appreciate a good thing alright" he began to grope and tickle Kevin now. Kevin was giggling wildly now "stop I'm gonna piss my pants" he said trying to catch his breath. Alex sat atop him "who's yo daddy?" he asked giggling and still tickling him. "not you" Kevin said through gasps for breath and giggles. "I said, who's yo daddy?" Alex continued his assault "say it or i'll continue till ya piss your pants" "I'm not sayin' it" Kevin giggled and continued to try and get away. Alex continued his assault more intensely by tickling faster and moving from place to place. "aaaaaah... stop,.... I can't breath" Kevin was gasping and giggling. "who's yo daddy?" "fine you are, please, I'm gonna piss my pants" Kevin giggled and panted. "Say please daddy" "aaahhh let me go, I'm gonna piss my pants. I.. can't ...breathe" "say it" Alex continued his assault. "please...Daddy..aaahhhh" Alex jumped up "and don't forget it" Kevin lay there catching his breath "still...can't tell..... a boy...... from a girl though..... DADDY" Kevin giggled looking up at Alex. "you want some more?" Alex said dropping down next to the boy. "noooo!" Kevin exclaimed rolling over on his side. Alex moved in behind the boy and rolled him back over. He gently kissed Kevin's neck. "the anticipation is killing me" he whispered into his ear and gently licking it "I can't wait til later tonight. We are going to have the most special night ever. I love you so much" Kevin rolled over to face Alex and the two boys embraced. "I love you too Alex" He gently planted a kiss on the boys lips. He broke the kiss when he felt himself grow stiff in his pants. "it will have to wait " he thought to himself. "tonight is going to be special" The two boys lay in an embrace. They snuggled and kissed gently and then just held one another, Alex breathed deeply of Kevin's hair as he ran his fingers through the long bangs. He would gently scratch the back of his head causing Kevin to purr. Kevin nuzzled Alex's nipples and pressed his nose into the boys armpits, he loved the smell of Alex's deodorant, especialy as it mixed with his musty boy smell. It had begun to grow dark in the tent as there was only a sliver of moon out this night. "lets go see the stars" Alex whispered. The two boys crawled out of the tent and after tossing more wood on the fire, Alex threw a glance toward the neighboring tent before leading the way to the tennis court. The boys lay on their backs looking at the stars, Kevin was amazed at how different they looked than they did in the city."they are beautiful, almost as much so as the sunset. I have been here one day and have already seen so much" "yeah, and there is more. Tomorrow we go swimming" Kevin said nothing, only let out an uncomfortable groan. 'It will be o.k, I promise. I ain't about to let anything happen to you" Kevin still said nothing so Alex decided to change the subject. "you think those two boys are doing eachother?" Kevin was caught off guard by that statement."what?" he giggled slightly. "ya know. Do ya think Tanner is putting his cute little boydick into Ryan's unhappy boymouth? Pumpin his face until he reaches his littleboy orgasm?" "umm I dunno" Kevin said amazed at such a question. "probably do Ryan some good, he seems abit uptight, or perhaps he's just a prick?" "he's probably just intimidated by older kids or something" Kevin stated. "perhaps, it would be fun to play with them abit though, wouldn't it?" "I suppose, you sure are a horney fella" "well I'm just curiouse is all, I mean, I like lookin at different dicks, big, little, black, white, cut, uncut. I mean yours is the perfect dick, and you know I mean that. I'm just curiouse is all, and I love lookin' at young dicks. Like our age or a little younger, I think it's cool when they start messin around, like with Jesse. Man he loved that shit, so did Reese. I mean we're all kids ya know? Whats wrong with a little experimentation?' "Nuthin I don't guess" "you mean to tell me your not curiouse, you don't like messin with other boys?" "well, I mean, I never really had the chance, I mean until you...." Kevin trailed off. "Until me it was never fun you mean" Alex said softly. "well yeah, bein' forced isnt fun, there was no experimentation, except for them. " Kevin mumbled the last part softly. "I'm sorry man, we don't have to do anything with anyone else if you don't want to" Alex turned onto his side and gently patted the boy, all too aware of the number of people that might be able to see them or perhaps walking past by chance. " I didn't say I didn't want to, I said I never had the opportunity. I mean it's not a priority, but if we get the chance to play around abit I would probably be interested" Kevin said turning onto his side and smiling to Alex. Alex smiled back and then rolled over onto his back. "well I think your gonna like messin' or umm experimenting with the boys. But if you don't then we don't have to" the boys lay there looking at the stars until finally Alex decided it was time to return to the tent. For all the excitement they had had, Alex could not wait to start his special night with Kevin. He was excited and nervouse at the same time. When they got to the tent Alex grabbed a beer and downed it as he handed Kevin the bottle of makers. " I am so excited, this night is going to be perfect, shame the moon isn't full, that would be the perfect lighting. Alex took the bottle of makers out of Kevins hand and took a long hit from it before kissing him gently on the lips, Kevin stood nervously not sure what to do as it seemed that Alex had this planned. Alex turned to the stereo and put in a c.d he had made just for this night. He turned on the lantern and upon realizing it was to bright he pulled a red shirt from the bag and placed it over it. Kevin giggled"oh great it looks like a whorehouse now." Alex looked down for a moment so Kevin went to him "I'm sorry bad joke" Kevin said "I know you have probaby planned this evening down to the last detail. But lets just go with it Alex, so I can participate, right now I'm not sure what to do, I feel like I'm in the way" this caused both boys to giggle. As Sarah McClachlan's "posession" came on the stereo, Alex began to unbutton Kevin's shirt, He kissed him gently on the neck. Kevin fumbled with Alex's buttons as well and the boys were soon topless. Alex moved Kevin toward the bedding and then reached into his bag and grabbed a bottle of baby oil. Kevin smiled at him as Alex bent down to untie Kevin's shoes for him, slipping them off and then his socks. Alex then removed his own socks and shoes, all were tossed into a corner. Alex gently unbuttoned Kevin's shorts and undid his belt letting them fall to the floor before standing again and kissing Kevin on the lips, Alex pressed Kevin to him as he let his hand wonder around to Kevin's beautiful firm butt, the black satin bikini briefs that Kevin was wearing felt so smooth and cool. Kevin then undid Alex's belt and let his shorts fall to the floor leaving Alex in his black silk boxers. The two boys began to grind their hard boytools together, the feel of the silk and the satin was amazing and both felt they would explode any minute now. Alex slipped his hand inside of Kevin's bikini's and gently rubbed his finger along the crack of Kevin's ass, Kevin let out a sigh into Alex's mouth as their tongues wrestled and the pelvises battled one another for position. When Alex slipped his finger between the perfect cheeks and gently tickled Kevin's rosebud, the boy instinctively leaned forward and allowed entry of Alex's finger which he pressed deep into the boy causing the boy to gasp again. Kevin placed his hands upon Alex's ass and pulled him tighter to him as Alex continued to probe into Kevin's beautiful ass. Kevin's thrusting intensified and he began to pant, Alex knew he was close and this brought him close as well. Kevin let out a groan and exploded severel gobs of his sweet boyjuice into the satin bikini briefs he was wearing. Alex instantly bent down with his finger stil in the ass and began to suck the juice from the briefs as he used his other hand to pump furiously on his own rigid cock. Atlast he exploded as he tasted Kevin's sweet seed, as he came he pressed his finger deep into Kevin who let out another moan and collapsed upon the other boy. Alex removed his finger and gently lowered Kevin to the bed. "this night has only begun" He whispered...... continued... I hope you guys are still with me havin abit of trouble finding time to write obviously you guys are too. stick around, there is alot more of this one AXL