Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 01:51:38 +0200 From: Zack McNaught Subject: Tay Disclaimer: hello everyone. `Tay' is a story about young boys falling in love with each other. You might call it a crush, or maybe it really is love, I'm not here to dictate that to you. However, I should warn you that although this is primarily a romance, there is a little bit of sex in it, and so if that bothers you, I would suggest that perhaps you shouldn't continue reading. Also, if you're only here for sex, you'll be disappointed, as I haven't spent a great deal of time on detailed sex scenes. If you want to read those, I would recommend my series Sam and Jamie in Young Friends, which is full of the stuff. If you would like to e-mail me, please feel free to do so. My address is Thanks for reading, Zack `Tay' Like everyone else, I wanted to be around him all the time. Taylor, Tay for short, was quite simply the coolest and most popular kid in my year at school. He was golden haired, blue eyed, so attractive, funny and warm-hearted. I wanted to be near him so hard that it hurt when I wasn't. And that was most of the time, to be fair. I wasn't popular, not all that unpopular either, just ordinary. I had a few friends, none of whom considered me to be their best friend. I did well enough at my school work, a little above average, but not top of the class. I was ok at sports, quite good at cross country running, but not an all-round sports star. In a word, I was invisible. Especially to Tay. An American kid, he was in the UK because his English father had to return to find work, and dragged his family across the Atlantic with him. He was the only American I knew, the only American most of the kids at school had ever encountered. There was something terribly exotic about that. At twelve going on thirteen, we were still enraptured with the American dream, long before the cynicism of later years sets in and you realise the dream is elsewhere. Tay was part of that, an exciting figure in the dull landscape of our lives. He had longer hair than most of the girls, somehow getting away with it despite the school rules to the contrary. He was a skater, his board never far away, though he had been asked not to skate within the school grounds. Of course, he obliged, but behind the teachers' backs he made sure we knew that he objected, and we loved him all the more for it. I didn't think it was a crush at first. Not for a long time, in fact. I just wanted to be his friend, because being Tay's friend was the best thing in the world when I was twelve. He had a few close friends, picked for various reasons, but mostly because they all skated, like he did. I would see them hanging around in town sometimes, rolling around, occasionally attempting some trick or other. I would say hi, and they would respond, but it was nothing more than that, nothing more than a passing greeting. I never stayed more than a moment, I was always running away from them because I was so nervous around Tay. I hated myself for it, but there was nothing I could do. There was no reason for Tay to be my friend, and I couldn't see him ever wanting to be. Life for me was built on routine, on doing certain things at certain times. My father worked long hours, and my mother as a nurse, doing crazy shift patterns. That left me alone in the house for a lot of the time, especially when my mum was doing the afternoon and evening shift, and my dad was away working, which was about one week in three. I ate defrosted and reheated meals that my mum made in huge batches, eating at 6 every evening. That was when dinner was, to my mind, and so that's when I ate it. Bedtime was fluid, but I always made sure I got to bed before midnight – after all, I had to be up at half past seven in the morning, and didn't want to be too tired for school. I didn't have any brothers or sisters, so I soon got used to my own company. I had a babysitter up until the age of eleven, but after that my parents considered me mature enough to look after myself. When he was in the country, dad would get home at about 9 in the evening, and we would spend a little time together watching TV and chatting about nothing much. Dad and I had a great relationship, when he was actually about to see me. Actually, when I reached about 16 my dad got tired of his job and jacked it all in to become a consultant, working from home, and we discovered that we had a lot more in common than either of us had thought. I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have him there all the time. But you can't go over everything with a fine toothed comb and wonder what would have been, otherwise you'll never live in the present. Mum usually got home after I went to bed, but she always made sure she was up to see me before I went to school. School helped with the routine a lot, because there was nothing for it but to conform. The uniform made everyone look the same. Well, except for Tay, of course. Just the way he wore it looked like he had his own uniform. Anyone copying him was immediately told to smarten up, but Tay must have had the same effect on the teachers as he did on us, because they let him get away with it every time. Occasionally one of them would say something, but it was always half-hearted, and there was no bite behind the bark. Lunchtime was easy to get through, if not exactly exciting. All my friends loved football, and I always joined them for a kickabout, even though I was far from the best player. From time to time I would have a good game, and would receive the deserved credit, but I was off the boil more often than I was on my game. It never really occurred to me, but my life was limping along. I was surviving from day to day, but I really wasn't living in any real sense. I was a twelve year old boy and I never went out and had fun. It only took one science project to change that forever. I liked our combined science classes. There was a great mix of chemistry, physics and biology to be learned, and it was one area where I actually seemed to have an ounce of genuine talent. Something about science awoke in me the desire to learn, and I did my best. Every term we had a long-haul project to get through, each discipline having a term dedicated to it. This particular year, the autumn term was to be dedicated to a physics project, which would have to be researched and presented to the rest of the class. The teacher had a list of suggestions, but we were more than welcome to come up with an idea of our own, as long as it was approved. I'd been thinking about an idea ever since it was announced we were going to be dealing with physics. I was a keen amateur astronomer, and had a pretty decent telescope of my own. I'd been following the moons around Jupiter for a while, and thought it would be quite cool to perform a study of them for the project. I knew of Galileo's experiments many hundreds of years prior to my own interest, and wanted to repeat them. Astronomy projects fell into the scope of the physics remit, so I knew I would get approval. The only problem, and it was a big problem, was finding someone to do it with. We were required to research the projects in pairs, and that always left me with a problem. I didn't think anyone else in the class would want to have anything to do with my project when it came to dividing ourselves up. It was a lot more work than most of the projects were going to involve, and very few of my classmates wanted to do anything more than they absolutely had to. It came as a bit of a shock, then, when somebody did approach me. The bigger surprise, though, was the fact that of all the people in the class, it was Tay who wanted to do the project with me. My mouth dried up immediately, and I tripped over my words as I tried to explain to him what the project was about. He seemed genuinely interested, his glowing blue eyes boring into mine as I spoke, making my temporary speech impediment even more severe. When I finished explaining to him, having drawn a quick couple of sketches, he astounded me by not walking away immediately, instead saying something insane about wanting to do the project with me, if that was ok. Hmm, was it ok? Let me think about that for a little while. Errr, yeah, why not, I thought to myself. To Tay, I just nodded. I wasn't about to trust my stupid mouth to get the words out straight, so I thought non-verbal communication was the way forward. He smiled a kilowatt smile, melting me on the spot, before walking away again. We'd arrange the work at a later date, that became obvious. I didn't care about times and dates, though, all I cared about was that the coolest boy in my universe actually wanted to do a science project with me. For the next few days I was walking around with my head in the clouds. My confidence was right up, to the point where my dad noticed a positive upturn in my energy levels in the evening. He asked if everything was ok, whether something special had happened. He even asked whether I had my first girlfriend, a question which shocked me. Yeah, I'd thought about girls, but not like that. Should I have been thinking about girls? I already knew about sex, and I was a regular masturbator by this point, but my fantasies never really involved anyone. I just concentrated on the feelings, and left it at that. Should I have been thinking about girls as I masturbated, should I have been looking for a girl to do it for me? I certainly hadn't thought about it, and that bothered me a little. I dodged my dad's questions, just saying that I was having a good week and was excited about the science project, not mentioning Tay once. When it came to actually doing the work, Tay was a little hesitant. He clearly wasn't as excited about it as I thought he had been, and I had to bug him to go to the library with me to do the necessary groundwork. Eventually, after a few aborted attempts to get any work done, I had to confront him. I don't know where I got the confidence from, but it just came out one day when Tay was coming up with yet another excuse not to come around to my house and do the necessary observing with the telescope. `Tay, if you don't want to do the project, stop wasting my time and just say so, ok?' `Whoa, sorry. Chill. Look, I'll level with you. I only chose you `cause you're clever and my dad wants me to do better in class. Sorry, I should have been honest.' I was furious, and embarrassed, and hurt. I had so wanted to believe that Tay wanted to do the project with me because he liked me or the project, not because he was just using me. I didn't know what to do, and my confusion turned to anger. `Fuck you, Tay,' I shouted, before storming off. We were outside the school gates, and a fair few people must have heard me swearing like that. I'd rarely said that out loud before, and never at the volume I'd just used. I didn't look back to see the reaction it caused, just walked away, trying to hold back the tears long enough that no-one would see them fall .Somehow I managed to make it home before the wall broke, though I couldn't remember the journey, and I fell onto my bed, the tears flowing freely now and my body racked by sobs. I cried and cried, alone in the house. I was glad for that solitude, because I didn't want anyone to see how badly I'd been hurt by it, to see how vulnerable I really was. Waking up, I realised that it was morning, not long before dawn. The tears I'd cried the night before had crusted my eyes shut, and I stumbled my way to the bathroom to take a well-needed piss and run a damp washcloth over my eyes. Blinking in the light that I had turned on in the hallway, I made my way into the kitchen and to the fridge. I was ravenous, but couldn't force myself to actually swallow anything. My throat was just too swollen for that. Instead, I settled for milk, which took away the hunger pains for long enough for me to get back to sleep. It wasn't good sleep, though, as I tossed and turned in my bed, nightmares racing through my mind. I woke regularly, and thanked God when the morning came and it was late enough for me to get up without causing comment. I barely said a thing at the breakfast table. It wasn't unusual for me to be a bit quiet in the morning, so it wasn't commented on, but inside I was in turmoil. My stomach was leaden as I trudged my way to school. I wasn't sure what was awaiting me, but I knew it couldn't be good. I didn't have a clue how I was going to face Tay after what I'd said to him. It was too harsh, too strong for what he had done. It was my own pain, my embarrassment which had forced those words out of my mouth, and now I regretted my haste. We still had to do the project together, or at least hand something in together, and how were we going to do that after the way I had acted? My heart filled with trepidation, I stepped through the school gates and straight into... well, nothing really. I saw all my usual friends, and they seemed to know nothing of yesterday's indiscretions. They treated me just like they always did. I saw Tay's friends, and they were friendly enough to me, no beating me up or anything. Who I didn't see was Tay. He was nowhere. Not in registration, not in the first few lessons of the day. By lunchtime I was almost frantic. My mind was running away with the possibilities. He could have got upset by what I said and run off, only to be mown down in traffic. Or maybe he was so upset that he couldn't come to school and face me. All sorts of other scenarios flitted through my mind as I sat alone eating my lunch. I'd been invited to play football, but I knew there was no way I'd be any use to anyone the way I was feeling. I wanted so badly to throw up, and even made my way to the toilets to try, but nothing would come up. When at last it was time to return for afternoon lessons, I was actually grateful to hear the bell ring. Tormented by the possibilities as I was, I didn't see him at first. It was the first lesson of the afternoon, English literature. Dull, dull, dull. Well, I thought so at the time, at least. I've revised my opinions somewhat since then. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing? As I said, head down in my book, hardly listening to what the teacher was saying, I had no real idea of what was going on around me. Eventually, though, I had to move my stiff neck before it seized up entirely. Lifting my head, I flexed my neck a couple of times, and then looked round. Bang! Right into Taylor's deep blue eyes. He was in his usual seat, two to my left, and was watching me. As soon as our eyes met, he averted his, looking down at his book. But in that split second when our eyes locked, I had time to gauge his emotion. Where I thought I would have seen anger, hatred, malice there was instead a sad longing. He wasn't angry with me. He didn't want to kill me. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. I devoted my brain to figuring out the riddle, with the predictable outcome that I wasn't paying attention when the teacher asked me a question. She was a strict old bat, and because it was clear to her that I wasn't paying attention, she immediately gave me detention for half an hour after school. It wouldn't be the first time, I wasn't that perfect a kid, but out of the corner of my eye I could see Tay wincing a little. When I looked across at him again, he was studying the pages of his book very hard. Detention was as fun as usual. To be honest, I really couldn't be bothered to do the homework that it was expected I would do during the time, and instead sat there staring into space. The teacher in charge wasn't all that worried, as long as I wasn't messing around making a lot of noise. My mind was still totally occupied by thoughts of Tay. I just couldn't work out why he wasn't angry with me. I had acted like a complete idiot, shouting at him because I felt so stupid. It was my problem to deal with. He had never promised lifelong friendship. He only wanted to do the project. Yes, he had been a bit of a slacker, but really I was far too uptight about my schoolwork. It was reasonable to assume that he wasn't as interested as I was. I shouldn't have blamed him for that. But I had. I'd blamed him for my own unfulfilled expectations. Before I'd really had time to get bored, it was over. The half-hour system was mostly there to keep normal kids like me from straying too far from the path. There were much harsher punishments available for the real troublemakers, but I was invisible, remember, so I didn't fall into that category by a long way. To be fair, it wasn't actually much of a deterrent to me. I just tended to behave because it made life easier for everyone, and that had rewards of its own. I made my way to my locker to grab a few things and get rid of some books I didn't want to lug home. The corridors were pretty much deserted by this time, just the occasional kid wandering here and there, and a few teachers. It was weird to see the school like that, so devoid of life so soon after it had been a buzzing, vibrant place. My locker was pretty much at the other end of school from the room where detention was held, so it took a few minutes to get there. Not that I really noticed the passage of time, though. My thoughts were still occupied with you-know-who. I dumped the books and was just turning to leave when... Bang! There they were again. Those blue eyes. Tay was standing there, his backpack on one hand, the skateboard under the other. I didn't really know what to say, but returned his greeting when it was offered. `Sorry for getting you into trouble,' he said, the hint of a grin at the corner of his mouth. I shrugged. `It wasn't your fault I was daydreaming.' It was Tay's turn to shrug. `I'm sorry anyway,' he said. `Can we talk?' This was a new experience for me. Someone wanting to actually have a conversation with me. It was so grown up. Usually, conversations lasted no more than a few sentences, and then they were spontaneous, not orchestrated. I nodded my assent, though. I really wanted to know what Tay had to say. I was really nervous, actually, proper sweaty palms and butterflies time. I followed Tay out of the building to one of the benches outside. There were still a few kids playing football nearby, but we couldn't be overheard. Since it was Tay who initiated the meeting, I left it to him to say the first words. `Look, I'm really sorry for what I did. I didn't realise what an asshole I was being.' Whoa! Hold on a second here! I had shouted at Tay and now he was apologising to me? I wasn't quite sure where that came from, but I kept the thought to myself, and instead made sure I got my own apology in, even if it was a bit late. `No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did to you. It was well out of order.' `Nah, man, I deserved it. You're cool and I just treated you real bad.' I think it took about five seconds for that to really sink in. Not the apology. The bit where he said `you're cool'. Somewhere in my hindbrain I realised he was probably just saying it to make me feel better, but the conscious part of my head was screaming in joy. My heart, so heavy all day long, was suddenly free and soaring high above us in the blue, blue sky. I probably should have spoken sooner, because my silence prompted Tay to speak up again. `Are we ok, then?' I didn't have words for how ok we were. All my caution, all my cynicism went out of the window. I nodded vigorously. `And can we do the project still? I promise I'll turn up this time. Look, I've already done some work,' he said, reaching into his bag to pull some sheets of paper out. It was photocopies of a book about Galileo's observations, with passages highlighted in green marker. I'd already done something similar, but that wasn't the point. Tay wanted to work with me, was willing to go to all this effort overnight just to make things better. `Is this why you weren't here this morning?' I asked. I don't know why I asked, I just did. I think I needed to know. Tay, to my surprise, shook his head. `Nah, I had to go to hospital with my little bro. He gets physio once a month. Needed me there today, so I went.' How could I be so stupid and cynical? How could I forget that his brother was in a wheelchair, and that Tay was the perfect big brother, doing anything Nate wanted to do? How did I not realise how much I loved him already? I just nodded my head, didn't say anything, didn't want to risk my foot ending up in my mouth again. `Anyway, dude, gotta go,' he said, standing. `Catch you tomorrow, yeah?' I nodded again, still not trusting that pesky tongue of mine. I watched him walk away, and then skate just as soon as he was outside the school grounds. He looked back once as he left, smiling that electric smile. That night in bed, the familiar urge came over me. I was never one to refuse my dick anything, and so I made sure the door was closed and locked, and went to it. It wasn't anything special, until I neared orgasm. This time, instead of the usual concentration on the feelings coming from down below, my mind suddenly flooded with images of Tay. There he was on his board. Then sitting next me on the bench at school. Then getting changed for swimming. That last image was the one that sent me over the edge. I'd never seen him totally naked, we always wrapped towels around ourselves, but the sight of the rest of his body was enough. He wasn't exactly thin, but there wasn't an ounce of excess fat on him. He even had a six-pack, I suppose from skating all the time. As I wiped my tiny emission from a still-hairless groin, the feelings of guilt flooded over me. Sleep and the sunrise washed the emotion from me, but it would return that evening, this time with back-up. Life improved again. Why wouldn't it? I was spending at least one evening with Tay each week, and sometimes more, especially when the skies were clear and we could get a really good look at Jupiter. He worked harder, and though he wasn't the best pupil in the class, he did his fair share. For my part, I was ecstatic every time he turned up at my house, contented when he had left, and guilty as hell when I wanked myself off to images of him from the evening. The association with Tay brought real life benefits, too. I was no longer invisible at school. Tay would talk to me during the day, sometimes specifically coming to find me. The respect that generated among my friends was heavenly. It wasn't just the work that bonded us, though. The more time I spent with Tay, the more I wanted to spend, and he actively sought to stay around at my house after the work was done, too. We actually had a lot more in common than we had at first realised, things like a similar taste in music and in books. We even discussed girls at one point. I thought I was dead in the water when that particular conversation began, because I had no experience, and didn't particularly like any of the girls at school. I had assumed that Tay would be quite the ladies' man, but as it turned out he was as shy and inexperienced as I was, even going as far as to admit that he really didn't want a girlfriend. I should perhaps have read a little more into that than I did, because I found out later that he was definitely trying to tell me something. But at the time I just felt relieved that I wasn't the only one who wasn't quite ready for that yet. Tay changed me, too. I relaxed, took things a bit more calmly. My schoolwork didn't suffer, but then nor did I if it wasn't done perfectly. I adopted a few of Tay's mannerisms, and with his advice decided to grow my hair a bit, and wear it more messy than I usually had it. And my clothes were changed, too. I had been living in boring blue jeans and simple t-shirts. Tay introduced me to the joy of baggy jeans, cords and hoodies. I loved it all. Best of the lot, though, was the introduction to boxers. I'd always just worn briefs, but seeing the waistband of Tay's boxers poking out the top if his jeans when he showed me a scar on his otherwise flawless tummy changed my mind about all that. I was entranced, and took a little longer than I should have done looking at the scar, or at least in the general direction. Tay didn't seem to mind, though. The image of him lying there with his t-shirt pulled up and the creases of his tanned stomach disappearing beneath the band of those shorts fuelled my fantasies for days and weeks to come. I'd love to say the project went perfectly, and that we got the highest grade in class, and everyone wondered how we'd done such an amazing job, but that simply wasn't the case. We ended up messing around a little too much, and though the work was above average, it wasn't the best we could have done. Tay couldn't have cared less, though. He was ecstatic with the result, far better than his usual marks, and it led him to ask me round to his house to thank me for helping him so much. To be honest, he had helped himself after our initial upset, working harder than ever before, and not requiring any prompting from me. But I wasn't about to refuse the offer, as I'd never before been to his house. We'd always worked at mine because that's where the telescope was. His dad was quite keen to meet me, too, as it seemed that he wanted to thank me for finally getting his son to do some work. Quite frankly, I wanted to thank him for bringing such a wonderful creature as Tay into the world, but decided that perhaps that might be going a bit too far. Tay's house was big. I mean, really big. Mine wasn't bad, but his was seriously nice. It was part of an estate of equally nice houses, and there was only one road in and out of the place, brick paved rather than tarmac'd. I was impressed, to say the least. Tay actually had the grace to look a bit embarrassed by his parents' affluence, though not so much that he could resist showing me round. The crowning feature was a heated indoor swimming pool. My jaw had to be winched back into place. Tay's dad was still at work when we got there straight after school, but his mum was around, and Tay introduced me as we walked in the back door, straight into the kitchen. `So, finally we get to meet the famous Andrew. Tay hasn't stopped talking about you,' she said when the introductions had been made. `Mom, quit it!' Tay said, the embarrassment flooding his face as a strong blush. He looked so gorgeous then, I realised. It was a strange time for the realisation to hit me, but it was in the moments after that, as I followed Tay up to his room, that I finally came to understand what I felt for Tay. I really did find him attractive. I wanted to hug him. To do things far worse than hugging. I suddenly felt sick, knowing that it could never happen, but that I would have to think of it all the time I was with him. Damn. Tay's room was moderately spectacular. He didn't want for anything, that was for certain. He even had his own en-suite bathroom. No-one my age ever had his own bathroom! There was a big double bed along one wall, though it barely made an impact on what was quite frankly a huge room. He was just showing me his TV and stereo when I heard the squeak of rubber on polished floorboards. I had guessed right when I thought that the whole house was carpet-free for the sake of his brother's wheelchair. Nate wheeled himself through the open door, and Tay immediately went to high-five him. I envied the relationship immediately. Tay was really cool with his brother, not acting like he was in a wheelchair at all. The introductions were made, and I got another round of `so, this is Andrew...' type comments, before Tay silenced his brother with a sharp look. I don't think I was meant to see the silent communication, or the renewed blush on Tay's face. Damn, he really was quite good looking. Nate left, chuckling to himself, and we got on with the business of just being boys. Dinner was fun, really fun. I was introduced to Tay's dad at the table, he having just walked through the door as the food hit the table. It was great to be part of a family, sitting down to eat together, laughing and joking, and just catching up on the news of the day. There was a bit more subtle ribbing of Tay by his brother, but that was halted by a swift kick to the wheel of Nate's chair. The kid didn't seem to take it so badly, though, continuing to snigger to himself, until his mum told him to grow up. Even as she was telling him off, there was a smile on her own face. I caught her watching me more than once during the meal, as I was questioned by Nate and Tay's dad, and each time our eyes met she would smile warmly at me, in a very motherly way. I'd been invited to stay over, the first time in a long time I'd been asked by a friend to sleep over. Of course I accepted, though now I had realised how I felt about Tay, that it was more than mere friendship to me, the boundaries had changed somewhat. I was nervous, almost frightened of going to bed. A camp bed had been made up for me in Tay's room, though I don't think I could have refused if he'd offered me a place in his bed. We were still quite shy boys at heart, despite Tay's typically outgoing attitude and my new-found confidence in myself, and so changing involved a trip into his bathroom. I wasn't about to sleep like I did at home, in the nude (my mother had finally relented on that one), and so it was boxers and a t-shirt. I was so nervous that I didn't even get slightly hard at the prospect of spending the night in the same room as Tay. I was grateful for it, too – any sort of bulge in the front of my boxers would have shown up immediately. By the time I re-entered the room, Tay was already changed and half under the covers. His torso was bare, and the sight of it immediately sent blood rushing south. I quickly made my way under the covers on my bed, hiding my growing erection just in time. We chatted for a while, with the TV on in the background. The conversation covered pretty much everything, flowing from subject to subject without pause. Eventually, though, we were both too tired to continue speaking, and with a contented sigh I settled down. There was just one more treat for me before I drifted off to sleep. The light switch over Tay's bed wasn't working properly, and he had to get up to use the one on the far side of the room. He was just wearing boxers, and I watched his body as he padded across the floor on bare feet the reach the switch. He sort of caught me staring as he turned round to look at me just before switching the light off, and smiled an odd, satisfied smile for a second before the room was plunged into darkness. I slept fairly soundly, usually, but the combination of a strange bed and my excitement at the situation I was in made it impossible to do much more than doze. I drifted in and out of consciousness, lying on my side, facing out across the room. Some time during the night, I sensed movement and realised that Tay was making his way to the bathroom. I couldn't see much in the gloom, but the door shut and the light came on on the other side to confirm my suspicion. He was in there quite a while, I realised. Probably having a dump, I thought, and sure enough after a few minutes I heard the toilet flush. For some reason I felt guilty thinking about it, and when the door opened I quickly shut my eyes and feigned sleep. Not before I saw a sight that made my hard dick spasm on the spot, though. Tay opened the door to his bathroom before switching off the light and I realised that what I was seeing in the doorway was a very naked Tay. There wasn't much detail to be seen, the light behind him giving him an almost silhouetted appearance, but it was enough for me right then. I was glad that my emission was no more than a couple of watery drops, otherwise I would have soaked the bed completely. Waking in Tay's house was a mildly frightening experience for those few moments before my brain clicked into gear and I realised where I was and why. During the night, I'd thrown the covers back, and was horrified to see my morning hard-on tenting my boxers quite obscenely. I checked to see if Tay could see me, but he was still fast asleep , his covers down around his waist but not quite as revealing as mine. He was lying on his stomach, facing out into the room. If he was awake, he would have seen the tent leading me into his bathroom. I thanked my lucky stars that he was asleep, or at least appeared to be. I wasn't horny enough to have a wank, so I just had a quick piss to deflate Mr Happy downstairs, and walked back into the room. I could have sworn I saw Tay's eyes snap shut, but put it down to wishful thinking and hopped back into bed. Not long afterwards, Tay stirred and stretched groggily, smiling across at me when he turned my way. We spent the day in town, meeting up briefly with Tay's skater mates, before heading off to catch a film. He'd forgone his usually Saturday afternoon ritual of hitting rails and kickers to spend the time with me, knowing that I wasn't that keen on skating, and the feeling that gave me inside was enough to have me grinning stupidly all the time. Tay noticed, I know that much, but he didn't say anything. I don't even remember what film it was we saw, but I do remember what happened afterwards as clearly as if it had happened ten minutes ago. As usual, I had been tempted into buying a huge drink before the movie, and as soon as it was over I needed to piss big time. I told Tay, who indicated that he, too, really needed to go. Usually, boys didn't go at the same time, it was just considered too embarrassing, even though they were public toilets. But Tay didn't seem to care, and happily followed me in. What was even more shocking was when he stood next to me at the long trough urinal, not right down the far end as I had expected. Tay didn't seem to think twice about it, and just unzipped and pulled his dick out, and let loose. What would you have done in that situation? Of course I looked, I would have been stupid not to. I made it as subtle as possible, but he was so close that it wasn't hard to get a good look. He had pulled maybe two inches out of his fly, and I was willing to bet there was about another inch left in there. What struck me immediately was that Tay was circumcised. I knew of the operation, but I'd never seen one without skin covering the head before. I rather liked it, actually. It was a nice neat cut, and he had such a perfect white shaft and pink head. The proportions were just lovely to look at. Watching him piss pretty quickly sent the blood rushing to my dick, and just as I was finishing up and squeezing the last drops out of my foreskin, I was getting quite hard. I stole one last glance at Tay's crotch, and noticed that he, too, looked a little bit bigger than he had been. When I looked up to his face, he was grinning at me and blushing sweetly, and I knew he'd just given me a show. That didn't make it any easier to make my dick go down, and I silently thanks Tay again for introducing me to baggy jeans and boxers. What I couldn't fathom through all of this was what Tay felt for me. I knew for certain now that I found him attractive, and felt about him the way I should about girls. I wasn't stupid, I knew boys went through phases, and I'd reconciled myself with the concept. If this was a phase, my feelings would go away after a while, and if it wasn't, I would cross that bridge when I came to it. But I didn't know what Tay was thinking when we had all these moments. Had he meant for me to see him naked coming out of his bathroom? Surely it wouldn't have been that hard to keep his boxers on when he went to the loo. Had he watched me coming out of the bathroom the morning after? I was convinced, for a few seconds at least, that I had seen his eyes shutting. And was it a deliberate show in the toilets in the cinema? It had certainly seemed that way to me. I couldn't ignore the possibility, though, that I was imagining everything, that Tay's actions were entirely innocent. My horny, nearly-teenaged mind could have been reading a lot more into the situation than was really there. It took a hell of a brave move by Tay to make me realise that none of it was innocent, that all of it was meant to make me realise something very important – I wasn't the only person in this friendship who secretly fancied the other person. It was a few weeks after our visit to the cinema when my life changed irrevocably. I'd like to say that we had become inseparable, but it wouldn't quite ring true, not just yet anyway. We were just friends still, really. Tay still spent time with his skater mates, hanging around in town, and I still spent a lot of time alone, but there were times, like most lunchtimes and a few days a week, that would be `me and Tay' time. When we were together, it was always in the absence of other friends, and more often than not, there would be one of those little hints from Tay, not that I was clever enough to realise what was going on. There were a couple of repeat performances of the naked night time bathroom trip, and I got a good look on each occasion, still struggling to see anything with the light behind him. There was even another pissing incident, where Tay left his dick out for a few moments after he was done, waiting for my stream to dry up, clearly watching me piss and getting quite hard in the process. I was still too scared to do anything about it though. I was petrified that if I was reading more into this than was really there, Tay would jump back in horror as I made my move, and declare to the world how much of a fag I was. If only I'd been braver, we could have been together sooner, but it took Tay to make the move which got the whole thing rolling. It was fairly simple in the end, really. We were watching a film in his room, both sat with our backs propped up against the headboard of his bed. Tay went for a piss, not even bothering to close the bathroom door so we could continue talking. It didn't freak me out any more, but nor could I see anything, so it wasn't entirely an erotic situation. When he returned, I realised that Tay was sitting a little closer than he had been. Our arms and legs were now touching, his left side to my right. Slowly, inexorably, he got closer, until finally with a sigh his head fell onto my shoulder. He was close enough now that I could feel his heart trying to beat its way out through his chest, and I was sure he could feel mine doing the same. His head rolled a little further onto my shoulder, and I realised that my arm was far enough around him to embrace his shoulders, which I took the opportunity to do so, moving ever so slowly in case I freaked him out. It didn't bother him, though. In fact, it had just the opposite effect, Tay snuggling in even closer to me, the whole length of his body now touching mine, and draped an arm across my chest. We stayed like this for the rest of the movie. My arm began to go to sleep, but I didn't dare move it in case the contact ended. I had so badly wanted to hold Tay, and now that I was doing so, I never wanted to let go. When the credits rolled, I could feel Tay shifting, and realised that he wanted my arm off his shoulders. I was disappointed, but could hardly refuse. It turned out that letting go of him then was the wisest thing I could have done, as, rather than getting up and turning the film off, Tay sat up and span around, swinging his leg over my lap and climbing on top of me, kneeling there. I started to ask him what he was doing, but he just put his index finger on my lips to silence me and leaned forward. It struck me what was about to happen, and I realised I was very ready for it. I wanted Tay to kiss me so badly, and sure enough he leaned forward, planting his hands either side of my shoulders, and got in close. When our lips touched, a bolt of electricity ran through me. I know it's an overused line, but it really did feel like that. And I'm sure you can guess where the bolt ended up. The kiss wasn't perfect by any means, we were just mashing lips at first, until I felt Tay's mouth open a little, and I did the same, and the wow factor went through the roof. My dick was like a steel rod at this point, so hard that I was worried it might snap off if Tay wasn't careful. He was sitting right on top of it, his arse grinding back and forth along its length as we kissed. He was getting as much from the motion as I was, judging by the moans coming through the kiss, and all too soon he broke the kiss to gasp and hang his head as he came, thrusting short little thrusts to make it all that much better. The look on his face when he looked back up at me was all it took to push me over the edge, and I hunched my hips hard against his backside a couple of times as I spurted in my boxers. The look had been a mix of fear, shyness and above all raw passion. There wasn't time to talk, or even to clean our pants up, as his mother called us down for dinner. I sat there at the table, unable to stop myself from grinning, and watched as Tay did exactly the same. Strangely, one of the things I remember most about that meal was my ejaculate, which hadn't soaked into my boxers, and had no pubes to stop it, seeping slowly down through that crease between by scrotum and my leg and into the crack of my arse. They say that your first sexual experience is formative, and I think that's absolutely right, as I still love that feeling to this day. I was staying over that night, and when we got upstairs and looked at the camp bed, Tay and I both simultaneously looked at each other and shook our heads. There was no way I wasn't staying with him in his bed, and after messing up the sheets a little to make it look like the camp bed had been used, we proceeded to ignore it. I needed a piss really badly, so went into the bathroom to do my stuff, leaving the door open as had become customary. I heard a lot of rustling and the squeaking of bed springs as I peed, and was intrigued to find out what I would discover upon my return. I wasn't disappointed. There, on the floor, was a pile of Tay's clothing, and atop the pile, a crowning glory, were his boxers. Tay was under the covers, though they were pushed down to just above his waist. When he saw me entering the room, he pulled back the covers to reveal his nude form, his hard spike at its very centre, looking lovelier than I could have imagined. He was probably four inches long when he was hard, maybe a little longer, and certainly a bit thicker than my own. I wasted not time getting naked myself, and jumped onto the bed and into his arms. We resumed the kissing that had us so hot and bothered earlier in the evening. This time it was a different kettle of fish, however, as we were now devoid of clothes, allowing our hard dicks to rub together. It was a good thing we'd already come that afternoon, or it would have been over in moments. We still didn't last long, though, and I spurted onto both our stomachs, and felt the semen getting mashed between us. Tay came at almost the same time, but I felt nothing splashing on us from him, and discovered that he was still almost dry and had used his supply up coming in his boxers earlier in the day. With the good feelings still running through our bodies, I rolled onto my back, Tay now hugging my side with his head on my shoulder, and drifted off to sleep. When I awoke the next morning, it was to my first sunrise as Tay's boyfriend, my first sunrise in love, the first sunrise of the rest of my life.