Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 23:11:27 +0200 From: Subject: Thanksgiving-Surprise-3 Hi there, part three finally done. BUT - DRAMA ALERT! This part is only for those of you who have fallen in love with my boys as I have. There's a lot of drama to get through before the juicy part all the way at the end, which is why this chapter is about twice as long as the previous one. I didn't want to stop in the middle and leave you hanging there without some good fun, so I decided to go on and finish this before uploading. So again, if you're here for a quickie, go somehwere else. If not, enjoy! As always I'd love to hear what the story did for you or any other comments you may have. Send them to Oliver --------------------------------------------------------------- Thanksgiving Surprise 3 Some time later I heard the rest of the house stir. We were supposed to start out back to college before noon, so I softly slipped out of bed. I looked down on Toby's sleeping form once more. Then I leaned down and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, hoping he wouldn't wake up. But he opened his eyes and looked at me. I smiled at him and said, "Hi." Toby sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked up at me and said with a small voice, "Nate, after last night, won't you think about what I said? Can't we find a way? Please?" I swallowed, but once again I thought, no, I didn't have the right to impose myself on his young life. I had to be the strong one here, even if it broke my heart. So I said, "God, I'm sorry, but I really don't see how this can work out. And I'm sure in a couple of days you'll see it the same way." Toby turned away from me and said nothing more. So I went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. When I came back out a few minutes later Toby was gone. I went downstairs where the others were in the middle of breakfast. Toby was also there in his t-shirt and boxers. He looked up as I came down the stairs but he immediately lowered his gaze again and stared into his cereal. He didn't say a word all through breakfast and I didn't know what I could have said to him either, especially in front of all the others. After breakfast we said our good byes to Paul's and Toby's parents. When I had shaken hands with them and turned to say good bye to Toby he had already turned around and was walking back up the stairs. I looked after him for a second, feeling my heart get heavy again, and then went outside to the car. I don't remember much of our drive back, I don't know if I talked to Paul and Laura, I was too deep in thought. I couldn't stop thinking of Toby, of how beautiful and sexy he was, but also of how sad I had made him. I tried to convince myself that it was for the best, that it was the sensible and grown-up thing to do, that he'd be better off without me. But still I felt really bad about the whole thing. And this miserable mood continued when we were back in class. I just couldn't shake it, and people started noticing it. I was irritable and I couldn't concentrate on my work. I thought of Toby practically every minute, waking and sleeping. One minute I would think, what the hell, I'll call him, write him an e-mail. Just to see if he's OK, just to hear his voice or read his thoughts. The next minute I'd think, no, he's probably long over me, found himself a boyfriend, never wants to see me again. I didn't go out any more. I couldn't find it in me to look at other guys. I didn't want to admit it, but the truth was that Paul's little brother had really gotten to me bad. A week before Christmas I walked into our room and Paul was on the phone. "OK bro, good talking to you, happy birthday. Oh, here's Nate." He looked at me. "Hey, you wanna say happy birthday to Toby?" I hesitated. I would have loved to but I didn't know what to say. But the decision was taken from me. Paul listened to the phone and said, "Oh, OK... Ah, Toby?" He looked at me with a puzzled face. "That was strange. He basically hung up on me. Said he had to go and hung up." I looked at him, still lost for words. Finally I asked, "So, how is he?" Paul looked thoughtful. "Not so great, I suppose. I talked to Mom before Toby got on the phone and she says he's acting a bit strange lately. He's not talking much and his grades have gone down too. She figures maybe it's got something to do with a girl. She asked him if he was in love but he's not saying. Well, it's that age, it'll blow over I guess." I swallowed and turned around, my eyes starting to burn a bit. I covered it by pretending to look for something on my desk. My mood sank even lower, if that was possible. Paul said something about going out and getting a drink but I mumbled something about a headache and spent the night alone. A couple of days later, Saturday, I walked into our room after my morning shower and Paul was just turning off his phone. He had a shocked look on his face as he turned to me. "Toby's in hospital. He got into a fight and he got hurt pretty bad." I felt my knees go weak and almost stumbled before I sat down on my bed. "What? How, I mean why...?" "Mom said he was drunk. And someone beat him up. Obviously someone who's also called Nate." My head snapped up. "What? Did he say that?" "Not directly. If I understood my Mom right he was only half conscious when she got to the hospital where they had taken him and the only thing he said was that name over and over again." "He said my name?" Paul looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Well, he said 'Nate', but he wouldn't be talking about you, would he?" I stood up and rummaged for my Jeans. "I have to get over there. This is all my fault. Shit ... shit ... shit..." I put on my clothes, grabbed my car keys and my wallet from the desk and headed out the door. Paul stood there dumbstruck. "Hey, wait a second, what the hell are you talking about?" I didn't answer but kept running towards the stairway. Toby, hurt, in hospital. I couldn't imagine what had happened. I couldn't stand the thought. But he had called out for me. I knew he had meant me, not some other Nate who had supposedly hurt him. I had to get there, be with him. Now. I heard Paul run after me but by the time he reached the front door I had already started the car and was backing out of the parking spot. Paul came running up and basically jumped in front of the car. I hit the brakes and Paul opened the passenger door and jumped in. I hit the gas and turned out in the direction of the highway. Paul was still out of breath. "Nate, what the fuck is going on? What are you talking about, it's your fault? And why are you taking off like crazy to get to my brother?" I drove without talking, without looking at Paul. Paul kept staring at me. Finally I looked over at him quickly. "OK, listen. I don't know if you're gonna like this, but here's the truth. When we were at the cabin for Thanksgiving something happened between Toby and me. We.." Paul interrupted me. "What? But he's just a kid. How could you..." Now it was my turn to cut him short. "Hey, listen to me, OK? Believe it or not, it was him who came on to me. And how. Have you actually looked at your little brother lately? He's not little anymore. And he knows it." "He's fifteen, for heaven's sake. Actually, he was only fourteen back then." "Yeah, right, four weeks ago. And here's something to think about. Actually that's basically what Toby said to me. Think back four years, will ya? Don't tell me you weren't out trying to get dates with any girl who would have you. Don't tell me you weren't hoping to get laid as soon as possible. I know I was, though not by girls, obviously. And Toby knew I'm gay and he knows he is too." "What? He isn't. He can't know..." "Yes he can. Again, back then when you were fifteen, did you have any doubts you were into girls? No? Well, him and me, we know exactly that we're into guys, no doubts there either. That whole 'it's just a phase' thing is a myth. It's bullshit. Yeah, boys sometimes jack off together, or each other, or even do more before they can get their hands on a girl. But they don't dream of other boys or fall in love with them if they're straight. Especially not by the time they're fifteen. If that happens you know you're gay." I stopped talking, I had run out of steam for the moment. Paul was quiet too, digesting what I had said. Finally he said, "So what you're saying is that Toby actually hit on you back then?" I laughed a little. "Oh yeah, did he ever. And I didn't want to fall for it. I really didn't. I kept thinking the same thing. He's only a kid, he's your kid brother, I can't do this, blah blah. But man did he put on a show for me. And I'm only human, you know." I looked over at him. Paul had an incredulous look on his face and was shaking his head a little. "So Laura was right. She said she thought there was something going on between you and Toby. I didn't believe her then. I couldn't imagine what that could have been." "Ok, listen. You gotta know I would never have done anything to hurt him, right? Yeah, OK, we had some fun together." I looked over at him again. It wasn't easy saying this. "We had sex. And believe me, he really wanted it. And he really enjoyed it. I mean, it really was him who started it. And then he just got to me and I went along. And I still don't see why that should have been wrong." Paul looked decidedly green in the face. But he looked at me and asked, "And what the hell has that got to do with what happened now?" I swallowed. "Well, as I said, the whole thing was only about sex in the beginning. But then it turned into something else." I had to fight to keep my voice steady. "You remember that last night at the beach? That's when Toby told me he'd fallen in love with me." I looked over at Paul but his face didn't tell me what he was thinking. "And that's when I thought I had to do the right thing, the sensible thing. The grown up thing." I made a scornful noise in my throat. "I told him this would never work out, he would find someone his age, we were too far apart, in age and in distance, all that stuff. I thought I was helping him, he'd get over it, I was being selfless and giving him the chance to find his way." I snorted again. "Well that worked out great, didn't it? From what your Mom told you, he got over it like hell. It's not because of some girl he's acting funny, it's because of me." I had a hard time concentrating on my driving. This was really getting to me. I took a deep breath. "And me, fuck, you must have noticed what a wreck I've been these last few weeks. I mean, how can I admit this, but fuck, I fell in love with your little brother. I can hardly get through a day, it just kills me not being with him. And this is supposed to be doing the right thing? Yeah, right. And now this happened. I don't know what happened. But I know it wouldn't have if I had stood by him. I have no idea how I could have, but I should have. When he said my name there in the hospital he wasn't telling your Mom who hit him, he was calling out for me." Now I was really choked up. Paul said, "Pull over, OK? I'll drive." So we switched seats and for most of the four hour drive to Paul's home town we talked. Paul asked me lots of things he had never asked before, about how and when I'd noticed I was gay, how it had influenced my life, what my parents thought about it, and so on. I told him how I had been confused at twelve, finally sure at thirteen, fallen in love for the first time unhappily around that time, how I had told my friends when we got into high school, my parents a little after that, how some people had drifted away when they knew, others hadn't made a fuss about it, like him, which was the best thing to happen, how my parents had had a bit of a hard time accepting it but in the end had stood 100% by me whenever things got difficult. I had the feeling he needed to know these things not just to understand me better, but also to get an idea of what it could mean for Toby's life to be gay. When I had finished my story, didn't really know what else to say, Paul also stayed quiet for a while. Then he looked over at me for a second and said, "OK, I still can't really get my head around this. The fact that you and Toby..." He hesitated and then went on. "Anyway, I know what it feels like to be in love and separated and I guess I'll just have to accept that this is serious. I know you'd never do anything to hurt Toby. And if he really is hurting because he's missing you... well, we'd better make sure you get there quick." He gave me a quick smile. "I'll have to get his side of the story too though, you'll understand that, right?" I sighed. "Sure, just as long as he's OK again. I'll do anything, stay, leave, whatever. But I can't hurt him again." Finally we pulled up at the hospital where Paul's Mom had told him Toby was being treated. As we walked up the hall to Toby's room Paul's Mom came walking up from the other side holding a cup of coffee. She looked drawn and tired and when she saw us she stopped short and almost dropped the cup. "Paul! What are you doing here? You didn't need to come over all the way. And Nate? What, I mean why..." We stopped in front of the door to Toby's room. The door had a glass pane in it and I looked in. Through the window I could hardly see Toby under all the bandages. It was all I could do so stop myself from bursting into the room immediately. Paul looked at me and then at his mother. He stepped up to her and took her in his arms. "Mom, I'll explain in a second. But how is Toby? What do the doctors say?" His Mom still looked bewildered. "He's under sedation now. He has bruises all over and he had one broken rib which almost perforated his lung. They operated on that and they think there are no other internal injuries, but they'll have to see. And he hasn't been really conscious at all yet. He must have been really drunk when they found him, so that's still wearing off." She sobbed a little. "Oh Paul, I still don't even know what happened. He's never done anything like this. I don't know what's going on with him lately. Some people over on the other side of town called the police because some kids were beating each other up and when the police got there they found him lying in the road like this. The ones who did it were nowhere to be found." She moved toward the door and wanted to enter the room. I stepped aside to let her in but Paul looked at me and took his mother's elbow. "Mom, I know this is strange, but can we sit over there for a minute and talk? I have some things I have to explain to you and Nate needs to go in with Toby on his own for a little while." Paul's Mom looked at him like he was speaking Chinese. Paul laughed a small pained laugh. "Yeah, I know, it totally threw me also. I'll tell you in a second." Still speechless Paul's Mom allowed him to lead her over to a bench a little way down the hall. He looked at me and nodded his head at the door. So I finally opened the door and slowly stepped up to the bed. If I hadn't known that it was Toby in that bed I would not have recognized him. His face was blue and black, his nose was bandaged, his eyes were closed. The only other part of him visible above the sheets was his right arm with a drip running into the back of his hand. The arm also showed several large bruises. I sat down on the chair next to the bed and just looked at him. At least he was breathing steadily. After a little while I felt the exhaustion of the day settle on me. First the shock of hearing that Toby had been hurt, then the long drive and all the talking I had done, going into depths I had not talked about for a long time, and now seeing my sweet Toby here like this. All of a sudden the torment of the past few weeks, of not being with Toby and the knowledge that I had made his life miserable too, became too much and I started crying. I looked at Toby's beaten face and the tears just flowed. I put my hand on his arm, trying to find a spot that wasn't bruised. I just had to make contact with him. And just feeling him, feeling his warmth, made me feel a bit better. I tried to send my thoughts through my hand into him, tried to make him feel I was there. I had sat like that for a few minutes when Paul and his Mom walked in. When I looked up at them Paul gave me a small smile. I couldn't read the look I got from his mother. I guessed she was thoroughly confused. They both sat down and I expected her to ask me some serious questions, but she just looked at Toby and didn't say anything. We sat like that for most of the afternoon, not really talking a lot. Paul's Mom told us that his Dad was out of town on business and would be back for Christmas. At one point a nurse came in and adjusted Toby's drip. She told us they were reducing the sedation and he would wake up at some point, although they couldn't exactly say when. When it got dark outside Paul's Mom said, "OK, there's nothing we can do here while Toby's still asleep. Why don't you boys go over to the house, I'll stay here." I looked up. "I'm staying." Paul's Mom looked at me but again she didn't say anything. Paul looked at us and said, "Me too, what would I want to do back home? But I'll go see if I can find some food." He came back a while later with some sandwiches and water and we ate in silence. I was still sitting at Toby's side and after another couple of hours I got so tired I leaned my head on Toby's bed and finally fell asleep. I woke up when I felt someone run his fingers through my hair. I lifted my head and there in the dimmed hospital night light was Toby, finally awake, looking at me through the bruises on his face. His hand slipped from the top of my head to my cheek. He held it there and I saw tears in his eyes. He whispered, "You're here." My eyes also filled with tears. I leaned close to him and said "Yes." Toby smiled, and I saw it hurt him to move his face. Then I heard his mother stir in the chair at the foot of the bed. Toby, still caressing my cheek, looked over at her with an expression of incredulous happiness and said, "Look Mom, he's here." I realized that he wasn't quite there yet, the sedatives were still at work. I looked around at his Mom and she looked back at us with an expression somewhere between happiness that Toby was awake and confusion at the way he was acting towards me. She said, "Yes honey, I know. He's been sitting with you here all day." Toby smiled at me, then he dropped his hand and his eyes slowly closed again. He was slipping back into his drug-induced sleep. I sat back in my chair and looked over at Toby's Mom. She gave me a little smile and softly said, "So he really was calling out for you." I cleared my throat. "I should have been here all along. It's all my fault." She gave me that little smile again. "We'll talk about it later, OK?" So we fell silent again. Paul was asleep in his chair, Toby was also asleep again and after a while I drifted off too. I woke up a few hours later feeling stiff from sleeping in the chair. I stood up and stretched, seeing that Paul and his Mom weren't in the room anymore. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 7 am. Toby was stirring in his bed. I sat back down and looked at him as he opened his eyes. He was a little disoriented, but then his eyes focused on me. At first he looked completely baffled, then a huge smile lit up his face which was immediately replaced with a wince of pain and then a more careful smile. "Oh my god Nate, you're really here. I thought I had dreamed that." I smiled and took his hand, careful because of the drip. "Yeah, I'm here. How do you feel?" He winced again. "I have no idea. Everything hurts. I can't breathe too well. What the hell happened?" Despite the situation I had to laugh. "Well, that's what we all want to know. Don't you remember?" At that moment the door opened and Paul and his Mom came back carrying cups of coffee and more sandwiches. Toby looked up and pulled his hand out of mine. I reached out, took hold of it again and looked at him. "No, I will not let go of you again. They know." Toby looked at me with a puzzled expression and I could almost see his brain trying to come to grips with this information. Then he smiled his careful smile again and grabbed my hand harder. Paul handed me a cup of coffee which I took with my other hand. He looked at Toby and said, "Man, bro, some secrets you're keeping. What the hell happened?" Toby creased his brow. He looked at me and said, "They know? Everything?" His Mom stepped up to the other side of his bed and put her hand on his cheek for a second. "Honey, I won't pretend I understand it all but I think Nate told Paul everything that happened and Paul told me all I need to know right now. But I still don't understand what happened Friday night and what that has to do with Nate." Toby shifted in his bed and looked uncomfortable. "Oh god, Mom, I'm such an idiot. I was so fucking frustrated all the time, and my birthday was shit and I don't know... I heard some guys at school talk about this secret party they were going to, over in one of the old warehouses, and there would be alcohol and stuff, so I just went over there, just to see what it was like. And I got in and I started drinking and everything somehow seemed to be much more fun all of a sudden. And then..." He hesitated again, thinking about it. "I don't really remember. There were a few older guys and I thought one of them was cute, looked a bit like Nate..." He blushed and shot a quick glance at me and at his mother. "Anyway, I don't know, by then I was so drunk, maybe I said something stupid to him, all I know is all of a sudden him and his buddies were after me and I wasn't fast enough..." Toby's Mom looked at him with a sad look. "I knew something was wrong with you. Why didn't you talk to me about it?" "Cause I just couldn't. I didn't know what to do. I was just totally mad and confused. When Nate left after Thanksgiving and he said I couldn't see him anymore..." He stopped talking and I could see the tears back in his eyes. "Man, it's hard to talk about this." He looked at me and I felt a lump in my throat also. I squeezed his hand again. Toby took a deep breath. "I was so depressed. I didn't know how I would go on living. I mean, it sounds so stupid but that's what I felt." He looked at me again. "Fuck, I had really fallen for you. And you just left and said it wasn't right for me to feel that way..." I had to swallow. "God, I didn't mean it that way. I never wanted to hurt you. I thought, it's just a little crush, I was sure you'd get over it in no time..." I felt strange talking about this with Paul and his mother there. I looked over at them and they were clearly also a bit uncomfortable with the situation. Toby looked at me with tears in his eyes again. "But it wasn't just a crush, I knew that. I mean..." He stopped talking and looked at his mother and brother. Then he sat up a bit in his bed and grabbed my hand harder. "Mom, Paul, can you please leave Nate and me alone for a while? I really need to talk to him alone." Once again his Mom looked a bit puzzled, not yet used to the fact that her youngest son had a private life that she was not a part of. But Paul got up and said, "Come on Mom, why don't we go home and get a couple hours real sleep. Toby is OK enough, let's give these guys some time to work this out." I looked at him thankfully. After they had gone I looked back at Toby. He met my gaze for a while, not speaking. Then he took his hand out of mine and wouldn't let me take it back. "I hated you. At least I wanted to hate you. How could you look at me and tell me we couldn't be together when I'd just told you I loved you? And then you let me suck you, and you kissed me, and then you still wouldn't let me see you again. I was so mad, but then I couldn't stop thinking of you and I dreamed of you and I was going crazy. And I almost called you about a hundred times but then I didn't cause I didn't want to be a crybaby and start begging." He was breathing hard, trying not to cry. "I hated you but I also loved you and it just tore me apart. So in the end I was so crazy I went to that stupid party just to feel something different for a change..." I felt the tears in my eyes and I had a hard time not crying. I grabbed his hand again and held on. "Oh god, Toby, I'm so sorry. I know I'm an idiot. I acted like and asshole. I just thought..." I took a deep breath. "No, I guess if I'm honest, I was scared to death. Of what the others would say, of how your parents would react, all that stuff. And I thought I could really get in trouble because you're so young. And I was also scared that after a little while you would really think I had taken advantage of you and you'd dump me. And I didn't think I could take that. Because by then I was really, really in love with you..." I stopped talking and just looked at him. Our eyes were locked and finally, after the longest time, I leaned in and put my mouth on his. He winced a little bit because of the bruises but then we kissed, very tenderly, for what felt like hours. Our tongues danced over each other very slowly, and the feeling that spread through me was one I had never felt before. It was absolute peace and the knowledge that I had finally found something I had been searching for forever. When we finally broke the kiss we just looked at each other again without speaking. I couldn't find the words to tell him how sorry I was and that I wouldn't ever leave him again. When I was just about to try saying it the door opened and a young doctor came in. He stepped up to the monitors and then said, "Well young man, seems you were lucky. Looks like there was no internal bleeding or damage to any organs, all values are normal. I will have a look at the stitches from the operation. Do you want your brother to wait outside while I look at you?" I looked at Toby and I saw a huge smile appear on his face, and this time even the pain from his bruises couldn't wipe it off. He reached out and took my hand. "He's not my brother, he's my boyfriend. And he stays." Hearing him say this made me feel happier than I had ever felt. I also started smiling like crazy and so we were both looking at the doctor with huge grins on our faces. He looked back at us and he had to laugh. "Well, seems at least you two are happy enough despite what happened. That's good, there's no better medicine." Then he checked Toby's wounds and I was shocked when I saw how badly bruised he was all over. The doctor also removed the needle from Toby's hand, then he left. Once again I took Toby's hand which was much easier now with the drip removed, and then we talked and talked for hours. He told me how bad he had hurt after I had left him and I told him how bad I had felt about doing it. I told him again and again how sorry I was until finally he laughed and said, "Ok, alright, I got it. I think I can even understand a bit why you thought it was the right thing to do. But you came back when I really needed you. Just promise that you'll never do it again." I looked at him and leaned in to give him a kiss. Then I said, "I promise. But to be absolutely honest, I'm still a bit scared. And I still don't know how we can really work this out." I saw his face begin to fall. So I quickly added, "But I'll think of something. I could never hurt you like that again. And I can't go through this again either." At that moment the door opened and Paul and his mother walked back in. They asked how Toby was and we told them what the doctor had said. Then Paul said, "Hey, Nate, we have to get back to school at some point, you know. I'd go on my own but we only have your car here. Also you got a paper to hand in tomorrow, don't you?" I had completely forgotten about that. And with the shape I had been in the last few weeks I hadn't gotten anywhere with it anyway. Also I somehow found the thought of leaving Toby again to be completely beyond my imagination at this point. But I also saw Paul's point of course. I thought about it for a minute. "You know what, I'll talk to the Professor and see if I can get an extension. If not, so what, I fail the stupid course." I looked at Toby. "But no matter what, I will never again fail Toby." At this I heard a little sniffling from Toby's Mom. She looked at me and actually had tears in her eyes. It hadn't been my intention but I thought that at that moment I had won her over. She quickly dabbed her eyes and smiled at me. Toby grinned his big grin at me again. "Hey, you can go back. Now that I know you'll come back to me I'll be OK." I still couldn't face the possibility of leaving him though and finally I had an idea. "Ok listen, how about this. Paul and I go back, I talk to the Professor tomorrow morning. Then I pack up some things and come back over here. I mean, we'll have a couple of days before Christmas. I'll have to go home for that, my parents would kill me if I didn't, but then I can come back and we can celebrate New Year's together. And then it's a completely new year and we can work out how things can go on." Toby was still smiling. "Yeah, OK, I can live through one night without you." His Mom cleared her throat. "Nate, I don't know what to say. You're perfectly welcome to come back and stay. I mean, I still can't really understand all of this but I can see that obviously you are good for Toby. I haven't seen him smile like this forever. But I can't ask you to risk failing your classes because of him. That's not right either." I looked at her somberly. "Well, it's completely my decision. And I wouldn't do it because you ask but I have to do it because I couldn't live with myself anymore if I didn't. If there's one thing I have finally realized it's that Toby is at least as important to me as he is to you and I'd do anything for him." So it was decided and Paul and I got going soon after. Before we left I kissed Toby good bye, which was the first time we had ever kissed so that anybody else would see it. And it was obvious that both Paul and his Mom felt a bit strange about it. But they both smiled at us, if a bit hesitantly, so I finally felt some real hope that this thing could actually work out. Soon enough Paul and I were on the road again. The next morning I spoke to the Professor and I decided to simply tell him the truth, that my boyfriend was in hospital and needed me. He didn't even blink at that and told me to hand in my paper first thing next year. Then I packed my bag and drove back, this time going directly to Toby's house as he had been released from hospital that morning. When I got there I could hardly believe I had come to the right address. If the cabin had been twice the size of my parents' house, this one was double that size again. I hadn't realized that Paul and Toby's parents were that well off. When I rang the bell I almost expected a maid or a butler to open the door. But it was Toby's Mom who greeted me with a big smile. She led me to the back of the house where there was a big den with windows opening onto a large garden. Toby was getting up slowly off a couch as we walked in. He beamed at me and I walked up to him. I stood looking at him for a second, still a little apprehensive about the situation. But Toby stepped up to me, put his arms around me and kissed me deeply. Feeling him hold me finally released the tension and I pulled him close carefully, afraid I might hurt him because of his bruises. When we broke the kiss we both looked at his mother, waiting for her reaction. She shook her head a little but she smiled and said, "OK, I admit it's a bit strange for me. But you two are so obviously happy, what could I have against that?" Toby looked at me with a big smile. "Well, if that's so, I could use some more of this." And he kissed me again. After a minute his mother cleared her throat. "OK boys, how about I show Nate the guest room?" Toby broke the kiss and looked at her. "What are you talking about? The guest room?" His Mom looked a little confused. "Well, I thought..." Toby interrupted her. "What, after all this, now that we're finally together, you think you can put him in the guest room? I don't think so. He stays in my room." I felt decidedly uncomfortable. This was exactly the kind of situation I didn't want to find myself in. Toby's Mom looked at us with a slightly irritated expression. "But Toby, I'm not sure..." Again Toby interrupted her. "Honestly Mom, do you think you can keep me from him? And why would you? Don't tell me I'm too young. I'm fifteen. You know what happened at the cabin, so what do you want to keep me from? Either you let him stay with me properly or you shouldn't have let him come in the first place." I was feeling more and more like I shouldn't be there. But Toby was holding my hands firmly and despite his injuries he was standing up straight and looking his mother in the eyes. Finally his Mom's face softened. "Yeah, OK, I guess you're right. It's just still so strange to think that you're.. well... actually old enough to... and with..." Toby laughed a little. "Well, that's just the way it is. I'm no little kid anymore and I'm gay. And now I'm gonna show Nate where we are going to sleep." And with a proud grin on his face he led me over to the huge staircase that led up from the main hall. His room was basically a larger version of the one at the cabin. The exact same chaos of clothes strewn around, a cluttered desk wit his laptop computer, two beds, a closet and a door behind which I supposed was his bathroom. When we got in and the door was closed, Toby slowly sat down on his bed, wincing a bit because of the pain he was still in. But he smiled at me and said, "Can you believe her? The guest room..." I sat down next to him. "Well, you have to understand her, too. I think she's taking this all extremely well. I don't think my mother would have been so cool about it. And this is exactly what I meant when I said I was afraid..." Toby looked at me. "Hey, you're not getting cold feet now, are you?" I smiled at him. "No way, not when I can finally do this." And I put my arms around him and kissed him again. We fell back on the bed, Toby wincing again but never breaking the kiss. I felt his tongue in my mouth and his moans of pleasure as I stuck my tongue in his. I felt my dick begin to get hard. Then I thought of Toby's injuries and I pulled back my head a little and looked at him. "Aren't you in pain? I mean, I'm afraid to hurt you when I touch you." "Don't worry, it's mainly the scar from the operation I have to be careful with. The rest is OK. I mean, all the bruises are sensitive, but I can live with that as long as it's you who's touching them." So I dove back in and we kissed again for a very long time, just very tenderly feeling each other, getting used to being together again. Finally we heard a knock on the door and his Mom called us for dinner. The food was delicious and we did talk a bit, although the situation was still somewhat unusual for all of us. I wondered what would happen once Toby's Dad came back. His Mom asked me a few things about my life, but nothing as detailed as what Paul had wanted to know on our drive to the hospital. Still we got along OK, and after dinner Toby and I went back to his room. Toby said, "Come on, let's push the beds together." I went over and started pushing the second bed towards the one that was obviously his. "You stay there, I'm doing this. You're recuperating and need to take it easy." Toby carefully lay down on his bed. "Well, you'd better help me get out of my clothes then." He looked up at me with that hungry look I knew so well from back at the cabin. I smiled down on him. "OK, that's the Toby I know. You're certainly feeling better, aren't you?" "Oh yeah, now that you're here. I can't even imagine what it was like when you weren't. That seems so far away now. So will you finally stop talking and get me naked?" I had to laugh. "Yeah, that's you alright. OK, here goes." And I kneeled on the bed and started to pull up his t-shirt. He put his arms over his head and I carefully pulled it off. Now I flinched a bit when I saw the bruises on his beautiful body and the big band-aid over his stitches. I leaned down and kissed the skin next to it. Toby gave a little moan. Then I opened his pants and slowly pulled them down together with his boxers. His dick was already so hard I had to lift the waistband of the boxers over it. I admired his long legs with their little bit of golden hair on them, then I pulled off the pants all the way and removed his socks. I stood up and looked down on my gorgeous young boyfriend, feeling a hatred well up in my against whoever had treated him so badly. But Toby still looked up at me with so much expectation in his eyes that I just ripped off my clothes as quickly as I could and lay back down next to him, my dick now just as hard as his. I ran my fingertips softly over his pecs and down his belly, tracing the contours of the bruises. Toby moaned again. Then I drew my finger across his pulsing dick head, picking up the precum that was oozing from his slit. I slowly rubbed it all over his glans and his moaning got louder. Finally I leaned over and took his dick into my mouth. As soon as I tasted his wonderful taste, felt him fill my mouth so perfectly, heard his groan of pleasure, a feeling flooded through me like none I had ever felt. Finally to have him again, finally to be with the boy I had yearned for for weeks, finally being able to give him what he so obviously needed, made me feel so complete, so perfect, I almost started to cry. Then I concentrated on the task at hand, or rather mouth, and I slipped his dick further down my throat, then slid my lips back up, licking the sensitive spot just below the head, and then went down on him again all the way, burying my nose in his pubes. All the time Toby moaned and groaned and writhed beneath me. I kneeled between his legs, running my hands up and down his thighs because I was afraid to touch any other part of him for fear of hurting his tortured body. Instead I concentrated on giving his dick the most intense treatment I could. After a couple of minutes of this I pulled off for a second and looked up at Toby's face. He had his eyes closed and was panting heavily, but when his dick slip out of my mouth he looked at me. I gave him a wicked grin. "So, is this what you had in mind?" He grunted. "Oh god, yes. You can't imagine how much I need this. All this time since you left I never really did anything to get some release. I just couldn't without you there. So please..." He looked at me with such a desperate look I had to laugh. But I couldn't see him suffer like this so I went back down and slipped my lips back over his dick. I thought he deserved a little special extra after what I had made him go through, so I got the middle finger of my right hand slippery with the precum and saliva that was abundant on his cock, then I slipped the finger into the crack of his ass, feeling for his puckered hole. Toby gasped when he felt what I was doing. I pressed a little and my finger slipped smoothly into him. Toby groaned again. Then I ran my finger over that special spot inside him just once and he just basically exploded. He grunted hard, lifted his hips off the bed and started shooting his cum down my throat in an enormous number of super fast spurts. His sphincter clamped down on my finger and I was afraid he would actually hurt himself again the way he thrashed around on the bed. After what felt like minutes he finally calmed down a little, relaxing back down onto the bed. I was finally able to pull out my finger, but his orgasm still wasn't over and I felt his dick jump again and again, though much slower, in my mouth. Finally he let out a deep sigh and started breathing a little more normally again. I let his dick slip from my mouth, swallowed what was left and looked at his face. He took a couple of deep breaths and the opened his eyes. The look he gave me was filled with so much satisfaction and thankfulness it brought tears to my eyes again. Still I had to smile. "Good enough for the start?" Toby grinned his famous grin from ear to ear. "Oh man, holy shit, that was almost worth the waiting. Man, if I get this every time I get beat up I'll go out and hit on straight jocks again right away." I lay down next to him and put my hand on his belly, careful not to touch his wound. "Hey, not funny. I told you I'm here to stay. So next time just ask, I'll be glad to oblige." Toby smiled at me. "Yeah, sorry, that wasn't a clever thing to say. You know, I can actually joke about the thing because I don't really remember what happened at all. In my mind it's just the thing that brought you back to me, so it's not really all bad." Then he turned onto his side and kissed me. We lay like that kissing deeply for a while, and again I felt an incredible feeling of peace and contentment spread from him into me. After a couple of minutes Toby broke the kiss and made to sit up and lean over me, trying to get at my dick with his mouth. However, when he bent over he winced loudly and had to lay back, the pain clearly showing on his face. I caressed his cheek and said, "Don't worry, you'll get plenty of chances when you're better." He looked dejected. "Oh man, I really wanna pay you back though." Then he looked over at me and said, "OK, lie on your back." I did, and he reached out and wrapped his hand around my throbbing cock. "At least I can do this." And he started running his fist up and down my shaft which was slick with my precum. I lay there, letting all thoughts slip away. I managed to keep my eyes open and I looked at my beautiful, beaten boyfriend as he was slowly but firmly jacking me. First he looked down with a hungry look at what he was doing to my dick, licking his lips, but when my breathing got harder and my moaning louder, he looked into my eyes. He grabbed my dick harder and I pushed it up into his hand, feeling the orgasm that was about to happen send its first shivers through my body. My eyes were locked on his and I felt I was falling into them, into him, my soul was connected to his, and then the orgasm hit. I couldn't help it, I had to close my eyes, and I felt shot after shot run through me, going on and on. My whole being at this second was reduced to that feeling of ecstasy, of Toby's hand on my dick, of his closeness and of pure happiness. When I finally came back down to reality and opened my eyes, Toby was squeezing the last drops from my dick and grinning at me. I turned on my side, looked him in the eyes for a second and said, "God, I love you so much." Then I kissed him. OK, next part is on its way, bear with me. Hope you enjoyed, and please, as always, tell me what you think. Thank you! My other stories are: /nifty/gay/young-friends/thanks-for-tellin/ /nifty/gay/young-friends/miracle-pond/ /nifty/gay/young-friends/when-lenny-broke-his-leg /nifty/gay/incest/distant-cousins/ /nifty/gay/young-friends/finally-alive/ /nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/squirtshow-on-ees15 Send me a few lines to if you enjoyed the story (and yourself while reading) so I know it was worth the effort. P.S. If you enjoy reading stuff here at Nifty, please consider donating. I am eternally grateful to them for being here for years, providing a platform for my work and that of all the other authors. So if you want them to go on doing this as much as I do, please help.