Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 16:54:00 +0000 From: Andrew Passey Subject: The Amulet Part Four (Young Friends) (Science Fiction) We woke up early and had time for more kissing, chatting and wanking each other off before we had to get up. As we came out the tent James and Lee were already there dressed. They were smiling at us and gave us a round of applause and a little cheer. "Er what?!" I said indignantly. "Yeah we're not up late!" Alex protested. James and Lee giggled. "The clapping and cheers are for last night. You do know that tents are made of fabric and not brick walls?! Sound travels particularly when the tent next to you is only a few metres away. We're really pleased for you though, we'd been betting if something would happen between you, it's taken you long enough," Lee said with a grin, then a laugh as Sam and Alex blushed bright red. "Shit, was it that obvious? Does anyone else know?!" Alex asked in a panic. James smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry, only we know and we weren't sure until last night. You two have always been very close and the way you look at each other when the other isn't looking is a bit of a tell. But the way you both looked like you wanted to jump each other when you saw each other naked at the hostel was almost the final piece of evidence. Then the sounds of kissing and moaning and panting last night gave it all away! Lucky you anyway, at least someone is getting action apart from my brother!" James said which eased the tension me and Alex felt. With that we packed up and headed off on our days walk. I spent a bit of time with James and Lee individually to check they were cool with us being gay. "Honestly Sam, what you and Alex do in your bedrooms is up to you, I'm just happy you've both found someone to love!" Lee said and James said similar. I spent the days walk with a massive smile on my face as did Alex. The repeat performance that night was even better! The day of our last bit of the walk dawned and I was a bit sad it was coming to an end. We lay in our sleeping bags not quite ready to get up just yet. "What do we do when we get home? My parents would kill me if they knew about us. I guess yours might be more relaxed?" I asked Alex hopefully. "Yeah, they'll be cool. We'll just hang out at mine like usual. We don't need to come out to them and anyone else though. I'm just happy we're together and never want to lose you," he said. I kissed him and stroked his dick. I loved the way it felt in my hand. "You'll never lose me Alex!" I said as I gently brought him off to another orgasm. This time I stuck my tongue out and tasted his cum on my hand. "Hmm, not too bad" I said with a wink. Alex then wanked me off and to both of our surprise I shot a bit of clear liquid at the end. "Oh my god, your first cum!" He said and licked it off his finger as well, "Hmm tasty," he said copying my wink and we giggled. We packed up, said goodbye to Dean who was driving home and we'd get the train home from Brighton later in the day. We headed off for a hopefully shortish day confident nothing could go wrong. Things were about to take a very surprising change though. We'd been walking for an hour and stopped for a break when I heard a beeping noise. I initially thought it was my phone but then felt a vibration on my chest. I looked down in shock, my silver amulet was gently vibrating and beeping at the same time. "What's going on with that? Is it a smart necklace or something?" James asked, pointing at it in surprise. Alex looked at me in shock, he knew its history and knew that it almost certainly wasn't smart or otherwise. I looked around in confusion, "I literally have no idea what's going on," I said as the vibrating intensified. I looked closely at it and there was a very small LED that I hadn't seen before. It was blinking rapidly before a small beam fired and it created a small screen. Text I couldn't recognise whirred down the screen as if it was booting up then it simply flashed seven words large enough so we could read them. "YOU ARE NOT SAFE. THEY ARE COMING." "What the fuck?! Who are coming?!" Lee asked, scoffing. "THEY ARE. IT IS COMPLICATED. THERE IS NO TIME. YOU WILL DIE IF HE DOES NOT LEAVE NOW." This didn't sound good but I was beginning to suspect this was some sort of prank. Who or how I had no idea. Some idiot at school maybe or maybe Dean taking the piss. "Who is HE?" I asked half in jest "YOU." Well we're in the middle of the countryside, how would I leave anyway?!" I asked, deciding to play along. "I WILL OPEN A GATEWAY. YOU HAVE 300 SECONDS BEFORE THEY ARRIVE." This sounded ridiculous and I started to giggle. "IF YOU ARE GONE THEY WILL LEAVE THIS WORLD. IF YOU ARE NOT THEN THEY WILL TAKE YOU AND KILL THE OTHERS." My giggling stopped as I saw everyone else's face. they looked like they were buying this. "Ok so we have to leave now?" I asked not believing any of this but deciding to see what happened if I saw this through to the end. "NO. ONLY YOU. THE OTHERS SHOULD BE SAFE WITHOUT YOU." "I need answers..."I started to say before it flashed up, "NO TIME. IT'S COMPLICATED. LEAVE NOW. I WILL OPEN A GATEWAY NOW." The flashing stopped and a different beam flashed out, causing the air to shimmer. "Er....this is madness," I said to the others wanting validation that this was crazy. Had we been drugged with a hallucigen?! "Yes complete madness but if even a bit of it is true we need to leave," Alex said firmly, picking his bag and the tent up. "No. You read what it said as well. Only I need to go. If at all. It sounds like utter bollocks. If I go you'll be safe. I don't know where i'm going, or how or when. It might be more dangerous than here," I said, feeling highly reluctant to leave. I began to feel that there was a threat, something like a change in the air or an instinct started to kick in and I could feel myself feeling tense...and a bit scared. "You think i'm letting my boyfriend run off to who knows where and leaving me behind when we've only just got together?!" Alex said, smiling at me. My heart leapt, boyfriend. Yes I guess he was my boyfriend. "We're coming too!" James with a nod at Lee. "After all, you'll only get yourselves in trouble if we aren't there to keep an eye on you," Lee said smiling. I protested but we were out of time. The shimmering air became more of a sheen and then a clear hole. I could see the path ahead of us going through the hole.It was clearly somewhere different to here as it was raining heavily there. We picked up our bags and with a shrug I walked through it. Looking back as it closed there was no sign of anything bad in our world, but it didn't matter we were now somewhere different. The rain teemed down, at first glance this world seemed exactly the same as the one we left but for now we looked for shelter rather than asking the bigger questions. Was I dreaming? I wanted to ask questions of the amulet but it would be easier to do when we weren't getting pissed on. It was noticeably colder but then again my world had been unseasonably warm for April so that was no surprise. We walked on for a while, the rain easing slightly then getting heavy before Alex decided he'd had enough. "We're soaked. We need to dry off and we need shelter before we get hypothermia. It'll be a squeeze but let's put the tents up right next to each other almost facing. One for wet stuff, one for us to shelter in," He said. It made sense and hopefully the weather would improve to dry stuff out in soon. We pitched the tents, threw our wet clothes and boots in one tent and then sat in the other in our pants, all squeezed together. James suggested we put dry clothes on but Alex said we should wait until the rain stopped. "If we put them on and we have to go out for a piss or something then they'll get soaked too. For now let's throw these sleeping bags over us and get close to keep warm. Although let's be fair we're already very close in this tent, it's not built for 4!" Alex grinned as he said this. This was the first time any of us had grinned since this morning. "You just want to be close to our dicks!" Lee said before Alex threw his arm around me and pulled close. "I've got everything I need right here," he said and I blushed bright red at the public show of affection. I might be happy Alex and I finally told each other how we feel. However I felt very awkward about the public nature of him hugging me, even if I liked him doing it. We huddled under the sleeping bags and I tapped the amulet which was now dead and not vibrating at all. The lights were off and however hard I tried nothing happened. I tried to take it off but it clamped tighter. Clearly I had to keep it on. "Well, no answers from that. We don't know where we are, when we are or anything," I said plaintively. "I think ŵe know WHEN we are," Alex said. "Really? When?" I asked. "Well all that waffle you used to talk about different worlds like ours? We haven't time travelled have we? We've just crossed through to one of those. So it's no doubt 2020 here or whatever weird date format they use. In fact, has anyone got a mobile signal?" Alex said. "Wow, you did listen?!" I said in surprise. "Not much but I liked hearing you speak so passionately about it. It made you come really alive," he replied with a shy smile. "No signal," James said, checking his phone. "Me neither, stands to reason though. Even if this place has the same networks none of us would have accounts here," Lee said waving his phone in the air. We gave up and just chatted, taking our mind off things. I surreptitiously held hands with Alex under the sleeping bag, feeling relieved he was here and my friends. We started to work on a plan, the rain was easing and we had a decision to make. "Should we camp here for the night and explore tomorrow? Or should we break camp once the weather improves?" Alex asked. None of us were sure so we decided to stay the night, however things were taken out of hands. "What the fuck is this?" I heard a voice outside say. "Some weird tent thing from the looks of it, but who is inside? Work shy deserters? Spies? Let's shoot and find out!" Another voice said loudly, possibly for our benefit. "Stop wait we're inside, we'll come out," Alex said loudly, "Come up right away with your hands up or we'll shoot!" The voice said. I cursed at being in my pants still but there was no time to dress. We walked outside into watery sunshine as the rain stopped. Two boys a bit older than us looked suspiciously at us. They were holding what looked like a gun in their hands. Both blond haired like me. One a bit taller with a bit of a fuzzy moustache forming above his lips. "We surrender," I said slightly theatrically, after all they were just a couple of boys. I doubt they were really going to shoot us! I then saw Lee go white as he looked at them. I had to stifle a gasp. They were dressed in uniforms a bit like scouts but on their arm was an unforgettable symbol, the swastika. I took a deep breath and thought logically. It was most likely they were probably just local idiots so if we just stay calm and things will be ok. "Can we get our clothes on now?" Lee asked, clearly worried about being there in his pants. "Why are you almost naked anyway? You know that if you were doing anything homosexual in there then you'd have to be punished," one of the boys said looking at us sternly. Alex then stepped in and explained we'd been walking the South Downs way. We had got soaked and had put wet clothes in one tent and stayed dry in the other. The boys nodded approvingly at the mention of that and things seemed to be ok. "Who gave you permission to walk and camp here though?" The one with a fuzzy moustache asked. This stumped us and we looked at each other in confusion. "Er my father?" James said hopefully. They laughed, "I doubt an African has the rank to approve this sort of trip!" The other boy said scoffing. "African?! I was born in London!" James protested. The atmosphere changed slightly and the boys looked confused. "That is virtually impossible and even if you were you would have been sent home unless you were being used for labour and you're too young. I'm beginning to think you're American spies," The fuzzy moustached boy said. "Spies?! We're 13 year old boys on a walk! Why would there by spies here anyway?!" I asked. The boys looked at each other and had a whispered conference. "There is something strange about the four of you. EVERYONE knows about American spies trying to undermine the Third Reich. They might think they can hold out against us nazis but no one can forever," The smaller boy said passionately. I began to realise we were in a very different world than the one I thought we were. "Get dressed and packed up. We'll take you to our guard post. It will be warmer in case the rain comes back. Then we can chat things through further. There is definitely something strange about you all," The taller boy said firmly. We pulled our clothes out the tent and got dressed, packing things up as quickly as possible before walking with then two boys away from the camp. "Why are you dressed like Nazis?" Alex asked, I thought it was a bit of a bold question and would reveal we weren't from round here, They laughed. "Because we are Nazis! Well Hitler Youth. We're in Britain you idiot, we're all Nazis. Thanks to them we're a protectorate of the great Third Reich! Ever since the great Neville Chamberlain made a deal with the Supreme Leader all those years ago. Thank god he did, we've never been more prosperous. Those countries that were stupid enough to fight look at us enviously. It might be 80 years since the war ended but we're still on the way up while they're on the way down," The smaller boy said. He was clearly passionate about the subject, the taller boy looked a bit less so. "Why aren't YOU dressed in more appropriate attire? That's why we think you're spies!" The taller boy said with a smile. I couldn't tell how genuine the smile was but it did start to seem clear that the smaller one was the more zealous of the two. It wasn't too far to their "guard post", which was a relief as dark clouds were rolling in again. In reality the guard post was just a large bungalow. I guessed it was possibly old national park accommodation. I was still confused about what they were actually guarding up here, although I clearly wasn't the only one. "What are you guarding up here? Surely spies aren't going to suddenly appear on this hill in the arse end of nowhere?" Alex asked. The boys looked at each other then the smaller one spoke, "That's exactly the sort of question a spy would ask! But for your information we're training up here. We patrol and log anything of interest. We've been up here for days, finding you is the most exciting thing we've found so far. But we do what we can to serve. But until we're 16 we have to do boring stuff like this." There was an air of frustration in the smaller boy's voice as he said that. He clearly wanted to be more involved in fighting for the nazis. If there was any more fighting to do. All we'd gleaned was that the war ended very differently to ours and that it seemed the US were not involved. The taller boy opened the door and invited us in. We all filed inside and wondered what happened now....