The Boys of East Harbor: Michael
Chapter 21: Leave it Here

(b/b, oral, anal)

DISCLAIMER: This work of fiction contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, or sex between minors, do not continue. If reading this type of material is illegal in your location, proceed at your own risk. This work is the sole property of the author and may not be reposted or reproduce without the author's written permission. This is a work of fiction. If any characters resemble the living or dead, or events are similar to actual events, it is purely coincidental.

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Lars woke early Sunday morning, confused by his surroundings until the warm body wedged between him and the back of the sectional stirred. After the movie ended, he didn't want to wake Michael. Once Matthew headed for bed, Carol covered Michael and Lars with the blanket she'd been using and headed home. Lars watched some more TV and must have fallen to sleep. Looking at the sleeping boy, Lars stroked Michael's hair causing the boy to relax and lay still, deep in sleep. Carefully, Lars slid out from under Michael and gently laid him on the cushion before heading to his en suite bathroom.

His bladder relieved, Lars made his way to the kitchen to make some coffee. Before he turned the light on, he felt a small body latch onto his waist.

"Morning, dad," said Michael.

"Good morning, Cuddlebug," said Lars. He reached down and lifted Michael so they were face to face. Michael wrapped his arms and legs around the man and gave a smile that lit up the dark room when Lars gave him a kiss on the cheek. Lars rubbed the boy's back and they held each other for a couple minutes before Lars set Michael down.

"I need my coffee," said Lars. Michael nodded in agreement, knowing how much his new dad liked his morning coffee. Lars started the coffee maker and Michael headed to the bedroom to check on his brother.

Quietly opening the door, he saw Matthew sound asleep. With a running start, Michael launched himself onto the sleeping mound in the middle of the bed.

Matthew's scream elicited laughter from Michael.

"You little..." yelled Matthew. He grabbed Michael's foot before the smaller boy could get away and pulled Michael back into his grasp. From the squeals and laughter, Lars smiled knowing Matthew's fingers had attacked Michael's ribs and armpits.

Disheveled and red-faced, the boys followed the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen and joined Lars for breakfast. Cinnamon pancakes complimented the crispy pork treat. The boys washed everything down with cold skim milk and orange juice.

"Can we go Christmas shopping today?" asked Michael. "We haven't had time to get anything and tomorrow's Christmas."

Lars looked at the clock. It was already 9:30. "Let's wait for Simon and Lukas to come home and we'll all go to the Westfield North County mall together. Okay?"

"That sounds like a plan," said Michael.

"Why don't you two get ready so we can get to the mall faster," suggested Lars. "It's going to be busy and the stores will close early today."

Michael and Matthew headed to the bedrooms to grab clothes and got ready for the day. Matthew was brushing his teeth after taking his shower and Michael was under the warm spray when Matthew mentioned, "Damn, I don't have any money to get presents today."

"I got some," said Michael, rinsing the conditioner from his hair.

"I can't take your money. How are you going to buy presents?"

"Mrs. Sloane made sure I had plenty of cash in case I needed it. We can buy all the presents we want today."

Matthew didn't respond right away. He wasn't sure who Mrs. Sloane was, but that didn't weigh on his mind. "Don't worry," he said, sounding sad. "I don't have that many people to buy for."

The water shut off and Michael threw open the shower curtain. Matthew was standing at the sink with a towel wrapped around his waist, head hung down. Michael stepped out of the shower wet and naked and hugged Matthew from behind.

"I miss mom too."

Matthew turned and hugged Michael back.

"But we need to get to the mall," said Michael, breaking the hug and grabbing a towel to dry off. "You have a bunch of present shopping to do."

Matthew looked at his little brother. "What do you mean?"

"You didn't get me a Christmas present last year, dufus," giggled Michael. "And you missed my birthday this year. You have to get me presents to make up for all of that!"

Matthew turned to grab Michael into another tickle hug but Michael, butt naked, just squealed and scampered out of the bathroom and into Lukas' room to get dressed.


"Dad! I'm home," hollered Lukas as he headed to his bedroom to drop off his overnight bag.

"Good morning, Lukas," shouted Lars from his bedroom. Having just finished dressing, Lars was fixing his hair when Zach walked up behind him.

"Good morning to you, too," said Zach, kissing the back of Lars' neck. "You smell good."

Lars turned and gave Zach a long kiss on the lips. "Zach, I'm sorry I didn't ask you to stay last night," apologized Lars. "I want you to be a part of my life, and the boys' lives, for a long time and you should have been here to be part of the discussion about their future, the future of the family."

Zach smiled as a tear streaked down his cheek. Lars pulled him into a tight hug. Zach hadn't fully realized just how wound up he'd been over his fears that Lars' view of the future didn't include him. The man's words lifted a giant weight off his shoulders.

"We're taking the boys to the mall to do some Christmas shopping," informed Lars, letting Zach know that he was not just included but expected to be part of the family outing.

Lukas entered the bedroom to find Michael showered and dressed, ear buds in, dancing to a song on his phone.

"Hey Lukas!" said Michael loudly, forgetting the music in his ears. He was more chipper than Lukas had expected the boy to sound given the circumstances. "We're going to the mall to go Christmas shopping. We're leaving as soon as you and Simon are ready."

"Cool!" That sounded like fun to Lukas. Neither he or Simon had had time to shop so this was perfect. He grabbed some undies and headed to his shower.

Not long after Michael heard the shower start, Simon walked in. "Hey Simon," said Michael. "Is Gavin with you?"

Simon saw the smile on Michael's face and felt guilty. "No," said Simon, trying to think of some excuse. Both he and Gavin had forgotten that Gavin was supposed to spend the day, and night, with them. After the night before, Simon just wanted to get home and Gavin needed time to think. "I think his parents were taking him and Garrett somewhere today."

"Oh," said Michael, disappointed that Gavin wouldn't be going to the mall with them. "Lukas is in the shower. We're going to go Christmas shopping when you guys are ready."

"Okay," said Simon. He dropped his bag and grabbed some boxers before slipping into the bathroom to join Lukas in the shower.

"Hey!" said Lukas, seeing his naked lover.

"I love you, Lukas," said Simon, taking the blonde into his arms and kissing him passionately.

Coming home from the Schultz' this morning, he was worried about how he felt about Scott and having sex with Scott. But after that kiss, he knew for a fact that what he had with Simon was different, stronger, and special. He may have feelings for Scott, but it wasn't like the love he has for Simon. He actually felt relieved. But this was out of character for Simon.

"What was that about?" asked Lukas.

"We need to talk, later, but I want you to know that it isn't about us," said Simon. "After last night, I want you to know that I love you even more and I don't want you to ever doubt that."

Lukas nodded his head. He wasn't worried about his relationship with Simon, but he was concerned. It takes a lot to knock Simon off kilter and it is clear something is bothering Simon.

Lukas and Simon turned their attention to the matters at hand. They hastily showered and prepared for the trip to the mall and returned to find the bedroom empty. It was unseasonably cool, with the highs only in the 50s, so the boys dressed a bit warmer than usual. Lukas grabbed a pair of stonewashed skinny jeans then threw on a fitted pink t-shirt and a light, tight-fitting purple v-neck sweater. Simon also donned jeans, a long-sleeve red t-shirt and then a brown and red plaid dress shirt.

They met up with the other four in the living room. Matthew wore jeans, t-shirt and his high school football sweatshirt from his old school back in Oregon. He'd grown over the last year so the once oversized hoodie now barely fit. But the ash gray hoodie with purple mascot and the Grant surname on the back still looked good on the boy. Michael, on the other hand, was wearing a pair of teal skinny chinos with a white v-neck t-shirt and a buttoned up gray cardigan sweater and gray Sambas.

Carol met them in the driveway. "You didn't think you would all fit in there with all the presents too, did you?" Everyone laughed, realizing they hadn't considered having to pack all the shopping into the vehicle. "I'll drive too," she offered. Simon and Lukas join Carol in her BMW X5 and Michael and Matthew climbed into the back of Lars' Yukon to allow Zach to take shotgun. Seat belts buckled, they headed to the mall in Escondido.

Before the boys split up, they agreed to get together at 3:00 to shop for Lars, Carol and Zach together. Until then, they split up. Michael and Matthew went one way while Simon and Lukas went the other. The pairs would shop for each other after they got gifts for the adults.

In addition to Christmas shopping, Michael insisted that he and Matthew get haircuts and shop for some new school clothes. Michael had grown taller since the start of the school year and his workouts had bulked up his slim frame. Matthew also grown out of the clothes he'd taken with him when he moved in with his Grandparents and once in Mossyrock, was limited to pretty much jeans and flannel shirts. In the boondocks, expectations were pretty low when it came to self-care, academics and athletics. East Harbor was a different world, a world more like what he'd grown up with back in Oregon, and he was ready to return to that life.

It was crazy in the mall, but Michael and Matthew accomplished their tasks and when they met up with Lukas and Simon, they had nearly reached the limit to the number of bags they could carry.

"Wow! What have you two been up to?" asked Simon.

"Nice hair," said Lukas, admiring Matthew's new look. The blonde felt the heat in his cheeks when he realized just what a hottie Michael's big brother was. The new 'do perfectly off set his big bro's chiseled features and beautiful eyes.

"So... what are we going to get everyone?" asked Michael. "What do you get people who can buy whatever they want?"

The boys decided to buy something special and meaningful. Lukas put the gifts into one of his bags and the boys paired up to shop for each other -- Simon and Matthew (who had cash in hand after Michael hit an ATM) went one direction while Lukas and Michael the other.

With final gifts purchased and in hand, the four boys met up with Carol and Lars back at the vehicles. Stowing the gifts, they buckled in and headed to a restaurant for food. In the chaos of the crowd and shopping hoards, everyone had put off eating until their shopping was finished. Now it was time to feed four starving teen boys (well three teens and one tween). Being Christmas Eve, many restaurants were already closed.

"So where are we going to eat?" asked Lukas.

"Hey, in 'A Christmas Story', they eat at a Chinese restaurant," Michael reminded everyone. "I bet we can find one that's open!"

"How about Chef Tang's?" offered Lars. It was a bit out of the way, but not far, and the food was delicious.

Once home, they unpacked the SUVs and scattered around the Meijer household to wrap presents without the recipient inadvertently seeing their gift. By the time they cleaned up their mess and placed the gifts under the Christmas tree, it was nearing midnight.

"Off to bed before Santa comes," said Carol. Michael and Matthew headed to the guest room and went to bed together. Simon and Lukas decided to spend the night in Simon's room, using the excuse they didn't want Carol to have to spend the night alone.

When the three headed to Novak residence, Zach and Lars were left to themselves. They refilled their mugs of spiced cider, turned the lights out and cuddled on the loveseat enjoying the quiet and the twinkling Christmas lights.

"What a crazy day today," said Lars, reflecting on the last-minute shoppers, the packed restaurant, and the frenzied gift wrapping that occupied nearly the entire day. Zach turned his body a bit so Lars' arm was more around his neck and hanging down in front of him. He took Lars' hand and held it between both his own.

"Yeah," said Zach, "but it really got me in the holiday spirit. The boys were so excited today and it seemed to take their minds off the events of the last week."

"That is true," agreed Lars. "But what I was referring to was how the day made me feel. I don't usually like crowds. Days like today would usually drive me nuts, but not today. Being with you at the mall, I didn't notice the crowds and the hustle and bustle didn't affect me at all. When you took my hand, it all melted away and I was able to enjoy myself. Thank you." Lars squeezed Zach and kissed him on the head.

"You know," began Zach, wondering if he should really admit to how he was feeling the night before, "I was worried that taking in Michael and Matthew was going to be too much for you and I was going to lose you to your new responsibilities. I wouldn't have hated you if it had happened. It is your caring heart that made me fall in love with you."

"Well," replied Lars, "if we are being totally honest, if it wasn't for you being in my life, I may have had second thoughts about taking both Michael and Matthew in. But you make me stronger. You make me better. You make me happy."

Zach wiped tears from his eyes and turned to face Lars. "This is real, isn't it?" asked Zach, looking into Lars' eyes for confirmation.

"I know we've only been getting to know each other for three months," said Lars, "we've been through a lot together. These events reveal a lot about an individual's character and really tests relationships. I think we've only grown closer and stronger and I can't imagine not having you in my life."

Zach wiped tears from his eyes again. "God, I can't believe how much I love you."

"I feel the same way Zach," said Lars, taking his lover's head in his hands. He pulled Zach in and kissed his lips. "I love you."

Zach fell into Lars' arms and the lost themselves in a passionate kiss.


Simon and Lukas said their goodnights to Carol and retreated to Simon's bedroom.

"So, what do you need to talk to me about? I've been dying to know!" said Lukas as soon as the door shut. He was fully aware that the reason they were spending the night at Simon's home was for privacy.

"Well..." started Simon, hesitating as he gathered his thoughts.

"Did you and Gavin mess around last night?" asked Lukas.

"Yes," said Simon.

"That's okay, I messed around last night, too."

"With Trajan?" Simon assumed that would happen since Lukas and Trajan were the two gay boys in the bunch.

Lukas giggled, "Actually, no."

"Oh really?" That piqued Simon's curiosity.

"Scott and I went upstairs to his bedroom. We traded blow jobs and he fucked me... twice!"

"Wait, I thought Scott was straight? He didn't even seem to enjoy it much when we messed around when we were younger."

"Well, he enjoyed it last night," said Lukas, blushing.

Simon laughed, "Apparently you did too."

"Well what happened with you and Gavin?" asked Lukas, getting the conversation back to where it started.

"He wanted to bottom," said Simon.

"Really?" Lukas was amazed. That was the last thing he expected Simon to tell him. "Did he like it?"

Building up to a false bravado to make a joke out of the situations, Simon puffed out his chest and said, "Of course he did. You know the pleasure my magic love rod provides." Both boys burst out laughing.

Catching his breath, Lukas managed to say, "So what is the problem?"

"He told me he was in love with me," said Simon, sobering up with the gravity of what he revealed.

Lukas also stopped laughing. "Well... what did you say?"

"I told him I didn't feel the same way -- that I love you."

That brought a smile to Lukas' face and he crawled over and gave Simon a hug. "I love you too, just so you know."

"I know, but where does that leave Michael?"

"Oh," said Lukas, suddenly realizing why Simon was so concerned. Now they both knew Gavin professed his love to someone other than his boyfriend, and the boyfriend, their new little brother, didn't know about it.

"Are you going to tell Michael?" asked Lukas, unsure if that was really the best plan of action.

"No," stated Simon. After a moment, he added, "Well, at least not right now. Gavin stayed home today to try to figure things out. I told him that if he is going to break up with Michael, he needs to talk to dad first."

Lukas nodded in agreement.

"It's getting late, let's get some sleep," suggested Simon pulling back the covers so they could go to bed.

Lukas nodded in agreement again.

They fluffed their pillows and pulled the blankets up. Snuggling together, Simon asked, "What's on your mind, sweetie?"

"I don't want Michael to get hurt again," said Lukas.

"I know," added Simon. "This is the last thing Michael needs right now."


"Yes, Lukas?"

"I want you to know that really enjoyed having sex and sleeping with Scott, but I don't love him. It was fun, but it wasn't nearly as good or as special as it is with you."

"Of course not, he doesn't have my magic love rod." They both got another laugh out of that joke.

"Whatever happens, Michael has us and we'll be there for him, and so will Matthew," said Simon. He could only see the top of Lukas head as it rested on his chest, but he could see his lover nod in agreement. He gave Lukas a hug and they drifted off to sleep.



Lukas woke up early and gave Simon a kiss to wake him up too.

"It's Christmas morning! Let's head over to see if dad's making his famous Christmas breakfast!" Lukas was so excited he was bouncing on his knees shaking the bed.

"Ugh... dude, your killing me..." groaned Simon.

Lukas giggled and took a big bounce, launching himself off the bed and onto his feet.

"Com'on!" Lukas scrambled getting into his clothes then waited for Simon to catch up. They slipped out of the house and into the back door of the Meijer house, stopping by the guest bedroom to wake Michael and Matthew up.

"Com'on!" said Lukas to the sleeping boys. "It's Christmas! Get up!"

Michael and Matthew dragged themselves out of bed and remained in their underwear as they followed Lukas and Simon to the living room. They rounded the loveseat and Lukas was the first to notice.

"Oh shit, dad, get a room!"

Zach and Lars woke with Lukas' surprised response and the patter of four sets of feet making a hasty retreat to the bedrooms.

"Oops," said Lars. Zach was just regaining his senses when Lars dropped his lover's boxers on his face.

Lars tapped Zach on the bare knee. "Zach, we need to get dressed, the boys are awake and Carol could come over any minute."

That's when Zach remembered that he and Lars had made love in the living room and had fallen asleep, naked.

"Shit!" said Zach, now wide awake and trying to get his feet in the right holes of his boxers.

Lars laughed at Zach's attempt to get dressed. "Just to let you know, the boys have already been in and found us sleeping naked."

Zach blushed and Lars laughed again. "Don't worry Zach, you have NOTHING to be embarrassed about." He then leaned down and gave Zach a loving kiss on the lips. "Besides, three of them being gay, I think it was mock horror and drama on their part. But be prepared, after all the embarrassment and razing I've given Simon and Lukas when I've seen, heard, or smelled their sexual exploits, I expect they'll be more than happy to dish some of that out now."

Rolling his eyes, Zach's reply was simple and full of sarcasm. "Great."

"Are you guys decent yet?" yelled Simon from the bedroom.

Lukas followed it up with, "Yeah! It's not fair, you guys already started unwrapping presents!"

"And so it begins..." Lars smiled and gave Zach another kiss. "You ready for this?"

"Absolutely," said Zach, gazing into his lover's eyes.

"Okay, we're dressed, but we have to wait for Carol to come over before we open presents," noted Lars.

The boys entered the living room and crashed on various chairs or even the floor, basking in the glow of the Christmas lights. Three were giggling and glancing at Lars and Zach. It was obvious the three gay boys found the entire situation funny, especially Simon and Lukas. Matthew, on the other hand, seemed to be more contemplative. That morning, with six males in the house, it really struck Matthew that he was the only straight guy in the bunch. It didn't bother him. His little brother was one of the gay boys and he loved Michael unconditionally. But Matthew did wonder how that would play out over time at home and at school.

Carol was having coffee and waiting for a text from the boys to come over. She woke up when Simon and Lukas headed over, but she knew better than to follow. Seeing men and boys in their underwear didn't bother her, but she still preferred there was a sense of decorum when she was present at her neighbor's house.

After presents were opened, Lars made his famous Christmas breakfast with Zach and Carol assisting. Sticky buns, French toast, and an egg, ham and cheese breakfast casserole were the main attractions. Michael and Matthew agreed that the food lived up to all the hype.

With overstuffed bellies, the boys took their showers and got ready for the day while the adults started Christmas dinner. They were planning to have a full house this evening with Zach's family, the Parkers, and Lewis and his father coming for dinner.

"Wow," said Michael as he entered the bathroom where he and Matthew were going to prepare for the day. "The lacrosse gear that Lars got us is top of the line. I can't wait to be able to practice again."

"Yeah," said Matthew, "but he knows I've never played lacrosse before, right?"

"Yes, but I told him to get it for you," stated Michael as he undressed to get in the shower. His shoulder was sore this morning from all the activity so he took his time. "First, I think you are going to like lacrosse as much as I do. Second, if you do and try out for the school team, we'll actually play the same sport on the same team when I get to high school. Wouldn't that be awesome?"

Michael's enthusiasm made Matthew smile. "Yeah, it would be really special if we got to play on the same team. I'd like that a lot." He was a great baseball player but didn't have a love for the game. 'Maybe lacrosse could be my spring sport,' the teen thought.

"And after Christmas break, the lacrosse team will be getting back together to practice," added Michael.

"It's it a bit early?" asked Matthew. "The season doesn't even start until March or April or something."

"The middle and high school players get together to practice two or three times a week. Gavin, Simon and Lukas organize it and we play on the high school field. We want to go to state."

"So, I guess I'll be getting a lot of practice then," laughed Matthew.

"Well, it's probably too late to join the basketball team, so this will be fun," explained Michael. "Besides, we'll get to practice together! We've never even played the same sport before."

"And thanks again for helping me get ready for school with the haircut and clothes and stuff," said Matthew.

"No problem," said Michael. "It was dad's money any way, so it's really both of ours."

"You know, you're a really special kid," said Matthew, turning to face his little brother. "I'm really sorry."

Michael had heard this apology before and stepped over to give Matthew a hug. He knew Matthew blamed himself for everything that happened since that fateful day in the coach's office -- including their father going to jail, their mother's death, and all the abuse Michael had been through, including the kidnapping and getting shot. Matthew reasoned that if he'd been a better person, a better brother, he'd never have had sex with Michael, he'd never have bragged about it, and the coach would never have found out.

"I have friends, lots of friends. I have my brother, and adults that love me for who I am. I don't think I could be in a better place. Maybe that is all because of you, or maybe it was fate, but I love you. You're my big brother and I need you here with me," said Michael, holding his brother at tight as he could with his one good arm. "I'm going to miss mom. Please don't make me miss you too."

Ready, the boys joined the adults and prepared the house for their guests. It was a task to move the presents out of the way. They took their new music equipment to the studio, put their new bikes in the garage, and loaded their clothes and lacrosse gear into the bedrooms. Then the boys set up extra tables and helped prepare food while their parents, and Zach, took their own showers and prepared for the day. Matthew came to the realization that everyone working together as a family unit would help him and Michael move forward emotionally. For Michael, home was where he finds the people who love him. For Matthew, home was where Michael was. It really was that simple and if Michael was happy in East Harbor with Lars, Carol and his self-professed "big bros", then East Harbor and the Meijer household was the perfect place to be. All he had to do was go to school, take care of his business and look after his little brother, with the help of a new, large, extended family of really good people who cared about both of them.

Besides, when it came to Michael's outlook on life, he'd never seen his little brother so happy. He had friends and was enjoying life which was far better than back home in Oregon. 'I mean back in Oregon. This is home,' thought Matthew with a smile.

The Christmas dinner was a wonderful evening. Lewis and his father, the Rear Admiral, hadn't been to a family dinner in years. The warmth and friendship they found at the Meijer household made them feel like family and it was just what they needed as the father and son worked to rebuilt their relationship. Michael was glued to Matthew's side, making sure his brother felt like part of the family. He bragged about his brother's athletic prowess, his brother's musicianship and artistic abilities, and how good a big brother Matthew was to him when others didn't want to be his friend. Gavin, on the other hand, spent the evening trying to avoid having to speak to Simon and Lukas as he tried to figure out where things stood with his friends, especially Michael. But that was not the big event of the night.

Lars and Zach invited Zach's parents, Earl and Dorothy into Lars' office.

"Mom, dad, I have two things to discuss with you tonight," started Zach. "I've known this for a couple weeks but wanted this to be sort of a Christmas present to you guys. You know I've been undecided about what to do since I finished my undergrad degree. Well, I've been accepted into a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program. It's a joint program between UC San Diego and San Diego State so my classes and clinical work will be between La Jolla and San Diego -- both short drives from here so I'll be able to continue to live here in East Harbor and go to school. Lars called some of his colleagues and got me interviews with the faculty. I've been awarded a Research Assistantship and will start classes in January."

Zach's parents were thrilled with the news and could tell Zach was happy with his decision. They'd always been proud of Zach and knew he would continue his journey when he found the right path. That's why they were so patient as their son floated from job to job after completing his Bachelor's degree.

"Well, that's the first bit of news. The second is a bit more personal. You know I've spent a lot of time over here. Being closer to the boys and the band was only part of the reason I moved back to East Harbor and spend so much time over here. Mom, dad, I'm in love. Lars and I are a couple."

That, to use a well-known cliché, went over like a lead balloon. Both of Zach's parents were surprised to find out their son was gay and objected to the age difference between Zach and Lars. It wasn't that Zach hid the fact that he was gay from his parents, but he never really came out about it either. He'd dated some in college and since but didn't want to introduce anyone to his parents unless it was serious, and this was serious. Zach explained everything to his parents, including how much he loved Lars and all the boys, and how fulfilling his life is when he spends time here with everyone.

Lars also told the story of Jan and how he's waited for someone special to come into his life -- someone that was not only special to him but would be someone Lukas would benefit from being around too. Zach turned out to be that person and it was how Zach worked with the boys, not just Lukas, that caught Lars' attention. Lars even surprised Zach when he told Earl and Dorothy that he wanted Zach to move in with him and the boys.

After an hour, Earl and Dorothy agreed that Zach and Lars had been a good influence on each other. It wasn't that they weren't happy for the two of them, but they said it would take some time to adjust to the situation.



After a long morning in court, no one was in the mood for Christmas left overs. The Parkers, Meijers, Novaks, and the Grant boys all left the courthouse and headed to the Maple Street Café. Garrett watched his parents, Carol, Zach and Lars stare blankly at the menus as their brains worked overtime processing the events of the day.

Garrett looked over his father's shoulder to the back corner of the Café, where the boys were doing the same thing. They sat quietly staring blankly out the window, at a menu, or off into space. The distant growling of their hungry bellies barely kept them tethered to the world.

Though Brian had played a huge part in the investigation, once they apprehended Mr. Davies, Brian kept himself at a distance from the interrogations, the grand jury, and anything else to do with the case. Once he was certain Gavin and Michael were safe, he no longer felt the need to be in charge of everything. That's why no one was aware of or prepared for what would go down today.

"I'm really sorry I didn't find out what was happening today." Brian breaking the silence brought the others back to reality. "I really wish the boys didn't have to sit through that."

"I know," mumbled Lars as he tried to sort out his own thoughts in preparation for the questions the boys would be asking, "but we can't shelter them their entire lives. They all know what happened to Michael so this wasn't entirely a shock to them."

"But I don't think they needed to hear about how Mr. Davies thought of them and what he planned to do."

Before the trial started, the defense changed the plea from not guilty to guilty. Everyone was relieved at they would forego a trial -- especially Michael and Gavin since they no longer had to testify. However, the judge asked that they stay for sentencing because he was going to ask them if they had anything they would like to say.

After Judge Cline thanked the jurors for their time and excused them, Mr. Davies stood before the judge and the spectators to tell his story. Brian learned later that this was part of a plea deal because Mr. Davies could provide testimony against Yanni and the syndicate.

He detailed the abuse he'd suffered as a child at the hands of his step-father. The beatings, verbal attacks and sexual abuse scarred him deeply, but what may have been more damaging was that he sought help but his pleas were ignored. Whether they were scared of his father, didn't believe him, or didn't care, he never found out, but he vowed to help any child that ever needed his assistance. That's why he became a teacher.

Not long after Natasha met Lewis online and learned about Michael's whereabouts, Yanni's team went to work to identify the best way to get to one of the faculty or staff of the schools. They were able to connect to Mr. Davies through a web site for victims of childhood sexual abuse.

Via the web site, they led Mr. Davies to believe he was in contact with Michael and Michael was asking for help to get Gavin to stop abusing him. After sharing his personal contact information with who he thought was Michael, Michael disappeared from the site. He then began to receive emails, photos and videos from an anonymous, unknown address. They were of Michael's abuse. Though Mr. Davies deleted the photos and videos, they had triggered his own abuse history. He began having nightmares, constant flashbacks, and quickly slid into what Lars recognized as delayed onset PTSD.

The person emailing Mr. Davies discussed eliminating Gavin and offering ideas on how to go about it. The emails were already in evidence and they told of murdering Gavin and disposing of the body, holding him captive and torturing him the way Mr. Davies and Michael had been abused, to even kidnapping Gavin and turning him over to Yanni's men.

The events that led to Mr. Davies arrest followed a particularly trying night. Nightmares kept him awake and he arrived at school on edge. After a particularly vivid flashback he stepped into the hallway and saw Michael and Gavin together and simply snapped. It was unplanned, unorganized, and once he got the boys to the empty classroom, he had no idea what he was going to do next.

It was important to get the story, and every detail, into the court records. At one time or another, every person in the courtroom wanted to walk out, overwhelmed by what they heard. However, the story was so mesmerizing, no one moved a muscle. Was it to honor Mr. Davies and his story? Was it the same inability to avert one's eyes from a train wreck? Was it morbid curiosity?

In the end, the judge passed sentence -- community service and probation. It was also clear that with his guilty plea, he would lose his teaching license.

The boys, all five of them, where pretty badly shaken from the story. On the way the Café, Simon held Lukas as tight as he could, something Lukas needed. Michael, Matthew, and Gavin sat by windows and stared blankly at the passing scenery.

Lars could only think of one thing that could break everyone out of their funk and make this week a bit more enjoyable. Pulling out his iPhone, Lars was pleased to find Alaska Air had a 6:40 pm direct flight to Portland. For a small fee, he was able to set up their departure from Wednesday to this evening.

After lunch, they met outside before climbing in the vehicles. "Alright everyone, a change in plans," announced Lars. "Our flight to Portland leaves tonight so when we get home, finish packing. One back pack each, one additional carry one, and we'll have one large suitcase for extras for all of us. Remember your winter coats, it'll be cold and possibly snowy up there."

Just as Lars expected, the urgency of their new orders snapped everyone back to the moment and got their minds off the courtroom drama.


"Thirty minutes," shouted Lars to everyone as he headed to answer the doorbell. He peered through the window and saw a sharply dressed man in his mid-thirties. The man clutched a manila envelope under his left arm and nervously checked the back of a white business card. Curious, Lars opened the door and greeted the man.

"Hi. How can I help you?" he asked the man.

"Hi, I'm Cole Perry," said the man as he shook hands with Lars. "I'm looking for Michael Grant."

Lars was immediately suspicious. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him. He glanced at the FBI agent parked across the street. The man nodded. They'd run Cole's plates and quick background check before the man even got out of his car. The check came back clean and the nod indicated that to Lars.

A clean background check didn't prevent papa bear from coming out to protect his cubs. "What do you want with Michael?" Lars was even surprised how authoritative he sounded.

"I have something for him, is he here? I do have the correct address, don't I?" He handed Lars the card. Scribbled on the back were two address in a woman's handwriting, his and Michael's. Lars turned the card over -- it was Megan's business card.

"What is this about?"

"I'm a realtor and worked with Megan on a real estate deal before her death. I represented the seller and she the buyer. I didn't have all the keys or some historical documents at the time of closing and I wanted to bring them over."

"Why bring them to Michael? Shouldn't you be taking those to her office?"

"Oh, yeah. Well, Michael was listed as the buyer."

"There must be some mistake," explained Lars.

"No, I don't think so. I don't think she told him that the offer was accepted. She'd put everything in a package to give him as a surprise."

"How do you know this?" Lars was still skeptical and guarded.

"After the closing, Megan and I went out to dinner together." Cole flushed with emotion when he offered that detail. He really liked Megan.

Lars wasn't sure what this was all about and didn't want to draw Michael into more drama until he knew exactly what was going on. He asked Cole to wait on the porch and went back into the house to find Zach.

"Hey honey," he said when he found Zach packing extra items the boys brought him when they couldn't fit it in their bag.

"What's going on?" Zach knew someone came to the door and Lars was gone longer than he expected.

"I'm not sure," he confessed. He grabbed the spare keys to 697 Maple Street. "I need to run down the street and check on something at the other house. I'll be right back."

"Okay. I'll get the boys ready."

Lars led Cole to the home where Megan was shot. On the way there, Cole shared what he learned from Megan about her family. From the man's words Lars learned he and Megan had spent a substantial amount of time getting to know each other during the two week's they'd known each other. He also learned that Cole admired Megan and hoped their relationship would deepen. When they arrived at the yellow two-story, the men walked around the house and entered the back door into the mudroom and kitchen. Off the kitchen was an area Megan used as a home office.

Cole was nervous being in that house and didn't dare touch a thing. He stood in the center of the room and searched with his eyes. He'd let Lars move things around. "There," said Cole, pointing to a package of documents he'd given to Megan at the closing.

Lars moved one of Megan's scarves and found the packet. A bright green bow, Michael's favorite color, adorned the top of packet. A matching green ribbon wrapped around the packet and trapped a smaller envelope underneath. Removing the envelope, Lars found Michael's name scrawled in the same handwriting he found on the back of the business card. He slipped the envelope into his jacket pocket and picked up the packet. The top flap was open waiting for the remaining documents Cole brought over.

"Here." Cole offered the documents he brought, and Lars slipped them into package and closed the clasp.

"Those keys go with it," added Cole, pointing to a key ring in the center of the desk. Lars grabbed those too before they locked up the house and headed back up Maple Street.

They walked quietly back to the Meijer house before the men said their goodbyes and Cole got in his car to leave. He paused a moment before starting his Tesla. Megan's smile still played in his mind. They'd had a really nice dinner and he was looking forward to seeing her again. The tragedy is something that would be with him the rest of his life.

When Lars entered the house, he found Carol sitting at the kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee and the boys buzzing around like a swarm of bees. He couldn't believe there were only four of them.

"Are you boys ready?" Shouts of "yes" came from all directions, but the commotion he witnessed suggested otherwise.

"Grab your bags and meet in the front room. Pronto!"

Almost instantly, the luggage was lined up at the front door and carry on bags set at their feet as the boys founds seats in the front room.

"What's up?" asked Lukas of the three adults facing the boys. It almost felt like they were in trouble for something.

"Well, we have one last thing to do before we leave," offered Lars as he handed Michael the package.

"What's this?" asked Michael.

"Apparently, you've been busy." Lars didn't ask Cole for detail. He wanted to learn from Michael what this was all about. Though he did keep the envelope. He suspected it was a card or note from Megan and giving that to Michael before heading to the airport was unfair to the boy -- not that much had been fair in the boy's life so far. He wanted the boy to receive Megan's words when he had more time and more privacy to sit with its content.

Michael opened the clasp and pulled out the pages. Atop the stack of pages was a signed letter. Michael read the letter and his excitement was unmistakable. When he finished the letter he pulled out his phone and used his speed dial. "Mrs. King? It's a go! We got it! Start placing the orders and we'll get to work when I get back... Okay. You too! Bye!"

Michael hung up and noticed six pairs of eyes drilling into him. "What?" he asked, embarrassed by all the attention. "Oh, yeah! I got it! Mom and Mrs. King helped me put my class project into action."

"Michael," asked Carol, a bit frustrated, "what is it?"

"We bought the Majestic Theater."


Landing in Portland at 9:30, everyone was beat. Unable to sleep on the plane, the boys played games on their phone or tablet, or simply talked. They shuttled from the airport to their hotel. Lars found a great deal on a hotel close to their father's apartment with amenities to keep the boys busy and fed.

They arrived at the Courtyard by Marriott in downtown Portland off Wasco. Being a holiday week, nothing was going on at the Convention Center, so the rates were low and Lars negotiated an even better deal. However, since they arrived a day before their reservations, things didn't go as planned.

"Well, for tonight at least, we are only able to get two room," stated Lars to everyone's disappointment and grumbling. Lukas and Simon were the most vocal about the room situation and were able to get everyone to agree that Carol, Lars and Zach should take one room and the four boys would have a room to themselves.

Once they arrived at their rooms, Lukas pulled Michael into the bathroom to talk privately.

"How are you doing lil'bro?" said Lukas pulling his best friend and now brother in for a hug.

"It's weird," said Michael. "I never expected to be back here and now that I am, I feel all jumbled up."

Lukas rubbed Michael's back and the smaller boy started to relax a bit.

"You know what dad would say," said Lukas in a soothing voice, or at least the best that he could come to one since his voice was starting to change and crackle. "You feel what you need to feel and it always helps to talk about it so you can process those feelings." He felt Michael's head nod and dig deeper into his chest.

He kissed Michael's head and broke the hug. "Do you think you can do me and Simon a favor?"

Michael nodded, "Sure."

"Could you and Matthew give us some privacy for a while?" Michael and Lukas' eyes met and Lukas raised an eyebrow.

Michael grinned and cracked up. "You guys too embarrassed to fuck in front of us?" Michael intentionally used the "f" word to embarrass Lukas. Before Lukas could react, Michael's giggling became full on laughter.

"You little squirt!" said Lukas, grabbing for Michael who ducked and made it out the door before Lukas could get him.

"I'm not a little squirt!" laughed Michael. "I only squirt a little." He was laughing so hard at his joke that he barely got it out.

Lukas flew through the air tackling Michael onto the bed and began tickling him.

"HEY!" yelled Matthew. "Cut it out! You're going to hurt his shoulder!" The oldest boy grabbed Lukas around the waist and tried to yank him off Michael.

"Ow!!" yipped Lukas as he felt Matthew pull and toss him to the other bed.

"What the fuck!" said Simon, pissed that Matthew would grab his boyfriend like that.

Michael's laugher stopped and all four boys froze and stared at each other. This was the first time any tension had arisen between the boys and they all realized that they were about to cross a line. The question was, who would take the first step.

The boys caught their breath and Lukas was the first to speak, "I'm sorry. You're right Matthew. I forgot all about our lil' bro's shoulder and I could have hurt him. Michael, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Michael exhaled. It was only then that he realized that he was even holding his breath. "I'm fine, really. You didn't land on my shoulder."

Tension broken, Michael made a suggestion, "Matthew, why don't we grab the guitars and find someplace we can play and talk?"

Matthew thought putting some distance between him and Simon might be a good idea at the moment. He was disappointed in himself for almost screwing things up by starting a fight with Lukas and Simon, but he felt like a wreck. Running away to East Harbor was his escape from the shit back home. Then just weeks later he's back in Oregon. On top of that, all of the things they needed to accomplish in the next few days had him all mixed up inside. It seemed like he was feeling a hundred different things at the same time and didn't know how to deal with even just one of them, let alone all of them. He simply nodded and grabbed one of the two acoustic guitars the boys brought with them for the trip and Michael grabbed another before they headed out the door. Before the door shut, Michael dashed back into the room, grabbed a card key, his phone, and backpack. "Text me when you're done!" he teased before running out the door narrowing avoiding the pillow flying at his head.

Michael and Matthew wandered around the hotel, stopping at the market to grab some trail mix and drinks, before finding the Library. That late in the evening the room was empty. The red furniture and wood grains were warm and comforting. Michael particularly liked the room.

Matthew sat in the middle of the couch and pulled out the guitar. The brothers spent the next couple hours talking about their parents, times before they were split up and singing songs together. Michael even recorded two of the songs. He pulled his MacBook Pro out of his backpack and with a bit of editing, Michael posted the videos to the Courage Game Facebook site like Gavin showed him.

It was after midnight and they were both tired from the long day and all the travel. Sneaking back up to the room, they entered quietly, finding Simon and Lukas wrapped around each other.

Matthew couldn't help but recognize the familiar smell of anal sex. The two piles of clothes, including underwear, on the floor left little doubt what the two boys had been up to and that they were naked under the white sheet.

Michael and Matthew brushed their teeth and quietly crawled into bed.

"They really do love each other, don't they?" whispered Matthew.

"More than any two people I've ever known," said Michael.

"What's that ring Lukas wears around his neck?"

"It was Simon's dad's wedding ring. Carol gave it to Simon to give to Lukas as a pre-engagement present," explained Michael. "It will be LUkas' wedding ring when they get married."

"That's really special," said Matthew, almost sounding sad. "I didn't realize how close they are." Matthew realized that the tension this evening was not because Matthew was the outsider and was out of place this evening. It was because above all, Simon would defend and protect Lukas to the death, just as he would protect Michael. He liked Simon even more than before.



Gavin woke up with his phone blowing up with texts and notifications.

'What the fuck...' went through his head as he felt around for his phone. He grabbed it and slipped it under his pillow so the vibrate wouldn't keep him away, but it was too late. His curiosity made him pull the phone out and check the messages.

Carly: I thought you were staying in town?
Luke: Peeps love new videos
Robert: Dude best yet
Jessica: OMG is Matthew coming to East Harbor?

It took a moment for the cobwebs to clear from Gavin's brain. He could only think of one place they would be talking about and the explosion of Facebook notifications for Likes and Shares from the Courage Game page confirmed it.

He went to the bands page and found Michael had uploaded two new videos overnight and they were generating quite a buzz, particularly the one with him and Matthew.

The videos were tributes to their mother. Each boy picked the song they thought their mother liked the most when he sang it. For Michael, it was "You've got Her in Your Pocket" by The White Stripes. The video was Michael sitting on some room on a red chair telling him mom that he misses her and then playing guitar and singing the song.

The second video was Matthew's turn. Though many of their school friends knew Matthew was in East Harbor, few had met him so this video was their introduction to their newest classmate. Matthew played guitar and sang with Michael singing harmony here and there. The song, "The Promise" by Tracy Chapman, was beautiful and the boys sounded great together. Gavin wasn't sure if it was intended, or if they just forgot to edit it out, but at the end of the song, Matthew set the guitar aside and pulled Michael into a bear hug and you can hear him tell Michael, "I love you so much." The love between the two brothers is so evident in the video while they are singing and at the end, and the girls at school, and across Facebook, were eating it up. This video was being watched, liked and shared faster than any of the band's other videos.

Gavin smiled watching how happy Michael was to be with his big brother again and the love the two boys shared. Then he remembered Lars' forewarning. Dr. Meijer didn't come out and say it, but he'd planted the thought in Gavin's brain knowing it would one day make sense to the boy. Lars' words foreshadowed a day when Gavin would realize that he and Michael weren't being boyfriends as much as they were reenacting Michael's relationship with his brother. Gavin treating Michael as the little brother he needs to protect and Michael finding an older boy to admire and love. Seeing Matthew and Michael together in the videos, Gavin understood why he felt so mixed up the last couple weeks. Putting the phone back down on his pillow, Gavin got up to start his day.



The trip to the Pacific Northwest had been a whirlwind and everyone, including the boys, were ready to get back on the road and head home to warm San Diego. Both Matthew and Michael had mixed feelings. It was strange for them to feel like Southern California was home after spending so much of their lives in Oregon. But that life, their life with their parents Megan and Bruce Grant, seemed like ancient history. Each boy wondered if they would ever come back to this part of the country again. All of the family's possessions were either donated or in the moving truck for them to take back to San Diego, including Matthew's last few things from his grandparents' home in Mossyrock.

That was one part of the trip that Lars won't forget. Word had gotten out to other parts of the Grant family that Matthew was back in town and they called the police to make sure he didn't rob the family.

What the family wasn't aware of was that the police were with Lars and the boys. Additionally, they were not making sure he didn't rob the family. In fact, the police were having trouble getting Matthew to go into the house and get the items on the court's inventory of Matthew's remaining possessions. Matthew's delay meant that his last trip out of the house coincided with the arrival of his aunt and uncle. They made a huge scene accusing Matthew of being the reason his aunt's parents were killed. Their logic was, if he'd been home, they would have killed him and left the older couple alone. Then they saw Michael hiding in the car and lit into him for lying about his coach and his father and starting all of this mess. Lukas clutched the shaking boy as Lars and Matthew climbed in the car and the officers held the angry relatives back.

This last morning in Portland, they pushed a few tables together so they could all sit together for breakfast in the hotel's restaurant, the BLVD Kitchen + Bar.

"Before we get on the road, what is the one thing you'll remember most from this trip so far?" asked Lars.

"I think for me," said Matthew, "was spending time in the hotel's Library talking, playing guitars and singing each night." After the first night, Simon and Lukas had joined in and it became a real bonding experience for the four boy who were more or less, officially brothers. Being away from Lukas or Simon's house allowed Matthew to no longer feel like a guest. The boys opened up, talked about how they felt about the situation and really bonded. Simon and Matthew had also came to an understanding that they both felt protective over the two younger boys and would work together to protect them. They also enjoyed playing guitars together and it was clear a friendship was blossoming -- a friendship grounded in mutual respect.

"For me it was meeting Colin," said Michael. Everyone nodded because nothing needed to be said. On Thursday, on the way to Mossyrock, Michael purchased some flowers and asked to be taken to the spot where he was found after being beaten. When they arrived, Michael asked everyone to stay in the car. He walked the last 50 feet down the road to the fence post he recognized from the police photos. There, he found that someone had erected a small monument to him and all victims of abuse. He hadn't expected it and it made him feel good that he wasn't forgotten like a piece of trash thrown out a car window. He placed his favorite flowers, purple, pink and blue Hydrangeas, in the ditch by the monument and sat in the snow crying. Matthew went to get out of the car but Lars stopped him.

"Michael needs this closure," he said. "Let me be for now."

A passing car stopped and a man, his wife, and two boys, about eight and ten, hopped out of the car. The man approached Michael.


Shocked to hear someone call him by name, Michael turned to look at the man. "Yes?"

"Oh my god!! Michael, it's so good to see you!" said the man and began to cry. His wife approached and put her arm around her husband as he man broke down.

Michael stared in confusion. The two boys approached their parents and the boy sitting on the ground. Liam, the older boy, looked at Michael and asked, "Are you the boy who almost died here?"

Michael wiped the tears from his face and nodded his head.

Jacob, Liam's little brother spoke up, "My dad saved your life."

Though he didn't remember the events, he knew the story of the cyclist that found him that Sunday morning. Michael looked at the man and the man nodded to Colin that it was true. "It's true. What are you doing here?"

Michael got up and threw his arms around the man. The hug was returned by the man and his wife.

"Michael, my name is Colin, this is my wife Julia and our sons Liam and Jacob," said Colin. "You know, I've thought about you every day, wondering how you are and if you are doing well."

Michael just nodded, he was too shocked and overwhelmed to say anything.

"When I saw you, all I could imagine was what if this was one of my boys." Colin began to cry again. "It's so good to see you." Seeing a healthy Michael would bring closure for Colin and hopefully stop the nightmares.

After a few minutes of talking to the boy, it was time that Colin and his family got back on the road, but Colin had one last thing he wanted to tell Michael.

"Boys, say goodbye to Michael and head back to the car with your mother."

Before they followed their mom, Liam and Jacob gave Michael a hug. "We're glad you're okay."

"It looks like life is treating you better now," said Colin.

Michael was still not ready to use words, so he nodded "yes".

"I'm so glad," Colin wiped another tear from his face. "A wise man once gave me advice for how to deal with bad things like this." He didn't think he needed to explain to Michael that it was his therapist's advice for dealing with the trauma of finding Michael.

"He told me to 'leave it here'."

Michael looked Colin directly in the eyes with a quizzical look on his face.

"I think how that translates to you is for you to leave your pain and anger here. The sadness you feel for the boy that was left here should be here with him. The anger you feel towards the people that did that to him should be here with him. You can mourn him and show him you love him and leave it here with him. But he is not you. You are a stronger, better, wiser, version of that boy. Hold him dear in your heart, but leave the hurt here."

Colin could tell the boys was processing what he'd been told, but to truly understand would take time. For now, that was all he could do for the boy. He rubbed Michael's head and headed back to the car.

As Colin opened the car door, Michael found his voice, "Colin?" The man stopped halfway in the car and looked back. "Thank you." Colin nodded his head and got in the car.

Simon offered his favorite memory, "I enjoy last night the best." After dinner, they had taken a walk around downtown looking at all the Christmas decorations. Many of the businesses were playing Christmas music. With a rare snowfall, the city was quiet, beautiful, and romantic. Lukas and Simon walked ahead, hand-in-hand, forgetting they weren't alone. At one point, they found some mistletoe and stopped for a beautiful, heartfelt kiss. The others even stopped walking so they wouldn't interrupt the expression of love between the two boys.

Lukas reached under the table for Simon's hand and gave it a squeeze. It was the blonde's turn and he had an urge to be a smartass and say the sex he and Simon had had, but decided this wasn't the time, or trip, to pull that joke.

"Mine happened on the way to Mossyrock," explained Lukas. "We passed through that little town, I think it was called Mayfield. I saw two men, one had blonde hair like mine, the other was dark like Simon's. They were watching a boy about Michael's age with messy blond hair take photos of the train as it went by. Their bikes were propped against the bridge railing and one of the men had his arm around the other. The men looked so in love. I know they had to be a gay couple with their son. It made me think about Simon and I grown up with a boy of our own." Simon remembered that scene too and squeezed Lukas' hand.

Before they could continue the conversation, breakfast arrived and everyone enjoyed the food and conversation. When the meal ended, Carol took Lukas and Simon up to their rooms while Lars and Zach stayed back with Matthew and Michael.

"What's up?" asked Michael. He'd been around Lars long enough to know what something was going on.

"Well, before we leave today, we have one more thing we need do, but only if you want to?"

Michael called Lars out. "What are you not telling us?" This was the first time Lars had been on the receiving end of the new Michael, the more direct and assertive little boy. He was proud of the boy.

Lars chuckled at the thought and then started again, "Yeah, you're right. Boys, your father requested that you come visit him before you leave. He claims that this is the one and only time he will ever ask you to visit so he can explain his side of things."

Neither boy said anything for a while and Lars allowed them to mull over their decision.

Matthew spoke first, "I really feel this is up to Michael. I'll do whatever he wants to do."

"Michael?" asked Lars. He could tell the young boy was deep in thought. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I don't want to see him," said Michael, turning his attention to his fingers drawing patterns on the table cloth, "but I know you would tell me that I will feel better if I get a chance to see him face-to-face and say what I need to say."

"Well said, Michael," said Lars. It was like he and Michael were having one of their sessions without him having to participate. The boy learned well.

"Okay, let's do this," said Michael with steely determination.

An Uber came and the four of them piled into the SUV and headed to the Multnomah County Inverness Jail where Bruce Grant was being held pre-trial.

Because of the nature of the visit, they ushered the boys into an interrogation room where their father, wearing an orange jailhouse jumpsuit, was sitting handcuffed to the table top. Local and Federal detectives were watching from behind the two-way mirror and they recorded the visit.

The boys walked in and were shocked seeing their father in this situation. No matter how much they could have been prepared, it would never have compared to actually seeing their father in jail, handcuffed to the table.

The boys didn't speak. They just stared at their father who tried to make nice and ask them boys how they were doing. Once he realized they weren't going to engage in conversation, he started into his story.

Matthew and Michael listened intently as their father tried to explain his side. He told how adorable Michael was as a little boy and how Bruce began to be attracted to Michael in a way that a father shouldn't be. Because of that, he tried to make Michael more like Matthew instead of accepting Michael for who he was. When he figured out what was going on between Michael and Matthew, he became jealous and reached out to his friends for help. Bruce told his sons how his friend, Coach Thomas, betrayed him and how he was being blackmailed by the Coach who had saved emails and recorded their conversations about Bruce's deviant thoughts and feelings and the boy's relationship. Bruce felt like he had to along with whatever happened, or the boy's relationship would be exposed publicly, ruining all their reputations and destroying the family.

The boys were stoic as they listened to their father's emotional story. After a long, uncomfortable silence, Bruce asked, "I'm sorry boys. Will you forgive me?"

Michael got up and walked around the table to his father's right side. Bruce smiled, expecting Michael to give him a hug and forgiveness. Michael stopped short of his father.

Michael began quietly. "Dad, you asked us here for one last meeting before you go to prison, and we leave Portland one last time to live our lives in our new family."

The boy's voice grew in volume and intensity as he continued. "We came here to give you that one shot at making things right with us. But instead, you fucking lie to us! You didn't apologize for making me feel like a piece of shit. Instead, you make it all about you and how I MADE you perv on me. Then you feed us some shit about how you didn't want to act on your impulses so we went to your friends and your friends betrayed you. You think I'm fucking stupid? I've seen the evidence. You were representing those fuckers and laundering their money before I was even born! Their finding us wasn't an accident. They were your friends! You probably shared all sorts of stories and photos of us growing up."

Now screaming at the top of his lungs and crying, Michael went on. "I've seen the videos. Everyone knew who you were and took orders from YOU! You weren't a victim in this, YOU were one of those shitheads! YOU are the one that dislocated my fucking shoulder and YOU KNEW what they did to me that night!"

Michael was shaking with anger. "What kind of a father are you? You let Matthew think he is the one that let the cat out of the bag to Coach Thomas. But that's not what happened. YOU TOLD Coach Thomas so he could use that information against me and Matthew! You had Coach blackmail us so you could get what you wanted and thinking we'd never find out you were behind this. You sold us both out to those fuckers!"

With that, Michael let out a scream of anguish and punched Bruce right in the face with all his might.

"Oh shit!" said Lars as he lunged around the table to grab Michael, but not before the boy landed a second roundhouse with a crunch. Pulling Michael away, the boy tried to throw a third punch then collapsed to the floor crying. Lars sat on the floor behind Michael, holding and rocking the boy to try to calm him down.

Matthew looked on, stunned. His father was bleeding all over the place and blood splatter decorated the table top. A guard called for a medic and a cleaning crew for the blood but kept away from the bleeding inmate since he didn't have protective gloves or anything for the blood per his training.

Matthew began replaying everything Michael said. He slowly leans across the table towards his father. "It's true, isn't it? YOU told Coach Thomas about me and Michael?"

The icy tone in Matthew's voice got Bruce's attention and he looked up at his older son. "Oh my god, you did, didn't you?" Bruce didn't know how to respond.

"You gave Michael to men who made movies of him being raped just so you could get your rocks off once in a while?" Matthew just looked away and shook his head.

"You let me tear myself up about this. You let me blame myself for putting this all into motion but it was YOU all along. This wasn't my fault at all!" Matthew stood and leaned over the table toward his father. "You fucking asshole! Do you know how I've felt this last year?"

"Oh shit," said Matthew in a moment of realization. "That's why you sent me to live in Mossyrock -- you wanted to make sure I didn't find out about you and your lies."

Matthew paced back and forth trying to work off some of his anger. Then he stopped cold in his tracks. Matthew walked back in front of his father to look the man in the eyes.

"You were supposed to be working late that night but you weren't, were you? You WERE there the night -- the night they beat Michael. That didn't happen after you left. You were there. You helped them, didn't you?" Matthew paused and waiting for Bruce to answer. When an answer didn't come, Matthew screamed, "DIDN'T YOU?"

Bruce looked away and gave a slight nod.

"What kind of a father are you?" said Matthew in complete disgust. "I'm glad mom never found out. This would have destroyed her." He walked over and lifted Michael into his arms to carry his little brother. Then Matthew reached out a hand to Lars, "Come on, dad."

Lars looked up into the eyes of a broken teenager, barely holding it together. A teenage boy who, in this small gesture, was reaching out to him for help. Lars took Matthew's hand and stood. They headed for the door. Before stepping into the hallway, Matthew turned and took one last look at his father. "I hope you rot in hell." Then he turned and left.

Bruce turned to take one last look of his sons and caught Michael's hate-filled glare over Matthew's shoulder and the boy's blood-spattered right-hand flipping the bird.


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