The Boys of East Harbor: Michael
Chapter 17: The Holiday Ball

(b/bb, anal, oral)

DISCLAIMER: This work of fiction contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, or sex between minors, do not continue. If reading this type of material is illegal in your location, proceed at your own risk. This work is the sole property of the author and may not be reposted or reproduce without the author's written permission. This is a work of fiction. If any characters resemble the living or dead, or events are similar to actual events, it is purely coincidental.

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By Tuesday, things would be getting back to normal – whatever normal was these days. But on Monday, it was insantity. Rumors spread around town Saturday night about the occurrence at the Mejier and Novak households, but no one knew details. When the Sunday newspaper came out with an interview of Officer McNally, East Harbor went crazy. Those that knew the boys or the guests at the Singles Mingle called to check in. McNally had only been able to tell the story from his side, adding a lot of inflammatory conjecture. His ill-advised comments nearly caused a riot at city hall.

East Harbor police officers are to not give interviews without prior permission. McNally argued he followed the rules. "How was I supposed to know she was a reporter?" he said defensively. "I was just sitting there eating my burger when she started chatting with me!"

Many students didn't even come to school on Monday. The students that did arrive that morning were greeted by even more security than the week before. There were questions to be answered. Was the organization that harmed Michael in town? If so, why? Who left the note on Gavin's locker? Is that person connected to the organization? And if so, how?

No matter the case, danger was in the air and the presence of police cars outside all four of the district's buildings, additional resource officers, and FBI agents made the students, faculty and staff nervous. Everyone was on edge and hypervigilant.

Brian showed up at the middle school during lunch that day. Instead of having Michael called to the office, he walked into the cafeteria and pulled up a chair to the lunch gang's table.

"Hi guys! How are you doing?" greeted Detective Parker. All the boys at the table knew him one way or another and all welcomed him to the table.

"Are you gonna have lunch with us?" asked Michael, scooting over to make some room for their guest.

"No, I just have a question for you," said Brian. He reached into the breast pocket of his sports coat and pulled out a photo. "Is this the guy you saw in the house?"

Michael nodded his head yes. That was good. McNally identified that guy as Alec Lebedev, but he was still working on getting a name for the man's associate. "Are you sure you've seen this guy before Saturday night?"

Michael nodded again.

"Back in Oregon?"

Another nod yes.

"Thanks Michael. Be proud of yourself. Your actions made sure he won't bother you ever again." Brian gave the confused boy a side hug. "You need to come over for dinner again soon."

The boy smiled. "Okay!"

Brian left the building and gave Sandra, the FBI profiler, a call.

"Hey Sandra, it's Detective Parker up here in East Harbor."

"Hi Brian. How are you doing?"

"Been better. Did you hear about what happened Saturday night?"

"Was that in your neck of the woods? There's been a bit of a buzz, but I haven't heard any details."

"Yes, Alec Lebedev and one of his associates got into the homes of Michael Grant, his guardian, and their neighbor. Michael was in one of the homes and saw Alec. He hid before anything happened to him. We think they were casing the houses in order to set up a kidnapping or something later."

"Wow. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, we confirmed that Alec was one of the men involved with Michael's case in Oregon. We also found Alec and his partner today."

"Fantastic! Has he confessed? Did he give you any names?" Sandra was excited they may have a break in the case – someone who could provide enough evidence to put the others away.

"No, Alec and his associate were dead. Apparently executed Sunday. Probably for screwing up Saturday night."

"Oh, wow."

"Yeah. Between the note and this, East Harbor is freaking out."

"Well, the FBI doesn't have Alec's name tied to the case. His surname is Lebedev, right?"


"Okay. Can you send me a picture and any personal identifiable information you have on him and his associate so I can see if we can tie him back to our other suspects?"

"Yes, it will be on its way shortly. I'll send you a text when it's on its way."

The school board met Monday night and considered cancelling all school activities – sports, practices, clubs and any other extracurricular activities and afterschool events in order to get kids to the safety of their home and to ease the workload of the police and FBI. They wouldn't need as much overtime to cover all of these extra shifts if the students would just go home. But that would not be the case.

The principals of each of the school buildings agreed earlier in the day that they would fight that recommendation. It was disruptive enough to have all the extra adults around the school during the day, but it would be incredibly disruptive to take away student extracurriculars – both for the students and the parents. The principals managed to stave off the fearful parents and preserve as much of the students' way of life as possible – including Saturday's middle school dance. That was the topic of the day on Tuesday.

The dance is the middle school version of Homecoming. The sixth through eighth graders' first dance of the year was the Holiday Ball. The boys were expected to wear ties and the girls to dress up, but it wasn't formal.

The students of East Harbor Middle School had resigned themselves to the idea the Ball would be cancelled. When they received the news that the dance was still on, it was like an electrical charge ran through the building.

Now that the dance was definitely on, the entire middle school filled with chatter about who was going to go with whom and what they would be wearing. For Lukas and Michael, everyone knew they would be bringing their boyfriends. For the student body, the boys would become legends. No one could remember a middle schooler ever bringing a high schooler as his or her date. They were convinced history was about to be made.

History may be made at the other end of the scale too. Though Trajan had come out to his friends, it wasn't common knowledge around the school. If it was, no one would be able to remember an elementary student ever attending a middle school dance as date. Historic or not, Gavin, Simon and Derek were all expected to be at the dance with their respective boyfriends.

Trajan was super excited. The lunch table gang had always gone to dances together, but Trajan always had some excuse not to go. For him, it was just too much to be at the dance with Scott, but not with Scott. This year's Holiday Ball was going to be his first dance and he had a very special someone to bring as his date.

"So, what are you guys going to do for the dance?" ask Trajan of anyone at the table going to the dance.

"Well, I think Gavin and I are going to double date with Lukas and Simon," said Michael before taking a drink of his juice. "Is that still a go with you guys?"

Lukas swallowed a mouthful of fruit with yogurt. "Yep," was his reply before he took another bite.

Will, Curtis and Jordan were planning on going together, but this year Scott is taking Najma Kumar. Najma moved to East Harbor at the beginning of November and Scott was infatuated with her exotic beauty. Her assigned seat in Math was next to Scott's and it wasn't long before he asked her to the dance to help her make friends at her new school. As much as Scott was trying to play it cool, Najma knew the boy liked her.

"Are you guys going to go out to dinner before the dance?" asked Trajan.

"I'm taking Najma to the Maple Street Café," offered Scott. He'd been very clear, over and over again, that he was only taking Najma as a friend. No one believed that reflected the way he really felt. They could tell by the look on his face every time she came up in conversation.

Will couldn't resist poking his friend's insecurity. "I don't think that's very romantic if you ask me." He placed his hand in front of his mouth to hide his smile knowing where this was going.

"WE'RE GOING AS FRIENDS," insisted Scott. The reaction their teasing always provoked.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks," said Michael in his best, though lackluster, Shakespearian accent.

Half the table didn't get the joke, but Scott and Will were in Honors English with Michael. They'd just studied Act III Scene II of Hamlet. Will and Michael burst out laughing and Scott groused as he realized Will set him up for the joke.

"Ha-ha. Very funny," said Scott with a pout that was not all that convincing. He didn't want his friends to know he thought it was a good joke.

When the laughter died down, Lukas finished off his sandwich and asked, "Do you think we should go out to dinner before the dance?"

"We didn't before Homecoming," said Michael. It was understood that high school homecoming was a couple notches above the middle school Holiday Ball, especially since the Holiday Ball included sixth graders going to their first dance ever.

"Yeah," said Lukas. He chewed the bit of apple in his mouth. "But, this is the first dance we are actually couples."

"He's right," said Jordan. "Your guys are all hot and heavy with your beaus. Time to step up your game." Curtis and Scott nodded in agreement.

Lukas and Michael looked at each other. Lukas spoke first, "I think they are right. Things are more serious for us than other couples going to the dance."

"Maybe we should think about this some more," said Michael. He now felt concerned that he was going to let Gavin down. "None of us have a license so we either have to get someone to drive us, or we'll have to go someplace close enough to walk."

Both boys became lost in their thoughts until it was time to bus their table and get to gym class.


Since all the crap went down at the high school, Gavin made it a habit to meet Michael at the front door and escorting him to Geometry.

"Hi sweetness," said Gavin, putting his arm around Michael like many of the other couples did at the high school.

"Hey babe," said Michael, leaning his head into the older boy. Michael snuck his arm around Gavin's waist and they headed to Geometry.

As they reached the corner where they needed to turn to head to the Math classrooms, Gavin stopped Michael. "You've got an eyelash or something. Let me get that."

Gavin placed his left hand on the side of Michael's face to steady the boy's head as he leaned closer to get a better view of the loose eye lash he plucked from Michael's eye.

"Oh no you don't!" shouted Mr. Davies, the Social Studies teacher. "I don't care if you are gay or straight, we'll have none of that in this school." Mr. Davies grabbed Gavin by the arm and shoved him against the lockers.

"What the..." said Gavin out of shock.

"So, you wanna cuss a teacher out too. Don't you just think you're the man," growled Mr. Davies. Gavin was too shocked to respond. He wasn't sure what Mr. Davies thought he saw or heard, but Gavin wasn't going to fight the teacher, he knew he'd done nothing wrong.

"You're coming with me. Michael, you go to class," ordered Mr. Davies. The teacher shoved Gavin down the hall, "Get moving."

Before Michael could make sense of what was going on, he started to panic. He didn't know why, but he knew something was wrong.

"NO!" shouted Michael. Anyone who hadn't been staring at the commotion created by Mr. Davies now had their attention drawn to the student shouting in the hallway. "He didn't do anything."

Mr. Davies pushed Gavin again and tried to make the boy walk faster. Michael hurried to catch up.

"If you're taking Gavin, then I'm coming too," resolved Michael. Gavin couldn't recall ever seeing Michael pissed off and Gavin thought it was kind of funny.

The man stopped and put his face right in Michael's. "No, you're not. Go to your class," Mr. Davies was seething mad and wanted Michael to know it, hoping to scare the boy away. He turned and they continued down the hall just as the second bell rang, indicating the start of classes. As the bell ended, Mr. Davies pulled Gavin into an empty classroom and Michael followed. Joel Davies' shut and locked the door before pulling the blind down over the door's window.

Per the school's current safety precautions, the teachers kept a watchful eye on Michael and Gavin. The teacher expecting these students was to text a code to the principal if either student didn't make it to their class on time. Mr. Allen got nervous when the boys weren't in the classroom. Even Simon sensed something was wrong and joined Mr. Allen in the hallway to wait for his friends. They were usually among the first students seated. He typed the code hoping he wouldn't have to press send. He pressed the key as soon as the bell started, not wanting to waste a single second in case the boys were in danger.

"Why are you picking on him?" demanded Michael with a raised voice. "He didn't do anything." Michael may have been bullied and at times didn't do a great job of standing up for himself, but he never had a problem standing up for someone else.

"You're supposed to be so smart," mocked Mr. Davies as he glared at Michael. "I don't understand why you can't see what's going on."

"What do you mean?" said Michael, standing up to Mr. Davies and throwing a bit of attitude. "What I see is you picking on Gavin for being nice to me." Being protective of Gavin, Michael managed to position himself between the teacher and his boyfriend. He stood up straight and crossed his arms. He'd been bullied enough times in his life to know that Mr. Davies was doing just that – being a bully. Michael had reached his quota with bullies and Mr. Davies was about to be the first to receive the boy's wrath.

When Mr. Holbrook received the text message, he alerted the secretary to send a message to all teacher's at their desk computer to see if Gavin or Michael were in their care. While that email was being sent, Mr. Holbrook alerted the officers in the building. The officers immediately search all closets, bathrooms, auditorium, locker rooms, and empty classrooms that period per the list Mr. Holbrook provided.

Mr. Davies was losing his composure. He grabbed Michael by the arm and growled, "I'm trying to protect you!"

Michael yanked his arm from Mr. Davies' grasp. It was then the boys realized that Mr. Davies was the person responsible for the note on Gavin's locker.

Michael was beyond pissed at this point. "Protect me from what?" he said, almost taunting Mr. Davies. "There's only one person that needs protection in this room."

"Who? Gavin?" asked Mr. Davies. Just then, an officer rattled the door knob. Mr. Davies glanced at the door.

"No. You!" Michael took one step and kick Mr. Davies in the nuts.

Mr. Davies cried out in pain. He grabbed for Michael as he dropped to a knee in pain. Gavin made a break for the door to unlock it and allow the officer into the room.

"You. Fucking. Bastard. If. You. Lay. One..." Michael landed a kick to the helpless teacher's body between each word until the officer reluctantly pulled him away to protect their suspect.

Agent Kerns entered the room moments later. "Thank you, Joel," he said smiling. "The judge said we didn't have enough evidence to obtain a search warrant for your home. Now we do."

As all stories go, particularly with teenagers, the events at the beginning of seventh period became greatly exaggerated, almost to the point of being unrecognizable. This distortion of the facts was helped along by Gavin's own embellished version of the events.

As the school let out for the day, students were talking about how Mr. Davies was going to kill Gavin and Michael saved his boyfriend by kicking the shit out of the teacher. Was Mr. Davies going to harm Gavin? No one knew for sure what his intentions were. It seemed more like he didn't have a plan at all. He simply acted on impulse and hadn't planned any next step. Did Michael really save Gavin? Probably not. With the police and FBI on the move, Mr. Davies probably wouldn't have had time to do anything before they were found. All the same, Michael was a hero. He stood up for what was right and no harm came to either boy. Michael was especially a hero in Gavin's eyes. It was just one more reason to admire and love his little friend.



Dishes? Cleaned and put away.

Homework? Finished and bag packed for school.

Laundry? Folded and in the dresser.

Lewis plopped down on his bed with plenty of time to watch some TV or play a video game. First, he decided, he needed to think.

The topic on the top of his mind? Himself. He was changing and it was obvious to him. Before the last couple weeks, he couldn't remember a time when he simply took care of his responsibilities without being asked. He wondered if he'd ever felt the sense of accomplishment from getting his shit taken care of and having free time to do whatever he wanted. If he had, he reasoned, then he would have kept doing those things because he liked it.

Not only was he getting things accomplished, he was doing a better job. His room was clean, things were in order and put away, and perhaps most importantly, he was doing better in school.

It was never that the school work was a challenge – he just didn't try. Even with his lack of effort, Lewis got better grades than he wanted the guys he hung out with to know. Now that he was putting in some effort to at least get his homework finished, his grades improved drastically. If he kept this up, he'd end up with an A average this term. Mrs. Harmon and his math teacher, Mr. Frazier, both mentioned to him how much they had enjoyed having him in class recently and that they were impressed with his school work. That felt good too.

He felt pleased with himself. It was strange for him to be lying there with a smile on his face, but he was. For the most part, he was actually happy with his life. Yes, his dad was still the asshole he'd always been, but that was his father. It was something else. It was like something in his head, a switch or something, flipped. Sometime a couple weeks before, he'd come to a realization. George Fuerst can only define who Lewis Fuerst is, and the quality of Lewis Fuerst's character, if Lewis Fuerst allowed it.

Since then, he'd been coming home from school just like always. However, instead of antagonizing his father by not doing his chores or mouthing off, he just took care of his business, avoiding his father at every possible opportunity, and retired to his room for the evening when he was finished. It worked splendidly for both Fuerst men.

But why? How had this transformation come about?

Talking to his online friend Sarah had helped. She seemed to understand him and provided some sound advice about not letting others decide who you are as a person. As weird as it was having a 30-something lady doing sex stuff with him online, or plan his take down of Michael Grant, there were times when they actually talked. It also helped that he was ready for a change. He didn't like the person everyone saw. After getting in trouble for clubbing Michael with the lacrosse stick in gym, he was horrified with himself. Lewis struggled to understand how he could attack the younger boy so violently and, at the time, without remorse. That's when Sarah asked him the most important question anybody had every asked him. "How would your mother feel about the person you are becoming?"

Unlike when his father would yell at him and tell him how disgusted his mother would be of him, this wasn't in the middle of a fight when Lewis brain had checked out and his mouth took, over throwing smart ass remarks and verbal jabs at his opponent. No, this time he was in the middle of a deep, heartfelt conversation when the question came up. It hit Lewis with a stunning impact. He cried. He cried hard.

That night is when his self-analysis began. Even if his mother was dead and his father hated him, it didn't mean he couldn't be the person his mother expected him to be. He came to the conclusion that the most important thing he could do with his life was to honor his mother's memory by living the best life he could.

That was also the night that he started thinking about Michael. The more he'd learned about the 11-year-old eighth grader, the more he had grown to admire the boy. Sarah had contacts in the Portland areas that helped fill in the gaps of Lewis' online research or what he picked up at school.

What he learned was Michael wasn't a snobby, little, show-off genius. The boy's life hadn't always been charmed. Back in Portland, the boy wasn't popular and not everyone, especially the student body, thought the sun rose and set at his will. He had been kidnapped, raped, and almost murdered. The things those men did to him in that video were sickening. There were days where Lewis would watch Michael to see if he could see signs of those events. He did. There were moments where Michael's mind slipped back to that night, or a sadness overcame the boy. It didn't happen often, but it was there, and those moments made Michael human to Lewis. It made Michael human because Lewis recognized those looks, those moments. That was the same look that took over Lewis' face when a memory of his mother slip into his consciousness out of nowhere. The other thing Lewis recognized that he and Michael had in common was the aftermath of the tragedies in their lives. Instead of having the loving support of family, he and Michael were both left to put themselves back together while they dealt with a broken parent.

Now that the young boy had moved to East Harbor, Lewis understood Michael had a good support system around him – great classmates and friends and some good adults too. But no matter what, Lewis understood the work to put yourself back together and be your best self can only be done by you. It seemed Michael was well on his way and if Michael could do it, then Lewis felt he certainly could too; and he was.


Lewis forgot he'd left his computer online. The alert that invited him into a private chat roused him from his thinking.

CA_MILF_32: Hey sexy!

HarborBoy2004: hey

CA_MILF_32: You're looking good tonight.

HarborBoy2004: thx had a good day

CA_MILF_32: So what are you doing tonight?

HarborBoy2004: thinking gonna watch tv

CA_MILF_32: I'm pretty horny. You ready?

HarborBoy2004: no not tonite

CA_MILF_32: Really? You're turning down online sex?

HarborBoy2004: ya

CA_MILF_32: Something wrong?

HarborBoy2004: no happy

CA_MILF_32: Your happy and you don't want sex?

HarborBoy2004: ya

CA_MILF_32: Okay. So when you gonna do it?

HarborBoy2004: I dont want to talk about it

CA_MILF_32: Well, it's time.

HarborBoy2004: no

CA_MILF_32: What do you mean?

HarborBoy2004: not going to

CA_MILF_32: I thought you hated Michael Grant.

HarborBoy2004: not any more

CA_MILF_32: Fine. But you are going to do it.

HarborBoy2004: no

CA_MILF_32: You don't have a choice. You will do it.

HarborBoy2004: no

CA_MILF_32: I didn't want to have to do this, but...

The window switched from the view of her camera to sharing her laptop screen.

CA_MILF_32: If you don't, not only will we start selling videos of you like we did Michael, this still image of you fucking yourself with the large dildo will go out on social media to your classmates.

HarborBoy2004: you?

CA_MILF_32: No, we.

'OH FUCK!' thought Lewis. His online relationship with Sarah went from being naughty sexual behavior to something hurtful, dark, and dangerous. He'd put his future, and his well-being, in the hands of the people that tried to destroy, even kill, Michael. Now he was to be their instrument to destroy Michael or they would destroy him.

Natasha could see the boy's realization on his face. Each step, each ah-ha moment, every little twinge of emotion played out across Lewis' face. She knew she had him and she knew he knew it too. She hoped Yanni would appreciate her initiative in this particular case. Appreciate it enough to move her from this god-forsaken town to someplace warmer. She's managed to copy the video of Michael to a thumb drive without anyone knowing so she could feed it to Lewis to put his plan in motion.

Now, with Alec and Rick dead and the East Harbor police on the alert for their activities, she could strike a blow without the syndicate even putting a man on the streets. She smiled to herself and watched the boy stare at the screen. The still image showed Lewis on his knees, resting his chest on the back of his computer chair. The chair was at a slight angle. You had a clear view large purple dildo three quarters of the way up his ass and the look of ecstasy on the boy's face. You could even see the head of his large boner peeking around his thigh. He could never explain away this photo.

CA_MILF_32: This is how it is going to happen.

Lewis did the only thing he could think of. He took notes.



Since the beginning of the school year, it had been an oddity to see Matthew Grant anywhere near a library, or school, when he wasn't required to be there. However, after talking to family members and getting nowhere, he decided to use the Internet to find his mom and Michael. When he first learned of the divorce and that his mother and brother were moving away, he had searched for them online. Never able to find any trace of them post-divorce, Matthew grew discouraged. He lost hope, fell into depression, and began drinking.

He didn't expect today to be any different, but if his dad's family wasn't going to help him, he didn't really have much of a choice. Since he committed to finding his mom and run away to her house, he's been asking different family members to see if they would provide any clues to him – any nugget of information that would give him a starting point for his search. He had to be careful in this endeavor. No one could learn why he wanted this information. He had to appear indifferent to the knowledge or draw suspicion. Matthew walked the minefield and made it to the other side but learned nothing. He was convinced his father kept the information from them to make sure no one slipped up and told his son. It made Matthew hate his father even more.

He navigated to Google and stared at the screen. 'What if I can't find them? What am I going to do?' He wasn't prepared for another disappointment. He got up and put his coat back on and prepared to leave. He looked back at the screen and reconsidered is decision. Finding them was the first step to get out of this hell hole.

He sat back down at the computer and considered his first search. He assumed his mother would continue in her same profession once she got settled. It was worth a shot. He typed:

Megan Grant realtor

The search results loaded and Matthew averted his eyes from the screen. Taking a deep breath, Matthew looked up and scrolled through the results. The first few were the same old articles about his mother in the local newspapers back in Oregon and her profile on the web site of the agency she worked for back home.

"YES!" said Matthew, louder than he meant to.

"Shhhhhh!" reprimanded the librarian from across the room.

He couldn't believe his eyes. An entry for Megan Grant working for a realty company called Craft and Howard Realty. Clicking on the profile, he sighed as a feeling of defeat came over him. The profile showed a place holder image saying "Coming Soon" and no other details than the realtor's name.

'This wasn't here before. I would have seen it,' thought Matthew. 'This has to be a new page.' He clicked the link to go back to the company's home page. Scanning the page, he saw "Serving San Diego County."

'San Diego? As in San Diego, California?'

He returned to Google and searched 'Craft Howard realty San Diego'. The Google business information came up with a Google map marking the business. Matthew clicked on the map and anxiously waited for it to load.

The map loaded with the pin for Craft and Howard Realty being located at 2153 Ocean Drive, East Harbor, California. Matthew was so excited that he shifted nervously in his seat. This was the first time he'd felt like he was on to something, but stopped himself from getting too excited. He realized that he hadn't really found anything. There were a lot more Megan Grants in the United States than he ever imagined and there could certainly be more than one who is a realtor. Plus, he couldn't be 100% sure this page wasn't old and had just worked its way up Google analytics from his many searches.

Matthew slumped back in his seat and stared at the screen. With a new idea, he sat back up and started searching for how to find home sales. He finally ended up on the San Diego County Assessor's site and searched for M Grant.

Maxwell Grant 1903 Vista Ave.
Michael Grant 697 Maple St.
Mitchell Grant 3328 Canyon Blvd.
Morgan Grant 998 Park St.

He slumped back in his chair. No Megan Grant. He considered that she may not have purchased a house yet since she'd only moved in September. Even so, he concluded, this wouldn't let me know which Megan Grant.

It seemed like his search stalled. He was frustrated that he'd gotten so excited over a small piece of information that didn't lead anywhere. Though it seemed like a dead end, he felt he needed to exhaust his options. It was, after all, the only lead he had.

On a whim, he searched for 'Michael Grant East Harbor'.

The results loaded. The first was "East Harbor Middle School Wins Conference". The article talked about how the team beat their arch rivals in the league championship game to remain undefeated and win their first every conference championship behind the leadership and scoring of Michael Grant, Mateo Garcia and Scott Schultz. There was no photo so he went to the next article.

"East Harbor Player Earns Conference MVP" included a photo of the "soccer phenom", 11-year-old eighth grader Michael Grant. Matthew reached out and touched the photo of his little brother before breaking down and sobbing as quietly as he could in the library.

When he recovered his composure, Matthew read all the articles about Michael's soccer season. He couldn't be prouder of his little brother. He checked to see how much change he had in his pocket. It was enough to print the article with Michael's photo.

He got up to retrieve the article from the librarian when it struck him. One of the homes in East Harbor was owned by Michael Grant. After a couple of attempts, he found the web site again and searched to find the listing for Michael Grant 697 Maple St. He selected that property. Listed as the contact for the property was Megan Grant, 697 Maple St., East Harbor, CA. It included his mom's phone number. He found them. He couldn't print the page, so he took his phone out and took a photo of the computer screen.

Approaching the librarian's desk, Matthew pulled the change out of his pocket and paid for the print out.

"Here you go," said the librarian. "Is he a relative of yours?"

"Yes," said Matthew with a huge grin. The grin that Michael loved so much. The grin that hadn't graced Matthew's face in nearly a year. "That's my brother."



Lukas and Michael fretted all week over making the Holiday Ball a romantic evening for the two couples. After the lunch table conversation, they felt it was their responsibility to make the evening as romantic, if not more than the Homecoming dance. Lars sense their distress and Friday morning he pulled the boys into his office.

"Listen," Lars begin, ready to put an end to the boys' suffering. "This is a middle school dance. Few, if any, of your peers are in committed, romantic relationships the way you two are. Any other couple at the dance that is trying to make it romantic will only be doing little things like getting his girlfriend a corsage or holding hands. Instead of worrying about romance, just make it a simple, double date – the four of you guys out together for the evening without the 'rents along?"

The boys looked at each other and liked the idea.

"Leave the house early, get something to eat, enjoy the dance, stop by the Café for milkshakes or something on your way home and you guys won't need to be back until 10:00 tonight."

Lars also had a talk with Simon and Gavin to make sure the boys kept in mind that this was a middle school dance, not a high school dance. Instead of being the youngest at the dance, they would be the oldest, with a lot of kids much younger and much less mature. That meant a lot of what happened at the Homecoming Dance would be inappropriate for a middle school dance. He also pointed out that dates were leaders in the middle school. He stressed that the high schoolers should help their dates set an example for their peers and the younger kids. "Save if for the bedroom," was how Lars finished his little speech.

The boys felt better about the upcoming evening. They relaxed and enjoyed their day. Michael did sneak a call into his favorite waitress at the Café in an attempt to make dinner a little special, but nothing over the top.

The dance wasn't until 7:00, but the boys wanted to head to the Café at 5:00. Since Michael lived the closest to the Café, they decided they would all meet there.

"Michael," Megan called out, "it's almost 5:00. Your friends will be here soon!"

"I know mom!" Michael was once again in front of the mirror making sure he looked perfect. He straightened his bow time one more time and checked his hair again before heading downstairs.

"You look adorable!" said his mother. It wasn't exactly what he was going for, but that would work. He wore a deep purple velvet sports coat with an aqua dress sure. His floral bowtie was shades of purple and aqua. This topped his skinny jeans and matching purple Samba kicks. He grinned donning his trademark dimples.

Before they rang the doorbell, Lukas and Simon saw Michael and his mother at the bottom of the stairs.

"Come on in boys," she said, greeting her son's friends. "Don't you too look nice." Taking a page out of Michael's fashion playbook, Simon and Lukas decided to get matching vests. The vests were coarsely woven wool in varying shades of brown and accented with rust. Simon sported beige dress shirt with a causal dark brown linen tie. Lukas chose a yellow dress shirt with a rust colored bow tie. Both boys also wore jeans with Simon wearing a pair of tan chukka boots and Lukas wearing a pair of brown leather sneakers.

"Hi, Megan," said Lukas, giving Michael's mom a hug. Since she came back from Arizona, Lukas and Simon had taken the opportunity to get to know her better. They really liked her and understood where Michael got his sense of humor in addition to his looks. They had even talked about how lucky they were to have Carol, Lars and Megan in their lives – three adults that they felt comfortable around, seemed to understand and care about them, and most importantly, adults they trusted.

"Good evening, Megan," said Simon, being more formal for the occasion. Lukas gave Michael a big hug. "You look awesome as usual." It had become a joke among the boys that they all needed to take fashion tips from Michael so they could dress like proper gay boys – that is, look sharp and stylish in well fitted clothing.

"Mom, we're going to stay at Lukas' tonight." Since his mother's return, it was simply understood that Michael could stay where he chose, when he chose. The three families basically shared responsibilities for housing, feeding and loving the boys, and the boys took care of everything else. It wasn't quite that simple, but you get the idea.

"Okay honey," said Megan, giving her son a kiss on the cheek.

"Gavin's here," said Simon as he watched the car pull into the drive way. Megan followed the boys out the door so she could give Gavin a hug before they left for the dance.

Gavin said goodbye to his dad and Mr. Parker waved to the boys and Megan before backing out of the driveway. To Michael, Gavin looked dreamy and the shit eating grin and dimples let everyone know what was on Michael's mind. Gavin did look sharp. He was wearing a maroon dinner jacket with a black lapel and a skinny, black tie which contrasted nicely with his white shirt. He too was wearing solid black tennis shoes and skinny jeans that left no doubt about his endowment. Megan even felt a tinge of jealousy which she quickly shook off, but not before blushing which luckily, no one noticed.

"Hey babe," Michael said.

"Hey sweetness," said Gavin, just before kissing Michael lovingly on the lips. "I'm hungry, are we ready to go?"

"Yeah," said Michael. "Bye mom."

"Bye honey," said Megan to her son. Then she turned to Gavin and gave him a hug. "Have a fun evening boys."

The two couples walked to the Maple Street Café holding hands, excited having evening out with no adult supervision. It wasn't that no one trusted them, or that they felt oppressed by the adults. It was simply the way Lars' framed the evening and it made the four of them feel a bit more grown up.

Megan watched the boys and her heart ached. She remembered Matthew and the first time he took a girlfriend to a school dance. The poor boy was so nervous. The memory brought a smile to her lips and a tear to her eye. She missed her oldest terribly and didn't feel comfortable sharing that with Michael – at least not yet. Since she'd come back from Arizona her dream came back to her every night. It was a simple dream and she wasn't sure what it meant, if anything. She dreamed that Matthew arrived in East Harbor. He'd found his way home to her, but she wasn't home. Then she awakes up – every time. Her counselor at the treatment center explain to her that it was simply another way for her mind to process how much she missed Matthew. She wasn't convinced. Then again, she was never one to put much stock in dream interpretation. Either way, it wouldn't be long before she went after custody of Matthew. During the divorce she wasn't in a position to fight Bruce, but she did win one battle. Her "no contact" order would be lifted at the end of the year. She didn't have Matthew's new phone number, so she and Michael were traveling back home to reunite with Matthew. By then she'd be established with her new job and would go to court to get Michael's brother back.

Shaking off her thoughts, Megan took one last look at the boys heading to the Café then headed back into the house. When she closed the door her phone rang.

"Megan Grant," she answered formally in case it was a business call.

"Hey Megan," came the friendly voice on the other end. "It's Cole Perry. I heard back on your client's offer."

"That's great news. What did they say?"

"Well, you played the offer perfectly. Low-balling with a cash offer got you the sale. Congratulations!"

"That's fantastic!" She couldn't wait to break the news to Michael.

"How anxious is your client to get the property?" asked Cole.

"Extremely. Renovation plans are already in place and ready to go immediately upon closing."

"How about we meet tonight to close this deal? The agent at the title company owes me. He's had the papers drawn up for the closing on this property. All we have to do is add the buyer's information, sign and notarize. What do you think?"

"Let's do it."

"Wonderful," replied Cole. Megan had really made an impact on the man and he was excited to meet this amazing woman again. "Megan, I was wondering. After we close this deal tonight, would you like to go out to dinner?"


When the boys arrived at the Café, Vera was there to greet them. Though she typically worked mornings, she picked up an extra shift that evening. Middle and High School events meant busy evenings so extra shifts were available. Tonight, Vera made sure she was there to wait on her favorite customer and his friends.

"Hi, Michael," said Vera, giving the boy a hug. He and his friends stop into the Café once in a while to have breakfast before school and she's grown to really appreciate what great kids Michael, Lukas, Simon, and Gavin were. "I've got the table ready for you boys."

Simon and Gavin looked at each other and wondered what that was about. They soon found out. Since it got dark early in the winter, the patio was usually deserted in the evening. Tonight, Vera had a table cloth over the last table – one of the few times anyone ever saw a table cloth at the Café – and a couple candles. It was partly a romantic gesture, and partly for fun. The boys could sit outside on the patio, be as full of laughter and comradery as they liked, and not worry about disturbing the other patrons. They would also get to see their friends walk by on the way to the dance. And that's exactly what happened.

The boys were boys. They talked about lacrosse, school, their friends, and anything else that came to mind. They let their laughter rip, hooted and hollered, and enjoyed the freedom they felt. The two couples sat on opposite sides of the table and after dessert, chairs were scooted closer together for a bit of cuddling.

The water fountain provided a wonderful musical ambience to their conversation and the weather was perfect. They said "hi" to their classmates and friends as they walked through the Mallway to the middle school. They saw others arrive and head up the steps to the school's entrance, but they were too far away for a chat. It was seven and the dance was beginning. Michael and Lukas paid for dinner and the pairs walked to the dance hand in hand.

Though they did slow dance together, most of the evening was spent doing what middle school boys like to do – hang out with their friends. After some cajoling this week, all of the boys from the lunch table decided to be at the dance. In addition to Will, Curtis, Scott and Trajan, they were joined by Scott's date Najma and Trajan's boyfriend Derek.

At one point, Lukas, Michael, Trajan and Derek were all standing along the wall of the gym drinking punch.

"Damn, Derek! Doesn't that thing ever go down?" laughed Michael. He'd gotten use to the horny little fifth grader, but the boy's dress slacks were tented and not hiding a thing.

"It's all Trajan's fault," pouted the cute little imp as he also adjusted the back of his underwear. Everyone could see his grin showing through his fake pout.

"Oh really," said Lukas, rolling his eyes.

"It is," insisted Derek. Derek proceeded to explain to the boys why his boner this evening was completely Trajan's fault.

Derek was dressed in his navy dress pants, black dress shoes, with a light blue dress shirt and floral tie. His mother made sure he was ready early and waiting on the couch when Trajan arrived. They were going to walk to the dance together. Trajan arrived with a twinkle in his eye and when he saw Derek in his snug fitting dress slacks, Trajan announced that he needed to show Derek something up in the boy's bedroom.

First, the McCall parents needed to take photos of the two boys before their first dance, and really, their first date outside of visiting each other's home.

Once the photos were finished, Derek led Trajan up to his room where the older boy closed the door quietly and locked it, dropping his overnight back on the floor. He walked over to Derek, took the boy into his arms and initiated a tongue battle. Feeling Derek melt into his arms, Trajan took the next step. He reached down and undid Derek's pants and pushed them down until they hit the floor. Derek pulled back to look into Trajan's face. He saw that look Trajan had when he was particularly horny. Trajan took charge and turned Derek around so his back was to Trajan's front. He heard Trajan's pants hit the floor and felt the boys raging boner up against his butt.

"I wanted to give you something special before I take you to your first school dance," hissed Trajan into the blonde's ear. Derek giggled. He felt Trajan's hand go down the back of his underwear. "You're going to be the only person at the dance with cummy underwear." Derek's underwear were shoved to mid-thigh and the boy was bent over the side of his bed. Trajan lubed his erection and slid it into his boyfriend.

"Oh! Sssssssssss... Yeeeeesssss," whispered Derek.

Trajan held Derek with his left arm, keeping the boy in place and his blue dress shirt out of the way. With his right hand, he reached around and masturbated the younger boy while he plowed the boy's ass. He knew they didn't have much time before Derek's parents would come looking for them.

*slap* *slap* *slap* *slap*

Along with the wonderous sound of bare pelvis slapping up against bare ass, you could hear the boys grunting and moaning their way to a much-needed release.

To stay as quiet as possible, Trajan opened his mouth wide and exhaled forcefully with each pulse of his cock as it blasted Derek's insides. As Trajan came down from his orgasm, he lodged his cock as deeply in Derek's ass as he could and provided Derek a hand job at the speed of light.

As he climbed to his own orgasm, Derek tried to stifle any noises he might make. He arched his back and then started to rise from the bed when it hit him. With an involuntary "EEEK", Derek shot three streaks of boy cum across his comforter. With the last tremor of his body, Derek fell forward and supported himself with his hands to make sure he didn't get any cum on his shirt.

Trajan slid out of Derek's ass and then pulled the boy's underwear and pants back up. On the way down, he couldn't help himself. He give Derek's bare ass a kiss on the cheek before he covered it up with the boy's tightie whities. He pulled Derek's pants up, he tucked the boy's shirt in before he buttoned and zipped Derek up. Trajan then grabbed some tissues to clean his cock off a bit before straightening his own clothing and wiping up the mess on the bed.

Derek, caught his breath enough to speak, summed things up. "Wow!"

"Yeah," agreed Trajan. "Ready to go to the dance now?"

"Yeah, but we need to get out the door in a hurry," said Derek.

"Why?" asked Trajan.

"Look in the mirror," said Derek with a giggle.

Without a doubt, the parents would have been able to tell what the boys were doing upstairs. In addition to being red from exertion and a little sweating, both boys had that smug, "just fucked" look.

Trajan laughed and agreed with Derek. The two boys planned to head down the steps and out the front door with only announcing they were leaving and not waiting for a reply.

"Bye mom! See you after the dance," was all Derek could get in before the door was closed and they were down the front porch steps.

Judith turned to Paul, "I told you so."

"Whatever," said Paul with a smile.

He knew his wife was referring to her suspicion to the change in their son's demeanor. Her theory was that Derek had found his match. The frequent release of their son's sexual energy made him calmer, more focused, and have better self-control.

When they heard Derek's "EEK", Judith smiled and Paul stopped to see what other noises they could hear coming from their younger son's bedroom.

Whatever it was, they knew that their boy was happy and easier to handle. It made their lives easier too. It was all good.

When Derek's story ended, Michael asked Derek to turn around. "Good thing you wore dark pants," said Michael.

Derek turned back to the boys. "Why?" asked the little blonde, adjusting his stance and unconsciously pulling the cummy underwear out of his crack again.

"So, no one can see the wet spot," informed Michael.

Even in the lighting of the dance, everyone could see Derek blush. Trajan, with a shit eating grin, leaned over and whispered something in Derek's ear. The boy's eyes got big and his face lit up with a huge smile.

Michael and Lukas also smiled, each thinking they had a pretty good idea what Trajan said to Derek. Boy were they wrong.

After the dance, the entire lunch table gang, and all associated dates, headed to the Maple Street Café for after dance milkshakes and fries. Seeing the group, Vera arranged for them to be served on the patio so they could be as loud as they wanted. The outdoor party lights were turned on and the friends enjoyed a wonderful time together.


After Derek texted his father to get permission to go out with everyone to the Café for milkshakes, Paul agreed as long as he picked the boys up at the Café at ten, just as the other parents insisted for the children that didn't live on Maple Street.

When they boys arrived at Derek's house, they talked about the dance and hanging out with their friends, thanking the McCall parents once again for allowing them to stay out until 10:00. Then the boys retired to Derek's bedroom.

Without a word, they took care of their teeth and other bathroom stuff before shutting and locking the bedroom door. Both boys undressed and took care to lay their nice clothes on the desk chair before crawling into bed and under the covers.

"Were you serious?" asked Derek. "What you said at the dance?"

"Yeah," said Trajan.

Both boys had painfully erect penises and knew that there would be no foreplay. Derek reached over and grabbed the lube they'd left on top of his nightstand when they left for the dance. 'Oops!' thought Derek, hoping his mom hadn't come into his room while they were gone.

Squeezing some on his fingers, Derek leaned in to kiss Trajan as he grabbed the older boy's erection and started sliding his slick hand up and down the love stick.

"Oh shit!" said Trajan, trying to keep his voice down.

"Oops, wrong place," said Derek. He squeezed some more lube on his fingers and this time, as he wrist felt Trajan's ball, Derek hooked his wrist between the teen's spread legs to feel for his wrinkly pucker. Derek started kissing Trajan again, just moments before he found his target. It was like an electric shock going through Trajan's body, causing him to tighten his grip on Derek and pull his knees back farther. The kissing intensified as Derek swirled his fingers around Trajan's virgin grommet. It relaxed and the tip of Derek's finger slipped in.

"Ah!" exhaled Trajan. The sudden invasion caused his body to tense and his penis to squirt precum onto his stomach.

"I'm sorry!" said Derek. "I didn't mean to. It just slipped in."

"No," moaned Trajan. "So good. I've never even touched myself back there before. I don't know why I waited." He pulled Derek back in to kiss and Derek went back to work prepping his older boyfriend.

Trajan was lost in the sensations caused by Derek's fingers. His awareness focused soley on the tingly feelings coursing through his body caused by Derek's lips and fingers. So engrossed in those feelings, Trajan didn't realize that Derek had added a second finger up his ass. That is until Derek turned things up a notch by curling his fingers to find Trajan's prostate.

"Ugh!" Trajan's eyes got big. His entire body trembled uncontrollably, and his cock sputtered another glob of precum. "Holy shit! What was that?"

"That is your prostate," instructed Derek. Hours of surfing the Internet were paying off. "That's what you hit with your dick when you fuck me."

"Now I understand why you and Michael love it so much," panted Trajan.

Derek pulled his fingers out and saw the sad look on Trajan's face. Derek squeezed some lube onto the end of his erection and tossed the bottle aside. In short order, he's applied the lube to his penis and walked on his knees to position himself between Trajan's thighs. Trajan, for his part, grabbed the back of his knees and pulled them up and out, exposing his virgin hole the best he could. 'If Derek's fingers could feel that good, this will be heaven.'

Looking down, Derek could tell Trajan was ready. This boy hole was relaxed and still slightly open. The fifth-grader lined up and slowly slid his long, slender 11-year-old cock into the curly mop top teen's no longer virgin hole.

Trajan loved the sensation of giving himself to his lover, legs open and exposing his most private place. He loved feeling of his lover between his legs, sliding a dick into his ass.

Once Derek bottomed out, Trajan adjusted the pillows behind his head and shoulders so he could better reach Derek to kiss. Derek fell forward onto his hands placed on either side of Trajan's torso, as his arms held Trajan's legs in place. Trajan reached up and pulled Derek's head down. Their tongues danced as Derek took the first trial rocking of his hips sliding his dick in and out of the tight hole. With each subsequent movement, Derek increased his speed, force, and skill.

Trajan loved it. He lifted his hips to meet Derek's thrusts. Then Trajan rocked his hips slightly upward and found the right angle for Derek's cock to bump into his prostate with each thrust.

Their kissing muffled Trajan's moans and shouts of ecstasy. Trajan's passions rose, intensifying his kissing. Derek matched Trajan, kissing him harder and deeper while fucking faster and faster.

Then, in a flash, Trajan's eyes shot open and his head snapped back into the pillow. He arched his back and let out a growl. Derek knew what was happening. He straightened up and grabbed Trajan's thighs. Planting himself as deeply as he could in the teen's ass, Derek held on as Trajan body shook and trembled as he sprayed his chest and stomach with 13-year-old boy cum.

"Oh fuck!" exclaimed Derek. When Trajan's ass clamped down on his erection, Derek thought it was going to get ripped off. Instead, Trajan's ass started milking his cock, taking him towards his own wet conclusion. With the last dribbled of teen cum reaching Trajan's stomach, Derek rabbit fucked Trajan then launched a few streams of clear, immature cum into the older boy's bowels. The smaller boy grunted with each earth shaking squirt. Derek's primal nature had taken over and his body naturally timed itself so he planted his cock deep into Trajan to inject each blast of boy cum shot as deeply into the older boy's ass as he possibly could.

Derek almost passed out from the intensity. He collapsed onto Trajan and the two boys worked to catch their breath. Minutes later, Derek felt Trajan's head move and he looked up to see his lover staring back at him. The boys, pasted together chest to chest by Trajan's cum, kissed until they fell asleep in each other's arms.


"Dad, we're home," yelled Lukas as the boys entered the Meijer residence. Lars had retired to his bedroom to read. He wanted the boys to feel like they had a night out without supervision, which included him not appearing to have waited up for them. However, there was no way he was going to be able to sleep until the boys were safely home, not after everything that's happened. Lars worried whenever the boys were out of his sight and that was something the team of officers and agents watching the boys could not keep at bay.

The only way he'd agreed to allow the boys to do this was after a long talk with Brian. The local police, county sheriff's department, and the FBI coordinated stakeouts around the neighborhood and across town. The even provided manpower in the school during the dance. The security made Lars feel better but it wasn't an altruistic effort by law enforcement. It was more like using the boys as bait to see if Alec's associates would try something again - the school dance providing ample opportunity.

When Lars figured out what was really going on, he didn't like the idea one bit. He was pissed at Brian for even considering it. Brian reminded Lars that Gavin, his own son, would also be in the crosshair. For that reason, Brian spearheaded the entire operation. Brian told the other officials that after the McNally incident, he wasn't letting anyone else run any operations around East Harbor if his son was involved. After hearing his suggestions to improve the original plan, all agencies agreed to allow Brian to lead their effort.

Relieved the boys were home and in good spirits, Lars finally relaxed. He'd reread the same page of his book for the last hour, worried that the boys would be most vulnerable the hours between the end of the dance and their curfew, particularly on the walk home. Even Zach's presence there didn't help. He'd come over for dinner in an attempt to distract Lars, but it didn't work. Even in bed, Lars hardly noticed the lithe 23-year-old with his arm wrapped around Lars' torso while he watched a movie.

"Good night, boys!" replied Lars, letting the boys know he knew they were home.

Feeling the tension release from Lars' body, Zach's hand slipped down under the covers to see if he could bring the flaccid five inches of thick, uncut meat to life.

"Something on your mind?" asked Lars, smiling down at the man in his life. The man that helped him start to heal from the disillusionment Jan created. Lars never thought he would love again, but definitely, that had started to change. Zach looked at Lars with a shit eating grin before slipping his head under the covers.

"Oh shit," said Lars. "You know, now that the boys know about us, we don't have to be quiet." He smiled to himself as he reached over and turned off the light.


The fun of being middle school boys carried over to the bedroom that evening. It was understood that tonight would be another play together night and the two youngest were anxious to get started. They undressed as the older teens watched. Naked, Lukas grabbed Michael and pulled him into a kiss which the younger boy returned with passion... or horniness.

Lukas directed Michael to the bed and the boys fell into it, only breaking their kiss for a moment to make sure no one chipped a tooth. Then they picked up where they left off, hands roaming freely.

"Damn those two are hot together," said Simon, absentmindedly stroking himself through his jeans.

"Yeah," said Gavin, taking in the beauty of their two boyfriends making out on the bed. "They are both fucking hot."

The older teens undressed walked over to the bed. Lukas saw them and rolled onto his back, pushing Michael's head down to his groin. Michael got up on his knees and proceeded to gobble up Lukas' leaking precum and rock-hard cock. Lukas sighed as he kissed Simon and ran his fingers through Michael's hair. The young boy was an expert cocksucker.

Gavin got behind Michael and stared at the perfect, pert, muscular ass in front of him. Michael felt someone move behind him, so he spread his knees and arched his back. Gavin licked his lips and looked over at Simon. Simon rose to his knees and watched Michael slurp on Lukas' teen cock. Gavin got Simon's attention and flicked is tongue. Simon knew what Gavin suggested and lifted Lukas' legs, exposing the blonde's boy pussy. Having Simon's hands on the back of his thighs and being exposed was always a super-sexy feeling for Lukas.

Both older boys, at nearly the same moment, dove in to eat out the ass of their boyfriend. Michael moaned around Lukas' cock. He loved this feeling. For Lukas, this was new. Simon had gone down on Michael, at Gavin's suggestion, after the soccer team party, but he hadn't tried it again until now, which seemed like the perfect time.

Lukas' eyes rolled into the back of his head and he was overcome with sensations. His body started to instinctively buck, first driving his cock deeper into Michael's sucking mouth, then back driving Simon's tongue deeper into his ass. Lukas was no longer in control of his body causing both Michael and Simon to bear down and intensify their efforts or be bucked off by the eighth-grader.

"Oh fuck!" screamed Lukas, loud enough for the neighbors to hear. The sensations of both boys servicing him was too much. In just minutes, Lukas lost the battle and his orgasm was upon him. He grabbed the back of Michael's head and slammed the straggly moustache of blonde pubes around his cock into Michael's face. Michael took that as the cue for Lukas' pending orgasm. Almost immediately, Michael started to swallow the tasty treat Lukas gave him.

By the end of his spasm, Lukas was only able to mumble incoherently as he basked in the glow of his receding orgasm. Lukas' response to his ass eating made Simon super-hot. He climbed up on the bed and knelt beside Lukas. He pulled Michael's head from Lukas' groin and directed it to his larger, darker, manly erection. Michael used his tongue to lap up the dripping precum and push back Simon's foreskin. Then he leaned forward to slide Simon's cock down his throat. Simon moaned and shuddered at the expert attention.

Gavin watched over Michael's tailbone as the boy went to work on the man-sized cock. Once Michael got a good rhythm going, Gavin took that as his cue. Saddling up behind Michael on his knees, he spit on his hand and lubed up his cock. He lined it up with Michael's ass and teased the young boy. Rubbing precum across the boy's hole, he watched the hole try to grasp the head of his dick each time he gave it a little nudge. Michael's heightened desires caused him to redouble his efforts on Simon's cock. Eventually, unable to take it any longer, Michael felt Gavin nudged forward and the smaller boy forced himself backwards and impaled himself on Gavin's shaft. The young boy's moan around Simon's cock as Gavin's cock slid into his ass sent a shiver through the bass player's body.

Gavin scooted forward to gain more leverage and depth as he and Simon spit roasted the 11-year-old cock hound. The two older teens went to work, moaning and grunting as they fucked the boy from each end. Lukas finally gained his wits and watched incredibly erotic taking place above him. He had a clear view of his boyfriend's large cock sliding in and out of Michael's mouth and bulging out the young boy's throat as it bottomed out. Scanning down Michael's muscular, sexy body, he also found it erotic to have a view of Gavin's hands gripping Michael's hip as he slammed into the boy's ass. Lukas could see Michael's rock-hard erection dripping precum onto the bedspread and Gavin's large balls swinging up to gently tap Michael's much small, tight ball sac with each thrust.

Simon was the first to blow. He fed the boy a huge load of potent semen. Michael swallowed it down and continued to nurse on Simon's dick to make sure the older boy didn't lose his erection. Gavin picked up the pace, worked towards his own conclusion giving Lukas an idea. The blonde scrambled out from under Michael's head and repositioned himself so he could nurse on Michael's erection. In short order, Lukas' work sent Michael over the edge and he squirted a delectable treat into Lukas' mouth. Gavin continued to work his way in and out of Michael's spasming rectum. He tortured the the poor boy's prostate until he was overcome by a massive orgasm. He planted himself deep and unloaded every drop before pulling back out. Simon also slipped out of Michael's mouth and sat back on his heels.

Lukas spun around and kissed Michael. As their tongues battled, they shared the taste of the loads Michael had enjoyed.

"It's so cute how they get all flushed and have rosy cheeks when they get turned on," said Simon to no one in particular.

"Yeah," agreed Gavin, his semi-erection quickly recovering as he watched the two boys go at it. He looked over at Simon. "It looks like Michael kept you ready for your turn."

Simon grinned and moved around to the other end of the bed and took his place between Michael's knees. Without much fanfare, Simon slid his larger penis into Michael's chute, bottoming out in short order. Lukas knew Michael was getting fucked again and his boy pussy was itching for some action. He curled his hips and wrapped his legs around Michael, trying to find a way to get the younger boy's cock into his ass.

Gavin noticed Lukas' need and pried the boy's legs from around Michael. Gavin then pulled Lukas' right leg and turned the boy just enough to have his ass was pointing out to the side, right along the side of Michael's knee. Though his left leg was still sticking out the other side of Michael's body, his ass was hanging off the bed far enough to give Gavin access. Gavin first decided to see if eating Lukas out was the same was eating Michael and he dove in on the older teen. He noticed Lukas' more mature taste – a bit spicier and hormone laden, but just as delicious. He had Lukas squeaking into Michael's mouth, and writhing in no time.

The boys took their time for round two. Simon, far from ready for his second orgasm, slowly long dicked Michael. Michael and Lukas kissed like long-lost lovers and Gavin switched from working Lukas ass with his tongue to employing his fingers. One, two, or three fingers at a time, Gavin alternated between twisting, finger fucking, and prostate massaging. Lukas was ready to be fucked. It wasn't long before Gavin had Lukas's hole begging for cock – any cock.

Gavin lubed up and slid his cock into Lukas. This was the first time someone other than Simon has his cock in there, but Lukas didn't care who it was at that moment. He was in heat and needed to be bred. With a cock in his ass, Lukas's grip on Michael tightened. The boy over him dropped so they were chest to chest as they kissed. The tingling sensations germinating in their asses spread through their body causing them to tremble with desire and pleasure. Lukas reached down a found Michael's erect penis and began to fondle the boy. Michael tried to return the favor, but he couldn't keep his balance with just one arm while being pile driven from behind.

In no time, Michael gave up a second load, shooting the smaller load down Lukas' forearm and onto the older boy's side. Michael pulled up to catch his breath and Gavin took this opportunity to reposition Lukas back to his starting position. When Michael opened his eyes, Lukas' leaking cock was back in front of his face. Before going for the glory, he perused the sight in front of him. Lukas' sweaty blonde hair was matted to his forehead. The boy's cheeks, neck and the middle of his chest were red from his arousal. The red was punctuated by the beautiful chain and ring that Lukas wore around his neck, the ring that he would one day wear as Simon's husband.

Lukas' chest was becoming more defined as he grew older and spent more time playing lacrosse, the drums, and the time they spent working out during open gym. His six back was pronounced now that what little baby fat had been hiding those abs was gone.

The pale boner with the pink helmet was cute, but clearly maturing. The pubes around the base of Lukas' cock finally connected across the top and were starting to spread north towards his stomach. Michael even noticed a few hairs on Lukas' balls, but the few blonde stands were in stark contrast from Gavin's wire mass of pubes that shoved Lukas' balls upward each time Gavin's cock slid home. Michael let his senses wash over him. The taste of Lukas' kiss and the remaining hint of his own load. The smell of sex in the air – sweat, hormones, ass, cum. The sound of boys moaning in the throes of sex and the rhythm of skin slapping skin. Michael was astounded by the beauty of the boy in front. The boy watched Gavin's cock fuck the prone boy's ass causing Lukas' cock to pulse and drip precum onto his blonde pubes. Michael was mesmerized by the sensation of the cock running in and out of his own ass and the stimuli afflicting each of his other senses. He felt Lukas' hand directing his head back down so he could see, smell and taste even more.

This was the position of the boys when Gavin, Simon and then Lukas each dropped their second loads of the evening. Michael remained on his knees, rubbing his face across Lukas' cock and balls as he jacked himself to a third and final orgasm of the evening. The young boy passed out for the night before his body landed on the mattress. Not even bothering to clean up, bodies were rearranged, blankets pulled up, and the older boys joined Michael in slumber.


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