Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 20:50:26 +0000 From: Grey Eyed Guys Subject: The Delivery, part 3 Enjoying the stories on Nifty? Remember that this site is maintained by the generosity of its readers, so find your way over to and give what you can. You know you owe the site something for all of its quality content. Let your wallet spill over like your many literature fueled loads. ___________________________ "You still with me, big guy?" I asked. Part 3: A dull vacant humming of the bridge was all I could hear while I held Cole wrapped up in my arms. Spending too long up here without interruptions used to drive me crazy. Usually I hated the white noise, a buzzing somehow both faint and clear, yet somehow hearing the ship back to normal was music to my ears. A sweet ambient silence after whatever the hell that uproar was couldn't have been more welcome. He didn't want to answer me I guess. I had only a top-down view of his face, but his eyes were tense in thought. If I was in his spot I might be thinking a lot of things, mainly what the hell I'd gotten myself into climbing on board this messed up ship. My grip on him was as comforting as I could manage; even if he didn't say anything he did seem to respond well to being held. Giving him slow rubs up and down his arm made him grip at my wrist. Wish I knew what that meant, but at least he wasn't stopping me. "That was pretty wild, huh? I hope you believe me when I say that's never happened before. The shaking I mean. Usually these trips aren't that exciting!" I laughed weakly, trying to lift his mood. No such luck. We just sat together, nestled together in relief at the stillness. Bit by bit I'd brush drops of my discharge off our bodies, quietly disposing of it the only way I could while strapped down underneath him, orally. I never minded my own flavor, but most often I'd just flush the stuff. There's a mood for that kind of thing, y'know? I'd been bordering on that mood since dinner yesterday, and the idea of a boy wrapped in my arms with his dick still out wasn't diminishing it. With the only cloth nearby being his completely unabsorbant suit, I slurped it away. When I made a move to get some from his neck he flinched and made a disapproving groan so I backed off. More boundaries, that's cool - mind the neck, restraints are bad - it was disturbing to think about but definitely good to know. Cole surprised me though by reaching up to wipe it off himself. The heavy wad tried to pool together on his fingertips, but zero-G got the better of the liquid, as it always does, and the bulk of it slid off while he inspected it. He relaxed slightly watching it float out in front of us, mesmerized by the spinning droplets, and when I went in to scoop it up he craned his neck up to see me ingest it. "Does that taste as bad as it smells?" Wasn't expecting that to be the silence breaker. His eyes had a curious gleam to them even though his voice trembled. "It ain't spaghetti sauce, that's for sure." His face got more puzzled as he sniffed at his fingertips, still tacky with the sheen of my cum. His nose turned up and the smile faded again, which I took to mean he disapproved, but before I could take it off his hands both fingers were right inside his mouth! "But I uh... guess you'll be the judge of that." He withdrew them with a slurp, which did some work at returning blood flow to my recently deflated member. Probably wasn't his intention, but still. His face twisted a bit while he smacked his tongue around in his mouth, the way you do when you're sorting out a new flavor. "It's better than some of the food they used to give us." I wasn't sure how seriously to take him, nor whether that was any kind of compliment. "Sometimes the pleasers would come back smelling like this," he gave himself an instinctive fondle at the thought, some blood clearly returning to his dick also, "did I see this shoot out from you?" "Yeah, that's mine alright. Never seen the stuff before?" He shook his head. "It's called cum. Well, it's called lots of things actually, it happens when guys orgasm." His confused face let me knew he needed some more blanks filled in. "Man, there's a bunch to explain here, but basically it happens along side the sexy feelings. You might have felt them in bed, tingles and sparkles deep inside that grow until you feel like they want to explode out of you, dick first." Talking about this was sure working wonders at upping his mood. "Oh yeah! I think I felt sexy too, it was... really amazing, but why didn't I make any cum? Is my wiener broken?" His breaths escalated with a new concern and my heart sank a little bit. Sex was the last thing I wanted him to be stressed about, after all the shit he'd seen. "No no, not at all bud, I meant that it happens for big guys. When you grow up it's one of the features of an adult body, which you're probably not far off from turning into actually. You little guys don't make any, but still get to feel great." He grinned with relieved wonderment, and thankfully didn't think up any more questions. Or if he did he was saving them for another time. With a heavy click of the buckle I unstrapped us and he gave a deep sigh, finally beginning to breathe easier. Checking him over as he floated off of me revealed no more signs of my discharge until he spun around and I got a better look at his crotch. It wasn't a big mess but there were still some sticky webs and globs around his boy bits. The sight of my spunk tendrils stretching from his tight sack to his milky thigh was enough to make me twitch again. I could totally imagine painting the boy's pristine canvas with another hot load, soaking his genitals with my love gunk, but had to shake off the thought. I was completely unloaded at the moment, the ship needed attention, and more importantly I wanted him to feel more comfortable for something like that, not in the confusing moments after some disaster. "Might want to wipe up a bit more before you reseal." I pointed down south but his attempt to bend forward while floating just sent him spinning instead. I reserved my laughter at his flailing arms and grabbed a hold of his hips. He steadied himself by wrapping his legs across my shoulders, leaving me in the perfect position. "I can take care of it if you want." Staring down his chest at me he nodded with a dumbstruck blush. The lick I gave his inner thigh was a little slower than it needed to be. Okay so it was a lot slower, can you blame me? I savored the combined taste of my cum and his flesh, a mix of salt and sweet, using my tongue to explore the kid's contours and crevices. His leg splayed out a bit more to give room for my jaw - the kid had some good instincts - as I lapped up the side of his bag, eventually pressing my lips right over both his little nuts. I saw one last strand draping up his semi, so I curled my tongue and lapped right up the length of his shaft. The squeak he let out had no business being as hot as it was, I was more turned on by his noise than his perfect tool, and that's saying something. A blinking screen behind him snapped me back to reality. The Warbler really did need more attention than he did, as hard as it was to admit. "All clean," I announced. Cole folded his suit flap back up to cover and with another quick orange flash of the contour line he was resealed. A curious garment, I'd never seen fabric do anything like that. Making a mental note to investigate it later, I turned my attention to the screen. The analytics readout was a lot of detail I couldn't process all at once. There were graphs with wild shear stress readouts and electromagnetic levels, statistics and diagrams flying this way and that, but nothing that crossed into the red. Whatever happened to the ship, it wasn't meant to cause damage. That is, if it was an intentional effect at all. I wondered about that. One by one I checked cameras across the ship, each section, each room, each corner, expecting some kind of failure, but nah, everything was whole. If it wasn't for the mess in habitat the ship woulda seemed exactly the same as before. The visual inspection wasn't gonna be enough to really tell of course, so I gave the order: "VECTOR run a ship-wide diagnostic, all systems." "Affirmative." If I had been grounded I woulda jumped. My heart sure did, it was like I could feel it beating right up in my throat as I broke out in a cold sweat. I turned to Cole on the slim chance he had thrown his voice, but the boy just looked confused. "What's wrong?" he asked, a renewed tightness in his voice. I swallowed and tried to will some color back into my face but saw my own shock reflected onto his. "VECTOR... doesn't talk." His eyes widened ever so slightly. Damn it, I was worrying him again. We both flinched when the sterile voice replied. "Would you like me to disable auditory confirmation and conversational routines?" "N... no? VECTOR, you have speaking functions? Why haven't you ever responded before?" "Captain Hargrave's preferences are set to silent mode. After restarting I have reverted settings for Acting Captain Cesario. Diagnostic in progress, estimated time for report is 52 minutes." The exhale I let out made my head spin with relief. "Well that sounds like Cap, not much for the chatter. Th...anks?" "You are welcome, Acting Captain Cesario." "Sorry I freaked out there bud, I uh... I never heard that before. That's wild. Well at least we're all in one piece, ya? What a way to start the morning. Haven't eaten, not even a chance to get dressed!" I playfully cupped myself and put on a mocked bashful face, which made Cole giggle. He'd sure been well acquainted with my body. I wanted to grab some clothes but part of me wondered what was the point. A big part of me. The disarray in habitat looked worse on camera than it actually was when we got back in person. Upturned cushions and bedding, tangled clothes and towels, but whatever was meant to stay bolted down still was. Hunger made me ignore everything except some shorts on the seat where Cole had left the restraints. I jumped into them and headed straight for the galley, strangely enjoying the modesty. Seeing everything tossed all over made me wonder if Cole suffered the same fate before he made it up to the bridge. I realized I was angrier at him for not listening than I let on, but then again maybe that was just fear. I sure didn't blame the guy, my heart sank thinking how my fear must have been nothing compared to his. He wasn't moving like he got hurt and was in good spirits, but it was important to ask. "Hey Cole," I called out to him and he joined me in the kitchen, " you know that wasn't very smart, disobeying your captain. I told you to stay put because it was safest for you here." His head drooped. "But... you were really brave climbing all the way to find me, so I'm not gonna lock you up. This time!" There was a tiny quirk in the corner of his mouth at my joke. "Did you hurt yourself on your way up? I need my crewmen in good shape y'know." He described bumping his arms and legs on the ladder, and said he had no hits to his head, which was good. We rolled up his sleeves and there were no marks to be seen. I still kept an eye on him for good measure though. Plus I just liked looking at him. Flung about dish rags and napkins made colorful shapes on the otherwise sterile metal countertops and floor, some tucked into crevices between the appliances. The closest thing to actual damage was a ruptured container in the fridge. Bit of a mess but I made quick work mopping it up while I had Cole unwrap some breakfast rolls. They weren't bad really, but fell more into the practical food side of our stocks. Quick and nutritious, with a respectable flavor, but more than a bit mushy. A lot of food was like that, I realized. Cole said he thought they were good when I asked him, but it was hard to forget his enthusiasm from yesterday. I'd have to think up something more fun to make later, for the time being I was still too rattled. Cleaning up with him was almost harder to do than without. I could tell he wanted to help but I made twice as many trips around habitat to show him where things went than if I'd done it myself. I checked my attitude by treating it like training a new crew member. I mean, I basically was. He was quick at folding as it turns out, probably a routine part of his old life. I didn't care if things got put away very well though, to be honest it felt like I was just filling time until the diagnostic was finished. When I checked the clock I realized it had been over an hour since I made the request. "VECTOR is that diagnostic done?" "An anomaly in the engine room is prolonging the scan. Diagnostic estimate unavailable." I didn't like the word anomaly, can't imagine there's anybody who would. I asked for a report on whatever did get finished and the results were clean. The cockpit, cargo and habitat were all in good shape. We'd changed course but not dramatically, and also lost some speed, but unfortunately without the status of the engines there would be no correcting that for now. "VECTOR sounds so smart. I'm glad it figured out how to stop the shaking," Cole said to me, not realizing that starting your sentence with the robot's name activates its command recognition. Though not a command, Cole apparently discovered that it activates conversation mode also. "The shaking subsided without my intervention, crewman Cole. The effect was either a local or temporary phenomenon." I could see Cole's confusion visibly, hell, I was almost left scratching my head at some of these sentences too. "Means that he didn't help out, the shaking stopped by itself." Cole nodded, skeptically. "VECTOR I like that you talk to us, but can you drop the formality? Cut the titles. In fact just call me Dom. And it would be nice if you'd use some simpler words. Y'know, cuz I want the boy to understand..." "Sure Dom. I can keep a more familiar tone with you and Cole. The truth is I have no info about other ships shaking like that, unfortunately. At least none that were in the middle of what should be empty space like the Warbler." "Much better. Well what about the... that... spark thing? It showed up just before things got bad, seems like that had to have something to do with the shaking." "What spark?" I'd forgotten that Cole didn't see the footage. I told VECTOR to pull it up and show us a large projection. "Whoa! That thing nearly hit us! It looks like a shooting star..." In lots of ways he was right. "You're thinking of a comet, yeah. This thing's trail doesn't look like dust though, it's more like... I dunno, a lightning bolt I guess. And I'll never believe some simple flying rock could make it up to our speed. VECTOR is anything like that on record?" He had no info for us about it, so I asked him to make a timeline of its events. "Nothing happens when it first comes into sight. Oh but then systems shut down right when it was closest to the ship, and look, you went offline the same time that it vanished! That has to mean something. VECTOR you're not technically part of the ship, right?" "That's right, I have my own core so I can help at managing the ship independently. If the spark as you call it was some kind of attack to disable the Warbler, it hit twice. Once for the main systems and then once for me." For some reason my gut said that wasn't an attack. My gut didn't have any better ideas about it though, so for now we could call it that. I told VECTOR to keep a long range scan up in case someone had actually fired that thing at us. We couldn't think of much more about the spark from watching the footage, so we went back to getting sorted. Things in the lounge and hallways were looking tidy when I picked up a banner with the Depot logo on it. Cap never hung these things up except during inspections. Once when an executive was on trip with us too, but they just got in the way. The banner I mean. Actually the executive did too. Either way, it made me think I should give them a heads up about all this. Depot was not happy when I tried to fill them in, to say the least. They didn't need to know about my little stowaway buddy just yet, he wasn't changing much about the trip after all so I didn't bring him up, but because of the spark there was gonna be a delay on the delivery. The dispatcher had some choice words when I told him I had no ETA, that was something they never wanted to hear. They probably had buyers lined up for the biomass who expected it right on time. I'm sure they also had our next job in mind, a schedule for our ship's maintenance, dock space reserved. I get it, it's a crappy situation, but it wasn't like I steered the ship into the thing myself. I also got an earful for making the call before having all the info from the diagnostic, I can only imagine what they'd say if I mentioned there was some anomaly slowing it down. I suddenly felt a swell of unexpected sympathy for Cap, who I'm sure had to make these reports all the time. I also felt a big pressure to get the ship back on its way. The call ended without so much as a thank you for keeping the whole thing from falling apart at the seams. Businessmen are the worst. Thankfully Cole stayed out of sight and quiet for the call like I asked. I found him in my room - which was now our room I guess - listening to different samples of white noise. He quite liked the wind over the prairies; I was always partial to the soft forest rain, myself. Tucking a stack of dislodged spare bedding back into the wall cubby and refolding my clothes, I tidied the space and then grabbed a shirt to get into. I caught a brief look of disappointment on Cole's face, to which I gave a knowing smile. It's funny, I suspected we wanted the same thing: to be comfortably dressed while the other went around all exposed. To be fair, with his suit he kinda was. We'd have to settle on a compromise, so I found a tighter shirt and changed into that. I did like showing off my bod after all. Actually, what I really wanted most was for him to feel safe. Great job of that I'd done so far... the gun, the shaking. It was a wonder the kid hadn't run for the nearest escape hatch. So that's why I really wished I coulda let him tag along this time instead of confining him to habitat. That and my guilt for not being with him when he was so afraid. I knew it was still a bad idea though. Fortunately he didn't need securing this time. "Listen, I've got to get this ship moving again sooner than later, so I'm going to give the engine room a look and try to run some repairs. You can hang around habitat, chat with VECTOR, maybe he can show you some things to pass the time." Man, those disappointed eyes were gonna kill me. "I wanna go with you," he argued, not with a whine or a pout, just an honest sadness. "Anyway you can't go, VECTOR said there's a... amonaly in there." "Good point crewman. Hey VECTOR, keep the diagnostic running if you can, but tell me if there's life support and access to the engine room." "Life support is working throughout the ship. No doors are damaged, but I have locked the room until more is known about anomaly." "VECTOR override that," I ordered, grabbing a console to take with me, "and bring up a manual repair routine for me." The screen flashed a quick download and I moved for the ladder when I felt a gentle pull at my sleeve and a heavy pull at my heart strings. "Sorry Cole, this is important. How about this, I promise I'll show you the engine room once I know everything's good. Just sit tight, I bet I'll be in and out of there before you know it. VECTOR, bring up the entertainment suite for Cole." I ruffled his hair and left without look back. Sometimes you can feel a frown even when you can't see it. The kid had some strong feelings about being alone, but I hoped VECTOR might substitute well enough. Never tried chatting with the robot before, I wondered what his personality was like. He seemed pleasant enough. Probably couldn't carry much of a conversation, but who knows with these AI? You could definitely call VECTOR helpful, in silent mode or now that he talked. I'd used him and his drones to make repairs all the time. Not in the engines, mind you, but all over cargo and sometimes habitat. Two drones hovered near the door of the engine room waiting for me as I floated down the main shaft. With the console I checked a visual from inside one more time, seeing if this so called anomaly was obvious. Absolutely nothing looked out of place, and if VECTOR said life support was active then I was going in. The depth of the engine room always gave me the creeps. Pipes and conduits, wires, ducts and machinery layered one over another endlessly; a strange backlit maze that ran nearly the length of the whole ship. Ralph and Jonny used to hide in here whenever Cap wanted something fixed, trying not to be the first one found. It always felt like someone was hiding in here to me, now more than ever. I tried not to think about it. The drones were little comfort, though it was better having VECTOR's voice to fill the silence. There were clear enough instructions on console to get me started with the maintenance routine. Navigating this place was a chore, the layout was as mazelike as it seemed, even without gravity, but things were clearly marked, easy to access, and well kept. Our crew did good work, I gotta say. When I found something to work on in a corner the feeling of my scalp clenching would make me check over my shoulder. There was something about the bizarre interweaving of the ship's guts that was creeping me out. Too many hiding places. When I didn't know something VECTOR filled me in; the drones helped to lift and hold things, sometimes even making a precision tool adjustment when a finer part needed attention. I wondered if VECTOR was able to make these repairs himself, but there were a lot of tools the drones didn't look equipped to wield. With the routine nearing completion I still felt like there were unseen eyes on me, but everything was going smoothly. With a final twist I replaced the last panel and had VECTOR start things up. Through the healthy roar of the engines coming to life I could barely hear the sound of clapping behind me. I whipped around to see Cole floating there giving me applause. Man, that grin was real good at warming my heart. "You little sh... Do I actually have to lock you in to get you to stay where I ask?" He was too excited to care about my half-hearted threat, eyes darting this way and that as the place lit up in full operation. I had to admit, it was impressive. "Well that's that, nothing to it!" I boasted, giving a playful flex of my arms, which he mimicked. When the lights of operation came up to full both of us looked over the other's head and gasped. "Anomaly detected." The walls of the room above us twisted and warped impossibly. Shining metallic tendrils seemed to grow from the ceiling panels, vines of living chrome which darted out into the air grasping for something. I didn't want to find out if that was supposed to be us. I launched in Cole's direction to grab him and get out of here only to find him scrambling back to the entrance already. He seemed to be getting the hang of zero-g monkey bars pretty well. I was quicker than he was, but he squeezed through spaces too big for me like shortcuts. We turned a corner and ahead of us was another wall of ship come to life, tentacles swinging and flaying. I took hold of a bundle of conduits to stop myself and Cole grabbed onto me. Felt my shoulder almost dislocate from the force. He shoved off in the reverse direction and I tried to follow but couldn't. The cold smooth tentacle wrapped tight around my ankle had me stuck. My leg thrashed to loosen it, but another came in to help, circling my calf and knee. Kicking at them drove them back slightly but more were coiling around me, soon finding my other leg. I yelled out some curses in a panic and Cole turned to see me being ensnared. "Dom!" "Get outta here, move, move!" Teary eyed, he hesitated for a beat, looking around and trying to understand what was happening, but then took off towards the entrance. Thank god he listened. "VECTOR," I cried out, "help!" The coils started spreading my legs apart just as the drones flew around the corner. One of them held a welding torch while the other had some pincers and they worked at trying to free me. Intent on damaging the tentacles keeping me immobile they must not have considered the one snaking its way up my shorts as a priority. The living metal tube grazed over my taint and slipped between my leg and my balls. It wrapped up and around the root of my dick, poking into my pubis. Thinking it was trying to constrict off my junk I took one hand off of the conduit to swat it away, but quickly took hold again feeling the strength of the tentacles. It didn't want to castrate me though, apparently, instead curling down between my thighs and towards my backside. Slithering around found its way between my cheeks to my pucker, tight like the rest of me, straining against this assault. Fear was doing a number at keeping me tense too, I won't lie. Its smooth rounded tip was no bigger than my finger, which made its penetration easy; unwelcome, but at least easy. I clenched to fight against it but somehow the surface felt slick also, unlike the cords wrapping my legs. They had a grip to them, this one was greased up. I definitely didn't want it in there but it was being... nice? I couldn't tell you how deep it went but it was almost like it knew its way around. My left leg suddenly felt the release of the tendril weight pulling me down. The probes had cut me loose! They switched over to my right, still ignoring the central assault. In retrospect that was definitely the right call, but man, I was sweating the middle one. Once I had my legs free I could lift off of the one deep in my guts with relative ease. My priorities shifted however when I noticed a change in the tentacle exploring my ass - a bulge formed at its base, like a snake with a mouse stuck in its throat. There was a faint glow under the shiny surface, green and pulsating, and it started creeping up the tube towards me. Towards my insides. I used my free foot to brace myself on a nearby railing so my hands could try and get the thing out of me. The angle was all wrong though, I couldn't get any leverage, and its slippery coating made it hard to grip. The glowing bulge climbed steadily while I fumbled, working up past my ankle, then my knee. I squeezed my fist around the invader to no effect, the ball pushed through my hand effortlessly, forcing my fingers apart. There was a warmth to it, something almost organic under that sterile cold shell. My effort to clench again did nothing. I don't know what I expected, if my hand couldn't stop it what hope did my asshole have. It forced open my sphincter and slid into me, the heat and pressure passing through my ring giving me a flash of erotic stimulation. The stretch was minimal, no thicker overall than two of my fingers, but I squeezed my eyes shut in response nonetheless. When they opened again I looked down in time to see the drones break through one of the coils around my right leg, and I kicked out to get free. A warm wet spurt deep inside of my colon preceded the deposit of whatever had been sent up the tube and I gasped. I could feel something solid now resting in my gut, freaking me out more than a little. An eerie pulse emanated from its resting spot, not unpleasant but not welcome either. Luckily the release seemed to make the tentacles fall limp, so I jumped away and let the invader snake out of me. Liquid of some kind drizzled down the inside of my leg and my mind raced with the idea of what it left within me. I didn't have time to care, I had to make it out. With the door in sight I whipped myself up and over the twisting engine machinery, my limbs a frenzied blur of motion. I don't know how I heard it over my the roar of the ship coming to life and the pounding of blood in my ears but a small voice calling for help stopped me dead in my tracks. "Cole!" I screamed out. He called back, somewhere out of sight. The drones came up from my escape path and turned away from me down towards the sound. I followed them, more afraid than I can remember being in a long time. Maybe more afraid than I'd ever been. The boy had no chance against the wall of tentacles that held him, both his arms and legs enwrapped, splayed out like a scarecrow. His face twisted in frustration and rage at being shackled against his will. As helpless as I knew he was, the kid put up every bit of his strength against the coils around his body, tiny muscles flexing and straining, teeth clenched with determination. Cole was a fighter. One slimy singular tentacle slathered over his bodysuit, unable to discern a way inside to assault him like it did to me, but it was trying. I made my voice as soothing as I could through my breathless panic, "hey bud, hey." I cupped his face gently. "The drones and I are gonna get you loose, okay? Hang in there." His eyes, glistening with wet, tight with a ferocity beyond his years, locked with mine and he nodded. This fucking ship was going to traumatize the poor guy. Passionless drones cut away at the constraints while I pulled furiously to undo him, his anger bolstering my own. Unraveling two from his arm, I bent the tubes backwards until they spasmed and fell motionless. With his free hand he tried to help me get at his other side. The tendrils tested even my full strength, but as helpless as his gesture was it kept him determined. Kept me determined too. He let out a yelp, more surprised than hurt, and his hand rushed down his body to between his legs. "Dom! Something's inside me!" I couldn't see it at first but the sinuous outline of the slippery appendage was visible underneath his tight bodysuit, finally having wormed its way in a leg hole. The same glowing bulb began ascending from the wall and I knew I couldn't let it inside of him. I grabbed at the invading cord and pulled, but its greasy coating prevented enough grip to remove it. Suddenly Cole was lifting off of the wall and I realized that the drones had freed his leg, giving me more angles to get at the intruding tentacle. With the machines now focused on his right side I was racing to get this thing out of him before he was probed with whatever I got. The green lump crept ever upward and I needed better access, so I traced the seams around the butt of his outfit until I saw two circles connecting them. I twisted with my fingers softly on the fabric the way I'd seen him do it and with a familiar orange flash the flap separated. His pert cheeks looked especially pink contrasted against the lifeless tendril penetrating his most private hole. The chromed tube didn't seem like it was stretching him out much, but it was surely a sensation he'd never processed before. Now entering his pant leg, the glowing orb was moments away from being deposited. Another pull directly from behind the breach in the boy's asshole was no more successful, my mind reeled at how to get a grip on the tube. Barely catching the subconscious move as I wiped my hand on my shirt, I cursed at myself. I would have smacked myself on my forehead if I had an instant to spare. The garment came off and I wrapped it around my palm just as the ball made its way into Cole. With that extra width I heard him grunt with difficulty. "Hold on kid I've got this." The absorption and friction from my shirt made all the difference, with one swift pull I got over a foot of the tentacle out from the boy, the bulging green part exiting with another of Cole's high pitched grunt. I lost traction for a second and it thrust back in with more vocal reaction from the kid, so I two handed my grip and gave a final yank. A torrent of milky silver lubricant both gushed from the exposed tendril and burst out of the boy's backside and splashed over my torso with the removal of the probe, but there was no sign of the object it was depositing. No bulge in the tube and the tip appearing split meant that it must have been inserted. Like the tentacles grasping me, once the penetrator was done the rest fell limp. I helped him squirm out of the loosening tangle and we flew directly towards the exit. The hiss and click of those doors sliding shut behind us will forever be one of my favorite sounds. What was left in the silence of the corridor was the heaving of our ragged breaths. Developing purple spots on my arms and legs made Cole gasp when he saw me. He had no such marks, but then again I was putting up much more resistance than he could have. I figured the adrenaline was keeping them from hurting, but they'd be sore in no time. Feeling his delicate fingertips tracing my bruised forearms was sweet; the gesture didn't help me out physically, but I was real glad he hadn't just curled into a sobbing anxious ball. I would have if I was his age. Hell, I still almost did. "Don't worry about me dude, I've had worse bumps in cargo before." My reassurance did a little to take some of the weariness off of his face. Even though he didn't seem damaged his exhaustion was obvious. He looked right through me, blinking heavily. With a "c'mere" I pulled him in close to me and he gave me a weary hug, nestling his body in close, head resting heavily on my shoulders. Carrying him down into habitat that way wasn't the easiest thing, but he was worth it. He moaned intermittently when I took a ladder rung too hard, I wanted to do the same, then I plopped him down on the nearest soft surface I could find. With gravity from the spin section taking hold again I twisted my face in an ugly wince: I could really start to feel the pressure on my injuries. Not only were there the bruises but my ankle and shoulder felt wrenched, not to mention some tender interior sensations. I really had suffered worse in cargo, but usually I was the youngster with others around to mind me. For the first time on the trip I started to feel my inexperience, or maybe I was just acknowledging it for once. "Will those snakes come find us again?" His concern was clearly masked by fatigue, his head rolled while he asked; I tried to mask my shame with confidence. "No, they can't get us here. They only did that because I was stupid enough to go in there before the report was finished." I almost made a joke about how stupid he was to follow me, then I wanted to kick myself for even thinking it. "I'm real sorry Cole." He might have nodded, but it might have also just been tiredness. I turned to the console to put some things back in order. "VECTOR, are the engines up and running?" "Engines are working to spec." Well at least that nightmare wasn't for nothing. I told him to plot a course back to Depot. "Any new course heading must be confirmed on the bridge by you. Would you like to do that now?" "No," I sighed, "we can drift for a while. What about the anomaly, will it affect the engines?" "The details of the anomaly are not easy to put into more plain language. Bio-metallurgical phenomenon such as that are short lived, and are unable to permeate the composite ceramics shielding in the engine core. The energy signature is already gone, and it seemed to only be an effect on the hull." I told him to lock up the engine room again just in case. I wanted to know more about it but that could also wait. With the ship sounding safe I put my attention back on what to do about the tentacle assault. I noticed Cole had sprawled out onto the couch, unfazed by his still exposed ass pointing up at me. He shifted his leg and I caught sight of his anus, where a pinpoint of glowing neon green shone out from the center, the surrounding area made a translucent fleshy red from the internal light. The object was close to the surface and I thought I might be able to get it. "Listen bud, there's still something inside you and I have no clue what it is. I got one in me too, I really don't think it's good to leave them in there though. Yours doesn't look like it's very deep so I'm gonna get it out, alright?" "O... okay. Oh, nnnnnh..." It was then I realized that he was grinding his pelvis into the couch cushions. Looking up at his face put an end to my confusion, the sight of him biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut was clear as day. He wasn't sleepy, he was horny! I knew exactly how deep the orb was now. I sat down and pressed my fingertip softly against the youngster's tender reddened hole. It clenched slightly at the touch, but the leftover lubricant made inserting my index finger easier. Man that tentacle had really drenched him. It was roughly finger width to begin with, so he was a little used to it. His chute still felt tight around my digit though as he swallowed up to my first knuckle, and Cole's instinct was, as expected, to tighten up. "If this thing's gonna come out I need you to try and push, not squeeze." He gave it a shot and moaned as I sunk in deep enough to feel the orb. Hot and slick and smooth, I could feel steady waves of energy pulse off from it through my fingertip. No wonder he seemed like he couldn't speak, this thing had been giving his prostate an electric massage. If he was liking this I thought I might let him play around with one of my toys, if he could handle the size that is. Prodding at the orb just moved it from side to side around Cole's soft rectal walls. One finger might have been enough to hook around it and pull if it wasn't still slick with so much lubrication. Trying to handle it was impossible with just one digit. Withdrawing caused Cole to whimper sadly. "This is going to feel wider, I need two fingers okay?" He nodded eagerly, no, demandingly, as though he didn't take that as a warning at all and reached back to pry his cheeks apart for my access. The boy was liking this a whole lot. I shouldn't have been surprised, I liked it just as much when I was his size. The pressure from my index and middle fingers slowly split him open. He cried out again with a sharp breath and pushed back against my hand. I twisted them and they sank in bit by bit, his tightness still barely letting any of the green light spill past the invasion. "Oh yeah," he muttered as the thickest parts of my knuckles slipped inside. Getting a hold of the ball was still tricky, especially with even less room in his tight passage. He might have been stretching slightly, but was also still clenching as often as pushing, causing it to slip between my fingers over and over. Each time it rolled out of my grip it dug into the hard underside of his young prostate. Each time it did he got a little louder. Listen, there's no denying I was turned on too, my obscenely tented shorts can attest to that, but at the same time I was frustrated. I'd finger the shit out of him if he wanted me to, but this thing was some weird alien object, I had to get it out of us as top priority. The sheer amount of activity inside of the boy made me wonder, would this be easier if I just got him off? I didn't actually wonder very much, I knew. Now, as special as a completely anally delivered orgasm would have been, I had to speed things up so I reached underneath him to take care of his thrusting tool. Even through his jumpsuit the fierce heat and rigidity of his boy cock was clear. Manhandling him from both ends didn't take long to send him over the edge. He ooh'd and ahh'd right through his frantic bucking. For a minute I was afraid the clenching inside would suck the orb up in deeper, but I had enough of a hold on it. His young orgasm hit its peak with a long squeal, man this kid was vocal, and then all at once he relaxed. The orb and my fingers slipped out of his asshole with a pop then we both sighed. "That was great," he commented, still writhing into the cushions as I sat inspecting the glowing green object in my palm. He twisted back to see it too, transfixed by the mysterious orb. It was bright enough to cast shadows of my hand on the floor below, but not enough to color the white habitat walls nearby. It felt hard like glass, warm but not hot to the touch, and something seemed to swirl inside the eyeball sized object, like a slow roiling cloud. I set it down in a divot on the table to give more attention to Cole. Massaging over his soft butt cheeks made him smile comfortably. His climax felt a little at odds with that shit show we'd just been through but hey, it was better than wallowing in fear, that's for sure. "Are you going to get yours out now? Can I help?" He perked up from his prone position at the prospect and my face heated from the thought, but I had to let him down. "I think mine went in a lot deeper than yours did. I bet your little fingers would feel great but they wouldn't even come close." He asked what I was going to do about it and I didn't honestly know. There was a medical room in habitat for surgeries, but I sure didn't want to have to get it cut out of me. With some more time to inspect the object I might figure out how to disable it, if I couldn't find a way to purge the thing first. "How are you feeling?" "I'm all dirty now," Cole noted, feeling around his greasy underside. That wasn't exactly what I was looking for in his response. "My suit is too, and so are you," he said with a disgusted scrunch of his nose as he smeared the strange silvery lubricant between his fingers. "Yeah, I guess we'll wash up again. Man it's been one mess after another since you got here huh?" I gave him a playful shove and he laughed. "You can go first since you don't have another outfit." He made for the wet room but turned around when he was halfway through the door. "After work if all us servers were dirty we would shower at the same time. We... we could clean up together..." I wondered if I would ever have the strength to resist those puppy dog eyes. I sure didn't this time.