Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 21:31:25 -0700 From: B.E. Kelley Subject: The Foundling Chapter 15 This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization. This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further. Comments are always welcome at: The Foundling Chapter 15: A Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day I woke up Saturday morning with the terrible sense that I was missing something. The problem was, I couldn't figure out what it could possibly be. I'd had a great time with Avery on our date and we'd made some really cool friends, in Rory and Chad. Avery slept over last night and was still asleep next to me, what could be more perfect? I lie there, absentmindedly stroking Avery's shoulder, when it hit me. "Avery, Avery wake up," I exclaimed, shaking him vigorously. "What, what is it?" yawned Avery. "The state championship tournament, what day is it?" I asked. "It's Friday, in Concord, why?" he asked. "Fuck," I exclaimed, "Fuck, fuck, fuck. "Ok, I'm awake now, what's the problem?" asked Avery. "My hearing." "What about it?" asked Avery. "It's Friday, here, in Tyson's Corner, I won't be able to go." "What, no there has to be some kind of mistake, you have to be there," Avery exclaimed. "This is just perfect, I bust my ass to make it to the state finals and I can't even go, what the hell else are the Blair's going to do to ruin my life," I complained. "Babe, come on, that's not fair, they're not trying to ruin your life," said Avery. "If they had just left me alone," I griped. "Look, I know you don't want to leave and God knows I don't want you to leave, but I don't think the Blair's are doing what they are doing to hurt you," said Avery. "No, they just want me because they feel guilty that they weren't here when my dad died," I stated. "Maybe so, but if they feel guilty doesn't that indicate that they cared a lot about your dad?" said Avery. "Avery, who's side are you on?" I asked, he was making sense but I didn't want to hear it. "Your side, always your side, I'm just saying you might want to cut them a little slack," said Avery. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," I pouted. "Come on grumpy," said Avery, "let's get dressed and talk to George and Nancy, see what we can do about these conflicting dates." But there was nothing that could be done. They obviously couldn't reschedule the state swimming championship tournament just for me and my court date was too important to mess around with it. I had no choice, all that hard work went down the drain, I would be in court while my teammates traveled to Concord without me. The worst part about it was, I knew Avery was going to win his race, my boyfriend was going to be the freshman state swimming champion for the 100 meter freestyle and I wasn't going to get to see it. I was grouchy for the rest of the weekend. I was still grouchy on Monday morning. It wasn't that I led a perfect life by any means, or that I was spoiled. I heard the word no plenty of times as a child, my father went out of his way to make sure I wasn't spoiled, but he'd also taught me that hard work was to be rewarded. I had worked hard all winter and now, all that work seemed to be for nothing. I couldn't understand how I could come this far just to be outmaneuvered by a stupid scheduling conflict. At least I had school to take my mind off of things and when we weren't in class, Avery and my friends tried to make me think of anything other than the swimming tournament. That made me feel guilty though, it was going to be Avery's big moment and he had every reason to be excited about it, he shouldn't have had to avoid the topic just for me. Coach Spencer gave us a treat that day, he cut practice short and we were able to leave a half hour after classes got out, rather than stay until our usual 5:00pm. Me, Avery and the guys decided that we would take this stolen time and walk down Main Street for some pizza. We each had to stop by our lockers to pick up our books, and planned to meet at the school's main entrance. Robbie's locker is right next to mine, so we grabbed our things and headed for the door, where we found Tim already waiting for us. It was no surprise that Avery wasn't there, after all, his locker was in the very bowels of the school. While we were waiting upstairs, Avery was just closing his basement locker. The corridor was deserted and Avery didn't hear anything until it was too late. Richard Dockins snuck up on Avery, caught him completely by surprise, grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. "Hey faggot!" said Dockins, as he slammed his fist right into the center of Avery's face. Avery stumbled back against the lockers, totally stunned. Avery is a big, strong, athletic boy and in a fair fight, an oaf like Dockins wouldn't have stood a chance, but bullies don't pick fair fights. Avery had never been in a fight in his life, he was a kind and gentle person and he'd been completely disoriented by Dockins first punch. Dockins took the initiative and continued to punch Avery, landing blow after blow into his face and body, until Avery went down. That's when the kicking started. "When I'm done with you, your faggot boyfriend is next," said Dockins, as he kicked furiously at Avery's stomach. Back up stairs, me and the guys got tired of waiting for Avery and decided to go to his locker instead. We walked down the stairs and heard a muffled whimpering, when we turned the corner we found Dockins abusing Avery's limp body. I stood in stunned horror, I'd known from my first day at John Adams that Dockins was a violent asshole but I had no idea what he would have against Avery. Avery, my beautiful sweet boyfriend, lie on the ground taking kick after kick to his body and then Dockins kicked him in the face, bouncing his head off the wall behind him. That snapped me out of my shocked trance and I charged at Dockins. I tackled Dockins around the waist, taking him to the ground in a heap. I tried to climb on top of him and land a punch but he got me first and sent me reeling with a left hook to my eye. I lie on my back, stunned and disoriented as Dockins pounced on me. He grabbed my collar and prepared to swing, when Tim charged to my defense. Tim took the punch that was meant for me, I heard a sickening crunch that had to be his nose breaking, followed by a sharp cry of pain. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robbie trying to pull Avery out of the danger zone with one hand, his iPhone in the other, pointed right at us. Tim's attempt to help me bought me some time, while Dockins was distracted, I kneed him in the balls and rolled him onto his back. I'm not a fighter, I've roughhoused with Dylan and Jamie but even Jamie usually pins me. This was different. I felt rage flowing through my body, Dockins had struck at the person I loved most in the world and he wasn't going to get away with it. He was bigger than me but I didn't care, I put all my weight into holding him down and I started pounding at him with my fists. Tim got to his feet and ran from the hall to get help, while I pelted Dockins over and over again. "Sick twisted mother fucker," I screamed at the top of my lungs as I continued to wail on my enemy. Then, someone grabbed me from behind. I tried to wriggle away from him but his arms were strong and powerful almost vice-like. I kicked at Dockins but was too far away to connect, as I was dragged away. "Tyson, calm down, stop it," said Principal Collins. I looked up and discovered that it was the principal who had pulled me away while the campus resource officer knelt over Avery. Avery was unconscious, his face a mass of blood and bruises. I heard Officer Reynolds speaking into his two way radio, calling for paramedics to come to Avery's aide. Dockins got up and tried to lunge at me but Officer Reynolds was quicker, he took him back down on the ground and cuffed his hands behind him. Principal Collins held me in his arms, his grip still like a vice, no matter how much I struggled I couldn't get away. Tim disappeared again but when he returned, he had Avery's dad running behind him. Coach Spencer knelt over his son's body and did his best to tend his wounds while we waited for the paramedics. Fortunately, we live in a small town and the paramedics arrived a mere minute after Coach Spencer. Officer Reynolds had also called for backup, another sheriff's officer arrived with the paramedics and my last site of Richard Dockins was as the deputy led him away. With Dockins out of the way, the principal let me go and I rushed to Avery's side. "Please be ok, please be ok," I repeated, tears running down my cheeks. "I need you to step back son," said one of the paramedics as he gently but firmly, pushed me aside. Coach Spencer put his hands on my shoulders and held on to me, while I served the carnage. The paramedics were loading Avery onto a stretcher, one was tending to Tim's nose and Robbie was talking to someone on his phone. We followed the stretcher out to the ambulance, where they loaded Avery and Tim onboard. Coach Spencer went with them and Principal Collins led me and Robbie back to his office. He had us sit in the waiting area while he called our parents. "I can't believe you just stood there," I said, turning my anger on Robbie. "What was I going to do, I'm like a fly compared to that big asshole," Robbie protested," and I was trying to pull Avery away so he wouldn't get hurt by a stray kick." "Yeah, I saw you with your phone, you didn't have to record the whole damn thing," I spat. "Yes I did, duh, think about it," said Robbie. I just glared at him, I was to angry to think about anything, I didn't know why he'd done it. "Benji, evidence, I got the whole attack on my phone, it shows Dockins beating on Avery, it shows you trying to stop him and Dockins hitting you and Tim," Robbie explained. I was dumbfounded. "Robbie, I am sorry I ever doubted you, you are a genius," I smiled. "Thanks," Robbie beamed. "Who were you calling?" I asked, remembering his phone call once the paramedics arrived. "My grandpa, he's on his way," Robbie smiled. I got up and hugged my friend, just as Nancy walked into the office. "My God, what happened," asked Nancy, as she examined the second black eye Richard Dockins had given me, and ran her hands over my body, checking for other injury's. I didn't get a chance to explain, Frank Dockins, Richard's father, stormed into the room and started raising hell. Principal Collins conducted us into his office while Robbie waited for his grandfather, Sheriff Hayes. When old man Dockins shut up, I tried to explain what happened, only to have him go off again. "This is an outrage, this little faggot and his faggot buddies attacked my son, they should be in jail," he shouted. "That asshole you call a son started the whole thing, he was kicking Avery and he's in the hospital now thanks to your piece of shit son," I shouted back. "Look, Mr. Dockins I know the Spencer boy and I know Benjamin here, I have never known them to be liars or bullies, we've never had any discipline problems with them, unlike Richard..." Principal Collins began. "No, no, no," Mr. Dockins interrupted, "One of these little queer's probably came on to my boy and he put them in their place. He saw them making out the other day, made him sick to his stomach." "I'll tell you what makes me sick to my stomach, you son off a..." I began, only to be shouted down by Mr. Dockins. "You think you're such hot shit rich boy, I'm gonna sue your ass till you can't see straight," said Dockins. "I'd hold on before filing that lawsuit, Frank," said Sheriff Hayes, as he walked into the room, holding up Robbie's iPhone. "What's that?" asked Dockins, as he sat in his chair, deflated. "Evidence Frank," said the Sheriff, "The only lawyer you should be looking for is one to defend your boy, based on this video alone he's looking at time for aggravated assault. Gonna be tough for you to win a civil suit once your boy is convicted." "Bullshit," said Dockins Sr. "We'll see about that," said the Sheriff, as he took the USB cable Robbie handed him and hooked the phone into the principal's computer. Frank Dockins watched in silence as the video played and he saw his lawsuit fly out the window. "I got Richard down at the jailhouse if you wanna go see him," said Sheriff Hayes. Dockins got up, gave us all a dirty look and stormed out of the room. "Sheriff, will there be any charges filed against Benji?" asked Nancy. "Nope, the video shows it all, Benji and the Robinson boy were clearly trying to help their friend, if that's not self defense, I don't know what is," the Sheriff smiled. Robbie stood in the background, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, when I went over and hugged him again. "Alright, if there's nothing else, I better get Benji home," said Nancy. "No, we have to go to the hospital, Avery's hurt," I reminded her. We ran into a little bit of a problem here, Nancy of course, wanted to take me to the hospital but George was at work and someone had to take Dylan home, not to mention, pick up Jamie. Sheriff Hayes solved the problem by offering to drive Robbie and I, himself. He had to drive over and speak to the Spencer's anyway. By the time we got to the hospital, Avery's wounds had been treated and dressed, and he'd been admitted to a room. I gathered that information from the nurse at the front desk then raced off to the third floor, where I saw Coach Spencer holding his wife. Marsha was crying and coach looked like he had tears in his eyes as well. There was no sign of Aribella, I knew they wouldn't bring her here. That gave me a moment's pause, somewhere, that little girl was sitting with a babysitter with no idea that the big brother she called `Abery,' who she adored, was hurting. I felt a lump in my throat as I approached my coach and his wife. "I-is he ok?" I sniffled. "Oh Benji," said Marsha, as she walked over and hugged me. Evidently coach told her what Tim and I had done. Marsha hugged me and sobbed for a moment, and I cried too. I love Avery and I was devastated by what had happened. He was innocent and pure, what had happened to him was ugly and cruel. "He's ok, right?" I sniffled. Coach Spencer took a deep breath. "He's got a broken collar bone and some broken ribs, his face is a mess but that's mostly just bruises," said Coach Spencer, holding back his tears, "H-he hasn't woken up yet, Benji." "Can I see him?" I croaked. Coach Spencer pointed to the right door then continued to comfort his wife. I crept into the room, unprepared for what I saw. Avery lie on the bed in a hospital gown, his beautiful face a mass of black and blue, and his arm was in a sling. There was an IV tube in his arm and an electrode reporting his heart rate. I felt tears flooding into my eyes as I took the chair next to Avery's bed. I wanted to kiss his lips but I was afraid I'd hurt him. Instead, I took his uninjured hand and held it in mine. "Please wake up baby, please be ok, I need you," I sobbed, then closed my eyes and held his hand against my face. "Hey kiddo." I looked up and saw George had walked into the room, it was the first time I'd ever seen him in his scrubs and white doctor's jacket. I ran over to him and buried my face against his chest. He put his arms around me and rubbed my back gently. "Oh dad, please help him, you have to do something," I whined. That was the first time I'd ever called him that. "We will, we'll help him son, just calm down," said George, he stroked my hair and rocked me in his arms. When I had calmed down, George sat me in the chair next to Avery's bed, and examined my black eye. "Why won't he wake up?" I sniffled. "He took a lot of hits to the face and head, he's in a comma but I am sure he's going to be ok, we're doing everything we can for him," said George. George sat with me while I cried. When I was done and couldn't cry anymore, he hugged me and said that he'd be back to check on Avery in an hour. I followed him out into the hall so that the Spencer's could go back into the room with their son. I told George that I'd be in the waiting room and when I got there, I found Tim and Robbie waiting nervously. "What's happening?" asked Robbie, "they won't tell us anything." I ignored Robbie's question for a moment and hugged Tim, whose nose was bandaged as a result of our encounter in the school basement. "You were so brave," I stated. "I didn't do anything special," Tim blushed. "Yeah you did, I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there, I love you, both of you," I stated. I let Tim go, then hugged Robbie. We sat down in a corner and then I gave them the bad news. "So they don't know when he'll wake up?" asked Robbie. "No, my dad said it's all a waiting game now," I explained. "This is terrible," said Tim, "he would have been the state champion." That was the first time I thought about that, Dockins hadn't just beaten Avery, he'd stolen the opportunity he'd worked for all winter. That made me angry but now wasn't the time or place to react to it. "I know, but we can't think about that now, we have to stay positive for Avery and his family," I explained. "Yeah, my mom already called everyone from church, she's got the whole congregation praying for him," said Robbie. I thanked Robbie for that with a pat on the back. "My grandpa is giving me a ride home, do you want him to drop you off?" asked Robbie. "No, I'm staying here," I stated. After my friends left, the Spencer's came back to the waiting room. We talked it over and agreed that we would sit with Avery in shifts. At first, they encouraged me to go home, that I'd also been hurt and needed to rest but I absolutely refused. I took the first shift so that they could go home and take care of Aribella. I sat with Avery and held his hand, I sat there for hours, never letting go, even when George came by and tried to take me home. When Avery's dad came back, I let him take over, while I went down to the cafeteria to eat, but all I could do was push the food around my plate. I slept on the couch in the waiting room, while Mrs. Spencer did her shift. When she woke me, I went back to the chair in Avery's room and held his hand all night. I fell asleep sometime in the night and when I woke up, the room was flooded with the dawns early morning light. I sat up and yawned, blinked my eyes and then felt my fingers being squeezed. "Avery?" I asked. "Benji?" Avery whispered, "What happened?" "You were in a fight sweetie, you got hurt and you're in the hospital now," I explained, overjoyed to be talking to him. "Oh, I have such a headache," said Avery. I took his hand in mine and kissed it over and over again, I was so thankful that he was awake, I was beside myself. "Benji, where's my mom?" asked Avery. "She's here, she's in the waiting room, I'll go get her, I'll be right back," I gushed. I hated to let Avery go but I knew he wanted Marsha and I wasn't about to keep him from his mommy. I ran out to the waiting room and shook Marsha awake, I was so excited I just rambled incoherently until she followed me back to the room. "Hi mom," said Avery, in his weak voice. "Oh baby," said Marsha as she walked to his bedside and held her son. I decided to back out of the room for now and let mother and son have this moment to themselves. Instead, I went back to the nurse's station. "Excuse me, can you get my dad?" I asked. "And who's your daddy sugar?" asked the nurse. "George, er, Dr. Prescott," I stated. The nurse paged George and he appeared as if out of nowhere a moment later. He checked on Avery and said that he was tired but that he seemed to be ok. Avery's responses and reflexes were good, there was no sign of any brain damage, which was a huge relief considering I'd never even considered that. George stated that they would keep him for another day or so, to make sure he didn't relapse into his coma, but that he should be able to go home soon. After that, George insisted on taking me home. I tried to argue but he said if I didn't come willingly, he'd shoot me up with enough valium to put me to sleep for a week. He put his arm around my shoulder and walked me down to the car, where he took a lighter tone and explained that I needed my rest if I was going to help Avery with his recovery. He also reminded me that my hearing was only a few days away and that we all needed to be sharp for that. I got hugs from everyone, when we got home, but once we arrived, all I wanted to do was climb into bed. I was more exhausted then I'd ever felt before and when my head hit the pillow, I thought I'd sleep for a week.