Mackey Tales: The Lost Tribes of The West – Simon A. Mackey 12


This story is about sex between boys. It's a total fantasy. The usual warning yadayadayada applies. However, you've made it to Nifty/gay/young-friends, so you'd know by now and I won't repeat.

What I do repeat however: support Nifty. This is a wonderful, free archive. A treasure box.

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This is my follow-up on the tales of the Mackey clan as created by Jonas Henley and expertly extended by Charles Well, Nick, Sarge-AKA Aldric and Sam The Ham. Please have a look at the Introduction for reference.


Thanks to the readers who have sent their appreciation and suggestions. I'm glad that so many still enjoy the story.




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Simons first review with the CB Council



It was almost two weeks since the Council meeting where Dave had learned about his fate, and still Simon had not agreed on executing the punishment. He had long talks with his dad, and he'd told his dad that he absolutely didn't agree with all this.


Although he wasn't allowed to speak with someone about this, of course he had shared it with Tom. The strange thing was, Tom wasn't even very much surprised by the turn of events, as if he knew about the old rules and ownership. Maybe his dad had told him more about the Mackey history than his own dad and grandpa. Nonetheless, he still struggled with the situation. They can have a Choosing whenever they want, but he wasn't going to do the imitation as punishment, and at the same time become his `owner'.


The Council became a bit impatient now, and had told Simon that they would set a date if he didn't come up with one, but so far Simon felt comfortable with not agreeing. The Council had decided that he has to initiate Dave, so he had the power in this matter, at least for a while, he thought.


Simon felt the pressure growing. Not only the Council had asked him, but sevreal boys were starting to question him: everyone seems to know that it was up to him when it would happen, and many boys were ready for a distraction, a fun activity.

Simon had also briefly spoken with Dave about the Choosing without going into details, as he wasn't supposed to disclose anything about the Choosing. At first, Dave did not fully understand what Simon's role was and why he could delay the Choosing, but he had been glad that Simon was not too eager to get things started. However, now it began to feel as if he was on death row for an undetermined time, just waiting for the inevitable to happen.


Tom, as always the clever one, had told him that it maybe wasn't fair to Dave to postpone this too long, even with Simon's good intentions. It will feel like a torture for Dave, Damocles' Sword hanging over his head. Even worse, it might be risky: at some point, the Council will not only set a date themselves, but also might reconsider who should do the execution. Tom made Simon realize that it might be worse for Dave if some horny, vengeful Mackey boy would take Dave's virginity, and consequently will be Dave's `Owner' under the old Mackey rules. Tom knew that Simon would not just lend him out for sex to anyone who asks, or make shady deals, but that will be very different should another boy own him. Dave would definitely end up as a Community Bottom.


Simon ultimately knew it was unavoidable that he had to do this, but still, he detested the idea. He was still recovering from last week's Thanksgiving that didn't go too well this year. And with still a couple of boys knocking on his door every day, the last thing he was interested in was to initiate another boy as a Mackey Bottom and to be his `owner' even. At the end of this week there would be the first Review with all the Bottoms together. He looked forward to it, but was also a bit anxious, not really knowing how that will go. He'll wait for that first, and then see what he would do with the Choosing.


For now, he wanted to focus on the plans with the Arcade. That was a nice distraction from his stressful life: having these repeating and sometimes frustrating discussions with Fergusson, who at one time seems to be supportive and the next moment flat out rejected cooperation. It made him more determined to get an Arcade there. Being away from home for an hour to escape the never-ending demands for sex made it worthwhile, though. He just had to be careful not to run into a boy who could seize the opportunity.


Fergusson was a bit of a strange guy. He was Mackey folklore. Everyone liked him but feared him as well. As the town's most popular mechanic, with a kind of magic touch when it comes to repairing almost everything, cars, household appliances, TV sets and the like, he was the one to go to for repairs or technical advice. And he knew everyone in Mackey land.


His garage was huge, with an even bigger warehouse attached. No one knew why he had built a place as big as this, way too big for what was needed. He had an old-fashioned diner as well, one that was frequented by just a few regulars; only during the summer, when the tourists on their way to the lake halted for refreshments and asking directions, the place had some livelihood.


Simon and Matthew, accompanied by Tom, and sometimes Dustin and a friend of Matthew, spent a lot of time to convince the man to open up his warehouse for building an arcade. Sometimes they left almost desperate when he once again backtracked on what they thought was agreed, and turned to Richard to complain and beg for help.

Richard just laughed their problems away, not willing to step in. "It's your idea, so make it work yourself," he would say. He secretly enjoyed the boy's struggle; he saw it as a nice learning exercise for their future in the real world. Unbeknownst to the boys, he had already agreed with Fergusson that if he went along with the idea of an arcade, Richard would have some financing arranged for him, if needed. Both men were impressed by the boys' perseverance and their arguments, even supported by a business-case based on maybe a bit too optimistic estimation of revenues.


Today's visit was a success. To their surprise, Fergusson just said that there would an arcade, even before they could start with their carefully formulated and rehearsed plea. He threw them a couple of brochures of pinball machines, electro-mechanical games, redemption games, merchandisers such as claw cranes, and billiards.


"Have a look at these and come up with your suggestions. You boys know better than me what kids want these days," he somewhat grumpily said and returned to his garage, leaving the boys stunned, but very happy nonetheless.






The week after the Council meeting, Dave had looked for Derek at school. He wanted to have some more information since the Council, and more specifically Simon's dad, kept on questioning him about who had pushed him to do what he did. They clearly didn't buy his explanation that it was merely his own idea based on some vague rumors. It was Derek Franklin in first instance who came up with the suggestion, so he was determined to ask him. But Derek tried to stay away from this all, obviously knowing that it would mean trouble for him. He had pointed out that what he had said about what Dave could do with Simon and becoming a Mackey, was just what Gavin and Brian had suggested him to do. Not his own idea.

So he wanted to talk with Gavin and Brian.


During lunch break, when both middle school and high school had recess, he managed to find Gavin. When Dave told him what he wanted to talk about, Gavin quickly searched for Brian. He knew that it could be important for both their interest to know what the Council was up to. Although Old Will had reassured them that there was nothing they should be afraid of when they were careful enough, they still felt uneasy, not the least because of the clear message Thomas Alan gave them with his sniper rifle.


"The Council doesn't buy it when I tell them that this was all my idea," Dave began, "I think they know that I'm protecting somebody and they said that depending of the outcome of the ceremony they can make my life miserable if they find out that that I lied."


"They don't have any proof, so why worry," Gavin tried to soothe him, knowing very well that eventually this was not going to be sustainable. Sooner or later Dave would snap and rat them out. They need to keep the pressure on the boy to make sure he won't tell anything for as long as they can.


When Dave said that the Council already believed that Gavin and Brian were the ones most likely suggesting him to fuck Simon that day at Meisner's cabin, and that they suspect that there was someone else behind it, they angrily made it clear to him that he'd better not stir in this too much, or else...


"If you snitch, we know where to find you. We'll make sure you'll be chosen and count on us to be at your doorstep every day to fuck you mercilessly."


Gavin and Brian stood by their lies and ushered some more threats to scare Dave from telling anybody, and grumpily they turned away, leaving Dave standing trembling from both fear and anger.

When the two disappeared around the corner, it was like something snapped in Dave's head and he suddenly felt the urge to stop this. He had nothing to lose, he was the one on the line anyway; he would tell them what he was going to do. It was over now, he decided. No more threats, no more keeping ugly secrets, no more being the only one to suffer. No, he would tell them that he was no longer afraid: he will tell the Council everything, and he and his family will just move out of Mackey lands to another part of the country. With his expertise, his dad could get a job elsewhere easily, he mused.


He quickly picked up his coat and followed the two, but just when he reached the next corner, he heard Gavin and Brian talking and he held his pace.


"Shit man, this is not going to be okay," Gavin said, "the kid will rat us out eventually, and then, what will happen? I'm pretty sure Old Will is gonna drop us immediately."


"True. Dave could spill, and Old Will shall try to dump us, but remember, we have evidence of his involvement. Obviously, members of the Board have their suspicion about us manipulating the Choosing, and the involvement of Old Will in that, but there is the contract, and the list. He will not dump us while he knows that we have this document with his autograph on it."


"You're right, we have something on him. But don't you think that once he realizes that, he will try to get the document?"


"He is sneaky enough to do that, ... yeah,... you're right," Brian pondered. "He knows that we keep our copy of the document, and as a frequent visitor of our dads, he might come and search for it. Maybe we should hide it someplace where he wouldn't expect it. It should definitely not remain in my bedroom. That would be the first place for him to look."


"I know a safe place," Gavin proposed, " at the back of our barn there is a small workshop where we used to keep tools and there is a small hidden space behind the workbench. No one has been there for ages, and you can get there without anyone from the house or the road noticing."


Dave stood paralyzed. He couldn't believe his ears. Are they talking about a contract with Old Will? That should be kept hidden? He now knew for sure that the rumors were true. He knew he had to get his hands on that contract, and he now had an idea where to find it.






It was Friday evening, the first week of December, just after dinner, when Philip, accompanied by Hugo and Leo, the two new 1975 Bottoms, showed up at Simon's house. Simon was helping his mom with the dishes when the boys entered the kitchen.


"Hi Simon, good evening ma'am," Leo said.


"Hi boys," Simon's mom answered, "you boys go together tonight to the meeting? That's a good plan. The weather isn't fine tonight."


The boys nodded, and Philip asked, "you ready, Simon?"


"Can I go, mom?" Simon asked.


"Sure, I'll ask Matthew to take over from you . Have fun at the meeting, boys!"


Simon put his coat on and got his bike, and the four boys went to the tavern near the old Alan Mackey cabin in the Mackey woods, the place they haven't been since their Choosing 5 months ago.


Tonight was the first meeting of all 12 Bottoms of both Mackey Territories together since the Choosing, to talk about their lives and experiences as Mackey Community Bottoms.

For the 1975 Bottoms it was the first opportunity to meet the other Bottoms together, and although it felt a little awkward to sit with a bunch of boys whose duty it is to be fucked, they also looked forward to it.

It has been an intense, busy period, stressful at times, and everyone was curious to learn what may lay ahead.


"Good to see you boys," Thomas Mackey, the Choosing Committee member who was also in charge of the Bottom's business in the Council, welcomed them.

"We've already 6 boys in, and waiting for the last 2. Won't be long I hope. Come, grab a hot chocolate, and sit with the others."


In the tavern, several tables were pushed together, and they joined the six boys at the table, laughing at jokes, drinking their hot chocolates.

Less than ten minutes later, Colton and Kurt arrived and every one sat around the table.

Thomas introduced Bill and Paul, both 18-year-old junior members who had been Bottoms, and now were the Bottom's Representatives in the Council, and he started the meeting.


"Good to see every could make it today, it's important to have this first meeting with our 5 new members, so, welcome boys. I don't know if you all have met before, but maybe a short introduction to get to know each other," he suggested.


Although most of them knew each other already at least by name, they took some time to let the new Bottoms get to know all the older Bottoms:

The 1973 Bottoms: Philip (14) and Cameron (14) for North, Roy (14) and Colton (15) for South,

The 1974 Bottoms: Tyler (13) for North, Lucas (13) and Kurt (13) for South

And the five new 1975 Bottoms Leo (12) and Hugo (12) for North, Alex (13) and Brad Wilson (12) for South, and Simon (13) for both Territories.


"This evening we'd like to talk with you, and share some information, learn from each other, and for us to see if you all are doing well with your tour of duty," Thomas began.

"Let's start with our newest Bottoms, OK?"


The boys nodded.


"Right after the Choosing we gave you a little notebook to keep record of your activities, to create a record of each time you have been fucked, including all the blowjobs. Maybe we first have a look at that."


The boys took their notebooks, and the new Bottoms curiously checked the notes from the older Bottoms.

Hugo and Leo quickly compared theirs: Leo had already been fucked 191 times during the last 5 months and Alex even more, while Hugo had just been used 77 times.


Hugo looked relieved. He thought that he had been abused very much, but when he saw Alex' score, he realized that it could be worse.

With a sigh Alex said, "only that much, I wished I was that lucky. I knew at the Choosing that they were after me, and look here, I'm at 237."


Brad just kept quiet. Until now, he had no idea about how many visitors he had compared with the others, but it was clear now that he was even more frequented than Alex.


"Only 77?" Philip asked surprised, "how is that possible? Let me see your notebook, Hugo."

Philip skipped through the pages and noticed a couple of separate papers folded in the back of it and curiously unfolded them. He handed Hugo's notebook to Bill, and he looked at the papers,


"What is this?" he mumbled.


"Looks like a schedule," Colton noticed, "look, there are names on it, and what do these crosses mean?" he asked, pointing at the signs behind the names.


"Give that back," Hugo snapped and tried to get the papers from Colton, "that's none of your business."


Colton held the papers out of reach for Hugo and showed them to Thomas. Thomas looked at the papers. There were names on it and the columns from left to right showing headers `eventually', `<10 year', `<5 year' and a cross `U'. Behind every name, there were one or more checkmarks in the columns: several only in the first or second column, but also a couple with checkmarks in all four columns.


In the meantime, Bill had a look at several notebooks and made some comparison. There were substantial differences in number of visitors, he noted.

All other boys had just written down name and date, and sometimes a few words about the event, like `what a jerk', `good fun' or `queer'.

He noticed that Hugo`s notebook was kept quite differently. He had not only written down each name on a separate page, but he apparently had made the boys write their own names and autographs, and on each signed page was the same sentence:

`I had anal intercourse with Hugo Mackey after he had told me he does not want it, and had asked me not to do it'

He quickly showed the notebook to Paul and Thomas, whispering, "we need to check on him later. This is seriously going wrong."


"I said, give it back!" Hugo shouted and jumped on Thomas and ripped the papers from his hands.


"What the hell is this all about, Hugo?" Thomas asked, surprised and shocked by this action, "why are you having boys sign this kind of declaration, and not just make a quick note?"


"That's my business," Hugo said angrily.


"Well, it looks like it has an effect on your performance as Community Bottom and the rules, so it's not just your own business," Thomas replied.


"This whole Bottom business is not my free will, so I have the right to ask them not to fuck me and tell them it's against my wish when they still proceed. I can't stop them but they should know how I feel," Hugo grumbled.


All boys were surprised by Hugo's blunt statement, and although they didn't volunteer either, most of them thought that Hugo making his visitors signing this, is stupid. Simon looked Hugo in the eye and saw the cold hatred, and Hugo realized that Simon understood what this was all about.


"Well, you got a point there," Thomas said, realizing that there was something not good here, and he didn't want to push it right here and now, "we only should look at the notebook."


Hugo sat back, still not looking happy, and folded the papers and put them in his pocket.


While the boys chatted about the number of times they've been fucked, and how they felt their fate was unjust and not humane, Simon remained quiet and avoided looking someone in the eye. He hoped they would forget him at this shameful inquiry, but he knew that wouldn't happen.


"And what about you, Simon," Thomas asked.


Simon sighed. He took a second notebook from his pocket and put it on the table without saying a word.


Roy, sitting next to him, flipped through it and said, amazed, "Wow, this one is already full!"

Everyone went silent.


"You're kiddin'," Alex mumbled, flabbergasted.


Simon shook his head. "No. These are all the times."


Thomas took the two booklets and flipped through them.


"Unbelievable," he stammered, "there must be over 400 or so."


"505, to be exact," Simon said flatly, "there are 503 entries; I still need to write down today's two."


Although it had actually happened to him, it was rather startling to review the overall totals. He felt sick. Over the last months, he became used to the daily sex sessions. During the first weeks, when he loathed the whole situation, at several points in time he was ready to raise hell and kick the first horny visitor in the nuts. But despite his anger he couldn't let go of the idea that he should accept his duty, just like the others, and over time he had learned to cope with it.


He had talked with his dad about the huge numbers of visitors, and he told him that he was afraid that for the rest of his life he would be regarded as a submissive bottom, not the leader to take charge in matters. But his dad said that it would turn the other way: he had contributed to the Community and people will respect him for that, just as the other Bottoms. On top of that, he could look every man in the eye and put them in their place: they were the ones who fucked boys for their pleasure, so who should be the one to be ashamed for what's done?


Over the weeks he had slowly reached the point he didn't care that much anymore, he even began to learn that as a Bottom, he was in a special, trusted position were more and more boys who used him trusted him with their inner feelings, private family issues, some dark secrets even.

His father may have been right: he was gaining ascendancy, and for the future, he would gain some leverage, perhaps leaning towards pressure, blackmail even.


"This is something special," Bill remarked, "man, look at the averages. And these are just the fucks only, blowjobs excluded." And he showed the calculations he made:

· Alex Mackey 237, average 1.5 per day

· Leo Richter 191, average 1.2 per day

· Brad Wilson, 268, average 1.7 per day

· Hugo Mackey 77, average 0.5 per day

· Simon 505, average 3.2 per day


"Wow, over 3 per day," whispered Alex, "I had 3 boys daily only the first couple of weeks, but now, it's sometimes not even one."


"Yeah, for me the first weeks were heavy, but it cooled down a little when school started. Mostly weekends now," Leo added. "And look at Hugo's number ! That's something else!" He looked at Hugo, but by the angry look he got, it was clear that Hugo had no appetite to discuss his score.


"I think I get so many visitors because I'm a new Mackey," Brad chimed in. "Several boys told me that they came to make me a true Mackey and that I need a lot of training.".


The older Bottoms confirmed that it was also their experience, that after the initial period, when summer holidays were over, the interest of the boys dropped, and visits were spread more evenly over the Bottoms.


"Do these boys tell you why they keep coming to you, Simon?" Thomas asked.


Simon shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know, and realizing his extraordinary score compared to the others, he was at the verge of crying.

"I don't know. They tell me they like me and I'm cool, and also it's my bubble butt, but sometimes I think they're just out to get me, you know, because they can't stand it that I'll be head of the clan someday. As if my grandpa, dad and I were looking down our noses at them and they would teach me a lesson."


"That sucks," Tyler remarked, but looked apologetic when he realized his out-of-place pun.


"Yeah, that too," Simon said flatly with a meager smile, "I have more visitors than the best whore in Vegas."


They did some more math and estimated that the group of 12, 13, and 14-year-old Mackeys that could use Simon is about 190 boys, of which a 180 already had a go at Simon's butt.

Many of the North boys did, most of them multiple times, but surprisingly enough, almost all of the South boys as well, especially during the summer holiday stay in the family mansion at Pogue Hollow Cove.


"But, how does that work, Simon?" Colton, at 15 the eldest Bottom, asked, "I mean..., 3 times a day on average, weekends and holidays included..."


Simon hung his head, trying to hide his shame and misery.

"It doesn't work. It just happens. All the time. Even at school at some point," he said softly.


"We know about your school activities," Paul said, "you were lucky Andrew saved your ass that day and stopped you. You knew you ain't allowed to perform in school, didn't you?"


"Yes, sir, I know, but I had so many boys, and they kept knocking on my door, and started complaining I wasn't available. And they threatened to complain to the Board to get me an extra year, so I started working in school as well," he sobbed.


Simon continued, "it's every day. I share my room with my brother as our house is small and dad doesn't want to move to a bigger house. I have prepared the shed, but when it's too cold for the shed, I'll be in my room, Matthew has to flee with his homework, or stay while I'm being... well, you know."


"I don't have my own life anymore," Simon concluded with a trembling voice, "I used to go swimming, but I can't do that anymore."


"Yeah, we noticed you weren't around anymore this summer," Tyler said.


Simon thought back with melancholy to the time when he could go swimming with his friends carefree. He shuddered at the thought of how he had been caught just days after the Choosing. At that time, he hadn't thought about it at all, it was indeed a bit silly to think that he could just go to the pond and swim.

He was inexperienced; never before had he been held up on the road and been asked to drop his pants and bend over to get a boner pressed into his butt. It was even worse at the pond, only barely hidden from the public space, where guys saw him led aside in a bush, knowing he'll get fucked by a horny Mackey boy. Simply bent over a fallen old tree, his swimming trunks at his feet, hearing some cheers from the boys in the water when his assailant orgasmed loud and clear with a grunt, and shot his cum inside him. Getting fucked was bad enough, but in public, that was too much. No, he didn't swim anymore.


"I have been to the pond three times after the Choosing, and every time I got fucked even before I got there, and once at the pond, they bent me over and made me give blowjobs as soon the younger kids and non-Mackeys were gone. I spent more time in the bush than in the water. So I quit going."


"Same here, playing outdoors is not always fun anymore," Alex added, "apart from being bent over, it's often almost in public. I don't know how it is with you, but to me it seems if there are always boys teaming up. I hate it being fucked while someone is watching."


Roy, Colton and Kurt, the older South Bottoms, nodded. "It's true, in our part of the Mackey lands it's more often a group thing, always been, as far as I know," Roy said. Bill, as former Bottom from South nodded conformingly.


"I must have had nearly everyone from the North Territory," Simon continued, "and when we were in our holiday home at Pogue Hollow Cove this summer, my friends there didn't come for a swim or a boat ride on the lake as they used to do, they just came to plug me. I must have had the larger part of South boys by now too, including you, Kurt and Brad," he said accusatorily.


The two South Bottoms looked down ashamed.


"I can't go to the Boys Scouts anymore without ending up with a dick at both ends, while others are roasting marshmallows." There was a little giggling at Simon's statement, and he sadly grinned at his own words.


"But that's not even as bad as at last Thanksgiving," Simon shivered a bit at the memory. "We had Uncle Andrew and Aunt Lucy over, with my first cousins Dan, Bobby, little Jesse, and Ann."

He let out a deep sigh, and told the boys about his Thanksgiving last week.


Thanksgiving had started OK, chatting and playing card games with the two cousins who were about his and Matthew's own age, Bobby at 13 and Dan 14, and Ann, a bit older, nice girl. But when the moms started their work in the kitchen, little 3 year old Jesse took his afternoon nap and the dads were onto their 4th, 5th or umpteenth beers, the kids went to Matthew and Simon's bedroom. And it wasn't for long that Dan mentioned Simon's status as a Bottom, and suggested to have some fun. Matthew halfheartedly protested, knowing where this was going, but not being able to stop it.

Again, Simon shivered when he told the Bottoms how both his first cousins plugged him, with Matthew and Ann witnessing this demeaning action.


"Man, that's cruel, having Ann watching" Philip said, "why did she stay?"


"It sure was," Simon replied, "she said she stayed hoping that her brothers wouldn't do it with her in the room, but that didn't work out that way. But afterwards, when Dan and Bobby went downstairs, she was very kind to me and said she has to thank me because Bottom boys like I were here to protect girls like she from horny guys. If there weren't Bottoms, she was at risk being fucked by a horny gang and end up pregnant."


And Simon continued with teary eyes, "It was nice from her to say that, I believed her, but to be honest, I also think she stayed because she liked to watch. I just felt used, like a cum-rag. And it became worse later during dinner, when Uncle Andrew even made jokes like pointing at the turkey on the table, saying `look here, another one with his butt stuffed', and had everyone laughing and looking at me."


Simon stopped talking, wiped a tear from his cheek, and the boys were silent for several minutes. It was clear to them that Simon was a special case, and they felt really sorry for him.


Simon looked sideways at Hugo. They looked at each other in silence for a moment and it was as if there was a silent understanding. His dad's reassuring words telling that over time this experience will benefit him, suddenly lost their wise and well-meant meaning. He knew, Hugo was on his way for revenge, and he now felt like that, too. Simon felt his grief give way to anger.


"I think we should have some additional rules here," Bill proposed, "this isn't healthy."


"Yeah, maybe there should be a limit or something," Colton suggested. Thomas nodded. He was thinking about that as well.


"I haven't had that many as Simon, but I really hate it when of kids show up for their own pleasure only," Alex said.


"The whole point of you being a Bottom is for their pleasure only, not yours," Cameron replied.


"I know, but having some twelve-year-olds lining up, waiting their turn to hump you with no purpose other than to cum after a quick, degrading fuck and no hint of kindness, it's killing me. And not to mention boys I thought were my friends showing up. That's even more disappointing," Alex went on mockingly.


The other boys nodded understandingly. They elaborated about their experiences, how they felt about being stopped by boys in various parts of Mackey Territory and being bent over anything convenient.

Paul listened to the young boys. This was exactly what he had to endure when he was a Mackey Community Bottom. Maybe not as popular as Simon, but the constant pressure, to have sex whenever you're requested even if you don't feel like it at all; nothing changed.

He noticed the differences between the boys. Lucas seemed to have the least problems with being a Bottom; he even appears to like it. Maybe not so much the forced part of it, but it is clearly his type of sex.

When the boys talked about their encounters with horny Mackey boys, Lucas was not that negative about all the sexual performances he had to give. At some point he even told quite enthusiastically about certain boys he preferred, even admired.


"I try to lay on my back as preferred position," Lucas explained, "it really feels better than doggy style. It's much better when you can look a boy in the eye, see the pleasure on his face, to see his movements. Many try doggy style to avoid looking at me as a boy while pretending to fuck a girl, but I hate that, it's degrading. But most of all, laying on your back gives this very pleasant felling when they hit the little knob inside with their dick."


The other Bottoms chuckled. They recognized the good feeling when their prostate was hit in the action. It was clear to them that Lucas hadn't just adapted well to his position, he was enjoying it. It seems that for him being a Community Bottom was more a blessing than a burden, and they all were happy for him. They knew that for Lucas this was a safe environment, unlike the rest of the world, where his preference for boy-on-boy sex was frowned upon at best.


The youngest of the new Bottoms, Brad, wasn't shy of telling about what he had encountered with visitors, especially those who weren't that good at fucking.

With all the Bottoms sitting together, no secrets were kept, and sometimes shared in disturbing details, with all the naming and shaming without any hesitance. Paul noticed that Simon was the only boy who did not participate enthusiastically when it came to telling detailed stories about his activities, and even if he told something, it was without disclosing names or hints as to who it was.


Simon didn't like it when the bottoms made fun of boys who didn't perform that well, or had a big mouth but a small dick. He detested it when they mentioned names and ridiculed them, even told some information that a boys must have shared in confidentiality.


Paul looked sideways at Simon and saw the uncomfortable expression on his face. He whispered to Simon, "this is not your style, is it, this gossiping about boys?"


Simon nodded. He had already so many boys who at one point had told him some private information. In the first weeks it was just being fucked, but over the last months more and more boys relaxed after having sex, started talking with him. At first a little awkward and embarrassed, but especially those who visited him more frequently felt comfortable enough to tell him their worries. They appreciated it that he was serious, never ridiculed them and never was judgmental.


"No, I don't like to speak about things that boys have told me in good faith, and you know, they sometimes tell me things, about their family, their fears, that definitely should be kept private. It's true, a lot of boys like to fuck us just from horniness, but also a lot of them are quite unsure, or have some problems they'd like to share in an intimate moment. And frankly, a good chat make me feel more appreciated instead of just being used a cum-doll."


Paul looked Simon in the eye and smiled. This boy is special, compared with the others. He is still a bit too soft, undergoes everything resignedly, almost submissive, but he will definitely be a good patriarch for the clan, a wise man, he thought.


While Simon and Paul had their side chat, the boys had come to the conclusion that they all were suffering from their position as a Community Bottom, the one maybe a bit more than the other, but still.


"I agree," Thomas said, "it's not a fun position, being a Community Bottom here, no matter what they tell you about `honor', `respectable job' and other baloney. Like Bill and Paul, I've been a Bottom myself, and I know what you guys live through. But there is no way out of it, so you only can accept it and make the best of it. And yes, for me it also was shocking to realize that eventually every bottom gets fucked even by his closest friends."


"I think this tradition sucks," Alex said, "honor and respectable job, it's bull shit indeed. If we want to fight pregnancy, why not use a condom. We're the only ones in the whole world stuck with this stupid tradition."


"Well, I had the same discussion with my grandpa this summer," Simon chimed in, "and he explained a bit. According to him, it is an important part of our community feeling. It's one of the main reasons why we don't have as much shit here as elsewhere in the States."


"That's crap as well. Good to know it helps the community, but why should we be fucked on a daily basis for that? If it was that good a method, why are we the only ones?" Alex protested.


"Well, I tell you, we're not the only ones. It is not very common, indeed, but there is precedent," Simon explained, "My grandpa said, that we're quite unique with our Community Bottom system, but the solution for unwanted teen pregnancies is not. Remember the Mackeys in Indian Spring? We share the same founding father, and although the name might suggest we're the same clan or even family, that's very distant, but still the tradition exists today. And he told me that there are more places in the world where they have traditions like ours and that he knows that for example somewhere in England a tradition like ours still exists today."


"With Bottoms and all?" Cameron asked incredulously.


"No, not designated bottoms, but he said that the general rule was sex with girls was prohibited like here, instead all boys were available for others to have sex. They couldn't say no to any request."


"So every boy there is a bottom?" Philip concluded.


"Yes. They have some rules, though. Like for the youngest boys, sex could only be oral or manual. Anal sex was for older boys only."


"So they don't have a Choosing like we have? No designated Bottoms?"


"No, the position is the same for every boy, starting at their 13th birthday. But unlike here, they have made it reciprocal," Simon explained further, "that means that when a boy asks you to suck him, you have the right to ask him back, to have him suck you as well. The same if he wants to fuck you. Neither can refuse."


"I wished we had something like that," Alex sighed.


"Grandpa said that he had considered implementing that here as well, when they abolished the Indian Spring rules some years ago. He also said that it has some upside, but the downside they encountered was that a lot of boys were forced into sex even though they didn't want sex, at least not with boys. Here you cannot just ask any boy to bend over, only designated bottoms. There they can, and they do. I honestly don't know which is better."


"Still, I think it might be a good idea to get some of this reciprocity here as well," Philip suggested.


Simon hesitated for a moment whether he should emphasize it a bit. What Dustin had done on the beach at the Mansion over Labor Day weekend was actually reciprocal: he returned the favor because he had enjoyed it himself before. So it was possible.


"I've had a few times where a guy touched me or even jerked me off while he was fucking me, even once a guy gave me a blowjob as a thank you for what I did. That really did me good. It wasn't just a nice feeling, I felt a lot less like just being used as a sex object, more regarded as a person with feelings. I would like to have that more often."


"You've got the other Bottoms," Paul said plainly.


"I know, but it felt so much better to do something like that without coercion. If I go to another Bottom, I'm just using him on request. Then I am just one of many other mandatory numbers. It would be better if it was standard, or at least more regular that it is two-way "


"You have some good ideas, Simon," said Paul laughing, "that Arcade, and now this. That Arcade will be coming soon, but to arrange that guys who use a Bottom also have to offer their butt to be penetrated, I don't see that being accepted by the community anytime soon. But we put it on the whish-list, and we'll see what comes of it."


The older boys also taught the new Bottoms some lessons about their position in the community. Philip, Roy, Cameron and Colton explained what they had learned about the most private situations, sometimes from close relatives who, after their moment of physical relieve, also spilled their worries, pains and family secrets. It became clear to the youngest Bottoms that with being fucked, also a position of trust and even some power could emerge.

They joked that tops always thought they were in control, but ultimately everyone knew it were the bottoms who ruled.


"But real power will come later, when you occasionally perform after your term has ended, especially when you're older, like I am," Paul said. "You're not obliged to do anything, you can simply refuse, but you should know when an older Mackey asks you for some relief when his girlfriend dumped him, or his wife has her period or is pregnant, or just for fun, he'll be never able to turn down a request from your side, whatever favor you ask. Trust me, I've some neat examples."


The boys laughed a bit about compromising situations they envisaged with some well-known men from the community.


"But this means that even older men keep doing it with boys?" Leo asked, "is that even allowed?"


"If it is consensual, it's okay," Paul said. "It happens, not very often, but it's not very rare either. But that is never with Community Bottoms. There are age restrictions, remember."


"Just out of curiosity, Hugo, Leo, Simon, Alex, Brad," Bill said, "you've counted the times you've been fucked, but did you do some fucking yourself already?"


All the boys but Brad blushed and shook their heads and the older Bottoms laughed. For Brad, this was the moment to look around proudly and gloriously. He was the only one who had already fucked a Bottom himself. He looked at Colton, who smiled back and winked, remembering the encounter at Bare Butt Cove this summer.

Brad was obviously the top amongst the boys. He bragged about all the fucks he had, making the other bottoms blush when he got into details, because everyone knew it could only be one of them.


"You're Mackey, and you have the privilege to fuck any Bottom in your Territory, and you, Simon, you can have any Bottom," Thomas continued.

"So, if you want to do any of us, you can," Roy said to Simon with a big smile on his face to cheer him up a bit, "but hopefully not now, I first want a coke."


"Before we get to that, maybe we address Simon's situation first," Bill said, looking at Thomas and Paul for support.

"I think we should give him some relief, and I suggest setting a maximum per day, or a maximum average per week or something like that. Plus a day off once a week. What do you think?"


"I agree, maybe set a limit at 14 fucks and 14 blowjobs per week? And one day off as well," Thomas said.


"I still think that's too much, considering Simon still can count on an average of 2.3 fucks a day, excluding the blowjobs," Paul said, "I'd suggest 10 fucks per week as a maximum, that's about 1.7 per day on average, about the same as young Brad here."


"I'm not sure if that's allowed," Thomas replied, "the Council has to approve, because it is a major restriction, and without precedent, to have the rights to a Community Bottom restricted this way."

"Could be, but we have fair reason to do this, and I don't think they want to look bad by allowing this torture continue," Bill somewhat angrily shot back.


"Yeah, I agree, and why not make that a general rule. Limits for everyone the same?" said Roy and Colton almost simultaneously.

"And maybe we add also the idea of this, ...ehm... what did you call it, `tit for tat' or something," Roy added.


"You mean reciprocity. We'll have to discuss all this with the Council, maybe even the Board," Thomas said, and he suggested to have a short break to have a call with someone from the Council about this.


Thomas, Paul and Bill went to a room at the back of the Tavern for a call with the Council. They definitely agreed that there should be done something about this abuse of Simon. It was better to call the eldest Council member, Steve Mackey, instead of Richard Alan because it was about his son. It didn't take them long to convince Steve that there should be something done for a boy who was so blatantly abused and still remained so serious about his tour of duty, always stayed calm and polite, never saying something bad about other boys, never spilling their secrets. However, their proposal for the limit took some more time and was adjusted. And they also told Steve what they'd found in Hugo's notebook.


After the call, they were happy that Steve agreed with a limit for Simon for the remainder of his first year, albeit that Steve had pointed out that their proposal appears to be fair to Simon but didn't consider the fact that after his first six months of duty, a new batch of boys will be eligible to mount him. 14 fucks a week was very reasonable, he said. They'd done a little bargaining and settled with 12. The only exception was the Boy Scouts; he had no mandate to rule there.

They also had tried to convince him that it might be better to have that limit as a rule for every Bottom, and include the reciprocity part as well, but that was clearly stretching it too much. Maybe a good idea, but they needed to bring that to the Council or even the Board, not just in a phone call, which they understood.


The boys, and especially Simon, of course, were delighted when they heard the outcome of the call with Steve Mackey.

"That's settled than," said Paul, "we all agree. We'll tell the full Council about our decision and Steve's approval, and have it communicated."


Simon couldn't believe his luck. For the first time since months, he really felt happy. He was glad to be with boys who really understood what he was going through, and who really wanted to do something to help him, even without him asking for it. He was a little disappointed that the restriction didn't reach as far as the Scouts, but it was better than no restriction at all.


"Thanks guys," he said softly, his eyes turning red with emotion.


Thomas smiled. He was happy for Simon, but he still had one question for him.

"Hey Simon, what about the verdict of the Council, you know, about Dave Thompson."


This was the very subject he was glad he had avoided all evening and he was not happy that Thomas brought it up. But from the acclaim Thomas received from the other boys, he understood that he was not going to get away without an answer.


He explained his position, just as he had told his dad, the Council, Tom, and everyone who had asked over the last weeks. He still didn't agree with it. A Choosing with only one participant is deliberately making someone a Bottom as punishment. That's not good, and with that the other bottoms agreed. However, they also thought that when you look at it as a contribution to the community, they unanimously agreed that Simon should fulfil his obligation if Dave was chosen. He might not like the concept of punishment, the initiation is considered just a regular Choosing thing.


Simon knew that it was unavoidable. Tom had warned him about the consequences, and if he were to take his duties seriously, he should act now. And Dave was tired of being this long on death row. He knew he should give in shortly.


"I know, I've waited too long now, and that's even hurting Dave instead of helping him. I'm going to let the Council know that I'm ready for it."



When Simon came home late that evening, he was too exhausted to tell his parents how the meeting went; he just went straight to bed and fell asleep instantly.


From his bed, Matthew noticed the faint smile on his sleeping brother's face. Without Simon telling him anything, Matthew knew that something good must have happened to Simon. I'll hear all about it tomorrow, he thought.






Ever since Dave had overheard Brian and Gavin, he had been restless. It hadn't let go of him all these days and he had also been brooding at night. He had been upset by what he had heard, and he knew that what these guys had done was wrong, illegal, and he should tell someone. To the Council? Simon's dad didn't seem like a good idea to him, the man would immediately make a riot of it, and what did he have?: only what he had heard. Or should he talk to someone else about it first, but who?

He could go to his dad, but by the way he reacted at the Council verdict, it was not guaranteed he will chose his side, or even believe him.


Of all people, he trusted Simon the most. He had done Simon wrong, but nevertheless Simon didn't rat him out at the Council meeting, nor did he want to execute the punishment. Simon would be the best, but then again, maybe Simon would be hurt, knowing that he was a victim of Old Will and the two boys. Maybe it's better to talk to Tom first. He knew they are very close friends, and Tom is a sensible, clever boy, not one to dismiss him.




Dave went to talk with Tom, at school, right after the weekend.

He saw Simon and Tom walking in the hallway, and when he noticed Tom giving Simon a friendly, encouraging pat on the shoulder, he knew that Tom would the right one to talk to. Tom was the quiet, wise boy in their class, he must have an idea of what needed to be done. As soon as Simon split and entered another hallway, he rushed to Tom.


"Hey Tom, do you have a minute?"




"Let's go to a place where we can talk privately. It's about Mackey business."


Tom looked at Dave and saw his stressed face. He guessed it would be about the Council's verdict, and together they headed to a quiet place behind the building. But before they were outside, Dustin walked over to them, gesticulating wildly, with his usual goofy grin on his face, clearly in a happy mode.


"Shit," thought Dave, "I just can't handle this unguided missile right now." But Dustin, unaware of Dave wanting some privacy, joined them and began to chatter away about trifles before he finally asked,


"What were you actually going to do here?"


"Um, I just wanted to talk to Tom in private," said Dave cautiously. Dustin looked at him searchingly,


"Because of the upcoming Choosing?"


Dave shook his head no, but wasn't really in the mood to discuss it with Dustin. He knew, that like Tom, he was a good friend of Simon, but he could never judge him very well.


"When it comes to Mackey business," Tom began, "it's good to have Dustin around, if you don't mind. Dustin may know even more about Mackey rules than I do."


"Okay then," said Dave reluctantly. Those two were together many times anyway, so they will undoubtedly share his secret with each other one day.


The three of them walked to a quiet place where they could speak freely and Dave hesitantly recounted what he had heard, everything from what he had discussed with Gavin and Brian, including the threats, to what he had heard about a document and hiding it.

Tom and Dustin were stunned at first. But it wasn't long before Dustin, hot-tempered as he was, was indignantly shouting curses.


"Calm down, man," Tom admonished him, "there's no use yelling and ranting."


"But this is explosive. We cannot just let this go."


"I can't believe it, either" Tom said, still not grasping it, "this should go to the Council."


"True, but what can we do? We have nothing. Just what Dave heard? That's not proof."


"We can try to get the evidence," Dustin suggested, giving Dave a sharp look, "you've heard about where they were hiding it, haven't you? I think we should try to get that document, that'll be proof."


"You mean we're going to break in and steal it?" Tom asked in a pensive way, as if he didn't think that was such a bad idea after all.


"I think that would be a good idea," Dustin replied, "if they have a document that shows how they are cheating and abusing, then we should definitely make an effort to get it."


To Dave's surprise, Tom and Dustin took matters instantly into their own hands, involving him fully in doing so, as if he were already a full Mackey. A heavy load fell off his shoulders. He dreaded becoming Mackey through that Choosing, but he was beginning to feel that this sacrifice would all be worth it in the end.

Although the boys realized that burglary was a serious matter, they started talking excitedly about a plan to get the documents. Brash schoolboys as they were, they worked on ideas, from robbing Gavin and kidnapping him, to breaking into his house to steal the papers. Ultimately, they agreed that they should leave the boyish excitement behind and focus on how to get into the shed that Gavin mentioned and steal the documents.






The Monday after the Bottoms Meeting, Steve Mackey, the senior Council member, had come to talk with Simon about his reluctance to do what he was supposed to do: attend the Choosing and initiate Dave Thompson as a new Mackey Bottom if he was chosen. The Council already had decided that Simon will be asked only one more time, and then they will select another boy in his place.


"Simon," Steve said in a sonorous tone, "I get it that you'd rather not contribute to the execution of the decision, but it needs to be done now. You can't let Dave dangle that long."


"I know. We've discussed this last Friday, when we were together with all the Community Bottoms. And I've talked with Dave himself as well. He doesn't know how the Choosing works and what exactly my role will be, but he knows it's waiting for me and he wants me to get it started."


"Ah, that's a wise thing to do, talking with Dave. I fully understand that this is stressful for you both, but you handle it well, Simon. I suggest we schedule it for next Saturday. No need for further delay. We've already done some preparations. And make sure you don't spill any information to Dave. He shouldn't know anything more than you did before your Choosing."


Simon gulped. Next Saturday is in just five days. But he knew it was unavoidable. Better get it over with. And at such a short notice, maybe the event will not draw too much public, the thing about this whole situation that Simon hated the most, and no doubt Dave as well, if not more.


"Okay, next Saturday," Simon confirmed, "and Steve, thanks for your support for the restriction, I'm really grateful for that."




Next episode

The extra Choosing coming up: does Simon have to come in action?

Will Dave, Tom and Dustin's plan work out the way they hope?


To be continued...