Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 20:34:29 +1000 From: Lawrence Bradman Subject: The Opportunist Part 7 The Opportunist Part 7 I'd become thoroughly carried away with Tristram to the extent that I hadn't noticed the time, with a start I saw that it was approaching 10 pm, my parents knew I'd be late but, well I didn't want to push things or do anything that could in any way jeopardise my relationship with such a wonderful boy. Hastily slipping into my clothes I discussed with Tristram tomorrow's arrangements, here I had to be careful not to arouse suspicion at home and we agreed that it was best that we meet up after lunch...after that, well we'd see. So, as quietly as possible I let myself out. The drive was empty - his mum's visitor had obviously left and again I reflected on how strange a woman she was, I saw much of Tristram in her and for some reason the vision of her legs resurfaced and I wondered briefly how the boyfriend had felt with his prick up her arse, would it have been like Tristram's? Then I remembered her thoughtful gesture, that special tube of ointment...she had obviously guessed what we intended, yet she wasn't hostile...I tucked all these details away for reference. Of one thing I was certain, it was unlikely in the extreme that I'd ever again get my hands on such a beautiful boy, one so eager to please and - so good in bed, and I was going to keep those hands on him, no matter what! Saturday morning I slept in rather late - well I was really half awake semi dreaming of my auburn haired waif with the big green eyes and shapely legs, time and again I mentally slid the lacy pants from his hips and each time sort of woke up the way you do when you get to the really good bit in dreams. Then another time I was confronted by two slim pairs of legs topped by shapely little buttocks, that time I woke with a shock for one pair belonged to his mum. Something must have gone "click" just then...I already knew she was sympathetic to us, she actively helped Tristram to dress and act as a girl...potentially she could become an ally, there were all sorts of ways she could assist, fix things with my parents..oh yes I thought - be extra nice to her, not be too obvious but...yes, we'd see! Meanwhile I felt a pleasant surge of a couple of hours I'd be seeing Tristram again, my parents knew something was up but other than darting the occasional glance they said nothing - after all who could complain, the sometimes moody teenager had been replaced by an amiable and cooperative character anxious to please..."no of course we don't mind if you go out this afternoon, just let us know if you'll be late - and do tell us where you are?" I planned carefully, 'two birds with one stone' was my rationale and stopped at a florists - something simple yet colourful, delicate yet casual...and off I went. Again it was his mum that opened the door, casually I passed her the flowers "Saw these and thought they'd suit you both" and for the first time I briefly glimpsed something else beneath her severe, exquisite little features, she seemed at a loss for a moment then recovered. "Oh that IS sweet, let's go and show them to Tristram shall we? Come on then, this way" As I followed, I took in her straight backed posture, elegance manifest in every move, that slim athletic build, the way she carried her head and above all those legs - suddenly it dawned 'dancer's legs, she was probably professional too' and again I focused on her tight little bottom just before she took me by the hand and ushered me towards Tristram. "Darling, your boyfriend's been a sweetie, bought these for us, add a bit of colour won't understated yet exquisite in their fashion - tell me - you seem a most unusual young man - what made you choose them?" I casually replied that they seemed appropriate for the recipients I had in mind and for the same reason I had chosen Tristram....that gained me a shrewd calculating glance then she nodded to where Tristram sat perched upon the couch "Well, you can sit there next to her - oh I know she's supposed to be a 'he' but at home we like to be ourselves, go on then don't be shy and I'm going to hang around, have my coffee - proper stuff, want some?" This was very promising I thought and I was rather partial to "proper" coffee so happily accepted. Now I turned my attention to my demure companion, this time Tristram was clad in skin tight jeans beneath which he wore nylons - a glance at his ankles told me as much, his frilly blouse looked interesting, I reckoned with several buttons undone I would have it off a shoulder, probably with a nipple exposed...he was bright was Tristram, leaning sideways he whispered, "stop mentally undressing me! You'll have to wait!" so I contented myself with giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Coffee arrived and his mum sat down opposite, she was perfectly at ease in this situation it seemed and again I found myself admiring those legs of hers. I decided to fish so asked Tristram "Did you ever attend ballet classes? With your deportment and well, those legs of yours...". Candidly he replied "well yes I did but gave it away, I had to really because I just didn't have the strength in my arms and shoulders, too slightly built...anyway, the deportment thing I copied from mummy, she was a professional...I mean look at her legs - aren't they lovely, so elegant, graceful?" I coughed and blushed, across the room came the stern admonishment "Don't encourage him Tristram, he's already noticed my legs and I'm sure by now that he's thoroughly familiar with yours...yes, we are very similar but I think she is prettier - only because of her colouring mind you!" This was said with some humour and she continued "Well what are you two love birds intending today - other than the obvious - going anywhere?" I for one wasn't fussed, I had this urgent desire to take the boy upstairs and fuck him some more - though probably after some lengthy preliminaries - and looking over at her I had the distinct feeling she had a fair idea of what I was thinking "Of course, you don't have to go anywhere you was the same in the ballet, all those boys with their special they got the energy to dance AND do that stuff all the time I don't know, they always seemed to be at it!" Tristram giggled and I felt him snuggle up...his mother looked at us fondly, "Phew" I thought and watched as almost absent mindedly she flexed a shapely leg, skirt drawn back - way back, and this time her eyes met mine and her gaze was steady, my tummy did a quick lurch, I thought "Mother and daughter....oh good Lord! I've never fancied a girl but she takes it in the arse, we know - just wait and see, a word to Tristram perhaps....he knows her after all".