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(Disclaimer) This is a work of fiction and most all disclaimers apply. Regardless of the name, none of the characters in this story are based on real people, living or dead. It is a story about behavior common to most boys and is consistently denied or hidden from view. Even though this is a work of fiction, This is an authentic representation.

Please send comments to: jet2larkin AT geemale Dot kom...and I will respond

The story was re-written. It is a authentic tale about two boys. It was my story, but it could easily be your story. It is in seven parts with a beginning, middle and end. It is graphic, truthful and plausible.

Two boys, different as night and day, different as hot or cold, different as soft and hard, join together to form something perfect...

The Outcasts

by Lark

part 3 of 7

The Revolutionary Act

At home, after the sun went down, Michael considered his experience with Seth. On occasion he had seen his mother naked when she ran from the bath to the bedroom. He had only the vaguest idea of sex and man's supposed attraction to women, but seeing her naked never moved him or prompted curiosity. He figured that when the time came to be interested in girls, all would be revealed to him but so far it hadn't. But seeing Seth jerk-off, preyed on his mind and the idea of someone's stiff penis intoxicated him all out of proportion and more so because it was Seth who was rude and aggressive. He remembered the scent coming from under Seth's arms and the strange allure of his smile. The experience left him stunned. Michael was already stiff and erect when he got into bed. It was always his custom to sleep in his underpants but tonight he pushed them down to his ankles and then kicked them off. In his mind, this was a revolutionary act. Never before had he realize that he could simply initiate an erection and provoke lust that usually occurred only in a dream and that he could do it just by playing with his penis. This was a startling revelation. Michael had always thought of his cock as being small and insignificant. He hadn't noticed that it had become a little larger. It was a modest handful but in his mind he saw Seth's large cock and it looked even larger in his recollection. He dreamed about holding it and feeling it and if he did, what would Seth do? All the while he was stroking and touching himself. He peed on his belly and sampled his own scent. This went on for hours. It carried him into an insane, exquisite ecstasy that went on until just before dawn and then, his penis seem to explode. He sat up in a disoriented panic, being unable to stop himself from soaking his bed. Had Michael discovered this on his own or through second hand instruction, it might have been different, but the knowledge had come to him as result of a growing intimacy with a person who fascinated him. The person was close but somehow unattainable. The attraction had happened first and was followed by a spontaneous sexual desire that was unfamiliar, elusive and indescribable.

The cautious friendship

Without a word the two got off the bus at the top of the road, walked down the hill, through the yard, traveled out back and climbed up the dirt pile that Michael said looked like a volcano. This became their hide-out, this caldera became their common ground.

Seth lit a cigarette and handed it to Michael. He was unsure but finally took it. Pinching the cigarette between his forefinger and thumb, he put it to his lips and sucked. A little cloud of un-inhaled smoke puffed out of his mouth but when he breathed, it disappeared into his lungs. Michael started choking and coughing so much that his eyes were watering. Seth laughed hard and got a great deal of pleasure out of seeing Michael gasping for breath.

As he did on the day before, Michael sat next to Seth. He sat close so that he had just a tiny bit of physical contact here and there. An elbow, a bit of the leg or just brushing the shoulder. If Seth moved while demonstrating some thought or idea, he might bump him again. He felt Seth's body as if there was an electrical current going all through him and when he made contact it poured from Seth's body into his own making him feel very alive. He wondered if Seth felt the same thing but when he watched him talk and smoke and go on, he thought, probably not.

Seth looked so easy going and if only for a moment, happy. "As soon as I can save enough money I am going to buy a motorcycle."

He looked at Michael, "Have you ever driven a motorcycle?"

Michael answered. "No, never."

"Well it's like riding a jet. You go so fast and you can go even faster and you feel freer than ever."

The hidden truth was that he had never actually driven one, but once he had ridden on the back and that was enough to light the fire inside of him. Seth gave Michael careful, appraising look that took a long moment. Then he reached out and gently pulled off Michael's glasses. Michael awkwardly held out his hands as if his glasses suddenly might fall and break.

"Can you see?"

Michael behaved almost as if he had been suddenly stripped naked.

"Can you see ok?"

The boy looked uncomfortable. "Yeah, but I can't see things that are far away. I can see things that are close up ok."

Seth was calm. "When you're sittin here with me, you don't need to see far away, do you?"

"No, not really."

"So why do you wear them? You look so stupid."

Michael looked a little hurt. "Social services and my mother says I have to wear them."

Sneering in contempt, Seth said, “Fuck them!”

The boy began to put them back on and Seth carefully pulled them off again.

"Michael, just wear them when you're crossing the street."

As they sat together, comfortable even during a quiet moment, Michael looked at the length of Seth's body. He was as skinny as a rail and somewhat taller than himself. Seth's jeans were rustic like something cowboys might wear. They were worn and even ripped here and there and his bare knee stuck out of one leg. His tee shirt was thin and faded with the word FLORIDA barely legible across the front. The younger boy wished he could look like his new friend.

Seth slid his hand down into his pants to adjust his cock. He must have pulled it up straight because immediately after, it began to rise.

He smiled at Michael and said, "I guess it's that time again."

He already knew that Michael was not going to voice objection and the idea of jerking off in front of him was sort of thrilling. He liked seeing the look on Michael's face when he pulled it out. He figured, he was going to jerk off anyway and if Michael wanted to hang out with him so bad, why not use it to reveal his darker side.

Seth whispered, "I have a filthy mind and it can't be fixed."

He turned to the younger boy. “You shouldn't hang with me because I am fucked up.”

Michael didn't care. He was where he wanted to be. Staying physically close to him and even pressing closer so that the length of his body was warmed by Seth's fever made the lonely boy feel connected. As Seth stroked harder, to Michael, it was an intoxicating vision that he could barely understand. When Seth opened his pants and lifted out his stiff cock, he could not believe what he was seeing. Unconsciously he placed his arm across Seth's chest and pulled himself closer.

Seth was smiling, "Are you sure you know what you're getting into?"

He was stroking inches away from Michael's watching eyes.

It is possible that Seth might have thought that it was a queer thing for Michael to do but for Seth, the sensation enriched the experience and it was driving him closer. Looking at Michael he saw that his lips were parted in an attitude of wonder and astonishment.

Breathless, Seth said, "I'm gonna cum."

Michael had no idea what he meant but instinctively he had sensed a hidden sequence and his lust rose with the moment. The older boy squirted his fluid in irregular doses reaching as high as his chin and even got it on Michael's arm. It was white and syrupy and not like the watery clear pee that Michael had produced. Seth collected a gob of it and to Michael's horror he placed it on his own tongue, swallowed and then smiled.

The Bond

At school they avoided each other. It was mostly because if anyone saw them together the strange dissimilarities between the two would stand out and call attention to themselves. So, not to create a sense of association between each other, when they passed one another in the halls there would only be a vague and distant acknowledgment. Any sort of spectacle would cause Seth to withdraw their tentative treaty.

Michael was flamboyant by nature and he realized and understood that their fragile association depended on his discretion. Unfortunately discretion was something not high on Michael's list of social skills.

Sitting together in their own caldera, they talked about things. They had more things in common now and had even begun to enjoy each others company.

In a mischievous moment, Seth grabbed Michael making an effort to tug open the boy's pants. The boy quickly pulled up his knees tightly to his chin closing up like a sea clam. "No, ahh!"

He gave out a high pitched scream.

Seth laughed. "Come on you little faggot, let me have a look. Why is your dick such a big secret and you can't seem to keep your hands off of mine?"

Michael struggled to keep his pants from being pulled down. His struggle was futile. Seth demonstrated his power over him and in one move, he pushed the boy's pants and underpants down below his knees, exposing everything.

Michael cried out in fear as if he was balancing himself at the edge of a cliff. He gave out another scream of embarrassment.

Seth started laughing “Is that what you are hiding? Why bother, look how stupid and little it is.”

He laughed out loud. This caused Michael to try to conceal himself but Seth wouldn't let him. “Relax! I was just kidding, your dick doesn't look stupid, but you look stupid.”

He laughed again. Michael had been violated. His neat little penis and scrotum was no more than 2 inches. He tried to pull his pants back up.

"Will you fuckin relax!"

With confident authority, Seth stroked and flicked at the boy's penis and finally it began to rise. Gradually Michael's apprehension lifted and was replaced with a strange and soothing calm. He lay naked and exposed in the older boy's arms and without understanding it, The younger boy had given himself to Seth. Michael was suddenly content and at peace. The fucked up boy had captured him and he didn't care about anything.

"You just need practice. You need to jerk-off every day like I do, sometimes even more."

Seth's voice was soothing. Like a small miracle, Michael's cock stood up and twitched.

All this piqued Seth's interest and he elevated Michael's legs that were encumbered with pants and underwear. "Here, pull'em back further so's I can see your hole."

When he did, wrappers and little items fell out of Michael's pockets but his bottom was exposed for Seth to see.

See, you're just like everybody else. You even have a shit hole!”

For the first time they sat close, arms interlocked, and jerked off together. It took a longer time for Michael but Seth cuddled and encouraged him into an intense resolution. Not realizing it at the time, the two boys had formed a lasting and powerful bond with each other.

Part 4 to follow

Please send comments to: jet2larkin AT geemale Dot kom...