The Travis Theory Original Posted Sept 5 2010 By Remmy Meggs

This is a fictional story of boys and teens growing up and as such, is a work of total fiction. Any resemblance to real people, dead or alive, is purely coincidental. By reading this story, you agree that you are at or above legal age in your location, and you are not breaking the laws of your country. I own all copyrights to this/ these files or stories and they may not be posted on USENET or any other site without my express permission.

If the laws in your country make it illegal to or read fantasy stories about minors, or if you are under of age of eighteen or have someone in your presence under the age of eighteen, you must leave this site immediately. This site may cover gay issues, extreme violence and sexual situations.

Copyright © 2012 Remmy Meggs I reserve all rights. You may not upload this file to any site or reprint it in any media format.

For those that are interested, I write Action/Adventure stories with a strong boy hero growing up in different situations. Since I base my writing on the future or history as I know it, then as far as the story goes, it is indisputable. Remember my stories are in the future, or they fall into the historical fantasy genres.

The Travis Theory By Remmy Meggs


I already knew it was going to be a long week. At least Travis and David were busy spying on Joey and Declan. I found it hard to believe someone as cute as Declan and so straight laced that he buttoned the top button of his shirts, much less taking his shorts off in front of anyone. I also knew it upset Joey off when Declan always had a reason for not going to the jack off sessions.

Tristan and I went hovering around the park after school. David and Travis wiggled their way over to Declan's house. Declan was the quiet and well, chicken of the whole class, but no one bothered him. He took to Travis and he and David already hung out together some, so the three of them would get along. While riding the boards at the park, the guy Travis beat up the first day we met was there. He and a couple of his friends came over.

Actually, I was prepared to fight, but instead they shook hands, with both of us, and then started a conversation about several things. I guess first impressions are not always correct, but I still had a bad feeling about it. I already knew some of the groups were bullies; you could look at them and tell that. Two of them were smoking cigarettes or worse. The way they stood though is what got to me as if they were bad asses, not to be messed with.

Yet here they were at least trying to make friends out of two boys at least two years younger than they were A few of them said they had some old skateboards and wanted to try our hover boards, so I let them try mine. A few falls and scrapes later, they resigned and thought it was a lot harder than they expected.

Billy was the leader of the group, the one that Travis beat half to death. He brought Travis up a couple of times but others talked over him. I knew he wanted to talk about that day, but maybe it was better he didn't. If I just would have known what an impact it made on him, things could have been different.

They left the park on foot being sure to push someone when they got too close to the group. Tristan looked at me, "What do you make of that?"

"I don't know. It's like they wanted to talk about the fight, or at least

Travis. That Billy asked why no one was with Travis and then left. I hope they are not up to something, we will have a neighborhood war going on, and they play dirty." I answered.

As we rode the boards, we talked about the weekend, and whether or not Joey and Declan should be coming along. We both agreed that it would be great, but we were also afraid that if things didn't go the way David and Travis were thinking, that the two of them would be very upset... probably at us.

We flew up the stairs and I almost fell. Tristan shushed me, "Listen!"

Someone was calling our names. I shrugged, "It could be anyone Tristan."

"No someone is afraid, scared!" He started looking around, as we got closer to the voice.

We finally saw whom it was running out in the center of the park drawing attention to himself. It was Joey. Tristan frowned, "Wonder what is up with him?" He shook his head, "Sorry Stevie, we are going to have to go see what he is up too."

I followed Tristan and when Joey saw us, he started running as fast as he could. "There is a big fight. Travis and David are in the middle of it. Declan has a bloody nose, I was able to get him out but David and Travis wouldn't leave. They told Declan that you two went to the park so I came here, we have to hurry!"

You know when you have that sinking feeling in your stomach when you sensed something wrong and did not act on it? My stomach fell out of my body my chest heaved, "We will follow you." I took the little phone out of my pocket and said, "Three." A couple of rings later Mac answered, "What?"

I need you south of Granite Park, I am not there yet but Travis and David are and there is a fight going on. We are running there now."

He hung up without answering me.

We were all in good shape because of Travis' training with the bikes and running, but what we saw when we got to the edge of the park was more than I could handle. Tristan looked at Declan leaning against a tree, his perfect little white shirt was blood stained, and he was crying.

"You guys stay here I'll take care of it." I said.

As I started to walk across the street, where I saw at least twenty boys older than me, I knew that Travis would be half-dead. I would avenge him, anyone that touched him would pay heavily, and when I was through with them, I knew Mac would hunt them down, and hurt them. That did not help my fear of what they had done as I neared the group. There they were, but they were not all fighting Travis and David. I heard Travis give a karate war cry but I could not see him.

There were two groups, both from the same high school fighting, and they were not fighting fair. One had a chain, another had a broken bottle, who knew what else was in the fray. I was behind them and yelled, "STOP IT NOW!"

Then scaring me half to death, Tristan coming up beside me yelled, "You heard him, he said stop it!"

The group paused and looked over at us. I looked at each face. Most I had seen before, even if I did not know their names, "This has nothing to do with you Stevie, you get get your wiggly ass the fuck out of here, and you too Tristan."

Another pushed David toward us. He had black eyes, and his shirt was torn, "Take the wimp with you, he may be brave, but he has no business here either. We only came for one, and these assholes stepped in. They are paying for it now."

Then the fight started again. I yelled out, "TRAVIS?"

The group stopped again, the oldest boy looked at him, "That chicken shit is in your school?"

"Travis!" I yelled again, and then I knocked the front teeth out of the boy that said it.

Tristan stood next to me, then Joey on the other side. I looked down when I saw movement. You could barely recognize him, his mouth, nose, arms were bleeding, but he looked up with a half-smile, "I told you that you couldn't leave him alone in public!" Then either Billy fainted or died, he was not awake.

Two of Billy's friends pulled him away from the others, "Thank God you got here, we needed help." Then the fight began again.

I went in punching kicking... but most of all crying as Billy's group and the three of us finally pushed them back far enough they decided to back off. The Red Pantera pulled up and Mac jumped out running down the five that got away from us. They had no idea what hit them and he hit them with one punch knocking each of them to the ground as he neared them. Mac would put them down first and then go back after them.

I pushed through to Travis. He had his arms over his head but not from being afraid, he was in a Karate squatting stance, ready to jump up and do some damage. I swatted down next to him, "Travis?"

He looked up slowly and smiled, "I think they hurt Declan and David pretty bad."

"How about you?" I asked looking at his red blood-shot eyes.

"They didn't have a chance. They said they were going to take me to the park and I was going to suck their dicks. So I started beating them up. I'll have some bruises though. Then that guy that always wanted to hurt me and his friends came running over. I knew I was dead meat then. But no, they came in to help me, and even though none of them can really fight, they put everything into it so I could cover David. Declan had already been thrown free from us, he was bleeding badly, where is he?"

Joey looked at the boys left standing, "Any of these guys hit Declan?"

"Those three." Travis pointed.

Joey and Tristan moved in on the three quickly. Tristan had enough karate to make it quick and painful, but Joey was fighting mad. The three were on the ground quickly and Joey would not stop. I stood up and pulled him off the three boys, "Let them get up first, we are not like them." I tried to teach what we were learning in Karate school.

Joey stood up but he was in a rage, he stood waiting for them to get up. I turned back to Travis and pulled him to his feet. A few yards away I heard a seventeen-year-old yell in pain as Mac pulled him off the ground and held him up and beat him mercilessly. I pulled Travis' shirt off and looked him over well for cuts and scrapes. Satisfied that he was not in serious condition, I turned as one of the attackers jumped up and started to hit Joey. Tristan saw it as well, he grabbed the older boy's arm twisted it, and brought his knee down on the boy's elbow. I heard the bones crack, and two came out of the guys skin sticking out shooting blood all over. He started running and screaming. The other two stayed on the ground.

Travis looked at them, "Hey there are only two of you now. Do you want to take me on by yourselves?"

I hated it when he said things like that. When a kid says something like that, you know you are dead meat. "He is going to hurt you bad." I yelled. They would be foolish to answer him. I hoped they wouldn't. Mac satisfied with his broken captors walked over to us, "You guys get out of here, take care of your friends. We have it now, and thank you for your help." He said to Billy's group, "If you ever need any of us just call, we will be there."

Gee, thanks Mac, that's all we need, is street thugs in a battle and they call us to get killed. The group helped Billy and a couple of others but they were not leaving. They wanted to see how deadly we would get. Mac looked at the two that were left, "Either you fight that little boy or you will fight me." Then he turned while Billy's friends sat him up. Mac squatted and looked at Billy's eyes, then announced, "He has a bad concussion. We will have to take him to the hospital, actually a bunch of them. Let me think of how to do this."

As we had our attention on Billy, the two older boys tried to make their escape. With one blow each, Tristan stopped them. Travis giggled, "Oh you're the one that hit me in the back!"

With that, I turned to look at which one he was talking to, I did not wait for Travis or Mac, I beat him back down, and Mac pulled me off the guy. I was yelling and screaming.

"Look what they did to David and Declan." Joey cried as he neared us with the younger boys... not that much younger than us, they were in the same grade, but they were still younger. Joey was gritting his teeth. He spoke to the two boys on the ground, "Can you hear me? If you see these boys or any of us, no matter where it is, no matter when it is, at the mall, at a movie, at the lake, you leave before we see you, because you are going to pay for the rest of your lives for this."

Travis came over and grabbed a hold of me holding on tight, "I knew you and Mac would show up, I just wasn't sure it would be in time. They wore me out Stevie."

Tristan grabbed David and held him. I could see Tristan's tears running down his face. Then I saw Joey, all over Declan. "Why weren't you at Declan's house like you told me you would be? Did you tell Mac? Did you tell your parents?" I asked.

"We were going to meet Joey. They come out of nowhere." Travis frowned and hugged me tighter, and you are not the boss of me."

"Don't pull that on me, you should have called Mac or me, and then this wouldn't have happened." I chastised him, "You can't just run off anytime you want too, this is too much Travis, no more of this. If you leave your house without Mac, your mom or dad, I need to know where you are all the time, and I mean all the time." I didn't realize I raised my voice, but everyone was looking at me. I turned and saw Mac smiling.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me?" I demanded to know.

Travis held tighter and whispered, "Because you are acting like the boss again. I thought you were over that!"

We heard sirens coming our way, and Mac went over and picked up the boys he hit and got them to their feet, he brought them over to the other two. Add the one that Tristan broke up that left three unaccounted. Mac took over, "You guys tell the truth give up your three friends, and things will go easier for you. If you don't then we will have problems." He said to the six attackers. Then he turned to us, "You guys tell the truth too, if everyone is honest everything will be fine."

The police came followed by a paramedic truck. They called an ambulance for

Billy and patched up the others while the police talked to all of us separately. It seems the three gang-leaders got away from us, but the police had their names now, worse for them, Mac had the names too as well as their addresses. I had those same names and addresses, and no one was going to get away with this.

Before long, everyone started to leave. We stayed and watched Billy be taken away in the ambulance, as well as the boy with the compound fracture. We could not all fit in Mac's car so he let us walk Joey home. We let Declan and David stand on the hover board and we pulled them along. We would stay there awhile and clean up, then go back to my street which was more centered to everyone else.

Joey's mom hit the ceiling. She was really upset. She called everyone's parents and treated us as if she was a nurse and we were in diapers. You had to feel sorry for Joey if she was like this all of the time. Although I have to admit that Declan and David were eating up the attention. It looked like Declan would have two black eyes, but his nose was not broken, the paramedics already checked that. David was roughed up and had a cut lip and a black eye. Both would survive to tell their story about how three took on ten... maybe they will mention the rest of us that came to rescue them, but it didn't matter, it would still be a good story.

She told Declan to take his shirt off, and as I expected he refused because he had nothing else to wear. Joey went up and got a T-shirt for him and Declan changed in the downstairs bathroom. I thought that was a little odd. Declan never had any problem undressing at the lake, at least that I ever saw but he will not undress in front of others or go to one of Joey's favorite events.

Declan came out smiling wearing the T-shirt and handed Joey's mom the bloody shirt. She put something on it form the laundry room, put it in a bag and handed it to Declan, "You're mother needs to see this young man, so she knows how bad it was."

Then we listened to a half hour of hell. Again, I felt sorry for Joey once we left. We dropped off Declan, then Travis. Tristan and I went to my house. None of us really had anything to say at the time. That would come later once the horror of what happened had passed. This was not a grade school or middle school fight, the attackers meant to do permanent, maybe lethal damage. If it was not for Billy's gang interfering, Travis would not have been able to hold his own. He had to be half out of his mind when so many came at him at the same time. Maybe the fact that David and Declan were there gave him a little more courage, but he would have been lost without Billy's gang. It finally dawned on me that Travis had a big mouth but was a little chicken... no a little kid, still afraid of monsters, there was no doubt those gangs were monsters.

I was too upset as we walked home to think about parents... That is until we walked into the door and mom and dad were on top of us, sending Tristan directly home because his parents were worried. After they saw that I was not, in a million pieces, I could see they wanted to yell at me, but instead they looked at me strangely, "You need rest Stevie." Dad said, "You do not look well. We can talk about this later and you can tell us what happened. Thank heavens. I nodded and went up to my room and closed the door. The hate, the vengeance, the worry, and sickness overtook me and I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning in a dream... Tristan, Declan, David, Joey, and Travis were naked sitting on my bed talking to me. Now I have to admit the dream was really good until I finally opened my eyes and realized the voices were not in a dream. Sure enough, there they were, almost naked. They had Speedo's on but they looked better in the dream, squinting my eyes I grinned and looked at them all closely, "You guys are nuts, what time is it?"

"We were the ones that got beat up!" Declan groaned, he and David looked funny wearing sunglasses in the house, as if it hid their black eyes.

"You should have been awake four hours ago!" Joey fussed.

Travis grinned, "You are so lazy... you remind me of this kid in the United Kingdom I know. If it's cloudy out he wants to sleep all day. The problem is he never has to get up to look because it's cloudy every day, what is your excuse?"

"I have friends that are nuts?" I said as I sat up in bed," You guys mind if I get go to the bathroom and get dressed?"

"Not at all, go ahead and get up, go to the bathroom, and get dressed. We will watch." Tristan smiled.

"I'll bet you he won't get up while we are watching. He has a boner and would be too embarrassed." Joey laughed.

"You guys seem to be in a good mood considering what you went through yesterday." I said standing up showing off my bits. I went to the bathroom and they followed.

"Will he push it down, bend over the stool, or go in the shower?" Joey giggled.

I slammed the door in their faces and stepped into the shower. I could hear them outside the door, "Ewww he went in the shower!"

Since I was in there, I took a shower anyway, then oiled and dried off. I came out feeling better and looked at the bunch of them on the bed, "What are you guys giggling about?" I asked.

Travis frowned, "They said if you came out soft that means you played with it in the shower. I said you wouldn't do that and you would still have a stiffy. I lost!" The others cracked up laughing, more at Travis than at me.

"Don't pay attention to them Travis they are just messing with you." I grinned and went to the dresser to get my swim trunks on, "I don't know why you guys use those Speedo's anymore they went out of style like 40 years ago. Caldara's are what is cool."

"Yes, if you like showing your dick to everyone." Tristan laughed, "We saw you at the park you didn't seem so happy about them then!"

"That's because there were a thousand people there in tuxedo swimwear baggies and just us, and you guys were squirming just as much in your Speedo's. The point is that we are lucky enough to get cool stuff and you wearing stuff that went out with the 2010 Olympics. I don't understand though, when I bought these I couldn't wait to get them, and around you guys I am fine. It is just when the public is around."

David grinned at all of us, "Stevie is right. We go naked swimming and we swim in skimpy clothes when the girls are around but when we are in public it's like Oh my gosh everyone can see my wiener! But they can't really. That part is covered; even better than Speedo's cover those dicks. But they can see everything else and that's why you guys get embarrassed. And you guys are teasing Stevie but if your dicks even move, you can tell it in yours. Then guess why all the big guys are wearing Calderas? It's because they know they look good in them, and the girls are all over them. You really want to be little fags afraid of everyone seeing you?"

"Well we know you like to see us in them." Tristan grinned smacking David's arm in a brotherly way.

"Fine!" David pretended to pout.

Declan, out of character spoke up, "He is right you know. We go around, wearing hardly anything, in the neighborhood in front of the girls and guys and parents. But once we leave Granite Park we don't want anyone to see us. I don't even want to go shopping or leave the park even when I am completely dressed, except for the lake and all of you guys are there if something happens."

Travis was thinking, "Declan is right too. I go all the time, but you guys hardly go anywhere. Maybe that's a thing twelve year olds do... hide all the time, but I wonder why?"

We left, saying goodbye to mom and headed to Travis' pool. I almost had dad talked into getting one for me, but there was a catch to it. I would have to do the lawn all the time, so we could have money for someone to take care of the pool. Since each house in Granite Park had three to five acres of land... and some of the big shots had ten to twenty, I just knew pushing an old push mower around was not going to give me any time for play. So I decided I did not want that pool as much as I thought.

The guys continued talking about and swimming trunks bit all the way to Travis' pool, where they did not stop talking about it. They also did not look for Mac and we walked right past him sitting in a lounger.

We sat at the edge of the pool and I was half listening to them. I was thinking about my bicycle tire which kept going flat, and my horse that was pooping all day long. I had to clean it all up and the idea was he would not poop in his stall if I rode him enough. I was not riding him enough, but I still don't think he would wait and he would continue to poop in the stall, just not as much.

We heard Mac's voice and we all jumped, "There are several reasons for that guys. For one, you are reaching puberty. That free time when your parents go out means you get to play with yourselves... hmmm or your friends, it really doesn't have much to do with what you wear except for the fact you can't control those little wieners of yours and are afraid someone will see you with a boner." He shrugged, "And actually, speaking as an almost adult now, I don't want anyone to see your little wieners either, there are too many pervs out there, and they just may try something. I am not trying to scare you but I do worry about it. Heaven only knows what those public high school boys would do if they got you."

Tristan frowned, "What school are we supposed to go to then?"

"You will go to the Academy of course, the same school I go to. Didn't Travis tell you?" He answered.

We turned and stared at Travis, "Well?" I asked.

Travis looked away, "I did tell you sort of... The "Phoenix Magnet" schools are awesome schools for talented kids."

I turned to Mac, "That is where you are going?"

"No that is where I went. I'm in college now. I'll go to University next year with Travis; I don't get the grades he gets so I have to work harder. Mac explained.

David frowned, "Okay that's great, but you are saying we aren't going out because we want to stay home and play with ourselves while mom and dad are gone, and we don't care how we dress as long as someone from outside the neighborhood won't see us?"

"That's what I said David!" Mac laughed, embarrassing David. Then he turned the rest of us, "You guys might have a problem. I saw a new family moving in this morning on Birch. They had a boy eleven or twelve I am guessing, but he was dressed like a girl. In a cute pink dress too."

Tristan giggled, "How would you know it's a girl?

Mac frowned, "How many girls wear black and gold Nike's?"

"He could be going to any school, not ours." David grinned.

"You should still know what's new in the neighborhood." Mac explained, "After all he could be another Stevie. Some of you would like to get in Stevie's little bottom!"

Them as they started laughing, I said, "I don't dress up like a girl!"

That made them laugh even more, and I pouted and slid into the water, "I'll get you all."

David still stuck on the previous conversation continued with it, "So it's not the clothes at all?"

Mac frowned, "You have a one track mind!"

David retorted, "Tristan doesn't seem to have a problem with it!"

Tristan blushed but said nothing. Mac answered, "For some it could be that they are poor, or don't have nice clothes, but the street kids are like that, the middle class as well as the wealthy. So I am guessing that it has to do with puberty more than styles, the fact that you can't control your hormones, after all you are all getting a boner just hearing about it. I think that is the reason, you just need time to play with it a lot. That is the perfect time; it gives you an hour extra, maybe even more while the parents are out shopping or eating."

"Well, that seems to be logical in a screwy sort of way. That would explain David being at Tristan's when Tristan's mom and dad go out." Declan giggled.

David pushed Declan in the water, and then jumped in himself. From the other side of the pool Travis asked, "Don't you guys think we should go meet this girl and ask her... I mean him what school she... he is going to?"

"We just got here! At least give us an hour for swimming!" Declan fussed.

"Okay gosh, I didn't mean right this minute. We can show off boy's swimwear maybe he will get the idea." Travis beamed.

"Or maybe he will just orgasm right in front of you, multiple times, seeing all but naked boys." Mac interjected. Mac started laughing loudly. He knew we all had boners from the talking and he was enjoying seeing our discomfort. It wasn't something we could hide or control very well. Mac was right about the sex, the cloudy head, not being able to think at all and then after the guilt you felt for having fun. I had to agree with him about why we all of the sudden felt like hiding, and I knew he was right about our parents for the first time in our lives leaving us home for an hour or two... sometimes three while they went out. I was sure he was right about everything he told us, it was just how he told us that was either embarrassing or purposefully making us uncomfortable.

I knew that if the warm water were keeping my stiffy throbbing it had to be doing it to David and Tristan for sure. I was not sure about Declan or Travis for that matter, but I knew what it did to the rest of us. Travis I knew, would know I had a boner. If he didn't have one it wouldn't take much to get him there, but then again so much went through his brain at one time, he may have been ignoring the conversation for the most part. "Is sex all you guys talk about, and with Mac, of all people? You guys never talked like that before when I was around." I asked.

Mac stood and went into the house, and we gravitated to Tristan. "Now what?" I asked.

"I guess we cook Travis." Tristan said without smiling.

The rest of us stared at him, "What?" I asked.

"I guess we cook him." Tristan repeated, "With all that good stuff he eats, he has to taste better than anyone else."

David frowned, "Are you serious? You are scaring Travis and Stevie."

"I have been thinking about it a lot. With the foods he eats, compared to what we eat, he has to be pretty tasty. Haven't you thought about it yourselves?"

"Come on Travis, they are talking nonsense." I said grabbing his hand and pulled him out of the pool. "You are not funny!" I yelled at Tristan.

Declan's eyes were wide open, "Not funny at all." He said joining us, as Travis and I dried off.

Tristan was wearing an evil grin as he and David came toward us. David was fussing, "You need to stop talking like that. Stevie will never let you near Travis if you keep this up. And you will lose what friends you have just by teasing them."

Tristan stopped and started laughing, "I bet none of you have boners now!"

"You shit!" Declan yelled, "That was not funny at all."

"But it worked didn't it?"

I did not have to look down to know it worked. Now it probably would not work for life. I hugged Travis, "You're an ass sometimes Tristan!' I grumbled.

Travis look at me, "He is probably right you know. You guys eat dog food compared to me, and I eat the honey of the Gods. I do probably taste better." He giggled and put on his sandals. "Let's go see the new kid."

"I don't have my shorts with me." I said.

The others agreed. Travis frowned, "Didn't you hear what Mac said? We are being silly, so what if we get a stiffy? All we have to do is think about eating Tristan and it will gross us out so much our dicks will never get big!"

The rest of us laughed. I became serious for once, "We really need to talk about the fight. We really do. Here at the pool is the best or maybe in my living room where we can relax."

With that, and an apology to Travis from Tristan, we settled down and finally started talking about the ferocity of the fight. A fight I knew had to scare the hell out of the three of them, I came in late, and I was scare to death.

They started telling how they were walking and a group of boys called out behind them. Travis, David and Declan of course stopped, which gave the older kids time to catch up to them. By the time Travis realized they were going to hurt him, it was too late.

They pushed the three of them against the park entry welcome sign, a large and long rock formation with a bronzed welcome sign. The hoods were really after Travis, the other two were just in the wrong place. "They said Travis was going to suck all their dicks. He was balling, there was just too many of them. When he said they can go to hell that big one hit him." David explained.

Declan spoke, "When Travis hit him back, and I mean hard enough to push him at least two foot back, David and I started hitting the ones we were close too. It's not like David and I have had much karate training like Travis, I was the first one to fall. My head was spinning, that's when one of them called me a pussy and threw me outside the group. A few of them were not really fighting but they wanted to. They kicked me several times while I was trying to crawl away but they didn't chase me down. That's when Joey came up and took me across the street. I told him you were in the park and he ran off trying to find you guys."

They said, "Since Travis and I were alike they could fuck me after Travis sucked them off." David looked away from us all, "we both fought harder, and when I fell that is when Travis got next to me and he was standing on one leg kicking them a lot until they finally caught him and pushed him to the ground."

Travis frowned, "That's when I saw the other gang running towards us, and they ran right past Declan. I knew we were in trouble and I couldn't take them all on, I was already wore out. Then for some reason they started beating up the older guys, and I mean beating them bad. None of them were fighting fair. I didn't see Billy himself after that because I was fighting three on my own trying to keep them off David and away from me."

He paused, "I didn't piss myself this time, because David and Declan were with me, and I knew they would help me, but those guys were big and I knew we didn't have a chance. But I think we would have died before we would have sucked them. I wasn't going to do that. I don't think David would either."

"No I wouldn't. When they first told Travis what he would do, I was right against him and we were going to fight. They didn't threaten Declan at all, but he hurt one boy really bad before they got to him. He was punched in the face several times and was bleeding all over, and then he disappeared. Then that Billy guy came in yelling and his friends just jumped everyone. They had to turn their backs to us, and that's when Travis attacked with a vengeance. He wouldn't stop." David looked down, "I am afraid I really wasn't that much help."

Travis frowned, "David did everything he could, he was brave and he wouldn't leave my side. Don't let him fool you. When he yelled out after they punched him, he fell to the ground and started getting back up, and one boy kicked him in the face. It could have killed David, he was lucky. That's when I stood over him. I wasn't afraid anymore for some reason; I just wanted to hurt them bad. That is about the time I heard you call for me, but I couldn't get to you without leaving David on the ground. Then my muscles gave out and I squatted down next to David, they were just too much for us."

"We were all scared, and we were all crying, but we did what we could." Declan said.

Tristan frowned, "I don't think that is what Stevie was getting at. We know you did your best. I think what he means is how you feel about it." I nodded agreement.

"I don't want it to happen again. I don't want to be around boys like them. They are bullies as well as being stupid." Travis growled.

David shrugged, "Well, I don't either, but in a strange way it was fun. You know Travis is a tough guy, I mean really tough, and if he don't want to be around it, I sure don't."

Declan giggled, making his sunglasses fall off, "Well if they don't want to be around it, I think I will just hide completely. I am shaking just talking about what happened."

Mac had come outside and had been listening. He waited until everyone was done speaking then he walked over to us and squatted in our little circle, "There is no reason you have to have that happen again. We know what started it, and that was Travis taking on that Billy. Basically when you beat up and older a guy, others want to take you on; but with this group like all bullies, they want to all beat him up. That is basically, what happened here. You guys need to stay in Granite Park a few weeks, unless you're with your parents, until things cool off."

That was easy enough to do. The little ones definitely did not want to leave, and those older boys were not going to forget Tristan and me coming into their fight. I sure did not want to participate. Waiting a few weeks until things calmed down was a good idea. We could have Mac or some of the parents take us to the movies, park, and other places we wanted to go... getting them to the hover park might not be something they would want to do since they were always fussing about us falling as it was.

Tristan smiled and looked at the others, "Now if you guys want to go meet the new guy, or girl I think we should go."

Mac spoke again, "There is one more thing." He stopped and waited for us to pay attention, "Stevie and Davey, and Justin are sex magnets, and the rest of you are too cute for your own good. I worry about your whole group all the time. The only good thing is that most of you, except Declan, sorry Declan, are the cool kids in your grade, so most leave you alone. Outsiders won't leave you alone."

Although Declan was cute, he had an air about him that made people think he was better than they were, and he was almost as smart as Travis. The difference is that Travis didn't try to show off like Declan, and Travis was always willing to fight.

Everyone turned to me and Joey and David and Justin. "Well, they do wiggle a lot." Tristan smiled.

Justin and Joey grumbled together, "I don't wiggle like Stevie and David!" they said in unison. Which I guess was true, they acted more like Travis and Tristan.

"Good!" Travis yelped, "I just have to know if Mac is right! Now let's go meet that kid."

So being 99% naked, we put our sandals on, and headed up the street and around the corner to meet the new kid, whether it was a girl or boy... I was hoping it was a girl, I couldn't imagine a boy dressing up with a dress on.