Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2020 11:43:00 +0000 From: Andrew Passey Subject: The Village 1988 Part 13 (Young Friends) Nick and Mr Bradley walked with me to the house, "No boy will want to ask you to do stuff if I'm there" said Mr Bradley with a grin. I opened the door and picked up my birthday cards, fuck it I'd take them. The phone was ringing but it stopped and the answerphone kicked in, was it Dad!? At least a birthday message maybe. "Hi James, Rupert here, look I know you're up in Lockerbie but just wanted to follow up on the Bradley story before it all kicks off here. I agree, we've not got anything near enough to run a story. A conversation with Mr Bradley is not proof. It's all hearsay. So we need more and you're right, we do need the letter that Tim will get on his birthday. A photo of him with the letter and outlining what the village rules have allowed other boys to do to him, well that would be a front pager. However I'm slightly uncomfortable at the personal cost though, he had an exemption and no longer has one, and if he ends up having to do stuff with other boys, well I agree with you it really makes our story dynamite but I can't help feel you're taking a risk. If he hates it he might end up hating you if he knows you could have got him out of it, His photo and name might be plastered all over the paper, it would leak, these things always do. Anyway he's your son and if you are happy using him this way then I'll support it but we should catch up before we go too much further. We need that bloody letter!" I sat down in shock at the message. My dad was using me as part of the story, he wanted me to have to do stuff in the village. I guess his plan involved him being here to supervise but now it was running out of control. So he would have come back and I'd been sucking boys off for a few days. He could then expose the whole story and fuck me over in the process. Thanks Dad! Mr Bradley looked a bit sick, "I can't believe your Dad would happily use you that way. There's nothing wrong with our rules and regulations here but it's clear he hasn't bought in to them and just wants a story. I'll be honest with you Tim, after our chat yesterday I suspected your Dad was here for less innocent reasons than wanting a new life for you. I suspect he wants to light a fire under our village and blow it up, while getting the scoop. Running a front page expose of the village rules, would be breaking the NDA but I guess The Times has deep pockets. And it would put a lot of pressure on my brother as an MP, I guess a catch like that would be worth it for them". He said. "What do we do? This could destroy everything, I could lose Tim' said Nick pulling me close, and getting his priorities right! I thought fast, I didn't want to lose Nick, I didn't want to leave Bradley and my Dad could totally fuck off. At this stage I didn't care if I saw him again. "We do nothing. You heard the message, my Dad has no proof without the letter. I'll claim ignorance. You could send another letter, welcoming me to 13 and just put some fake rules down. I'd then leave the birthday cards unopened and it would look like it was genuine." Mr Bradley looked at me in surprise, "You really are clever Tim! That may work. And now we know what your Dad is up to it might be easier to nip it in the bud. The thing is, my father is good friends with the owner of the Times, a word in his ear and I'm sure your Dad would be offered a more senior role again as the foreign correspondent if he wanted it. I get the feeling that fatherhood is not exactly his top priority" he said. Well that was an understatement, "what about me though, where would I go?" I asked confused.. "Well you'd come and live with us of course, if you wanted to that is?" Mr Bradley said with a smile. Nick hugged me close excitedly, "Of course I do but it's a big thing for you to take on!" I said. Mr Bradley smiled, "You're practically family already and you're going to save our bacon. Ok well if you're happy leaving things as they are then I'll quickly type up a letter and drop it off here. When your Dad gets home it'll be like we've not been here". We walked back towards the house, Simon was on his way back from the shop and he came over to wish me a happy birthday. Mr Bradley stiffened slightly, I guess he thought him being here was protection enough, but it was fine. Simon wished me a Happy Birthday. "See, I told you had nothing to worry about Nick and other boys, it's just the rules. Now we can talk about it whenever he want" he said grinning, Mr Bradley smiled, I guess he was relieved on my behalf but it wasn't like I didn't have the rules to follow anyway. Nick then invited Simon and the rest of the gang up for a birthday lunch for me, "If that's ok Dad?" He asked. Mr Bradley smiled, "well it's a bit late now, you've already asked but yes it's fine, let's stop at the shop. Simon do you want to rally whoever else is in this "gang". He asked. Simon grinned,"it's just me and Carl and our little brothers, and our other little brother Tim" he said throwing his arm around me and pulling me close. Mr Bradley nodded and said something about them being "some of the better boys in the village". Simon headed off to get the others and we went to the shop, meeting them on the way back up the hill. It was a cool day, we played on the computer together and had a great lunch. Ian and Jack were having a go on it together leaving me, Nick, Simon and Carl together watching them. Nick beckoned us away from the other two. "I think I'm going to modernise these rules when I get older, it's ridiculous no one has birthday parties anymore or hides in their rooms because they, or their parents or older siblings are worried about what would happen to them." He said whispering. Everyone nodded, "Changes are going to come anyway, I heard rumours the council wants to add seasonal social events which are more of a free for all" Carl said. "Really? Dad hasn't mentioned" Nick said. Carl said more and more boys were partnering up as there was less stigma in doing so, also it was felt it would bring the village together. We were all sceptical but said we'd wait and see. "So Simon and know you can ask me, I won't mind" I said to them. "You're in the gang, we don't ask gang members, like we didn't ask Nick because of his thing with you" said Simon smiling. "I know but I suspect I'm going to be asked a lot this first week and you two are my friends". I said. Simon laughed, "I bet for your whole life you've hated having a birthday this close to Christmas but now it's a massive benefit. Most boys are much too busy thinking about presents to start roaming the streets looking for you! Also it's fucking freezing, and you're staying up here. No one is going to be arsed walking all the way up here and asking the Bradley's if they can see you! Nick only got asked because he was at school every day!" Simon said. "'s not like I haven't sucked you before and I want to be prepared if I am asked, and while I've sucked Nick loads he's much smaller than you two!" I said with a smile. "Hey! I bet I'm not much smaller!". Nick protested and we all giggled. Simon smiled, "it's your first day, we have a rule in the gang that we don't take advantage of the situation in the first week, there are enough boys to do that. Let's make a deal, next week when the week is over all four of us can get together and suck each other. I'm keen to see what all the fuss there is about Nick and his dick" he said giggling. "But for now, we'll enjoy our day and not think of it. Also our brothers are here and we have to be careful" We all agreed and went back to play with the others. I forgot about the village and the stupid(ish) rules and in the end had an ace birthday. Any birthday that ends up with you balls deep in your boyfriend just after he's shot a load in you is a pretty good one!