Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2020 19:03:00 +0100 From: Andrew Passey Subject: The Village 2021 Part 3 (Young Friends) I clicked on Punishments.. *Punishments: * If you follow the rules then you don't need to worry about these punishments. However to ensure the security and the life of the village is not affected, rule breaking will be punished and leniency should not to be expected. Decisions on punishments are taken by the Council. (See The Council Tab for further information.) A punished boy has no recourse to any exemptions that they would usually have under any given edict. Punishment can involve one or all of the following: 1. The punished boy becomes available for all boys in the village aged 13 to 16 for oral and anal sex until the punished boy turns 17 with only exemptions 1,2 and 3 applying. The punished boy has no rights to request oral or anal sex however he can be relieved by hand by any boy if they so wish. 2. The punished boy becomes available for all boys in the village aged 13 to 16 for oral and anal sex for a period of 1 year with only exemptions 1,2 and 3 applying. The punished boy has no rights to request oral or anal sex however he can be relieved by hand by any boy if they so wish. 3. The punished boy becomes available for all boys in the village aged 13 to 16 for oral and anal sex for a period of 1 month with only exemptions 1,2 and 3 applying. The punished boy has no rights to request oral or anal sex however he can be relieved by hand by any boy if they so wish. 4. The punished boy must be anally penetrated by all boys of his age group with only exemption 2 and 3 applying. 5. The punished boy must be orally penetrated by all boys of his age group with only exemption 2 and 3 applying. 6. The punished boy must be orally or anally penetrated by all boys in the village aged 13 to 16 with only exemption 2 and 3 applying. Fucking hell, these punishments were something out of the dark ages, I decided to read all the remaining tabs and consider it all then: *Birthday/Birthday Parties*: This applies to a boys 13th and 14th birthday and also birthday parties. A boy can choose to be exempt from requests during his 13th/14th birthday party and on his actual 13th/14th birthday should he wish. However this does mean that *Exception 4* increases in number to 6 times for the week following his birthday. If the boy chooses to not be exempt at his birthday party or on his birthday, the boy is then fully exempt from oral or anal sex requests for the remaining 6 days on the condition that he must have oral and anal sex up to 10 times on his birthday or at his birthday party with at least 4 different boys who must both orally and anally penetrate the boy. *Seasonal Parties:* All boys aged 13 to 16 must attend these events. The 2021 Themes are as below: *Easter: Theme: Easter Bunny. *All boys must wear full Easter bunny costumes. Any bunny can request anal sex with another bunny. No age restriction.Exception 3 applies only. *Solstice: Theme: Acorns grow into Oaks*. All 13 year olds can request oral and anal sex with any boy aged 14 to 16 years old with no requests allowed from boys who are not 13. Exemptions 1 and 3 apply only. *Halloween: Theme: Trick or Treat. *All boys must be in Halloween fancy dress. All boys are given five "Trick" and five "Treat" tokens. All tokens must be spent. A boy who is given a "Trick" token from another boy has to give oral sex or receive anal sex from the boy who gives the token, which form of sex is decided by the boy who gives the token. No age restrictions A boy who is given a "Treat" token can either receive oral sex or give anal sex to the boy who gave him the token. Which form of sex is decided by the boy who receives the token. Exceptions 1 and 3 apply only. *Christmas: Theme: Festival of Giving. *All boys must be in festive fancy dress. All boys can either give oral sex or give anal sex to any boy they wish. Exceptions 1 and 3 apply only. *Official Boyfriend* To become an official boyfriend, both boys must formally agree with no coercion to become boyfriends. Boyfriends must have regular oral and anal sex with each other, at least once a week of both acts. This is taken on trust however if there is doubt on whether this is in fact happening then the Council can investigate and use all appropriate measure including medical investigations. After one month of becoming an official boyfriend they must pass a test in order to continue. Both boys are blindfolded and earplugged separately and will have oral and anal sex with 3 different boys, one of which must be their official boyfriend. The boy must correctly identify which boy is their boyfriend each time. This test is administered by a member of the Council. *The Council* The Council ensures the rules are followed and that boys are treated with respect and not taken advantage of. It is chaired by the oldest male in the Bradley family. It consists of one member elected by 13 and 14 year olds, one by 15 and 16 years olds, and four aged 17 to 18 who must stand down at aged 19 to be replaced by younger candidates. The current chair, Mr Bradley has overall authority and makes final decisions although advised by the council. The seasonal event themes are decided by the council although Mr Bradley does not have authority to overrule or a vote on these unless he feels any of the Rules or exemptions are being broken. The current representative for 13/14 year olds is Rob Evans, and 15/16 year olds Asif Parmar I felt sick to my stomach, this was some fucked up shit. Had they just invented these? Dad had said they had been around for "years", had he had to do them? Had he written them? Was this why Mum and Martin left? Did THEY know?! My mind was whirring and I rushed downstairs to confront Dad, my emotions a mess, flitting between panic, confusion, anger and fear...