The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely a coincidence. This work of fiction depicts sexual acts between minor males. If reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not of legal age, please go no further.

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The Year I Learned to Love My Brother
by Kewl Dad
Chapter 17



Danny and Trey hit it off so fast that it was like they had known each other forever. I actually got tired of hearing Danny talk about Trey at home and Trey talk about Danny at school. Bastion thought it was cute or sweet but it was starting to get annoying for me. I mean I didn't talk about Bastion all the time did I? Don't answer

They managed to get together at our  house a couple times and at Trey's once when I spent the night (without Bastion) but they didn't invite me to join in so I slept through most of it. Bastion had to go with his parent's that weekend to see his sick granny in Texas and I missed him so much it hurt.

But he's back now and he and I have been working on Danny's birthday surprise. We met after school at Bastion's house and ate a snack while we made our plans.

"I can't wait to see the look on Danny's face when we surprise him," Bastion said grinning, "He will probably remember this birthday for a long time since it will be the first since he learned about being adopted. We need to make it a special one."

"Yeah,  and hopefully when my birthday comes along in November, everyone will make a big deal over me too."

"Your birthday is in November?" Bastion asked looking excited, "I can't believe we've ever discussed our birthdays but mine is  in November also."

"No way! When? Mine's the 2nd."

Bastion's mouth dropped open and he swallowed hard, "You're teasing aren't you? Somehow you learned my birthday was on that day and you're playing a joke on me...right?"

"No, I swear. I was born November 2nd," I said getting more excited by the second, "Are you telling me your birthday is the same day?"

"I can't believe we were born on the same day, but mostly I can't believe that we never knew it till just now. It's an amazing coincidence."

"No wonder we are so much alike, we're both Scorpios," I laughed.

"Do you know what this means Cody?" Bastion said excitedly.

"Uh, that we're both going to be 13 in a little over a week?"

"Well, that..but also that we are exactly the same age and will be forever. Do you know how special that is?"

I shrugged, "It's sort of weird," I giggled, "but nice. I'll never forget your birthday now."

"That could be a plus, if we stay together a long time that could be useful."

"Hey, we're going to be together a long, long time."

Bastion leaned into me and we kissed for a long time. Maria was nowhere to be seen and his parents were still at the clinic. As we broke the kiss I reached over and rubbed his crotch but he pushed my hand away.

"Uh uh, not yet. First we work on Danny's surprise then we play."

"Slave driver," I pouted, "I say we just get him and Trey a motel room," I giggled.

"Cody! That's silly, they'll have Danny's room because Trey will be sleeping over that night, as will I," he said winking.

"Ummm, can't wait. Okay, what shall we get the brat?"

"Here's what I was thinking........"

We were naked and rolling around in Bastion's bed when my phone rang. I was tempted to ignore it and keep rolling, but something told me to answer it and I did. I was glad I did because it was my mom.

"Uh huh..yeah, okay, be there in a half hour."

"Who was it?"

"My mom, I have to get home, but first...." I said diving between his legs and sucking all of his cock into my hot wet mouth.

"Ohhhhh....well, if you insist," Bastion moaned.

I got him off rather quickly then rolled him over and used some of his cum from my mouth to lube up his ass and my cock and I drove the point home quickly...he he. I didn't take long but I got a good nut and jumped up to go wash up a bit. When I got back Bastion was already dressed and I started putting my clothes back on as we talked.

"I have to go help mom shop for Danny's party while he's at Trey's."

"I'm curious, what do your parents think of Danny and Trey's sudden friendship?"

"Well, I guess my mom is sort of relieved that Trey seems to be returning to normal and isn't going to off himself, but my dad...well, that's a different story. I  think he knows more than he says. I've always thought that about him when it comes to us too."

"Oh, do you think he suspects that we are...having sex?"

"What? No...oh my God no, if I thought that I'd never be able to face him again." I said in horror.

"Do you really think it would be that bad?"

"Look, your folks may be progressive or whatever, but my dad is a man's man, whatever that means, and he expects his sons to be....well....straight."

"I think you may be underestimating him. He seems like a very intelligent and open-minded person. He has always treated me like...well, like part of your family."

"I guess, hey...I got to go...any chance Maria could run me home?"

"I'm sure she will be glad to."

"Hey, do you think your folks would care if you came with me and my mom to shop for Danny?"

"I don't think so, but I'd hate to intrude. Your mother may want to have some time alone with you."

"Trust me, she won't have any problem with it. Can you call your folks at the clinic?"

"No need for that, Maria is completely in charge when my parents are away. All I have to do is ask her, but first I want you to call your mother and make sure it's okay."

Of course it was okay, and I talked mom into picking us up at Bastion's and we headed to the mall.

"We have to hurry," mom said as she coasted into a parking place at the mall, "I have to pick up Danny at 6:30."

"Where do we start mom?"

"First I have to order the cake, then to Radio Shack to get that remote controlled airplane he's been dying for and to Sears for some new shoes."

"Nice mom, he's gonna love that airplane. What else?"

"Well, your father has something in mind for him, but I'm leaving that to him."

"Hmmm....any idea what it is?"

"," she said chuckling, "but I'm not telling."

" That's okay, I'll just ask dad."

"Good luck with that. He's especially good at keeping secrets."

We rushed in and went straight to the bakery and Bastion and I got a cookie while mom ordered the cake. Danny liked ice cream cakes and this place was famous for theirs. Mom ordered the biggest one with three kinds of ice cream inside and Happy 11th Birthday Danny in three dimensional letters on the top.

At Radio Shack Bastion and I helped mom pick out the right airplane and we kept the airplane and waited outside in the mall while she went to Sears to get Danny's shoes.

"Want some ice cream while we wait?" I asked Bastion noticing a DQ just down the run from us.

"No, but let's go take a look in that jewelry store over there, maybe we'll get some ideas about what to get Danny."

"Jewelry? We're getting him jewelry?" I said looking confused.

"I don't know, I'm just suggesting we look. Maybe something will jump out at us."

I laughed and leaned in and covered my mouth and whispered, "I hope if something does it's a sexy boy."

Bastion cuffed me gently, "Keep it in your pants lover. I'm all the sexy boy you need right now."

"Okay," I said making puppy dog eyes at him.

He laughed and gave me loving look and I smiled.

Looking at the jewelry turned out to be a good idea though. We found a really cool watch that I was sure Danny would like and....matching ankle bracelets that I was sure Bastion and I would like. Only problem was, how to buy them, have them engraved, and not look queer to the clerk.

Turned out it was not that hard. The clerk was gayer than we were and thought it was cute that we wanted matching bracelets. He took the order and told us they'd be ready the next day and then I had an awesome idea. I pulled Bastion aside and filled him in.

"What if we got Trey and Danny  a set too? Do you think it's too soon?"

"No, that's an excellent idea. It can be a private birthday present for Danny and he can give the other one to Trey as a friendship gift. I think they will love it."

"But they'll have to be careful and not let the rents see too for that matter."

Bastion frowned, "There is that. I don't think it would be a problem with mine, but yours might not understand."

"There you go again," I teased, "putting down my poor uninformed parents."

"Cody, you know I didn't mean anything bad. I love your parents. I think they are wonderful people and very informed, but you yourself said they might not be ready for this."

"I'm just busting your balls, let's go give this guy some more business and something to tell his lover tonight." I laughed.

We got through at the jewelry store and went to find mom who was looking for a video game at Game Stop. She had a list of the ones Danny had suggested and so far she'd found three of them.

"Which do you think he'd like best?" she said holding them up for me and Bastion to see.

"Ummm...this one," I said choosing one.

"Yes, that's a good choice for him. Of course we'll all get to play it eventually," Bastion chuckled.

"Perfect, did you boys find anything?"

I looked at Bastion and smiled, "We got him a cool watch...see."

"Oh, that is nice. He will love that. You boys did good. Well, let's see...I have the plane, the shoes, and the game. I think that's about it. Your father hinted that his gift was rather expensive so I think I'll stop there."

"Wonder what it could be," I mused, "think dad would tell me?"

Mom chuckled, "I doubt it dear. You boys are so close I'm sure your father would think Danny could drag it out of you if he knew you knew."

"Oh, well...I like surprises."

Mom paid for the game and we headed out dropping Bastion off at his house and picking up Danny on the way home. He noticed the sacks in the back and craned his head like a gopher peeking out of his hole.

"What's in the sacks, is it stuff for me?" He said grinning.

"No, it's stuff for the homeless," I teased.

He made a cute face and tilted his head, "Oh, good."

I punched him in the arm and gave him that secret look we'd developed since we'd become close and he reached over and squeezed my hand. Mom couldn't see from her position in the driver's seat, but even if she had seen it, it was nothing too weird.

When we got home I went to my room to hide the watch but a few minutes later Danny came knocking.

"Come in rug rat."

"Okay...Cody," he said in a phlegmy voice imitating one of the rug rat characters.

When the door was closed behind him I began to interrogate him. " did it go at Trey's? Did you get any?"

"Any what?" he said playing dumb.

"Booty, dick, kissy kissy?"

"Oh, that. We mostly held hands and kissed. His mom was home and we didn't want to get caught."

"Oh how sweet," I teased, "young love is so sweet," I said patting my heart like it was fluttering out of my chest.

"I guess," he sighed, "you should know, you and Bastion are really in love," he added giggling.

"Yeah, we are and don't you forget it baby bro."

He fell down on my bed and stared at the ceiling and was so quiet that for a minute I thought he was asleep.  Then he said, "Do you ever wonder why you turned out gay Cody?"

"Naw, not really. I sort of think I was born that way. I mean I have a normal family and friends and I play sports and stuff. I'm not a sissy or anything...I just like boys instead of girls."

"I guess."

"What's really bothering you little bro?" I said sitting down beside him and rubbing his cute tummy.

"Tickles," he giggled. "I guess I just wonder if my real parents had been around if I'd of wound up different."

"Oh, well...I'm not an expert or anything, but....I think you were born the way you are. Anyway, you like both're closer to normal than me," I said grinning.

"What's normal?" he sighed, "who decides what's normal and what's not? And who cares anyway whether a guy is gay or not?"

"Whoa, not me, that's for sure. I just want you to be happy, that's all. Are you happy with Trey?"

He smiled and I recognized the look on his cute face. It was the same one I saw every time I looked into a mirror or into Bastion's was love.

"Yeah, I really like Trey. He's awesome. It's like we were meant to be together or you and Bastion maybe."

"Cool, I'm glad. You know he was struggling with this gay thing too....then I guess Miguel sort of pushed the issue, but now that he's accepted it, he's like really cool with it. I'm glad you two are together...even if I get tired of hearing how wonderful he is," I chuckled.

"Do I really talk about him too much?"

"No, I'm just busting your cute balls," I said grabbing them gently through his pants and causing him to yelp.

"Don't bust em, Trey likes em," he giggled.

"I his mouth no doubt," I teased.

"Yup, and I like em there."

"So are  you looking forward to the birthday sleepover with him?"

"Are  you kidding? Yeah, we're gonna have soooo much fun."

"And sex," I laughed.

"Yeah, that's fun. And you and Bastion will too. Hey! Maybe the four of us can play," he said excitedly.

"Well, we'll depends on Trey and Bastion, I got no problem with it."

"Okay, well...gonna go see what's for dinner. See you later," he said jumping up and heading toward the door. He paused as he reached for the doorknob and turned my way, "Oh, by the way. I know what dad's getting me."

"Huh, I don't know what you're talking about."

He smiled, "Yeah...right. It's a bike....I'm pretty sure. A 14 speed mountain bike. I showed it to him one day at the sporting goods store and told him I'd love to have one of those."

"Well, you might be right, but even mom doesn't know for sure, so you'll just have to wait and see."

"Yup, well...see ya."

He left quickly and I fell down on the bed on my back. I had a slight erection from all the sex talk and thought about rubbing one out, but I was pretty spent from earlier with Bastion and instead I napped till dinner.

At first mom and dad had thought about having the party at Laser Tag World or some  place else fun, but when they saw how many kids were coming they decided on an old fashioned party at home. Since it was Halloween we would have to have the party fairly early so the kids could go trick or treating, but fortunately it was also Saturday so things couldn't have worked out better.

For October the weather had been amazing and most of the party was going to be held outside on the patio. We had games set up and mom bought treats for prizes and there were balloons and a pinata and tons of food. The party was scheduled for noon and by 12:30 we had about a dozen kids already not counting us.

Bastion looked good enough to eat in a creamy mint pullover and dark green corduroys and I was anxious to find some alone time with him later. Trey showed up early with his back pack stuffed full of two days worth of clothes and fun and Danny was all over him every time I looked around. I just hoped he wasn't being too obvious.

Dad was working but promised to be there for the opening of the presents which was scheduled for 1:30. In the meantime we played games and had a blast. I was amazed at how cool some of Danny's friends were. He had either been keeping these boys a secret or birthday parties just brought out the best in

One kid, Jason, was sooo cute that I wondered if he wasn't gay too. He had long brown hair and big brown eyes and those pouty lips that just beg to be kissed. One other thing I noticed was that he either had a boner the whole time he was there or he had a big one in his pants. I got an opportunity to talk with him during one of the games.

"I'm Cody, the birthday boy's brother," I said as we pulled on our sack for the  sack race.

"Hi, I'm Jason. Danny is lucky to have a big brother like you."

"Oh, why's that?"

"Cause my big brother is a jerk. He treats me like crap and calls me fag all the time," he said sounding more hurt than mad.

"Oh, well...sorry about that. Do I know him, is he my age?"

"He's 16 and has a car," he said making that sound like a crime, "and he things he is so cool."

"Well, I guess that's a pretty big age difference, maybe that's the problem. See Danny and I are only two years apart so we like most of the same stuff."

"Yeah, I guess."

The race started then and we came in second and Jason was pretty excited. Mom had things set up so there were no losers and second prize was some cool temporary tattoos. I thought I'd put them on later and show them to Bastion.

We got some punch and sat down to talk some more while Bastion helped mom with the apple bobbing. I personally don't like apple bobbing..huh uh, no way, I always get drowned...he he.

"So, is one brother all you have?"

He nodded, "I used to have another brother, but he died."

God I felt awful for asking then, "I'm sorry...uh, what happened?"

He shrugged, "He got hit by a car. other brother was supposed to be watching him. They were crossing the street and John ran ahead and...Jared ran after him...but...but he didn't make it. It was sad."

I put my hand on his shoulder and patted him gently, "How old was he?"

He paused for a moment and I thought, Why don't I just drop this? The kid is obviously too sad to talk about it.

He sighed, "He was my twin. I miss him a lot."

"Oh my God, no way," I said feeling even worse. I 'd read that twins were like connected and that if one died the other one never got over it, "I am so sorry. You must feel really bad and I bet your other brother does too."

He shrugged, "I hate John, he let that happen."

"It was an accident....right?"

"I guess, but he should've been watching him."

"Uh...when did this happen?" I asked still not able to keep my mouth shut.

"Last summer," he said choking back a sob, "I miss him a lot."

Okay it was time for good old Cody to make things right. Putting my arm around him I said gently, "I'm sorry that happened, but you can't go on blaming John for it. He was just a kid too. We all are, and bad things happen  sometimes. I know you miss him and I'm sorry, but now you got a new friend okay?"

He smiled sadly and nodded, "Thanks."

"And...I want you to meet my friend Bastion, he's the one over there in green helping with the apple bobbing. The one that's all wet," I added chuckling.

Jason laughed softly and allowed me to lead him over to where the last of the kids were plunging in trying for an apple in their teeth.

"Hi," Bastion said giving me a curious look.

"I want you to meet one of Danny's friends, this is Jason. Jason this my friend Bastion."

They bumped fists and  Bastion turned on the old charm and pretty soon they were talking like old friends. I knew if anyone could bring Jason up out of the dumps it was Bastion and I was right.

Jason hung out with Bastion and me the rest of the party and when it came time for opening the presents he was right there front row with us. Dad had come in about five minutes before looking like the cat that ate the canary but he didn't have anything with him so I figured he had Danny's gift stashed somewhere.

Danny made out like a bandit and he was thrilled with each gift and stopped to personally thank each kid as he unwrapped their gift,  and no matter how large or small it was they all got a warm thank you. I was so proud of my baby brother that I felt a little weepy, but I guess that's just my little bitch side coming

Finally all the gifts were unwrapped and Danny sat in a pile of wrapping paper and bows and ribbons. He looked at dad questioningly and dad smiled.

"Oh, I almost forgot," dad said, "come with me son. I have one more gift out front for you."

Danny jumped up excitedly and everyone followed them to the front yard. There parked in the driveway was a brand new 14 speed mountain bike, the one Danny had seen at the sporting goods store. Danny let out a war cry then jumped into dad's arms and hugged his neck and planted a big kiss on his face.

"Thank you dad, it's awesome. Just the one I wanted. How did you know?"

"Oh, maybe cause every time we went to the sporting goods store you sat on if for fifteen minutes," he chuckled.

Danny jumped on it and rode it down the block then back and hugged mom and dad and thanked them for the wonderful party. Then it was time for cake and everyone headed back to the patio, Danny on his bike and the rest of us on foot.

The cake was yummy and I had two pieces and some more punch as I sat with Bastion on the stoop. Jason had found a friend from school and was chatting him up and they looked pretty cozy.

I quickly filled Bastion in on Jason's story and he grabbed my arm as if to steady himself, " poor boy. I sensed something was wrong. He must feel so lost without his other half."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too. I was afraid you'd think I was hitting on the kid or something, but I just couldn't dump him after he told me all that stuff. He says his older brother is a jerk, but I wonder if he isn't just that way because he feels so guilty."

Bastion looked at me with fawn eyes, "Sometimes I forget what a smart and sensitive person you are and how lucky I am to have found you."

"What brought that on?" I chuckled.

"The way you handled this situation and the insight you have into the older brother's behavior. Perhaps he is afraid to get too close to the surviving brother for fear he will let him down in the same way."

"Now who's being insightful Sigmund," I giggled.

He cuffed me and smeared a bit of ice cream cake on my cheek and I retaliated and before long we were both a mess. 

The party wound down around three and parents began to pick up their kids one by one until all that was left were the four of us. Jason came over to say goodbye to us and he pulled me down and gave me a hug and thanked me for understanding. 

I patted him on the shoulder, "No problem Jason. I hope you'll come back and visit us. I know Danny would like that and so would I."

"Okay, I might," he said smiling. Then he sighed, "well John is waiting," he said rolling his eyes, "gotta go or he'll get mad. See ya."

We followed him out front just to see if John had horns or was driving the car from hell, but he looked like an ordinary teenager in a ten year old Honda Civic. He waved at us and seemed friendly enough and I wondered if Jason was being completely honest about how John treated him. Maybe Jason had a grudge against him, not that I didn't understand, but maybe he was as much the problem as John was. I shrugged it off and Bastion and I went to find Danny and Trey.

Mom and dad were shoveling the, and picking up the disaster area and Bastion and I offered to help but we were quickly shooed away.

"This is the first thing your mother and I have got to do together in a long time," dad teased, "and we want to do it...alone."

We didn't need to be told twice and we went off to find the two love birds. They were cozied up in Danny's room trying out the new game and when I knocked Danny yelled for us to come on in. We sat down on either side of them and watched till I finally had their complete attention.

"Bastion and I have something else for you," I said as Danny looked at me excitedly, "Something we couldn't give you in front of everyone else."

"Oh, what?" Danny giggled, "is it sexy?"

"Well, sort of..uh, Bastion, the packages."

Bastion pulled two identically wrapped packages from his pockets and after checking the name tags handed on to each of them, "They sort of go together,'ll see...just open them."

They ripped into the packages and when they saw what was inside they both looked at them curiously. Then seeing the engraving they suddenly understood.

"They're friendship ankle bracelets, see Bastion and I have them too," I said raising my pants leg up.  "They are one half of a heart and they have our initials on them CG+BG. We wanted to get our names on them, but we decided this was less risky in case someone saw them. We had your initials put on yours too."

"They are soo cool," Danny squealed as he tried to put his on.

I wound up helping him and Bastion helped Trey and when they were on  we admired them.

"Thanks guys," Danny said hugging me and then Bastion. I'll wear it forever."

"Yeah, thanks," Trey said looking a little embarrassed, "I'll wear mine forever too."

I didn't know if they'd last forever, but I hoped they'd be wearing them at least till they outgrew

We played one of Danny's new games for a while taking turns and while Bastion and I played Danny and Trey sort of made out.

"Great party," Trey said, "you are sooo lucky to have cool parents like that."

"And a cool brother," Danny said grinning at me, "I'm glad mom and dad chose me. I mean sometimes I wonder about my real parents but I'm pretty happy with the ones I got."

"And we're happy with you too," I said reaching past Trey to give him a shove, "even if you do stink."

"Stink? Stink? I'll show you stink," he said jumping up and attacking me.

I was giggling so hard it was easy for him to pin me and he sat on my chest with his face in mine as he held my arms and pretended he was going to spit in my face. I was laughing so hard I couldn't move and Bastion was no help as he sat back looking amused.

Then scooting up Danny began rubbing his crotch in my face, "Smell this, do you like it?"

"," I giggled.

"And hot dog," Danny giggled.

" can let me up now," I said as the laughing subsided.

"Nope, you're my slave tonight. Since it's my birthday you have to be my slave till midnight and do everything I tell you to."

Where do these  kids come up with this crazy stuff? Still it sounded kind of fun. I knew he wouldn't make me do anything too disgusting and it was actually kind of exciting to think about.

"Okay, just let me up...okay?"

"Okay, but you gotta do what I say for the next...umm..8 hours. At 12:01 you are free again."

"This could be very interesting," Bastion said smiling, "are you sure you're up for this?"

"I think so, but let's make it more interesting. Since I have to be Danny's slave, how about you have to be Trey's slave?"

Bastion raised an eyebrow and looked toward Trey who was looking excited by the whole thing.

"Well....I suppose I can do it if you can. Just no pain or blood and no permanent marks," Bastion teased.

"Gosh, we're not gonna hurt you," Danny giggled, "are we Trey?"

"Nope, no pain...but maybe something that feels good," he said grinning.

"Okay, then it's a deal?" Danny said, "pinky swear everyone," he said holding out his pinky for us to lock onto.

"It's a deal. God help us!" I said loudly and we all giggled.

We goofed around outside and took turns trying out Danny's new bike and I had to admit I was a little envious. That bike was so cool and fast and I wondered if I could talk dad into one for my birthday, but I supposed they had already picked out my stuff since my party was the following  Saturday even though my birthday really fell on Thursday.

I wondered if it was too late to talk to mom and dad about a combined party for me and Bastion but then I didn't even know if his parents had a party planned for him at all. I would definitely have to find out.

Despite all the cake and junk food by the time it got dark we were hungry again and mom and dad let us order pizza and bread sticks and they cleared out so we could watch movies in the family room while we ate. We had a good time laughing and talking and didn't get to see much of the first movie because Danny and Trey kept ordering me and Bastion to do stuff like go outside and bring back a blade of grass or take off one sock and wear it on our hand and eat with it, stuff like that. It was actually sort of fun and I made them promise that on mine and Bastion's birthday they'd be our slaves because I had some pretty cool stuff planned for them.

Mom came in after the first movie and suggested we take our showers and get dressed for bed, but told us that we could stay up as long as we wanted as long as were fairly quiet. Danny and Trey went first and I don't know if they showered together or separately but they weren't gone too long.

Next it was mine and Bastion's turn and we did shower together, bumping around and getting hard and making out, but we were saving the good stuff for later. We dried off and put on tees and undies and shorts just in case the rents came a knocking, but later we'd shed all of it for some fun between the sheets.

We met Danny and Trey in my room and they had some more orders for us, and this time they were starting to get more personal.

"Okay, take off you shirt slave," Danny ordered looking smug.

"Yes master," I chuckled.

"You too slave," Trey said to Bastion.

And when we had our shirts off Danny and Trey began to pinch our nipples really hard.

"Ouch, no pain remember," I yelped. I guessed they had been talking things over while we were showering and this was one of the things they'd come up with.

"Be quiet slave," Danny said giving me a Texas titty twister that brought tears to my eyes but at the same time caused my dick to get hard as a rock.

"Owww...owww....okay, okay."

"Now kneel," Danny commanded and I obeyed.

"Now kiss my feet," Danny said in a voice filled with lust.

I obeyed easily, I loved his feet and he knew it. I worked on them as he stood on the floor but eventually he fell back on the bed and let me take them in my hands and work them over properly, sucking each toe and licking his soles and ankles all over.

Trey watched with interest but seemed afraid to order Bastion to do the same until Danny spoke up, "What are you waiting for Trey? He's your slave, make him worship your feet."

"Uh, okay, slave..lick my feet and suck my toes," he giggled.

Bastion is not as into feet as I am, but Trey's were clean and soft and well kept and he had no trouble delivering. He actually looked a little excited after a while and I wondered if he was developing a foot fetish at long last. The boys had us do this for about 15 minutes then Danny was ready to move on to something new.

"Okay, slave that's enough. Stand up." I did.

"Now drop your shorts and underwear," he commanded.

"Shouldn't I lock the door first," I said softly.

"Oh, yeah. Slave lock the door then drop your shorts and undies."

I did as I was told and stood before everyone with my aching hardon pointing at a slight angle toward Danny. He reached out and gave it a twang and laughed then cupped my balls and held them a moment causing me to moan softly.

"Trey, order your slave to drop his pants and go down on his knees and suck my slave."

Trey was grinning as he delivered the orders to Bastion and of course Bastion easily obeyed. As his hot wet mouth engulfed my hard throbbing dick I started to shiver a little. I closed my eyes but jerked them open when I felt someone behind me start rubbing my butt. 

Danny was still in front of me so by default it was Trey who was doing the rubbing and it felt wonderful. I didn't know how long I could hold out but fortunately Danny didn't want me to come quite yet.

"Okay, slave switch places, but don't make him shoot."

I gladly obeyed taking Bastion's hot wet cock into my mouth and bobbing up and down on it. Bastion was making little mewling sounds as he played his fingers through my hair and  before long I sensed he was getting close to orgasm. I spit his dick out and began working on his balls wondering what Danny had in mind next.

"Okay, slave that's enough. Now lick Trey's butthole," he giggled.

With orders like that I'd be glad to play slave anytime.

Trey bent over and spread his cheeks and I caught a glimpse of his pucker and it looked tasty. I sniffed him just to be sure, but he was clean and smelled of soap and boy musk which made me crazy with lust. I tongued him for a long time forcing my tongue as deep as I could while he gasped and made little "O" sounds.

"Okay slave that's enough," I didn't want to stop rimming Trey, but after all I was the slave.

"Now you slaves gotta watch while me and Trey make out, can't touch us or each other. Oh...and you can't touch yourselves either," he giggled. Was he trying to kill us both. How could we stand watching these two hotties make out without bursting?

I groaned which only made Danny laugh as he pulled Trey on top of him. They began to kiss and rub on each other and my dick was jumping up and down wanting to play too. I glanced at Bastion and we shared our misery for a moment before looking back at the two lovers making out on the bed next to us. 

Trey was thrusting against Danny now and I could see they were both wet with pre-cum. They were French kissing and Danny was grabbing Trey's ass and pulling him against him almost desperately. Someone was going to come soon, that was for sure.

Then Trey took control and suddenly he pulled up and grabbed Danny's legs and pushed them high. Using spit and his pre-cum for lube he slowly pushed into my little brother's ass until he was balls deep. Danny had a goofy happy look on his face that I recognized from all the times I'd seen it on Bastion's face and the fun began.

Trey was gentle with Danny and I was grateful for that. Not that I think Danny's delicate or anything, I just couldn't have stood it if I saw any pain or discomfort on my little bro's face. What I saw was pure lust and animal need however and I as I watched I was so turned on I was tempted to disobey Danny's orders and jump Bastion's bones.

Fortunately we didn't have to wait much longer. Suddenly Trey leaned down and kissed Danny and his little butt began to grind harder into Danny's ass and then he tensed up and began to moan softly as his orgasm hit him.

It must've been a good one from the way he was moaning and spasming and I think Danny was enjoying it almost as much as he was. He had sort of forgot about Bastion and me but once Trey was spent and had pulled out and rolled over beside him he turned his attention back to us.

"Okay, slaves the two of you can play now. Go for it. Do whatever you want. Is that okay Trey?"

"Yeah, that's cool. I'm just gonna rest a minute."

I didn't have to be told twice. I was on Bastion in a heartbeat and we were making out like love starved newlyweds. I had my tongue in places that I'd been wanting to visit all night and he was loving it. When I finally got to his good parts and starting blowing him he was moaning and clawing at the sheets like he was on fire. I gave him my best but he didn't last long after all the teasing and edging Danny and Trey had given us and when he erupted it was a mouthful. I took every drop and saved a little in my mouth to share with him when I finally came up and kissed him.

"Oh Cody, that was amazing," he panted as we lay there hugged up and resting a minute.

"Fuck him slave," Danny said suddenly and like a good slave I obeyed.

I used my spit and a little of his cum and my pre-cum and got in him pretty easy. He was ready for it and so was I and we got into a rhythm pretty fast. We kissed a lot as I slowly made love to him and we sort of forgot that we had an audience. That is until they decided to join in.

I felt someone messing with my butt (Trey) and then Danny was on his knees beside Bastion and pushing his dick toward him. Bastion took the hint and swallowed that hard little cock like a pro and the turn on factor for me was unbelievable. Here was my lover blowing my little brother while I fucked him and behind me my little brother's lover was rubbing my back and ass.

I couldn't hold out much longer after all that and when I blew the orgasm was so intense I thought I'd pass out. I managed to stay conscious though and I'm glad because suddenly I heard Danny cry out and he began to unload in Bastion's mouth.

I waited till Danny moved away then pulled out of Bastion and fell down beside him. Trey was sitting on his knees watching us and looking a little left out. I held my arms out and  he swarmed into them and I nuzzled his ear.

"You keep playing with my butt," I whispered into his ear causing him to shiver, "do you want some of it?"

He nodded and blushed and I looked at Danny to make sure it was okay. 

"Okay, slave you have to let Trey fuck you now and I get to fuck Bastion, but not for a little while. I'm tired," he giggled.

I let Trey have his way with me laying on my tummy while he mounted me and proceeded to rabbit fuck me. It didn't take him long to come and he didn't produce a lot of spunk that time, but it was fun anyway.  When he pulled out he just laid there on top of me and I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

It was dark when I woke up later and it was just me and Bastion in my bed. I didn't know if Danny had got his piece of lover or not but I was too tired to care. I snuggled up to Bastion and sighed.  We shared something special and even messing around with other boys couldn't change what we felt for each other. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if this wasn't the way all lovers should feel. But I knew it wasn't that way in the real world and jealously destroyed more relationships than anything else. I didn't know if our relationship would last forever but for right now I was just happy to have him and for things to be like they were. 

In a few days we'd be teenagers and entering that time of life when a lot of kids started to have problems. I hoped Bastion and I would be strong enough to make it through without too much trouble, but I was pretty sure as long as we had each other things would turn out just fine. 

I thought about Danny and how strange life was. Of all the kids born in this world, to wind up with Danny as my adopted brother was the most amazing and wonderful thing I could ever imagine. I thought about my rents too. They were really special people, to take someone else's kid and love him just like their own and especially to put up with their own kid (me) who was a real rat bastard for some many years. I guess if I lived to be a hundred I could never make up for what I had done all those  years, but I was sure as hell gonna try. 

I snuggled up to Bastion and kissed his cheek and he snuggled closer. I loved him so much and at that moment I felt overcome with emotion. I didn't mean to cry, but suddenly I was boo hooing like a little bitch and Bastion who was so connected to me sensed it and woke suddenly.

He didn't ask me what was wrong, it was as if he could read my mind or my emotions, instead he just held me and kissed away my tears and soon I was drifting off to sleep again in his strong arms. I would remember that night for the rest of my life because it was the first time I was really aware of what a powerful bond the two of us shared. I just knew it would last forever, but only time would tell for sure.

End of Chapter Seventeen

More to come....soon

Sorry it's take so long to get this chapter out. My life sort of got in the way. I recently bought a house and I've been busy with that. I hope to get back to writing on a regular basis once the dust settles. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Danny's birthday party. Next, Cody and Bastion celebrate their 13th birthday together.

Thanks to all my dedicated readers and to the new ones who have discovered me through this new story. Please let me know what you think of the way the story is going so far, I love hearing from my readers and I reply to every email. Address all comments to

Be sure to check out my other stories in the Prolific Authors Section at Nifty.  

Kewl Dad
