Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2019 15:04:14 -0400 From: Erik Laufeyson Subject: There Goes the Neighborhood 4 If you're not supposed to be reading fiction involving youths and sex, stop doing that and look away. If you ARE supposed to then by all means, keep reading. Don't forget to support NIFTY with a donation to keep the lights on. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- I woke up on Wednesday morning, several days after the Saturday night with Max. It had been a surreal night to be sure and one I had been savoring ever since. As much as I would have lied to repeat it again on Sunday, I had come down with a very new sense of anxiety - how can I tell Robbie that I had sex with his brother as eh was asleep and sick in the next room? Would he think that was cheating? Was it cheating if we're not in a relationship? Were we in a relationship?! I left their house on Sunday morning to return to my own, luckily heading out before Max had woken up. Since I was 14 my problem solving go-to method was ignoring the problem and hoping it would go away. I was right for at least the short term as Robbie, Max, their mom, and stepdad all left for vacation that Monday. I wouldn't have to worry about that situation for another ten days. I had plenty of time to procrastinate and not come up with a solution. At that moment though, I was more concerned with how I was going to spend my summer day. The sun was shining and it was already warmer than I had cared for by 9:00 AM. I was not built for summer and when the days turned sweltering I spent what little brain power I had left trying to figure out how to get cooled off. I jumped out of bed to grab some breakfast then decided I'd set out on my day to find out how to beat the heat. I closed the door to my room and pulled off my pajama shorts, throwing them onto the floor. I slept without a shirt on when it was this hot so I stood in my room with just a pair of light blue briefs on. My caught myself in the mirror hanging on the back of the door. I tried to look at my body from the outside, as if I wasn't inside it and had watched its transformations from day one. I tried to objectively trace my features and think of them in the same context I did when I looked over Robbie and Max's bodies. My 14 year old brain immediately told me that I was scrawny and no one would want to see this body but I knew it couldn't be that bad given both Robbie and Max seemed to enjoy it. I kept trying to look past myself and I began to wonder where that self-doubt came from. I always thought of myself as a background character in school due in large part to not fitting in physically with most groups. I was most certainly not a jock - I didn't have the hard muscle of a football player or the lean, tone of a track runner. I definitely didn't have the bulk of a wrestler. I guess I could have gone out for the golf team. I wasn't exactly a typical nerd - I might not have been what you would call "sun kissed" but I wasn't Casper pale either, not to mention that I had, at the very least, filled out some in the past year. I was no longer rail thin and bony but "trim and slim" as I'd been described by my mother. I wasn't a gearhead - aside from having zero mechanical inclination at all, those guys all seemed to be sturdy and built through years of lifting heavy stuff. I was not going to be winning any weight-lifting competitions. I wasn't in the popular/cool group - on top of just not being what high school would consider cool, I didn't have anywhere near the confidence that these guys had. Some didn't have the most amazing bodies but they all had something worth showing off and felt just fine doing so. I stood there and tried to shift my thinking out of "why I don't belong in those groups" mode. I made myself look in the mirror as if I were looking at Robbie or Max were in the room with me. I was certainly trim, that was for sure. I may not have had accentuated hips that sprouted a V torso but I did have the beginnings of muscle lines on my pelvis. I had started to lose a little weight this year and it was getting easier to see the muscles underneath in certain places. I was lucky that at 14 I had completely clear skin even if it wasn't that super sexy tanned look that everyone wanted in the 90s. I noticed that I was getting slightly more sun than I had thought so far this summer and my skin wasn't quite as pale as I recalled. My chest was just barely beginning to show signs of maturing (if you squinted) but was still squarely in the pre-adult category. My flat pecs were accentuated with soft pink nipples. The light blue briefs I was wearing were not going to be worn on a fashion runway but I had never bought underwear for anyone else to ever see. I wore briefs growing up so I never thought of wearing anything else. Here I thought I was daring by buying multiple colors. This particular pair was several years old and had begun to wear thin a bit - it's why I wore them to bed, they'd born into being super soft and comfortable. Between the thinning fabric and the light color, it was easy to make out the brown hair underneath. I didn't yet have enough where it was coming out of the briefs at all but you could tell it was darker underneath. If you specifically looked you could also make out the outline of my penis tucked within. I was nowhere near as thick as Max and not as long as Robbie but I don't think I was smaller than average either. While I did try to get out of the locker room at school as quickly as possible, I'd be lying if I said I never caught a glance or two. I hooked my thumbs into the waistbands and slowly pulled the briefs down until they slid down my legs and hit the floor. Mt penis stayed in the curled position from being pent up all night in the briefs. I grabbed it and stretched it out, it felt good having it exposed to fresh air. I pulled so the soft skin stretched out in front of me before letting it drop and thwack down as it hung free. I mussed up my bush as it was also matted down from sleep. I stepped out of my underwear and slightly turned my body to each side so I could look at myself. I don't know why I was always so hard on myself, I might not have the best body in the world but there was certainly nothing wrong with it. My ass didn't sag down even if it wasn't a bubble butt like Robbie. My legs did go all the way down to the floor even if they weren't strong and muscled like Max's. I began to run my hands across my chest, down my sides, up my legs. I was starting to like this body, damn it. My hands got to my balls and I played with them a little as I kept watching myself. I was still learning the right balance of play and caution when in that area but there was definitely something there worth exploring. I shimmied a little and watched my cock bounce from side to side, bringing a little smirk to my face. I could feel, and see, my dick was starting to react to the attention I was giving it. It was slowly starting to grow and perk up. I debated locking the door and enjoying myself. Robbie and Max were gone for the next week so it's not like I could knock on their door. Ungh, but no, it was too damn hot. The ceiling fan in this room didn't do enough to cool things off and I was already uncomfortable with the heat. Getting all hot and bothered on top of that would make me feel gross as soon as I came back to reality. Instead, I bent down to pick up the blue briefs and threw them into the hamper in the closet along with the shorts I was wearing. I moved to my dresser, still naked and, admittedly, enjoying the freedom if even only my little bedroom piece of the universe. I grabbed a fresh pair of light gray briefs, dark blue shorts, and a red t-shirt. Throwing everything on in a blur of motion, I felt a twinge of sadness that I wasn't naked anymore - both because of the heat and for the feeling in and of itself. But there was a summer day to be had ahead and I needed to find something to do. I headed outside and began trolling the neighborhood to see if anyone was outside. It was quiet for the first few minutes and I was worried I'd have to go back home to just lay on the basement couch watching HBO all day. Suddenly I heard voices. Very distinctive voices. I realized I was in front of the big blue house several doors down from my own. There were two adults getting in their car as they were speaking to their 16-year-old son, leaning against the car in long Bermuda shorts and a deep v-neck white undershirt. The distinctive voices belonged to the parents as they were the international family of the neighborhood. He was from England and she was from Italy, both relocated here to Connecticut. They both still retained their native accents which made them quite the hit when they moved into our sleepy little neck of the woods. The best part about them, aside from the entertaining accents, was that they brought three sons with them. The eldest, the aforementioned 16-year-old talking to them, was Liam. He was actually born in England before they all moved here so he still had a slight hint of an accent. The mix of English and American accents made for a weird but not unattractive sound to his voice. Some called Liam a hippie as he was so laid back and easy going, seemingly not having a care in the world. He was 100% his mother's son as he had a deep olive complexion to him and the incredibly soft-looking dark brown hair that seemed to effortlessly keep falling into his face. He was tall and thin but was definitely into his maturation as you could see light brown hair across his arms. The middle and youngest sons were both born here and were much more American and took after their father. Graham, the youngest of the three at 12, was the spitting image of his father. He'd already started playing sports so he had a jock body type but since he was on the smaller side overall he didn't seem to have the same heft that Max did. He also wasn't pale in a soft hue sort of way but his English DNA definitely didn't give him any color either. His mother's Italian must have run out by the time he came around. He kept his brown hair short and was known around the neighborhood for getting into scraps quite often. The middle brother, Reggie, fell somewhere on the spectrum between his brothers. He was quiet and never really talked a lot. Not sullen or angry just content to fade into the background. He wasn't as thin as Liam was but at 14 like me, he was in that stage where he was just beginning to change his body. He had the ability to be just as rough and jock-y as Graham but didn't seem to actually care to be unless pushed. I saw Liam talking to his parents as they got in the car and drove away. I waved as they went by and continued up to Liam. "Hey," I said as I approached. "What's going on?" "Hey, Erik," he responded in his slow, Ameri-lish accent. "Parents are going away from the night and wouldn't' stop worrying." He rolled his eyes. "Like it's that hard to take care of my brothers for a night." "Right," I said, agreeing with him even though I had no idea what was involved with babysitting. "It's one night. What could happen." "Exactly," Liam said. I could listen to him talk all day. "Besides, they're getting ready to go in the pool where they'll probably be for most of the day anyway. It's not like I'll have to do anything." The pool sounded like absolute Heaven right then. I'd already started sweating just standing there, the heat was getting so bad. I could see spots of sweat on Liam's shirt as well, the thin material of his undershirt not hiding any of the moisture. The deep V-neck of the shirt was also crying out for my attention. I could see his clavicles as they reached from under the shirt in to the center of his upper chest. I could see some errant hairs here and there on him but only because his light brown hair bordered on blonde and glinted in the morning sunlight. There was also an unexpected amount of attention drawn to his arms as the undershirt had very short sleeves, leaving his upper arms and biceps exposed. His skin looked so soft on this often unshown part of his body. For being so laid back and go-with-the-flow, Liam was not one to hang around the neighborhood without a shirt on. Many of the other guys I would see on occasion without a shirt on for one reason or another but I searched my brain and could not recall ever seeing Liam. This made these extra little peeks at his chest and arms all the more thrilling. I suddenly realized that Liam had been talking this whole time and I hadn't heard a word of what he said. I did smile and nod and hoped he didn't just ask me a question and was waiting for a response. "Whatever, right?" he said in a mix of hippie unaffectedness and GenX uncaring. "Yup," I said, figuring that would be pretty noncommittal. "I should go check on Reggie and Graham," he said. "You can soem swimming or hang out or whatever," he said as he started to turn and walk up the driveway toward the backyard. Before agreeing, I hung back for a few seconds to check Liam out from behind. The undershirt was loose up top but seemed to cinch him at the waist, it must have been a tight shirt at one point because it was definitely not Liam being overweight that kept the shirt tight against him. I could see the outline of his thin frame and there was no room for extra weight to be sure. I also noticed for the first time that his torso seemed very long and his height wasn't all from his legs. Imagining his lean and long torso was starting some action for me and I was glad to be wearing dark navy blue shorts that would hide the early stirrings going on. I did my best to push those thoughts out of my head though, this was not the time to get a boner. "Sure," I said and started following him. "I don't have my bathing suit on but I can hang out." "Cool, cool," Liam said. We walked into their backyard to find Reggie and Graham already in the large above-ground pool and enjoying their summer morning. They had the largest house and property in the neighborhood and they made good use of it with a treehouse nestled in the large oak tree to the right, both a garage and a shed on the left, and in the middle was the large pool surrounded on the back half by a deck that wrapped around. The brothers were taking turns climbing up to the deck so they could get a running start and jump back into the pool. Each would try to outdo the other with the poses they would strike mid-air: Graham as a ninja, Reggie flipping upside down, Graham as Superman, Reggie sitting lotus style. It was funny to note how Reggie's jumps always seemed to involve fighting or aggression in some way whereas Reggie was just sitting or doing gymnastic-type jumps. I would not have expected their personalities to come out in something so small as jumping into the pool. I walked up to the deck and greeted the brothers as Liam walked inside through the back door. I was sad to see him go but my newfound eyesight had turned its powers toward Reggie and Graham. Graham was climbing the ladder out of the pool with very decisive and meaningful steps. His small frame was already developing muscle mass underneath his slightly freckled skin. At 12 years old he didn't show any signs of hair growth other than his shortly cropped head of hair but his muscles and often stern look to his face belied his youth. He easily looked older than his brother Reggie despite being two years younger and several inches shorter. He would definitely grow up to be a football player and a frat guy, I thought at the time. As Graham went flying off the deck doing an air kick like a character from Mortal Kombat, Reggie was climbing up the ladder out of the water. He stepped more slowly and lightly than Graham. The water falling off of his slim frame dragged his bathing suit down just a bit but he, unfortunately, hiked it back up as soon as he stood on the deck. His hair was slightly longer than his younger brother's but still cut short enough where it didn't move much with the water. He had a slightly darker complexion compared to Graham but was still clearly his father's son as opposed to Liam's Italian olive skin. He also did not have the same freckles that Graham did and he seemed to come off as very "boy next door." Reggie went in for another dive as I leaned back against the railing of the deck. I didn't have a bathing suit here and I was fine enjoying the scenery. They thought I was just hanging out and here I was mapping each of their bodies. My studies were interrupted when I heard the back door open and I looked up to see Liam coming out. He had apparently gone inside to change into a bathing suit as he had lost his t-shirt and long shorts and had replaced them with a very short, faded red bathing suit. It was a suit he clearly had owned for some time as it was a light red faded by much time in the sun and was clearly too small for him - not that I was complaining. I was in awe as he walked down the stairs and strode over to the pool. He seemed even taller now in the small swim trunks and they even accentuated his torso even more than before. I could see the small chest quickly giving way to the stretch, slim torso that disappeared into the faded red fabric. His abs, far from a six pack, were just defined enough where I instantly lost myself in pictures my hands running up and down them. He didn't seem to have much additional hair on his chest than the few errant strands I had caught earlier but he had a slightly darker shade of brown hair that started at his navel and cascaded downwards into his swimsuit. I was mesmerized by it as it stretched and bent with his torso as he walked across the yard toward the pool. Neither Robbie nor Max had this trail at all and I was absolutely entranced his this strip of hair. The few years that Liam had on us apparently made quite the difference. I was once again very thankful for the dark blue of my basketball shorts for being concealing. Reggie and Graham continued their jumping competition, blissfully unaware of the thoughts bounding inside my head of their older brother. I tried my best to watch Liam as much as I could without being obvious. Then again, part of me didn't really care if he did notice. Liam was too laid back to care, I thought. "You guys are amateurs," Liam shouted to his brothers. He had reached the opposite side of the pool from me and gripped the edge. In a fluid motion his body hiked into the air and his right foot landed on the edge of the pool. I marveled at the muscle and sinew in his arms as he held himself in position for just a second before bringing the rest of his body up onto the pool's rim. He squatted with his knees pointing in opposite directions at first, spreading his legs and pulling his bathing suit further up his legs. I soaked in every inch of his legs as time seemed to slow down. An even pattern of hair on his legs glinted in the sunlight, it was a light amount of hair that just hinted at the notion he was older than all of us. He was perched on his toes, forcing his legs to flex and hold his body weight. His thighs did not get exceedingly wider like Max's did but they did lead right into his red bathing suit which was splayed apart as he legs stretched to keep balance. The suit was clearly straining against the pressure exerted by Liam's legs. It had ridden all the way up his legs to appear like he was wearing briefs or a Speedo almost. I tried to look for an outline or bulge but either I was too far away or the fabric just didn't allow for it the way it was all scrunched up. Laim then stood up, balancing on the edge of the pool. It was like a movie was playing out before me. His tall, lithe body was blanketed in sunlight as he stretched his body all the way up. The shorts did not fully drop back into place and remained pulled slightly up leaving his inner thighs revealed to the world - and more specifically, me. "Here's how you do a wicked jump," Liam said as he went down on his haunches slightly and began to do a take-off ... only he didn't go up into the air. He must have lost his balance just as he was pushing off and instead of leaping into the air and then the pool his limbs went every which way in an effort to regain balance. The effort was for naught as he fell backwards and out of sight of the three of us. "Fuuuuck," we heard from the ground. Reggie and Graham swam over to the edge of the pool nearest where Liam fell as I ran down the stairs of the deck and around the pool's wall to find Liam laying on the grass holding his leg with one arm. "Damn it!" he said, clearly in a good amount of pain. "My leg." "Are you okay?" I asked. I bent down to ... to ... I didn't know what the Hell I was doing. Apparently I thought asking obvious and inane questions was going to help the situation. Reggie and Graham looked on as they hugged the rim of the pool. Liam didn't answer right away but hugged his leg with one arm while the other arm didn't move much. "Fuck," he said again. It was unnerving to see someone normally so happy-go-lucky this angry. Not that it was wasn't warranted, of course. "Yeah, I think so," he said, answering my question. "I don't think they're broken but my arm and leg fucking hurt!" I then noticed the blood on his arm. I moved up next to his arm to take a look and while there wasn't a huge gash on his arm, he was definitely cut. I gently picked his arm up, much to his grimacing, to find a rock underneath his arm that was the culprit. He must have landed on it and cut his arm. Reggie, at the sight of blood, pushed away from the pool edge. "I need to get inside," Liam said. I'm glad one of us still had their head about him. Reggie was clearly not going to help once he saw the blood and Graham had a look of fear on him that I'd never seen before. Liam looked up and saw his brothers' reactions. "Guys, I'm fine. It just hurts. A lot. But it just hurts." Liam looked up at me and nodded to the house. He was going to need help getting inside but he knew laying there with blood on his arm wasn't going to be good for anyone, least of all his younger brothers. "Erik," he said. "Think you could - nnnhhh - think you could give me a hand?" I was just as terrified as Reggie and Graham but clearly there wasn't going to be anyone else to help him. I very carefully helped him get to his feet - or, well, his foot. His one leg was clearly not going to be used for walking anytime soon so he stood on his other leg and used my shoulder for balance. Once on his one leg, he crossed his good arm to hold his other one. He quickly realized this wouldn't work and then hooked his arm around me, holding on to my shoulder. This should have been absolutely thrilling for me but any excitement that needed to be concealed earlier had left the building. "You guys stay in the pool," Liam said, turning his head to his brothers. ""I'll be fine, just need to get cleaned up and then we'll be right back outside." We somehow managed to make it up the stairs and into the back door one slow step at a time. As soon as we got into the house and closed the door I felt Liam's hand grip my shoulder tightly and he let out another "FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!" He may have been in more pain than he had let on to his brothers. "I need to lay down for a while, man," he said as he composed himself. "But I need to wash all of this off." Looking him up and down I realized that half of his body was covered in dirt, grass, and blood. "Think you can help me upstairs?" He looked more unsure than I did. We slowly and methodically made it up the long stairs and luckily his bedroom was the first door at the top. Another stroke of luck for both of us, Liam had his own bathroom attached to his bedroom so we wouldn't have to hobble back and forth across the house. We walked into his bedroom and it was dark. He had thick curtains drawn across the windows that overlooked the backyard. A few thin slits of white light came in between the breaks in the curtains and gave the room just enough light. His room had a thick blue carpet which felt good on my feet as we shuffled across. "Hold on, hold," Liam said. "I need to sit for a minute first." First? I thought. If this was first then what was second? We made it over to the edge of the bed and he turned so he could lean on his good leg. His hand loosened its grip on my shoulder and then I felt his hand slid across my back as he eased onto the bed. He sighed audibly with a mix of relief and pain as he settled into a new position, sitting half on the bed and half off. "Okay, I need something first," he said with his eyes closed. "In my bathroom, can you grab the pills above the sink? They're from when I broke my arm last year." I ran into the bathroom and flicked the lightswitch. It was a much larger bathroom than I would have expected off a bedroom. I went right to the sink and opened the medicine cabinet looking for the pain meds Liam was after. Fetching the small, orange bottle, I made my way back into the bedroom. "These?" I said, holding the bottle up. "Yeah," Liam said. "Perfect, here!" he was anxious to take them as I popped the top off for him. He downed two pills without any water and closed his eyes again as if waiting for a signal that they were kicking in. If you took away the condition he was in then he was very much still a sight to behold. He had one leg stretched all the way out keeping it straight and keeping his bathing suit riding up his inner thigh. His head fell back as he waited to feel better which arched his back and pushed his chest out slightly. Seeing his abs flex made his long trunk all the more desirable. He stayed still for a few minutes as I just watched. I could see his chest rising and falling with his breathing in this position and it became almost hypnotic. His pecs would push up and hold for just a few moments before falling again with exhalation. Each inhale was like he was pushing his dark brown nipples on display just for me. I felt like a voyeur who was watching a show being put on for no one else in the world but himself. Eventually he took a large intake of breath and straightened himself up. "Okay," he said, steeling himself. "Let's see if we can do this. Before I lay down I need to clean all of this up," he said, pointing with his good arm to his very bad and dirty bad side. "Can you help me into the bathroom so I can take a shower real quick?" "Yeah, sure," I said. "Here." I walked over to him and put my shoulders under his arm as it grabbed my right shoulder again. His arm didn't have the same warmth against me as it did outside because his body was already cooling off with the air conditioning in the house. I lifted Liam off of the bed as he got to his feet and we began our hop/shuffle across the room and through the bathroom door. Once inside the bathroom, he stopped and leaned against the sink. I bent down and turned the shower on, adjusted the water and pulled the showercurtain back slightly. I grabbed a towel from the rack ad folded it on the sink so he could grab it more easily. "Okay, I think that's everything," I said. "I'll wait in your room." "Thanks, Erik," Liam said. "You got it," I said as I walked out of the bathroom and pulled the door behind me. I left it open slightly so there was another shaft of light in the bedroom. I walked over to the window and peered out into the backyard. Reggie and Graham had resumed their swimming and jumping so they seemed fine. Liam was pretty good at reassuring them that things were fine and I guess they believed him. All of a sudden a thought occurred to me: when Liam was done with the shower, he wouldn't have any clothes to change into. On the one hand this was great news for me, I could either see him in a towel or absolutely nothing when he came out of the bedroom. However, part of me did feel guilty and like that was taking advantage of him being hurt. Then I felt bad and decided to grab some clothes for him. I figured pajamas would be best because he'd want comfort. I went to the large set of drawers against the wall and started opening. I had no idea where he kept what clothes so it was a bit of a scavenger hunt but I pulled out what seemed like pajamas, very soft and thin gray sweatpants and a worn t-shirt that had something about football on it. But this being Liam's house it was really soccer. Whacky Brits. I didn't know if he wore underwear to bed (and that question automatically became one that haunted my restless nights for a while afterward) but I figured I would grab some to be safe. I found a smaller drawer and opened it to find less underwear than I expected. I wondered if he didn't always wear it, even out and around during the day. That was a great thought. Just in case, I grabbed a pair of boxers and added them to the pile of clothes. I walked over to the door and knocked, pushing it open just slightly. "Yeah?" Liam asked from within. "Uh, I got some clothes for you," I said into the crack in the door.. "For after the shower. Want me to leave them on the sink?" "Sure," Liam said. "Come on in." I pushed the door open and took one step before I stopped in my tracks. Liam was not in the shower but still leaning against the sink where I had left him. He was trying to pull down his bathing suit with his good hand but was clearly having trouble with it as only one side was pulled down while the other side remained in place on his hip. "Uh, yeah," Liam said looking up at me. "Sorry but can you help me some more? I can't get this off with one hand?" I knew he was saying words but I was transfixed on what I was seeing. His suit was pulled down enough on one side that I could see a patch of short brown hair that sprouted the amazing trail to his navel that I had seen earlier. If I didn't know better I could have sworn I saw just the beginning of his dick being pulled down with the bathing suit but it was difficult to tell without the ability to freeze time and go in for a closer look. "Wha?" I started to say. I was flustered, not expecting this when I walked in. "What do you need?" "Well," Liam responded. "I need to take these off so I can take a shower. Here," he said pushing off from the sink so he was standing again, most of his weight on one leg. He turned around so I was looking at his gorgeous back that went all the way town to meet at a dimple where his ass began. "So it's less awkward." Well, I was in this so might as well go for it. I was a little nervous right then since this all seemed out of my control but I had gone into autopilot. I pushed the bathroom door behind me closed all the way. I looked for a place to set the pile of clothes down and, while I could have put them on the edge of the sink, I saw the toilet just in front of Liam to his side. I moved closer to him and bent down to put the clothes on the toilet seat. I focused every ounce of my attention to my peripheral vision as my head was just next to his thigh and halfway-down bathing suit. I could then confirm that, yes, what I saw earlier was in fact the very beginning of where his penis sprouted from his short, dark brown bush. I stayed in that position for as long as I could, futzing with the pile of clothes for several seconds as I focused on Liam beside me. I have no idea if he was looking at me or was paying any attention at all. I was starting to feel a little flushed as I realized Liam had put the heat on in the bathroom at some point. Combined with the steam of the hot water, my closing the door, and my blood pumping at the moment and it was inevitable that I'd start sweating. I stood up and then realized that not only had I become incredibly hard over the past 30 seconds but that bending over shifted my own penis and now it stood straight out as if pointing at Liam. I quickly shoved my hands in my shorts and readjusted my hard dick so it was, at best, less noticeable. As hot as it was outside I wish I was wearing jeans at this point. These basketball shorts might be dark but they were not subtle when it came to the erection tenting the front of them at this moment. "Uh, okay," I said. "Here we go." I was sure most people in this position would try to only grab the bathing suit on Liam hips and pull down quickly to avoid contact as much as possible. I, on the other hand, figured I'd use this to my advantage so I could relive the sensory experience again at home. I placed my hands on either side of his hips. My left hand was on the faded red bathing suit while my right made contact with his skin. It felt soft yet I could feel his hip bones underneath at the same time. I swore he made a slight jump when my skin touched his. Again, I tried to linger as long as possible without it seeming obvious what I was doing. I grabbed the fabric with my left hand and began pulling down. My right hand slid down his olive skin and I focused all my attention on the friction of our two skins rubbing against each other. My fingers ran over the random fine, brown hair on his legs giving a new textual sensation every other moment. My right hand came down to where his bathing suit had made it to on his leg and I paused my hand on his thigh to let me left hand catch up. I bent my knees to get lower to the ground - for a better point of leverage, of course. I then pulled softly on both sides of the bathing suit. Looking straight ahead, I was looking right into Liam's ass. The soft dimple at the small of his back began the transition into the soft, flawless ass in front of me. It was not quite as round as Robbie's ass but it looked just as smooth. Instead of a circular bubble butt, Liam's ass had more of a teardrop shape to it where his back seemed to just naturally become his ass. The cheeks were rounded on the bottom and had just the absolute minimum of a brown fur the closer I looked. As it got to his knees I realized the white lining inside the bathing suit was wedged between his upper thighs.I was this close to reaching my hand up between his legs to dislodge it but I felt that might be going too far. Instead, I tugged lightly on the bathing suit around Liam's legs as I used the time to soak in the visual of being this close to his ass. Liam must have realized what was going on as he shifted his weight and his legs opened slightly, allowing the lining of the bathing suit to snap back to its housing inside the fabric. I kept looking straight ahead and I could see through his legs the underside of his ballsack. The heat and moisture in the air was making it droop. It seemed to have an equally subtle layer of fuzz to his ass. All of a sudden I had the urge to reach through his legs and cup his balls as they hung down. I had not focused on this part of Robbie or Max and I was now very interested in how it would feel. I continued sliding the bathing suit down Liam's legs and they crumpled on the floor. He leaned against the sink as he took his pained leg out first then slowly and carefully removed his other. I stayed on my knees as I watched the muscles twist and work with each other. His ass flexed at one point, making it a slightly different shape. As he composed himself on two feet outside of the bathing suit I stood to me full height, having to once again adjust myself before he turned around. "Cool," Liam said as I was still looking up and down his back. "Thanks." He slowly hopped over to the edge of the bathtub. I was hypnotized by the way his ass bounced as he made his way across the bathroom. He pulled the showercurtain open more as more steam flowed out into the bathroom. He stopped and looked down. He turned his head back to look at me. "Uh, I might need some more help." I wiped the sweat from my forehead and pulled my t-shirt from my chest, fanning myself a bit. My shirt was already showing signs of my sweating with dark spots appearing all over. "Dude," Liam said. "It's clearly way too hot in here. I'm going to need your help for a few minutes and you can't stay like that." He swung his head up, gesturing towards me. "Just take your shirt off or whatever and it'll feel better." I was never one to be so rude as to ignore the request of someone whose house I was visiting. I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and peeled it off, throwing it to the side next to Liam's bathing suit. I was grateful to have the shirt off because of the heat but I was conscious of the fact that my shirt was at least somewhat hiding the erection in my shorts. Now my dark blue shorts and light gray briefs were all that was hiding my dick from Liam but at this point I didn't care and they were not doing the best job of it. There wouldn't be any way of getting it to go down with Liam standing naked in front of me so at this point I figured I'd just enjoy what I could out of this experience. I began to take a step toward Liam to help him into the shower when he said, "come on, I can tell you're still sweating and the shirt does nothing. Just take your shorts off and come help me over the bathtub rim." In the spirit of just letting things fly, I figured I didn't have much of a choice. I grabbed the sides of my shorts and yanked them down to the floor. My light gray briefs proudly displayed my erection hiding within them. I had adjusted it facing upwards before and it was trying desperately to break free of the white elastic at my waist. I stepped out of the shorts on the floor and moved toward Liam who was still facing the shower and giving me a delightful view of his smooth, lithe back and teardrop ass. The painkillers must have started working because I noticed he was carrying himself differently than on the way up the stairs earlier. He was more loose, not quite as tight and tense. I stepped just behind him, the erection in my underwear an inch from his ass. I placed my hands on either side of slim torso, soft for a second then grabbing. I was about to help steady Liam as he stepped over the edge of the bathtub into the shower but he started to push his ass backwards. The moment I felt the pressure of his ass against my cock I almost lost my control right then and there. My hands gripped his sides even harder as he moved his ass back and forth slightly, small movements made excruciating as he teased my hard cock. Even though Liam was taller than me, much of his height was in his torso so his ass was in a perfect position against my cock straining in my underwear. The head of my cock pressed against the crack of his ass gave the most wonderful friction. Liam stood on his toes allowing the head of my cock to slide down the crack of his ass and push upwards against the bottom of his ass before returning to flat feet and my cock slid up along his crack. Liam continued moving up and down mixed with gyrating in a circle then front to back, never letting me get used to a motion before changing it up again. It was infuriating and wonderful at the same time. My cock was absolutely rock hard by this point, between scouring his body for the morning and now having Liam grinding his ass against me and I don't know how I didn't cum right then and there. Liam leaned forward again, pulling his ass away from my throbbing cock. My hands stayed gripped on his sides as I tried to stay in the moment for as long as I could. "Help me into the shower," Liam said. I held him tighter and I steadied him over the edge of the bathtub and into the streaming water. The water hit his body and I could see his body loosen even further. The warm water bounced off of his smooth chest while also running down his body. I watched as trails of water found every little crevice and bump of his skin and changed pathways as it made its way down his body. With the shower curtain still halfway open, small splashes of water bounced out and hit me. Some hit my chest and face as Liam stood still in the flowing water. He seemed to enjoy the warmth flowing over him, finally getting clean and washing away the incident from earlier in the morning. He let his head fall back and he moaned slightly as he arched his back. It was then I realized that through this whole time I had not yet actually seen Liam's dick. His bathing suit was still half on when I walked in and I could not see over him as he was grinding his ass against my own dick. Even now, he had stepped forward into the shower and I was behind him outside the bathtub. I was tantalizingly close to this prize yet I was still not at a vantage point to see it. So very close and yet not close enough it would seem. Liam kept his head back but turned to look at me, gorgeous wide eyes opening. He looked me up and down moving nothing but his head. "You might have a problem there," he said, looking down. I looked down at myself. I could see the head of my cock staring up at me as it was poking out of the white waistband of my underwear. I then noticed that water had splashed onto them as well, turning the light gray fabric into splotches of wet, dark gray. The water had made my underwear look like giraffe pattern with alternating wet and dry spots. "You really shouldn't wear wet clothes," Liam said. His long, thin arm reach over and he hooked a finger into the waistband of my briefs. I was expecting him to give one good yank and free my throbbing hard-on, letting it bounce up and down finally freed from its cage. Instead, just as before, he slowly teased me into agony. He slid his finger from side to side along the elastic. His wet finger glided effortlessly along my skin and sent shivers down my spine. Each time he came just close enough to brush up against my cock he would stop and go back the other way. I was in love with the sensations on my skin but tortured by the lack of similar sensations on my hard-as-steel dick that felt like it was going to burst out of my underwear on its own. Liam pulled the elastic band toward him as I prepared for him to finally free my cock. Instead he let go and it snapped back at me. The slight pain was exquisite and I relished the sense of surprise and shock. I made an audible gasp. "Why not take those wet things off," he said. "That way you can help me take a shower." I was definitely not going to argue. I grabbed my underwear and ripped them down so quickly that my cock bounced back up and smacked my stomach with an audible "thwack!" I grabbed my cock in my hands as I just needed to feel pressure on it after so much teasing from Liam. Even though I was very much used to my own hand on my dick, the feeling felt amazing after such a tantalizing show. "Uh, I think that's my job," Liam said. He reached over and, once again, faked me out by grabbing me at the waist and not the cock. He pulled me closer and I stepped into the shower behind him as his wet hand slid from my waist. Standing behind him once again I loved studying the paths of water fall down his back. They seemed to follow unseen paths along his smooth, tight back before converging at the small of his back and running into the crack of his ass. I wanted to run my hands from his neck down his back and cup that beautiful ass in front of me but I didn't dare disrupt the beauty of the water streaming down. I was startled back to reality when Liam whipped his head up and his wet hair whipped water at me. He turned his head and had a devilish smile on his face. "So," he said. "Are you going to help me take a shower or what?" He picked up the bottle of shampoo and held it out. At first I was disappointed as I was thinking this was not actually going to be a shower but then I thought of the possibilities. If it was even possible, my dick got even harder. At this point it was standing out at a 90* angle from my body with its usual slight curve upward, allowing the head to just be pointing up to the sky. I pushed Liam aside for just a moment so I could feel the water wash over me as well, letting my body loosen and relax in the warm water. I put my hand out and Liam squirted some shampoo into it. I brought my hands together and spread she shampoo before placing my hands on his lustrous hair. His head fell back, eyes closed, and he moaned as I worked my fingers into his hair. The lather built up as I massaged and moved my fingers across his head. I never would have guessed it but this was even more sensual than Liam grinding against me earlier. My hands were entwined in his hair and I ran them all around his head, applying pressure and releasing. He shifted his stance and his legs spread apart slightly. As I kept massaging his hair I moved my hips closer to him and my cock pressed against his ass. I could hear Liam take a sharp inhale of breath. I moved my hips backwards and forwards as my cock rode up the crack of Liam's as before sliding back down again. The dual sensations made Liam start breathing more heavily. I continued sliding up and down his ass, my cock just pressing against the space between his luscious cheeks. I decided that he wasn't the only one who could play the cock tease game. He he was getting more and more lost in the competing physical sensations on his head and his ass I pulled my hips back and my cock away from him. I released my hands from his hair and pushed his head forward into the streaming water. "Time to rinse," I said with a smile. Revenge tasted sweet, I thought. Liam was silent for a moment as he seemed to snap back to reality, being jarred suddenly from his pleasure. As he picked his head back up out of the water I could hear him chuckle softly. At least he enjoyed a taste of his own medicine. I stepped closer to him again but this time I pushed my cock down lower to go under the teardrop cheeks of his ass. Since my cock arched upward, I could feel the head sliding against the bottom of his ass. I moved in closer until my stomach as touching his back. My cock pushed further forward under Liam as it massaged his taint. He moaned so softly that I could barely hear it with the rushing water. My right hand went to his hip and gripped lightly. My left started at his shoulder and moved down the side of his body. I could feel every muscle and bone, it seemed. My hand got to his hip and I moved both hands further around toward the front of him. I pulled him toward me, pressing my body against his and thrusting my cock further between his wet legs. My left hand reached down and grabbed the bar of soap on the shelf. I released my other hand and stepped back being sure to drag my cock head along his undercarriage. Liam let out a long breath. I could see his body breathing more heavily now. I was starting to understand the fun in teasing a partner with this push and release game. I didn't wait for Liam to take control back again. I enjoyed making him squirm like he did to me. I lathered up my hands with the bar of soap then put it back on the shelf. I brought my hands to Liam's back and began caressing the smooth skin. I ran my hands up and down his back, over his shoulders, down his arms. Liam's head fell back and he seemed to be enjoying these sensations in a very different way than before. I pulled him backwards slightly so the water was splashing down on his legs. My hands went down to his hips before moving around to his abs. I ran my hands up and down the front of his body, from his abs up to his chest. I took my time to run my fingers over the muscle lines I could feel. I felt my hands run over his nipples which were pert with excitement. I played with them for just a few seconds before continuing on to rub down his chest. As much fun as I'd been having teasing Liam, I was getting too excited to wait much longer myself. I moved myself closer to his back, again with my stomach and chest pressed against his soapy and slippery back. My cock found its place nestled in the crack of Liam's ass, pointing straight up. It slide up easily with all of the soap that was on him. My hands moved downward slowly, again retracing the pecs, abs, and muscles on the way. I had gotten to his lower abs and paused. "Please," Liam said in barely more than a whisper. "Please." I had continued torturing him without even realizing it. This newfound power was exhilarating. I pushed my dick against him even harder and the pressure of it between our two bodies was incredible. I moved my soapy hands around his abs and lower torso some more. "Please," Liam said louder. My mind turned off and I went on autopilot at this point. "Please what?" I said, never stopping my hands. They were roving everywhere except where he wanted most. Around his waist, up and down his back, over his ass, across his chest and shoulders. The soap and water allowed my hands to glide and flow anywhere they wanted. I could feel Liam grinding his ass against my cock now, thrusting back and forth and my hands explored. "Please grab it," Liam said more loudly again. He was basically panting now, head still back and eyes closed. I put my head next to his and just listened to his heavy breathing for a few moments. My hands never stopped touching him but I started to stay closer to what he wanted - abs, hips, inner thighs. Then I started getting even closer. I moved my hands over the short hair that resided just above what pained him so badly at this moment. My fingers ran across the short hair and slid in and out of it, it was just enough for me to slightly grab and give the smallest tug. Liam moaned and with my ears right next to his head the sound drove me wild. "Grab what?" I asked. I don't know why but I needed to hear him say it. The sound of the words were getting to be MY ultimate goal at the moment just as much as his goal was me grabbing him. I figured we still had some back-and-forth left in our game but I was mistaken. He arched his back, puffing out his chest. His head and ass both pushed harder against me. "Please grab my fucking cock!" Liam yelled, leaving the whispering behind entirely. I couldn't have gotten hotter at that moment if I tried. I pushed my own cock harder against his ass and felt it push into the crack of his ass even though it was still pointing to the ceiling. My hands, still wrapped around him, left his thighs and I finally gripped his cock and covered it in the soapy lather. Liam inhaled sharply as he finally attained what he was hoping for so badly. "Ohhhhhh, yes," he said, still longer whispering. Both of my hands gripped his cock and there was still room left over on the shaft. I stayed still for a moment and simply held his dick in my hands, letting Liam enjoy the moment I had been teasing. I then began to move my hands up his shaft until I felt them bump against the head of his cock, then I brought them down until they pressed against his bush. Up and down, I continued this motion for several minutes as Liam didn't move but continued panting and moaning. I took my left hand off of his cock and moved them down to his balls which were still hanging low as before. I cupped them in my hand and it seemed to give Liam a shiver. I massaged them and would tug very softly every few seconds to keep him wanting more. My right hand continued stroking him from head to pubes as my left played underneath. "Puh - please," Liam said through heavy breathing. "Please." DId he want to cum already? As difficult as it was for even me to keep from cumming right then I didn't want this to end either. "You want to cum for me?" I asked him softly right into his ear. "Nuh - no," he said. "Not yet." I wasn't sure what he meant by "please" then. He grabbed my left hand and pulled it away from his balls. My right continued stroking his incredibly long cock as I fell into a rhythm. Liam guided my left hand around his waist to behind him. He used my hand to push my cock away from his ass and I immediately missed the sensation of pressure against it. My cock slipped downward and slid between his legs. Liam closed my hand into a fist before pulling back just my middle fingers. He made sure to cover it with soap before he guided it to the top of his ass and started to slide it down the crack. When it got to the bottom he stopped and pushed my finger between the cheeks. "Please," he said again. I knew what he wanted but what I wanted was to hear him say it. His arm went back to his side as I slid my finger up and down his ass between the cheeks. I could feel him tightening and loosening his ass I moved. "Please what?" I said. "Puh - please," Liam responded. "Stick it in. Please stick it in." My right hand was still furiously stroking his shaft up and down. I had now added a twisting motion to the action and it was clearly getting Liam even hotter. "I can't hear you," I said. "Say it again," I said as I moved my finger lower and lower down his ass. Liam took a breath. "Please stick it in, please." "Louder," I said as my finger found his hole and I brought the tip of my finger just against it. He moaned deeply and loudly. I pressed just a bit of pressure against his hole with my finger. Liam shouted, "Please shove your fingers in my ass!" I pushed and could feel my finger pass the barrier and enter his asshole. It went it fast but I stopped myself before it went all the way in. "Oh, fuck," Liam said loudly. I panicked. "Is that okay?"I asked, starting to pull my finger out. "Yuh - yes!" he said. "Don't stop, keep going!" I moved my finger further into his ass and he moaned louder with each second. I paused and he began pushing his ass back against my finger. I spread my hand and managed to get my entire middle finger into him before stopping again. We stood there for an eternity as I stroked his long cock and filled his ass with my finger up to the hilt. I eventually began pulling and pushing my hand as my finger fucked his ass. I matched my other hand's rhythm so they worked in unison, attacking him with pleasure from both sides. He was lost in the pleasure as he began thrusting his hips along with my hands creating one fluid, smooth motion between us. My own cock was thrusting in and out from between his legs. I had fallen into the same timing with everything else. Up and down his shaft, in and out of his ass, back and forth with his thrusting hips, forward and backward with my cock slipping between his soft inner thighs.The soap and water had made everything so slippery that we just moved in all directions with each other and every flowed together. I didn't dare change anything for fear of losing this moment but I knew we were not long to last. Liam was breathing very sharply now and I could feel my own orgasm building as I was fucking between his legs. As much as I wanted to stay like this for as long as possible, I knew I had to make a grand finale. I began stroking his dick even faster, now gripping the head of his cock as I went up the shaft. I rounded the top with my slick hand before coming back down to the base and up again. The extra sensitivity of his cock head was evident as he trembled slightly every time my hand ran across it. "Fuh - fuh - fuck yes, Erik," he said panting. Hearing him say my name drove me absolutely wild. I knew this had to be the end of it and I wanted to make him feel so good that the teasing was worth it. I slid my finger out of his ass completely and I saw a pang of frustration come across his face. His eyes still closed, he furrowed his brow. I brought my hand back to his ass and my middle finger again found his hole. I pushed past the entrance and Liam moaned loudly. I stopped with just less than an inch inside him before I took my index finger and slid it in alongside its partner. Liam almost jumped. "Ohhhhhhh," he said loudly. I slid the two fingers in slowly but stopped halfway. I leaned in close to his ear again. "Do you like that?" I asked him softly. "Ye - yeah," he said. He sounded almost drunk like he didn't even know that this feeling existed. My hand started working his cock as fast as I could make it go. "I said - do you like that?" I asked him forcefully. "YES!" he shouted. "Fuck my ass, please!" he continued outright yelling. "Stroke my cock and shove your hand deep in my ass! Fuck! Keep going!" I couldn't take it much longer as I shoved both fingers in all the way and began fucking him with them quickly. I never completely pulled out, just before they would pop out of him I would quickly push them back in as my other hand furiously jerked off his long cock. I leaned in close to his ear and kissed his neck. Then I said, "Cum for me - cum for me now!" "Oh, God," Liam moaned loudly. "Yes, fuuuuuuuck!" His body tightened, his ass clenched on my fingers, and he paused as he thrusted forward. I felt his cock pause in my right hand for a moment before I felt pulse after pulse of cum erupted from him. "Uuuuunnnnnnhhhhhh," he said loudly as his orgasm washed over him. I kept stroking his long cock as I felt explosion after explosion of cum rush past my hand and spurt out of his dick. His ass remained clenched on my hand as his body froze but I continued thrusting my own cock between his legs. I was too far gone myself to stop. I began thrusting harder and faster. As good as it felt fucking him between his legs I needed more. I pulled my hips back and my cock popped out from between his legs, it was pointing straight up and pushing against his ass cheek. I slid my fingers out of his ass as I felt the final bursts of cum leave his cock. Before I could do anything else, Liam's left hand reached behind him and grabbed my cock. He gripped his long fingers around my shaft and immediately started jerking me off as quickly as I was stroking him. The feeling of his hand on my cock was enough to send me over the edge. My knees almost buckled as I felt my orgasm rise up from within and I began shooting loads of cum onto Liam's lower back and ass. "Oh, oh, oh," I said with each load leaving my cock. We were both still moving as one fluid motion as we unloaded our cum. We began to slow our movements but were afraid to stop entirely. Our hands and bodies slowed and slowed until I released Liam's dick and he released mine. I leaned forward against his back, breathing heavily and just enjoying the feeling of his body against me as I came down from that orgasmic high. We stood there leaning against one another for several minutes. Eventually I pushed myself off of Liam and he straightened out. We were both still covered in soapy suds since we had stepped back from the water. We both both forward and rinsed off, I ran my hands over Liam's body to help clean the suds off. Once we were all clean I pulled the shower curtain back and stepped out. I grabbed a towel and turned to help Liam out of the bathtub when all of a sudden I finally saw it. Liam had turned to face me when I got the full view of him. He was still dripping wet and his cock was dangling in front of him. He might have lost his erection by now but his slim torso gave way to what must have been 5 inches of soft cock. No wonder I was able to use both hands when it was hard. The wet, matted bush behind it only emphasized the length. It was not very thick but it just kept going for days. The bell at the end was a darker color than his olive complexion everywhere else. "What?" Liam said. "What's the matter?" "Huh?" I responded. "Oh, sorry. I just haven't seen ... everything before now." I pointed to his soft penis in front of him. "Oh," Liam said with a smile. "Yeah, it's a little longer than most guys. Did you enjoy it though?" "Uh, yes!" I said emphatically. "Good," Liam said. "Then get over here and help me get dry dammit!" he said laughing. I slung the towel over my shoulder and helped Liam over the edge and onto the bathmat. I took the towel and wrapped it around his body, getting in close and hugging him tightly. Releasing him, I began taking the towel to his body. Starting with his face and shoulders, I began to move down and drying him off.I caressed each arm with the towel, taking special care on his injured side. I reached around to dry off his back and this brought us face to face where we just looked at each other. I brought the towel around and began drying off his chest. His skin went from a glossy wet to a supple dry and it was starting to drive me wild again. I got down on my knees as the towel traced down his torso and abs. I paused and stared at his dick directly in front of me. It looked even bigger up close. I gently took his penis and balls into my cupped hand in the towel and dried them off. Liam closed his eyes and enjoyed the soft sensation on his cock after what we just went through. I continued down his legs and feet, making sure he was completely dry before taking a second towel and drying myself. Part of me wanted Liam to do what I had done for him but I guessed the pain was starting to come back after all that adrenaline was wearing off. I dried quickly and threw the towel over the shower curtain rod. "Okay," I said. "Let's get you to bed." "Yeah," Liam responded. "I think that's a good idea." He slung his arm over my shoulder again and it felt infinitely better than before. Our soft skins sliding against one another, our naked bodies touching, both of our cocks just hanging down and bouncing as we started walking. I opened the bathroom door and almost fell over. It had gotten so hot in the bathroom that I forgot the A/C was on in the house and we were both freezing all of a sudden. "Holy crap," Liam said. "It's fucking freezing in here! Can you grab those clothes you got?" "Sure," I said. I set Liam leaning against the wall and ducked back into the bathroom to grab the stack of clothes. I brought them out to the bedroom and reluctantly agreed to help Liam get dressed. I was happy to help, don't get me wrong. I was just sad to see him cover up. He said he didn't wear underwear to bed so I threw them on the dresser. I got back on my knees to help him with the gray sweat pants and may have taken my time since I was right in front of his cock again. His balls were decidedly not as low as in the bathroom. One leg after the other were in and I pulled them being sure to gently pack away his cock. Not an easy feat given its length. The shirt went on next before we walked over to his bed. I pulled back the comforter and helped Liam down and hooked his legs up. I figured I'd play nursemaid all the way at this point so I ran into the bathroom to get a small glass of water for his nightstand. I pulled the covers up since he was still visibly cold. With his eyes closed and head on the pillow, he said "thanks, man." I went back into the bathroom to clean up the clothes and towels. I checked the shower and had to wipe it down as Liam's cum was still on the wall. Powerful stuff, I thought. Everything seemed in order, except for the pile of clothes on the floor. I picked them up but they had all gotten wet in the shower play. I walked back into the bedroom, grabbed the boxers I had thrown on the dresser and put them on. They definitely felt different than briefs. I grabbed a shirt and a pair of shorts as well so I could at least get home without being naked. Liam turned over in the bed. He was probably asleep already. I peeked out the window and freaked out - Reggie and Graham weren't in the pool! Oh, no, were they in the house this whole time?! Did they hear us? I scanned all around the backyard and finally found them laying on towels by the back fence. My heart had skipped about 37 beats but it was fine. I was about to leave when I noticed Liam had turned over in his bed and his blanket was all pulled aside. His ass was sticking out and his top half was completely uncovered in the cold. I walked over to straighten out the blanket but I palmed his ass for a moment. I caressed it softly and loved knowing he wasn't wearing underwear. I so wanted to have fucked him with more than just my fingers before. I smiled at the thought and whispered, "next time." "Please ..." Liam said softly without moving, a devilish smile on his face. I wrapped the blanket around him and left the room silently, closing the door behind me. I walked downstairs and grabbed a bottle of soda from the refrigerator in the kitchen. I was drained and needed a drink. I could not believe that had just happened and did Liam say he actually did want me to fuck him? I don't know how but I would find some way to get back here and finish what we had started. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Whoo, that one got to be a lot longer than I had anticipated! I hope the time reading it was worth it and you enjoyed the tale of Erik & Liam. I know I definitely did and I actually got myself off twice while writing it over the past week. Would appreciate your feedback at especially on this longer story. I'm going to try and vary future chapters so some are more in-depth like this one and others might be shorter. As always, please kick a few bucks to Nifty for the hours of entertainment they help provide and I can't wait to hear from you at!