This story is a tribute to a story I read many years ago on Nifty. I've spent countless hours trying to find it but without luck. If you read this story and know what I'm talking about, please reach out. I'll be forever grateful. This story has nothing to do with the original story, except its general premise. It's not a rewrite.

Meanwhile, enjoy! The story depicts explicit sexual acts among boys between 12 and 15yo, so please leave if you're underage or shouldn't be reading it for any other reason. Please stay if this is just what you came here for.

Touching Hands

Chapter 2

I'm woken up by chirping morning birds. I missed that feeling. I love coming to this camp, and being able to escape the noise and stink of the city is one of the main reasons. I yawn, stretch, and rub my eyes before opening them, ready for the first day at the camp.

That's when all the memories come back to me, and I hold my breath. I reach inside my sleeping bag. Dried cum all over my body. Most of it is mine, with a few guest drops from my adopted little brother. How surreal is that? I look to my left. Dustin is sleeping soundly, facing away from me. How is it possible that this little brat's hobby is playing with my dick when I'm asleep? Not just playing - making me cum, as if it's his holy duty as a younger sibling to make sure his big bro doesn't go too long without shooting a healthy nut. Dustin doesn't hit me off as gay. If anything, he seemed very professional working on my dick yesterday. Then why does he do it? He surely knows that I can take care of my business myself without his help.

Do I mind? Not at all. My dick is painfully stiff and tenting my sleeping bag as I replay the events of the night in my head. The best part about it, now that I know his little secret, I can "catch" him doing it anytime and tease him forever. Just think about the possibilities! But let's not kill the cow while she still gives milk. I must find out why Dustin is doing it in the first place. He may never tell me himself, even if I threaten to rat him out to parents.

I unzip my bag and quickly put on my blue and white boxer briefs to hide my boner. I reach inside my bag to retrieve some clothes, a towel, shower gel, toothpaste, and a brush. All things in place, I unzip the tent to get out.

"Jacob? Where are you going?" Dustin's sleepy voice stops me in my tracks.

I turn away. A ray of light falls right on the boy's face through the slit in the open tent, and Dustin rubs his eyes adorably. He then reaches for his phone and says, "are you nuts? It's six in the morning."

"It's six twenty," I correct him. "The best time to grab a shower. They start heating water at six, and it gets crowded after seven."


"Yeah. There are just six shower heads. Welcome to the camp," I say and proceed to get outside.

"Wait! I'll go with you," he says and jumps out of his sleeping bag. He's wearing nothing but yellow Spongebob briefs that I didn't recognize in the dark when he was playing with himself. He quickly grabs his things and gets out. "What's the point of vacations if you still have to wake up at six?" Dustin complains as we head for the showers.

"Yes, you get to wake up early, but then you do whatever you want - all day. You can swim in the pond, play ball, hike, play hide and seek. And the activities are actually pretty fun, too. You're gonna wish days were longer."

"I don't know, I'm sleepy," he says and yawns again.

"You'll get used to it. I've never slept better."

For a few seconds, he's strangely silent. Then he asks, "did you sleep well?"

"I just told you. Like a baby. Why?" I ask, waiting for his reaction.

"Uh, nothing."

I laugh. "Bro, relax. You'll get used to it. But boy, did I have the weirdest dream ever!" I pat his back and watch his eyes go wide with delight.

"What dream?" he asks and looks at me intently.

"Sorry, not telling."

"Tell me!" He punches my shoulder.

"It's not for children. Maybe when you get older," I tease him.

"I'm not a child! I'll be thirteen in..."

"... in over half a year. I know when your birthday is, Dustin. Don't be mad at me; you're just too young to understand certain things."

Dustin goes red on his face, knowing well that he may accidentally expose his little secret if he presses too hard. Adorable! This is going to be the best camp yet!

We continue walking in silence and reach the common showers in the middle of the campsite. I hold the door for my brother, and we get inside.

"Wait, where are the cabins?" Dustin asks as he looks around. There are six showerheads on the right and left walls but without compartments of any sort.

"No cabins. Another reason I like coming here early," I say and place my things on one of the shelves.

"Uh, okay. I'll wait outside until you're finished."

"Don't be stupid," I tell him. "Better get used to people seeing your tiny butt a lot."

"It's not tiny," he protests. "I'll just wait outside."

"That's what I meant by saying you're still a little kid," I shrug, turn around, lower my boxers to my ankles and kick them off. Thank god my dick softened by now. Attending the camp a few years in a row made me used to showering naked, but I remember my first year all too well. I was just as shy as Dustin, maybe even more. It took me three days to gather the courage and expose my boy bits to new friends I made. Realizing that I was one of the biggest in terms of length and grith helped for sure, but it was still scary. Now - it's a no-brainer. I'm still a little wary since it's Dustin, but I can't show weakness in front of him.

I pick the middle shower, start the water and turn around just to see Dustin fighting an internal battle. He eyes me from head to toe - as if he didn't see me naked countless times.

"I'm not a little kid," he utters, and his face tenses as his shyness clashes with pride.

"Sure you aren't. Now wait outside and wait until the big boys are done."

Look, I'm not always like that. Sure, there's not a single big brother in the world who doesn't enjoy teasing his younger siblings from time to time. But I'm a good brother, and I'm a pretty protective one if I say so myself. I always thought that Dustin looked up to me. I still do. It's just that I know he likes to look down on me, too, from time to time. That's why I have this little sense of revenge when teasing him today.

One awkward moment later, his pride takes the upper hand. Dustin looks around as if someone else could be in the room, grabs the edges of his briefs, and slides them down swiftly.

Now I'll be damned. My bro is cuter than I thought. His dick is much bigger than the last time I saw him naked in the bath, as it rests on a decent ball sack. I'm not saying it's big - It's just two inches soft, but it has this fullness that proves that puberty is on the way. Looking from across the room, I can't be sure, but I think I can see a few dark hairs just above the root. Little Dusty is growing up; adorable.

His moves are a bit mechanical as he takes his place under the shower and lets the water run.

"How do you like the camp so far, Dustin?" I initiate small talk before it gets too awkward.

"It's cool," he says with a husky voice. "I like that they have six different climbing walls."

"Yeah, it's one of the highlights. I still didn't dare to beat the tallest one," I admit.

"We beat the first three with Max and Jon yesterday," he smiles proudly.

"Good job, stud! I wanna see you climb all six before it's over."

"I don't know," he smiles and looks down, clearly happy with my compliments. I told you he still looks up to me, even if I'm having a little fun at his expense from time to time. I use the opportunity to check out his body. I'll be damned. When did this boy grow so much! Standing at about five feet, he's very average for his age, but his torso and arms give away that he's not spending all day in front of the computer. There's a hint of v-shape leading south to his dick, and his arms, while slim, are smooth and well-defined. The boyish energy radiates from him. I know it's the same energy that urges him to occasionally take care of his dick and, for some reason, also mine.

He finishes showering first and quickly hides behind his towel, drying his hair. Just a few seconds later, the door opens, and I can see a familiar face emerging.


"Yo, Jacob!"

My grinning, brown-haired friend, wearing only his bright-green boxer briefs and with a towel over his shoulder, comes to me and gives me a bro hug.

"Weren't you supposed to skip this year?" I ask him.

"Yeah, but our trip to Japan got canceled because of covid. So here I am."

"Awesome, dude! I mean, sorry about Japan, but we're gonna have a ball this year!"

"You know what?" Alex says as he casually removes his underwear and tosses it next to mine. "I'd choose camping with you over Japan any day."

Alex is fourteen, and he was the first friend I made during my first camp four years ago. It was his first year, too, so we teamed up for emotional support, but it quickly turned out we had a lot in common and hit it off immediately.

"Alex, meet my little brother Dustin," I say, nodding at my bro, who's nervously wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Dustin!" Alex exclaims. "Jacob told me so much about you. Nice to meet you!" he says and goes to shake his hand.

"I'm Dustin," he says, shaking Alex's hand with an awkward smile. Dustin is a pretty confident boy all around, but it looks like being around two naked older boys for the first time makes him a bit self-conscious.

"Brother from another mother, huh?" Alex says, grinning. I open my eyes in shock and discreetly make a cutting gesture with my palm next to my neck. Alex notices it and quickly clears his throat. "Welcome to the camp, buddy. You're gonna have tons of fun here."

I use the time to check how Alex's body has changed in the last year. Unfortunately, we live over 200 miles apart, so we don't get to see each other at all between the camps. His dick has grown slightly, but it's still smaller than mine. What's really grown, though, is his bush. Alex was the only 13yo who was still completely hairless last year. Now at 14, he has a nice, dark brown patch that gives his otherwise completely smooth body an adolescent look.

We talk about this and that while Dustin wears fresh briefs under his towel, picks his things, and leaves.

"Pretty shy, that one?" Alex asks with a smirk when we're alone.

"Give him a few days, and he'll come around. Remember how shy we were in our first year?"

"Don't remind me. I thought I was going to die. Hey, I didn't say anything wrong, did I?"

"As a matter of fact, you did," I say. "Don't tell anyone."

"Wait... is he ey, dee, oh, pee, tee, e, dee?

"Yes, and don't mention it ever again. He doesn't know."

"Oh shit, sorry."

"It's fine. I should've told you. I know you can keep a secret. You're one of my best friends, after all."

"Aww, too cheesy!"

"But it's true!"

"I love you too, dumbass. Now let's get out of here and see who else came this year."

I'm elated to spend the day with Alex while Dustin hangs out with Jon, Max, and other newly-met boys his age. I was sad when my parents told me that Dustin was coming with me, and when Alex said he was going to Japan with his folks, I was really down. Now it looks like the camp is going to be fun after all. We meet a few other boys from previous years and have a lot of fun doing activities and teasing first-timers. All the time, I have it in the back of my head about what might happen tonight. I only have to make sure that Dustin doesn't get suspicious and that I don't fall asleep too soon.

In the evening, we have a campfire, and when it's over, we all go to our respective tents.

"Shit, Dusty, I'm beat," I tell him as we walk together to our tent.

"Yeah, me too. So, are you going to sleep right away?" he asks, and I immediately find it suspicious.

"Totally. Can't wait to get some Zs and maybe have more fucked up dreams."

"Will you tell me what they were already?" Dustin asks. "I proved to you I'm not a little kid."

"Yeah, totally. You almost lost your shit when Alex showed up. Until you relax and stop being shy, to me, you're just a baby."

"I hate you," Dustin grunts and frowns.

"Come on, I'm teasing you, Dusty. You know you're my favorite little bro," I say, and Dustin turns away to hide his smile. He wants me to think he's mad at me. So cute!

When I'm inside the sleeping bag, I take off my boxers and put them into the laundry bag. I share a laundry bag with Dustin. It's all going into the washing machine in one batch after we're back home, so whatever.

"Goodnight, Dustin," I say as I make myself comfortable on my back.

"Goodnight, Jacob."

I stretch one last time and relax. Now how do I do it? If I fall asleep for real, most likely I won't wake up this time. Yesterday I was just lucky. Or maybe it's because my sleep isn't so deep when I'm not in my comfy bed. Either way, I can't risk it. I must stay awake.

It turns out easier than I thought. With all the excitement in the air, there's no way I'll fall asleep. I get fully hard seconds after saying Goodbye to Dustin, and I stay that way for a long time. I give my brother little side glances every few minutes. He faces away from me and seems to be sleeping, and he doesn't look like he's up to any mischief. I can only pray that the boys didn't change their minds.

If my sense of time is correct, it's been almost an hour, and I'm getting impatient. I wasn't lying. I feel exhausted, and with every minute, it's becoming harder to stay conscious. But just when I'm about to give up, Dustin stirs and sits up next to me. I tense and force myself to breathe steadily.

"Jacob?" Dustin says. I don't react.

"Jacob?" he repeats and shakes my leg.

When I don't respond in any way, he picks up his phone and taps for a while. Then, he raises it to his mouth and says, "he's out, come on."

Looks like whoever he's sent the voice message to is coming very soon. The feeling from last night returns, and I struggle to control my breathing. I hoped I would take it better than yesterday, but it doesn't look like it. I'm literally shaking from excitement!

Weirdly enough, my boner goes down. Seems like too much stress isn't doing it any good. I hope Dustin doesn't find it suspicious.

He gets out of his sleeping bag and kneels next to me. After a few seconds, I feel his hand on me and the sound of a zipper. When he unfolds my bag, I feel pleasant coolness on my body and another rush of excitement from being exposed to Dustin. I almost gasp when he softly takes my flaccid peen in his hand.

"Hey, little buddy," he whispers, and to my surprise, he bends down to kiss it three times. I can feel it start growing immediately. "I'm bringing some friends to play with you," he adds as he strokes it slowly. Fuck, what's going on? It's weird and hot at the same time.

"Hope you're not jealous," Dustin says as my dick slowly reaches total hardness in his small hand. "It's gonna be a lot of fun, I promise."

It's a fucking miracle that he still hasn't realized I'm not asleep. I'm trembling and shuddering under his touch. The fact that my little bro likes chatting with my dick when playing with it is slightly disturbing, but it makes me even hornier for some reason.

Dustin keeps stroking me slowly when I hear footsteps, and someone comes inside our tent. Oh god, oh fuck, it's happening.

"You started without us," I hear Jon's voice.

"I'm just warming him up. Look how hard he is already. Did you bring the thing?"

"Yeah, here," Max says and hands something to Dustin. "Why did you need it?"

"I wanna show you another way I get him off sometimes."

It takes all my willpower to keep my act up. My dick being fondled by Dustin; his friends watching; and a surprise way to get me off. I can't take it anymore! My brain is fucking overloading! I let out a few shuddered breaths to release at least some of the tension.

"He's uneasy today," Dustin notices with a hint of sadness in his voice and places his other hand on my chest. It's surprisingly warm and soothing as he rubs me gently. "There there, Jacob, it's alright," he whispers.

"What do you mean?" Jon asks. "Will he wake up?"

"Zero chance. He's beat after the long day."

"Tell me about it," Max says with a yawn. "Is it just me, or does his dick look fatter than yesterday?"

"Maybe just a little. It swells like that sometimes when Jacob needs to cum badly."

No shit, Sherlock! I've never been so horny in my life. Dustin lets go of my dick, but I feel I will cum if they only stare at it long enough.

I hear the uncanny sound of unscrewing a plastic bottle when Dustin says, "Max, I'll need you to help me stroke him."

"Dude, I'm not touching a dick."

"So, how do you pee? Like a girl?"

"No, you wacko. I'm not touching someone's dick. Did he even shower?"

"In the morning."

"See? I bet it's all sweaty and stinky," Max says, and I grit my teeth.

I feel Dustin grab my burning sword and lean in. His nose is almost touching it when he gives it a few whiffs.

"It's tolerable," he says. I'm starting to love how he suddenly sounds like an expert when talking about my dick.

"Yeah, thanks, not touching it," Max says confidently.

"I'll touch it!" Jon offers, and I see him raise his hand eagerly through my half-closed eyelids.

"That's my man," Dustin approves. "First, take the baby oil and pour some on his dick."

Baby oil! I like where this is going.

"Aye aye!" the ginger boy salutes. He is such a fucking nerd.

The boys trade their seats, and Dustin holds my dick straight up as Jon squeezes the plastic bottle. Max keeps his distance, but I can see in the dark that he doesn't miss a second of the show. My only fear is that I cum before they start working on me. I'm so. Fucking. Horny!

When baby oil starts landing on my dickhead, and Dustin starts smearing it all over, I almost lose it. I force myself to think about burning tires and dead animals.

"Okay, that's enough," Dustin says and firmly grabs my shaft at its root. "Now, pour some on your hand and grab the upper part. Just softly, don't squish it."

I hear another squirt coming out of the bottle, and soon a hand of a second boy wraps around the upper half of my throbbing tool.

"Whoa, his dick feels so weird," the ginger boy giggles.

"How so?" Dustin asks.

"It's so hard. And big."

"Ours will grow like that too, don't worry."

"Really? I don't think mine has even started."

"Mine has," Dustin says proudly. "But it's still a long way to go."

"Now what?"

"Now do what I do," Dustin says eagerly and starts slowly moving his hand in a circular, massaging motion, and shortly Jon replicates. The feeling of having two boy hands on my cock is out of this world. The ginger boy's hand is way more stiff and clumsy, making me appreciate the experience Dustin got from playing with me for so many months.

Clumsy or not, this is officially the best feeling I've ever had in my life. The baby oil makes my dick feel hot and cold at the same time. I can feel every finger on me, and every inch of my dick dies from pleasure. It continues for a few minutes, and I can't take it anymore. I let out a few moans, trying to make it sound like something you would do in your sleep. I'm in a fucking heaven.

"Shit, he's waking up," I hear Max hissing and backing off.

"He's not. It just means he feels very good."

Preach it, little bro!

"Do you think he can feel it in his sleep?" Jon asks curiously.

"Yeah... I think so," Dustin whispers thoughtfully. "I hope so," he adds, barely audibly.

"It looks like he does. You sure he's not waking up?"

"Positive. Jacob told me that he had weird dreams last night."

"Weird dreams?"

"Yeah, I think it gives him really nice dreams."

"Cool. I wish someone did it to me," Jon says.

"First, wait till your dick grows up."

The boys go silent for a while, and there's only the sound of two hands working my lubricated dick. I want to laugh, cry, and cum at the same time, but they keep it slow enough to keep me on edge. Just barely. I fucking love every second of it, and the way Max stares at me - as if without blinking - makes it even better. My nipples are super hard, and I regret I can't give them a few pointers. Still, I don't try controlling myself anymore. My chest goes up and down as I let out hoarse moans and grunts. I'm thankful they're not using the flashlight, and I can let myself grimace more.

"Max, pour some more oil," Dustin commands. Sheesh, I love how in charge he is.

"How much longer?" Jon asks as he and my little bro smear the new batch of oil.

"A few more minutes, maybe."

"Should we speed up?"

"No, just keep going. Use your thumb to massage his head. You know, the underside."

"Okay," Jon says and rubs my glans. I thought it couldn't possibly feel any better, but I was wrong. "Bonkers, it takes a lot of time," he adds.

"That's why I only do it to him when he's really nice to me on that day."

"Aw, you're such a good little bro," Jon giggles. "Was he nice to you today?"

"Uh, yeah. No. Not really. Kinda," Dustin weaves shyly. "I just wanted to show you guys."

"It feels so illegal, dude," Jon says with awe.

"Okay, now shush, and speed up but just a little bit. Feel how it swells even more? He'll cum soon."

It's almost as if my little brother is directly connected to my brain. I've felt tingles for about a minute now, and I'm getting really close as they speed up. Someone - probably Dustin - uses his second hand to touch my balls and even tickle my taint beneath them. I neigh, almost like a horse, and launch a round of giggles in the tent. If only they knew what they're doing to me right now. Max comes closer and turns on his flashlight to light up my dick and body as my climax approaches like an avalanche.

"Don't stop rubbing him when he cums," Dustin orders only one second before the strongest orgasm of my fucking life hits me like a train.

"Umph," I grunt as a series of spasms go through my body. My prostate clenches, and violent jets of cum shoot out of my dick and hit my face. I didn't know I could fucking do it.

"Holy shit," Jon hisses in awe.

"Dude," Max echoes him.

Jon and Dustin keep rubbing me as my orgasm refuses to subside. "Uh, uh, uh," I let out urgent moans that all but save me from suffocating.

"He's having a really nice dream right now," Dustin declares expertly when my shooting turns into dribbling and my brain into a fucking sea sponge.

"What the actual fuck was that," Jon whispers, uttering one word at a time and fixing his glasses.

"I told you he can shoot buckets," Dustin says. "But I've never seen something like this either. And he only came last night. Max, did you film it?"

"Shit, I forgot to hit record," Max whispers. They all just sit there and look at my cum-covered, heaving body. They're probably proud and scared at the same time. They should be.

"Hey!" an adult voice from outside the tent scares the shit out of us. Luckily, the boys jump so hard that they don't see me open my eyes for a second. "Lights off! It's midnight!"

"I... I'm sorry, I was reading a book!" Dustin stutters, and Max turns off the light with his shaky hands.

"No reading at midnight," the voice scolds. "Go to sleep."

The boys hardly breathe as the footsteps go away. So do I. It takes two minutes until they dare to move again.

"Fuck, this was close."

"Yeah. Next time without the light."


Five minutes later, Max and Jon are gone, and Dustin seals the tent entrance. Then he lays next to me and exhales.

"Told you it would be fun," he murmurs, grabbing my sticky, semi-hard cock. "I love you, little buddy," he adds and places a few kisses on it. Before I know it, he's naked, on his knees, and jerking off above me with passion. My orgasm has left me so exhausted that I barely register when he leans closer, presses his dick to my ribs, and releases a few hot, watery squirts, moaning like a squirrel. He smears it all over and quickly retreats to his sleeping bag. I fall asleep almost immediately.


That's it for chapter two. Thanks for the amazing response! Let me know what you think so far and if I should continue -

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