Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 10:12:46 -0400 From: dwedno smith Subject: The Tunnel chapters 25 & 26. Thanks again to everyone who e mailed and took a guess. Two people got it right and soon all will know what knocked Tommy to the ground. I hope it was worth the wait. Very interesting e mails this week about the characters quite a few people were very understanding and just as many were so into the story they are ready to rip Tommy a new ass hole... Thanks for getting into the story so much. The ideas were awesome too from a few people. Sorry this week is only two new chapters I found an error in chapter 27 and I didnt have time to fix it before posting I didnt want to keep anyone waiting any longer. Peace.... Dwedno. Chapter 25. A loved one returns. NO! NO THIS CAN'T BE TRUE. I thought to myself. I have to be dreaming he can't be alive! But yet I felt his hand as he ran to me and touched me and now he is helping me up. I must be in a fog it can't be real!!!! "Tommy are you okay?" I was shaking as I got to my feet, sure I was okay why wouldn't I be? After all it's not every day you find your brother alive! "KYLE!" I hugged the stuffing out of him and started to cry. I didn't want to let go and he hugged back just as tight. Finally I broke our embrace and looked past him to see a smiling Jon standing in the doorway. Then I looked him over from head to toe to make sure he was okay. "Guess who is back Tommy?" he said with a smiling evil grin. "Tommy are you okay? Kyle asked me. You took a nasty fall backwards." "AM I okay? Let me put it this way... as I dried the tears that were rolling down my face with the back of my hands. I am freaking fine but it's been three weeks where the fuck have you been???" Jon stood behind Kyle still in his doorway and Trevor came out to watch the get-together too. Just as I suspected Trevor was here now and I needed to ask Jon about it and I had a shit load of questions and explaining to do to Kyle too about the home living arrangements. "Well I don't know where to start Tommy but I went out with dad. We were looking for you but you disappeared he wanted you to come with us. He came home and surprised mom and me and told me he was taking us for a ride somewhere. He kissed mom good bye and we left right away." I was standing there with my mouth wide open taking all this in as he spoke. I'm still not sure it's really him. I touched him and ran my fingers through his hair. He looked fine not a bruise on him and he was clean. "So we went out and were about an hour from home when those comets started flying across the sky. We were by some old town and he stopped the car and told me to go run and take cover that he would be right behind me. I ran into this tunnel and heard this big bang and the ground shook. I was too scared to go back and I yelled out daddy's name for as long as I could. He never came in Tommy and I was too scared to come out. I sat there alone in the dark for a day I think before I was so hungry that I finally got up and headed back towards the light. I got outside and saw his car and it was smashed up pretty bad but he wasn't there!" Tears were rolling down his face now as he told me the story. I reached out and wiped them and put my arm around the one thing in this world that meant more to me then Jon, Shawn or any of the guys. My sweet brother! He looked as awesome as always and I missed him so. We took a break and went inside and I got him a chair and some water. I sat next to him and held his hand as he took a sip and continued his story. "No one was around. I started looking around and finally I started walking hoping I was going the right way. Every once in a while I would find a place to eat and sleep but never a person or even a body. I walked for weeks hoping I was going in the right direction. I thought about calling home but every phone I found was dead or needed change. My mind was so messed up I wasn't thinking straight I was so scared and felt so all alone. I should have called Tommy I'm sorry." He buried his head in my shoulder and started crying really hard. I saw Jon tap Trevor on the shoulder and they both left the room to give us some privacy. Something we won't have much of when we get home. He doesn't have a clue about me being gay or who is still alive either. I have so many things racing through my head I am totally fucked up mentally right now. All I want to do is hold Kyle and never let go! Finally he lifted his head off me. "You have nothing to be sorry for bro. I am so glad you are alive I can't put that into words. How long have you been here?" "Let me finish and you will know." "Okay go on I just didn't want to see you so upset but you do what you want to. Besides we have a lot to talk about." "So I just kept walking and seeing no one or anything until about a week ago I guess. I saw a sign that said our town name on it and twenty miles. So I started walking along this road that I found out was the parkway. Two times I heard cars but I wasn't sure who it was so I hid. I didn't know if I could trust anyone." "That might have been me. I have a truck and am driving now." "Really? You might have driven right by me and I hid from you!" "Yup. I smiled at him. Go on finish your story." Jon came back in the room and stood a distance away but close enough to hear this. "Anyway I walked as much as I could each day and found food in any store I walked to. Whenever I got hungry or it got dark I would try to find a place to live for that night. That's what took me so long to get back here. When I finally got home I ran to the house and inside and screamed for anyone. Jon came running downstairs almost breaking his neck and when he saw me he just stood there like I was a ghost or something. I said hi to him and he walked over to me and just gave me a huge hug. I was dirty, smelly and so hungry and no one was there but him. I went upstairs and saw so much weird stuff. Tommy who is living there?" "I'll fill you in shortly." "Anyway I took a shower and dried off and I couldn't find any of my clothes so Jon helped me search and we finally found all my stuff put away in the garage. You thought I was dead and put it all away didn't you?" Again a tear rolled down my cheek. I swallowed hard and shook my head yes and then wiped my face. "Yeah I did and I couldn't stand it so I packed up everything of yours and put it in the garage." "So who is alive Tommy? I see Jon and he didn't tell me much he seemed to be in shock too seeing me." "Yeah Tommy I'm sorry we left your place and I realized I left the door wide open." "Yeah I saw that. I thought someone broke in or you were so into whatever you were doing when I left that you just forgot to close it." "No I was kinda in shock to see Kyle and I forgot. I took him by me so I could get back to Trevor who you now know is living here and we can talk about that later." I looked at him. "Yeah we're gonna talk all right!" When I said that Kyle looked at me strangely. "What does that mean Tommy?" "Well Ky, like I said we have a lot to talk about. First you need to know a few things. I looked at Jon. We're going out for a bit see you shortly." "Okay." He said. We headed outside and I sat him on a chair and sat next to him. "I am going to tell you everything Kyle and some won't be nice but I am sure you will understand most of it and then you have to make up your mind about some things." "Like what Tommy?" "Well like everyone is living with me now." "Everyone? How many are alive Tommy? His face brightened. "Well there is Jon and Trevor who I found in another town, I'll tell you about that some other time. Then Danny and we found his brother, Joey, Billy and Shawn, Kyle. Shawn is alive your best friend." He smiled widely. "Shawn is alive? AWESOME! I have to see him!" He got up. "No, not yet, please. There is more you need to know first." "Okay Tommy tell me." "Well I don't know where to start but like I said they are all living in our house. After this happened I took charge and everyone started to look up to me and Jon too kinda. But things changed Ky, not everything was for the good. This isn't easy for me to tell you since we always shared everything and you know more about me then anyone in the world." "Tell me Tommy you know it will be okay we are together again and that's all I care about." I swallowed hard. "I am. we are.ugg!!" He sat patiently as I tried to get the words out. "I am gay Kyle and Jon is my boyfriend. There I said it and I hope you can forgive me and understand. I am sorry Kyle but that's the bad news." He started laughing. "What's so funny?" "You are silly." "Huh?" "I have always known that. I mean not straight out but I am your brother. I saw that a long time ago when you didn't look at girls and you always took more time with the guys. Tommy anytime we were together and a cute boy walked by you almost broke your neck looking at them." "But you never said anything to me Ky, why not?" "Because you are my brother and you never hurt me or tried anything on me and I didn't care who or what you liked as long as you still loved me. I know you do and I didn't care then and I don't care now what or who you like silly!" I hugged him again and this time I started balling. I was so happy and scared to tell him and it was finally over. He knew all along! My baby brother knows I am gay and doesn't care! The tears ran down my face as I held him tightly. "I missed you so much Ky, I thought I would never see you again and now you're here." I was a blubbering mess with snot running out of my nose and tears all over. I didn't have this feeling for anyone and other then a few others no one but Kyle ever saw me cry. I wiped my face again. "Yeah I am here if you don't drown me." I started laughing as he said that. He always knew what to say and what buttons to push when it came to making me laugh. "So you and Jon huh? I always thought you had the hots for him. Have you done the nasty with him yet?" I looked at him. "KYLE! You know I am not gonna tell you that!" "Not yet maybe but you will Thomas remember you always tell me everything." Again I smiled at him. "I guess you are going to want your room back huh?" "That would be nice. Who is in there?" "Jon." "Jon? I figured if you two were doing it he would be sleeping in your room by now." "Yeah I know but there is so much to tell you." We sat and I filled him in on the rape of Jon and Shawn and all about the guys and bodies we got rid of and all the other stuff including how I am in charge and so on. He was the only one I didn't have to prove anything to or lie to. I was still shocked he listened to me and didn't question anything I said or doubt it either. Of course I didn't tell him all of it but most of it. Even he didn't need to know about all the sex. I mean geeze a guy has to have something private to himself. I must have talked for thirty minutes straight and he listened to it all. "So what do you think?" "I think we have got some fun ahead of us now bro! It looks like you're the big man in town and I am glad you're my brother and I can do anything I want to." I looked at him. He looked at me. "Anything you want?" "Well yeah, kinda.can't I?" "Yeah you can bro! I do need to ask you one thing though Kyle. I know it might not be a fair question but with almost everyone in the house having gay tendencies and so on. are you going to be okay living with a bunch of gay guys? I mean if you can't you can live with Trevor at Jon's I am sure he won't mind." He laughed at me. "Live at Jon's? I don't think so and miss all the cute ass and." He stopped. He said it aloud and stopped. "Are you gay Kyle?" "I don't know Tommy. I never gave it much thought." "Well you are twelve years old you should have some kind of idea." "I do but like I said I never really thought a lot about it. I looked at girls and guys too. Sometimes neither of them did it for me and other times I liked everything I saw." I laughed. "I know what you mean bro. but sorry now you don't get a choice anymore. There are only guys here. So far anyway." "I don't care Tommy I have you back and I wasn't sure if you were alive. The whole time I walked all I thought about was you and mom and I hoped I would get home and find both of you. I found you and I couldn't be happier. I miss mom and dad so much but if you were gone too I don't think I would want to live anymore!" I looked at him. I was ear to ear smiles. "Come on boy we have got to get home I want to surprise the others. Now look when we get there I am sure everyone will be inside playing games. I just stopped and got a load of them for everyone. So I think I will go in and get Shawn first. After all you do want to see him don't you?" He punched me. "That's a stupid question. Of course I do. Other then you I missed him the most." "You know I couldn't bring myself to talk to him about you no matter how I tried. But you need to know one more thing, Shawn and I have gotten almost as close as you and I are Kyle. After his rape and I saved his life he got attached to me and he is the most loving kid I have ever seen outside of you. By the way how are your shooting skills?" Talk about changing the subject. "You're funny Tommy. You know I can shoot as good as you if not better. That's all dad and I ever did together." "Yeah I know but I wanted to make sure." "Why?" "Because yesterday I took a ride about an hour away to a town called Pottersville and I thought I found someone alive but if they were there they chickened out and wouldn't come out. I was alone and scared to go out and look but if I had an eagle eye like you to back me then I can go back safely." "So when do we go?" I laughed. "How did I know you would say that?" "I have an even better question Tommy. When can I shoot a gun again? And where are mine?" "Put away downstairs. I'll show you later okay? First we have a big surprise to pull off." "Yeah I know come on I gotta see Shawn before I lose it." We walked home and decided together how to handle the rest of this. No one was outside when we got home so he waited and I walked in. I was immediately bombarded with Jon questions and why the front door was left open. "Gee Tommy you were gone forever. Is everything okay?" Danny asked. "You could say that." "Huh?" "I'll explain in a minute. Guys. hey everyone I need your attention, please come here I have something super important to tell you all." They put down their games and walked over to me looking at me like it better be important to drag them away from their new toys. "Look I'm sorry to drag all of you away but this is really important. Now Shawn I have to ask you something." "Sure Tommy, what?" I looked at him and I was still smiling at the others. "Why you smiling so much Tommy?" asked Danny. "You will all see in a second hang in there." "Shawn, who was your best friend in the world?" For the first time in a while I saw a huge frown come across his face. "How can you ask me that Tommy? You know as well as I do it was Kyle." "Yeah I do." He didn't get it. I gave the hint and I guess too much time has passed for anyone to possibly think he could be alive. "What's your point Tommy? Asked Joey. We all knew your brother and Shawn were close. Why you bringing this up now. You don't want to hurt Shawn anymore do you?" "Of course not Joey, I just didn't know of any other way to ask that question. Shawn stand right here." I positioned him right in front of the door. "Okay Tommy but why? I don't get it." I opened the door. They all looked out and saw nothing. I stood in front so I could see Shawnee's face "Okay, now Ky!" He walked up from the side of the house and stood there. Shawn turned white as a ghost and started to smile and then burst into tears as soon as it hit him that Kyle was alive. He ran to him and they hugged as the others came to the door. Everyone watched in disbelief. We were all a close group and my brother played with all the guys that now live in the house every day. That's part of the reason why no one ever talked about Kyle much. Because it hurt too much! The two of them were mobbed by all the others as soon as Shawn got his hug in. There wasn't a dry eye in the group except for Christian who didn't quite understand what was happening. My brother was the kid on the block that no one disliked and everyone wanted to be around. I know it sounds mushy and strange but that was Kyle. He had this always happy, shit eating grin on his face and everyone liked him from his teachers to his friends. I can't think of anyone who knew him that didn't like him. Outside of a few punks at school but no one is perfect. Anyway Kyle was still being mobbed by all the guys and I was just taking this in. Finally they calmed enough for Kyle to talk after they finished bombing him with a million questions. He had his arm around Shawn's shoulder as did Shawn his around Kyle. I wished I had a camera! It grew quiet and he finally got to talk. He tried before but with all the yelling no one could hear a thing. "Hi guys." He let out a subtle giggle not knowing what to really say and suddenly being the center of attention. They all laughed. "Guess you are wondering where I have been for the past few weeks. Well I guess you can say walking home. I'll explain it all but for now I am just happy to be home and with loved ones again. He looked at me. I couldn't stop smiling or crying. I am so happy to see someone lived in my family other then me and of course Shawnee!!! They hugged again. Also my brother told me a few things changed around here. Too bad Jon isn't here." "I'm here Kyle!" A yell came from behind. "Good, I'll be wanting my room back if you don't mind." Jon got closer. "It I'll be my pleasure to give it back to you Kyle." Jon looked at me. "You can share mine now Jon." I looked at Shawn after I said that. He was still smiling about having his best friend back. "It's okay with me Tommy. I have a room and its right next to Kyle's. Jon whispered to me that it was about time this happened. I looked at him and told him we had to talk about Trevor. I let Kyle and the others talk while I pulled Jon aside. "Look Jon, I'm not mad at you for keeping Trevor's secret but I am for slamming the bathroom door in my face. That was uncalled for man!" "I'm sorry Tommy. I didn't know what to say to you and all I could think about was keeping Trevor's secret so I tried to run from you and I shouldn't have. Forgive me?" "Of course I do but we still need to work out this Trevor thing. The kid is so afraid he is going to turn gay I am actually starting to worry about him, plus you know my rules Jon, if you don't live in the house you don't eat the food. How are you planning on dealing with that?" "I don't know I was going to ask you tonight what to do." "What we are going to do is have a talk with him at your house and get this settled. If he won't come back then he can go shopping with you and I and he can carry it all into your house and feed himself." "Are you sure about that Tommy?" "Am I sure? The question is are you sure you want him living in your house?" "Not really Tom but I said okay." "Well now that Kyle is back I need to talk with him. We are running out of room in the house Jon. I mean we can make it but I am seriously thinking about finding us all a bigger house with lots of rooms. I don't want to leave my house but if we can't all live comfortable inside it won't do anyone any good." "That sounds like a lot of work Tommy. Geeze just moving all the food will take a day." "I know the freezers weight a ton and we have them full of everything. This won't be easy that's for sure. Know what Jon we can figure that all out later I want to get back to my brother." We turned back to them and Kyle was in the middle of telling them what he told me about how he made it back home. It was so quiet you could hear a fly fart if there were any. Everyone was listening to Kyle's story. After he was finished there weren't as many questions as before. He was very thorough in detailing his walk home. We all had something to smile about now and most of all I had my brother back! I was still with Jon sitting behind him as he talked to the others. He finished up and turned to me. "Now what do I do?" "I don't know how about sign autographs?" "Oh you're very funny brother." Jon thought so he was busting a gut with my idea. A few of the others heard me and started giggling too. I just got the `stupid brother' look from him like I had so many times before when he didn't know how to react to one of my dumb comments. I was so happy I didn't care what look I got as long as it was from him and he was alive. "You hungry Kyle?" "A little, it's getting dark now. Shouldn't we go inside?" "We can if you want to but why? We are as safe as can be here. No one is around Kyle and you are home. Don't worry anymore about that you are much protected here. So you want to go eat or are you tired and want to go lay in your bed?" "I would rather go eat; I haven't had a good meal in weeks. Where are you gonna take me?" "You tell me. Everything is open and I am sure everyone will want to come. It's your choice as long as the meat isn't spoiled you pick where you want." He pulled me aside. "What's up Ky?" "I want my gun. I feel safe but I will feel safer with that close to me for a while. Just until I get used to all this then I can put it safely away." "I don't know Kyle if the others see you carrying they are going to ask why and maybe want to carry themselves too." "Please Tommy, please do this for me? Besides they don't shoot and they know I do so I doubt they will want to carry." I didn't like the pleading it wasn't like him. I have to wonder how much the time he was gone affected him and if something happened that he isn't telling out of fear or because he doesn't want to ruin this good time." "Okay Kyle you can have what you want. Come with me and I will take you to your guns." I looked at Jon. "We'll be right back tell the others we are going to go out to eat somewhere and to hang out we'll be right back." "Okay Tommy." I walked away with him. "You really are in charge here Tommy aren't you?" "Yeah Ky I am. As weird as that seems I am." I started to tell him about the time I left a few days ago and how I was treated when I got back and he got a real kick out of it. "They actually missed you?" "Yeah they did. so? Smart ass how about I remind you of something you might have forgotten?" "Like what?" "Like this!" I grabbed him and brought him down to the grass and started tickling him. This time there was no mom or dad to stop me like other times and he realized that after I pinned his ass to the ground and started going for his sweet spots that made him squirm the most. I had him doing anything he could to try to get away. He was as red as a stop sign when I finally quit tickling him and he just lay there with tears streaming from the giggling and heavy breathing he was doing trying to catch his breath. "See how in charge I am little brother? I said with a smart ass tone to it. Now I can get away with making you piss your pants without getting in trouble like that one time I did that. I rolled off him and got up and took his hand and helped him up. "Yeah I see that I guess I better behave or I will have a lot of wet underwear now." We both started laughing as I put my arm around him and brought him to me and hugged him as we walked to the garage. I kissed the top of his head and whispered into his ear. "I promise as long as I am alive and breathing that no one other then me will be able to do that to you or even come close to hurting you without me killing them." He stopped and looked at me. There was a look in his eyes. Kinda like he finally felt comfortable after I said that to him. "You really mean that Tommy?" "You better fucking believe I do! Anyone hurts you and they have to deal with me!" He gave me a hug and we turned and went into the garage. I pointed to the area where I hid his stuff and he walked over and moved a few things and took out his favorite piece. He looked at it and then at me. "I sure missed this the past few weeks. If I had it I would have felt a lot more safe walking home every day." "Kyle, are you sure you told me EVERYTHING that happened to you on the way home?" He looked away. I knew that was a no. I walked over to him and grabbed him gently and turned him toward me. "What happened out there, did someone hurt you?" He tried to turn and focus on his guns. Again I grabbed him softly turning him towards me. I stood a good six inches over him and I got down on my knees and looked up at him. "Sweetie you know you can tell me anything no matter how bad it was. I have lived through two rapes and killed three people so far nothing you tell me will make me upset or be mad at you I promise." He just shook his head; I grabbed him and held him for a second then I let go and spoke my mind. "Whenever you're ready Kyle. There is no rush you don't have to say anything if you don't want to but I am here when you are ready. If you can't talk to me tell Shawn or tell Jon but don't keep it inside Kyle, you are too sweet a kid and I don't want any bad thoughts or pain changing you. I told the same thing to Shawn after he was raped. He stopped smiling and I almost lost him mentally. I don't want that to happen to you. And I am not saying you were raped or even guessing what happened to you but you can't keep it inside you Ky, it will eat you up and make you go crazy. When you're ready I will be right here. If you can't tell me tell someone okay?" He shook his head yes. I walked a few feet towards him and took him into my arms, held him and gave his head a few kisses. I missed him so much and I love him so much too. I just hope no one did to him what happened to Shawn or Jon. It would kill me if he had to suffer that pain and humiliation alone. "Come on sweetie lets look at your guns." We walked over and he started looking at what he had. "Tommy?" "Yeah Ky." "How come you were never this open, loving or affectionate before?" "I dunno, maybe because mom did all that and since she is gone and I have had so much love given to me by the others I just feel its normal now and it doesn't bother or embarrass me like it used to. Why is it bothering you that I am this way now?" "Hell no, I like it a lot. I'm just sorry it took something like this to get you to open up. I always knew you were a loving person but I never understood why you hid it so much. I am very happy you show it now. Know something Tom. when you used to smile which wasn't a lot around me or when you used to do something for me it always made me feel special inside. That kind of warm feeling you can't explain." "Yeah Ky, I know exactly what you mean. I feel that a lot now." I leaned in and gave him a bunch more kisses on top of his head. "So you mean like that?" "Yeah Tommy exactly like that." He grabbed the gun and loaded it. Then he put the safety on and stuck it in his belt. "We can go now." "Yeah I am sure we can. At least I don't have to carry mine so much now. Just don't scare the others Kyle. They aren't as used to guns as we are." "Don't worry Tom I'll break them in slowly. Now come on I am hungry lets go eat." We walked out of the garage and back over to them Kyle pulled his shirt over the gun to hide it knowing there would be questions if it was spotted. I had to know what happened to him and I was pretty sure he would tell me when he was ready. I mean it's only been a little over an hour since he came back into my life now. For now I'll let this go. I know him well enough that it won't take long for him to come clean with me. We were back with the group. "Okay Kyle where are we going?" He looked at Shawn, then walked over to him and said something and then turned back to me. "We want to go eat at Shorties Tommy." Wow I thought I forgot they existed it has been so long. "Then Shorties it is. as long as there is safe food to eat, that is. come on pile into the truck everyone." We all headed over after I locked the house. Even Trevor didn't seem to want to miss this. With one more we were almost full but there was still room for another maybe one day. Kyle sat up front with me Jon gladly giving the seat up for this the only question was if he were willing to give it up for good. That's between them. For now I want my brother next to me and everyone else surely understands that. I started the truck and we headed off to Shorties. Now since it hasn't been mentioned before Shorties is a hot dog place which is one of Kyle's favorite foods. I won't even go into the hot dog farts I have had to deal with when mom and dad used to take us there. He was nasty! And I'll leave it at that. I am just glad if the food is safe that he will be sleeping in his room and not mine tonight. It was a short ride like most places in town and we got there in a few minutes and all piled out of the truck. "You drive pretty good big brother." He said to me as I met him after he got out of the truck. "Thanks. HEY. no one goes inside yet!!" They all stopped dead in their tracks a few feet from the door. "Why did you do that Tommy?" "Because Kyle we haven't been inside before and until I check the place out for safety they all know the rules about going somewhere new." "Oh, wow you really do have this thing under control don't you?" "Yup! You'll see as we go places. Put a hand on the gun but keep it away, okay?" He stood behind me as I took mine out and slowly entered. The main room as empty and smelled a little of something. I guess it was dirty food. I checked the kitchen and then the bathrooms and then waved Kyle in and he told the others it was safe. "Oh man it smells like shit in here Tommy." Said Joey. "No kidding answered Jon." "No one has cleaned in three weeks and I am sure that's all rotted food we smell. I turned to Kyle. We might not be able to safely eat in here bro. Okay first guys I am going to check the kitchen for food the rest of you start cleaning up and open the door and windows my brother wants Shorties and we need to clean!" As if it were magic everyone picked a chore and I went to check food. The food supply was good and other then stale buns we had lots of ingredients to eat. I found some frozen buns and stuck them in the microwave as I began to heat up fresh food. I was so busy I forgot they were cleaning and after I had everything heating I popped my head out and it looked and smelled a lot better. "So what's the situation back there? Jon asked. "Fresh food shortly guys I found enough for all and it looks like Shortie dogs for everyone in a few minutes." A collective cheer went up as it had so many times in the past with good news. I turned and headed back in the kitchen and Kyle and Jon both came in. "What's up guys?" "Just seeing if you need help Tommy." Said Jon. "Yeah you want us to do anything?" added Kyle. "Yes, you go join your friends and Jon will help me." He looked disappointed. "What? You're the guest of honor here you should be with your friends." "I am with who I want to be with right now bro. no one else but you." I smiled at him. "Well then come around and wash your hand and start opening buns. Jon why don't you make enough fries for everyone and then we can eat sooner." The three of us went to work and after about ten minutes of grilling and frying we were ready. Kyle poked his head out of the kitchen and called them over. One by one everyone got two dogs and a fry and went to sit. Finally everyone was served and we came out with the rest. Surprisingly everyone waited for us. A shock if ever. "Thanks for waiting guys." "We did it out of respect for Kyle, Tommy." I smiled. "Everyone get a cup and some soda." They all filled up and we sat and got ready to eat semi warm hot dogs, beans and relish sides and fries. Jon got up. I looked at him. "Everyone. yo! GUYS!!" Finally he got every ones attention. He picked up his cup of soda. "Here's to finding a friend, brother and very important kid that we all missed." He raised his cup as a collective cheer went up and we toasted my brother. Kyle had tears in his eyes once again with Jon's kind words. We all sat and ate and pigged out on twenty something hot dogs and what looked like tons of fries. Finally full bellies prevailed as the soda burps began. It seemed like every kid, me included let a good soda belch rip. It started as giggles and turned into one big roar of laughter. I stood up, everyone was looking at me. "Well there is only one thing that can top this night." "Ice cream!" Shawn yelled out. "Exactly! We have done this too much!" Everyone laughed and then we all got up, cleaned quickly and then piled back into the truck for dessert. I headed to the mall and parked up close in my regular spot. Everyone filed in and headed towards the ice cream shop. I watched Jon knowing he wasn't a big fan of this place and Kyle watched me as I had a hand on my gun. Once Jon was inside he came over to me. "What was that all about?" "This is where Jon was raped. He comes back like the brave guy he is but he always hesitates before he goes in." "I can understand that!" I looked at Kyle as he said that and walked in without looking back at me. Something definitely happened to him and it was starting to bug me a lot. I hate this waiting for the story but I can't push him on something this sensitive. He must be okay since he is acting about 90% normal now. But he must have had something happen to him on his trek home. Again as always I scooped and we ate until our eyes were ready to pop out of our head. Finally it was time to leave. Everyone washed up before we left and I followed Jon into the bathroom just to keep him from losing it. Before we knew it we were all back in the truck and heading home. It was a very quiet but content ride home. All bellies full and one hot dog fart from someone that almost cleared the truck. I had to turn off the A/C and we all opened the windows but no one took credit for their bomb! Finally we were home and the guys all went back to their games and I went to my room to be alone for a bit which wound up being a very short bit since Jon started moving his crap into my room to give Kyle his back. I talked briefly with Jon about where to put his stuff and then I lay back on the bed and watched him set up his side of the room. After about an hour or so went by I went in to see what Kyle was up to and he was almost done putting his stuff back where it was three weeks ago before all this shit happened. "Wow you did that fast bro." "Yeah, no thanks to you." "I figured you might want some time alone to get your thoughts together while you set up your things." "You're right as usual Tommy, I did want to be alone but I wouldn't have turned you away if you came in." "I know Ky, I know. But you needed to do this alone I think." "Probably. Hey we going to take that ride tomorrow?" "No not yet Ky, maybe the day after. But I would like to set up some shooting tomorrow for us. I am sure it will bring everyone over to watch and someone is bound to ask to shoot the gun so you might want to think about that answer by then." "They can ask all they want to Tommy but you know as well as I do that no one shoots my gun but me." "Yeah I do. Try and get some rest now Ky, you have had to have had an exhausting day today." "Try week, weeks. how ever you want to put it. All I know is it will feel great to be in my own bed tonight. First time in three weeks! I hope I sleep like a rock." "I am sure you will Kyle. If you have any problems you know where I am. Don't even blink, come get me, okay?" He smiled and shook his head yes. I went over to him. He was sitting on the edge of his bed in his pajama bottoms and no shirt like he always slept. I kissed his head and he got up and gave me a hug. We were alone and this was special time. I never paid much attention to him before at bedtime he would just say good night to mom and dad and then usually to me and go to bed. But I think we will have a little more then that now. He came to me and gave me a great big hug and I held him tightly. "I love you Kyle, I whispered to him. I always have and I am so, so lucky to have you back in my life and more important my arms." He didn't let go. We just held that hug for as long as we could. No one was telling us differently. Finally he broke it and looked up at me. I could see the tears but I already knew from his sniffles that he had been crying. I wiped his face with my hand and he gave me one more quick hug, broke it and looked into my eyes. "I love you too Thomas. I never knew how much until I had to walk all the way back here but I hope I never have to leave you again and find out how much I miss you." Again he hugged me and then he got into bed, I tucked him in and kissed his forehead like momma used to do to both of us at one time. "Love ya bro. see you in the morning." I turned put out his light and shut his door as I left. "Tommy!" "Yeah pal?" "Leave it opened a little please I want to hear the house tonight." "Sure." I turned to walk away but only a few steps. I stopped and listened and I heard him sobbing. I wasn't going back in he needed time to adjust to all this hell on his own. He knew where I was if he wanted me. I headed to my room and Jon was lying on his side of the bed. I was so used to seeing Shawn there I was almost startled. "Be right back." I told him. I went downstairs but only Joey and Billy were up and they were still killing the bad guys in that new game. So I told them good night and went up to Shawn's bedroom. His door was shut. I knocked and opened it. He was in bed but awake. "Hey cutie, want some company?" "Yes. I missed you today. I mean I am glad Kyle is back. Very glad, but I felt so left out today when you didn't pay any attention to me. Even at dinner." "I'm sorry cutie. I reached over and kissed his forehead and then his lips. He didn't turn away. I promise tomorrow you and I will have some time together okay?" "Thanks Tommy. I know it wasn't your fault I know everyone is happy with Kyle being back but." "But what cutie?" "Oh nothing. don't worry about it Tommy." "Shawn!" I raised my voice just a little. He knew the tone. "I guess I just felt left out." "Left out? Shawnee I couldn't wait to show you to Kyle how could you feel left out?" "Because you and me we usually do stuff together and now with Kyle back I just think you are going to forget about me." "Shawn. am I here now in your room? I didn't forget about you cutie. I just need to give my brother some special attention he was gone ya know." "Yeah, your right. I'm sorry." He leaned forward and gave me a big hug from the sitting position. "I still love you tons cutie but Kyle is my brother and your best friend. It will all work out you know that. I am sure tomorrow you two will go off somewhere and be together most of the day." He smiled. "You think so?" "I know so. Okay. good night now, I love you cutie." With a smile on his face. "Nite Tommy, love ya lots." I left and shut his door and finally headed to my room. I thought about Trevor sleeping alone for just a second over at Jon's and then I walked in to see his half naked body on his side of my bed and that was all that mattered now. "Waiting for someone stud?" "Yeah. he just came in." I shut the door. It was going to be a really good night! Chapter 26. Getting used to having a brother around. I was tired but I couldn't pass up the half naked gift on my bed. At least for a little bit. I crawled onto the bed and over next to that half naked boy waiting for me. "You waiting for me half naked boy?" "All day long my super hero." "Super hero?" "Yeah in Kyle's eyes you are." "Whatcha mean?" "I had some time to spend with Kyle before you found him and although he wasn't spilling everything he did tell me a few things." I began rubbing Jon's chest. "Do tell lover... what did my brother tell you?" "Well mostly he talked about missing you and wanting to see you so badly. But there was this one thing. He started talking about and he suddenly stopped and clammed up," "What was it?" "I really couldn't tell Tommy but he seemed scared to talk about it." "I know something happened to him on his way home. I know it now for sure. He isn't talking though and it's frustrating the piss out of me!" "Give him time Tommy, he's your brother he will tell you if anyone." "I know but it sucks that he might have been hurt, touched or abused somehow." "Don't worry so much! Besides I have something for you to touch right here!" He took my hand and placed it over his crotch. I felt his growing boner and suddenly that was all I thought about. SEX! I pulled away wanting to tease him some. Finally the thoughts of my brother were fading and being replaced with thoughts of cocks and balls. I was so hot and horny and that I totally forgot about sex with everything that happened today. that bothered me for a second but it was all good now, not any longer though I was ready now for some fun. "So what do you want to do Thomas? You gonna tease me all night or you going to take that hard thing out of my boxers and see if it works?" "I was thinking maybe I just might go to bed. I am tired." I lay down on my side of the bed with my back to him knowing well the look on his face must have been priceless. "HEY! He said. This sucks!" He rolled me over and I was smiling wide. "You were teasing me?" "Yup! Kinda sucks don't it?" "Nah it's okay. I understand." He let go of me and lay down himself. Now I was all `what the fuck?' I got up and looked at him and rolled him over. He was laughing. "Okay. what's fair is fair! You win." "Finally! He said. "Yeah, yeah. you finally win!" With that I let him go and he fell back and lay straight out. The hard on that he had was half gone but that won't last for long. I reached over and started playing with the top of his boxers. "Gee, now where did that little monster go to?" "Little?" he kinda yelled out. I laughed. "It won't be little for long, not after I am done with it!" I started playing with the slit in his shorts and eventually I got it just right so that the head of his cock was sticking out about an inch and no more. "Ohhhh look Jon it came out to play." He didn't say anything he just watched. I took my finger and placed it on the exposed head and ran my fingernail over the piss slot. His eyes closed. I ran it again but down the underside of it and he jumped just a little. I continued to do this for a little bit and he grew. Now he was out of his hole and standing fully erect. I got closer looked at him once more, his eyes were still shut, and then I got as close as I could. I stuck out my tongue and touched the top of his stiffness. I could taste a little piss and I got the full smell of his day's musk that lingered in his boxers. It wasn't a dirty wash me smell it was more of a boy soon to be a man smell. Like when you don't shower but you don't sweat enough to stink. Without touching him with my hand I lowered my mouth and place my lips only over the head of his cock. I squeezed my lips together as tightly as I could and pulled off him creating a little popping noise. I did this several times and by now he was rock hard and practically begging for more. I assumed. "Okay sweetie, lift up." He lifted his ass and I pulled down his boxers and slid them right off him and threw them on the floor. Now I had a naked boy on my bed, yeah a rarity for me. and I got up and grabbed him by his ankles softly tugging him downwards so he could lay flat on the bed. Now the only thing sticking up was his cock. I crawled back on the bed and took him into my mouth and began to wet his cock with my saliva. Then slowly I started to bob up and down on his hardness taking in the aroma of his day's activities without washing. It was a little funky but it would do. I sucked and played with his cock for a few minutes before I began to taste precum. One thing about Jon, he couldn't last long for anything. I looked down at his toes and they were curled under. Another sign from him that he was starting to get close to squirting. Again I began to suck him off and this time I starting fondling his balls one at a time and then I slid from the head of his cock down the under shaft with my tongue and to his nuts. I took each of them into my mouth one at a time. He let out a moan as I did this. I repeated this several times and then ran my tongue back up to the head of his cock in reverse. He was leaking precum now like anything as I went down on him and licked every bit off him. I held his balls firmly as I began to suck him again. I tightened my lips as much as I could as I continued to bounce up and down on him and softly fondle and tug on each nut. I knew he was ready so I started going faster and faster and then he let out a soft yell and began to fill my mouth with his seed. I let go of his balls and sucked every bit of cum out of his spurting cock. He filled me up well I guess he hadn't cum in a few day by the amount of nectar he gave me. I swallowed it all and then let his softening dick go and moved up to his lips to kiss them and give him a little taste of his own stuff. I placed one kiss on his lips and the second one was all tongue. As odd as that sounds for kids our age. I guess we have mastered mostly all the moves by now. We kissed for a bit and then I grabbed for his soft cock as I broke our lip lock. I gave it a gentle squeeze. "Wanna go for another round?" "I would love to but I am spent. You sucked me dry so to speak. It was awesome! One of the best orgasms I have had yet from you. Almost blew off the top of my head as I came. It actually hurt at first them the pleasure kicked in and I was off into no where land. AWESOME!" I smiled at him and let go of his cock. "You didn't have to let go. It still felt good having you play with it." "Oh okay." I grabbed it again and ran my finger over the piss slot again. I felt a little precum moisten the top I knew he could probably go again but if he didn't want to I wasn't about to bust my ass begging or build up another round of sweat if I didn't have to. "Want me to do you now Tom?" "Nah its okay lover. I am tired some other time." "Okay kewl!" He got up and headed to wash I assumed. I wasn't in the mood to so I lay there. I'll shower in the morning. He returned quickly as I watched his cock sway as he walked back into the room. "I love the way your dick moves when you walk." "Oh thank you. I am glad you do. I worked hard on learning that." "Wise ass! I am going to sleep Jon tomorrow Kyle wants to go shooting so I guess we will go out and set up something and see how good his eye is." "Is he a better shot then you?" "Yeah, sadly he is. He has had a lot more practice then me. It's okay though I am proud of him and its nice to have an eagle eye around." "Huh?" "Eagle eye. it means someone with a sharp eye for shooting. Ya know doesn't miss his target." "Oh, oh I got ya." "Good. I'm glad you did." I reached out and gave him a nice squeeze since he was laying there naked and then I got up and shut off the light and pulled off my boxers and lay next to him. He reached over and started fondling me and it felt good but I was so tired I was falling asleep even with him trying to get me hard. Eventually he stopped when he realized he wasn't going to get a rise out of me and I drifted off to sleep. He was awake before me and woke me to a real nice surprise. I awoke with him sucking my cock. It felt awesome! I grew instantly as he began to speed up. He stopped for a second to smile at me and then went back to sucking me off. It this rate he would have me blowing my wad any minute. I hadn't cum in at least two day as weird as that sounds for a teenager I have just had too much going on here to even have time to stroke off. "Ahhhhh Jon I am almost there. This is your only warn--- Ahhhhh fuck! I am cumming!" I began to shoot into his mouth. Squirt after squirt I filled him up; he got off me after he swallowed all of it and I felt my dick go soft. He began to play with my few chest hairs that tickled like crazy and brought me back from my orgasm. "Thanks sweetie, that was awesome! I need a shower now!" "Good we can wash together." We got up and stumbled out into the hall and then the bathroom. I think his blow job made my morning piss go away because I didn't have to take a leak for the first time in a long time. I started the water and we both got in. I got wet first then gave way for him to do the same. I wasn't sure if I stunk but I felt like I did. Jon wouldn't say anything either way it wasn't like him to be that way. Mister manners! We both showered and washed each others backs and then without any other play rinsed and got out. We dried off and headed back to my room to get dressed. "Go downstairs Jon I want to check on Kyle and then I'll be down." "Sure, no problem." He headed down and I went to look in on my brother. He was under his cover and appeared to have slept well for his first night back in his room. I am sure glad he didn't have any nightmares or if he did he didn't come in or scream to wake the house. Maybe he will be all right after all. I went to shut his door and I heard him call for me. I opened the door and went in. I walked over and sat on the edge of his bed. "Morning sleepyhead. How did you sleep?" "Great. It was really good to finally be back in my bed." "I bet it was. No bad dreams or anything I see." "No, why should I have them? I feel fine." "Good I am glad." He pulled the covers back off himself and went to get up. I spotted what looked like a tent in his PJ's but didn't say anything out of brotherly respect. He got up and I did too. He was heading to the bathroom and I told him we would be downstairs when he was done. I got down there and Jon was making eggs for us. It started to smell great. I opened the freezer and took out bacon and decided we should do this right. Might as well wake everyone since we were up first, the old fashion way. and I was sure this would have everyone awake soon. Bacon always did it for me! We started to cook and sure enough I heard more footsteps upstairs after a while. Kyle was down already and watching us cook from across the kitchen, "You two make a great couple. of cooks that is." "Glad you finished that off bro. I was afraid I would have to come over there and smack you upside the head with a pound of bacon." He started to laugh. That brat! He had this contagious laugh that always got everyone going eventually. I smiled and Jon began to laugh too, "You need help?" "Sure you can set the table for everyone if you want?" "Everyone? The table isn't big enough for all of us." "I know set six spots at the table and the rest at the kitchen bar." "Oh okay that should do it." He went to work as I started finishing the first round of bacon. Glad we won't run out of this at least for a while. There was lots of it in the store and we have plenty frozen here too. I heard more pitter patter upstairs and I was sure mostly everyone was up now. "Must be a line to pee by now." Jon said. With that someone came flying down stairs past the kitchen door and into the downstairs bathroom. We all laughed. "I guess someone couldn't wait. Did you see who it was?" "Yeah said Kyle. it was Shawn." I chuckled as I got a mental image of him with a piss hard on. Like I hadn't seen that before with him sleeping on me so many times. I am gonna miss that! I might have to sneak into his room one night and sleep with him just for the good times! "What?" Jon asked. "Nothing just thought of something funny." "Yeah I bet. Probably Shawn's hard cock if I know you." I just gave him this queer clairvoyant look. "Don't worry about it just make the bacon my little porker!" Now I got the queer look. "Little porker?" "When you two porkers are done I am hungry over here." We both turned and looked at Kyle and said in unison. "Bite me Kyle!" Then we bust out laughing almost losing it right into the bacon. "Ha. ha. ha.!" He said back to us. Jon threw on two eggs. "How do you want them Kyle?" "Scrambled please." In a minute he was given his plate of eggs and bacon and Shawn walked in. "Mmmmm smells good." "Hey cutie ya hungry?" "You bet. Can I have my eggs scrambled too please?" he said after seeing Kyle's plate. "Sure can." Jon threw two more eggs in. Then he handed Shawn a plate and he went to sit next to Kyle and when I checked on them they were eating together, smiling and chatting. It looked amazing seeing them together again. One by one the others came down and eventually we had cooked two dozen eggs and three pounds of bacon and we were finally done with everyone eating and the house smelled like bacon. it was great. "Trevor! Jon blurted out. "I should go check on him." "Why? Jon you are not his keeper. He will be fine." "Yeah but I should really go." He went to the front door opened it and it was pouring outside. We were all so busy we didn't even notice it was a rainy crappy day out. "Still going?" I said to him. "Ummm, Nah. Don't feel like getting soaked. He will live." I laughed and turned to the group. "Okay boys, we fed you so you guys clean up!" With a few moans and groans they slowly rose and started to clean the eating area and kitchen. "And I want it spotless!" I yelled in. "BITE ME!" Came back out from the kitchen. I knew who that was. I poked my head in and Kyle was laughing. "Smart ass!" I said. He stuck his tongue out at me. "Careful or you might lose that." "Yeah you and what army?" I walked in the kitchen. I heard a big gasp come from outside. None of them knew how we played and I am sure someone thought I was mad. Not even close! I walked up to my brother. "If you don't behave I am going to tickle you in front of everyone!" "Ohhhh, I'm scared." he shot back at me. I leaned in and whispered. "You better be cause if I do and you piss yourself in front of all them you will be embarrassed not me." "You wouldn't!" He said in a dare. I smiled at him. "You would?" I reached out and tweaked his nose. Then I gave him a kiss on top of his head. "Love ya bro. and yes I would." I laughed and walked away. As I turned everyone was watching from outside the kitchen. Other then Shawn who was inside watching with an amused look on his face. He had seen this act before being around the house so much. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually knew about Kyle pissing himself that one time too, but he wouldn't dare say anything because he would get it double from me and Ky. "What are you all looking at? We were playing. I said as I went to leave the kitchen. None of you have ever seen me and Kyle play so don't get so upset that wasn't even close to a fight. That my friends was normal so get used to it!" It almost sounded like they all breathed a sigh of relief when I said that. "Go finish cleaning or you all will see my wrath." I said as I laughed. Jon looked at me and shook his head. "You're a nut!" "Yeah, so? You can bite me!" "Is that the new catch phrase?" "Now that little brother is back it is. We used to do a whole bunch of shit together Jon and not once have we ever and I mean EVER had a major fight. I love and respect him too much besides if he gets too out of hand I threaten to tickle him and he usually straightens right out." "Tickle?" "Tommy shut up about the tickling!" I heard come from radar ears in the kitchen. "He's very sensitive about that tickle shit too, I forgot." I chuckled. Jon just shook his head. "Guess I have a lot to learn from you two if you never fought." "I guess you do. Love and respect my dear friend. love and respect!" I reached out and grabbed his nose now and tweaked it. "Hey! Hands off the merchandise!" "You forgetting I own that merchandise?" "Oh yeah." he said. Again from the kitchen. "Careful Jon or he might convince you he owns all of you." Jon got up and walked over to Kyle. "He already does Ky, he has for a while. Especially my heart!" Kyle looked dumbfounded and was at a loss for words. A first as I recall. I looked at him and now I stuck my tongue out. He just shrugged his shoulders as in I give up and went back to helping Shawn clean up. Shawn was defiantly amused at all this as he smiled and laughed as we traded comments. I went over to Shawn. "Careful if you enjoy this too much I might have to tickle you too." He smiled widely at me. "Promise?" He said. Kyle was standing right next to us watching. "Yeah I promise cutie." I leaned over and kissed the top of his head and looked at Kyle who appeared to be lost in the moment. He didn't know the new Tommy yet. He was used to the old shy, quiet one. Shawn looked at Kyle. "He really has changed Ky. Since the comet and you missing he has changed a lot we all have and I love him a lot." "I see that." "You okay with that Ky?" "Sure I am. I wouldn't want it any other way." "Good because if you weren't I would be upset. I don't know how else I could live now without Tommy since he saved my life Ky. It will never be the old way again between us. He means the world to me." Kyle just looked at Shawn and went over and gave him a big hug. I smiled and walked out of the kitchen to let them be alone. They needed time together to bond again. I walked over to Danny who was watching Joey and Billy play a game and put my hands on his shoulders. "Everything looks nice and clean again in here." I gave him a little shoulder rub. "Ahhhh that feels good Tommy." "Good it's been a while since you got anything from me anyway." I said it. Didn't realize what came out but they did. Both Joey and Billy stopped playing turned to look at me and then started laughing. That's when it hit me. Dumb ass! Talk about just blurting out anything without thinking. I couldn't see Danny's face but I am sure it was priceless. I almost felt embarrassed. That passed as quick as it came though. I rubbed his shoulder a bit more and them leaned over and whispered into his ear. "It has been a little while since you got something from me." He turned and looked at me. Just smiled and nodded his head. Christian was close by so we both had to watch our comments. Joey and Billy were still watching me as I whispered in Danny's ear probably dying to know what I said. But neither will ask I am pretty sure about that. Just then a loud clap of thunder rang out shaking the house. Everyone including me jumped, I assumed. Nothing else happened after that just one big thud. It was enough to make Kyle come out of the kitchen and right to me. He hated thunderstorms with a passion. I can't remember how many times he would run to mom or dad when it thundered out. As nonchalantly as possible I walked to him knowing what he wanted and took him upstairs. We went into his room and shut his door. "I know bro, you hate storms. It will be okay." He came over to me and I hugged him. I think it was part storm and part everything else that is fucked up in our lives. He didn't say anything at all he just stayed in my arms for a few minutes. I kissed his head a few times. I was loving this because I got to play big brother. not because he was scared because I love to play big brother. Finally we broke our hold and he looked at me. "You think I will ever get over my fear of storms Tommy?" "Yeah some day but right now you have a lot going on Ky. I mean come on you just got back from hell and all this shit with mom and dad gone and now a clap of thunder. don't sweat it! I am right here for you and you are as safe as can be." He smiled at me. "Come on lets go back down before we are missed." He came over to me walked past and opened his door. I rubbed his back as we headed back downstairs. I lagged behind so he could go first and no one would suspect a thing. He blended back in perfectly but Shawn saw us and came over to me. "Everything okay Tommy?" "Yup, we just had a small talk for a few minutes." "Oh okay. Are you busy?" "Not right now why cutie?" "I wanted to know if we could spend some time together in my room and maybe. well ya know." I smiled at him. "Sure let's go." I knew what he meant but I was going to bust his balls a little before we did anything. We walked into his room and he shut his door and started to take off his shirt. I let that go and then he went for his shorts. "Stop! What are you doing?" "Getting naked for you." "No you can't do that anymore." I said it with a straight face. He looked confused. "I thought when you wanted to come up here you just wanted to talk to me." Now he looked down right sad. I couldn't go much further without hurting him. "Well Shawn. with Kyle back and all I thought you two would or might be closer now." He continued to look at me seeming totally lost to what point I was making. "You don't want me anymore Tommy?" I knew I would go too far. I forgot how sensitive he is. I went and sat on his bed. "Come here cutie." I pointed to my lap and he came right over. I began talking to him in a low tone. "I'm sorry Shawn I was teasing you. I didn't think you would get upset that fast. Of course we can do anything you want to even with Kyle here. He wouldn't care and even if he did know he would deal with it just fine." He turned and hugged me. I started rubbing his back and he didn't move off my lap. "That feels so good Tommy." "Yes it does Shawn especially from this side." I alternated from rub to tickle by running my nails up and down his back finally I went a little lower and was now running my hand inside the elastic of his underwear. He wasn't moving an inch. I scooped him up and turned and put him on his bed. I could see the little tent that I had caused and I went right to work on it. He was watching me as I reached over and started to swirl a finger around it without touching it. He was smiling. I went around and around and wound my way to it stopping right on top of it like I was climbing a mountain in a circle with my finger. His eyes closed. I moved in closer and took in a whiff of his boy scent. He always smelled good. I got closer and put both hands on his belly and ran them down together to his tent. I did this several times and knew he was getting into it. Finally I decided it was time to release his small package and really have some fun. I was stiff now too but that wasn't the point this was for him. I took both hands and grabbed each side of his underwear and started to slide them down. He lifted his butt to help me. I pulled them off his legs and let them fall to the floor. I looked at his little pecker standing at full erection, all three or so inches of it. I got close again and took a finger and again teased it by running my finger from his belly right down to it and up its hardness to the piss slit and then I played with the hole for a bit running my finger over and all around it until he began to squirm. "That tickles too much Tommy." I coaxed his legs apart and started fondling his small orbs of joy. They were hanging low and away from his body at the moment and I had full control of them, after a bit I got tired of this and moved close. I took each one into my mouth one at a time and began to suckle them. He let out a moan. I did this to each one for a little bit and then licked my way right up his cocklet to the piss slot and then took the whole thing into my mouth. He let out a gasp and shuddered. I didn't think it was his orgasm already but his eyes were so tightly shut I figured I better stop incase it was and I didn't want to risk ruining the pleasure for him. I waited a second to see his reaction and he immediately opened his eyes and I knew he wasn't there yet. I wet my finger and started running it slowly between his butt cheeks but not entering him as I went back to suckling and licking his cock. Again his eyes went shut and his breathing started to border panting. It was time to give this sweet boy something to moan about. I slid my finger gently into his hole and began to go quickly up and down his cocklet with my lips as tightly wrapped around it as I could. I did this for maybe a minute between entering his ass hole slowly and pulling out and sucking his cock faster then slower. He was now panting to the point where it wouldn't be long at all. Then he let out a yelp as his back left the bed and I tasted a little spunk of sorts as he let out another moan. I pulled my finger from his ass and took my mouth away and stroked him a few times as he seemed to lie still looking almost dead from the joy he must have been feeling. He had to be having a massive orgasm even for a kid his age the way he looked with his face all contorted and eyes shut hard. I backed away from him and just watched as he slowly came back to earth. Finally he opened his eyes and looked at me. He smiled as wide as ever and sat up. "WOW! That felt great Tommy thank you so much." I smiled at him. "I bet it did cutie I know it did from my end." He move closer to me and leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. "What was that for?" "Because I love you and no one makes me feel that good but you Tommy. Thank you." "Your welcome cutie, anytime." There was a knock at his door. "Tommy, Shawn you in there?" "Yeah Kyle just a second." I looked at him and motioned to him to get dressed. He slid on his shorts as I got up and went to open the bedroom door. "What's up bro?" "Not much I was just looking for Shawn. I wanted to play a game now that Billy and Joey took a break and I didn't know where Shawn went to." He looked past me like he didn't care what might have or could have happened in the room. "Shawn you wanna play now?" "Yeah." he said as he stood up and adjusted his shorts as he walked over to us. "You going to put on a shirt or go downstairs half naked?" "What's the difference Kyle? Who really cares what I wear?" He walked past Kyle and downstairs. "Why did you ask him that?" Kyle looked at me blankly and just shrugged his shoulders to answer me. "Kyle you have." I stopped myself short of asking. "I have what Tommy?" "Oh nothing I was going to ask a stupid question and for once I think I will stop ahead of time." "Oh, okay." He headed downstairs but I couldn't help but think that my brother has his eye on Shawn as more then a friend after the shirt comment. I shrugged it off and followed Kyle downstairs. All I was going to ask was did he have a problem with nudity but I might as well leave it be. "Anyone see Jon?" "Yeah Tommy he left about five minutes ago, said he was going home for a bit." "Oh, okay thanks Danny." I guess he was going to check on Trevor. I opened the front door and it felt really crappy out but it was starting to clear up now. I saw some blue sky. I walked out and decided to take a stroll over in Jon's direction. With everyone having something to do I suddenly found myself bored and alone. two rarities lately. I wasn't really sure if I liked it or not. I headed for Jon's I never did get inside last time I did this. I just wound up shocked and on my ass. I knocked on the back door and this time Jon was close by and immediately opened it. "Hey you. You took off real fast when the rain stopped." "Yeah I wanted to check on my house and Trevor." He came outside and shut the door behind him. "This isn't working Tommy I don't like him living in my house. I mean he is keeping it clean and so on but I feel like. besides confused I just feel like he shouldn't be here." "So go tell him." "But I promised him privacy Tom." "Look Jon he might be a guest to us but to me he is nothing more then a whiny wimp that needs a good beating." I laughed as I said that so Jon would know I was really kidding. "I understand but that doesn't help Tom." "So go march your ass back in and tell him it isn't working out and you want him back over by us." "Would you tell him for me?" "No I won't tell him for you. Use these and go be a man! Tell him yourself!" By these I meant his balls as I grabbed them softly to make my point. He just gave me the puppy dog eyes and shrugged his shoulders and turned and went inside. I followed expecting this to be good. We walked into the living room he had his back to us but heard something and began to talk thinking it was Jon. "Boy Jon you came back fast who was at the door. he said as he turned. Oh it's you! What do you want Tommy? I moved here to get away from you now you are coming here to bother me?" Smart ass! He will get his yet! I feel like bringing him back to his town and just letting him be alone. That will take care of all this even if he is a cutie. He is really getting on my nerves now. Jon looked at me. "Tell him Jon I said as I elbowed him. Say it," "Ummm Trevor I don't really ummm." "Jon!" "You gotta leave, I know I promised you privacy here and so on but its not working out so you have to go back over to Tommy's or home." "Very good Jon." Now I put my two cents in. "So go get your stuff and pack up you are coming back over to my miserable place. Unless you want to go home which I would gladly take you smart ass!" He looked confused and unsure as he stood there with his mouth open trying to decide what to do or maybe what to say. I waited giving him time to stew over his options. "I don't want to go back by you and I don't want to go home either." "Well there are plenty of houses around go live in one of them." He thought it over. "I guess I don't have a choice." "I guess you don't. Just remember you don't live under my roof you don't get my food." The look was priceless. I think he forgot about eating. "You can go move into any of those apartments next to us but all you get is shelter. So mister wise ass you are on you own." I was done I felt a lot better and I turned, brushed Jon's shoulder and headed back outside. Jon followed. "That was pretty harsh don't you think?" "Maybe a little Jon but he has been nothing but a cute thorn in our sides since I found him and now he is getting a little of it back. I don't want to see him hurt and I will do anything to protect him but Jon he is 10 years old and he thinks he can freaking run this place. It's not happening! Not by a long shot. not as long as I live here." Jon gave me a look of concern but understanding. It was the first time I ever really used my power in front of him and I wasn't sure he liked it. I almost feel like I am losing him. "I'm going to go find something to do Jon as soon as you are done with Trevor let me know." "Can't you wait with me?" "Sure. I just didn't know if you wanted me to or not." "Yes I do. Please stay." We went back in and I sat at his table while he went upstairs with Trevor and helped him pack up. I can't wait to see how long this lasts. Alone in someone's house. This should be good. No food and company or toys either. After about ten minutes and a lot of banging around I heard them thump down the steps. Trevor dragged his suitcase past me and right out the door without saying a word. "He sure was pissed off Tommy." "He'll get over it." "Maybe but not anytime soon I think." "Yeah but hunger has a way of making you forgive, so does loneliness and he might not be totally lonely living in another place next door to us but those nights alone will sure be long day after day. Watching us go out and leave him behind will hurt too." "I suppose so." "Yeah well I am in the mood for a mall walk how about you?" "Sure I guess." "Okay lock up and let's go get the others." We walked back over to our place and Trevor's suitcase was sitting out in the middle of the lawn without him. I suppose he was looking for a place to live. We walked in and he was inside talking to Danny. He saw us and looked like he wanted to suddenly leave. He seemed to be trying to get Danny to go outside. Finally he got Danny to walk out with him. I stopped Danny before he left. "Don't go too far we are going to the mall now." Danny smiled. "I'll be right back." "Kyle, I yelled out. Come here please." He came hopping down the steps from his room. "Yeah Tommy you want me?" "Yes we are going to the mall. I thought you might want to go and get new clothes or anything you want since it's all free." "That sounds awesome. Come upstairs with me for a second please." I followed him up. "I thought you and Shawn were playing a game." "We were but Joey and Billy came back and made a stink so we gave it up." "So first stop we will get you your own play station." "Good idea bro." He shut his bedroom door. "What's up Ky?" "Is it safe to go there?" "Look Ky, even with the small chance that something can happen I feel safe there. I bring my gun and that's that." "Okay but what about what happened to Jon?" "That was a mistake and it won't happen again." "Yeah but it's all new to me." "What are you getting at Kyle?" "I want to be safe Tommy." "Then bring your gun if you want I don't care." He smiled. "Thanks that's what I wanted to hear you say." "Just keep it hidden okay?" "We are going to be together anyway while you shop for clothes aren't we?" "Yeah I suppose so." "Well then good. Now come on I want to show you how the mall looks empty its awesome and the ice cream is the best." "Ice cream.. Oh man I forgot about how good it is there." We practically ran downstairs and I had all of then waiting for us. Seems like you say mall and everyone is suddenly ready to go. "We ready?" "Five minutes ago." Said Danny. "Yeah come on I want some ice cream." Added Joey. "Okay, okay go pile in the truck its open." They all took off like a shot. Just one more dilemma and we are all set. Who sits up front now? I walked over and Kyle and Jon were at the passenger's side door. "Who gets front Tommy?" "Why do I have to decide Kyle? Shoot it out." He went to his belt where his gun was and looked at me with an evil smile. "Not even funny Kyle!" Although I was sorta laughing inside. Jon was puzzled but he stuck out his hand. Kyle did the same and they shot fingers for the front seat. Jon won. "Okay fine but I get it coming home then." "That's fair, said Jon after all I just want what's fair for all." He said as he got in with a smirk on his face. "Okay everyone comfy?" I got a chorus of yes and I started the truck. As I did Trevor came out of no where and stood in front of the truck. I waved good bye and put it in reverse. "Wait Tommy aren't you going to bring Trevor?" "Nope, sorry Bill but he doesn't live with us so no road trip for him." "Oh come on." "Let him come with us." "That's not fair!" I was bombed with demands as I stopped the truck about a half block away. Then Kyle leaned forward and put his hand on my shoulder. "Let him come bro. I'll talk to him in the mall and see if we can work this out okay?" I put the truck in reverse and backed up to the house. Jon rolled down the window and stuck his head out and yelled come on. Trevor ran to the truck like his ass was on fire. He left his suitcase of clothes just sitting there and got in. "What about your clothes?" "Who's gonna take them?" he said. He had a point. So off we went. He was very quiet once he got inside as the others seemed to chat quietly at one time or another he sat with his eyes forward and mouth shut. Kyle said something to him and he grinned but didn't say anything. He just shook his head yes. I put my focus back on the road instead of looking in the rear view mirror so much and decided to let Kyle work his magic like he said he would. This will tell me if he really has the golden touch or not with everyone. I know he does with the local kids but so far no one has been able to get thru to Trevor. I wasn't quite sure what Kyle had in mind but at least he can give it a try and I will see if his charm his that good. To Be Continued..... Hope it was enjoyable... until next week. Be safe and good. Dwedno.