Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 07:11:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Twins Part 1 Twins Endings and Beginnings by Solsticeman Shota and Yuta were unhappy. This was the day that they had been dreading for over a year. They hadn't believed it when they were first told. They couldn't believe that the teachers they loved could be so unkind. Then... their mother , who could fix everything, said that she was unable to do anything about it! Today was so awful that they couldn't believe it was truly happening. It should have been a day of pride and excitement. They were moving up to middle-school. All their friends were excited and proud... but... Their friends weren't twins! In Japan, their wishes were secondary to the needs of the nation, of their company, of their school. From an early age... from today... They must become part of a well ordered machine.. and cease to behave as individuals. The problem is that twins are not individuals... they are part of an existing closed group. Twins are a two-ness. A two-ness who owe more love and loyalty to each other than they do to anyone else. No company would hire a pair of twins. Their loyalty to one another would always be greater than that which they owed to the company. and... No middle-school would ever put twins in the same class! Today was that day... the day that they would be parted and placed in separate classrooms. It would be almost the first time that they had been out of sight of one another. They had known the day would come, but they had not believed it. The last day of term had been sad for all their friends, but for Shota and Yuta it was the last day they would ever share a classroom and sit at adjacent desks. Now it was the first day of the new term... of the new school. They put on their new uniform... much smarter than their old uniform. They had new back-packs for their pencils (their mother had thoughtfully put a lot of tissues in as well). Mother told them to be brave and that it was important that to fit into their new classes. These boys would go right through school with them and would be the friends they could depend on even when they had children themselves. Mothers always go on a lot. Mother was truly worried for them. She had been afraid of today... right from the first scan at the hospital! They waited outside their house for the walking-bus to arrive... One mother at the front and another at the rear and in between dozens of children in pairs holding hands, older ones holding bright flags to warn the traffic. It was good training... exactly the same system would be used to lead neighbours to safety in an earthquake, except that then they would be holding onto a rope that trailed behind the leader, to keep them in step, to control panic. Today Shota and Yuta could have used a rope! The staff were waiting for them at the school, and before they could protest they were whisked apart and assigned to their new teacher. To their surprise, their teachers each had a second boy with them. Clearly they were not the only pair of twins that was being broken up that day. Despite being scared and distressed the boys remembered their manners and bowed to one another, Shota introduced himself to a boy called Shinjiro and Yuta bowed to Shinjiro's twin Junichi. Junichi seemed a strange name for a twin because it was a name given to an eldest son... Junichi smiled patiently and explained for maybe the hundredth time that it was his father's joke, because he was ten minutes older than his brother. The teachers told the boys to hold hands and to follow them out to the school yard where the morning parade was taking place. They were put as the front pair in each of their class's column, where the teacher could keep an eye on them in case they ran off! There was something comforting about the hand they were holding... not their twin, but another twin who understood and who was holding on tight... at least they had one person who truly understood. The shocks to the system were not quite over yet... As well as being an opportunity to break up twins, the change of school at nine years old was also being used to correct bad habits... "Shota introduce yourself to your new class" Shota stood and turned to face the others, bowed, and then got it wrong! He knew what he had done as soon as he said it... he bowed and... "Shota da ne"... The toddler's version of the language, so informal that in adulthood it would count as swearing! His mother had explained and explained... that at nine years old he was expected to change the way he spoke, at least when the teacher was around. Without waiting for reproof... "Sumimasen, Shota desu" "Well remembered... and now tell ME your name!" Shota's face was a study in concentration, he was determined to get this right... "Sensei, Shota degozaimasu!" He had got it right, the honorific form that his teacher deserved. The teacher smiled... "Well done, and you may tell your mother that she has done well also!" When everyone had been introduced and materials for the year had been handed out the teacher set them to writing-practise, not with pencils or crayons as in the West, but with large brushes and sheets of newspaper. They now had nine years in which to learn the nearly two thousand Chinese characters needed just to read newspapers... today was very daunting! The quiet concentration gave Shota time to remember Yuta and he wondered if he was feeling any better. A quiet sob caused him to look at Shinjiro who was sitting on the floor next to him. A tear was running down the side of his nose, and he impatiently brushed it away. Their teacher saw the gesture and before the class could see what was happening said... "Shota, take Shinjiro to the washroom, he has something on his face... help him wash it off." "Come straight back as soon as he is ready" Now Shinjiro was Shota's problem! The first of a lifetime of obligations. He took his new friend by the hand and led him down the corridor. They entered the washroom, and as soon as the door closed Shinjiro's self-control was lost. Tears poured down his face and his slim frame shook with sobs. Shota didn't feel any better than Shinjiro did, but the distress of his new friend was now all that he could think about. He threw his arms around him and pulled his head to his chest, shushing him gently... like his own mother would have. Eventually the sobs subsided and his friend simply stood there in his arms while he cuddled him back to a more stable state. It was a strange feeling cuddling his new friend... it was nice and was comforting for Shota too. His face began to get warm, and he hugged Shinjiro tight. He knew it wouldn't last and he didn't want the teacher to have to come and find them like this, but he knew it was important too. In his short life he had loved his parents and Yuta of course and his pet rabbit and aunty... but he had never loved a stranger before. He knew it was love... although it would be many years before he would know what to call it. Love was the warm feeling that holding his friend gave him. Love was the pleasure he got from having been able to comfort him, stop him crying. Love was the warm cheek against his warm cheek and... it was not wanting to let go. Then Shinjiro seemed to realise that this was all a bit too strange, and pulled away. "Sensei will be angry, we had better go back!" "Wash your face then, that's what he told us to do!" As he dried his face Shinjiro smiled... "Thank you for being so nice, I'm glad you were here" "Me too, today would have been awful without you" "It still is I think, but I know what you mean" They took each other's hand and squeezed. Then, still hand in hand, they returned to the class. At the end of the day they joined their walking-buses and Shota was re-united with Yuta. His brother was very quiet... "How was your day?" "Awful, I missed you!" "I'm sorry!"... "Did you make any friends?" "Junichi is nice. I was sad at lunch-time and he sat with me till I felt better." "Just sat?" "Yes, what else? He chatted till I felt better again. I wished you had been there though!" Shota felt sad for his brother... He wished that he had been able to look after him like he had Shinjiro. Then he considered how embarrasing it would have been if it had been his brother that he had needed to cuddle. That night Yuta pushed his futon close to his brother's on the tatami floor of their bedroom. When their mother had said goodnight, he sneaked his hand under the edge of his brother's duvet and felt round till he found his hand. They went to sleep holding hands, together but alone in their new worlds. The following morning they woke to find that they were still holding hands, but Yuta had rolled over and was half way onto Shota's futon. His pyjama-clad hip was pressed against his brothers back and their hands were squashed beween them. Shota woke first, a little disorientaed from a poor night's sleep it took a few moments for him to realise that Yuta was holding his hand and that it was squashed behind him in Yuta's lap. He could feel that Yuta was hard down there and wondered why. It happened to him occasionally but this was the first time that it had happened to someone else while he was with them. He didn't understand why Yuta was hard when he wasn't even awake. That really was strange! He wondered why such things happened. Maybe his mother knew, maybe he could ask her next time they all shared the o-furo, the big bath Yuta stirred and pulled his hand away, rubbing his arm which had gone to sleep. He rolled back onto his futon and sat up suddenly... "Yesterday was awful!" "Yes I know... I'm glad we have Shinjiro and Junichi for company... I expect they are sad too" "Shin was sad, but I managed to cheer him up before the class noticed... it would have been horrid if they had teased him!" "You are lucky, Jun isn't as much fun" "Be nice to him... he must be missing Shin badly too.. give him a hug if he is sad!" "The class would laugh!" "Not in class silly, somewhere they can't see... in the corridor or the store cupboard, just a quick hug so he knows he isn't on his own, that you are sad too" "Maybe" Yuta said doubtfully, Jun hadn't seemed to be the sort of boy that you hug. School went a little more quickly the second day. Boys knew where things were and where to go. When the teacher wanted more books he sent Shota to get them, with Shin to help. Being out of sight of the rest of the class, and with just Shota, who had been with him yesterday, Shin lost it again. This time he didnt actually cry, but he hung onto his new friend, and Shota could feel the gulps of breath and the way his body shook. He held onto his friend and petted the back of his neck to calm him, making little motherly noises that seemed right but sounded silly. Shin calmed down again and stood holding on, hugging his friend hard. His hands were round Shota's lower back and when he hugged it pulled Shota's hips towards him. Shin didn't seem to have noticed, but Shota could feel something down there. Hugging was nice! Eventually after a couple of minutes of cuddling (well it did seem more of a cuddle than a hug!) they separated, looking a bit embarrassed. "We had better get back... thank you for being my friend." "S'OK... its nice, makes me feel better too" "Promise you wont tell... that you cuddle me till I stop crying I mean" "No, I wont tell... I promise... You can take your turn cuddling me if I cry!" The days began to pass more quickly, Shota and Shin still took every opportunity to cuddle. They knew it made them happier and it made school seem easier. At night, Shota had continued to hold hands with his brother. Before school he had taken to saying "Give me a hug before we go!" He loved those moments, the way his brother squeezed him to him and then relaxed so that they stood there pressed together. He didn't know why it felt so good but it did, and it helped him face the day without his brother and with just Shin for company. Despite mother's urgings, the others in the class didn't seem to count, it was Shin who understood and it was Shin's company and cuddles that made the days pass. Yuta wasn't having such a smooth time. His friend Jun was less affectionate. Sometimes he would hold hands but he stiffened at the shoulders when Yuta tried to hug him. Still... He was Yuta's closest friend in the class, and his company made up for some of the hurt of being without his brother. Their mothers had become friends at the parents' meeting that happened twice a term. It wasn't like a PTA meeting as we would know it. It was an opportunity for the teacher to shout a lot and tell the parents how inadequate their children were, how they should have more after-school tuition! He was quite right of course... the children came from a poor neighborhood, of parents who drank beer and played pachinko. What the children needed were education-mommas, the sort of parents who sat them down with homework and extra-homework and outside-tutors. Life in a Japanese Middle-School was not a rehearsal for Junior-High... it was their one and only chance to do well enough to get into a good Junior High, a poor Junior High would lead inevitably to a poor Senior High School and then to a University that no-one outside their prefecture had even heard of! The mothers of both sets of twins, were in fact well educated and both fathers had quite good jobs as sarariman in respectable companies. Their stories were the same, both mothers had invested heavily in the stocks and shares that were sold door to door in their neighborhood, and both had been seriously damaged when the bubble-economy collapsed. Life passed smoothly enough. The two pairs of twins had accepted each other's brother as sort-of replacement twins. No-one else seemed to have noticed that the twins had not been broken up, but had only swapped partners. Maybe it didn't matter... honour had been satisfied within the system. Two years passed... they still hugged and cuddled, but they only held hands in private now. Shota and Yuta slept together, their mother had given them a big duvet as a reward for not making a fuss at school. She thought that the extra comfort would make it easier for them during the day... she was correct! Yuta needed his brother because Jun was still quite distant and didn't give him the support that Shin gave Shota... but even so.. he was a good friend! It was the summer term. They were now eleven years old and growing fast. This was an afternoon that would answer many questions that the maturing of their bodies had asked. It would also ask many more new questions than it answered! Shota had asked to be excused... too much cola at lunch-time! As he entered the boys' toilet he was astonished to see Shin... no, Shin was left behind in class... Jun then. His twin-brother's friend was staring at him shocked. At first, Shota's innocence saved him from understanding what he was seeing. There was another older boy kneeling on the floor, but Shota couldn't see what he was doing... then he could! Jun's thing was in the boy's mouth and he was sucking on it with obvious pleasure! The boy glanced up and saw Shota's shocked expression. He shot to his feet and bending low apologetically scuttled out the door, tucking a stiffened cock back into his pants. Jun was looking stricken... tears were pouring down his face... Shota rushed to him. "What was he doing? Did he hurt you? Are you OK?" Jun was too upset to answer at first. Shota wrapped his arms round him and hugged him as if he was his brother Shin. Jun was shaking with silent sobs... "Please, please don't tell Shin!... Shin would hate me!" "What? Why? that boy was hurting you... Shin could help us beat him up! "You don't understand!" "Come on, we might still catch him, two of us can thump him!" "No... no... he's OK, he's a friend!" "A friend? But he was ..." "Yeah I know, but he's a friend... from our old school" "You did that at your old school?" "Yes, his cousin showed him, and it was nice, so..." "We only did it a few times, but... I can't stop. I want to but I can't!" His sobs had subsided and Shota felt the same pleasure in cuddling him that he did in cuddling Jun's twin. This time was different though... he could feel the hardness of Jun's bare cock pressing against his leg... it felt nice! They cuddled for a few minutes before Shota realised that Jun was gently rubbing his cock against the front of Shota's trousers. By this time Shota had acquired one of those stiffnesses that he got these days, and still had no real explanation for. The feeling of Jun's hardness rubbing against his own was having a strange effect on Shota. He had a desperate urge to put his hand down to feel what was happening. He knew he shouldn't, that what Jun was doing was strange enough without him adding to it, but... Without conscious will Shota's hand slid down Jun's back and as Jun eased away from him, it slipped between them. He first felt his own hardness covered by his trousers and then the warm softness and hardness of Jun's thing. Jun whispered in his ear... "Please hold it for me... I need to... " Thinking that what Jun wanted was a sort of extension to the cuddle, Shota's hand closed over Jun's cock and he stood there gently holding him, one arm round his back in a hug and the other holding the warmth of Jun's hardness. he whispered the sort of gentle nothings that had calmed Jun when he was upset. Then he felt Jun begin a gentle motion thrusting gently with his hips so that his cock slipped to and fro within Shota's hand. He felt Jun's cheek getting hot against his own, and then his breathing becoming ragged, now he was gasping in Shota's ear... "Oh thank you, thank you, I never... Yuta, I never..." Then he jerked, his hips jerking and his stomach thrusting against Shota. Shota was frightened... "What is it, whats happened? are you OK?" "Oh yes, that was wonderful, best ever!" "What was the best ever?" "Best ever, best time going ever"... The Japanese don't cum, they go! But Shota didn't know that yet, although he had accidentally taken the first step towards understanding. He still thought that something untoward had happened to Jun and so he cuddled him until their hearts stopped racing and Jun softened in Shota's hand. "He never made it that good, even when he played my flute!" "Played your flute?" Shota was puzzled again... this was all a tremendous mystery. "Yes, played my flute, sucked my thing, what he was doing when you scared him off!" "You did this at your Elementary School?" Shota asked incredulously. "Yes, Ichiro was a year older than me, and his cousin was three years older than him, and their youngest uncle was seventeen and showed him how" Jun said in a rush. So, he sucked your thing in Elementary School" Shota said slowly... "No, no... we only played with our things there... you know... jerking off... like you just did for me" "I did?" Shota said. "Yes, he didnt play my flute till we got here... we couldn't do things until Ichiro could show him..." "And not until their uncle had shown his cousin!" Shota said suddenly, beginning to understand. "Exactly... he has only been playing my flute since the beginning of second year of Middle School... and I haven't played his yet... though he wants me to!" "The thing I dont understand..." said Shota... "is why you are so cold to Yuta and pull away when he tries to be nice. If you do this with Ichiro... what's wrong with Yuta? He wanted to be your friend and make you happy when you are sad.. and all you did was push him away" Shota felt very sad at the mean way that Jun had been treating his twin, when he could have been showing him these new things and giving him a hell of a cuddle at the same time! "I couldn't do it with Yuta! I couldn't do it with Shin! They are my twin and second-twin, it'd be wrong!" "I couldn't hug Yuta... I might have got a stiff thing, and he would have noticed and he would have thought... I was..." Yuta trailed off... uncertain of what he meant, but sure that doing flute-playing with your twin was too strange... his twin knew everything about him... but there were things he could never know! "You mean, you think Yuta is a replacement twin for Shin?" "Sort of... they took Shin off me... but there was Yuta and he was a twin and understood... and I could love him instead... "So long as he didn't know!" said Shota quietly. "Yes, so long as he didn't know"... "If he found out he would hate me and the class would hate me... and I would have to kill myself" his voice trailed away. Shota understood, it was a society in which that such public shame could only be avoided by death. Their society could accept the shamed person's honourable death as sufficient to cleanse their memory of all shame. Children spoke in whispers of the forests where people went to do it in the peace and privacy of the tall trees and bamboos. They whispered of how the police went into the forests once a year to collect and identify the bodies of that year's harvest. "You mean no-one else does this flute-playing?" Shota said, seeing a flaw in Jun's understanding. "You mean Ichiro does it, his cousin does it, their uncle does it and I suppose someone showed him..." "Ichiro said that his cousin's uncle said that it was very secret thing and we would be terribly shamed if anyone found out" "I don't know... there seem to be a lot of people doing it if its that... queer!" "Yes queer, he said we were queer!" Jun suddenly looked worried... "We had better get back before they catch us here!" "And think we are queer?" Shota grinned... he didn't seem as impressed by the distant uncle's warning as Jun. "This was fun, I think!" Shota said. "Can we do it again? You can tell me more about flutes and things" "OK, but be careful... maybe three in the afternoon would be best, its quiet then!" Shota grinned and stretching to his full height he planted a warm wet kiss on Jun's lips! He could hardly tell him more clearly! That night Yuta was very quiet. So Shota gave him a huge hug. It lasted so long that Shota knew that he was getting hard in his pyjamas. This time instead of pulling away He held his twin close, wondering what would happen if he noticed. His experience early in the day had revealed that, although the mechanism of it all still eluded him, there was pleasure to be got (and given) by hugging someone when their thing had got hard. He was excited to feel his brother getting hard against him and risked a slight rub of his hips against his twin's. Yuta's face started to get warm and Shota made his hip movements more obvious. His brother responded and they found themselves rubbing their cocks against one another. After a few minutes their motion became ragged as their legs wobbled and an insistent feeling developed in the region of their cocks. Shota thought he needed to pee very badly and afraid that he would have an accident he pulled away from his brother and rushed to the bathroom. Yuta followed him and they stood side by side trying to pee. Eventually their cocks softened and they peed and returned to their futons. As they held hands and were about to slip into sleep, Yuta said... "That was a lovely hug, lets do that again tomorrow" Shota leaned across and gave him a long, warm, soft kiss... "Yes lets!" The next day Shota went to the boys' toilets at 3pm and found Jun waiting for him. He already had his cock out and was wanking it gently while he waited. Shota stood entranced, watching Jun's hand sliding up and down on his cock... such an obviously naughty thing! He quickly went to his new friend and took his cock in his hand, it was warm and exciting to hold. He was hard himself and his body jerked when Jun placed a hand on him and copped a feel of him. "Oh wow! that feels good, what are you doing, why does it feel good?" "I'm not sure, its like when mums and dads make babies, I guess. That's supposed to be nice too" "I thought they just did it when they needed a baby..." "No, our futons are just through a paper wall from mine and they do it lots more than that." "You mean you can hear your dad sticking his thing in your momma?" "Yes, and sometimes when he is really drunk I can hear him telling her to suck harder. I think she must be blowing his flute then!" "Wow, I cant think mine do anything that dirty!" "What do you do while they are doing it?... does Shin listen too?" "No, he is always asleep by then, I just lie there and jerk myself off" "What's that then?" "What you did yesterday!" "But... all I did was hold your thing while you rubbed it against my hand..." "That's jerking off, except mostly you use your own hand, unless..." "Unless?... unless you have a friend to help?" "Yes" An idea occurred to Shota. "Does Shin ever help?" "Nah, he'd be too shy for that sort of thing, not like Ichiro... he's much more fun!" Shota began to see how much Jun misunderstood his brother. Perhaps, he could get them sorted out! Wouldn't it be wonderful if he could get Jun being nicer to Yuta! But... How to go about it? Yuta was enjoying big-hugs so that was mostly sorted, but what about Shin, and what about Shin and Jun together. There was a long way to go before everyone was as happy as Shota was beginning to feel, after such a long time in which he had felt only the sadness of separation from his twin. "How did you and Ichiro start helping each other? Was it in here?" "No. He's our cousin so sometimes he sleeps over with us." "But even so..." "It was a night when dad was very drunk. Momma knew he would be drunk so she sent us to bed before he came home. Sometimes he gets very angry when he's drunk, so we always avoid him then!" "Anyway, we talked and talked and Shin fell asleep. Ichiro was playing grab, pretending to pull my duvet off. We heard dad come in and a lot of loud talking and then they went to bed." "That was the first time I heard him ask momma to suck harder. They had always made a lot of noise when he was drunk, but I thought they were quarrelling" "I asked Ichiro what was meant about sucking harder" "He laughed at me and said that they had been fucking and now he wanted her to play his flute" "That didn't help much because I told him that dad didn't own a flute!" "He laughed a lot more and grabbed my thing and said "That's his flute, we all have a flute, and its great to have it played!"" "I was more confused than ever and asked him "So what's fucking and what does that have to do with flutes?"" "Then he went back to the beginning, and explained about making-babies and that dad's thing would get stiff and he would put it in Momma's pussy and rub it in and out until a baby was passed into her tummy, or something like that. Anyway, he said it felt wonderful for Dad, so he did it as often as Momma would let him." "I asked him why she wouldn't let him sometimes and he was confused about that but said sometimes Mommas did refuse but then they might offer to play his flute instead, to keep him happy and avoid getting thumped if he was drunk" "He still had hold of my thing while we were talking and was squeezing it gently... it felt nice" He said "Your thing is stiff, that makes it a flute" I asked him "So what's playing it then?" "Ichiro said that if Momma put Dad's stiff thing in her mouth, like a flute, then her mouth was warm and wet like her pussy would have been. By sucking on it she could make it even nicer than fucking her would have been!" "Then he said that anyone can do it, lots of boys and girls do it for fun, because it feels just as good as fucking, and means you dont make a baby by mistake" "He even said that sometimes boys do it too, just because it feels good and maybe they haven't got a girlfriend to do it for them, just being nice to each other, sort of thing" "And... he was still playing with your thing, I mean flute?" "It's only a flute when its in someone's mouth!" "I see" "So anyway, he said would I like him to show me how to jerk off, and I said yes please" "He let go of my thing and lifted the duvet off. It was sticking straight up, so stiff it almost hurt. He took it in his fingers and started rubbing up and down like he was shaking a sauce bottle... it felt wonderful!" "Did he make you jerk all over like you did yesterday?" "No, he stopped after a bit, just when it was getting really really nice and asked me if I'd let him show me what it was like to have my flute played." "It sounded pretty gross, but I was too excited to say no!" "So, you let him put your thing in his mouth, yeuk! and what if he sneezed and bit it..." "He just opened his mouth and closed it over me... it felt so wonderful, warm and wet and... just wonderful" "His fingers had been so hard on my cock and he'd rubbed it till it was getting sore, but then his mouth was warm and wonderfully soft... then I sort of exploded... like I did yesterday... and it felt so good... so good..." Shota could see that Jun was very excited, he had stopped rubbing his cock and was standing there holding it out towards Shota, with a pleading in his eyes. Shota quickly took it in his hand like he had the day before, but then before he could think about it, he dropped to a squat and quickly put his mouth over the head of Jun's cock... now it was a flute he thought. He instinctively used his lips to shelter Jun's cock from his teeth, and Jun started to fuck his mouth. It didn't take long... suddenly Jun's body shook again like yesterday, and a small warm sweetness filled Shota's mouth, and soon after he took his mouth away, savored the flavour and asked... "Was that a baby?" "No, that's just the dad's half of the baby, the other half is in the momma's tummy waiting for it" "Wow, and the dad gets a good feeling like when you jerked?" "Sure does! That's why they get married and live together, its so the momma can have babies, cos that's what momma's want and the dad's can have loads of fun putting their cocks in the momma's cunt, cos that's what dads want!" "Wow... Ichiro told you all this?" "Yeah, his uncle told him about it. He said its a secret. Grownups dont tell kids about it, so they dont start playing with their sisters and stuff" Shota thought about that, and then asked the obvious question... "So, why did his uncle tell him?" "I dont really know, but Ichiro asked so many questions that his uncle eventually agreed to show him how some of it worked, like jerking off... and he showed him pictures in a book of girls showing their private bits and men sticking their cocks into them and stuff" "He said he got so hard his uncle had to help him get it soft again" "Just once?" "No, lots of times, but his uncle said it was only fair if Ichiro did things for him too" "So what did he want?" "Well, Ichi had to let his uncle put his cock between Ichi's legs and play his flute and stuff" "And stuff?" "Ichi wouldn't tell me all of it... said some of it was too secret!" "Wow!" Shota of course had enjoyed getting Jun's little load of baby stuff and had got very stiff while doing it. But, Jun seemed to have lose interest and wanted to get back to class. Shota's cock was uncomfortable even after it went soft, and stayed that way through bath time and into bed. His father was late coming home, and he heard him go to bed. His mother was whispering something and then his father said in a loud drunken whisper... "Fucking women!.. well go on play it for me then... and fucking swallow it this time... fucking women!" This time Shota could picture his mother on her knees for his father like he had done for Jun... with a cock in her mouth... like he had for Jun... and she would get her mouth filled just like he had with Jun earlier. He wondered if his father's baby-stuff was sweet like Jun's. All this and the noise from the next room made him very stiff and he felt an urgent need to do the jerking thing. At that moment he realised that his brother's breathing had stopped... no... he was holding his breath... then he breathed again. Shota recognised that his brother was trying to hide the fact that he was awake and listening to the sound of his father telling his mother to do very rude things. Shota remembered immediately the story Jun had told him of the way Ichiro had felt Jun up in exactly the same circumstances. Quietly he pretended to be asleep and rolled towards Jun so that his arm circled over him and his hand came to rest on Yuta's cock. He felt immediately that Yuta was hard and the sound of Yuta's breathing told him that his brother was nearing those feelings that would need jerking or flute-playing to make them go away. He squeezed gently and heard Yuta gasp... again and another gasp. Yuta hadn't made any move to stop him... so he squeezed again and again, gently and rhythmically. Yuta's breathing became louder... almost a scale version of the noises that their father was making. Shota stopped and rolled away... he heard a disappointed noise from Yuta, and rolled back towards him, but this time managed to arrange that, when he pulled his duvet up around his shoulders, his arms were now under the duvet and he could cop feels of his brother's cock with only his pyjamas in the way. This time it was Yuta that rolled away and then back again, but now his pyjamas were open at the front and his warm soft-hard cock was jutting out so that Shota's exploring hand now copped feels of bare warm exciting flesh. At first he just held it and squeezed but then he started the up and down stroking that Jun had shown him, that he called jerking-off. Yuta lay there his breathing shallow and ragged, trying desperately to not compete with the exciting and mysterious animal noises coming from their parents' room. But then their mother started making small wailing noises, saying "dont stop... yes...yes" and other ruder things that made their faces flush, though whether it was embarrassment or excitement was hard to tell. Shota jerked off his brother more openly and vigorously. His brother in turn started saying quietly "Yes... yes... dont stop... yes...yes". Shota was excited as he felt his brother start to jerk in his arms... he kissed his ear and his brother turned his head so that their lips met. When it was all over for Yuta, he said to his brother "That was wonderful, how did you know how to do that?" Shota thought for a moment and then said... "Promise not to tell... Ichiro, Shin's cousin told Jun and Jun told Shin and he told me". Nearly true, near enough for Yuta to know that Jun knew how to do it without telling him that he had been playing dirty with his twin's best friend. Yuta thought about that... "If Jun knows how to do it, why didn't he tell me?" "Shin said that Jun is afraid that if you knew his thing gets hard when you sit by him you would get embarrassed and avoid him!" "That's silly, I often get hard when his leg rests against mine in class!" Then he realised what he had admitted... "Is it wrong, is that why he's embarrassed?" "Ichi's uncle says it's OK but secret, we aren't supposed to know about it till we're older" Pondering the strangeness of adults the boys went to sleep, cheek to cheek and cock to cock.