Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 08:03:22 +0000 From: Tommy Evans Subject: Uriel and Jon:Growing up Chapter 7 On the way to IHOP Adrian and I sat in the back of our SUV. He wasn't talking a lot, he seemed to be texting his mom about the Florida trip. Or his sister either one. I was quiet because I didn't know how I would react to the whole hanging out with Jon and Adrian part. It was very scary come to think of it. Finally he turned to look at me. "Aaron, do you think its going to be fun?" he asked. "Do I think? It's going to be a blast!" I said. "But aren't you too old for the stuff in Florida?" he asked. "Are you talking about Disney world?" "Yeah mostly" he smiled. "no I'm not. I'm only 18 and trust me dude, it's a fun place no matter what age. My dad still has fun there" I joked. "hey! I heard that!" my dad complained. "But its true" my mom jumped in. "Don't worry Adrian, you will have a great time. Plus there will pretty much just be boys there. I'm sure you boys can find ways to have fun" my dad added. He did not know what he just said. In my head, I just put that sentence together and realized how bad that actually was. When we pulled up to the restaurant I took one big breath. I looked to the side to see Jon's car. I looked at the window and he came out of the car, he was looking straight at me. I looked over at Adrian, he was pretty excited still. We stepped out and Adrian stuck by my side. The parents walked inside while the rest of us kind of walked slowly behind. Jon looked at me, didn't say anything. His brothers actually had the courtesy to say hi to me. The were always very happy and smiling, too bad jon couldn't be like that anymore. Adrian tried to not look at Jon much, he didn't want any problems I guess. Inside my parents asked for two tables, one for the kids and one for them. I figured I'd have to sit at the kids table, which I didn't care but it would be weird in a way. We sat at around corner booth, I sat at one end followed by Adrian, Jon's younger brother Max, the middle brother Kevin, and finally Jon at the other end. No one was really talking, the waiter had to break the silence. "umm...why aren't you guys talking?" Max asked. "maybe they are fighting again" Kevin added. "Nah, we're not. Aaron just has better things to do" Jon added. "Umm...well nice way to break the silence" I said. "Listen dude, I'm cool with you alright, we're bros" I said looking at Jon. "yeah" was all he said. Then he continued staring at his straw. "So, you excited?" Max asked me. "Of course" I said. "Does your friend talk?" he asked looking over at Adrian. "Yeah I talk. Whats up?" Adrian answered. "How old are you?" Kevin asked. "I'm 14 and you guys?" said Adrian. "8" Max said. "9"Kevin said. "Cool your little" Adrian said. "You look like you're 11 like jon" "Yeah, I'm not as tall as normal 14 year olds. I hope I get taller. But I'm not 11 that was 3 years ago for me" Adrian smiled. "Are you short everywhere?" Jon asked. "" Adrian said to him. "Really Jon?" I looked at him with eyes that would burn him if I was superman. "It was just a joke damn" Jon said. "Normal kids don't ask stuff like that" Adrian said to Jon. "Who said I was normal?" Jon barked back. "What are you guys talking about?" Max asked. "nothing, jon's just trying to be funny" I said. "ha, well just look at him" Max said as he laughed. The rest of us started laughing at Jon, I think he too even kind of smiled. "Yeah, well at least I'm tall enough to ride most rides" Jon said. "Yeah, I bet you love to ride anything" Adrian joked. "O I do. I love it, right Aaron" Jon said as he beamed his eyes at me. "O yeah, when we go to six flags he gets on everything" I said. But this kind of threw me off. It took me a while to soak it in. "Sometimes you teenagers don't make sense" Max said. "Tell me about it" I smiled at the kid. When we got our food the weird conversations ended and we just ate. So far, Jon had already thrown some hints at Adrian, I guess its was his way of marking his previous territory. I just don't get why he acts like this only when he sees people with me. The good thing about Adrian is that he doesn't freak out about everything, I'm sure he's going to ask me why Jon was saying stuff like that. I'm sure I'll be able to find me way out of the questions. "So Aaron, I was thinking, since its just going to be us on the trip, don't you think its going to be weird for Adrian since he's kind of poor" Jon said. "Um, that's not nice Jon" Max jumped in. "I'm not poor" Adrian said. "Uh yeah you are. My friends told me that you barely have anything" Jon said. "Money does not matter man. What the heck is your problem?" I asked. "Nothing, I'm just saying, we're going to be buying everything and he's just going to be watching us have fun" "Jon, you know that's not true. And if need be, I will be buy him whatever he wants" I said. "Yeah, I bet you will. After all you owe him for his services" Jon snapped back at me. "Woah, dude chill. If you don't want me to ruin your trip I wont go" Adrian said. "No, I wouldn't want to ruin it for Aaron" Jon told him. "So then why are you saying all this crap?" I asked. "Aaron's right Jon, just take a chill pill. Besides Adrian is really cool" Max added. "Shut up short ass. You don't know anything" Jon barked at Max. After that we decided that it wasn't worth our time arguing with Jon anymore. We started a conversation between the rest of us and let him be. I knew he was mad about the situation, but he got himself into this. Its not like I told him to go hang out with his other friends, or to end our relationship. Nor could I expect an 11 year old to be able to handle the situation better, but it was complicated to understand him. I knew things were probably going to get worse before they got better, at least for me. I had to be really smart about all this in order to not ruin anything with Adrian. After all, I didn't even know what was up with him. He was just my little buddy, Jon really had nothing to worry about yet. About an hour later, everyone was finished eating and we were about to leave. Jon was still acting very mean towards me and Adrian but his brother kept shutting him up. It was nice to see younger kids behave better than him. At least I knew that Max and Kevin would make it better for Adrian. All I had to do was keep Jon under control as long as possible. When we were outside the restaurant my dad was talking to jon's dad. He invited him for a few drinks at our house and told him to just spend the night. It didn't make sense to me since they live right behind our house, but I guess I will leave my parents to be themselves too. I guess they are allowed sleepovers too. They agreed to it. Jon's mom offered to take my mom and whoever wanted to go back home while the two "men" went to get liquor. I decided to go home and so the rest of us, excluding Jon. He just stood there in between the trucks not knowing what to choose. "Why don't you come with us Jon, you're going to get bored with them choosing alcohol" Adrian told him. Jon gave him one of the dirtiest looks I've ever seen him give to anyone, but then he smirked. "Yeah, your right. Scoot over Aaron" he said as he jumped in the van next to me. "You know Jon there's space in the back seat of the van" Max said. "I want to sit here" Jon said. "Alright kids settle down." my mom said. Me and Adrian just looked at each other confused. Since the situation was a little odd, no one really said anything. Until Max broke the silence. "Where are we going to sleep?" he asked. "Well you guys can sleep in Aaron's room, or in the game room, or in the cushion room, its up to Aaron I guess" my mom said. "We'll figure it out when we get home" I said. "I say we sleep in your room aaron because it keeps out the sun more. The other rooms let in too much sun. and the play room is in the basement so its cold" Jon jumped in. "Good idea Jon, I call bed" Adrian jumped in. " too" Jon said. "Okay, you two get bed, I sleep on the floor with Max and Kevin" I said. "Cool!" Max said excited. "Uh that works for me" Adrian said happily. "Wouldn't want our backs to get hurt before the trip now" Jon added to the fire. I didn't quite understand what these two were trying to prove. But I guess maybe them two sleeping in a bed together will hopefully chill things out. Unless jon has a sick plan. He could be trying to push Adrian to his limits. What if he tries to do something with Adrian? To scare him? Or just to piss him off. No he wouldn't. he's not capable of such a crazy thing. "So Aaron, is it true that you like are super strong?" Max asked me. "no that's silly. Who told you that?" I asked. "um...this kid on the block. He said you've beaten up some big dudes at school" "You have?" Adrian asked. "No was an accident. He did something very bad to my friend. I was defending him" I said. "O is it true he went to the hospital?" Kevin jumped in. "Uh yeah...but I felt very bad about it" I said ashamed of myself. "Now Max what did I tell you about asking weird questions?" Jon's mom said from the front of the car. "Sorry mom" Kevin and Max said in unison. "I was at the school. You did knock him out pretty good. Do you still talk to JR?" Jon asked. "Yeah, from time to time." I said. "I don't know why. He's a loser" he said. "Who's JR?" Adrian asked. "One of my stupid cousins" Jon said quietly so his mom wouldn't hear him. "So why don't you like him?" Adrian asked. "I don't like friend stealers" Jon answered. But he said in a very weird, almost sarcastic tone. I knew he wanted to make a point to Adrian. Once we were at home we went straight to the basement because I knew that the younger boys wanted to start playing video games. Its not everyday that your parents are invited to sleep over to another family's house and let the kids stay up late. It was now close to 1 in the morning and I was sure we weren't going to sleep until much later. I sat with Adrian on the couch while Max and Kevin set up the game system so they could play. Jon was sitting with his brothers, just watching, occasionally glancing at Adrian and I. "Well, I guess things could have been worse right?" Adrian whispered to me. "Yeah, I mean there could have been a fight" I replied quietly. "I'm sure I could take the little shrimp" he joked. "No, that's too much. Lets not have any fights" I said. By this time Jon probably knew we were whispering stuff about what was going on. He had a weird look on his face. Then he stood up and walked over to the couch. He let himself fall really close to me and leaned towards me. He put his upper body on mine and his head landed on my shoulder. "Dude, I'm tired" he said. I was shocked I couldn't really come up with anything. "So, go to bed" Adrian jumped in. "I could fall asleep right here, you're very comfy aaron" Jon said in my ear. "" I said. "What?" Jon asked. "That looks Gay" Adrian pointed out. "Yeah, he's like a big bro to me. There's no weird shit with us" Jon said as he hugged me. "Yeah, I can see that. You're not going to hug me like that when we sleep are you? Cuz if you do I might hit you" Adrian said. "No dude, that's homo shit. Only if I'm with my bro" Jon said. "Yeah, I anyway, what do we do?" I jumped in. "Watch the kids play?" Adrian asked. "No, that's boring. How about we tell scary stories? In a dark closet" Jon said. "Um I'm down for that...only if you don't scream like a girl" Adrian joked. "No I don't, unless..."Jon started saying something, but then stopped. "Unless what?" Adrian asked. "Nothing never mind. So Aaron you down?" Jon asked. "Yeah...why not." was all I could say. I was still in complete shock. I had seen this side of Jon before, but never this, how can I put For his age, I'm extremely surprised at how he is playing his cards. The bad thing is that he seems to think there's something between me and Adrian, when really there's nothing going on. I got up and we went into the closet where we kept all the movies and some other junk. I sat down and they sat next to me. One on each side, but it was more like a triangle so we were all pretty darn close. I was still iffy about Jon randomly starting to be nice to Adrian. I knew he had something planned, but I couldn't say anything. We started telling the stories, to my surprise Adrian was really good at this. He was making up some of the scariest stories out of the three of us. Mine weren't all that great and jon's well, they weren't really creepy. Mostly because they didn't make sense. "SO...I think I win the story telling contest" Adrian said quietly. "Yeah, you are pretty good. But now I'm kind scared. Aaron hold my hand" Jon said. "Um...come on you're a big boy. I hope your kidding" I answered. "I wasn't, but o well. I'll be okay" Jon said in a sad tone. "You're actually scared?" Adrian asked him. "Yeah, dude I'm only 11" Jon added. "Yeah I forgot. You're a little one" Adrian chuckled. "I might be little but I got tons of experience at some stuff" Jon said. " what stuff?" Adrian questioned him. "Baseball, lying, girls, and other stuff" "You've done girls?" Adrian asked surprised. "Yeah, haven't you?" Jon asked as he looked at me with a smirk. "No, I'm a virgin" Adrian answered. "Um...why are you talking about this?" I asked. "Come on Aaron, you're not innocent either" Jon said. "Well, I'm also not talking about it with you" I said. "I'm sure you tell Adrian everything" "He does, but I don't think you should know about it" Adrian jumped in. "I'm sure he doesn't tell you EVERYTHING" Jon really pointed out the everything part. "How so?" Adrian asked. "I've known him longer. He tells me more." Jon gloated. "o yeah you got me there. We just met a few days ago" Adrian said. I sat there just soaking it all in. I didn't want to say anything because as long as there were no arguments, I couldn't risk it. "Have you slept over yet?" Jon asked. "Yeah a few times" Adrian said. "I got my own closet here" Jon laughed. "That's true, I noticed" said Adrian. "Do you bring your sleeping bag?" Jon asked. " why? Do you?" "No, I sleep in his bed" "Me too" There was a silent moment. Those two were going at it with the questions but it seemed like this one hit a soft spot. "Aaron, do you talk anymore?" Jon asked. "I'm sorry, I just had to get used to talking to me again" I said. I know I said I didn't want any arguments, but I did want to let him know that I wasn't going to just let him pretend like nothing is wrong. "Yeah, Aaron did tell me you guys hadn't talked for a while" Adrian added to the fire. "Yeah, we had a few problems. But I was busy and stuff you know..." Jon defended himself. "Got ya. Well...can we leave the closet. Its weird" I said. "Yeah good thinking" agreed Adrian. When we got out to the play room we noticed there were coves and pillows on the floor and that Max and Kevin were already asleep. "Um...I'm guessing we sleep down here?" Adrian asked. "I'm scared, can I sleep in the middle?" Jon asked. "Uh...yeah why not. Although we could sleep against the wall and then you can be between the wall and us" Adrian said. I liked how he was thinking. "The wall is more safe" I added. "Good point. But then can Aaron be in the middle?" he said in a little boy's voice. "can't I decide where I sleep?" I asked. "You should sleep in the middle. You know to protect your little brother" Adrian told me. I couldn't pick out if he said it joking, or if he was saying it cuz it was bugging him or just to be nice. "Yeah I guess I could" I said. Damn, I thought to myself. In the middle of Jon and Adrian. I know I say this a lot but, I didn't think I'd ever do that. I'll have to add this to the things I never thought would happen, but ended up happening. "Well, I don't feel like changing into Pj's so I'm going to sleep in boxers" Adrian said. "Yeah, good idea" Jon added. "I'll stick with shorts" I said. I had sports shorts under my jeans. "Loser" Jon punched me. "Sorry for being the straight one" I joked. "Hm...we'll see" he challenged me. We made the bed on the floor and then they got into their spots while I turned off the lights. Jon was against the wall, with plenty of space , then there was my spot, and then Adrian nearby. I made sure to leave plenty of space in between the pillows to show Jon that I wanted my space. When I got to my spot I had a hard time seeing in the dark but Adrian guided me to my spot. "So, this trip..." Jon said. "Yeah, it should be fun" said Adrian. "Yeah, as long as nothing crazy happens" I said. "Something crazy always happens in Florida Aaron" Jon said. "Like what?" Adrian was intrigued. "We always do stupid stuff like stay up all night swimming, eating a lot, getting spooked by ghosts" Jon said. "O shit, that's scary." Adrian said. "yeah, Aaron can I scoot over closer to you?" Jon asked. "uh...why?" I questioned him. "I started thinking about that time I got scared" "Uh...just let him Aaron, he's a little kid" Adrian said. "Yeah I guess." I said. He quickly scooted over and he got real close to me. He even put his arm around my waist. Something I was really not used to. I was usually the one hugging him. I felt his little head under my arm. "I can't see much but if I did I'd say `how cute'" Adrian joked. I punched him on the side, but to my surprise he was turned towards me and I kind of punched him right above his dick. He didn't say much but I knew the second I felt it. "Uhm...are you really that scared Jon?" Adrian asked. "Yeah, plus it's how we used to sleep so I'm used to it" he answered. "sounds cute. Well I'm really sleepy guys, so good night" Adrian said. Adrian did look and sound a bit tired so I wasn't surprised to see him knock out before we did. At this point I was really confused by jon's actions, but I couldn't let him see it. I just lied there with him hugging me. Not saying much, not moving. I figured eventually he would stop playing his little game and move over. To my surprise time slowly passed by and Jon did not move. I could hear Adrian's breathing slowing down and becoming heavier so I knew he was really asleep. I figured Jon knew this too because he moved his hand closer to my dick. "Stop it" I said. "How come?" he asked. "It's not right" "you didn't say that before" he complained. "Stop whatever your planning, doing, thinking" I said. "What do you mean" "Just a week ago you hated me. You didn't even want to be near me. Now all of a sudden, you're all up in my life. Its not right man" "Aaron, you thought I was never going to talk to you?" "No, I knew eventually we'd have to talk. But your acting like nothing even happened. Well you're wrong Jon. We aren't the same anymore" "Why? You fucking Adrian now?" "No. your lucky I can't yell. Me and Adrian are friends." "yeah, we all are your friends" he said. "What's your point?" I asked. "You fucked me too" "Jon, I loved you" "Loved?" he asked. "Don't even go there man. Please. Besides, you're not like this remember" "Yeah, I remember. I'm just testing you" "Well don't. I'm not stupid. And stop thinking I'm with Adrian. We're friends. Something you never knew how to be" I said. "That's bogus Aaron, because as far as I know you said I was your best friend" "Yeah, when I thought you were honest and I could trust you. Then I found out I couldn't trust you" "So, what now?" "We act like we're best friends since we're going to be with our family. But don't think its true. I don't trust you anymore." "Wow okay then be bogus like that" he said as he moved away from me. "I will." I said. I sat there quietly thinking about what had just happened. Now I could say I was happy for not falling into the stupid love cycle he likes to play, or I could realize that maybe Jon did want to fix things and I just shut down the chance to get back with the boy I love. But what else could I do? I hated the way Jon was turning out, I wanted the Jon I first me. Specially if this is just a glimpse of whats to come, how bad could he really get as he grows up. "Aaron why the fuck do you have to always act like this" Jon said out of nowhere. "Like what?" I asked. "All hurt. Why do you got to be like so dramatic. So what if I lied. Everyone lies" "Yeah, well that's not how I am. You know that. I have my reasons, and if this new JON you're creating doesn't like it, then quit talking to me" "I want to, I really do. But we're still going to see each other sometimes" "Well Jon, those sometimes we can fake it. Just like today" "You were faking?" he asked. "Yeah, I was faking. If it was up to me I wouldn't have hung out with you at all" I said. I know I was lying. I did enjoy being near him. Its just, I couldn't let him get the wrong idea. He has to learn. "Well, good. I was faking too. There's now fucking way I'd want to be with you again. You're old news" he said. The way he said was the icing on the cake. It wasn't him talking, it was all of his friends. He was acting and talking like them. "Well, that sucks for me. Now let me sleep" I said as I turned away from him. He didn't say anything after that, I just heard him turn and that was the end of our almost nice conversation. I fell asleep shortly after that. The next morning I woke up to the sound of Max and Kevin running past me to go upstairs. I looked at my cell phone and it was 9am. I don't get how younger kids always get up so early. What fuels them? I looked over at my side where Jon was, he was knocked out. He had moved a little closer to me, but not close enough that our bodies actually touched. Then I looked to my other side, Adrian was still sound asleep. I tried comparing them, but I couldn't. they were both, so great in my eyes. Adrian did have the edge at the moment though, but I think it's just because he is fresh and new to me. There is still lots to find out about him, but the most important factor is that fact that I like hanging with him no matter what. There has been no sexual contact, or anything remotely close to it, yet we love each others' company. I think that's a good thing. Not to say that what I had with Jon was wrong. No, of course not. Because I loved every minute of that. it's the fact that we are both changing so much, it got very complicated to deal with things. And I wasn't sure I even liked this new Jon. It has only been a few months, and he's already changed a good amount, I'm actually afraid what time has in store for us. Out of nowhere though something took over me and I felt like hugging Adrian, so I did. I cuddled with Adrian and even though he was asleep, he repositioned himself so we could get more comfortable. I found myself now spooning with Adrian again, a feeling that has been growing on me in the few times we'd slept together. But this was different, I can honestly say that it doesn't get me all worked up like spooning usually does with other boys. With Adrian, I could really relax. I felt like I was at a perfect spot, a perfect unison. Sounds weird, I know. I just relaxed and I felt as if our bodies were trading energy or something. I was feeling really fresh and free. Little by little I eased my thoughts and once again I fell back asleep. When I opened my eyes again I was very surprised. Adrian had turned around and was now in front of me. Our lips were only a few inches away. We were still holding onto each other but now we were facing one another. I didn't move, I just took this view in. I was still very comfortable, very relaxed, but being in front of this beautiful boy made me start thinking crazy stuff again. His perfect lips were just a few inches away from mine. His cute button nose was blowing nice warm air onto my face and it felt like the greatest moment in my life, well maybe its an exaggeration. Then I heard Jon move. I heard him move his head a little closer to me. I heard him come closer slowly. He was looking at us and I'm sure that he was feeling quite jealous at the moment. I know he acts like that word is not in his dictionary, but I still think that no one can forget something special like jon and I had. I felt his stare on us. I wondered what he was thinking at the moment. Then I heard him lie back down. Seconds later I heard him moving closer to me and before I knew it he was spooning me. Now, he had never done something like that before. And I mean nothing. I lied there not moving at all. At least not until I felt his arm reach around my stomach and let it rest on my tummy. I was frozen solid at this point. I never imagined for Jon to take this kind of initiative after having a fight with me. I wanted to do something, but then again I wanted to let it go. I could feel jon getting so close to me that his little pecker was now on my back. He wasn't hard or anything but I really could feel it pushing against me. Then I realized it wasn't a good thing to let him do this. It meant that he was not going to let me go, and quite honestly, I think that maybe it's time for him to let go. When I say let go, I mean really let go, not just physically but emotionally. It took all my strength to get ready for what I was about to do, but then I felt Adrian get up. I didn't open my eyes. "What are you doing Jon?" he asked. "Sleeping?" Jon answered confused. "Why are you trying to touch Aaron?" "I'm not. What the fuck? And shut up he's going to wake up" Jon answered angrily. "your hand is on practically on his dick you perv"Adrian said quietly. "You're a sick fuck Adrian. I'm not gay like that" Jon said. "Just move man it looks weird" Adrian said. "okay damn" Jon said as he moved away. I took this opportunity to let out a big breath and then switched positions, I was now on my back. Jon didn't move too far though. He was still close enough for our bodies to touch. Adrian lied back down but he put his arm around me. "Why do you hug him like that fag?" Jon asked. "Dude o my god we sleep like this. At least I don't put my dick all over him or try to touch his" Adrian answered. "Shit dude mind your own business. If he was awake he'd tell you to move" "Jon just go to sleep man" Adrian said. "Yeah" replied Jon. After this I couldn't really handle anymore. This was kind of weird. I mean they are arguing about who can sleep close to me. This was really making me think about the way Adrian felt. But the question was, did I want him to like me? Jon then moved his leg near mine and actually put it on top. I took this opportunity to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes, turned to look at him and moved my leg. He opened his eyes too. "um...hey" he said. "hey..." I answered sleepily. "How did you sleep?" he asked. "pretty good and you?" I said. I gave him a weird look though. After our heated discussion last night I was still a bit confused about the way he was acting. "Good, until Adrian kept moving my hand so he could hug you instead of me. I think he likes you" Jon said. "What the fuck Jon." Adrian jumped in. "Good morning to you too" Jon told him. "uh...I hope you guys are playing around" I said. "Yeah I am. You know how crazy I am when I sleep" Adrian said. "I noticed" Jon said. "Well when I sleep, I don't notice anything..." I said. Then we heard Jon's mom calling him upstairs. "Shit I think I have to go home." Jon said. "Yeah...later" I said. "Umm...can I call you later?" he asked. "Do you know his number?" Adrian joked. "memorized" Jon answered fast. "Damn." Adrian snapped back at him. "So can I?" "Yeah" I said. "Ok" he said as he got up and put his pants on, then he ran up the stairs. "Aaron, that kid is weird beyond belief" Adrian told me. "yeah, just a little" I said. "So what are we doing today?" he asked. "What do you want to do?" I asked. "Well I don't know. I'm so excited about the whole trip. I mean last night was not bad, even with Jon. Maybe it won't be too bad" "Yeah, it wont. I mean he can have good moments too" "Do you remember any of those?" "Yeah, we had a few" "few?" "Well I mean we don't always fight. We did have a lot of good times. But you know why talk about that now?" "I don't know. I guess your right. So does he spoon you a lot?" "Yeah, I don't know. I don't think he does at all" "He did last night. Well I saw it." "Umm...yeah well sometimes I guess. But we used to spend a lot of nights together. We were like bros. so I guess we probably did hug" I said. I tried to be as calm as possible when I said this. "Yeah, we do that too and we just met not too long ago" he said with a smile. I laughed and then I turned to hug him. He turned around so that I could spoon him the right way. We got comfy again and I guess you could say we snuggled. "So, you don't mind this huh" I asked. "no...why?" he answered simply. "I don't know I guess most people would find this gay" "Well I'm not most people. We're just that cool we can hug and not be gay" "That is one good way to look at it" I told him. Our bodies were in the perfect most comfortable position to relax. Our breathing slowed down to match each other and I loved the feeling of his ass on my dick and my hand on his soft stomach. I couldn't believe that even after being this close to him I wasn't getting a hard on. I mean, I could really feel everything through our boxers. Just then we heard people coming down the stairs. We head our moms talking. I didn't want to move because I realized it would look weird moving away from each other real quick as if we were hiding something. "Pretend to be asleep" I whispered in his ear. They stood in front of us and I was hoping nothing bad happened. "Aww look at that. How cute. Do you have a camera?" Adrian's mom asked mine. "No but our phones work just as great" answered my mom. They took a few pictures of us hugging each other and then giggled like little girls. At this point I was like really!? So I opened my eyes and moved away fast. Adrian got the point too and did the same. "WHAT are you doing?" I asked. "You guys are so cute sleeping" my mom said. "Mom what the heck!" yelled Adrian. "Relax, this is for personal use. Anytime I want to say awwww I can look at this picture" she answered. "do all moms do this to their kids?" I asked. "Only when the opportunity strikes" my mom asked. "Um can you keep that picture to yourselves?" I asked. "Relax baby. Its not like your gay or anything. Any one who sees that would say its cute" she said. "Mom but still. Its embarrassing. Its not like we love to sleep like just happens" I said. "yeah, I mean damn I'm not all that cute" Adrian said. "Baby you are cute as a button and we know it just happens baby. Its just so cute." Adrian's mom said. "So we're going shopping, do you guys need anything?" my mom asked. "not that I know of. We're going shopping too" I said. "Are you going to florida too mom?" Adrian asked. "No, she wont go. I keep telling her to come" my mom said. "I have to work but im just glad my baby gets to go" she answered. "Okay I get it. Well you boys go back to cuddling" my mom smiled. They both walked back upstairs. "Umm...that was embarrassing" said Adrian as he turned to hug me again. "I like your hugs" I said. "Good, so we're going shopping?" "Yeah, but I don't know if I want to get up from here" I said as hugged him harder. "gosh Aaron, they're going to think we're gay" "Who?" I asked. "Umm good point." he smiled. "Anyway, we can go whenever you want, I just get really lazy in the mornings" "me too. As you can tell" he told me. I wanted to slap myself. I mean, if my luck streak doesn't stop soon, I'm going to end up getting hurt again. Part of me was hoping that Adrian was a little different, and that he would like me. But then the other part of me didn't want anything to happen because it honestly scares me. I mean here I was hugging another boy, a cuter one. every time I looked at him I realized how cute he was. I couldn't stop staring at those beautiful brown eyes of his that matched his golden brown hair. I just couldn't. "Aaron why are you staring at me?" he asked. Since we were face to face I couldn't hide the fact that I was staring at him. " it a crime to space out?" "It is if its when your looking right at my face" "chill out. I just started thinking about what to buy and I didn't realize I was staring at you sorry" "I just realized something, I haven't even seen my sister in a while because I've been with you so much" Adrian said as he sat up. "So?" I asked. "She's going to kill me. I was supposed to help her do something" "O I'm sure she's fine. She would have texted you or something already" I told him as I sat up too. "You're right. I just feel bad" "Why?" "Well because I was supposed to be close to you so that she could have an excuse to talk to you" he told me. "I thought that was just a joke." I said as gave him a questioning look. "Its because I'm starting to feel bad. You're really cool. I don't want to lie you know. I mean you're taking me to florida on vacation. I have to be honest." "Thanks bro. just relax, things always happen for a reason, that's how I see life" "Yeah, well to be honest I don't know what to think anymore." "What do you mean Adrian?" He started to play with his fingers a lot and also moving a lot. This meant he was probably worried or nervous about something. "Spit it out bro" I encouraged him. "I mean, I don't know. Do you like her?" he asked. "This is the billionth time you ask me this. The answer is not at the moment. I don't know her enough" "who do you like?" he asked. "Can't tell you" I said. "Why? Do I know the person?" "Yeah, I think" I said simply. "Can I guess?" "No, drop it. Lets just go change for shopping okay?" I said. "Gosh okay Mr. Moody pants" "Actually I'm not wearing any so, um yeah" I smiled. We both laughed and got up. We cleaned up the covers and pillows and placed them on the couches. Then we headed upstairs to my room, still in our boxers. Going up the stairs was really giving me a good show. The boxers were loose on him but damn, his ass stuck right out. He had such a good round ass for a boy. And the fact that he was wearing light blue boxers almost made it seem like it was see through and it was just sending the wrong image to my brain. I snapped out of it and kept my cool though. "So what do we wear?" he asked. " fit into my clothes right?" "most yeah." "Good. Follow me" I told him. We walked into my closet and grabbed some jeans and a nice t-shirt for him. "Do we have to shower?" he asked. "Yeah, good idea. You go first?" I asked. "Unless we can shower together?" he smirked at me. "Hmm...don't tempt me boy" I joked. But then again, what if I did take that leap. No I better not. Its too soon. "Lets make it quick, how about I shave and wash my face while you shower that way it takes just a tad less?" I asked. "Sounds good" he told me. I grabbed 2 pairs of boxers and handed one to him. Grabbed two towels and headed to the bathroom. Before we entered the bathroom though I stopped. "Go ahead and get in and when you're in the shower yell out so I can go in" I told him. "O okay, why don't you just come in now?" he asked. "Well aren't you embarrassed?" "No, its just like going camping and stuff" "You don't mind me seeing your little dick?" I asked. "Um...well if you know its little you already saw it, so whats the point" he laughed. "ha, funny. Okay whatever" I said. We walked in. I went straight to the sink and started warming up the water. Since the sink wasn't exactly right by the shower it wasn't that big of a deal, but I mean if I just looked at the mirror I could see him get naked. "I really like your bathroom. I like everything about your house, and you" Adrian said. "and me? Really now?" I asked. "Haha, not like that you perv. But yeah I do" he said. "Well I'm glad you like it. I can share it with you I don't mind" "well I'm sure Jon will mind. Since he is used to the attention from you" "Hey hey, don't bring him into this while we're in the shower. It will ruin the moment" I said. "I'm sure you've taken actual showers with him" "No that's a lie" I said. But he was now taking off his shirt so I was trying really hard to not stare. He had an awesome body though. I loved the fact that he was a little filled in. I don't know why I hate skinny boys. He wasn't fat though. I mean he still had that cute baby fat I guess you can say. But his skin was so cute, it was like a honey light brown. He had the cutest little boy chests and one awesome little belly. "Hey Adrian have you checked your weight lately?" I asked. "no, last time I checked I was 150 though" he said. "is that good or bad for you?" I asked. "Normal I think. Well I'm only 5 foot 5 so I don't know" "Yeah I'd say normal. You look normal to me" I said. "Good, alright so careful don't cut yourself while you shave" "Like you have any idea how to shave theres no hair on your body" I said. "hey stop looking" he giggled. "Sorry" I said ashamed of myself. But then the moment I had been waiting for happened. He dropped his boxers. I couldn't see the front, but o boy did I get the view of his beautiful ass. It was so good I swear I could see it shining. That color of skin on him just made him so sweet to the eyes. The shape of his bottom was just amazing. I don't think I know any girl or guy with a better butt than Adrian. Perfectly round, filled in, the perfect little bounce, just everything was great on that boy. He stepped into the shower stall and when he stepped over the tub I got a good glimpse of his inner butt and I was just about to lose it. I think he was still talking too but I couldn't pay attention because I couldn't believe what I had just seen. "Aaron, its cold" he said. "turn the lever to the left but slowly" I told him. "Ah shit now its hot!" he yelled. "Do you need help?" I asked. "umm...can't you just come in?" "Umm...just to fix the water?" I asked. "Well, then I don't have to yell across the bathroom" "I feel, weird about that." "Don't, you've never taken showers with a guy?" "Adrian, have you?" I asked. "Yeah when we go camping we have to share" "But those kids are your age and it's a huge room, not a little stall" "So your saying this makes it gay?" he asked. "Just a tad" I answered. "So? No one will see right?" he told me. "Yeah, right. Well I'm almost done shaving" I said. "Okay well I'll get away from the water meanwhile" he said. I couldn't believe I was about to share a shower with him. I was worried though, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold my hard on down while I was in the shower with him. That was impossible for anyone. He is so cute. I hurried up and then I took my shirt and my boxers off. I breathed in and I opened the curtain and stepped in. he was just sitting there smiling. "Sup" he said. "Its not that bad." I said as I put my hand in the water. "Not for you, but I'm special" he told me. I tried not to look at him. Not yet at least. I fixed the water and then turned to look at him. He just stared at me. He was beautiful. I took one good look at him. His dick was the cutest thing. Looked to be about 2.5 inches soft, with no hair whatsoever, his balls hadn't dropped yet so he was all boy still. And that color of his was still amazing. "Damn Aaron, nice dick" Adrian said. "Thanks..." I said confused. I didn't want to say anything stupid. "Bet my sister would really hate me for this" he laughed. "Yeah, just a tad" I said. I grabbed the shampoo and handed it to him. We both started washing our hair. When I was done washing it I stepped under the water and rinsed the shampoo off. Then I signaled for him to come to the water so he could rinse off. I backed off a little and then he stood in front of me. I did something I was used to doing with jon. I rinsed his hair for him. He just stood there and looked up at me. "Thanks" he said. "Yeah anything for you" I said. "Anything?" he questioned me. "Almost" I corrected myself. "Bummer" he joked. Then it was time to wash our bodies. I handed him the bar of soap and I used the other bar I had for back up. We started soaping up our bodies. "Did you work out a lot?" he asked. "I used to. Why?" "I can still see some muscle" "Yeah, before I started eating like a pig I had good body" "Like really good?" he asked. "Not super like muscles but yeah it was nice" "What happened?" he asked. "got hurt, I couldn't' work out for a while and then I ended up like this" I said as I pulled at my flabby love handles. "No its not too bad. Its normal" he told me. "Yeah, but I guess they keep you warm huh?" I joked. "Yeah, I love hugging your love handles" he smiled. "Gosh, why are we talking about this in the shower?" I asked. "Cuz, why not. I mean think about it. We trust each other so much we can take a shower together." "Well...lots of people do this. In fact..." I said. "No don't even bring hookers up. Anyone can take a shower together, but we're taking one without doing anything sexual. So its not like we're in it for sex" "Damn Adrian, interrupted me and everything" I said. "Sorry, but isn't it true. It takes real trust to take a shower just cuz." "Yeah you got a point. Wait does this mean you've taken other showers with boys?" I asked. "No, just you. The others were all in a group you know" "Boy are we getting real close then" I said. "Of course, you're the coolest dude I know" he told me. "Aww it almost makes me want to hug you" I said. "Why don't you?" he asked. So I took his advice. I got closer to him and hugged him. Our naked, wet soapy bodies came together. It was out of this world. I don't understand why he was doing this to me. I mean as far as I know I really loved Jon, and now, Adrian was putting me to the test with this. "Well that was nice" he said as I was hugging him. "Adrian, is that your boner?" I asked. I felt his dick on my leg and I know for a fact that it was hard. "Uh...yeah..." he said. "umm..." I said. "Is it bad?" "No...its natural. I'll just try not to hug you too much in the shower so we don't have those natural accidents" I told him as I backed off and started rinsing my body. Then I started cleaning my dick. He just watched. He seemed to be really intrigued. Now we're both typical Mexicans so we were both uncut, so when cleaning our stuff we have to make sure everything was nice and clean. At this point I was sure that he liked me at least a little bit because he would keep watching me. He was cleaning himself too but his eyes still kept wondering towards me. "Aaron, I can't believe we're actually taking a shower together" he said. "Um...neither can I. I mean, that's a big step to make in a best friendship" "did you make this step with anyone else?" he questioned. "Yeah, but not in a house shower. I mean I've taken showers with jon when we go camping. Usually it's a bigger stall and its not like this." I said. "So you've seen him naked" "Yeah...I mean showers are usually naked. But the feeling is different. This, just feels more, secret" "Yeah because its just us and we chose to take it, not because we're camping" he said. "Adrian, this should really just stay between us" "Duh, what you think I'm going to go around telling people that I showered with you?" "Umm...I hope not. I mean unless it really means that much to you that you have to tell the world" I said. He was turning around to grab the body soap and I couldn't imagine a better view. I had his ass in front of me. Man that behind of his was driving me crazy. The roundness, the way the water bounced off, the way it moved when he moved. It was perfect. "Ha, well its fun and we can talk more openly. I mean once we're naked there's not much we have to hide. But im not going to tell anyone" he assured me. "Okay, well lets finish up so we can head out" I said. "So soon?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm sorry. But I'm afraid we're all clean" "Um no I haven't cleaned my ass" he said. "Umm that could take a while, its huge" I joked. "I know it takes me forever" he smiled. "Well make sure you clean inside and everything so you don't stink like ass" I said. "Of course" he said as he grabbed the sponge and started cleaning himself. I still had a hard time controlling my boner specially when I was watching him clean his ass. I couldn't just watch because it would cause more excitement in my downstairs area so I decide to finish cleaning myself up as well. Once we rinsed off and made sure all the soap was off of us I turned off the water. I opened the open the shower door and grabbed a towel. I started drying myself out and since I had forgotten to leave the extra towel near the shower I hurried up and handed it to him. I walked out and grabbed the other towel to dry myself. I thought about maybe drying him down like I used to with Jon, but I think that might be a little too much for right now. Once we were in our boxers and under shirts we headed to my closet to get dressed. "Aaron, I love doing all this with you" he said with one of his signature smiles. "I do too buddy. No one else had ever made showering that much fun and interesting" I said. "I agree, now it's going to be weird when my sister hits on you. I mean I've already seen everything she wants to see" "Yeah, so don't tell her" "Of course I won't. why would I do something like that" "Obviously." I said sarcastically. We finished choosing our outfits and then we went back to the bathroom to do our hair. He copied my hair style but I don't mind. A boy as cute as he definitely deserves the right to have the same style as me. Once we were all ready to go and looking fly we headed to the kitchen to grab a drink of fresh juice. After that we headed to my car and then headed to the mall. The drive was pretty chill. We didn't talk much because we were listening to music. Another good thing about Adrian was that he liked all the same music I liked, and I liked a lot of types. From rap, to sappy love songs, to Mexican music, to classical, to oldies, and then reggae ton. I don't know how long its going to last like this. I don't know how much I could hold onto my feelings for. As much as I wanted to take a break from dating or from doing anything, Adrian was making it really hard for me to not like him a lot. Everything about him was almost perfect, I couldn't really see anything going wrong with him. Once we were at the mall his attitude changed. I could tell he was kind of worried about the whole not having thing. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it but he was looking nervous. "why you so quiet?" I asked. "I'm just...I don't know. Its going to be a lot of money" "Well don't worry about it" "I just don't like handed things. I usually work for everything I get" "Like what?" I asked. "I clean the house, get good grades, behave. Stuff like that" "Well as long as your good to me, and keep being you, you earn everything I give to you" "Aaron that's nice but still. Can I wash your car or something?" "Do you really want to?" I asked. "Yeah, and clean or cut the grass" he looked so cute when he said this. I don't know why. "We'll see" I said as we entered the mall. Since I didn't know what exactly we needed I started off by going to Sears. it's a big store, has a lot of things, and figured we'd go on from there. "Well exactly what do you need?" I asked. "Well, swimming shorts, maybe boxers because all of mine are old. I don't want to wear old ones" "Well that sounds pretty simple to me" I smiled. We headed to the young men's section. I helped him choose 10 boxers. I didn't want him to get the cheap boring ones. We chose the funny ones. He was having a blast laughing and pointing out all the stupid things they had. "Who the heck enjoys buying boxers?" he asked as he laughed. "I do" I said. "Yeah, you would. Well this is enough" he said as he grabbed his stack of boxers. Then we headed to the swim shorts and he chose 5 of them. I wanted him to have enough because we would be swimming a lot. I wasn't a big fan of trying things on but I knew I could enjoy watching him try them on. "Want to try them on?" I asked. "Is that even allowed?" he asked. "Umm...well you got a point. Maybe not" I said. I hadn't thought about that. "Well I'm sure they will fit me" he said. We went to the register to pay for what we had. The lady at the register gave us one of those weird confused smile. "Going on vacation, got to stock on clean undies" I said. She laughed. When he saw the total he almost fell over. He turned away to not see. I patted him on the shoulder to calm him down. I handed him his first shopping bag and we continued with our shopping. "Aaron! That's a lot. I don't think I need anything else" he said. "Lies. We need shirts and sandals" I told him. We walked into all the cool summer stores. I was choosing a lot of things, didn't even care about how much things cost. One of the few perks of working hard and not taking many breaks was that I saved up a lot of money. I knew my parents had money but I also liked making my own. After we spent a lot of money at the first stores Adrian relaxed and started choosing more thing for himself. We even bought matching sandals and swimming shorts and shirts. I think we probably went to about 20 stores and bought at least 2 things at each stores. This was probably going to be one of my most expensive shopping sprees in a long time. There was something about Adrian that made me want to buy him everything possible. I just think he looked so cute in everything. And the fact that he wasn't used to any of this really made it better. "Aaron I think we should call it quits. I don't think I can carry any more bags" he said. He had 8 bags in his hands. Plus those bags had bags inside and I had about the same. "I guess, if you say so" I said. "Man Aaron, you are the best brother ever. This is enough clothes for like 2 years" he said. I didn't even know how many things we had bought. "Anything for you little buddy" I smiled. We threw the bags in the trunk and I looked at the time. It was a little past seven. We had spent quite a few hours at the mall. The total was probably around $1,500 or a little bit more. I could have kept going because we didn't even go to the electronics section. But other than that we went everywhere else. Got deodorant, sun block, beach towels, goggles, beach toys etc etc etc. "Your car is full of stuff. I don't know how many things of luggage we will need to put in all of our clothes." he joked. "O come on its not that bad!" I responded. "so what now?" he asked. "Well, we can go eat or we can go home? Is your mom looking for you?" I asked. "O shit I haven't even looked at my phone" he said surprised. He looked at his phone. "Yeah, she has. I might need to go home for tonight. I'll try to hang with you tomorrow. But I'm going to try to clean the house and stuff so I can help out" he said. "Yeah for sure bro. don't want to take you away from your family" I said. We had a little small talk about what when we were going to pack and about what I usually once we're there. He was very excited. He seemed to be texting someone a lot but I didn't want to seem like a stalker so I didn't ask. Whoever was texting him was going crazy because from what I could see the texts were long. "Um...whoever is texting you is making you quiet" I finally said. "My stupid sister is complaining because I get to go" "Tell her its not your fault" "I know. But umm...she says that Jon and his stupid friend have been hanging around the house trying to talk her" "O my god. Why doesn't he stop hanging with that trash" "Why does it bother you that much." "I just think he's better than that" "well let him make his own mistakes. Anyway my sister is asking if you're mad at her" "Why?" I asked. "Cuz you haven't answered her anymore" "O shit, my phone died" I said as I looked at it. "O that why. Let me tell her" he said. But by this time we were already at his house. He looked at me, and then gave me a quick hug. "thanks for everything bro. should I leave the stuff in the car? We're packing it at your house right?" he asked. "Yeah good idea. Well tell your sister I'll talk to her when I charge my phone" "Will do. Bye thanks again" he said as he got out of the car. I couldn't hold in my happiness. I hadn't been this happy in a long time. I drove the whole 2 seconds to get to my driveway and then unloaded the bags into the foyer. My mom walked in and was surprised. "Did you buy out the mall honey?" she said as she looked at the stuff. "Ha, I could have. But no. Adrian wouldn't let me" I replied. "A sweetie, did you buy him a lot?" "yeah, he was so happy. He never had this many clothes he says" "Well that's good honey. Jon's mom is coming over for dinner with Jon. Go freshen up" she told me. "O...okay mom" I said as I ran up to my room. Great, dealing with him again. After what Adrian told me I was mad again. I don't get why he has to hang with that good for nothing person. I washed my hands and then lied on my couch to relax. In my mind I went through the fun day I had with Adrian. The shower was just, something I would never forget. The best part was that we didn't make a big deal out of it. In fact we didn't even bring up the subject at mall or in the car. I was really falling for him. I hooked up my phone to the charger and then just closed my eyes and relaxed. Seconds later I received a text. I figured it would Sylvia looking for me. `thanks for everything bro' it was Adrian. `any time bro. dude jon's coming for dinner' I said. `damn that sucks. Good luck' he replied. `thanks. What you doing?' `not much. Cleaning the living room' `your such good boy Adrian. Stop it' `no I can be bad. Remember...' `ahh yeah, I do.' I remembered the shower. He had his bad moments. `haha. Well bro I got to have dinner. Good luck with Jon' `ha thanks. Ttyl' I said. I put my phone down and went to pee. When I opened left the bathroom I was surprised to see Jon on my bed lying down. "Um...hi?" I said. "Your mom said you were up here" he answered. "Yeah...make yourself comfortable" "Where were you today?" he asked. "With Adrian" "I know that. But what did you do?" "Since when does it matter?" "Umm...well I had a good day. Chilled with some friends" he said. Totally ignored my comment. "Yeah, I heard you tried to talk to Sylvia" " I didn't. my buddy did" "Buddy...sure..." "Are you saying something?" he said as he sat up. "No. not that I care anyway" "What if I am doing something with him" "Good for you" I said as I sat on the couch. "What you going to ignore me now?" "No. why?" "Your at the couch" he said. "Umm...yeah? So?" "Why don't you sit with me?" he asked. "Because you have ghetto germs" "no that's not true. I was kidding. I'm not doing anything man. You know me" "No I don't. I thought I did. And if you are or not it is none of my business." "Cut the crap Aaron. Shit why can't we be friends" "Because its not that easy to just forget all the shit you said" "Well I was mad." "Yeah well, I'm mad now. And I will be for a while" "So what, I should just not talk to you?" "I thought that was the deal" "Is that why you ignored my messages?" he said as he looked at his phone. "No actually that was because my phone died" I said. "Really or was it because you were busy with Adrian?" Then I heard my mom open the door. "Okay come down to eat" she told us. We got up and headed down to the kitchen. At the stairs Jon stopped. He waited for my mom to walk away and then hugged me. "Um...thanks" he said. "For what?" I said as I softly pushed him off. "Everything" he answered as he looked up at me. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "Because I don't want to be fighting anymore" "That's not going to change as long as you are this ghetto" "Its just clothes and style Aaron. I'm still Jon" "Hardly, but lets go eat" I said as I moved him aside and walked down the stairs. I know I was being a little hard on him but I just couldn't help it. He had betrayed me again and again. Not to mention the things he did behind my back. As much as I loved him, I had to let go. I couldn't go running back to him everything he said sorry or did something cute or made some lame promise. At the table my mom set me and jon's place next to each other. Every once in a while our hands would accidentally touch or we would touch feet on accident. Things that would usually sent shocks of happiness through my body were now sending shocks of confusion. I just couldn't deal with it. We didn't say anything either. Our mom's did most of the talking and his brothers were talking with each other. "So Jon, are you excited?" My mom asked. "Yeah, can't wait" he answered. "You three aren't going to party too hard in the room are you?" my mom said looking at me. I guess she had already decided that Jon was staying with Adrian and me. "O no. I'll make sure they behave" he said. "Yeah, you're the worst one" I said. I didn't want to be quiet one. Both my mom and his mom laughed at my comment and then they started talking about something else. Jon just gave me a sad look and kept eating. Every once in a while we were asked questions and we answered them the best we could without sounding too weird or letting them know that we weren't on great terms. After we finished eating we helped clear the table and then he followed me to my room. We both just sat on the couch. "Aaron, I don't like it" he said. "Like what?" "You pushing me out" "I'm not pushing you out. You walked away" "But I came back" "Well things aren't that easy" "So you don't love me anymore?" he said as he looked me right in the eye. I couldn't lie to him. He knew I did. "I do...but I'm trying not to" I said. His eyes gave away his feelings. I knew that hit hard. "Good..." he said. "Yeah..." I was hurting myself by saying this. But I didn't want to let him think everything was easy. "So..." "What?" "I don't know what to say. I mean, we can still be friends you know" "Yeah, except I don't fit with your friends" "well I can make time for you like right now" "I just don't know if I want ghetto friends. Its not how I roll" I said. "Well...Adrian looks a little ghetto" "No, I changed that today" "you took him shopping huh?" he asked. "Yeah, it was fun" "So, he's taking my place then" "I don't know" "Don't lie Aaron. I can tell." "Well then why do you ask?" "Because you said no one could replace me" "Well, you lied to me before right...I lied to you too" "Come on damn. You aren't good at being mean Aaron stop it" "I can be. You know I can. And shit Jon, chill. Its not good for your bad ass gangster image" "What isn't?" "You being jealous of Adrian. Ganstas don't worry about stuff like that" "Whatever man. If you think he's better than me than whatever" he said angrily. This was definitely getting really weird for me. I think I liked it better when we didn't talk at all. I didn't like the way we talk to each other now. Nothing holds us back. There's so much anger built up that we just hurt each other more and more every time we are near each other. I really hated seeing my little jon dressed up in this monster uniform. I hated how he talked, I hated what he was trying to portray. I wanted my little Jon back. I hated this new gangsta he had turned into. "Aaron, he's not perfect either. I'm sure he will turn ghetto eventually." "No, I will be there to stop it" "Just like you were there for me?" "No, you pushed me away. He doesn't push me away" "What if he doesn't like you?" "He doesn't have to. As long as we are good friends is good enough" "Lie Aaron. You don't have good friends unless you're fucking with them" "That's also a lie. Stop it Jon. You say you don't want to fight but you always spark fights" "Okay I'll stop damn. I'm just saying. Is he cuter than me?" he asked. "I'm not going to answer that" I replied. We heard someone come towards the room and we saw his mom. "Time to go honey. You can come hang tomorrow" she told him. "Okay ma. See ya Aaron" he said. "Later dude. Bye mam" I said nicely. I didn't want to show his mom any signs of anger. I lied down on my bed. What was happening to my feelings? I once thought I couldn't be this mad at Jon. I thought I was either going to lose him forever or keep him forever. There was no in between. I don't like the in between. The constant fights, the constant nerve pushing, the insults, it was just too painful. But it was so complicated to completely let go. Our families were so close now and our paths were set to cross each other in and out. I just don't know how I was going to deal with it. I cant take him back. I can't even think about it. He was not the same. Then Adrian came to my mind. He seemed to be perfect, but what if Jon was right. What if he too would change. What if this is just for now. What if eventually he finds the friends jon found, what if he betrays me too. No, he wouldn't. he couldn't. he cant. He's the best I got right now. Man, I'm losing. I need to focus on the vacation. It was going to be good to be with Adrian, even if we had to deal with Jon. I guess, as usual. Only time will tell. ------------------------------------------------------------------- As always I am glad you took the time to read my story. I am constantly writing, but little parts at a time. I will try to keep posting more and more but it will take time. Thanks to everyone who writes me and shares their thoughts and comments. Please keep them coming. I love them. I answer everyone. If you haven't already emailed please do so. Tell me what you think, like, dislike, favorites parts, moments, characters. The email is Keep the emails coming.