Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2021 12:26:00 +0000 From: Andrew Passey Subject: Will and Tom Part Seven (Young Friends) Will turned up to school Friday with clean clothes and everything he thought he might need for the sleepover. Tom was excited all day although he was particularly unfocused in English and had to go and wank in the toilets at lunchtime with Will standing guard as usual. Will didn't like having to go there and stand guard. It always aroused him when he knew Tom was in the cubicle a few feet away playing with his dick. Every now and again Will almost suggested he go in with him but he knew that was crossing a line. Will was confused. His fantasies turned more and more towards Tom but that only ramped up the guilt he fell. How could he think about doing sex stuff with his best friend. It was a betrayal of his friendship. Was Tom even mentally able to comprehend doing it with someone else? Will stopped himself. Tom was autistic. He wasn't mentally subnormal. He just saw the world a little bit differently. Will would just have to control himself at the sleepover. The last thing he needed was more complications in his life. Tom was bouncing around like an excited two year old on the walk to his house. He lived in a fairly simple but well kept semi detached house a twenty minute or so walk from school. Tom introduced Will to his Mum before giving him a tour of the house. Will was amused at this. It wasn't like he was buying it or anything! However Tom was clearly proud of having him over so he humoured Tom as best he could. As Tom showed Will around the house and his room Tom couldn't stop smiling. Will could tell it meant a lot to him to have someone over and he realised how lonely Tom must have been at his old school. Will promised himself he'd try to behave himself and keep Tom happy. He heard Tom's Dad come home and shout hello but the slightly drawn out tour continued. Tom was most proud of his bedroom. It was a large room with a big double bed and loads of shelves full of toys. It had a TV in as well and it was clear Tom's parents spent money on him. There was a third smaller bedroom with just a single bed that Tom said he slept in when family members came to stay and they would have his bed. It sounded like that didn't happen very often though. Tom liked routine and his parents didn't want to mess with it. Will realised what a big step it was for Tom to have started a new school given his condition and it made his respect for him grow. They ended up in Tom's room where Tom took great pride in his collection of transformers figures on the shelves of his bedroom and went into great detail about each and everyone one of them. While Will wasn't interested he knew Tom was so he listened patiently as Tom waffled on. Luckily after what felt like hours but was probably only half an hour or so he was saved by the shout upstairs that dinner was ready in a few minutes. "How was your day Tom?" His Mum asked as they sat down for dinner. Will expected Tom to answer the way most teenagers do when asked about how school was. A cursory "fine"or something like that. Not Tom though. Tom was... well very Tom about it. "It was a bit mixed Mum. The walk to school was good. I met Will in the playground and we chatted. Then we had lessons. So maths was rubbish as Mr Jones shouted at me for not listening properly. Which was unfair as I was trying to concentrate but it was too noisy and it was messing with my head. He freaks me out! For some reason he's always shouting and angry. Science was good. We learned about reproductive systems. But then that caused problems for me in English. It was alright although I couldn't really concentrate as I had an erection for most of the lesson. I went and took care of it in the toilets at lunchtime and felt better for double French which was good. That wank definitely sorted me out!" Will looked at Tom in horror. Why was he saying all this? Tom's Mum clearly felt the same. "Tom! I've told you before that masturbation is not an appropriate topic for the dinner table!" "But Dad says everyone does it, even him. I don't see why I can't talk about it. It really helped me concentrate once I'd done it. And Will stood guard in the toilets so no one would catch me at it." Will melted into his seat in embarrassment and he could see Tom's dad also looking very uncomfortable. "That's enough Tom. Your mum has told you why before. It's a private thing. Not to be discussed at the table." "Fine," Tom said sulkily. "I'll just discuss it with Will after dinner instead. His dick is huge after all and he's been doing it for ages!" Will wanted the world to swallow him up. He was struggling to think about when he'd ever been this embarrassed. Luckily Tom's Mum changed the subject to dessert and eating was one thing Tom was very enthusiastic about. Tom's parents quizzed Will about things. Tom hadn't told them about his parents which was an uncomfortable topic for him. However it felt good to talk about them and his Dad's achievements. More importantly and to his relief Tom didn't mention wanking again. "Mum, Will is going to sleep in my room tonight so no need to sort the spare room out," Tom said as they cleared their dishes up after dessert. "I know Tom. You've already said. Is that fine with you Will? I can put an air bed on the floor for you in his room." "He can sleep in my bed! There's loads of room! Please please please let him sleep in my bed!" Tom protested then begged. "Have you even asked your friend if that's okay Tom?" His Dad interjected. Will shrugged. He'd rather have his own bed. However Tom looked so desperate that he felt he couldn't say no. In any case Tom was small and the bed was big. It wasn't like Tom would molest him or anything! He smiled at Tom and his parents. "I don't mind. It saves you having to sort out bedding for me and as Tom says there's loads of room. Let's go with this this time and if I'm lucky enough to stay over again then we can work that out depending on how tonight goes." Tom and his parents looked relieved. Will did wonder if he'd potentially averted a meltdown by Tom if he didn't get his way. Will knew Tom got fixated on things and got very stressed if they didn't happen how he envisaged. So it was probably best for everyone if he did what Tom wanted. Will thanked Tom's parents for dinner and he helped to clear up afterwards. It was clear that Tom's parents liked Will and Will liked to make a good impression. As they cleared up Tom's Dad took Will aside quickly while Tom ran off to the toilet. "I just wanted to say thank you Will. You've been a great friend for Tom and he's doing and coping so much better thanks to you. He talks about you all the time and it's nice to finally meet you. He's got a good heart has Tom and I'm glad to see he's got you to look after him. We're all really grateful." Will felt embarrassed at the praise but took it in his stride. He felt good that he was helping Tom but he also knew Tom was helping him. He thanked Tom's Dad before Tom came back from the toilet and they finished clearing up together. Will was quite relieved it was just going to be him and Tom for the rest of the evening. Hopefully no more chance of Tom saying something embarrassing about him! Tom excitedly led the way upstairs to his room and Will hoped the rest of the evening would go smoothly.