Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 20:40:35 -0400 From: Becca Lynn Subject: Lisa & Lori Beth Part 7 This is the seventh portion of the story between Lisa and Lori Beth. Thank you to all who have read the story and especially to those who have responded. I appreciate your feedback. Before you go on, you should keep the common disclaimer in mind. The following story contains material of a nontraditional sort. If you're too young, not interested, morally opposed, or simply shouldn't be reading this in your current location, find the back button or close your browser by simply clicking the X in the upper right hand corner. However, if you're interested in some lovely ladies falling in love, read on! When they pulled off the expressway and made their way through town, Lisa couldn't help but begin to feel very nervous. She tensed as Beth turned off the main drag. "You okay baby," Beth asked. "Yeah, just a little nervous," Lisa replied. "Who's going to be here? Your mom said something about the cousins from out of town." Beth knew that when her mom said "the cousins from out of town" that she meant all the out of town relatives. However, she didn't want to scare Lisa off. "Alright baby, I'm not going to lie to you. There will be tons of people here today. They're all family but I'm not close to most of them." Lisa wasn't feeling much better about this so Beth drove past her parents' place and pulled into the little convenience store just down the street. She turned toward Lisa and took her hand. "Baby, I have a big family. They live all over the place. I'm close to a few of them. Bri is great. You'll like her. She's a professor at the state university." Lisa smiled, knowing that she might have something in common with Bri, the love of teaching. Beth went on. "Then there's Joe and Jill. They're brother and sister. Joe owns his own business doing home security. They monitor homes for burglary and stuff. Jill is doing her master's degree but works part-time for Joe. They're very nice." Lisa began to feel at ease. "They are on my dad's side of the family. They're really sweet and I think you'll like them. There may be more people but I don't know who...possibly a couple aunts and uncles," Beth said. Lisa smiled that sweet smile and Beth knew that everything was going to be okay, as long as Uncle Bob and Aunt Sally weren't there. She leaned closer to Lisa and kissed her sweetly on the lips and then hugged her. She whispered in her ear, "I can make it worth your while," and she sucked her earlobe into her mouth. Lisa shivered at the sensation and held Beth tighter. Lisa placed three soft kisses on Beth's neck and they looked each other in the eyes. "Feel better?" "Yeah, I'll be alright. Just do me a favor. Don't leave me alone tonight okay? "I won't baby. I really appreciate you coming to this. Thank you," Beth said. They kissed again and Beth drove to her parents' house. They got out of the car and were greeted by Bri's dog. She ran to Beth and licked her face several times. Bri trailed the dog as they were close to a road and greeted Beth too. "Hey you, how are you," Bri asked. "I'm doing well; much better than say two weeks ago," Beth said and winked at Bri. She walked around the car and put her hand in the small of Lisa's back. "Bri, this is Lisa," Beth said. "Baby, this is my cousin Bri," Beth said. Bri winked at Beth and said, "It's nice to meet you. I'd like to say I've heard a lot about you but my cousin here doesn't call me anymore." "Bri my dear, the phone works both ways," Beth said, kidding with her cousin. "Alright you two. Bri, it's nice to meet you," Lisa said. They shook hands and Beth took Lisa's hand and they all walked in together. They got to the patio and saw a field of relatives sitting at picnic tables and on blankets laid out on the ground. There were people snacking and mingling among the crowds of people. Beth spotted Uncle Bob and Aunt Sally under a tree with a few distant relatives. She leaned into Lisa and said, "Baby, you see that tree over there?" "Yeah, it's kind of hard to miss," she said, noticing the knot in her stomach growing. "Well, avoid that tree. That's my Uncle Bob and Aunt Sally," Beth informed her. "Are they evil," Lisa joked. "In a manner of speaking, yes, baby, they are," Beth said. "They can be a little difficult." "Thanks for the warning," Lisa said. Beth scanned the crowd and saw Jill. "Oh look, there's Jill!" She kept a hold of Lisa's hand and nearly dragged her across the patio to Jill. Jill saw them coming and jumped up to greet her cousin. "Beth," Jill exclaimed. "It's so good to see you." "You too! How are you," Beth said. "I'm good. Let me introduce you to someone. This is Bianca," Jill said. "Hey Bianca, I'm Beth. This is my girlfriend Lisa." "Nice to meet you both," said Bianca who looked as nervous as Lisa. All four sat down at the same table in the shade. Jill poured Lisa and Beth some iced tea and they started talking. Beth and Jill caught up on family gossip while Jill talked about school. Beth found it interesting that Jill brought a guest to a family barbecue. "So Jill, where's your brother," Beth asked. "He had an emergency with a client. There was a storm and he had some serious damage to his house. He'll be out later," Jill said. Beth reached to the table to take a drink of her tea and put her arm about Lisa when she sat back. Lisa leaned over to be closer to her. "Jill," Lisa said, "It's not like you to bring a guest to a barbecue," smiling at Bianca. Jill smiled at Bianca and Lisa knew what was coming. She could see it in Jill's eyes. She looked at Bianca the way she looked at Lisa. Jill reached over and took Bianca's hand in hers and smiled at Beth. Everyone knew Beth was gay. It had not been a secret in the family but Beth was older. Jill was still young, working on her college degrees, not quite settled down yet. "What are you trying to say, Jill," Beth asked, smiling at her cousin. "What do you think I'm trying to say," Jill said, holding Bianca's hand tighter. "Hmmm, I wonder," Beth said, smiling. "How long have you known?" "About three years ago, I finally figured out why I never really loved any of my boyfriends. It took a while to truly get it, but here I am. Bianca is my girlfriend. We've been seeing each other since last year," "Oh my gosh," Beth exclaimed, getting quickly hushed by Jill. "Jeez Beth, tell the world. Most people don't know and I don't want to advertise," Jill said. "Sorry. What about Uncle Bob and Aunt Sally? Do they know," Beth asked, winking at Jill. "Let me think. No. They don't know and if I have my way, they won't. I have no intention of sitting through the Fires of Hell speech," Jill said, sipping her own glass of tea. "I am so happy for you," Beth said. "So, Bianca, what do you study?" "I'm a sociology major," she responded. "I did a sociology minor in college. What's your specialty," Lisa asked, finally piping up. "I'm focusing on criminal psychology," Bianca said. "I also study forensics." "Nice! That sounds really cool. I focused on childhood psychology. You wouldn't believe how many kids exhibit very dangerous habits at a young age," Lisa remarked. "I understand that many characteristics are more evident during adolescence," Bianca said. "You and Beth must see a lot of those nasty characteristics." "In a big city, I'm sure there's quite a bit but I am a substitute right now. I'm working on a full-time position but it takes time," Beth said. And so they continued chatting and getting to know one another. Lisa, Beth, Jill, and Bianca spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with any of the relatives who happened to come over to the table. They were rather enjoying themselves until Uncle Bob and Aunt Sally made their way to their table. They had made their rounds, exchanging pleasantries to most of the other people and the next stop was the girls' table. Beth and Jill knew what was coming but hoped that with such an audience that their incredibly rude relatives would pass by their table. No such luck! "Good afternoon ladies," Aunt Sally said. "How are you all doing?" "We're doing very well Aunt Sally. How are you all doing," Beth asked. She shook Aunt Sally's hand and Uncle Bob's as they made their way around the table shaking hands. "Uncle Bob, Aunt Sally, this is Lisa and this is Bianca," Beth said, motioning to the girls. Bob and Sally sat next to the girls and started asking questions. Beth and Jill rolled their eyes and began answering the questions. "How do you all know each other," Bob asked. "Uncle Bob, Lisa's my girlfriend," Beth answered. "I know she's your friend," he said. "But, how do you know each other?" "We work together sometimes," Beth answered. "And Jill and Bianca go to school together. Bianca didn't have anything else to do today so she decided to come see her roommate's family. Wasn't that sweet of her?" Beth lied, hoping that a nice sweet little story would get Jill off the hook. She obviously wasn't ready to deal with these two hypocrites. "Yes," Uncle Bob said. "Isn't that sweet?" "Beth, why are you holding another woman's hand," Aunt Sally asked. "Aunt Sally, I don't want to get into this with you right now. We've talked about this and you know why I'm holding Lisa's hand. This is not the time or place to have a conversation like this," Beth said in the most respectful tone and with a smile. Aunt Sally lowered her head and gritted her teeth. "You know this is wrong dear. I don't know why you're doing this to yourself," she said to Beth. Beth seemed to be the spokeswoman for the table as Jill wasn't ready to come out to the family and Lisa and Bianca weren't family yet. "So anyway Aunt Sally, where is Mary today? She couldn't make it into town for the party," Beth asked, knowing full well why Mary wasn't here today. "No dear, she had a meeting with her realtor about closing on her new home," Aunt Sally said, proud as a peacock that her daughter would be a homeowner. "That's lovely," Beth replied. "I hope she'll be able to handle all the bills. Nowadays it usually takes two people to handle an entire household." "Well, Gina stays with her and that will help defer the costs," Aunt Sally replied. "Yes, that should help. How long have they been together," Beth asked. "They are not together like that. They are just friends," Aunt Sally snapped. "Of course, friends share a one-bedroom apartment all the time," Beth answered back. "Now you listen here," Uncle Bob said in his most parental tone, "You won't talk to your aunt like that." "Uncle Bob, I tried to turn the conversation from a negative tone to a more positive one but Aunt Sally just couldn't stand it. Now, if you'll excuse me." Beth stood up and fixed her shirt. She looked at her aunt and uncle and said, "Ladies, could I interest you in seeing my mother's new upstairs den. She just re-did the carpeting." The girls agreed and they all excused themselves. Beth took Lisa's hand and led the way upstairs. Bianca went ahead of Jill and soon they were all in the new den. "Wow," Jill said. "This is amazing. These two couches look fantastic and the new carpet is so soft." "I love the color. This must feel heavenly on the feet," Bianca said. "Mind if I take off my shoes?" "No, help yourself," Beth said. "I think I'll take mine off too." They ditched their shoes and took seats on the couch. Jill sat on the end and Bianca curled up right beside her and put her head on her lap. Beth sat opposite Jill and Bianca and Lisa sat beside her and put her hand on her thigh. Beth wrapped her arm around her shoulder and the ladies spent the afternoon chatting without worrying about Aunt Sally and Uncle Bob's hypocritical assault on them. * * * * * * * * * * * On the way back to Beth's house, Lisa decided to get some clothes but realized she didn't have her keys. Instead, they went to Beth's house and Beth picked up her clothes for the next day and anything she would need for work. She packed her stuff and a little surprise for Lisa. They set out for Lisa's place. It was just as well. Lisa had to feed the cats anyway. Lisa pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. "Come on in," Lisa said. She grabbed Beth's bag from the back and took Beth's hand as they walked to the front door. They walked in and were greeted by a very lonesome cat. Lisa bent down before closing the door and made up with Elmo. "Oh hello Elmo. Did you miss me, huh baby?" Beth took the opportunity to step back and enjoy the view. She crossed her arms and leaned back against the doorframe. "Mmmm, nice ass, sweetheart," she said. Lisa looked back at Beth over her shoulder and stuck out her tongue. Oh boy that brought back memories. "Promises, promises," Beth said and walked into the kitchen. "Hey," Lisa said, closing the door and chasing her into the kitchen. Beth shrieked and ran out the other door with Lisa hot on her tail. They rounded the corner and went around the couch and up the stairs, laughing all the way. At the top of the stairs, Beth took a corner and wound up in the library. They went around the bookshelf and wound up on the couch, Lisa straddling Beth. She put her arms behind her head and held them up while their heaving chests pressed against one another. "Are you playing hard to get now? I think your timing's off," Lisa said, still breathing heavily. "No, but I knew I could see your gorgeous breasts heaving if I made you chase me," Beth said. She stared at Lisa's chest and leaned forward to take a breast in her mouth. Lisa leaned into her mouth and held Beth's head to her chest. When Beth let go, there was a wet spot on Lisa's shirt and a hard nipple underneath the blouse. Beth couldn't help but want more. She tore Lisa's shirt off and removed her bra in one quick stroke. Lisa looked quite surprised at how slick Beth was at stripping a girl in a New York minute. Beth dove onto Lisa's nipple. She sucked it into her mouth and Lisa hissed her approval while Beth did the same thing to her other nipple. Lisa pulled off Beth's shirt, well, her shirt, and struggled with the clasp on her bra but eventually, they were both naked from the waist up and hungry for more. Lisa stepped back and removed her pants and panties while Beth did the same. There they stood, naked as the day they were born. Beth decided that now was the perfect time to tour Lisa's house. She always liked being naked around the house and wanted to slow things down. "Listen baby," she said, "Why don't you show me around?" "Now?" "Yes, I think now is the perfect time to see it. I mean, I just got here and I'm going to be spending the night. I may as well see the place first." Pouting a little, Lisa agreed to show her sweetie around. From the library to the bathroom and downstairs to the kitchen, dining room, and living room, Lisa showed her every room except the bedroom. "We'll save that for later sweetheart." Lisa plopped down on the couch and spread her legs wide open, leaning back against the corner. Beth looked everywhere she could think of without looking at Lisa's gorgeous body laying on the couch like that. "That is beautiful woodworking. Did you do this yourself," Beth asked, admiring the craftsmanship of her bookcases. "No, they were here when I bought the house. Come sit with me," Lisa said. She had noticed Beth's avoidance and thought it was very sexy. It would be so much fun to teach her to relax. Ignoring her, Beth looked at the small wooden sculptures above the mantle. "Lisa, these are gorgeous. Where did you get them?" Lisa couldn't take it anymore. She got up and went over to Beth at the mantle. She took her hand and brought her to the couch. "Sit with me. We need to talk," Lisa said. "Umm, ok," Beth said and sat down next to Lisa on the couch. Their thighs were touching and Beth couldn't help but peek at Lisa's body. Oh man, why did she stop things before, Beth thought. Lisa pushed away from Beth and looked at her head-on. "You are gorgeous. Let me look at you," Lisa said. Beth was a little uncomfortable and it showed as she practically covered herself with her arms. "Beth, you are gorgeous. Why are you uncomfortable?" "My body can't compare to yours, Lisa. Look at you. You've got pert breasts and strong thighs and your ass is just amazing. My breasts droop and," Beth tried to finish her sentence but Lisa pressed her lips to Beth's and silenced her protest. "," Lisa said between kisses, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her. When they separated, Beth looked away, seemingly embarrassed and shy. Lisa asked, "So, you won't look at me because it turns you on?" "Well, yeah. I mean, you're hot as hell," Beth answered. Sliding back on the couch, she turned into the corner of the couch and threw her legs onto the couch, exposing her delicate pussy. She leaned back onto the couch and displayed her goods. Beth looked at her, stunned. She watched as Lisa sucked a finger into her mouth and traced around her nipples. She tweaked each one and made it hard. Beth's mouth went dry as she kept watching what Lisa was doing. Lisa kept teasing her nipples and then sucked another finger into her mouth. She traced this one down her stomach leaving a little trail as she went along. Her fingers finally reached her honey pot. She stopped her little show to watch Beth's reaction. She caught her eye and quickly dipped a finger into herself. She came back with a finger-full of pearl droplets and sucked them into her mouth before Beth could get any. Lisa made sure to lick every droplet off her finger and looked over at Beth. "Want some," she asked. Beth could only nod at Lisa and seemed frozen. Lisa dipped her finger in again and offered it to Beth. Beth leaned forward and sucked Lisa's finger dry. Lisa leaned back again and motioned for Beth to come with her. Beth leaned into Lisa and planted a hot deep kiss on her. Beth's nipples were brushing against Lisa's breasts as the kiss broke and Beth caught Lisa's evil grin. "Beth," Lisa asked, "Have you ever used toys?" "Mmm, yeah. They're fun," Beth replied. "As a matter of fact, I have a little surprise for you." "Oh do you?" Beth hopped up off the couch and scooted to her bag. She got her little friend out and showed Lisa. "Very nice," she said. "Let's go upstairs. I have quite the collection myself." They trotted up the stairs naked and Lisa opened a drawer with at least 10 different toys. She had two long straight vibes, one that was curved a bit, a short but wide strap-on and a long skinny strap-on. Both of the strap-ons vibrated. She also had two sets of handcuffs and a feather and short riding crop. The last thing she saw in the toy box was something used for anal play. "Nice collection," Beth said. "Thanks. Is there one you'd like to try," Lisa asked, curious as to what Beth enjoyed in the toy realm. Beth was really shy about saying what she liked, afraid to hurt her partner's feelings. She just looked at the box and sort of shrugged her shoulders. Lisa got really close to Beth's ear and whispered, "Come on baby. Tell me what you like and I'll rock your world." Beth shivered and asked which Lisa enjoyed playing with most. "Depends." "On what?" "Well, if I'm alone, I like the vibes but if you are into bondage, we can play with some other stuff too." Beth picked up the vibrating strap-on and asked if she knew what to do with it. "You submissive little shit! I knew it," Lisa exclaimed. "Submissive! No way! I get to wear it. Now get on the bed and wait for me," Beth said, taking charge of things. Lisa was completely shocked. She smiled and got on the bed. "Mind if I entertain myself while you put that on," Lisa asked. She wasn't expecting an answer and grabbed a vibe and started to play with her clit. Lisa watched Beth insert the small end into her vagina and tighten the harness around her waist. Beth reached down and touched the fake cock between her legs. "It feels like real skin." "Who cares? Just get up here," Lisa said, grabbing Beth about the waist and pulling her to the bed. Beth climbed between Lisa's legs and lay on top of her. She kissed her deeply and thrust her hips once, just to see how she handled the harness. Lisa thoroughly enjoyed the idea of having someone use this toy on her. She usually had to do it herself. Beth broke the kiss and looked her right in the eyes and asked, "What do you want me to do?" In a low growl Lisa said, "Come on Beth. Take me please." Beth pulled herself up to her knees and placed Lisa's legs on her shoulders giving her excellent access. She put the tip of her new appendage at Lisa's opening and gathered just a bit of the juices she could see waiting for her. Lisa whimpered for Beth to continue. Then, she brought the toy up and circled Lisa's clit with it. She flicked the head over her clit a few times and Lisa dug her head into the pillow behind her. Beth gathered more of her sweet creamy juices and flicked her clit again making nice circles around the hard little nub. "Beth, please don't make me wait anymore! Just fuck me, please!" Beth plunged into Lisa's pussy almost before she could finish her sentence. She thrust in and out hard several times just watching the surprised thrill on Lisa's face with every plunge. She was planning to stop and make her beg for it but the pleasure she could see on her face was too much. She slowed her thrusting down and went slower so she didn't wear herself out too quickly. Beth pulled her little friend out of Lisa and let the tip rest at her opening and then she turned the vibrations on. She put the vibrations on high and began to slowly push in and out of Lisa. Lisa began meeting her thrust for thrust and the rhythm got faster. Their moans grew louder with each thrust and Beth could tell Lisa was getting awfully close. She reached down and grabbed the vibe Lisa was playing with before and turned it on high. She put the vibe on Lisa's clit and began thrusting as hard and fast as she could. Their moans grew to screams and they both went over the edge as the orgasm washed over them. Beth slowed her thrusts until Lisa stopped shaking with pleasure and then she pulled out of her and fell onto the bed beside her, chests heaving from the wave that just hit them. Lisa turned onto her side and curled up to Beth. "Wow. Thank you," Lisa said, still breathing heavily. "No, thank you," Beth said. "You are amazing." They lay there and held each other and as their breathing returned to normal Lisa spread light kisses on Beth's stomach and held her tightly. Soon though, Beth began tugging at the straps attached to her hips. Lisa helped and pulled the harness off of her. "This is a very interesting toy you have here," Beth said, pulling the small vibe from inside Lisa. "Thanks. I'm glad you like it." "As a matter of fact, you have a whole drawer full of nice toys," Beth said, looking through the drawer. "I'm a collector, baby," Lisa said, winking at her. "I can see that." They laughed and cuddled together. Of course, after orgasms like that, who wouldn't need to just lie there and recover? "Your house is beautiful. It's very comfortable," Beth said. "Thank you baby. I could go for a snack. Are you hungry?" "I could eat something. I just worked up an appetite," Beth said. "Such a smartass! I did too. Come on, we'll get something to eat," Lisa said, smacking Beth in the ass on her way out. Lisa had two robes hanging in the bathroom. They each put one on and headed for the kitchen. Lisa opened the fridge and Beth looked for glasses. "I'll get the drinks. What are you having," Beth asked, as she went looking through the cabinets. "I'll just have a Coke. But help yourself to anything you want," Lisa answered. "Alright, what's in this container?" "Iced tea. I made it Friday morning," Lisa answered. "It should be fresh. Do you want a sandwich, veggies and dip, yogurt, pudding, or crackers? Here, I'll get your tea and you check out the snacks." "Alright." They took their snacks out to the deck. It was around sunset and they sat on the chairs facing the sunset. "So, what time do you get up in the morning," Beth asked... I'm not sure if this will continue or not but as always any and all comments are always welcome. Please send them to Cheers, Becca Lynn