Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 23:21:16 -0400 From: amanda myers Subject: Three Little Words Part 2 Three Little Words Part 2 By: Amanda C Myers The night I told Alex that I loved her; we made passionate love and took the next step. Everything that she had owned was now packed with in a week and ready to be moved into my house. It took us almost a month to bring her stuff in from the garage because of work and the holidays. We got everything into my house and she was putting up some of her pictures of her family. "Baby, is it straight?" She asked. "It's fine Alex. Come sit with me." "Give me a moment hun. I'm almost done." She stated. I was watching her ass sway back and forth as she put the picture up. She had a very cute ass. Alex turned around and my gaze went up to her eyes. A smile spread upon her face. "See anything you would like hun?" I only nodded and smiled. She came over and straddled my lap running her long fingers through my hair. "What are you thinking baby?"She uttered. I nuzzled my face in her shirt and pulled her hips closer to me. I inhaled her sent again like the first night. She lifted my head and stared in my eyes searching for answers. "I'm still scared Alex. I'm sorry." I put my head back to her shirt. Again she lifted my chin and smiled. "It's ok Amanda to be scared. I love you and I'm not going anywhere."She whispered. I am supposed to be the strong one for us not her. "And I love you Alex. " I sighed. She leaned down and softly pressed her lips to mine. We parted and she hugged me. "I will never get tired of hearing you say that." She held on to me. "Good."I said. It was late and both of us had meetings in the morning so we shut off the lights and crawled into our bed. I held Alex in my arms in front of me and her cute little ass was up against my mound keeping it very warm. We said our I love you's and kissed good night we were to be to work early in the morning. In the middle of the night Alex woke up screaming and trashing around in the bed. I held on to her trying to calm her down. "Alex...Alex...its ok I'm here with you. It's ok hun." She was crying uncontrollably and shaking. She finally was calm enough to talk to me. "Baby, what happened?" I asked concerned. She nuzzled her face in my shoulder telling me she didn't want to talk about it. I sighed and just held on to her even tighter trying to figure out what went on in her dream in my head. We went back to sleep still holding each other. Morning came and for some reason Alex was giving me the silent treatment and I didn't know why. The whole ride to work I would look over at her and she was just staring off out the window. I parked and we got out and she didn't even wait for me to get to the elevator she just left me in the parking lot. I whispered to myself. "What did I do wrong?" I sighed and waited for the elevator to come back. I looked in and it was empty. I got in and went to my office. I looked at Alex's office door and it was shut, she rarely shuts her door. I went in my office and there was a note on my desk. I picked it up and it was Alex's hand writing. All it said was "I'm sorry." I sat in my chair and took a deep breath. "What did I do wrong?" I kept asking myself. I put my head in my hands and cried for a half hour. I wrote a letter to Alex after I regained my composure. "My Love, I don't know what I did wrong but I'm sorry honey. I love you and I would like for you to talk to me. Please? Love Amanda." I went out of my office and went into Alex's office, I didn't look at her or speak to her, I just set the note on her desk in front of her and walked out. I picked up my stuff and called Terri and told her I was going home to work. "Are you ok Amanda?" "I don't feel myself today Terri. I'm sorry." Not telling her that Alex and I were having some issues. "Ok. Well I hope you feel better." Terri said. I hung up the phone and was just to go out my door when Alex came in. She looked at me and then my stuff. "Are you leaving?" "Yes." "Why? We have a meeting to go to." "I called Terri and told her that I was just going to go home and work." "Oh." Alex was biting her lip hard. She stepped forward to me and kissed my cheek and whispered. "It's not you baby. I promise." I took a step back and looked at her. "If it's not me then what is it? Since it's not me then why are you treating me like shit? Do you want someone else?" I was getting mad at her. "Amanda calm down please. Baby, I love you and I want to be with you." I interrupted her "Then what is it?" She sat down on my couch and patted the seat next to her. I sighed and sat with her staring at her. She took my hands in her own and looked in my eyes. "Amanda, an ex-girlfriend came into my office the other day and she told me that she wanted me back and then she tried to kiss me but I pulled away and told her I was with you and that I loved you. She told me before she left my office that she was going to kill you so only she could have me. In my dream she was killing you, that's why I was screaming and crying. I'm sorry that I waited to tell you but I was scared. I didn't know what to do. Tell you or not." "Who was it?" I inquired. She lowered her head. "Jennifer." "That crazy bitch you had a restraining order on because she almost killed you last time until I found you." Now I was pissed. Alex only nodded."Alex, do you still have the restraining order on her?" Trying to stay calm. "No. I thought she moved. I let it laps." "Well file a new one baby. If you see her again call the cops or me. Ok?" I told her. She just nodded. We kissed lightly. I put my forehead against hers and sighed. "Can we both go home?" "If Terri allows it. Are you scared?" I looked at her. She only nodded and hugged me tighter."I will call Terri baby." I sighed to myself and went to the phone and told Terri what was going on and she started the paper work for the restraining order. Alex and I went to Terri's office and she signed the paper work sending it right out to be delivered to Jennifer once again. Alex and I drove home, once inside Alex showered and I sat on our couch remembering what had happened last time. Alex and Jennifer had been dating for three months and everything seemed to be going alright until Alex came to work with a black eye. She tried to play it off as an accident, but her eyes and body language said something different. Alex was nervous and jumpy all the time, like she felt someone was watching her all the time. During their relationship Alex never called me; she would be short every time I would call her. Even at work she was short with everyone. We didn't find out till later why that was. Jennifer was almost six foot and built like a guy; what we in the lesbian world call a very butchie woman and she played the part too. Very nice to your face but very nasty behind your back. One day I called Alex and she picked up and all I heard was a string of curse words, a very loud thud, then I heard crying. I rushed over to Alex's house and I knocked but no answer so I used the key that Alex gave me a long time ago and opened the door. I called out for Alex but no answer so I went looking for her. I found her moments later in the kitchen lying on the floor bloody and beaten. There was blood everywhere and she was not responding to me. I called 911 and they rushed right over and took her to the hospital where they barely had a pulse. She almost died from her wounds. Jennifer broke three ribs and ruptured her spleen and fractured her vertebra in her neck and cracked her skull near her eye socket also breaking a few back teeth of hers. Alex was in a coma for two weeks until she woke up to me lying with her holding her in my arms. I stayed every day with her until they released her. The day before they released her some cops came asking questions and Alex finally told them what had happened. Apparently Jennifer came over completely plastered and my phone call caused Jennifer to get jealous and start hitting Alex. I felt horrible that I caused this but Alex kept assuring me it really wasn't my fault yet I still felt bad. Alex put a restraining order on Jennifer, but that really didn't stop her from getting to Alex. She stayed at my place until she got better and was able to find a nice gay guy for a roommate that way she really wasn't alone. Alex hadn't seen or heard from Jennifer for over year till now. Alex came out of the bath room to the living room completely naked and touched my shoulder. I jumped a bit snapping me out of my flash back. I tried to smile at her but the memory of her lying in the hospital was still vivid in my mind."Alex, she doesn't know where we live, does she?" I asked. "I don't think she knows." Alex answered with a worried voice. I looked at Alex and she knew what was on my mind. "We aren't going to move are we?" "I was thinking about it and have been thinking about it for a while but now I have a good enough reason to." I smiled a bit at her. She sighed as she lay on the couch. I crawled on top of her straddling her hips. We stared at each other for a while, trying to figure out what each other was thinking. "Do you want to move?" Alex spoke. "I don't really know babe." "Well, if we move it will give us a chance to have a house in both of our names that way if something happens to the other we would still have a place to live and what not." I gently kissed her lips. "I just don't know hun." I haven't ever seen Alex confused on what to do. She usually had all the right answers for everything. I think she was just scared. "Baby, do you still love me?" I asked. "Yes I love you. How can you ask me a question like that when I've loved you for so long Amanda? That's just not right." She was now glaring at me. "I'm sorry hun; I was just worried that's all." I nuzzled my face in her neck. My phone rang making us both jump. I looked at it and it said Terri; I took my phone call out back on the porch still watching Alex from the sliding glass door making sure she was ok. "Terri. What did you find out?" "Hey girl. Well apparently Jennifer's on the run from the cops in Nevada; there's a warrant out for her arrest for doing the same thing she did to Alex, but worse she actually killed a girl." Terri stated. "Oh fuck." Was all I could say. "All I can suggest is that you two take off and go hide out for awhile till they actually catch her and extradite her back to Nevada to stand trial." Terri told me. I was still staring at Alex through the window she was staring at me still naked. "Ok. Thank you. We will take off for a while. When we figure out where we will be going I will call you. Please keep us informed." "Will do. Stay safe." "Bye." "Bye." I hung up with Terri and sighed. I grabbed a pack of smokes that I hide on the porch from Alex and lit one with her watching. She's knows the only reason I smoke is when I'm truly stressed out. Alex left the room and from my view. I put my phone in my pocket and watched till Alex came out fully dressed and outside with me. She hugged me tightly. "What's wrong baby?" She asked. I bit my lip for a moment. I know I need to tell her but I don't want her to freak out. She gave me her puppy dog eyes. I had to tell her so I explained everything to her and she was really quite for a long while taking it all in. We sat out there for about a half hour when she suddenly got up and ran into the house and into our bedroom. I followed and watched from the doorway. "Let's go baby." She looked at me packing her bags. "Where do you want to go Alex?" "Anywhere away from here until she's caught. Please." We packed our bags for at least two weeks any longer we could just buy something if we needed too. We didn't know where we were going but we just wanted somewhere that was going to be safe. I walked to my explorer and started putting things into the truck, pillows, blankets, water, toilet paper and anything we needed to camp for a little while just in case. We locked the whole house up and I set the alarm and I opened the garage door and we were off. Alex took her hand in mine and was nervously rubbing my palm with her first finger. I watched the rear view mirror for any other cars following us. I don't know what Jennifer was driving but I knew what she looked like. I drove and drove listening to some music while Alex was napping next to me. I stole glances of her ever now and then making sure she was still alright. She was dreaming I could sense it, her body tensed up every now and then. I stopped for gas a few times and Alex woke up looking around trying to figure out where we were. "Where are we baby?" "Well, right now we are in Oregon." "We are going to go see your family?" She asked. I only nodded. "Ok." It was gonna take us awhile to get back to Hermiston Oregon to stay with my parents I had called them from the last time we stopped for gas to let them know what was going on and to say that we were going to visit in which my mother was completely excited as I hadn't visited in about four years. I had to stop because I was dead dog tired from driving from southern California to New Port Oregon on the coast. I tried to look at some of the sights but my main focus was to get further enough away from California and further enough from crazy Jennifer. I pulled into a hotel leaving Alex sleeping in the truck. I paid for a room with a king size bed and looked around for anyone around just in case. I was being very careful because you never know what could happen. I woke Alex and grabbed our bags looked around again and put the alarm on my truck as we walked to the room. Alex was tired but nervous all at the same time; she kept looking over her shoulder making sure no one was around or watching us. Inside I locked the door behind us and through my bag on the floor and started the shower. Alex was sitting and fidgeting on the bed, I gave her that look of come with me. She followed shortly stripping off her clothes and coming up behind me wrapping her arms around me hugging me tightly. I turned around and held her in my arms. I whispered "I love you Alex." "I love you to Amanda."She sighed. "I'm sorry you have to go through this. She was my mess not yours." I lifted her chin. "Baby, I'd go through anything as long as it was with you and only you. Alex I am completely devoted to you." I told her. She kissed my neck and left my arms getting into the hot streams of water. I went to the mirror and looked at myself then I thought of Alex and a smile came to my face. No matter what she always can get me to smile. I shortly joined her in the shower. After our shower we went to bed but every little noise that went on woke us both yet we tried to get some sleep. Morning came and it was gloomy out but mind you it was almost February and still really cold out on the coast and the wind and rain was working over this little town. Alex was still sleeping as I sat on the side of the bed getting my shoes on to go out and get some coffee and some breakfast for us both. Apart of me didn't want to leave her alone for the fear of her waking up and freaking out that I was gone so as I walked out the door I texted her phone knowing it would wake her for a moment and she would read it and hopefully go back to sleep until I come back. As soon as I walked outside I felt a cold chill run down my back just thinking that it was the wind and rain, I kinda felt like there was something wrong but I didn't know what it was. I got breakfast and coffee for us and brought it back to our room, I tried to get the door open but I had my hands full so I just knocked. Alex came to the door and asked "Who is it?" "It's me love. I have my hands full." I said. She opened the door just a bit to look out and saw that it was me and let me in. She was being paranoid but wouldn't you if you had an ex that killed someone and was looking for you and your new lover. I went inside and put the food down on the table and looked at her. "Are you alright hun?" She shook her head no and was crying she gave me her phone. She got a text message from Terri. "The police are still looking for her. She ran sacked and torched your house glad you two took off when you did." There were pictures added after that of our house. There was writing on the outside of the house saying "She's mine I will find you and kill you Amanda." She torched the house and everything in it. I shut my eyes and sighed "fuck." Is all I could say. I looked up at Alex she was curled up in a ball on the bed and kept saying she was sorry. I walked over to her and held her close to me. "We are fine and that's all that matters baby." "I'm sorry hunny, I'm so sorry." She was still in tears. I sighed to myself. We sat on the bed for a long time until Alex got up and went to the bathroom. I looked over at the clock and it was just about check out time so I got up and knocked on the bathroom door and turned the knob. Alex was still crying on the toilet. I went in and sat on my knees in front of her running my fingers through her hair. "Hun I know your upset but we need to get going." She nodded and wiped her tears away. She got dressed and we off and running again. We still had five hours to go to get to my parents house. Alex rubbed my hand with her fingers. "Alex, I love you." "I love you too." I put some music on and noticed she was singing to it lightly. It made me smile that she was feeling a bit better. I stopped at a rest stop that I knew just out of Portland where squirrels would come up to you looking for food. I stopped the car and opened her door for her. "What are we doing here baby?" "I know we are on the run but it doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun together." I took some chips out that we had left and she stood out there watching me. I sat on a brick wall and started tossing the chips out. The squirrels started coming up and taking them, I stopped for a minute and they started coming up to me. I had one on my knee and was feeding him; Alex took a picture with her phone. She actually smiled and came and sat with me. They started coming up to her looking in her hands then going back to me and my bag. She took some and held some out to one and he came up to her sniffed her hand and then took the chip letting Alex lightly touch his back before running off with his chip. We sat there for an hour just enjoying the animals. We had people watching us and smiling. I still was watching over our shoulders just in case, but my fear was low since last we knew was that Jennifer was at our home. We ran out of chips and the squirrels seemed to figure that out leaving us by ourselves. I lightly kissed Alex and she moaned softly. I knew she was missing us being able to be close; she held on to me a tightly not wanting to let go or stop. "Hun we are about two hours away from my parent's house." "The first night can we stay in another hotel that way we can be alone?" She asked quietly. I knew what she wanted; after she moved in our sex life kinda got left behind due to work and working on the house all at the same time and the holidays. It's not like we didn't want to, we just didn't have the energy we both are getting older. I mean I'm 38 yrs old and she 37 yrs old at that age a woman's sex drive is pretty high but when you have so much going on and you get pulled several different ways you don't think about it as much. We got back into the truck and we were on our way. Alex seemed to fall asleep again while I drove the last two hours; she was such a car baby. When we arrived it was just about 5pm and I knew that mom would probably have dinner started. I knocked on the door and she welcomed us with open arms. I introduced Alex to my mom and dad; they were delighted that I had such a beautiful creature as my girl friend and looked forward to getting to know her a bit more even though the circumstances were a bit overwhelming. Mom and I were finishing making dinner while dad and Alex were watching cartoons in the living room. My dad isn't really a talker; mom is the one that always asks the questions. We sat and ate and talked for a while. I told mom that we were going to spend one night in a hotel that way Alex felt a bit more comfortable and mom was fine with it. The family planned a bbq for tomorrow for a meet and greet of my lovely new girl friend. I knew it was going to be overwhelming for Alex but this was the way of my family and if she was to be a part of this family she was going to have to bare with it hopefully. I know I would probably feel the same way with her family. We left mom's house and got into the truck heading to a hotel. Alex looked at me and smiled. "Your a lot like your mom; very demanding at times." I laughed and agreed. At the hotel we got through the door and Alex through me to the bed and straddled my lap and kissed my neck. "I want you Amanda." My hands went up her back feeling her skin. It felt wonderful to be this close to her again. When you go a month with out making love with your partner you tend to almost forget what it feels like and you miss it dearly hoping it could last forever. That is exactly what I wanted to make this night last for eternity. We kissed passionately tongues dancing together as one; hands roaming for skin that we desired. I pulled her shirt over her head tossing it somewhere as she was unbuttoning mine, she was getting impatient so she stopped and moved off of me taking of her bra and unbuttoning her jeans. My shirt was half undone; I stopped her from undoing her jeans and sat at the edge on the bed and grabbed her ass pulling her towards me more so that I could kiss her belly; I unbuttoned her jeans as I kissed my way down. She lightly moaned as she was enjoying what I was doing. I wanted to slow it down just a little bit to make it last. I slid the jeans down and her wonderful aroma filled my senses as she stepped out of them. I could see her wetness on her lips as she stepped back to me. I again grabbed her ass and pulled her close; I took one long painfully slow lick to her lips getting what I wanted she moaned softly as her hands was pulling my hair. I have never really loved the taste of all the other women I have been with but her smell and taste makes me have small electroshocks to my clit making me have small orgasms. I put her foot up on the bed and went to my knees and started to lavish her sweet pussy with my lips and tongue; I slid my tongue in between her lips getting some juices then flicking her clit. She moaned loudly "Mmm... baby it's been way to long with out your touch." I started to flick her clit a little faster; her hips began to push into my face. I stopped for a moment and looked up at her and grinned. She put her foot down and went to lie on the bed but I stopped her. I got up and put a pillow down for me and laid my head down on it and fingered her to come sit on my face. "Baby you're not undressed yet." She looked at me confused. "Now Alex." I barked at her. She did as she was told and she turned her little ass around in sixty nine and started to undo my pants. I smacked her ass hard making her yelp a bit and turned to look at me. "No." She pouted and I went back to work on that gorgeous pussy of hers I had something new for her this time. I sucked and flicked her clit with my tongue softly getting her back to the point of arousal again. Her moaning was light so I knew I had to pick up the pace but I really didn't want to, not just yet. I slid two fingers into her and I got the load moan I was looking for. She was pushing down on my face wanting more of my hand so I added one more finger. She was so tight inside; "Please baby." She moaned. She was getting close I could feel her pussy clenching my fingers but I wasn't ready to let her come just yet. I stopped my movements and she whimpered. "Please let me come baby please." I slid my fingers up to that tight little ass of hers getting it nice and wet then pushing back into her pussy then back to her ass. She knew what I wanted she tired to relax her ass for me. I took my other hand sliding my first finger in her pussy getting it wet and went back to her ass and putting light pressure on it; she relaxed and it went in with little effort. She moaned lightly so I went back to licking her clit not moving my finger in her ass. I pushed my three fingers back into her pussy and she moaned loudly that I knew someone would hear her. She pushed herself up and down on my fingers and I felt her bite my inner thigh. Her moaning was making me so wet. The feeling of having fingers in both spots for me was amazing and I knew she was enjoying it to; I worked hard on her clit and her pussy to get her to come and when she did it felt like I could feel everything inside of her; her body clenched and twitched. I had a mini orgasm as she had hers. I licked up her wetness that I had earned and slowly pulled my fingers out. When they were out she rolled over and came up beside me kissing my lips laying half on me. "How did that feel baby?" I asked rubbing her back. "Different, but very good but I still want you." She lazy smiled at me. "How about we get a nap and you can have me a little later. I had a small one when you had yours." "Did you now?" I smiled. "Yes." She smiled and kissed me. I got up only for a moment to undress and crawl under the blankets with her. For that loving moment we forgot about what was happening back home. We actually got some real sleep that night. I awoke to Alex between my thighs licking my clit and pushing her wonderful tongue inside of me. It felt so good, like her it had been way to long with out her touch. I moaned for her to slide her fingers into me. "I want fingers baby please." She did as I asked pushing three fingers in. She rubbed the sensitive ripples of my upper wall which always sent shivers down my spine as it felt so good. I pushed down harder on her fingers wanting to take all of them; I could hear just how wet she had made me as she pushed her fingers in and out of me. Alex latched onto my clit and sucked and flicked it. When she raked her front teeth against my clit I had to scream out her name. "Oh...fuck that's it...don't stop." She wasn't about to let me down, I bucket my hips and clenched her fingers holding her head right where I needed it to be; she rode my whole orgasm till the very end. She slowly pulled her fingers out and pushed her tongue in cleaning me up. She took one last lick at my clit making me twitch as it was overly sensitive. She came up and kissed my lips good morning. I smiled at her and took her into my arms kissing her lips and tasting myself on her. "Mmm...I always taste good on you." She laughed a bit. We laid there for a few enjoying our closeness again. We had no worries on our minds until that damn phone rang and it was Terri. Alex left for the bathroom as I watched her cute little ass bounce while she walked as I reached for the phone. "Good news I hope Terri?" "Good and some bad." "Ok just give it to me." "She's been caught and is sitting in jail but she is taking the insanity plea and should be extradited to Nevada in a few weeks after she stands trial for arson for your house." "Ok well that's pretty good news. Hopefully she can get some help. What's the bad news?" "Your house is completely gone and the insurance company is looking for you. Can I know where you two are at and should I tell them and do you want to talk to them?" "Alright we are in Oregon with my parents and yeah just have the insurance company call me and we will be back in a few days to take care of everything else. We are just going to have to find somewhere to stay for a while till we get a new place." "I have good news on that. I have that apartment that I haven't been using for awhile. My get away place from the wife and you two are welcome to stay in it until you find a place of your own. It's completely furnished. All I ask is you just take good care of my stuff that's in there." "Oh thank you Terri. You're the best. We will take good care of it I promise. We will see you in a few days." "Alright have a good one and take an extra week so no rush. You two have been through enough." "Thank you. See you soon." I hung up the phone and walked right into the bathroom and got in the shower with Alex and hugged her tightly and kissed her lips passionately. She pulled away slightly and looked at me like I was crazy. I just had a smile from ear to ear. "Good news I hope." I nodded and told her what was going on and she through her arms over me and kissed me again. "Thank god it's over." We kissed and took a long hot shower. She tried to get me again in the shower but we he had a bbq to go to and of course she pouted. We left to meet up with the family back at mom's house. I introduced Alex to everyone and all was going well when mom asked me when we were thinking of getting married. I pulled mom aside for a bit. "I haven't even asked her yet." "Ask her now Amanda." "I'm not ready. I don't even have a ring to give her." "Well get your ass in gear. I'd like to see my daughter get married before I die." "I know. We are still kind of new. Give me a year with her then I will ask her. It's too early. Ok?" "Alright but you need to get a move on with it." "I will mom." I walked outside for a bit to think. "Is it to early to ask her?"I asked myself. I felt arms wrapped around me and lips on my neck. "Ask me what baby?" Alex inquired. I turned around and she was just smiling at me. "Tomorrow do you what to go shopping?" I asked. "Anything in particle you want to shop for?" She smiled at me. "Well, we do need some more clothes since all of our stuff is gone now." I said as I kissed her check. Her smile faded and her head went down. "I'm sorry hun. I didn't mean it like that." I hugged her tightly. "I know but I am the reason we lost all of our stuff." Alex pulled away from me. "Hunny, its ok. It gives a chance to combine our lives together better." I lifted her head and stared in her eyes. "Alex, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want you as my wife and me to be your wife. If I had a ring to give you right now I'd ask you to marry me." She stared into my eyes searching if what I was saying was true. "If you had a ring now I would say yes, even with out a ring and you asked me I'd still say yes." She rubbed my hand with her fingers. "I want to do it the right way Alex. Is that ok?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled at her thinking in my head that I am completely devoted to her and would do anything for her. We walked back into mom's house and talked with my family and soon to be her family for a few hours. We were having a good time, but I didn't leave Alex alone much with them. I went out back again and manned the grill for a while so dad could visit too. Alex came out and wrapped her arms around me again. "This is nice baby." Alex said kissing my neck. "Yeah, a girl can get use to this." I stated. We were enjoying each other company as well as the families. "You have a really nice family. Why did you ever leave here in the first place?" "To make a better life for Collin and I. Up here wages are weak and I knew to make it as anything I'd have to go to a big city and get on with a firm. Then I met Terri in a lesbian bar and we hit it off very well and she offered me a job with her firm but she didn't know that I was a lawyer she thought she was just going to hire me for a book keeper or paralegal. When she looked at my degrees she said fuck it and put me as a temp lawyer and here you see me now baby." I laid my head back on her shoulder. "Then you met me." She smiled. "Yes, I met you. I had a mad crush on you when I first started. Envied you more though, because I wanted to be where you were in your career but I knew in time and more cases I took on I knew I would be there soon enough." "So you had a crush on me. Why didn't you pursue it then?" "You know my rule about dating with in the firm, but I'm breaking that rule with you and I will keep breaking it." "Good. I'm glad we waited though because I don't think we would be were we are now if we dated then." "Don't I know it. We both were going through girls like water back then." "Yeah, we did date a lot." She stated. By then dad took the grill back over and we went and sat down under a tree in the back yard. Alex sat between my legs as I leaned up against the tree. We were playing with each others fingers and holding each other. I saw mom with the camera taking pictures of us. We just ignored it and went back to talking. "So tell me why did you wait so long to tell me that you wanted to be with me? Why didn't you just walk into my office and just tell me?" I asked. "Well, we had been hanging out for almost three years and getting know each other better and I realized that I wanted to be with you when I started fantasying about you when I was with other girls and even when I was alone I would fantasy about you when I masturbated. You were kinda jumping from girl to girl at this time so I didn't want to just be a fuck to you. So I waited and hoped that I would stop dreaming about you but it never stopped but I just ignored it best I could because I had to. You had that rule of no dating with in the firm. So I didn't think I had a chance so I kept it to myself." She laid her head back on my shoulder. I was planting little kisses on her neck. "Go on baby." "Well later I met Jennifer and we got along very well. One night we were having sex I called out your name and well..." Alex was trying to keep her composure and not stuttered. "That's when the abuse started?" I inquired. "Yeah sort of. " She sighed. "Is that kinda why you pulled away from me. Being short and really not talking to me?" "Yeah, but you were with Sarah too and I didn't want to mess you two up because you two looked really happy together that one night all of us went to the club to dance." "We actually both really drunk that night and when we got home I got bitch out for stating at you most of the night because you looked so good." I smiled to myself thinking of that night. Terri and Janet, Sarah and I, and Alex and Jennifer all decided to go out and have a good time. We had a great week winning all of our cases so we felt the need to celebrate. I went up and ordered our drinks for the first round. Sarah and I and Janet and Terri were all there we were waiting on Alex and Jennifer to show up. I was coming from the bar with our drinks when I noticed at the door Alex and her date. Alex looked stunning in her short cocktail dress and here calf high boots. Her outfit just screamed out fuck me long and hard. Her long hair was curled around her face and she didn't put on too much make up. She saw me and flashed me a smile and walked over to me taking a few drinks from my hands to help me. I remember telling her she look amazing over the music. We sat down and worked on our drinks and I kept stealing glances of Alex. When she got up and walked to the bathroom I watched her ass the whole way. I remember thinking that I wanted to have that ass in my hands and on my face sometime. Then Sarah stepped on my foot taking my thoughts of Alex away. "What?" I turned to Sarah. She leaned over to me. "Stop staring at Alex and focus on me damit." Sarah said with a pissy voice. I took Sarah's hand and we danced for a while but I kept glancing over at Alex. As I thought to myself "Damn I wish she were mine." Then Sarah pulled me to her kissing me, I imaged that I was kissing Alex and my hands started to roam Sarah's body as if it were Alex. She moaned lightly and it brought me back to who I was with. I pulled away and told Sarah I was going to use the bathroom. She went and sat down. Terri came in and looked at me in the mirror. "You know you want her." She said and used the toilet and walked out. At the time I thought she meant Sarah when actually she meant Alex, but I didn't know it till later. I walked back out and sat with the girls and down a few more drinks and played kissy face with Sarah on the dance floor. Alex was dancing with Jennifer and Terri was dancing with Janet. We traded partners for a few and I got to dance with Alex for a few songs. Our body chemistry was right in time with each other. She turned and her ass was grinding in my crotch hard. I had my hand on her hips pulling her into me more and my head was near her shoulder. I let a moan escape my lips and I knew she heard it; she turned around and smiled at me. I thought she was going to kiss me when in fact she got closer pushing her thigh into my center and started grinding into me. It felt wonderful. For a brief moment it was just her and I on the dance floor; I could feel her whole body against me. Then in a second Sarah pushed Alex away and went to dancing with me. The rest of the night was ok until Sarah and I went back to my place. Automatically we started to fight about what happen at the bar. That was the same night we broke up and I didn't date after that had a few one night stands but really didn't date anyone just focused on work. "Baby...Baby...?" Alex then snapped her fingers in front of my face bringing me back from my flash back. "Sorry hun. What were you saying?" "Where did you go?" "Had a flash back of that night at the club. Sorry." "Oh ok. I asked if you wanted to go since its getting dark out here." She got up holding her hand out for me. I got up with her. Everyone in the house was leaving and Alex and I wanted to go back to the hotel and get some sleep. We went in and said our good byes to everyone; we were going to leave the day after next. Mom hugged us both and told us she will see us tomorrow. We drove back to the hotel and we just cuddled on the bed for awhile not really talking. Just relaxing with each other. "Your family is nice baby." "Yeah, they are. Sometimes. So finish telling me why it took you so long to be with me." "Well, Jennifer and I made it three months; I was just scared to leave her. I wanted to so badly but I didn't know how. She was so violent with me. Everyday, she would ask me if I fucked you at work and it was the truth we didn't. Then that day you called I had just told her that I did fuck you because I knew it would be the only way to get out of that relationship with her. The next thing I remember you were cuddled up next to me, holding me in your arms sleeping in the hospital bed with me. It felt so good for it to be you. When you went to the bathroom later that day the nurse told me that you had been there the whole time with me not leaving my side. I knew that day there was something between us that should have been more." She paused for a bit. "When I got out I knew that I wanted to try but I really didn't know if you were still with someone. So I waited till Terri actually said something that you were single after I confessed my love for you to her. It took me almost year to actually tell someone, I wrote in my journal everyday about you. I wrote lesbian erotica with you and me in it to just get it out to someone anyone. Then I got an email from my mom during the day and she told me I had to take a chance or those wait if's would always be there. So I went over to your house that night and here we are now." "Well, hun we need to take a trip up to see your mom so I can thank her properly on giving you the advice." "You don't know how scared I was that night. Scared of being rejected by you." She stuttered out. I held her close to me. "Alexandra I do love you and now that we are together I'm not gonna let you go for nothing or no one. Please remember that." "I love you too baby and I will." We fell asleep holding each other. The next morning we got up for the day and packed out bags signed out of the hotel and went back to mom's house to pick mom up to go shopping up in Washington. Mom drove since I couldn't remember where to go. We went to the mall and shopped there for awhile and Alex and I tried on suits for work and some play clothes then socks, bras, panties. In all I think we spent a little over $3000 just on clothes and I bought mom a few things too, we were starting over. Alex disappeared again as she always did but this time it was with my mother, I knew she was going to Victoria Secret. I texted her telling her I was going into JC Penny for a bit to look at some bedding sets, she said she would meet me there in a few. I went and look at some engagement rings thinking that I might just have to get her to pick one out because a lot of the ones they had were just not catching my eye. I went and looked the bedding and really didn't like anything they had. I sighed and Alex came up behind me and hugged me, I leaned into her. "Hun, I just realized that we need to go to the computer store and get new laptops for work." I commented. "I know baby." She sighed. I just realized that we lost all of our pictures too. Pictures of us at parties, pictures of Collin when he was younger. I turned around and lightly smiled at her. "Are you ready to go home Alex?" I asked. Her smile faded knowing we had to go back to the house and look at all the damage that had been done. We left the mall and went down to the computer store and picked out two laptops and software that we needed for work. As we drove home Alex was fondling my hands and laid her head on my shoulder. When we arrived at mom's house we went into the spare room to be alone to be able to talk. I sat on the edge of the bed and Alex sat on her knees in front of me. "I'm so sorry Amanda for what has happened. I know we lost some irreplaceable things in our home." "Its ok baby, we will get through it." I lightly kissed her and then the damn phone rang again but it was an unknown number. I knew it had to be the insurance company. "I'll be right back baby." I went outside to talk to the insurance guy for awhile. I think I was on the phone for two hours with him discussing what needed to be filed and what needed to happen. While I was on the phone Alex helped my mom with dinner and they talked for a bit while they cooked. "I know you love Amanda Alex I can see it when you two look at each other." "I do love her very much." "Do you want to get married to her?" Mom asked. "That would be so wonderful. I know she wants to ask me but she wants to do it the right way with a ring and what not. So I guess I will have to wait till then." "She thinks it's too early for her to ask you. She wants to wait till you two reach at least one year anniversary of being together." "Oh. I didn't know." "Alex, I think you might want to ask her rather than wait because you two are getting older and when you two find a new house. That way everything is legal." "Yeah, but I don't even know what kind of ring she wants." "Something simple. Amanda's always liked simple things. Just remember it's the simple things you do for your lover that matters the most." "Thank you for your advice." "Your welcome. Just take good care of her." "I will." Alex smiled at her soon to be mother in law. I came back in and the house smelled so good. I was hungry. Alex looked at me and smiled. "Everything alright baby?" "For now but we need to defiantly leave tomorrow to sign paper work that way I can get the insurance money for the house and we can start looking for another one. They are giving me $450,000 for the house in which in Cali isn't going to pay for much." Alex came over to me and hugged me. "You have me now; I will help with money baby. I have money in savings." "I know that and I thank you." "You don't have to thank me hun it's what partners do. We work together to get the things we want and need and we need a house." She kissed my cheek. I just nodded and sighed. We ate and Alex and I went to the bedroom and watched some tv. I wasn't in the mood to talk or really cuddle tonight. I had a lot going through my brain. I rolled over lying away from her. She rubbed my back lightly and kissed my neck trying to get my attention. "Amanda, is there something bothering you?" "I'm just tired baby. I'm sorry." I closed my eyes. I heard Alex sigh. "Ok. I won't bother you." She said and left the bed. Alex went outside to look at the stars; she lay in the cool grass enjoying the night sky and weather. "I could see myself living here with Amanda. It's peaceful." I noticed that Alex got out of bed and I waited for a few thinking she went to the bathroom or took a shower but I didn't hear anything. I went out and looked for her. I stood there outside watching her for a few. She looked so beautiful laying there in the grass. I walked to her and straddled her hips all I had on was a t shirt and boxers. Her hands went up my thighs feeling my skin, a cool breeze went through my hair and down my back making me shiver a bit. She looked up at me and gave me a little smile. I leaned down and kissed her lovingly, her hands cupped my ass cheeks pulling me to her more almost making me fall on top of her as passion rose between us. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. I pulled away from her. "We need to get some sleep baby we have a long drive home tomorrow." She just nodded. We went to bed cuddling each other. I still had a lot on my mind, but all will be revealed later. We got back to southern California in a few days between both of us driving. We were spent but we needed to get to the office before Terri left to get the keys to the apartment. We met up in the parking lot and she hugged us both. "You guys doing ok?" We nodded. "Sorry we are just tired." "Did you see the house?" "Tomorrow we will rummage through it." "Alright. See you two soon." "Thank you Terri." I said and she just smiled. We got the keys and went to the apartment and through our stuff in the bedroom and showered together. We got out and dried off. We had a hard time sleeping since it really wasn't our home or our bed. It took us about an hour to fall asleep; we both knew that tomorrow would be a hard stressful day for the both of us. We went over to the house and I sighed at the damage. Alex kept saying she was sorry and I kept telling her not to worry about it. I rummaged through the wreckage for a little bit finding my fire proof box that had most of our important things in it like our birth certificates and social security cards and some other paper work. I put it in the truck, I lightly cried to myself. Alex rummaged to and found a few burnt pictures of our families and of Collin; she walked over to the truck and saw that I was crying. She put the stuff in the truck and hugged me. "I'm sorry baby, I really am." I cried on her shoulder. I was overwhelmed, I thought I could handle it but I was wrong. I controlled myself after twenty minutes of crying and we went back to Terri's apartment for the rest of the day. I curled up on the couch and cried; Alex came and held me in her arms. "I'm a wimp Alex." "No baby your not. I'm sorry this happened. I wish I had never met her." We only stayed at Terri's for a month until we went and got an apartment together. We really didn't want to wear out our welcome at Terri's. We bought all new stuff for our apartment; it really wasn't what we wanted but it had to do until we found a house that we could agree on. We had looked at many houses and we just couldn't find what we were looking for. Alex and I wanted a four bedroom with two baths that we both had an office and still had a spare room for guests. We stop having sex all together because of stress at work and at home. We were fighting almost everyday either about money or about the apartment or about finding a house. Alex and I had been in the apartment for three months. It was June and summertime meaning Collin will be coming home for summer break from college, so I was getting things cleaned up and made the spare room look good. Later that night Collin called and said he was going with his girlfriend to her parent's house. I was ok with it on the phone with him, but when we hung up I was a little bit upset that I wasn't going to get to see him. Alex looked at me and hugged me rubbing my back. I sighed and left her arms. I told her I was going to take a drive. She just nodded. I got my keys and was off. I got in my truck and just drove. I saw a store that caught my eye so I stopped and went in. It was an adult toy store, we never picked up a toy for Alex and I was thinking that maybe she would let me take her from behind sometime. I picked the smallest they had for my strap on it was a seven and a half, hoping that would be short enough and picked up a porno maybe to get her in the mood tonight since it's been awhile. I thought about it and it had been four months since we actually made love, which got me to think about why we haven't. I got back in my truck and saw another store and stopped. I bought something simple for her hoping she would like it. I smiled to myself as I sat in the parking lot of our apartments staring at what I bought for her. I walked up to our apartment and unlocked the door and she came over to meet me and kissed my lips. "I missed you." "I wasn't gone long baby." "I know. I got dinner almost done for us." "Thank you hunny." I kissed her cheek and patted her little tight ass as she walked back into the kitchen. I left and put the stuff away in our bedroom. I attached the new toy to my harness after I cleaned it in the bathroom. I was hoping that Alex wouldn't come in and catch me; I took off my shorts and wore my harness under my shorts. It felt weird, been a long time since I got to use it. We sat and ate watching the news for a little bit, I cleaned up the kitchen and walked out to the living room and Alex seemed to be thinking the same thing I was. She was lying on the couch in a little black teddy, staring at me. I turned off the lights and she lit our candles on the coffee table. I felt nervous as I stared at her, I think it was because we hadn't made love in a while and well the thought of maybe she wasn't going to like the toy I had bought. "You like?" She asked. I stared at her and just nodded and smiled like a dumb school boy looking at his first boobs. Alex smiled at me and patted the couch. I pushed her on her back and lay in between her thighs making sure I was low enough that she wouldn't feel my toy just yet. She wrapped her legs around my belly; I felt her warmth there. I kissed her lightly moving from her lips to her neck down to her breast. I pulled the top of the teddy reveling her nipples that were nice and hard for me, I loving took my time with each nipple, and she wiggled under me pushing her breast forward letting me take all of her breast into my mouth. Our bodies became heated with passion for each other. "Baby, I want to feel you." She lightly panted. I sat up a bit and let her take my shirt and bra off tossing them aside. The feel of the fabric of her teddy on my nipples made them stand at attention. Alex scratched at my back, leaving red marks; I moaned as I bit down lightly on her nipple causing her to moan as well. I kept pulling down the top part of her teddy kissing my way down until I was at her feet and tossed that to the side too. All she had on was panties, I kissed slowly up her legs and reached her inner thighs, I could smell her arousal, I licked the outside of her panties and tasted her. She was very wet; I smiled up at her and hooked my fingers in the fabric as she lifted her cute little ass for me, completely taking them off. She came to me and pulled at my shorts. I grabbed her hand and forced her back down, I wasn't ready to show her what I had in store for her. "What's wrong baby?" She asked. "Nothing, I just want to enjoy you for a little while longer." I told her and kissed her lips. She pouted but forgot when I started darting my tongue inside her mouth and pushed three fingers into her, she was tight I didn't know if she would be able to handle the toy but I had to try. She moaned loudly in our kiss, I pulled my fingers out and undid my shorts and let my toy out of its pocket and slowly moved up her body; I pushed it inside of her a little too hard for me but I was so turned on at this point I felt her finger nails dig into my skin and she had let out an approving moan when I pushed it in. I didn't move just kept kissing her, her hands and nails loosened from my back; I pulled back. "Are you ok Alex?" I looked at her concerned that she was in pain. She nodded and grinned pushing her hips to meet me, taking the whole toy inside her. Now I was hot for her; being able to take the whole toy inside of her just turned me on even more. "You ready baby?" "Wait a minute hun. Please" "What's wrong? Does it hurt?" "No, pull out all the way and let's take this in the bedroom." She said. I pouted a bit since moving into the bedroom would mean we would lose a little bit of the passion we had, and I thought maybe that she didn't want the toy inside her after all. I did as she asked and pulled all the way out of her and got off her, sitting there biting my lower lip. She got up and took my hand; I followed her to the bed staring at her wondering what she was thinking. Thinking to myself, "Maybe I should have asked her before I went and pushed it in her." I sighed. "Come here baby." "We don't have to hun. If you don't like it I will just take it off, I'm sorry. I should of asked you before I pushed it in. I'm sorry baby." I was concerned. "Amanda shut up and come here now." She barked at me. I went to her and she turned around with her ass at my waist. I swallowed hard still looking into her eyes. She was still smiling at me; I put the tip to her pussy and pushed forward a little bit getting the head in. She pushed back a bit I looked down and watched the whole shaft disappear into her. She let out a light moan as I rubbed and kissed her back; I slowly pulled half way out and pushed it back in. She let out a little whimper; my hands were on her hips pulling and pushing her; slowly pushed in and out of her letting her get use to the toy. She had her hand under her so I know she was playing with her clit. I was going painfully slow and she barked at me to speed up. "Faster baby." I did and I got a moan and words that she has never used with me. "Ahh... fuck me...yes... that's it feel so good inside of me..." I was enjoying listening and obeying her, I had one hand on her hip guiding and the other I ran up and down her back with my nails. I took her hair in my hand wrapping it around my palm and pulled back hard and bit her back lightly, making her scream out my name, "Ahh...fuck Amanda...I'm gonna...ohhh...yessssss..." I bit harder and she came with me still pushing in and out of her hard, I was determined to get her to have another one. "Baby stop please." I stopped and pulled out of her. She laid on her back and motioned for me to come lay on top of her. She spread her legs for me and I again pushed it back into her. She moaned again, when it was in. Alex put her arms around me and held on to me; I looked in her eyes. "Was that ok? Are you ok baby?" I asked. She nodded and smiled at me. I bit my lip and she leaned up and kissed my lips. We kissed lovingly, our bodies felt so good together; we were getting heated again. My hips started to push and pull again; I got up on my hands still trying to kiss her as I started pumping faster for her. I finally get to see her face as I'm fucking her, her eyes rolled in the back of her head a few times, then her arms went up and push on the head board making the toy go deeper; we had a good rhythm going ; her moaning got louder and louder the faster and harder I went for her. She look so hot under me, I wanted to keep going but I knew she wouldn't last much longer; her legs began to tighten around me and it started to get harder to push in and out of her. She screamed. "Ohhhhh...fuck...Amanda...." I pushed in and out of her a few more times before she motioned me to stop. I laid there out of breathe trying to hold myself up. I gave up and had to pull out of her and lay next to her; she cuddled up against me. "I love you Amanda." "I love you too Alex." I said still panting. "Was it ok? I know it's been awhile since I have used the toy." She kissed my lips to shut me up and crawled on top of me and the toy. "Apparently you're not done yet baby." I said, she just smiled devilishly at me and started to grind on top of me; I pushed my hips up for her and she moaned. I ran my hands up and down her body feeling her skin as I watched her roll her hips; I pinched her nipples lightly and heard her moan and move faster; I sat up and lavished her breast paying attention to her nipples. She had her orgasm as soon as I bit down on her nipple. She pulled the back of my hair pulling back down to the bed; she bit and sucked on my collar bone. I moaned for her. She got off of me and went down to the toy and started to suck on it; I watched and I found myself getting turned on again. It was hot watching her roll her tongue around the tip and staring into my eyes; I ran my fingers through her hair and smiled down at her. She came back up and kissed me lightly. "I want you Amanda. Please take it off." She whimpered. I did as she asked and she lightly blew warm air on my mound. I rubbed her thigh, she moved to sixty nine and we licked each other to orgasm a few more times. We passed out together; it was a good night for us passing out with smiles on our faces. Morning came and we woke up wrapped around each other; looking at each other we just had to laugh because both of us didn't want to get up for anything we were content where we were. We took the day and looked at some more houses. We actually found one we could agree on so I called the realtor that was showing it and made an appointment to go through it in better detail later that week. We talked about the house over lunch and Alex was completely ready to buy it and move in with out really seeing the price or haggling. "Hun, we don't even know how much it is yet." "I know but it has the high ceilings that we both like and the rooms are big and the hard wood floors are prefect; the master bath looks so inviting, we could you know in that bath." She smiled and went on about the house and what she wanted to do to it and started talking about landscaping. I just sat there listening to her get all excited over this house that we knew nothing about. "Alex, I love you. You're so cute when you get excited; I haven't seen you like this in a long time. I've missed you." I told her. "I love you too hunny." She shyly smiled. For some reason I was ready to jump her right there and make love to her again. The feeling was back, we had some hard times but we got through them and we were back to loving each other and not really fighting anymore. I think last night was well needed for both of us, taking some of our stress off. We went home and made dinner and cuddled on the couch with each other; we went to bed and made love again passing out very happy. Alex and I went to work very happy; hand in hand we walked to the elevator and went to our offices and began our day; she came in my office for lunch but lunch was making love again on my couch. Our sex drives were on fire again. It had been like when we were first dating again and it was very nice. Our week went by fast and Friday was here again. We took off work early to go look at the house with the realtor; when we got there she was waiting for us at the door. We went inside and Alex went through the house like a little kid in a candy store; I asked what the price was and the lady told me. I went and found Alex sitting in the master bath tub day dreaming. I smiled at her. "So baby. Yes? No?" She looked at me. "Yes hun we will buy it." I told her. She got up and hugged me tightly. "When we move in I will let you take me in the ass I promise." She whispered in my ear. My mouth dropped. "Really?" I inquired. She nodded at me. I walked right were the lady was standing. "Put a bid in for us, we want it." The realtor was happy for us; she started the paperwork. We went home and automatically Alex started packing up the house. "Baby, we need to wait until our bid is accepted." I said. She pouted at me. "How about we go window shopping tomorrow for the new place?" I smiled at her. She jumped a little in my arms and started to kiss me. It was so good to see her back to herself. I had missed her. A week went by and we had not heard from the realtor and Alex was getting impatient to start our new life in our new house; and I was getting impatient to have my way with Alex. I have a thing for her ass; I want to be able to call everything on her body my own and she knows it just as she wants the same from me and I'd gladly give it to her if she ever wanted it as badly as I do. I was sitting at my desk staring at the ring I had bought her the same night I bought her new toy and I knew when I wanted to ask her but I just had to wait. I wanted to ask her to marry me when we had our house warming party at the new place with all of our friends there I figured it would be the perfect time; I was just hoping that the ring was enough for her. There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said and Terri came walking in. She sat down and smirked at me. "What's up Terri?" "I just wanted to say hello to you. I haven't seen you in awhile." "Oh. Well hello." "So what's new?" "Everything's about the same. Just waiting on the call about the house. Yourself?" "Janet and I are well. We were hoping you and Alex can join us for a dinner party this Saturday?" "Did you ask Alex?" "She told me to ask you." "Well I'm game." "Alright then. Parties at 7 pm." "Do we need to bring anything?" "Just yourselves." "Ok." I said. With that Terri went out the door. I texted Alex about the party and she was surprised at the fact that I said yes. I asked why. She said it was a swinger's party. I told her that Terri didn't tell me that. Alex came through my office door; shutting it and sitting on the edge of my desk staring at me. I looked up at her. "I didn't know baby." "Well, do you want to go knowing now what the party is about?" "Would you be mad if I said no?" "I don't want to share you Amanda." "Good, because I don't want to share you either." "Then I will text Terri saying we really don't want to go." "She might be mad. Just make up an excuse, like Collin is in town or something. Just text her later on so that way she doesn't really suspect it's a lie." I told her. She just nodded and put her forehead against mine. "Alex, do you think our sex life is boring?" "No, hunny. You actually took the time with me and waited on getting the toy. I had been thinking about for a couple of days before the other night. You made sure that I was ok through the whole thing. Even though it wasn't as hot as it could have been since you were nervous because you were worried the whole time about if I was in pain or not." She ran her fingers through my hair. "I know you were just making sure that I was ok and I love you for that." "I'm sorry next time I won't ask as much, and I was worried and nervous through the whole thing. I just didn't want to hurt you." "I know and you didn't and you won't baby. I'm not as fragile as you think I am." She smiled at me. I just sighed. "Alex, I have something for you. I kinda had it planned out in my head when I was going to give it to you but I don't want to wait baby." I got up from my chair and went down on one knee; looking up at her I pulled the ring box out of my pocket and showed it to her. "Alexandra will you do me the honor and be my wife?" I asked her. Her face went from an oh face to a smile from ear to ear. She hugged me tightly. "Yes baby yes I will." She said. I hugged her back and lightly kissed her cheek. She was kinda choking me but I knew she meant well; she was just excited. We kissed for a few minutes and I put the ring on her finger; we got up and sat on my couch together. She laid her head on my lap and I ran my fingers through her hair. I told her what my plan was when I was going to ask her but I really didn't want to wait any longer and she was ok with it and felt that privately was better that way we had time to talk. I know it wasn't the most romantic way to ask her but I kind of wanted just us. We kissed lightly for a few more minutes and had to go back to get some paper work done that we could get home. We went home and made love no toys just us. Another week went by and still nothing on the house. I was getting nervous so I went ahead and called the realtor. "This Amanda Myers and I would like to know the status of my bid?" "Hold on a minute Amanda." The realtor said. I heard her rummaging through paper work. "Found it. Sorry I have been backed up for days now. I'm looking at it and everything has come back good. You two can move in next week. I was going to call you later today." "Awesome. Thank you. Bye." I smiled to myself. I walked out of my office at work and went into Alex's office. She was on the phone and I was bouncing my leg sitting in the chair in front of her waiting for her to get off the damn phone. I had a smile from ear to ear. Finally she hung up the phone and looked up at me. "Hey hun. What's going on?" "Alex, baby. I love you so very much." I smiled at her. She came over to me and sat at my knees. "What did you do?" "I get to have your ass next week." I smirked. She thought about it for a minute and a big smile came to her face. "We got the house?" "Yes baby we got the house." I hugged her and I thought I was happy; she was bouncing off the walls. "When can we move in?" "Next week." "Oh my god. We have so much to do, so much to buy, so little time to do it in." "Hunny calm down we will get it done. We can do it little by little." "No you don't understand." "Understand what?" "Don't be mad, but my parents are coming in three weeks to meet you and stay with us for two weeks. Mom wants to help plan the wedding. I just got off the phone with her." "Say what?" was all I said.