Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 21:09:20 -0800 From: Tim Stillman Subject: "Just Another Gin Joint" "Just Another Gin Joint" by Timothy Stillman The triangular pile of snow on the fence post to the left of the gate looked like a witch's hat. The wind was searing and almost burning cold. It hurt the woman's ears. Cut into her face, her eyes. The sound was an echo of cotton round her. The snow fell heavily. In blue shadow drifts. And Inez Glenn wished she was a witch, that she could put on that witch's hat; wished she had magical powers; wished that she was anything other than herself. Why had the snow made that formation on the post and why had Marcie come to stay with her? It seemed, the snow pile on the post, which she had put one frozen hand out to touch, then had drawn back, was also like the kind of snuffer to put out candles late at night before bedtime, in Gothic movies Inez sometimes watched when there was nothing else to do and she decided to laugh dryly at a television bodice ripper; and bedtime reminded her of Marcie, as did almost anything these days. There was a short in Inez, a lack of spark, this small boned woman with the thinning hair that was snow covered now. People believed that only men lost their hair as they aged. She had believed it too for a time. Until it had started happening to her. And then she noticed how many other women her age, and, shudder, older than her, were also balding. Odd things, not noticed, were noticed by her now. Anything to get Marcie, age 15, out of her mind, out of her soul and bones. It was three weeks before Christmas and the snow was sparkly and the air felt edge of the world. And Inez, social worker, was such a hypocrite, as she moved her cold hands into the warm pockets of her fleece lined parka, as she huddled herself together, chin tucked down, and walked back to the small house, stepping through the thick snow, and on the flat stones in place of a sidewalk, that led to the rickety snow ladened back porch steps, up to the screen door with patches of it pulled away and never repaired. She shoved opened the always sticky kitchen door, and walked into the heat blast of the kitchen. The oven hot, and one eye of the stove on, made things toast warm that shriveled her and ate sand into her bones. She sighed, got her bearings, and continued breakfast, from which she had taken a moment or two respite, to go outside, to clear her head, to get up the nerve. She shook the snow from her leather Oxfords. She felt blistered all over. She took off her parka, new because warm, modern because cold got to her so the last few years, shrugged it off, revealing her severe gray dress buttoned up to her neck, snow flakes melting on it and in the collar, chilling her neck, her hair pulled back into a sleek bun, her glasses cats' eye glasses circa 1949 or so. She put the parka neatly on the back of one of the two yellow ladder backed chairs at the kitchen table. She walked across the saggy yellow linoleum flooring that bunched in places. She broke some eggs, holding them over the grease coated skillet that was popping, as she dodged the spatters from long experience, and let the eggs sizzle for a time before turning them over. Marcie liked scrambled eggs, and she always did what Marcie wanted. But, no, that was not so. Why did Inez think that? Pretending, did Inez, that she did not notice that conical witches hat candle snuffer outer pile of snow on the fence post in the gray world of winter also looked like a young girl's breast, still small, still childish but with woman hood now inside it and working its construction and wiles and firming the nipple to bud and to tighten in sexual heat, hiding intently, sagaciously, slyly, naughtily, against bra, tender and dismaying, giving vent to whatever was the pain of adolescence and its unobtainable goal, which in the case of Marcie was, Inez knew, a choice between three of four pimply faced voice cracking boys who were no great shakes at anything other than they seemed to like her, and Marcie was in love. Hot and horny and lustily in love. Inez chastised her for it. Marcie always buckled, did what she was told. But always in the wrong way. Always in a know it all way as though her aunt was too stupid to see. It hurt Inez, this blatant obeying of her niece's, it would almost be a relief to find open defiance in her instead, she thought, as she stirred the eggs with the spatula; the dim yellow whispery morning light coming in slats through the blinds on the windows in back and to the side of the old white dented dangerous stove. Inez sipped her coffee from the cup beside her on the speckled oil paper covered counter, as she conscientiously finished the eggs. She did love Marcie. As any aunt loved their niece. Especially when their niece had been through what Marcie had. Things that happen to girls in this world. No one would believe. Never though in Inez' day, the days back when of P's and Q's and service with a smile only make sure its for business purposes only. Tight white collars were not bad things. Inez dressed like an outcast from pain, as she always had, because her mother had been sensible too. Had warned her of boys, of men, of what sadnesses happen, and how it can turn you mean as a snake, and she did not want to see that happen to Inez. And also because it proved she could be other than she was, but if she lost this identity, sleek in efficiency, bloodless in nature, sharp and sometimes bluntly rude always for the sake of her clients of course, then she lost any chance to try another identity, lost any chance to put this one off and slip into a new one. But she didn't want to change character. She wanted to be what she was. And if spinster was good enough, then she didn't have to worry too much about make up or making a good impression or waiting the night away for someone met at a bar or somesuch to be calling her on the phone. She had her duties at work. She did them well. She was admired there. There was no need of going outside the box. Anyway, she was who she was, and even if she could be someone else, who would call her? She would waste her life away still, hoping. And anything was better than that. Hope is a lie. Carrot on a stick. Hope is what kills. Not the lack of it. She could get the stuff over with in the five minutes or so she allowed herself one night a week to masturbate. Though sometimes, many times, she had to force herself to do it. It was a chore. It was a sneeze. It was duty. It was she sometimes thought the last bodily function she had that kept her tied to the earth, to life. She was getting old. She should be allowed these fanciful notions, these fanciful fears. It was her business after all. And she was most efficient in business. She did not enjoy the stuff. After all. It was not undulant waves or golden pins in her pricking her apart and putting her back together again. She always felt quite horrible afterwards. Punished. She would lie on her bed during it and a few minutes afterwards. She would be fully clothed throughout. She did not touch her breasts or lie naked. She just put her finger into her vagina (not her fault she had one--Eve's fault, not hers), no bad words for her, no sex words, not ever, and tickle the clitoris, and massage it, and feel the waves of tight banded freedom expand as little as possible in her body, like a bee hive inflating a small bit and then deflating far more, empty scabby unkempt hive, deserted by bees centuries ago, in her abdomen and groin, and if her breasts tingled a little in the process, she could not be held responsible for that, could she? She ignored as much of it as she could, did it, thought of no one's body, no specific person at all, felt weary beyond expression and her face seemed tight, the skin more parchment drawn. She thought, feared, wanted to die during it, though she honestly didn't know why. It just seemed important. But always she lived, after the dry wash was over. She always washed her finger for she never touched herself except with one finger, and then went and did the dishes or watched PBS for a while or one of those Lifetime movies she guiltily enjoyed. Culture and knowledge were everything for her. Guilt was what it was and she would not have it any other way. And then Marcie came to live with her. Marcie with the big suitcases, the little girl face, the woman's body, the too tight clothes, the fearful expression on her face that also bled a kind of giddy irrepressible happiness. And then the house was suddenly filled with an untenable thing with a name like "life." Like "freedom." Conjure words. Voodoo words. Incautious words. A small bright tight stretched to the breaking point dazzling colored red balloon, which was Marcie, she and it that Inez was forced up against, but never would Inez enter inside it. Not ever. For Inez would have no part in that of course, but it was still around her; not that she allowed Marcie to bring her friends over, and she had quite a few, not that she allowed her niece to lock her bedroom door or play loud music at any time, but did have the grace to let the girl play some of her CDs as long as they were on low, and only after homework was finished, and she let her niece talk on the phone for one hour no more each night, before ten o'clock which was the girl's bedtime. And Inez made sure her niece was in bed on the dot of it each night. Even on weekends. Marcie pretended to listen. The clothes that Inez bought Marcie, no matter how loose fitting, still clung to Marcie's taut body which paid no attention to Inez or to the preacher each Sunday morning, but paid attention only to itself, only to the fruit of itself, the burgeoning blossoming.. And the taut, strong, poking out breasts, and the legs that were longer and with more curves every single day or so it appeared, and which looked so sheer and so sexy even though the girl was never permitted to wear stockings. What has God wrought here? Inez would wonder. Is it to test my sense of duty? Why put the girl through the torture of being a sex pot? Why, God? Marcie of the creamy dreamy face and the too red lips (naturally red, nature's own mistake, nature's own devising for the devouring of boys and men--again, God, why punish her for Eve? Her. Me or Marcie?) Inez did not let her niece wear make up, especially not lipstick, and would have been appalled that Marcie and some of her girl friends who also were caught in webs of strictness would duck into a woods on the way to school and use confiscated cosmetics on their faces, especially on their lips, blue was the color favored by Sue Ann, but Marcie and the others stuck with red, bright hot burning red, all to break the rules. And for Marcie--to make her aunt less of a harridan. To somehow or other make Inez care about her. Marcie's face seemed born with the right complexion that made make up ineffectual and a conceit. And Inez hated conceits. It was all so terribly strained, especially this holiday season, the first one that Marcie and Inez were to spend together, and the girl, obeying more suffocatingly, more honey sweet about it, so furious in her stilted obeying, desired to be let out of jail. She called her aunt, Aunt or Auntie, or Auntie Glenn, (saying the Aunt with first letter nuanced into a capital) and never used the woman's first name alone. Her aunt had no need to fear Marcie's becoming pregnant by boys. For boys did not interest Marcie at all. Instead she thought of girls, because that was what occupied her heart, her groin, her lusts, her needs. She loved fucking them and their fucking her. In groups as well as in pairs. And Inez thought of Marcie more and more, because that was what had come to occupy her heart, her fear, her retribution, her need for revenge, and the odd realization, pushed away mostly, but still the thought came to her, that she, Inez, did have feelings, no matter how hard she had worked to kill them, and somehow or other, this was Marcie's fault. As though Marcie had brought them with her that day when she came to live here. Had found them somewhere and knew they needed to be home. When the eggs and toast with butter and marmalade were ready, and Inez had taken the browning steaming hot rolls out of the oven, she turned off the red burning eye and the oven, poured the orange juice, the coffee, only for herself, and arranged it all on the scarred scratched wooden kitchen table, and called Marcie in for breakfast. She hoped she didn't have to wake the girl up again. One time, when she had had to shake her from her dream, Marcie took such a long time to open her eyes, and she snuggled into herself kitten-like, full bodily, sensuously. The girl had been unaware, of course, even when she pushed the cover down a bit past her breasts, one of which had come out from an opened pajama top, as Marcie had opened her mouth in a pout and had licked her lips with the tip of her too red tongue, as she had placed her left hand in her disheveled hair and had stroked it with her fingers on the pillow, from all of which Inez had turned, and fled. She had not heard the girl laugh behind her as she had closed her niece's bedroom door. She had not. There was a curtain in the doorway of the shadowy hot small sparse kitchen, separating the kitchen from the living room. There had never been a door there, not in Inez's life time or in her parents' either, for this house had originally been built for her parents when they had just gotten married. Inez had grown up here. She had entered as into a nunnery here and she had grown, early on, contented with it. Content with never looking out windows. Ever. Or even considering that anyone was looking in. If Inez wanted to fart at home, she did so. If Inez wanted to leave the bathroom door open when she went to the toilet, she did so. If she made a steaming urine sound when she pissed, she did not mind. But with the girl here, bodies must not be exposed or heard. That was what she had forgotten, since her parents died, and she had lived here alone for so long. Inez was looking in her direction, as Marcie came through the curtain, like a show girl through a stage curtain, expecting thunderous applause. Languorous. Sleep filled. A hand to her eyes, brushing the bruises of dreams away. She was wearing only a baby doll nightie with blue ruffles on the end that extended barely past her crotch. Where in god's name had she gotten such a thing? Inez's brain exploded with fear and anger and irritation. She wanted to run out the back door, stumble down the tumble down steps, to the snow and the cold and the gray sky and out the fence and running through the field and never ever to stop. But she could only stand and watch. Her niece's hair was a lustrous auburn, and this morning it wreathed round her face and rested lightly on her shoulders, was not pinned up and back as Auntie Glenn had always insisted, no matter the occasion, no matter how Marcie chafed in the doing of what was wanted.. There was the distinct smell of perfume from her niece, a dizzy, noxious smell. Perfume of any kind not allowed in the house at all. Inez's eyes were frozen on the girl. Magnetized. It was like an inner world that had made it out of that tight bright squeaky balloon of red that was Marcie, and now Inez, who had held it in for so long, ignored it, thought of nothing else but it, was helpless to do anything to peer into its perimeters. As for Marcie: her eyes hopefully hauntingly half closed, as though she was seeing through cigarette smoke at a nightclub, she felt she as though she was a pimply faced willful little six year old brat standing in naked shame in front of the silent lethal wrath of God. As though lightning would strike her dead any second. But she had made up her mind to go through with this, and go through with it, she would. Even if it killed her. Either one of them. Her aunt's eyes were treed like a frightened cat, on the rise and fall of the girl's breasts which were larger than Inez had assumed, had imagined?, soft glowy pert teasing mounds of rounded flesh with heavy dark nipples that shown through the sheer bluey material of the nightie. The flesh of them shown through. The meat of them. The lilt and need and passion quick and sharp and evanescent right there as though they were stuck right into Inez's eyes, making her blind Lot's wife turning round to Sodom. Even the girl's thick dark pubic patch, a perfect bridge and more than whispy puff of pubic hair, it seemed to form an upside down wave of sorts, did she shave it?, Inez had not looked at her own in years, but now remembered that it was somewhat straggly and embarrassing, not that it mattered, for no one but she saw it, but the fact that even this part of the girl was visible stung Inez like lemon juice in the eyes. The girl appeared so much larger, so much more a woman, more--there-- to her aunt, not the small girl she remembered even from yesterday. As it seemed being nearly naked unleashed a giant that had been hiding in the girl who Inez thought had been diminutive, even with the breasts and legs. Had Inez even seen her niece at all before? . Marcie's legs, as she leaned on her left hip, and put one leg forward, and put her right hand above her to the joist of the doorway as though she were modeling herself on Gypsy Rose Lee, ( though how would Inez know of her?, save for the movie?) were lovely and tender and delicate and dimpled and molded in such outthrust sexuality and animalness and the altogether need that they be placed round a lover's neck, (the dreadful thoughts--god, she was corrupting her aunt who had always been so sure she was there to protect her stupid giggly innocent niece from being corrupted), but Inez could not stop thinking in the gutter, imagining those young legs resting on a lover's shoulders, while Marcie was eaten of deeply inside and given the electric prods of sexual needs met and wildly magnificently fulfilled; those legs that seemed as though they might have been formed by pink clouds on an especially creative sun drenched, sex drenched summer meadow of a day. Inez felt these things as well as thought them. It seemed winter had come inside forever to stay. And she hated Marcie for that, absolutely riotously hated her for it, and for so much more she had not been aware of before. Inez crashed into all of it. The emotions. The vice of it. Everything countered. Nothing had been held back from all those years, all the pains she had escaped, all the love she had never known, all the hurt she had ducked out on, it all came fast screaming like out of hell with open viper mouth, straight at her neck, striking her. The squeeze. The loud wailing silent bone breaking cry of the whole thing. The long ago memories. They came from the pit of her, where they had been hiding all this time. From the knowledge that her own spindly legs were trembling, that she had closed everything out so she could survive, but she had been closed out of herself as well; that was what she had not seen before. The room around her seemed to have broken off into a sea of danger and fear cruel laughter and all the crumbling walls of the world came stumbling down on her, and the walls were all the chances wasted, (there had been no chances!) all the steps not taken, (she took only all the right ones, the approved ones) all the times she had turned her face away when there might have been a possibility of something more than she had, (there had been nothing to turn away from) for it was all a runaway life for Inez, (the world ran, left me in its dust, but I maintained integrity) but for Marcie it was a life to stay and see and feel and kiss and enter and experience. It seemed Marcie was now fully locked into her role, her life, as a stripper, that she would, hesitating before the good stuff, with one long arm reaching for the doorway, start masturbating right in front of her aunt. And Marcie did indeed, one long arm extended, eyes flashing, one hand raising her thick lustrous hair, tilt back just a little so the nightie was pulled up a bit from some of her pubic hair. So it actually was exposed. It was more than a fluff of hair. It was dark and it was thick. The opening of it dared almost raise its head and wink its sacred eye at Inez. Marcie tongued those damnably red lips. Her bright green eyes glistened with want, as she cradled her breasts and pinched the firm tips of them with her hand through the fabric which somehow made the act even more obscene. She was not wearing her glasses. That was what to her aunt seemed to make her the most naked of all. She turned around slowly, proudly, so her aunt could see the girl's hips, could see the girl's stately and graced hillocks and the crack and the spine that curved sexily down to them. All pink and fine and fragrant and fresh. Then the girl turned round once more and took off her nightie softly and slowly and deliberately, like she was pulling the winter off the day. It fell from her in a certain disdain for all clothing of any sort, even this sexual wrap that made itself fit Marcie more like skin than apparel. Marcie stood there brazenly, and almost unwillingly, as though her body had spurred her to this, without herself personally wanting to do it. And Marcie, trying to hide her fear of this woman, go through with it, Marcie's mind buzzed, go through with this and let nothing stop you, it's so important, your entire world, your entire life is riding on this, as she brushed her own far too visible pubic hair and put two fingers up into her vagina, while with the other hand she cupped her left breast and held it out to her aunt, beseechingly, wantonly. The girl's tongue snaked out of her mouth and somehow all of itself leered at the old woman. In another circumstance, though Inez did not know what that circumstance might be, even when she could think back on this clearly, she would have told the girl to stop acting like a spoiled brat trying to be Marilyn Monroe and embarrassing herself and accomplishing nothing more than being an absolute fool who should be put in a mad house for the things she was now doing. She would have laughed at the girl for being such an infant. She would have shamed her mercilessly. It seemed Inez had gone through her whole life for this moment, unknowing of course that she had been doing so. Now that it was here, now that she could prove her mettle, she could not. Not this, and not now. . And in all of it, Marcie seemed still innocent, still seemed like the little girl Inez had known from time to time over the years. That the girl was innocent made the girl more sexy, made her more desirable, made Inez's gorge rise but that was not the only thing in her that rose, that tipped over, that stumbled falling down inside of her, and Inez standing there like a fool in her sensible shoes, her dress plastered by perspiration, no, by sweat, her eyes staring like pain at its creator, at her naked niece, as though the girl had finally taken off the human part of herself and displayed her true alienness, though of course to Marcie it was just the other way around. It was all such a fine balance for the girl. And for Inez who had to get this over with, who had to get this done with, who had to exert will power, not think what would it be like to touch and feel and see and press and explore-- The heat from the stove had made the kitchen a furnace. Big fat tendrils of overpowering throat drying heat that fogged the windows that froze on the outside. So Inez, steeled her broken self, stuck in arctic waste that was melting into more Arctic waste and ice and snow but of a different kind that Inez could not tell the fabric, the feel, the temperature of, certainly not its name--and she walked steadily across the little distance that were huge galloping gulping lifetimes between old and young, new and mature, not knowing which was which. Going closer and closer to the girl's nakedness. Right there. Reach out and touch. As she began to get glimmers of what she was and what she believed and did not believe, and there was an illness in Inez, that pressed the deeps of her, and that roared out of her eyes as tears, Inez thought maybe they were in the form of blood jewels, and she forced her arthritic legs to circumnavigate even closer through this sexual spatial distance, as her niece stood brazenly naked and began, god, began to masturbate, began to caress her breasts, to kiss her shoulders creamy white, to put fingers, one two three, up herself, to rotate them, to rotate herself, to moan and groan like she was a farm animal in heat, and pulling on the tit of her right breast, hard tight pimpled like a seed--Inez walked determinedly to her niece and, god, longed to touch with her finger, with her mouth, stop it!. and the girl was now stroking her flat stomach with a winkeye navel, and rubbing her hand down her left leg, reaching behind herself to pinch her own buttocks, and now had spread her legs and was raising her vagina so that it seemed to be looking uncuriously at Inez who now stood inches from the girl, felt the heat of the girl, the sex of her, the musky smell, the perfume smell, and the old woman drew back her right arm, and flattened her hand and with all the strength in her slapped the girl, the 15 dammit to hell year old girl, across the face. Marcie, struck cheek turned bright fingers of indented red, took with only a small stagger the blow like a prize fighter, as though she had been expecting it, and the only surprise on her face was that it hadn't hurt like she would have imagined, looking at her aunt. Not closing her eyes. Winning. Inside, Marcie cheering, I win, I did it, god I did it! In a matter of seconds, so much was accomplished, and so much was built up and then destroyed. This aunt of hard bones and angular mind and objectives, this aunt who, before she moved to supervisory position, had had the job of talking to children who had been molested and who had had to penetrate into their shame and their sadness, their anger, with their silent and sullen broken words for what they did not understand, who depended on her and the psychologists as to what to do next, how to cope with the thing. Inez had been so good at this. The kids loved her severity, loved the stern school mistress who would look after them, and if not feel for them, at least, express their outrage when they could not, that they dared not. This aunt whose job it was to turn over the information to the D.A. and to talk with the molester(s) if they would talk, and then to decide on whether or not to recommend prosecution. This aunt who had seen so much pain in all of this. Who had seen so much betrayal of trust and hope. Who had seen so many dreams shot through never to be recovered or stuck in the center of the throat, even relinquished again. Who had seen so much domination of children, not for their own good, but for the power and greed of those who held such truncheons over them. Who had seen children freeze up and hide behind shells even harder and more lethal than her own. It was coming back on her now. She felt it before the words Marcie was about to speak. She felt it with all those eyes that stared at her out of all those childish faces down through the decades, eyes that trusted Miss Inez, not because she was a decent person, not because she was a humane person, but because she was akin to their abusers, with the power and the unspoken threats, with the guilt she put on them, which they were so used to, and she making the children again feel this step of the assembly line process was also their fault, that they were damned lucky to have Miss Inez put up with them. And for this the children were required to give something to her--to show their thanks--something the children were so familiar with, long before they sat before her desk, trembling. The thing they had to give her was, simply and distinctly, themselves. In totality. Forever more. "I hate you and your frigidity--it's embarrassing and I want you to see what I have that you don't and never did, and it's not wrong!," the girl said, shouted, trying to be strong, forceful, trying so hard, and it was at this point, the girl sensed the losing had begin, that she had not won at all, that she had had something to prove to this old harridan, and it was so important for her to show the old bat a thing or two, that she had made Inez, no, Auntie Inez, her audience, her sole and complete audience, and what actor can exist at all without an audience? Never let them see you sweat. Inez was watching Marcie sweat. And Marcie was powerless before this bent gnarled cranky tired silly old bird woman who seemed to swell more in her form and her visage in front of the healthy sexually charged girl who now took her fingers from her vagina, the liquid glistening on them, as she felt as though the insides of her might just fall out, felt as though she was never to be sexual again, just a mannequin, told what to do, and obeying. Her nipples softened. Her body seemed to dwindle and shrink. Her face lowered. The eyes demurred. The slap on the cheek seemed to hurt more, delayed reaction almost. Because this was such a real situation, because it had come from the fabric of something that neither of them understood, because it was filled with a broken back kind of desperation, of a pushing the basalt underground aside and sticking a head above surface, if such a thing could be accomplished in this house of heavy furniture, dim lighting, dark curtains, a funeral home kind of atmosphere, even to the overpowering smell of the flowers in the cut rate vases on the table in the living room beside the heavy dark patterned couch, the stodgy chairs, the dim lighting, the black dead airlessness of the place. It was a house of shadows. It was a house of little rooms of the mind that could never be gone into, and that was what made them important. It was a place of death and winter was the time of death that is so beautiful, and it was driving Marcie out of her ever loving motherfuckin mind. So on awakening that morning, she had taken off her pajamas, had put on the nightie that she had secretly bought a week before and smuggled into her room, hiding it behind some boxes in the closet, so hopefully Inez would not run across it in her periodic searches of the girl's room for clandestine boys, drugs, and whatever else teenage girls were "into" these days. Her aunt was just so fuckin' quaint. Marcie had put on the nightie and had looked at herself in her compact mirror, for her aunt allowed no mirrors in her niece's room because that could lead to concern for the body, and Inez knew how girls get lost in mirrors and never come out sometimes, which can only be a bad thing. So the girl had taken the small oval mirror and looked at small parts of her body's reflection, and pronounced it, with a great deal of unsureness, good, then had thrown back her shoulders, said to herself "this is it, kid," tossed back her long flowing hair, with a flip and a promise to herself, and had gone from her room to the living room to the kitchen. Feeling the cold of the living room, for her aunt was a penurious woman of course, and this included heating the house, or not heating it, rather, even in the coldest winter months. Marcie in the cold living room felt so wonderfully dirty, being virtually naked, and not in the bathroom or in her bedroom. At long last. Felt like she was a vixen on the cover of one of those old yellowed battered paperback books that she had found secreted in her aunt's closets and cedar chest, in those treasure hunts, when the woman was away at work or at the market; felt like one of those "strumpets" there on the covers of those old detective novels, big bulging barebreasted, curved these women were to almost cartoon proportions, with only a slip on to cover their privates, with a deadly whip or ominous gun somewhere close by, being tortured by a man or torturing a man, and being stared down at by all those unseen lusting male eyes all those decades. Except in Inez' case, it would be those closeted muffled sick with fear and loathing lesbian eyes. There were a couple of lesbian novels too. Women writhing in angry fucking needful panting painted passion in a Nazi death camp or in a women's prison. Those were the novels most battered. Gee, wonder why that would be?. Marcie had read some of those particular novels. Was it a joke? Were people once really that stupid and oppressed and just so out of it totally? Marcie had just had it with claustrophobia and being terrified to breathe almost in this house. The boys she loved that she dropped hints to her aunt here and there, to throw her off the track, were really the girls she loved, and that was easy to hide, because she couldn't bring them to the house anyway for a little muff diving. She and the girls at one time or another had made love, had sex, fucked each other silly with their fingers and their mouths and some sex toys found at a nearby sex shop down town. She was tired of the cold bleak roll of thoughts and the words that came from it that had begun to affect her, even though she had lived here only nine months. She had found a certain kind of cardboard morality rhetoric in her speech patterns, as though her aunt had somehow contaminated her--some dirtiness coming through to what had not till now been dirty to Marcie--though she did what she pleased when she pleased--as long as she obeyed her aunt's rules at home, and she was careful everywhere else not to be found out--she had adapted that kind of hard boiled super moralistic deep shadowy eyed code of voice pattern and way of looking at everything as though it had just been created in front of her eyes by a spider of length and largeness and heavy fur. And that made the whole thing wrong headed. Seen from all the angles her aunt would see it. It had become unpretty, and the excitement and wildness, as it once had been, had turned cheap and laughable and tawdry. It had become like a dream that had been sand bagged down too much. These last few months, she had felt she had had to jump down into it. It had become a grimy duty that was little increment by little increment, unpleasant, much like Inez's masturbating. The lighting of it had become different, like some old black and white frayed at the edges movie, as though part of her were breaking off from herself And the whole damned thing was spooking her endlessly. Her aunt turned away from her niece sharply, walked to the sink, her back still turned to the girl, took off her cats' eye glasses and put a hand to her eyes and was statue still. She wanted the girl to think she was brought to tears. She had not been. It was all an act. Everything a game, a play. Innocence and sexual lust and propriety and decency and fucking your brains out. It was all the same thing. It was hollow and counted for nothing. And at that moment Marcie was as dead in the water, in her own way, as Inez. And Marcie knew it. Marcie put her weight on both feet now, took her hands from her body, felt as though she was never going to get away from this woman, that it was a certain character her Aunt had put on her that she would shoulder and deny and fight against and club to almost death, but not total death, for it would come back swinging for sure and harder still this time and next, leaving her bloody. Until finally she would like that part of it the very best. Gravity had claimed her. She felt stupid standing here naked. She wanted to confess everything to her aunt. She wanted to tell her who had molested her, but that was ridiculous for no one had, except her aunt, and that made the need to tell her even stronger. She had thought over the week of building up to this that she would make her aunt watch her masturbate. That she would make the woman, if she was a woman, watch her niece tweak her young breasts as she lay on her bed, with her legs wide open, her vagina and ass hole openings exposed to the woman, and she would offer herself enticingly and impossible to have to this crazy woman, that she would rock her body and feel the ripples and pinch her sides, put her fingers in herself and then put them in her mouth, then sniff them, then roll to one side and the other and knead her buttocks while her aunt watched with resentment and bitterness and shock at the girl, who in her own way was doing to Inez, what Inez had done to her. The girl, naked and unavailable mere inches away, with her pink tipped breasts, on the cusp of life and leaving her aunt back in the shadows for all time, as her aunt was forced to watch and to also listen to her niece say the words that were sex and fucking and cunt and tits and asshole and bitch and fuck my brains to the ceiling and eat me while I eat you, and tell her aunt all about the girls and Marcie and what they did together. Her aunt had never shouted at her. Had always spoken softly to her. Had never done violence to her. Except this slap across her niece's face. She had won by quietly humiliating her in public, by refusing to allow her to buy the kinds of clothes the other kids were wearing, making her dress modestly and ridiculously and the irritation and shame of that in front of the store clerks and customers and then having to wear the damned things to school, and not being able to hit the laughers because her aunt would be called to school for a meeting, and everything might be up then, and thinking somewhere later on, not distinctly or with any particular awareness, if I remain modest on the outside, if I become little Anne of Green Gables, then I have a chance to bring out the real me when I have sex when I drink when I do grass and coke and eat cunts and get eaten while being fucked from the rear with a dildo. The prim exterior thing Marcie could use for a gimmick. And that was what she realized it was. That and nothing more. It was to Inez as well. And from that moment, Marcie was dead in the water. But Marcie might be able to handle it, might be able to make it work for her. She would cast it aside when she pleased. Besides it might be the only identity she would ever have. Without it, she might be nothing at all. And she had to be something. "Get dressed," her aunt said, strong unwavering voice, her back still turned to her niece, "the food's cold, you'll have to eat it like that." "Yes ma'am," her niece said, this time the obeisance was real, this time not exaggerated, just sick and heavy and dead inside. She covered her crotch with her hands, and reached down for her nightie, held it against her breasts and all but ran back, fled back to her room to change to her school dress which now was not despised, now was something to cling to, to hide away in. Everyone gets molested sometime. It's the socially approved kind that is among the most dreadful, that leaves the most scars. It burns deep. It feels good. Even when it's so terribly wrong. That's the definition, after all. Marcie then walked unsexily into the kitchen, and breakfast began. the end