Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 02:35:15 +0000 From: Sensual Peach Subject: Story Submission - Schoolgirl Confidential **Disclaimer** This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Schoolgirl Confidential (Ff, Adult-Youth) by Sensual Peach Copyright (c) 2008 "C'mere for a second Mandy," Gillian Holloway called out to her daughter. The young 11 year old blonde hung her head slightly and opened the car door. It was bad enough that she was failing History Class but now the girl felt she would be further embarrassed by getting "tutored". As Mandy plodded over towards where her mother stood. "Hurry up, Mandy!" Mrs. Holloway chided. "I'm already late for my appointment." "Ok, ok, Mom!" Mandy replied in a huff. "I ..." Her next words were lost as the girl's eyes fell upon the woman standing next to her mother. "It was nice to meet you, Nina." Mrs. Holloway said with a smile. "And thanks again for agreeing to help Mandy with her essay." Mandy approached gingerly, her eyes lingering on Nina Raines' shapely form. The older woman's dress seemed to flow about her form, accentuating her legs, her curves, and torso. A light breeze played with her light brown hair, stealing a few wisps from her face and tossing them away gracefully. Her liquid brown eyes turned to gaze at Mandy as her lips glistened in the sunlight. The girl immediately knew this woman radiated beauty and personified elegance. "It's my pleasure Gillian." Nina raised her hand and nodded to let the mother know her gesture was no trouble. "I just wish my Elisha took as much interest in her work as your daughter." "Well I don't know how interested she is," Mrs. Holloway pursed her lips and ushered Mandy closer. "but her History grade needs a little attention." "Mooom." Mandy groaned. "Hi there, Sweetie." Mrs. Raines said with a smile as Mandy walked up. The young blonde's throat went instantly dry and she was unable to muster anything but a small cough and a smile. "I think Elisha might be around here somewhere," Mrs. Raines explained. "Oh! there she is with her friend Chloe." Mandy turned to see her two friends standing together not too far in the distance. ~ "Is that Mandy's mom?" Elisha Raines asked. "That blonde woman? Yeah." Chloe Taylor quickly confirmed. "Wow, she's kind of cute, huh?" Elisha commented as a smirk came across her face. "You think?" Chloe chirped. "Yeah, totally! Look at her. She's beautiful! I can't believe she's just a librarian." ~ "Alright girls. Go find a table in the back and get studying." Mrs. Raines said as she unlocked the door to the library. "And try to keep it down. The library may be closed but you three should still be focused." "Ok Mom. We'll be quiet." Elisha immediately answered. "I'll be the storage room for awhile if you need me." "Thanks Mrs. Raines." Mandy said cheerfully. "You want to kiss Elisha's mom don't you." Chloe smirked as she nudged Mandy's shoulder. The young blonde's cheeks immediately flushed red. "What? I - Shut up!" "What are you two talking about?" Elisha snapped. "Nothing!" Chloe sputtered. "I HEARD what you were saying Mandy!" Elisha shouted. "You were talking about my mother!" "So what if I was?" Mandy replied, her own annoyance rapidly growing. "Your mom IS very pretty! ... and I bet she'd be a good lay." The young blonde's stinging words had their intended effect as Elisha immediately turned red. "I can't believe you just SAID that! That is my MOTHER you're talking about!" Elisha raised her index finger and pointed it accusingly. "Keep your slutty hands off her Mandy!" With that, Elisha stormed off ahead of the other two girls and took a seat by herself. "Pfff," Chloe sniffed. "As if she isn't a slut herself." "What is HER problem?" Mandy said shaking her head. "You know what?" Chloe began with a smile. "I dare you, Mandy." "Dare me to what?" "I DARE you to kiss Mrs. Raines." The two girls immediately broke out into giggles, eliciting a look of pure scorn from Elisha. Mandy returned a sly grin to the fuming teenager. "Not a bad idea." She thought to herself. "Not bad at all." ***** A few hours into the study session Mandy was contemplating her situation, her mind having trouble focusing at on her studies. The combination of Elisha calling her a "slut" and the undeniable fascination with Mrs. Raines swirled around inside her. "Where does she get off calling me a slut?" the blonde thought to herself. "She was the one everyone says was caught kissing Jason under the football bleachers! And so what if I said her mom was pretty? She is!" Mandy's thoughts instantly turned to Mrs. Raines. "Nina." She said to herself, imagining the older woman's long glossy brown hair cascading down her back. A silk white dress clinging loosely around her voluptuous figure as her velvety rose lips wore a radiant smile. The woman's sin was moist and flawless as she walked gracefully through Mandy's thoughts. Suddenly Mandy realized where her thoughts were heading and she struggled to snap herself out of the daydream. "What. Was. That? Did I just think about Elisha's mom? Like that?" Thinking about girls was nothing new for the teenager. Her budding sexuality had leaned towards females for awhile now, she had just chosen to keep that mostly under wraps. The teasing and unforgiving judgment of her peer group was entirely too much to be honest about it. Of course, that didn't stop her from fooling around with a girl or two from time to time. She just kept things in balance by kissing a boy every now and then. "That's probably how I got my reputation." Mandy thought to herself and then sighed. "Still, Elisha was a bitch for going there." The more Mandy contemplated Chloe's childish dare, the more she liked it. Not only would it give her an excuse to talk to Mrs. Raines, it would probably make Elisha insanely angry. The girl decided it would be a fitting revenge for throwing around such hurtful insults. "Chloe, I'll be right back." Chloe just nodded slightly without looking up from her books. ~ Nina busied herself with some newly arrived hardbacks for the Children's section. The books had been acquired from a few donations here and there and the rest were purchased with what little funding the library had. "Artemis Fowl ... well, it's nice to get something other than more Harry Potter books." Nina said while she laughed to herself. Suddenly a voice spoke from behind, "Mrs. Raines?" Nina whirled around and saw the form of Mandy Holloway standing by the doorway. "Mandy. Yes? What can I do for you?" Nina said cheerfully. The girl glided into the room and glanced at the books laid out on the table. "Oh, nothing. I was just taking a little break." Nina smiled. "Well there's nothing wrong with that. How's everything going?" "It's tough." Mandy pouted. The older brunette quickly flipped through a copy of Peter and the Secret of Rundoon from beginning to end. "Yeah, but studying is one of those things that gets easier the more you practice at it." Mandy curled the corner of her mouth dismissively. "I guess." "What sort of subjects are you having problems with?" Nina inquired, still organizing her books. "Oh, just ALL of them." Mandy sighed flopping down in a nearby chair. Nina let out a bit of a giggle. "All of them, huh. Well that's hard to believe ... an intelligent young lady like yourself." Mandy allowed herself a smile. "Tell that to my teacher." "From what I hear you're doing ok, Mandy." The woman said reassuringly. "You just need to focus more in class." "I know ... but ..." "But ... but it's more fun to think about hair, clothes, and boys ... right?" Nina said half-jokingly. "Yeah, I guess so." Nina could sense something was on the girl's mind and immediately put down the book she was holding. With a few steps she took a seat in the chair next to the young blonde. "Ok, what's on your mind?" Nina devoted her full attention to the girl. "You didn't come in here to check out the new arrivals." Mandy grinned slightly and looked away. "Come'on now," Nina spoke with a soothing voice. "don't forget ... I was a girl your age once too." Mandy turned and looked into the deep rich brown of Nina's eyes. The woman's hair was rich, lustrous, and cascaded in perfect waves around her shoulders. Her face was classical looking and she exhibited almost flawless white teeth when she smiled. "It's just ... I think I like someone." Mandy's eyes immediately shied away from Nina's as the words left her mouth. The girl could feel her heart start to race from the excitement ... from the anticipation. "Oh Sweetie," Nina smiled and placed her hand on Mandy's knee. "That's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have problems with boys all our lives." "That's just it Mrs. Raines." Mandy continued shyly. "It's not a boy." "Oh." The realization was immediate. Nina's eyebrows rose as her throat suddenly went dry. "*Cough* Oh, right. I see. Well! That's - That's different then." "It is?" Mandy's voice had a tinge of both surprise and dejection. "No! I didn't mean ..." Nina immediately became conscious of the fragility a young girl represented. "Even if she was having feelings for other girls it didn't make her weird or different ... she's just a kid, Nina." The woman scolded herself in her own mind. The woman straightened up and cleared her throat. With a reassuring gentle squeeze of Mandy's knee she continued, "What I mean is. Whatever you're feeling right now ... it's perfectly ok, Mandy. There's nothing wrong with how you feel." "You mean that?" The girl's tone hid the slight manipulation beneath the surface. "Of course I do. Of course." "Well," Mandy continued. "that problem I was telling you about ..." "Yeah?" Nina spoke with removing her eyes from the girl. She wanted to let Mandy know she now had her direct attention. "I like this certain someone but ... but I don't know what to do exactly." "Does this someone like you too?" "I don't know ... that's part of the problem." "Well Sweetie, how will you know unless you ask? Unless you do something about it?" "What should I do?" Nina sighed. Her chest rose and fell as she filled her lungs to buy a few fleeting moments of reflection. She knew that everything seems like life or death when you're young. Even the most mundane aspects of life become never ending reasons to stress. She had lived through it and she had recently become reacquainted with the notion now that her own daughter was coming of age. After a few seconds the woman finally spoke, "I think you should just go for it." Without warning, the young blonde moved her face quickly towards the older woman's. Within seconds Mandy's lips had captured Nina's as her slender arms reached around to hold the startled woman's head in place. Nina immediately tensed up and instinctively her hands grabbed the girl's shoulders to pull her away. "M-Mandy!" Nina's muffled shouted struggled against the girl's eager lips. "W-What are you doing?!" Almost as quickly as she had begun, Mandy ceased her kiss and pulled away. An expression of innocent sadness came across her face as her eyes began to glisten with tears. "I - I thought ... I just. I'm sorry!" The girl began to sib uncontrollably and started to run for the door. "No, Mandy. Wait!" Nina reached and caught the young blonde's wrist before she could grip the door knob. "Mrs. Raines. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry *sob*... I just. You said." By now the girl was crying uncontrollably, struggling to push her words out. "Oh, Sweetie. It's ok." Nina pulled the girl closer and hugged her. "It's ok. So just surprise me." "I'm so sorry. Please don't tell my Mom." "I won't, don't worry. Don't worry about anything." "It's just ..." Mandy sniffed and forced herself to look back into Nina's eyes. "You're so beautiful Mrs. Raines. I like you." "I like you too, Sweetie. But ..." "No!" Mandy squealed. "No. Don't say it." "Mandy ..." "I know Mrs. Raines. I'm not supposed to like girls. I'm not supposed to like you. But how can I not? You're so awesome. You're always so nice and you listen to me. You always have." "Sweetie ..." "No, you told me to just tell the person I like how I feel ... to show them. So that's why I did that. That's why I'm doing this ..." Without another word Mandy leaned towards Nina once again. "Mandy I ... mmpph." The woman's words were silenced by Mandy pressed her lips against hers. Mandy quickly noticed how warm Nina's lips were. Warm and soft. The girl groaned softly, moving her hand to rest over the older woman's as she continued to taste the lingering flavor of coffee. Once more Nina reached to push the girl away, holding her firmly by the shoulders. This time she didn't release the girl so as not to invite another surprise kiss. "Mandy! You can't do this." "Why not? I want to." "You just can't!" "Stop me then ..." The girl smiled slyly as she wriggled free of the woman's grip and headed straight for her target. Mandy kissed Nina's lips, urging the woman to part them and allow her probing tongue access inside. The older brunette fought weakly to push the girl away but found it was as if Mandy had ten arms pawing at her at once. The girl quickly ended her frontal assault and moved her head to the side and began licking her way to Nina's neck. Nina grabbed promptly grabbed a fistful of the girl's blonde hair, intending to pull her away ... but instead found herself unable to complete the action. Mandy took the moment of hesitation as a sign of submission and moved back to the woman's lips. Stunned in a thoughtful confusion, Nina barely noticed as Mandy used her tongue and teeth in an equal combination of inexperienced effort to pleasure her. The kiss was broken for a moment as a smile came across the girl's flushed face. "I," Mandy nipped at Nina's lips playfully, "I want you." Nina's thoughts swirled as she fought to make sense of the situation as Mandy placed playful kisses on the woman's lips. After placing a few more kisses on the rigidly frozen brunette, Mandy was almost surprised as Nina's mouth fell open a fraction. Immediately seizing the opportunity, Mandy leaned forward to press her mouth against Nina's. Their breath soon mingled as they exhaled and Mandy began to move her mouth gently to caress Nina's lips with her own. "What are you doing??!" Nina's mind screamed at her. But the voice was in the distance ... as if yelling at her from underwater ... from in a dream. Mandy flicked her tongue out against Nina's lips causing her to gasp slightly. Beginning to moan, the young blonde pressed her tongue further into the woman's mouth, tasting the now familiar mint and coffee. She rubbed her tongue against Nina's, teasing and tasting it before beginning to explore the woman's mouth. Despite herself Nina felt her eyes close and a tremor of desire move down her spine. Her lips and skin her flushed as her head moved forward slightly to feel the full effect of the girl's kiss. "N-no ... wait." Nina struggled. "Please Mrs. Raines. Please" The girl encouraged. "M-Mandy." Nina's words fought past her own lips. "Mandy. We can't." Mandy continued to force the kiss upon Nina, teasing and chasing the woman's tongue with her own. A moan and shiver told the girl just how much she was affecting Nina. She could also feel the woman beginning to struggle against her attentions and began to wriggle her body against Nina's, rubbing her young breasts against the woman's much larger mammaries. Using all her self-control and what little strength she could muster, Nina pushed the girl away in one quick motion and stood up. "Mandy! I'm sorry. I'm sorry! No." She gasped. "Mrs. Raines? Why did you stop?" Mandy asked innocently. "I-I have to go. I'm sorry." The woman stuttered a little as she grabbed the doorknob and exited the room. She ran down the hall with no idea where she was going. The young blonde sat in silence for a moment and then blew a hard exhale up threw the corner of her mouth. The jet of air moved a stray strand of golden hair from her eye. "Fuck." The girl cursed out loud. "That innocent schoolgirl thing usually works like a charm." Mandy thought to herself. "For a second there, I thought she was going to go for it! Too bad too, she is so hot." ~ After finding an empty backroom with a lock on the door, Nina sat in silence. Her heart was still racing and she couldn't seem to catch her breath. "What the Hell just happened?" she asked herself. Unfortunately, her mind wasn't offering up any explanations. "That was one of Elisha's friends. A child! We were just kissing! No ... she was kissing me. Oh no, was I kissing back? I think I was. Was I? No, I couldn't have." Nina babbled to herself. As the thoughts of the confusion that had just transpired ran through her mind, images of Mandy flashed in her mind. Nina's head lay back against the wall as she leaned up to the nearest wall and slid down to the floor. She gently placed her face in her hands and tried in vain to make sense of the feelings and thoughts she was having. "This is what I get when David ignores me for five months." Nina sighed and gritted her teeth. "Someone shows me the least bit of attention and I turn to jelly." A sudden knock at the door broke into the librarian's thoughts. "Mrs. Raines?" The sound of Mandy's voice caused Nina to hold her breath. "Mrs. Raines are you in there?" The girl asked again. Nina stayed perfectly quiet. She remained frozen by some unknown feelings bubbling just beneath the surface of her usually calm demeanor. "Mrs. Raines? Please! I need to talk to you." Mandy pleaded behind the door. "Are you in there?" Nina took in a deep breath and willed her legs to pick her body off the floor and make her way towards the young voice. Against her better judgment, the brunette librarian slowly unlocked the door. Before the entrance had been even been open an inch, Nina could hear the girl sobbing softly between breaths. "Mrs. Raines?" Mandy asked again, her cheeks stained with tears. "Mandy ... I." "No Mrs. Raines. It's my fault!" The woman was unable to even finish her excuse before Mandy had begun. "I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry for being so stupid!" Immediately Nina felt a stream of guilt wash over her. The thought of being a responsible adult who carelessly made this confused young girl so miserable was almost too much. Mandy continued sobbing as she ran past Nina and crouched in the corner still weeping softly. "Honey, Honey, Honey." Nina started in her most comforting voice. "It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault, Sweetie." Mandy allowed herself a small smile as she hid her face in her arms. The schoolgirl felt her friend's mother slide her hand along her back in a further attempt to soothe her fragile emotions. "It IS my fault. I shouldn't have done that!" "Of course it's not your fault, Sweetie. You're just confused." "Confused?" Mandy sniffed. "Yeah." Nina began to gently stroke the girl's hair. "You just have all these feelings inside of you and you don't know what to do with them." "So how I feel is wrong?" Mandy asked without lifting her head from her arms. "No, Honey. You're never wrong in how you feel." Upon hearing that Mandy lifted her head out from her folded arms and looked expectantly at the older woman. "Well, I love you." "Mandy." Nina sighed dismissively. Nina was lost and in way over her head. She knew it almost immediately and tried frantically within her mind to search through her knowledge as if she was looking through her library. The answers weren't coming and the only thing that was echoing in within her ears was the girls' honest words of loving her. It had been far too long since she had heard those words ... heard them from anyone. Her husband David was nothing but an extra source of money these days. He was hardly ever home enough to kiss her on the forehead before left let alone to give her any sort of basic emotional support. Even her own daughter Elisha was at the age where saying "I love you" went along with being "uncool". Nina began wondering where her life had gone wrong. Somewhere long ago she lost control of her own destiny and allowed herself to end up alone scared. She, like anyone else, just wanted to be needed. She wanted someone to care for her. Without warning, the woman's brown eyes became glassy and it wasn't long before she was sobbing beside the stunned young girl. "Mrs. Raines?" Mandy asked, shocked at the new outcome. "Mrs. Raines, are you ok? I ..." Almost instinctively, the girl reached out and lightly petted at Nina's head. Mandy allowed her fingers to comb soothingly through the woman's long hair. Nina knew she should stop. She knew she should be the adult and get control of her feelings ... but she couldn't. "Say it again." Nina whimpered. "Say what?" "Say you love me." Mandy smiled as she looked into the older woman's eyes and spoke without hesitation. "I love you." Nina's heart stopped aching for a moment as she reached out to the girl and pulled her face closer. The next thing Mandy knew the older woman had pulled her to the floor and she was being kissed relentlessly, the strangely rough softness of Nina's tongue now filling her mouth. Nina's hands now seemed to be everywhere at once, moving relentlessly over her, exploring hurriedly. Mandy's young lips were soft and sweet, and even after thinking about it for longer than she was comfortable admitting to, the kiss was better than Nina had anticipated. Along with her body's reaction, Nina knew she could at least to begin to throw whatever doubts she may have had that she wasn't really attracted to the young blonde right out the window. Kissing the girl was something altogether different and it made things happen I her mind and body that kissing Doug or even her college boyfriends had never even come close to. The kiss was long and deep. Even as the two could feel it hastening toward its end, neither wanted it to. It was only after several long minutes that they slowly separated and they parted, Nina settling back against the wall as she looked at the girl sitting now cross-legged before her. "Mmmmm, Mrs. Raines." Mandy sighed. "That was better than I could imagine." Nina didn't respond but just sat there, silently looking at the young blonde. She was warring with herself internally; part of her wanted to say this was an obvious mistake and usher out of the room and forget this whole thing ever happed. The other part, however, was calling out to her to give into what made her feel happy and wanted. As if sensing the war going on behind Nina's eyes, Mandy put her hand on the woman's knee and spoke for the both of them. "It was a great kiss." "We probably shouldn't have done that." Nina averted her eyes, ashamed at letting her wanton needs get the better of her. "Mrs. Raines, I so like you a lot ... more than that, I love you. I don't know what this all means, but I wanted it to happen. I've wanted it to happen forever. I don't care what other people think so if you want it to we should just do what we want." The second kiss was even better. Nina parted the younger blonde's lips with her sharp cherry tongue. Mandy immediately gave into the kiss willingly, her body turning to liquid under the woman's embrace. The kiss soon broke out of a mutual need for air. Breathing heavily, both Nina and Mandy stared at each other. There were no words spoken, but they communicated everything to each other in those brief moments before diving right back in. Almost without thinking, Mandy crooked her fingers under the older woman's top and pulled slightly. The girl didn't quite get the result she expected as she soon found her wrists restrained by Nina's stronger hands and the lips that had just been pressed against her own now formed a slight frown. "Why did you stop?" Mandy demanded. Her voice was tinged with confusion and anticipation. "I thought this is what you wanted." "I do, I mean ... I don't ... I mean ... We can't do this here." Nina stuttered. "Don't you want me Mrs. Raines?" The sudden naughtiness in Mandy speech caused Nina's blood to speed through her veins, sending an obvious flush to her cheeks. "It's too risky." Nina said as she put her hands on the girl's shoulder. "We could get caught ... and that wouldn't be good for either of us." "Then meet me somewhere else!" Mandy almost shouted. "Shh." Nina moved her fingers over the girl's lips in a half-heated attempt to silence her protest. "Ok. We'll see." "Nnoooo, I want you to kiss me again." The girl pouted. "Now Mandy, please. We'll figure something out." Nina could hear the words coming out of her mouth and yet she didn't quite believe them. She was being complicit in a possible relationship with a young 11 year old girl. It was crazy! It was insane! The taboo nature of it was almost too much for her emotion deprived mind to handle. "You promise?" Mandy said twirling her finger through Nina's hair. "Yes. Yes, ok? We'll meet later." The woman moved away from the girl slightly and shuffled to her feet. She reached back and offered Mandy her hand. The girl took it without hesitation and was also helped from the floor. "Now get back to Elisha and Chloe before they come looking for you." The girl giggled as she hugged Nina, wrapping her thin arms around the taller woman's waist. "Ok. But remember, you promised." Without another word, the girl happily made her way out of the room and skipped down the hall. "How could I forget?" Nina sighed to herself. ***** That night Nina found herself pacing in front of the family computer. She was still questioning whether or not the encounter with Mandy had really happened or if she had dreamed it all. If she had indeed shared a few intimate moments with her daughter's friend she had to ask herself if had gone completely insane. "This is nuts! What did I do?" Nina whispered under her breath. The truth was hard too transparent to escape. The 40 year old mother had willingly let herself be kissed by an 11 year old ... and what was worse; she had kissed back. The taste of the girl's lip-gloss was still on her lips and with each lingering hint she felt a tingle between her legs. A pulsing feeling that was getting stronger the more she tried to ignore it. "I'm putting a stop to this." Nina huffed before sitting down at the desk. The family computer was situated in the TV room just adjacent to the front window out to the street. The placement of the terminal in a high traffic was for good reason. The librarian knew that every parent these days had to be aware of what their young children were doing online. The irony was not lost on Nina as she felt a quick surge of guilt for using the family computer to contact Mandy. "I can't believe this." Nina sighed as she opened up her e-mail account. She quickly hesitated. It was a bad idea to start using her e- mail account to contact the girl. Things like that could be easily tracked back if things got out of control. For all Nina knew Mandy was telling her parents about what had happened in the library right now. Gillian Holloway was probably sitting after hearing the story, her legs giving out from shock. In her mind Nina could see Mandy's mother slumped back in a chair as she listen to her daughter spill everything out into the open. There would be no excuse for what she had done, but the blame would not fall on the girl ... not for a second. The blame always lands squarely on the adult in the situation. Nina rubbed the space between her eyes, the junction where the top of her nose met her forehead. A small ache had begun there and the more she tried not to stress about the situation, the more they seemed to build. "Alright, I can't use my e-mail account ... then I'll have to ..." The idea came almost instantly. As a responsible parent Nina had access to her daughter's e-mail account. As a librarian she was painfully aware at how adept at computer young people were these days and she couldn't help but hear of all the techno-dangers online when she turned on the television. She had made a decision early on to be very involved in Elisha's computer use. As her daughter had grown older she had been meeting more and more resistance but had stood firm in her rules. With a few keystrokes Nina had logged into her daughter's e-mail account and had quickly found Mandy's address. "Dear Mandy," she began. The cursor blinked for a few moments as she tried to think of how to follow up from that. The words weren't coming. They couldn't be forced out because Nina did not have any experience to draw upon. What she wanted to say is that even though she had enjoyed the release and would probably appreciate going a little further with the girl, it was a bad idea. The worst idea in the history of bad ideas. It wasn't that Nina wanted to hurt the girl's feelings, it was just that she knew it would end badly for both of them if they continued. But at the same time she wanted to continue ... but she didn't. The thoughts didn't even make sense to Nina and she cursed herself for not being able to write something clear and appropriate on command. Elisha had gone over to Chloe's house for a few hours. At least that's what she shouted as she ran out the door. Nina made little effort to stop her and question her further for obvious reasons. David was probably working late as he always did and Nina assumed he would phone if there was an emergency. Not to just say "I love you" or "I'm thinking of you". No, he wouldn't even phone to say "hi". Suddenly the computer beeped. An e-mail arrived. To Nina's surprise the incoming message had come to her personal e-mail Inbox. She may have been computer literate but Nina had never been big on e-mail. She sometimes received a few forwarded jokes and online chain letters from her own mother or Elisha, but new messages were rare. With a few clicks of her mouse she minimized the stalled message to Mandy and shifted her attention to the new mail. From: MaNdyLiCiOuS Subject: Thinking of You <3 Nina could instantly feel her heart jump back into action. She knew almost instantly who had sent the message but there was still a few questions left unanswered. Clicking on the message, Nina quickly read the few words of text. "Where u going to call me? I miss u already. I can't stop thinking about what a great kisser u are. Call me or e-mail me! Mandy xoxo" Nina didn't hesitate in her intent to reply to the message. "Mandy, You shouldn't e-mail me like that. How did you get my address?" She clicked send. A few seconds after the message had been sent Nina realized that she may have sounded a little angry. Her tone was more out of worry than anger in her mind and she hoped Mandy would take it that way. A few minutes later another message appeared in her Inbox. Nina opened it almost as quickly as it had arrived. "Aw don't u miss me? Open up Elisha's messenger. Down on the right." Nina smiled a little at Mandy's playfulness and was a little relived she hadn't taken her e-mail message the wrong way. She complied with the girl's instructions and clicked the green icon on the bottom right of her screen. As soon as the additional window was open Nina was already receiving a messages from the excited girl. "Mrs Raines? Is that u?" The colorful pink text came after the now familiar name of MaNdyLiCiOuS. "Yes. I'm here." Nina quickly typed. As her words appeared on the chat log she noticed her daughter's online name of D-LISH. Young girls always had a way with the enticing names ... even at young ages. Nina was wondering how that had slipped by her when Mandy messaged her again. "I missed u! Missed kissing u." "Mandy, how did you get my address?" Nina asked again. "Lisha fwded those joke emails. Got ur address from there. Easy! ;) " Nina breathed a quick sigh of relief at the answer. Things always seem so out of control when you search frantically for an answer. The woman had visions of Mandy asking her daughter for her e-mail address or even Gillian. Neither of those scenarios would lead anywhere good. "U were supposed to call me." Nina could almost hear Mandy pouting through her words. "I was just writing you an e-mail." "Oooo, was it sxy? Lol." "You be good now." Nina scolded slightly. ":)" "We have to talk Mandy." "K, but first I want to show you something." Nina watched for a moment as a picture appeared on her messaging window. It was blurry at first but it soon started to come into focus, immediately causing her jaw to drop. The picture was of a still shot pointing between a young girl's legs. She appeared to be wearing nothing but a pair of pale pink panties with a rainbow, cloud, and stars on the front. The girl's hand rested just above the waist with a few fingers dipping lightly under the fabric. There was a bellybutton visible but the view ended just a few inches above that. Nina found herself blushing at her sudden desire to see more. "Do u like?" Nina hesitated for a second and then found the sense of mind to type a single word. "Mandy" "I want to see u Mrs Raines." Nina didn't notice the additional message at first, her eyes were still trained on the picture. "Is that you?" She finally replied. "of course ;) u like?" "yes" Nina wrote the quick reply almost without thinking. It was a kind of reflex. ":D good! I hoped u would like it. I wore them 4 u." Nina felt that tingle between her legs start to throb as she watched the girl's naughty words on the screen. "Just a sec." Mandy wrote. A few seconds later another picture began to come into focus on Nina's screen. This time Mandy's young face was visible and her arms came up along her chest as her hands held the back of her neck. It was soon apparent that the girl was topless and her arms we seductively hiding her budding pre-teen chest. "U can c more if you want to." Mandy typed. "But only if u meet me." Nina found her was almost didn't notice her hand moving downward until her fingers found the damp curls of her sex. Without further hesitation she sank her fingers into her hot pussy, one at first and then adding a second. She made sure her fingers were good and wet as she started to move them in and out of herself. "Mrs Raines? R u still there?" Curling her fingers upward as she pulled them out and then pressing against that bundle inside made her feel oh so good. She grinned as she remembered kissing Mandy earlier that day ... it seemed so close to heaven now. "Tes I m hre." Was all Nina could manage with one hand as she drew her fingers out and slid them up her slit. She barely flitted her wet fingers over her clit, making small little circles when she did date to make direct contact. Nina drew in a sharp breath as she felt that first surge of concentrated pleasure washing over her. "What r u doing?" Mandy asked, and Nina imagined it in an innocent tone. "I wll meeet u." The woman typed. As she let out a deep primal groan. It wasn't going to be long now before she was going to be cumming all over the chair. Nina continued to trace rougher circles around her clit, her hips starting to buck lightly against her hand. Throwing her head back, Nina let out another animalistic sound as stars exploded behind her shut eyes. She brought her other hand down and put two fingers inside herself again. Her pussy soon clenched around her own fingers, trapping them within the wet heat. She continued to push her fingers hard against her clit, just barely moving them from side to side, hoping to pull an orgasm out of herself. "I love you." Mandy replied. Nina's body jerked as a climax overtook her. The fingers inside of her pushed up, rubbing that sensitive spot inside her. She let out a series of small cries of pleasure before she pulled her hands away from her pussy. She knew that if she kept this up, she would be cumming all night and her heart was already racing beyond control. The woman's breathing came in short, hard pants. She had soaked through her underwear and jeans and onto the chair far more than she had expected. Nina chuckled lightly quietly to herself as she rested her sticky, wet hands on her stomach as she waited until the afterglow of her session had waned. "Mandy was better than David and she wasn't even here!" She said out loud to the room, chuckling again. Her skin glowed, partly from sexual flush and partly from the thin film of sweat that covered her body. Giggling quietly to herself as she found herself slightly giddy and still high from her climax. As her head stopped swimming enough for her to focus once again on the computer screen she had noticed that Mandy had already logged off. Her last messages read, "Call me. Tell me where u want to meet." Ending off the chat session with "I love u." It took several minutes before she felt steady enough to get up from the computer. She needed a shower. She needed to get a grip on the even spiraling out of control ... but first she needed a shower. ~ Mandy clicked off her messenger and reached for a shirt for a shirt from her bed. "Mrs. Raines must have been nervous. Her typing turned all funny at the end." The girl thought to herself as she slipped a white top over her head and down around her torso. It was around 6 o'clock on a Saturday night, a time usually spent hanging around with either Chloe or Elisha. But Elisha had been busy for the past few days and Mandy had been too busy herself to bother calling Chloe. She had already long since won the silly bet of kissing Mrs. Raines but ever since then the girl had found herself wanting more. Things that came out of her mouth in order for her to get what she wanted seem to come effortlessly. An "I love you" here and an "I'm thinking of you" there was enough to keep the older woman coming back for more. She almost regretted manipulating Elisha's mother like she had, but it wasn't as if Mrs. Raines wasn't getting something out of it too. It was easy enough to tell from their kissing that Mandy wasn't the only one eager to see how far they could take it. All of a sudden the phone rang. A shrill ring piercing into her thoughts and giving the girl pause. There had only been one and a half rings until Mandy picked up the phone and held it to her chest, yelling out loud enough for her mother to hear her downstairs. "I've got it Mom! It's probably Chloe!!" The girl paused for another few seconds before speaking into the receiver. "Hello?" The voice on the other line was obviously nervous. "Um, Hi ... is this?" "Mrs. Raines?" Mandy squeaked. "Yeah, hi. Mandy?" "Of course it is." Mandy replied happily. "I was waiting for you to call." "I know ... I probably shouldn't have." "Why not?" Mandy began to pout. "Don't you want to talk to me?" "No, that's not it Mandy. I just ... I just shouldn't." "Don't worry about it Mrs. Raines. I picked up the phone ... nobody else knows it's you." "Are you still wearing those panties?" Nina blurted out, almost without thinking. "My panties?" Mandy asked almost seeming shocked at the question. "I, I uh ..." The woman on the other line stammered. Mandy grinned to herself. She was taking pleasure in lightly torturing her friend's mother and decided to keep it going for a little longer. "What color were my panties?" Nina's breathing increased a little before she answered. "Um, well they were ... they were pink, right?" "Were they?" Mandy teased, giggling a little. "Yes. You know they were Mandy." Nina allowed herself a smile after hearing the girl's laughter. "With a cute little rainbow and cloud on them too." "Oh, well at least you didn't forget. I thought maybe you weren't paying attention." Mandy said as she moved her to bed and laid out diagonally across the mattress. "The Sleep-Inn." Nina mumbled quickly. "The what?" Mandy asked, straining to hear the woman's hushed voice. "The Sleep-Inn. On the edge of town." "What about it?" Mandy said as she wriggled out her panties, flinging them on to the floor. "Do you know where it is?" "Sure! It's got that sleepy turtle on the sign, right?" Mandy said in an overly girlish voice. "Yes, exactly. Can you get there? On the bus maybe?" Nina's voice was calm and concise, she had obviously put some thought into this. "I think so. But can't you come pick me up?" "I would, Sweetie. I would. But it's just too dangerous right now. Do you still want to meet me?" "Of course I do, Mrs. Raines." Mandy cooed as her young legs spread wide. "I can't wait to see you again." "Me too, Sweetie. So if you take the bus you can be there in about an hour and a half." "I'll see you soon, Mrs. Raines. Ok?" "See you soon." As Mandy hung up the phone she teased herself, fingers stroking the flesh of her hips and thighs. The girl shivered at thought of being like this. So exposed and open, only a door and window between her and the world. Something inside her twinged and she could feel the moisture pooling between her legs as she slide her slender fingers inside. The slickness coated her hand as she gently pumped inside and out, filling the spaces between her young fingers. With a cry Mandy flipped herself over, her face now pressed into the mattress, hips pumping up and down on her soaked digits. She began bucking up into her own touch, thrashing wildly. The girl was soon frantic with the urge to come and she slipped two fingers from her free hand into her mouth, wetting them with her tongue, sucking the juices from her knuckles, slurping in the cracks between. Mandy continued getting hotter and hotter, pressing into her hand as a tingle began in her toes and then raced up her spine to explode between her legs. "MMMMmmmmm ... yessssss." The girl convulsed ... fingers sliding against the engorged flesh again and again, until she was almost exhausted. Mandy fell to the mattress, sighing, "Mrs. Raines." ***** The room was paid for. The Sleep-Inn was a cozy little rest stop on the way out of town. Usually the place was only patronized by traveling salesmen or sleazy men looking for a place to take a hooker. Nina felt a little bit embarrassed for even being in a place like this but she knew it was a good idea. The overweight man with glasses who had rented her the room for the night was even surprised to see her. He probably hadn't seen a clean- cut female come in through the door in quite some time. All the same she had worn some sunglasses and had her long hair tied back in a tight ponytail to further keep her identity from being revealed. "What am I doing here?" Nina asked herself in the silence of the empty room. "Oh right, I'm here to meet an 11 year old girl. Secretly." The words even sounded crazy in her own head, she couldn't imagine how they would sound out loud. So to counter the nagging urge to flee from the motel room into the darkening night, Nina turned on the television. She couldn't watch anything of course, her head was trained on the door and her ears were listening for any sound on the outside. "It's dark outside already." Nina thought. "This was a bad idea to get Mandy to come here on the bus. A really bad idea." Thoughts of Mandy's young face on MISSING posters and Milk cartons shuffled through her mind along with a few fleeting memories of the girl's provocative poses on her webcam. **KNOCK, KNOCK** Nina stiffened and sat up on the bed. A small voice spoke on the other side of the heavy door. "Mrs. Raines? Mrs. Raines are you in there?" As Nina cursed herself for not even having the presence of mind to tell the girl what room she would be in or how to even look for her car, she leapt to the door and unlocked the deadbolt. "Thank God she's such a sharp girl." The woman thought to herself. "Mandy? Yes it's me." With the door open, Mandy rushed inside and embraced the taller woman. "Mrs. Raines! You're here!" she squealed. Nina heaved a sigh of relief. "I was getting worried." "I found the place no problem." Mandy replied. "The bus was just really slow." "What did you tell your mother?" "I just told her I was going to hang out with Chloe. She always covers for me." For a moment Nina searched her memory to see if Chloe might have "covered" for Elisha. It was pointless, but as a mother she couldn't help it. Mandy dropped her small backpack on a nearby chair and leapt onto the bed. "So?" She said kicking of her shoes. "What did you have in mind?" ***** "I can't believe I let you talk me into this." Nina said with a little laugh. She was standing at the foot of the large motel bed, wearing only a light blue shirt and panties. She was slightly bent over with her arms at her sides with her head turned back to her left trying to look down over her shoulder. The rest of her clothes were lying on the floor to her right, folded and laid out neatly. On the bed behind her, Mandy Holloway was on her stomach looking up at the woman's rear end. The girl's hand was on Nina's right butt cheek, though it was unclear whether she was keeping herself steady or keeping the woman's balance. In her left hand was a dark pink sharpie with the words "permanent marker" written on the side. "What are you doing back there?" Nina said almost nervously. "Oh, nothing bad." Mandy responded without hesitation. "You can definitely show this to anyone you want." The girl laughed as she capped the marker and admired her work. "Yep, I think I could be a professional tattoo artist one day." "Is it done?" Nina asked, making a move to turn towards a mirror in the corner. Her actions were swiftly blocked by Mandy's hand on her wrist. "Don't move. Let it dry for a minute," the young blonde instructed. "Hold on." Mandy said as she got up off the bed and grabbed a hand mirror from her backpack. "Here," she said with a big grin, handing the mirror to Nina. Without moving her feet, Nina turned to face the mirror in the corner while aligning the small one in her hand so she could see the girl's handiwork. It was much bigger than Nina had expected. She turned her body back towards the bed but looked behind again, trying to get a closer look with the hand mirror. She reached across her stomach with her right arm to pull up the cheek but Mandy quickly tapped it away. "You have to let it dry first I said." Mandy scolded. "Here!" the girl moved closer on the bed behind Nina. Without warning, the young blonde began blowing long hard breaths on the ink. Nina tensed up a bit at first when the girl's cool breath touched her skin, suddenly arching her back and quickly putting her arms out to keep her balance. Mandy giggled at the woman's reaction but quickly resumed. It only took a moment for Nina to realize that the girl was trying to blow the ink dry, so she stood up as straight as she could. When Mandy was satisfied, she stopped blowing and started to get up off the bed. "Done yet?" Nina asked, starting to get a bit impatient. "Not quite!" Mandy chirped as she lunged forward, sticking her pursed lips onto the lower part of Nina's left cheek and blew hard, like someone would do playfully to a baby's belly. She made a slight ripping noise that tickled the woman's bottom. Thoroughly shocked, Nina fell forward a little. She narrowly missed falling into the television set on the dresses before re-directing her momentum and falling backwards onto the bed beside the girl. "HA HA, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it." Mandy apologized through uncontrollable laughter. Nina just joined the girl in on the joke and turned over on her left side and then sat up facing Mandy, one leg bent up on the bed. "I think it's your turn, young lady." Nina said huskily. The obvious lust in Nina's voice made Mandy swallow a little. "Ok." Was the only word she could manage. Nina started took Mandy by the hands and started to help her back onto the bed. Once the girl was situated with her back against the headboard, Nina quickly ran her hands up Mandy's legs. With some help she wordless instructed the girl to flip over onto her stomach. Wrapping her fingers on the waistband of Mandy's jeans, she began pulling them down. The young blonde arched her back and raised her legs so Nina had no problem slipping both the jeans and the girl's underwear down till they reached her feet. "I guess there's no turning back now, hey Sweetie?" Nina asked. "No. No turning back." Mandy parroted back. Since there was no hint of apprehension or fear in her voice, Nina took that as an obvious sign to continue. There was no turning back at this point. Whatever transpired now was of Nina's own free will and she couldn't simply cover it up as easily as a kiss. Not that she wanted to. Her lust was reaching a boiling point and her mind clouded with thoughts of making love to her daughter's friend. She wanted to make love to this girl who had told her she loved her. Nina moved down the bed a little, just to Mandy's left. The woman got up on her knees and gently put her hands on the girl's knees. Slowly gently, she began to glide her hands up Mandy's thighs. "I do this to myself sometimes and it feels nice. How about you?" Mandy spread her legs enough to accommodate Nina's hands and watched with fascination. "Mmmmhmmm, very nice." "You're really warm here, Honey." Nina noticed out loud as her hands rubbed up against the girl's private area. The woman drew her hands back to mid-thigh and gently parted Mandy's young legs even more. She then leaned forward and moved in between them her face very close to Mandy's almost hairless folds, and seemed to study everything closely. Without any further hesitation, Nina ran her finger along the outside of the fold, getting some beads of moisture on it. She brought it up to her face and looked at it carefully for a moment before licking it off. "I guess I have to thank-you for giving me such a nice tattoo ... even if I don't know what it is." Nina teased. Mandy repressed a giggle and teased back, "Oh it's very you Mrs. Raines." Tentatively probing a finger into the warm, moist mound, Nina then felt it up and down. "Ahhhhhhh," Mandy sighed. "It feels good." After inhaling a bit, Nina moved to press her lips into Mandy's warm, wet opening. Making a kiss that lasted about five or six seconds and rubbing her lips back up and down the inside of the girl's exposed slit. Mandy let out a loud gasp, giving Nina a slight jolt. Nina leaned in closer for another kissing attention, but this time let her tongue out to probe for Mandy's young clit. Mandy instinctively put her hands on Nina's head, petting and stoking the long brown hair as she started writing under the special attention. Her gasps became sharper, almost pained, as Nina dug in more and more with her tongue and lips. "OH Mrs. Raines. I knew it would be like this." Mandy cooed. Nina went on under the encouragement, relishing the compliment. After a minute with no obvious change in Mandy's reaction, the woman stopped and looked up. The girl continued to breathe heavily, her eyes closed tightly. She looked so exposed, so helpless. In a way Nina was in awe of the power she had over this young girl, her daughter's friend. "N-no. Don't stop." Mandy seemed to beg. "I think I you almost made me ... you know." "Cum?" Nina answered, using the very adult term. Mandy blushed and pulled her legs together a bit, but found they were pretty much blocked by Nina's body. "Yeah, I guess that's what it's called." "Well, well." Nina playfully taunted. "Look who's blushing now." "Yeah ... I know." Mandy said bringing her hand to her face, hiding her eyes a little. "Hmmm, I'm not sure." Nina said as she brought her finger to her lips in a show of mock contemplation. "What did you want me to do?" "Keep doing that." "Keep doing what?" "Keep kissing me." Nina could have let the girl off the hook but decided she liked torturing her just a little. "Kissing your what, Sweetie." "My ... my pussy?" "Mmm, such a naughty girl using such naughty words." Nina scolded. "What did you want me to kiss?" "I-I want you to kiss my pussy, please." Mandy squeaked. "And make you what?" Nina continued. "Make me ... cum?" The words on the girl's lips made Nina's blood boil with lust. Without another words, she put her face down on Mandy's pelvis, opening her mouth and giving a warm slippery kiss as she worked her way back to her target. She moved her tongue around Nina's lit a bit more, making sure to leave saliva and juices around to heighten the feeling all over the girl's hidden places. Then, Nina rested her left hand on Mandy's hip and used her right one to open the girl up a bit more, giving her deeper access. Mandy gasped immediately, trying not to be too loud, "Oh! There! Yes!" Nina swished her tongue over the two openings, back and forth for a few seconds. The woman could felt the swollen bit and she tapped it with her tongue a couple times before making slow lazy circles around it. For the most part she made sure each stroke would pass over Mandy's clitoris, but sometimes she intentionally went off to one side, heightening the anticipation. The added effort paid off. Mandy started moaning more and started rubbing Nina's head with greater urgency whenever she returned to the sweet spot. To mix it up a little, Nina made sure to massage Mandy's outer lips with her hand and then occasionally run her mouth up and down them. She pulled the girl's box open a little wider and then opened her mouth to match, enveloping as much of her daughter's friends' exposed pussy as possible. Mandy let out several short gasps and her fingers went rigid. She pulled her hands away from the woman's head in fear of pushing or poking her too hard, possibly interrupting her own pleasure. "Ohhh, you just know too much about this stuff!" Mandy moaned. The girl suddenly struggled to open her legs even more, easily raising her knees into the air. Her feet were still bound by her panties around her ankles, but fortunately they slid up easily under Nina's raised position. Though concerned about messing up the woman's efforts, Mandy couldn't help but fondle Nina's head again ... she had to do something! She wasn't sure whether it was simply to show her appreciation or some urgent need to be actively involved with what her friend's mom was doing to her. "Oh Mrs. Raines! You're making me feel all crazy inside!" Nina was so engrossed in what she was doing, that she barely remembered to breathe. However, those words of encouragement, plus Mandy's renewed stroking of her hair and cheeks, almost sent her into a frenzy. She sucked and licked at Mandy, almost trying to devour the girl. She flicked her tongue and trashed it around in response to Mandy's bucking. Nina then wrapped her right arm under and around the girl's left leg, which helped hold herself in place on the writhing young blonde. "AHHHHHH. YESSSSS!! FUCK YES!!" The words were that of sexual pleasure but surprisingly they came from neither Nina nor her young lover. "What ... What was that?" Mandy gasped in between surges of pleasure. "OOHHHAHHHH!" The female voice cried again. Nina ignored the sound and continued her attentions on Mandy. "M-Must be ... must be our neighbors." Mandy thought out loud, unable to keep anything inside her head. "They're really into screaming." "Looks like this motel is the place to be for that kind of thing." Nina thought to herself, her head still nestled between Mandy's thighs. Tears were forming in Mandy's eyes as she spread her legs even father apart, overcompensating for the compulsion to clamp her thighs over Nina's head. She started moving her butt up and down, as if responding to the unseen thrusts, and Nina adjusted her timing to match the girl's. Suddenly, Mandy grabbed her own knees and pulled them sideways, as if to expose her most private area for the entire world to see and love. The young blonde struggled to stay still, barely able to control herself as Nina rolled her head and darted her tongue all around Mandy's tingling pussy. Nina wrapped her left arm under Mandy's right leg, making separation all but impossible as she fought to finish the job. "AIIIIHHHHH...!" Mandy screamed as her insides started pulsing, squeezing and contracting on their own. Nina felt the change and dove straight for the clitoris, ticking it with her lips and tongue, sucking it gently with her puckered lips and then licking her slit up and down. Mandy relished the involuntary dance going on inside herself. After several seconds, she remembered to breathe again, inhaling deeply and then letting it out slowly. Her legs relaxed and she opened her hands, letting her knees fall back down. Mandy then resumed stroking Nina's now damp brown hair. Sensing that she'd accomplished her mission, Nina's heart swelled with pride. She looked at the girl with satisfaction but was interrupted when Mandy leaned forward and took hold of her upper arms. "Come here," Mandy said dreamily while guiding Nina up on top of her. Mandy slid her hands around Nina's back as much as she could and kissed her deeply, much to the older woman's surprise. "You are so, so amazing. Even more amazing than I said." Mandy used her left hand to gently wipe away the excess juices and saliva from Nina's face. Then she briefly rubbed the mixture off on the blanket before putting her hand on the back of Nina's. "You taste so good, Sweetie." was all Nina could think to respond. She immediately regretting not saying something more meaningful, but then she was afraid to spoil her little sexual victory by babbling and sound stupid. As if sensing Nina's awkwardness, Mandy simply smiled and said, "Well, I think I know what you want to say." Mandy lifted her left knee and turned to her right, rolling Nina over onto her back and then landing on top of her. The older woman gasped in surprise but quickly felt at ease when Mandy put her face right over hers and whispered heavily. "I think you wanted to say ... I love you." The girl then slide down, kissing Nina's chin and neck before starting to pull off the woman's shirt. The exposure to the open air caused Nina's nipples to pebble almost instantly and were a testament to just how turned on she was. She felt Mandy's tongue dart across her lower lip and knew what was coming next but even that didn't prepare her for the blissful reality of the girl's warm, wet mouth wrapped around her nipple. Soon she felt the small tongue tracing a slick path around the aureole before flicking across the hardened nub again. Then she felt the young blonde's fingers brushing against the her navel, blindly searching for the waistband of her panties. One, two tries and the silky material was being roughly pushed down her hips, Mandy's nails lightly scraping deliciously down the soft skin of her thighs. As the girl's mouth found her other nipple and lavished the same attention on it, Nina allowed herself a primal moan. Abruptly, Mandy pulled back, sitting on her heels. "Well? Are you going to say it?" The girl's eyes were dark and serious, almost desperate. Nina watched her for a moment through lidded eyes, her breasts heaving slightly. She realized that she didn't want the young blonde to stop, she wanted to see this through to where ever it led, and that the truth of how she felt didn't shock her. Loneliness could happen to anyone. The 11 year old girl was smiling slightly as she gazed down at Nina and she was so utterly beautiful that it made the older woman want to cry. Instead, she reached out to thread her fingers into Mandy's now messy, wavy hair. "I love you, Mandy." Nina said before she closed the distance between then and kissed the girl. She gently sucked on Mandy's tongue, kissing long and deeply. Nina remained on her back with Mandy straddling her stomach, settling herself on hips ripened by the years. The older woman inhaled sharply, the slickness against her skin alien yet familiar at the same time. She'd slept with women many years ago now, long before her life as a housewife began. Before Elisha, before David ... but it was still a fond memory of sexual release. Nina could feel Mandy's readiness, the very heat of her. She stared up at the blonde, mesmerized, not daring to breathe. Mandy was like an angel rising above her and Nina was frightened that the illusion would be shattered if she dared change anything. The girl's eyes were closed now and Nina wondered if she should touch her. Her body made the decision for her. Carefully, Nina reached out and traced a few lines over Mandy's stomach with the tips of her fingers. She felt rather than saw the reaction, the surge that went through the girl's nerve endings. It seemed to bring her back from whatever place she was in and stared down at Nina, almost dazed. "Fuck me." Mandy asked suddenly, her profane words dotted with longing. The girl took Nina's hands in her own and placed them on over her young breasts. Nina immediately felt the nipples poking into her palms. The girl brought one hand to her lips, kissing the long, elegantly tapered digits. She took one, two, then three fingers into her mouth, slowly circling her tongue around them before drawing back. Nina was breathing heavily again, just watching the display. With both hands, Mandy led those slicked fingers to her already soaked sex and began to slowly thrust against them. Nina could hardly believe what was happening; she sat in awe of the girl. Watching as Mandy threw her head back, mouth gasping with pleasure as she rode her hand. Soon, Mandy was too blessed to guide Nina's fingers so she was left to continue the pace by herself as the girl frantically rocked her hips. They paused briefly, Mandy raising herself so that Nina could sit up a bit more before the girl settled back on the older woman's lap, wrapping her thighs possessively around Nina's back. There wasn't an inch between their bodies and Nina's knuckles brushed against her own inflamed sex as she thrust into the girl. Labored breath mingled as Nina kissed the smaller blonde again, fiercely at first and Mandy moaned into her mouth. The woman's thumb found Mandy's engorged clit and brushed it, causing Mandy to buck violently against her, breaking the kiss as she did so. "OH MRS. RAINES! OH! FUCK! OH YES! OH YES!" Mandy yelled. Dipping her head, Nina latched her mouth onto a small pink nipple, sucking and kissing full flesh as she rolled Mandy's clit rhythmically. The girl was practically bouncing on her hand now, groaning and digging her nails into Nina's back. A swift gush came swiftly from Mandy's cunt, drenching the woman's fingers with the girl's essence. The salty, sweet scent of Mandy's pleasure wafted up between them. "That was so fucking good, Mrs. Raines." Mandy said with a dirty grin. The older woman blushed demurely, gently extracting her fingers and wiping them on the bed sheet. "But lemme see if I can surprise you." With one hand, Mandy pressed Nina back onto the sheets. The girl them dropped kisses over the woman's breastbone, down the valley between her breasts, reaching both nipples with her hands and rolling them between her finger and thumb. Nina whimpered helplessly as Mandy kissed her way downwards, planting kisses over her belly and pubic bone before nuzzling the dark brunette curls that framed her sex. Instinctively, the older woman spread her legs, allowing Mandy to settle between her thighs. Nina spasmed at the first touch of lips against her pussy, the thought of Mandy kissing her down there playing havoc with her mind. Those young lips driving her to the brink of pleasure, that sweet tongue dipping between the moist folds. With the tip of her tongue, Mandy teased the entrance of Nina's hot pussy. Her tongue worked busily, swallowing down the delicious flavor of her older lover's juices. In only a few minutes Nina glistened with saliva and her growing need. "Please." Nina whimpered, laying her head back. Mandy's small pink tongue made spirals around Nina's clit, trailing down and making wet drawing on the moist flesh. Nina panted hard when Mandy drew her labia into her mouth to play with, moaning when a small finger slipped inside of her to add to the fun. Finding herself climbing to the peak of orgasm, Nina blindly pinched her own nipples in lust. Mandy watched under her coy eyelashes, adding kisses to the woman's trembling thighs. After a few moments of the girl giving close attention to her clit, Nina felt her orgasm rapidly rising to the surface. "OHHH YESS! BABY! YES!! LICK ME LIKE THAT!" Mandy patiently lapped at the woman's sex with a flat tongue while Nina cried out and arched against the girl's mouth. Feeling the contractions starting to cease, the young blonde slid her fingers out of Nina's hot scorching core. Licking all of the sweet juices from her digits, Mandy smiled to herself. "Mmm ... C'mere, Sweetheart." Nina sighed, tugging on Mandy's hand, smiling as the girl shifted and started to slowly kiss her way up. Finally making her way to Nina's lips, Mandy lay atop the older woman. Nina smiled against the young blonde's lips. Moaning softly as she tasted herself on the girl, her tongue coming out to gather her own flavor that still cling to the lips above her. Her hands started a gentle exploration of Mandy's back as her tongue and mouth lower to cleanse the moisture of her own juices from the girl's chin. Mandy shivered at the teasing fingers along her back and the gentle scraping of Nina's teeth across her chin. The girl whimpered softly as the fingers continued more firmly over her body. Nina worked her way back to Mandy's parted lips, sliding her tongue into the waiting warmth of the girl's mouth. As tongues tangled and battled she shifted her hip, rolling herself so she was now pressing against the girl into the bed, her hands splayed out on Mandy's taut young ass, firmly massaging the silky flesh. Mandy's hips press up into Nina as a thigh slips between her legs, sighing softly into the kiss as she started to gently buck. The older woman allowed her hands to travel further down Mandy's ass to pull her closer. Nina broke the kiss, sucking in a much needed lungful of air as she nipped down the girl's chin before working her way to her ear. Tracing an earlobe with the tip of her tongue, Nina finally sucked the lobe into her mouth and bit down gently, smiling as Mandy's hips jerk up into her and hearing her moan deeply in her chest. Releasing the earlobe just as quickly, Nina traced her tongue around the outer rim of the girl's ear before whispering into it. Mandy shuddered and pulled the woman closer as she felt the warm breath blowing across her ear. "I've been dreaming about you forever." Nina dips the tip of her tongue into Mandy's ear. "All the things I want to do to your body." She nipped at the upper curve of the young blonde's ear. "All the things I want to make you feel." She trails her tongue down the back of the girl's ear to gently nip the soft spot behind it. Mandy groaned and dug her fingers into Nina's ass as the woman teased her with her words and mouth, her hips starting to buck faster as she slipped her own thigh against the warm wetness between the older woman's legs. Nina moaned softly as she pressed against Mandy's small thigh, her nose now tracing the girl's ear as she brought her mouth back to whisper her wishes once more. "I want to take you places you've never been before. Heights you've never reached or thought you could." She moaned softly into Mandy's ear as the girl flexed her thigh against her. "Remember our kiss in the library?" Nina flexed her own thigh into the girl as she grinded down Mandy's thigh. Mandy whimpered and shook her head, her thoughts becoming hard to keep clear. Clouded with lust she hooked a leg over Nina's looking for more pressure against her throbbing clit. Letting out a long, deep groan as her fingers dug into Nina's ass, the girl's hips jerked against the woman's thigh as her body trembled in climax. Nina chuckled softly and kissed her way back to Mandy's mouth as she felt the warm flood of fresh fluid against her thigh making her shiver herself. "Oh, Y-You're trying to kill me." Mandy whimpered the words as Nina gently nibbled on her neck, hearing as answering laugh before the flesh was sucked roughly into the woman's mouth for a few moments before moving on, stopping at her breasts. "Hmmmm, is that a complaint I hear?" Nina grinned as she nipped firmly on the girl's small breasts, carefully avoiding the small, tight, hard nipples. "I didn't think you were having such a bad time." "Mrs. Raines!" Mandy half moaned, half yelped as the older woman ignored her aching nipples. Nina worked her way back and forth across each breast, knowing that they were going to be marks on the girl's body from her strong suckling and firm nips. Nina chuckled wickedly before finally nipping roughly on one nipple while pinching and twisting the other. "MRS. RAINES!" Mandy cried out, pushing her body hard up into the woman's as she felt a small orgasm flowing through her with Nina's dual attention to her nipples. Nina groaned deeply as she grinded her abdomen against the girl's apex, feeling the warm wetness splashing lightly onto her trailing down her body. "I believe we might have lost count of how many times you've cum, young lady." Nina smirked as she heard a low groan coming from the girl. "Is the smart alec little Mandy become so sensitive that just a breath across your little clit can make you cum?" "Ohhhh, that's not fair." Mandy whined, blinking and lifting her head to stare at Nina incredulously. "Alright, Sweetie." Nina began, grabbing the Mandy's ankles and spreading open the girl's perspiring legs. "What're you ..." Mandy wondered out loud. Nina just winked and held Mandy's slender left leg high up in the air while she positioned her wet pussy next to the panting girl's. The older woman looked down to see Mandy's sparsely golden-bushed pussy against her own darker velvet patch. The girl closed her eyes and groaned weakly, swearing she could feel Nina's wet cunt fasten to her own dripping slit. The two females joined each other in a deeply sexual kiss of the most intimate nature. Mandy and Nina writhed together, their limbs entwined, their smooth bodies gleaming with sweat. They rocked, bucked, and sighed together ... Nina leaned back upon splayed palms, her long brunette mane spilling down her pale shoulders as she bucked with her young lover. Mandy's pelvis was drenched in sticky vaginal juices flowing from her own pussy and Nina's. The girl lay weakly upon her bare back, arms now thrown above her head, golden tresses framing her burning cheeks, her body now trapped by Nina's powerful limbs. Not that she wanted to be let go, she just kept her hips rocking to the thrusting motions of the woman's pounding crotch. "Yes ... YES, Honey!" Nina howled. "Cum! CUM WITH ME!!!" The woman leaned over to lick Mandy's bared neck while her warm hands caressed the contours of the girl's nubile young body. Mandy growled and writhed, dragging her nails across Nina's lower back, grinding her sopping wet pre-teen sex against the woman's drenched sex. Both females arched their supple spines, tossing their sweaty manes of long hair as they climaxed raggedly as one. "OH YEEAAHHHHH, BABY!" "MMMMMM-OHHHH, FUCK! FUCK ME, FUCK YOUR LITTLE GIRL!" Bare breasts molded together, sticky strings of pussy juices splatter across both outstretched and shuddering figures. Both mature woman and young girl shone from head to toe in musky-sweet sex sweat. ***** "Mmmm." Nina whimpered quietly, the smell of food seeping into the motel room from somewhere outside. "Mmmm, yeah." Mandy rumbled against Nina's breast, dragging her eyes to glare at the clock. "Wow, it's already tomorrow." The girl snorted and shifted, groaning quietly at the feel of her pleasantly aching body. Nina let out a moaned herself and gently shifted Mandy's head to the pillow, she stretched a little and lifted her body off the bed. Walking over the window still completely nude, the woman's peeked out the dark curtains and into the coming sunrise. "Well, looks like my artwork survived the fun." Mandy said with a smile. "Hmmm?" Nina sighed. "Oh! My new tattoo." The woman turned and made her way to the bathroom. "I'm finally going to see what it is." "Oh come'on!" Mandy playfully whined. Nina ignored Mandy's half-hearted protest and made her way into the bathroom and the large mirror on the wall. She grabbed Mandy's small mirror as she entered the room and flicked on the light. After a few moments of correctly positioning the reflective surfaces she had a perfect view of her right cheek. "Aww." The word escaped Nina's lips as she saw a medium sized Unicorn with a long flowing mane. The majestic beast seemed to be galloping along a road comprised of a single word. The name "Mandy". Nina instantly because a little regretful that all the wild sex had smudged the work a little around the M. "That's cute, Sweetie! Thanks!" Nina said as she exited the bathroom and kissed the girl on the lips. "I thought you might not like it." "I love it." Suddenly another outburst from the next room shattered the quiet morning. "YES!! YES FUCK ME! FUCK ME!!" yelled a female voice. "Geez," Mandy scoffed. "They're still at it?" "They started after us." Nina winked. "OHHHHH! OH MRS. HOLLOWAY!! YES!!" Both Nina and Mandy sat in stunned silence. The name. "What?" Mandy started. "Did she? Was that?" "It couldn't be," Nina thought to herself. "That almost sounded like .... no." ~ "I can't believe this!" Mandy shouted. Two figures froze for a moment. The heavy motel door swung slowly behind them and shut with a dull click. A young brunette looked up in recognition, her mouth hanging open for a moment before she spoke. "Mom?" "Elisa?! MOM!?!" Mandy yelled, her words a mixture of anger and surprise. Elisha Raines stood there in stunned silence, her companion's arm draped around her shoulder. "Elisa ... it was you? You were fucking my Mom?!?" Gillian Holloway stepped forward and extended her hand towards her daughter. Mandy stepped back as if her mother had taken a swipe at her. "Oh no." Nina finally said. "Well, well! Lookit the screaming slut." Mandy snapped. "You are such a bitch, Elisa!" "You were in there fucking my Mom you Bitch! I told you to stay away from her!" Elisa screamed back, pointing her index finger in the blonde's face. "Girls, please." Gillian said cautiously. "Get your finger out of my face you little whore!" Mandy said as she shoved Elisa back a few steps. The young brunette regained her balance and quickly advanced forward, taking a full grip of Mandy's sleeve. "Don't touch me!" She screamed. "We ... we better take them home." Nina said, unable to look the other mother in the eyes. Without another word, the two women took a hold of their respective offspring and began to separate them. The girls swung and each other and hurled insults as they were dragged further away. "SLUT!" Mandy yelled again as her mother tried unsuccessfully to "shush" her. "That's right!" Elisa screamed after her. "You better run you mother fucking whore!" "Elisa!" Nina said raising her voice only slightly. "Come'on, we're going. Don't make anymore fuss." ***** 3 Days Later ~ *VREEP, VREEP* *VREEP, VREEP* The sound of Chloe's cellphone sounded in the darkness. "Hmmm, Awwwmmm." Chloe grumbled. "Damned cell." The young redhead reached to the nightstand and pressed her phone without checking the caller. "Hello? ... Who? ... Oh! Elisa! ... Mandy did WHAT??! Oh I'm so sorry, girl. What a slut!" *VREEP, VREEP* "Shit! Sorry Lish, I'm getting another call. Gotta go. Call you later." *Beep* "Hello? Oh hi, Mandy. ... Wait, Elisa did WHAT?!? Oh girl, I'm so, so sorry. What a whore! ... Listen, I'm sorry but I've gotta go now. I'll call you later, ok?" Chloe switched off her cellphone completely and returned it to the nightstand. Another voice sounded in the darkness. "They must be pretty mad at each other." Chloe smiled, "Those girls, it's such a pity they'll never learn to share." Gillian Holloway rose her head up from where she had been kissing the young redhead's stomach and nuzzled up near Chloe's left breast. Gillian made a moaning sound as she placed her mouth on the girl's warm, supple flesh. The sudden hard sucking sensation made Chloe gasp and throw her head back, her spine arching against the woman's touch. A third voice came from somewhere in the dim light, "Hmmm, good idea." Nina Raines moved her head closer to Chloe's right breast. The older brunette suckled the nipple whole her free hand rested on top of the girl's taut stomach. "Mmm, Harder!" Chloe panted, grasping the older blonde and brunette's head and holding their mouths onto her sensitive breasts. Electricity spread from Chloe's now throbbing sex, up her thighs and hips and straight up her spine. The girl gasps and lifts up her legs, parting them as far as she felt possible. "Now, ladies" Chloe said with a devilish grin. "Let's get REALLY wild." The End ... for now.