Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 18:33:18 -0400 From: numlfl Subject: Alicia's Comeuppance - Part Five This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author. Alicia's Comeuppance Part Five By Chris Alicia let out a cry that could be heard around the world as her heart broke into a thousand tiny pieces. She laid her head down on the table letting out sobs that came deep within her gut. She was taking in such deep breaths and then letting out a sob. This went on until it drained all her energy and she found that she was exhausted. She raised her head seeing the letter from Kellie Jo with blurry eyes. She felt so much anger at the bitch that would just run away from her without a fight. She didn't even try to hang onto her and that made her see red. She grabbed up that letter and wadded it up into a ball throwing it toward the trash can which it didn't even come close to hitting. She got up still feeling that anger toward Kellie Jo and she decided that if Kellie Jo didn't want her then she damn well didn't want her either. She told herself that she was better off without that bitch. She was on her way back to the top and she would leave white trash like Kellie Jo in her dust. That was what she was going to do and she was going to start right then. She went to the bathroom and took a shower to wash Kellie Jo out of her system. When she stepped out, she felt like she had succeeded in getting Kellie Jo out of her system. She quickly dried off then walked naked to the small desk that she had put her bag with her laptop within. She pulled it out and got it started. She pulled up some of her old projects that were stored inside so that she could familiarize herself with them again. She wanted them fresh in her mind for when she walked into work the next morning. She took her time studying each in turn until she felt like she knew them by heart again. When she shut down her computer, it was past ten in the evening and she was feeling a bit hungry. She looked into the fridge for something to eat and she found that Kellie Jo had made several dishes for her to eat. She felt a tug at her heart that she had a hard time fighting off. Her first thought was to throw all of it away just for spite. But then her common sense kicked in and decided that she would just eat the damn stuff not because Kellie Jo was thoughtful enough to cook it for her but because it just made things easier and she didn't have to find something to cook. She heated some up in the microwave and sat down to eat. The first bite she took brought back to her mind and her taste buds the remembrance of Kellie Jo's wonderful cooking. She hated that and it made the first bite hard to swallow as her eyes wanted to tear up however again she fought off and thought of Kellie Jo and she choked the rest down. When she was done, she cleaned up the dishes before going to the living room to watch a little TV on the small set that was set up. She found that she was channel surfing as she wasn't a big TV watcher and even she and Kellie Jo watched TV they ended up doing more talking than watching. By eleven, she had all that she could take so she shut everything down going on to bed. She turned toward where Kellie Jo would have been and she felt the empty space there. That was when the tears began to flow again and this time she was powerless to stop them. She cursed the bitch that made her cry and the bitch that she couldn't help but to love. She hated her so much at that moment but at the same time she loved her even more. She cried until the tears ran out then she spent the rest of the night tossing and turning in the bed. Around four in the morning, she gave up on sleep, getting up out of the bed and she started to get ready for work. She took another shower trying to refresh her body, and then she spent forty five minutes trying to get the red from her eyes and cover the dark rings that were below them. By six, she couldn't take it any longer so she grabbed up her things and heading out the door. It was cool outside and the traffic was just starting to pick up on the road that went between the plant and the apartment complex. She was offered a ride or two on the way over but Alicia declined them as the fresh cool air was helping to clear her head. It was going to be a long day and she needed to be at her best and going without sleep wasn't the best way to be her best. She got there before seven and she went on in. She walked around the plant until Mr. Washington got in at eight and he had one of his assistants to help her through the paperwork that everyone had to do when they started a new job. Alicia hated this part but it was something that you had to do so she tried to get through them as quickly as possible. She was hoping that when she got to the engineering department a little before noon that she could get to work. However the quality assurance manager was there waiting for her. She set her down at the conference table making her read through all the procedures so she could be signed off on them. She was scheduled to keep doing that until sometime the next morning but Alicia had other plans. She stayed over reading until her eyes were crossed and the words were mostly a blur. But she kept at it until she had them read and signed off. It wasn't like she had anyone to go home to anyway. She figured that this would be her life again; working all the time like she used to do but now that wasn't enough for her. She had found something better than work and she already missed that so much. It was dark by the time that she got back to her lonely apartment. She had talked to Mr. Washington and he said that she could stay in the apartment until the end of the month. He had checked with the manager of the apartment complex, and there was a family that was buying a home and they would be moving out so she could have that apartment if she liked. Alicia told him that she would love to have it even though it would be unfurnished. She didn't need much and she could get a bed, table, and desk that would be about all she needed. When she got home, she fixed herself some dinner but she was too tired to even taste it much less enjoy it. She then went to take a shower before sliding under the covers of the bed. She figured that she was so tired that she would be able to go right off to sleep. Kellie Jo was for sure out of her system by now and she was confident that sleep would come. However as soon as she lay down, she turned toward Kellie Jo who wasn't there. She cried out in frustration when the tears came and any thought of sleep disappeared. She was wide awake and feeling the pain of heartbreak. She cursed Kellie Jo as she laid there. She wanted to beat the shit out of her for leaving her when she needed her the most. She again cried herself to exhaustion however she was now wide awake with no thought that sleep would ever come. This time she got up at three thirty to go to the bathroom and take a shower. She took her time getting ready, using as much makeup as she dared to cover up her sadness. She walked on to work even earlier that morning getting to the plant before six and before the doors opened. She had to wait with the early arrivers for the supervisors to open the doors and let them in. She again went around the plant, getting to know the processes and their way of production. She even stepped in and helped on a couple of her production lines just to have something to do and to get her mind off of Kellie Jo. Finally eight arrived and she was at Harold's door as he came in. She told him that she was finished reading the procedures and was ready to get down to work. He showed her to her desk then he handed her off to Martin who would go through his projects and begin to let her take them over. Since Martin wanted to retire as soon as possible and Alicia wanted to get into the swing of things and get that bitch Kellie Jo out of her head, they both were well motivated to get things transferred quickly. Alicia could feel the lack of sleep drag her body down but she hid it well trying her best to keep her head clear. She knew that she couldn't go forever like this, she had to get some sleep soon or she would go crazy. She made it through the day and she wanted to work over but Harold came in and chased her out saying that no one worked late on Fridays unless there was a national disaster and since there wasn't one, she was to scoot on out of the place. So off she went to an apartment that was empty. Martin had offered to take her home with him and she could have dinner with him and his wife but she declined saying that she wanted to do some things that night of a project that they had worked on that day. He did drive her home and said he would pick her up Monday morning and she thanked him. When she got to the apartment, she went to her desk and got her computer out. She got it started but her eyes were too tired to read anything. She got up and got herself something to eat, and then she went into the bathroom to take a shower. She was hoping that the shower would refresh her but she was way past that point. After the shower, she tried to watch some TV hoping that it would be boring enough to put her to sleep. However it seemed that every channel had this southern belle on it that sounded just like Kellie Jo. She almost picked up the remote and threw it at the TV but since she didn't own the TV, she thought better of it. So she turned off the TV and went back toward the bedroom. She took one look at the bed and she found herself hating it. At one time, the bed was her best friend and now it had turned on her like Kellie Jo had done. It was like it was calling out to her, "Here I am come and get me get me... but be warned that I can't give you what you most desire." Even though it warned her that it wouldn't give her what she most wanted, she went to it anyway. She lay down but this time she turned away from Kellie Jo's side of the bed hoping that would help. But it didn't and the tears came anyway. She was tired of crying over that fucking bitch, yet the tears kept coming. She cried harder and harder as the evening went on as she tossed around the bed. She was so frustrated that sleep wouldn't come to her. She got up around midnight, going to the living room and laying on the couch with a blanket. She turned on the TV again hoping that it would put her to sleep but it just laughed at her. She even watched a couple of info commercials and they didn't do the trick. So she gave up on the TV going to her computer and she began to surf the net. She went into everything she could think of from games to porn but nothing could hold her interest. She even tried to masturbate but she just couldn't get herself aroused enough to get off. Her pussy wasn't going to cooperate; it stayed dry and uninterested in anything she tried. So she went back to the TV and she just sat letting the words and imagines go through her head. At six in the morning, she went to the kitchen to fix something to eat. She found a breakfast dish that Kellie Jo had made for her and it was Alicia's favorite of all of her dishes. She heated some up and cried as she ate it. After eating, she went back to the living room sitting on the couch. She pulled the blanket around her and she began to wonder if maybe she had made a mistake. She should have gone back with Kellie Jo even if Kellie Jo didn't want her to do that. She was starting to feel a little better as this thought went through her head. She was just about to the point of calling in Monday and tell them that she was quitting when her cell phone rang. It took her a couple of seconds to realize what the noise was and a few more to remember where her phone was. She ran to it and looked at who was calling her and she saw that it was the Dollar Store number. Her heart started to pound and she almost dropped the phone, she opened the phone just before it went to her voice mail. She heard Kellie Jo's voice and it started out with, "You fucking cunt! I hate you!" Those were the sweetest words that Alicia had even heard in her life. Alicia didn't get a chance to say anything in return as Kellie Jo was on a roll, "I wished that you had never stepped foot in my store. You think that you're so cute but let me tell you you're not! You got big ears that stick so far out that it's a wonder that you don't lift off the ground when the wind blows. And that tiny ass of yours, I bet you think that it is so fucking cute as well but it's not. It's got no meat to it, hell you barely have a hand full in each cheek. And god you ought to grow some breasts sometime, they are tiny. And don't even let me get off on how smart you think you are. Hell you can't even keep your house or a car, shit at least I have a van and I make jack shit. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have any money at all and the money collectors would still be after that ass of yours. God knows the next time I see your sorry ass; I'm going to beat the ever living shit out of you. I am going to put you into the hospital and you'll be lucky to get out in a month." She said and it was only then that she stopped to catch her breath. Alicia was crying so hard now that she could barely say anything but she did manage to say in little more than a whisper, "When will that be?" There was a long pause on the other end of the line and Alicia got scared but then she heard Kellie Jo let out a long sigh before she said, "As soon as I get Joan trained to take over and I get the apartment packed up." Then the line went dead. Alicia stood there looking at her phone as she replayed those sweet, sweet words in her head. Kellie Jo was coming back to her and she didn't care that she would be in the hospital for a month thereafter, not that she really thought that part would actually happen; it was just Kellie Jo's way of talking. All she cared was that she knew that Kellie Jo was missing her just as much as she was missing her. As she thought this she felt her knees so weak and she felt like she was going to faint so she had to grab onto the chair that was beside of her. Her heart was pounding away and she realized that she had started to hyperventilate. She sat down hard onto the seat as she tried to control her breathing. She was starting to get scared and she knew that she had to regain control of her breathing. She made herself relax and her breathing began to slow. It was several minutes before she felt like she could get up without falling flat on her face. She went to the bathroom to pee and she looked into the mirror afterwards and she saw that she had this smile on her face that hadn't been there since Kellie Jo had left her. She went out of the bathroom passing by the bedroom. She looked at the bed and it was no longer mocking her. She also found that she was dead tired. She went to the bed crawling under the covers. She pulled Kellie Jo's pillow to her chest inhaling her perfume. She started to cry again but this time from happiness. Her bitch was coming back to her. As the tears began to wane, sleep finally came to her and it was filled with Kellie Jo being her bitchy self making her do things that she didn't want to do. When she woke up, she found that the apartment was dark. She looked up at the clock and saw that it was eight twenty five. She had slept for more than twelve hours and she still felt tired. She first looked at her cell phone to make sure that Kellie Jo hadn't called while she had slept but there were no missed calls. She thought about trying to call her at work but was close to the closing time of the store and Kellie Jo would be busy, if she was there at all. If Kellie Jo had lost as much sleep as she had done then she had to be dog tired and needed sleep. She wanted to find out but there would be time later to get filled in on the details. She got up going to the bathroom to pee and wash her face off. She went on into the kitchen to get something to eat. For the first time in days she had a real appetite. She pulled out a couple of Kellie's Jo's dishes and she heated some of each. She was quickly running out of food so she would have to start cooking soon. She also needed to go to the grocery store but she would have to find someone to take her since she had no car plus she really didn't remember where the grocery stories were. She hated to ask for a favor so soon after moving there but she didn't see an option at this point. Silvia had offered to take her anywhere she needed to go but all the same she still didn't want to ask her. She picked up the phone to call her and just feel her out. Silvia had told her and Kellie Jo that she was more of a night owl so a late call wouldn't be a problem. Silvia answered the phone right away and Alicia started out talking about how much she appreciated Silvia showing her and Kellie Jo around and being so nice to them. Silvia asked her about work and they talked for awhile then Silvia mentioned that Martin had gone to bed on her and she was bored. Alicia decided to take a chance and she mentioned that she needed to go to the grocery store sometime and maybe the next time that Silvia went, and then maybe she could hitch a ride if it wasn't too much trouble. Silvia suggested that they go right then as she needed to pick up some things. Alicia didn't really want to go then but she figured that beggars couldn't be choosy so she accepted the offer. She then had to rush and get dressed and put a little makeup on her face. About twenty minutes later, she was in the car going grocery shopping. Silvia talked away as she drove and Alicia waited for the question she knew she would ask and she did once they were in the store shopping. "So when is Kellie Jo coming back." She asked. "I'm not sure. She has some things to tie up at home then she will be back." Alicia was happy to be able to tell her. "I was so afraid that you would quit and go back to Georgia to be with her." Silvia said causing Alicia to look at her wondering just how much she had figured out about her and Kellie Jo. "Why would you think that?" Alicia asked her as she reached for some bread. "Dear, I haven't known you and Kellie Jo for long but I've seen enough to know when two people love each other no matter how much they try to hide it." Silvia told her as she put her hand on her forearm. "Can I ask you something?" Alicia asked. "Sure," She said. "Did you take Kellie Jo to the airport the other day?" Alicia asked as they stood in the middle of the aisle. Silvia hesitated before she said, "That depends on how you feel about the person that took her there." "I would probably put a contract on their life." Alicia said looking straight at Silvia. "In that case it wasn't me." Silvia replied and Alicia had to laugh and Silvia joined in with her. "Can I ask you something else?" Alicia asked. "That depends of if you're going to put another contract out on me." Silvia said with a laugh. "No more contracts." Alicia assured her before she asked, "How was Kellie Jo acting when she left?" "Like she was doing something that she didn't want to do but felt that she had to." Silvia told her. "Thanks," Alicia said as she gave her a hug, then she went back to shopping and Silvia seemed relieved that she didn't ask any more questions about Kellie Jo. Alicia had gotten the information that she needed so there was no need to press her new friend any further. They continued with their shopping, the only thing was that Silvia failed to buy anything. She was just being a good soul and helping Alicia out. Alicia hated that she had caused Silvia trouble so when they got back to the apartment, Alicia invited her in. She made then some coffee and opened up a pack of coffee cakes that she had seen Silvia eyeing as they had went through the store. They sat and talked until well after midnight when Silvia decided that she needed to head home before Martin woke up and went to looking for his wayward wife. Alicia walked her down to her car, giving her a hug and thanking her again for everything that she had done for her before she let her go. When she got back up to the apartment, she began to feel tired so she headed toward the bedroom. She figured that she would be awake all night after sleeping most of the day but after three nights of no sleep, her body and mind still needed to rest. And as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was gone. She was just coming out of the bathroom the next morning when she heard her cell phone ringing. She ran to the bedroom where she had left it. She looked at the number as she opened her phone seeing that is was from the store. "Cunt, I still hate you." Alicia heard Kellie Jo say before she could even say hello. "Well bitch, I'm still pissed at you for leaving like you did." Alicia countered. "Good, I'm glad that I was able to piss you off, serves you right for what you did to me." Kellie Jo said. "And just exactly what did I do so I'll know what I'm so happy about?" Alicia asked her. "You said something to me that made me think to the point that I couldn't sleep until I finally decided that there was an extremely slight chance that you could be right." Kellie Jo told her. "Well I'm glad that you are finally admitting that I am right about something." Alicia said with glee and she had a good idea just what Kellie Jo was talking about. "Hey cunt, I never said that you were right about anything, I said that there was an extremely slight chance that you could be right." Kellie Jo came back quickly with. "I stand corrected, my humble apologies to you." Alicia said. "That's better; I don't want my slut to get a big head you know." Kellie Jo said and Alicia could hear a bit of a laugh. "If it makes you feel better, I didn't get any sleep until I got your call yesterday morning. Then I slept for most of the day before getting up. Then Silvia was kind enough to take me grocery shopping and then I slept all night just trying to catch up on my sleep." Alicia confessed to her as she wanted Kellie Jo just how much she did miss her. "I didn't get any sleep either or when I was able to sleep, it was filled with dreams of you and you always seemed to be just out of reach from me." Kellie Jo said and Alicia sensed the sadness in her voice. "I'm sorry that I left you like I did, it was wrong of me." "It's okay, you're coming back and maybe it was a good thing. At least now we both know where we belong and that's together. No matter where that may be." Alicia told her. "I know but there are things that I need to tell you, things that may help you understand me better. I know you know some things about me but I have kept lots more hidden within myself." Kellie Jo said. "We got all the time in the world to talk about those things. Once you get here, we can sit down and talk it over and there is I'm sure more about myself that needs to come out." Alicia told her. "That's a deal, so how has work gone? Do you enjoy it?" Kellie Jo asked. "Yea, but I haven't really gotten into any projects yet. It has mostly been reading procedures and talking to Martin about what he has been doing. I think Monday I will really start to get into the real work. I can feel the rust beginning to come off and I'm starting to think in engineering terms and not prices." Alicia told her. "It will all come back, just don't rush it and don't try to do everything in one day. Take the time to enjoy your work and not just attack it." Kellie Jo warned her. "Still telling me what to do, just when do you plan on stopping ordering me around?" Alicia asked. "The day you die cunt!" Kellie Jo told her. "Good, just checking there, I wouldn't want you to change any." Alicia told her. "I don't plan on it." Kellie Jo said with a laugh. "I didn't think that you would." Alicia said as she laughed with her. "I don't mean to push but do you have any idea as to when you will be able to leave there." "Yes you do mean to push." Kellie Jo told her. "Okay, I want to push a little so answer my question." Alicia told her. "Maybe in a couple of weeks, Joan knows most everything now and the owner is going to move Kelsey into my position. She has put in her time and deserves a chance to prove herself. I still need to get the van worked on so I know it will make it up there. Then there is all the furniture that I need to find a way to get up there." Kellie Jo was saying as she thought out loud. "Why don't you let Terry sell it? We can pick up some used furniture as we go along. I mean, all we need is a bed and table at first. Just bring the pots and pans and we can go from there." Alicia said. "That's not a bad idea, if you don't mind living with mismatched furniture." Kellie Jo said. "Hell, I have been living with mismatched furniture for a while now and I had a bitch added onto it so why should I start worrying about it now." Alicia told her. Kellie Jo let out a laugh before she said, "True enough but I think I'll hold onto our bed. I've gotten partial to it now." "Yea, I do recall some nice memories that were made on that bed." Alicia said as she smiled to herself. "I recall a few of those myself." Kellie Jo said and that warmed Alicia's heart. "Okay keep the bed and sell the rest of the stuff, then get your fat ass up here to me." Alicia told her. "Is my slut giving her bitch orders now?" Kellie Jo asked and Alicia could see in her mind Kellie Jo arching her eyebrows at her. "Damn right I am." Alicia said and then she heard Kellie Jo laugh with her. "Well I hate to go but I need to get to work. Do you have enough money; do you need me to send you some?" Kellie Jo asked. "No you left me more than enough. I'm cool for a while and I'll get paid in a couple of weeks. It will be a partial check since I started in the middle of a paid period but it should get me through." Alicia told her. "Okay, I got to go. I love you cunt." Kellie Jo said softly. "I love you too bitch." Alicia said then she heard Kellie Jo click off. Every day of the next week, Kellie Jo would come into work early and Alicia would give her a call; that way the calls wouldn't be on the store's phone charges. Kellie Jo had told the owner about the two previous calls and offered to pay for them but he declined the offer. But she didn't want to stretch her luck so she would tell Alicia when to call each day and on the days that she didn't work then they had to go without talking. Alicia told her about how work was going and that Martin was planning on the following Friday to be his last. Alicia was proud that it was just going to take her two weeks for her to catch up with what was going on and for them to be confident enough in her ability to let him retire. Alicia was hoping that Kellie Jo could be up there by then but she was having some trouble getting everything taken care of with the store and getting the van worked on so it was going to be another couple of weeks. Alicia was disappointed but as long as she knew that Kellie Jo was going to be there, then she was fine. She missed her and that was a good thing as she knew it was only temporary. The apartment that she and Kellie Jo were to rent had by now come open and she moved up into it on the Friday evening that Martin retired. She didn't have much to move since the only things that were in the apartment were her clothes and some of the groceries that she had left over from when Silvia had taken her shopping. She loved that she and Kellie Jo would have such a roomy apartment to live in. Not that it was all that big but compared to Kellie Jo's efficiency apartment, it was huge. Plus the fact that it was completely empty made it look even roomier. The only thing that she had as far as appliances was the stove. She was forced to make a bed of some of her clothes and that wasn't every comfortable but she managed. The next day Silvia and Martin were having a retirement party and Alicia was, of course, invited since she was the one that made it possible plus they both liked her. Since she had no transportation, Silvia offered to come by to pick her up. Alicia got ready early and had planned on waiting for Silvia out front of the apartment building. The only problem was that Silvia arrived early. Alicia had to hurry to get her lip gloss on before rushing to the door. She wanted to get out before Silvia could see the apartment as she knew what she would probably do. "Hi there," Silvia said as she opened the door. "You're early, let me get my purse and I'll be right with you." Alicia said as she opened the door just enough to stand in the opening so Silvia couldn't see inside. "Oh I know, Martin says I'll be early to my grave. Take your time, the party doesn't start for another hour and my daughter got tired of me trying to supervise "her" party. I don't know where she gets that from, wanting to take over everything." Silvia said laughing as she followed Alicia into the apartment; she knew that she couldn't be rude so she let her enter. "Dear don't you have any furniture?" Silvia said then she went on with, "Of course you don't, you don't have any way to get any do you?" "No, but Kellie Jo and I plan on picking up some stuff when she gets here." Alicia assured her as she went and picked up her purse off the floor. "Do you at least have a bed?" she asked. "Ahhhh... no, but Kellie Jo is bring our bed up when she comes up. I'll be fine until then." Alicia told her. "What are you sleeping on until then?" she asked. Alicia wanted to lie but she knew that Silvia had been a mother much too long and would catch a lie in a second so she said, "The floor..." And then she smiled. "Oh god girl, you got to learn to call and ask for help when you need it. We've got a perfectly good air mattress sitting in the corner of the basement. It's not doing us a damn bit of good and it would do you a world of good until Kellie Jo gets here. Now what else are you doing without?" Silvia asked as she gave Alicia a look that showed her that she should fess up. "A fridge and a washer and dryer would be nice." Alicia said. "You don't even have a refrigerator? " Silvia asked incredulously. "What about blankets and sheets?" She asked and when Alicia just smiled, she said, "Oh god, what am I going to do with you?" "I don't want to put you out." Alicia said, "I can make it until Kellie Jo gets here." "You're not putting me out, if I didn't want to help you then I damn well wouldn't." she told her. "Now let's get going and at least get you enough stuff to survive. And then tomorrow you and I are going to look for you a washer, dryer, and refrigerator. We can call Kellie Jo and tell her what we are doing and if I have read her correctly then I don't think she'll mind us going ahead and getting those items." "Okay, and thanks again." Alicia said feeling bad that she was imposing again but a big part of her happy to have something softer than the floor to sleep on which was so fucking hard. Silvia talked about the party that her daughter had been planning for years. She had to admit that she did leave early to come and get her as she was getting on her daughters nerves and she knew that this was a big day for her daughter too. She was doing something for her parents and she wanted it to be perfect, so Silvia said she figured the best place she could be was as far away from her daughter as possible. She told Alicia that her daughter was just like her and that wasn't always a good thing. When they got to the house, Silvia took Alicia back to her linen closet, getting her some sheets and blankets. Then she pulled out some towels and wash clothes, piling them on top of the sheets. Alicia started to protest until she saw the look that Silvia gave her and she shut up letting Silvia do what she was going to do anyway. Once her hands were full, she was told to take them out to the car. On her way back, she met Silvia's son-in-law, Lee, bringing the air mattress to the car. He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at her. When she got back into the house, Silvia was putting some old pot and pans into one box and then she got out some old dishes for Alicia to use. Alicia let her go for a while but then she told her that it was enough and Silvia relented. Alicia then took over, talking her out to the back yard where the party was about to start. And it was a great party as there were lots of people from the plant plus most of the neighborhood and then lots of their relatives. Alicia figured that when the party was in full swing, there were over an hundred people there. Alicia gravitated over to where her co-workers had gathered. Though she had not know them for very long, at least they were people that she knew. They spoke her language so that was where she stayed for the most part. Silvia could come by every once in a while to drag Martin away and she would sometimes drag her with him but she always found her way back to where she felt like that she was home. As the afternoon turned into evening, Alicia went to return back to her co-workers after Silvia had taken her to meet someone; only she found that they had gone home on her leaving her alone. So she began to look for someone to take her home as they went but Silvia found her before she could and she insisted that Alicia stay with them that evening but Alicia said she wanted to go back to her apartment. So Silvia found Lee and one of his friends and made them take her home and she made it clear that they were to help her carry the house goods that she had given her up to the apartment. "I'm sorry that Silvia made you leave the party and help me." "Oh hell, it's fine. It gives us an excuse to get out of there for a while." Lee said with a laugh. "You sure?" Alicia asked as she got into the car with them. "Yea, I was getting bored and besides if we drive slowly enough, we can get out of doing any of the clean up." He said with a laugh and his friend joined in. So they drove her home and helped her get the stuff up to her apartment. Then they decided that there was no way that they could blow that mattress by hand so they went to Lee's house to get a portable air tank that did the job in a flash. Alicia offered to go get them a beer or something but Lee said that they had to get back as his wife would kill him if he missed out of the fun of cleaning up. She thanked them for their help and they said that it was no problem. If she needed any other help then to give them a call. Alicia was slowly learning that it wasn't so bad to ask for help when she really needed it but she vowed to repay their kindness. The next morning, she called Kellie Jo and told her about everything that Silvia had done for them and mentioned that Silvia wanted to take her that afternoon to look for a refrigerator, washer, and dryer. She told Kellie Jo that she could do without it until she got there and they could pick it out together but Kellie Jo liked the idea of going ahead and getting it. She could send the money to her, just to get something good but not flashy. Alicia assured her that she was done with flashy and since they would be living on just her income for a while then they needed to watch their expenses. They were spending enough just moving Kellie Jo up there as it was. So they talked and Alicia promised to call her when they found something and see what she thought. Kellie Jo told her not to, that she trusted her but Alicia wanted her to feel a part of this so she called her like she said. They had visited a bunch of stores in and around town and then they went up to Fargo and it was there they found some good brands that were at bargain prices. The store agreed to hold onto the three items until she could return the next day with the money. Silvia offered to put it on her credit card so they could they could be delivered on Monday. But that is where Alicia put her foot down. She would get them when she had to money to pay for them and not anytime sooner. This time Silvia didn't try to push. She could understand Alicia's reasoning. She called Kellie Jo and told her about the things that she and Silvia had picked out and she was cool with the style and price so it was set. Kellie Jo said that she would wire her the money the next day and then Silvia would take her back up to the store to pay for them and arrange for delivery, so by Wednesday she had her refrigerator, washer, and dryer. Silvia had come by the apartment so that they could be delivered so that Alicia wouldn't have to take off of work. Since she hadn't been there long, she didn't have any vacation or sick days to take. Alicia wanted to be there but her place was to be at work and that was where she was. When she got home, Silvia was still there and she had this shit eating grin on her face so Alicia knew that she had done something that she wouldn't like. So she went to the fridge opening the door to see that it was packed full of food. "Silvia what have you done?" Alicia asked as she turned toward her. "Nothing, didn't you know that that the store delivers all their refrigerators fully stocked." She said smiling. "Yea right, like I'm going to believe that. Try again and I want the truth this time." Alicia demanded trying to act mad but she couldn't pull it off. "Okay, I stocked it for you and Kellie Jo, so sue me." Silvia told her giving her that grandmotherly look. "Well thank you but this is the last time." Alicia said as she came over to give Silvia a hug then she pulled back and looked her in the eyes, "But this is the last time and I mean it!" Silvia looked at her and Alicia saw that she wanted to argue but then she gave in, "Okay but you know if Martin can't tell me what to do and I have been married to the old coot for over thirty years, don't think that you can." "All the same, stop buying me things." Alicia said as she gave her another hug then she stepped back, "When Kellie Jo gets here, she is going to cook you and Martin the best southern meal that you have ever eaten." "That's a deal, you know from my hourglass figure that I love to eat." Silvia said as she help out her arms showing off her full figured body. Alicia laughed then she set about making them some coffee. They sat on a couple of the chairs that Silvia had loaned her and placed their coffee on the old table. They talked for a while before Silvia had to head home to cook something up for Martin. As soon as Silvia left, Alicia gathered up everything in the apartment and started to do wash in her new washer. Alicia had begun to get anxious for Kellie Jo to get there. It had been three weeks already and Kellie Jo was still saying that it was going to be another couple of weeks. Things kept coming up that she had to take care of before she could leave. Alicia wanted to tell her just to forget them and get her ass up there but she bit her lip. She didn't want to start pushing now. Kellie Jo had told her that she would be there and she believed her. She just had to let Kellie Jo get there in her own time but that was hard to do. She missed her so much and she needed her beside her and not way down south. Thursday was a month that Kellie Jo had been gone and Alicia called her that morning. Kellie Jo said that Joan was having trouble catching on to some things and that it might be another two weeks. Alicia was just at the breaking point and she almost told Kellie Jo to put Joan on the phone so she could tell her to get her ass in gear. She didn't do that but she did urge Kellie Jo to push Joan harder and make her understand the importance of what was going on. It wasn't like she was trying to learn rocket science; it was just a retail store. Kellie Jo reminded her that there was more to running a store than just fixing the schedule. They talked for a little while longer before Alicia had to get ready and head to work. On Friday morning she called the store only to find that Joan answered the phone instead of Kellie Jo. She asked where Kellie Jo was and Joan said that she had something had come up that Kellie Jo had to take care of but that Alicia was to call back Saturday morning and she would be there. Alicia thanked her before hanging up. She thought about the way Joan had sounded and something about it stuck in her mind but she didn't have time to think about it. That day she was so busy with project meetings and then the owner was on the warpath about a new product that the marketing manager had promised would be ready even though Alicia had told him repeatedly that there were still lots of work to be done. She was working as hard as she could but even she couldn't make something ready before she had completed all the testing and that took time. If a test took a month to complete then it took a month and there wasn't a damn thing she could do to make thirty days fit into ten days. When she got home that night, she was so worn out that she took a shower and fixed herself a salad to eat. She munched on it for a while before going to the bedroom to relax. She had only meant to rest for a few minutes but she was soon asleep. She woke up early the next morning and she wanted to call the store but it was still too early. She fixed a cup of coffee before getting dressed. She took her coffee out on the small balcony where she sipped her coffee as she watched the sun rise. Once she figured that Kellie Jo had enough time to get into the store, she placed another call. Again when the phone was answered, it was Joan and not Kellie Jo answering it. "Fuck" thought to herself when she heard Joan's voice. Joan told her that Kellie Jo had called her early that morning saying that she had to go visit a friend that needed her and asked if she would work for her. Her first thought was to ask who this friend was but she didn't figure that Joan would know or would tell her. "Who needs her more than I do?" Alicia asked herself after she had gotten off the phone with Joan. "Come on you stupid bitch, get your fat ass up here!" Alicia cried out to Kellie Jo though she knew that she could hear her since she was a thousand miles away at that moment. She felt so sad and she missed Kellie Jo so much. She wasn't sure what was taking Kellie Jo so long to get here. She had said that she was coming but yet she kept having all these delays that prevented her from coming. For the first time, Alicia was beginning to wonder if Kellie Jo was going to change her mind about moving up to her. Maybe she had decided that she couldn't leave the place that her son was buried. Alicia could respect that but it didn't make it any easier to take. Alicia felt her anger rise within her body and she wanted to lash out in anger but there wasn't anything she could take her anger out. The apartment was still basically empty with little or no furniture and no pictures on the wall. It just made her feel that much lonelier. She had no car to go do anything so she gathered up some of the cleaning supplies that Silvia had given her and she began to clean the apartment once again. She went at it with vengeance getting down on her knees to get the corners clean. She wanted to work all her anger out before it exploded inside of her. By eleven, she was in the bathroom scrubbing the tile around the tub when she heard this loud knock on the door. "Who in the hell can that be?" Alicia asked herself as she got out of the tub. She knew it couldn't be Silvia as she and Martin had left on Wednesday to go on a cruise to Alaska. Alicia dried off her hands before going to the door where someone was knocking louder. "Don't get your panties in a wad, I'm coming." Alicia said loud enough for the person knocking could hear her and that was what she wanted. She wasn't in the mood to put up with some religious cult trying to convert her to their religion. She opened the door with a scowl on her face wanting to scare whoever it was away. When she saw the person that was knocking on the door she lost her breath. "Hello Cunt," Kellie Jo said looking like she had driven through the night. Alicia couldn't get a word out as Kellie Jo walked past her into the apartment. "And by the way my panties aren't in a wad so if I was you I would get that log out of your ass and straighten up. I told you that when I got up here that I was going to beat the ever living shit out of you and I still plan on doing that to your sorry ass." Alicia stood there with tears in her eyes as she listen to Kellie Jo sweet talk her. She rushed to her wrapping her arms around her lover so tightly, "Oh god baby, you're finally here." "Yes honey, I'm finally here. I'm sorry that I took so long but I wanted to leave in the right way and I had goodbyes to say, I hope that you understand." She said and Alicia felt Kellie Jo's soft lips kissing her forehead. The tears were falling so hard from her eyes that she could barely see her even thought Kellie Jo's face was inches from her eyes. But she could see that Kellie Jo was crying too and she could feel the tears from Kellie Jo's eyes fall onto her cheek mixing with her own tears. "Oh fuck, I love you so much." Alicia cried out a split second before she kissed her. Alicia was trying her best to kiss Kellie Jo passionately to show her love for her but with the way that she was crying and trying to catch her breath that she knew it had to be the worst kiss that she had given anyone, yet to her if felt like the best kiss that she had ever received. Kellie Jo's lips were once again touching hers and that was all that mattered. They cried and kissed for a moment or two before they both had to pull back and catch their breath. "I'm sorry I know you deserve a better kiss than that." Alicia said as she finally caught her breath and her tears had slowed down enough for her to see Kellie Jo clearly. "It seemed perfect to me." Kellie Jo said as she pulled Alicia into her arms again and this time when they kissed, they were able to really kiss. Alicia put her hand to the back of Kellie Jo's head holding her there as she kissed her with just her lips. It was a slow loving kiss then she pulled back to look into Kellie Jo eyes for a second or two. Then she leaned back in to kiss her again. This time she opened her lips so that their tongues could touch. Alicia felt Kellie Jo's tongue barely touch hers and it felt so erotic and loving. She wanted to hold Kellie Jo like this forever, never letting their lips and tongue's part again. But alas their lips did stop touching and Alicia finally could look into Kellie Jo's eyes and she saw that she was worn out. "Oh god you must be so tired. Come on into the kitchen and let me make you a cup of coffee as you sit." Alicia said as she grabbed Kellie Jo's hand dragging her into the kitchen. "By the way who did your decorating?" Kellie Jo said as she being pulled back to the kitchen. "Funny," Alicia said with a laugh, "besides that is going to be your job now. I make the money and you take care of it and apartment." "So I'm going to be the wife and you the husband. Who and when was that decided?" Kellie Jo asked as she sat down at their little table. "I decided and just now. That is what you get for taking so long to get here. I was forced to make the decisions and that was a couple of them that I made." Alicia said with a smile. "Beside you are the bitch and wives are suppose to be bitches to their husbands." She added using her own weird logic. "And you are my cunt and aren't cunts usually the wives too?" Kellie Jo asked as she took a sip of the coffee that Alicia had made for her. "God, who taught you to make coffee, this taste like shit?" "I'm sorry; I made it first thing this morning. I can make some more." Alicia said as she jumped up but then she felt Kellie Jo's hand on her wrist pulling her down so that she ended up sitting on her lap. "It's cool; I need something strong to keep me awake. I was just picking on you." Kellie Jo assured her as she kissed her cheek. "Oh baby you must be so tired. Didn't you stop along the way?" Alicia asked as she moved her right hand up caressing Kellie Jo's cheek. "No once I got on the road, I didn't want to stop. So when I left yesterday morning I was intent on getting here. I knew that you had waited long enough for me to get my fat ass up here." Kellie Jo said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you but I'm putting you to bed right now. You need to rest." Alicia told her as she got up off of Kellie Jo's lap. "Thanks but the first thing I want to do is to take a shower. I feel so dirty." Kellie Jo said. "Okay a shower first and then you're going to bed and I don't want to hear any arguments from you." Alicia said. She took Kellie Jo back toward the bathroom passing by the bedroom where the air mattress lay in the floor. "Is that comfortable?" Kellie Jo asked as she stopped by the door. "Not really but it is better than the floor. Silvia was gracious enough to let me use it until you got the bed here." Alicia said. "Well let's get the bed from the van and then the shower. I want our first night here to be spent in our bed, okay?" Kellie Jo told her giving her a kiss. "Okay but you sit here and rest, let me take care of the bed." Alicia said as she pulled Kellie Jo back into the kitchen where she sat her down. She put on a fresh pot of coffee before heading out. "Hey you got any money?" She called back. "Yea, check my purse, why do you need it?" She asked as she came into the living room. "You'll see." Alicia said as she got into Kellie Jo's purse and pulling out two twenties. She then went down to the apartment under them, knocking on the door. The family had two teenage sons and she hired them to empty the van for her. Their mother said that she didn't need to pay them but Alicia insisted. She got them to bring up the bed first, so that she could start to put it together. That way when they got hauled the mattress and box springs up the bed would be ready. Kellie Jo had come in by then and insisted on helping. So within the hour, the van had been emptied and piled into the living room and their bed was ready to be slept in. Kellie Jo fished out another twenty for each of them for working so hard and getting it all up so fast. They thanked her and said it she needed anything else done then give them a call. "Forty bucks an hour, that is great pay when you can get it." Alicia looked at Kellie Jo, "And I thought I was the one who couldn't hold onto money." "Shut up, at least the van is emptied and we don't have to try and lug that heavy mattress up all those steps." Kellie Jo shot back at her then she added; "Now slut get your skinny ass into that bathroom and get my shower running." "Yes bitch, "Alicia said smiling as she came in giving her bitch a kiss then rushing into the bathroom where she first threw out the cleaning stuff she was using before turning on the water. As it was warming up, she got Kellie Jo into the bathroom so that she could begin to undress her. She let her hands caress Kellie Jo as she took off her shirt and then bra. When she saw Kellie Jo's nipples she had to lean in a give each a tender kiss. She saw that Kellie Jo close her eyes as she did this and she let out a little coo. Alicia wanted to undress her slowly but if she did then the hot water would run out. So as she kissed those lovely nipples making them hard, her hands were at Kellie Jo's jeans, getting them unbuttoned and unzipped so that she could push them down. She then dropped to her knees to get Kellie Jo's jeans and panties off her hips and down her legs. As soon as she saw Kellie Jo's pussy, she could see that she hadn't been shaving it and she smiled as she knew that was her job. She leaned in giving Kellie Jo's clit and kiss and letting her tongue run up and down her slit. She felt Kellie Jo push her head away and she looked up into her eyes, "I'm not clean, let me shower first." "You taste just fine to me babe." Alicia said as she got back up on her feet kissing her. "Besides my slut seems to have neglected her duties lately as I'm getting hairy down there." Kellie Jo told her. "Well she should be punished for being so slack in her duties." Alicia said with a sly smile. "Oh she will be, don't you worry about that." Kellie Jo replied with a wink that made Alicia's pussy begin to get wet. Alicia helped Kellie Jo into the shower cautioning her to just stand there as she quickly stripped out of her clothes. She stepped in, coming to Kellie Jo a kiss as she eased her back under the spray of the water. "Oh that feels good, I'm so tired." She said. "Let me get you nice and clean and then I'm putting you to bed." Alicia told her as she got some shampoo putting a dab into the palm of her hand then she started to shampoo Kellie Jo's hair. Kellie Jo had her eyes closed so Alicia sneaked in a kiss before getting back to getting Kellie Jo's hair clean. Once she had it clean and rinsed, she went to Kellie Jo's body washing and massaging her sore muscles. She could see how tired that Kellie Jo was so she worked quickly to get her clean resisting the urge to make love to her in the shower. She wanted her rested and able to enjoy it. But she did take a few seconds to caress her pussy lips making Kellie Jo let out a little moan. She also took the time to get the shaving cream down and she made quick work of shaving the hair off of Kellie Jo's pussy getting it all clean, thus getting an approving smile from Kellie Jo. Then she rinsed herself off before shutting off the water and stepping out of the tub with Kellie Jo. She made her stand there as she dried the water from her body and hair. Then she got her blow dryer out to get the remaining water from Kellie Jo's thick hair. She took Kellie Jo by the hand leading her into the bedroom. She pulled the covers down so that she could slip under the covers. "Just give me a few minutes to rest and then wake me up. I don't want to be sleeping all day long." Kellie Jo told her. "Okay, but I don't want you to wake up all bitchy because you are so tired." Alicia said as she slipped in beside of her and pulling her into her body. "If I want to be a bitch then I damn well will be and there isn't a damn you can do about it." Kellie Jo warned her. "Well if you were anything less than a bitch to me then I would think that you didn't love me anymore." Alicia replied as she gave her a kiss. "If you weren't such a stupid cunt then I wouldn't have to be a bitch all the time." Kellie Jo told her after the kiss. "It's so nice to be able to fuss with you again, I didn't think that I would ever be able to do it again after you left me that day." Alicia said feeling the sadness that she felt that day. "I didn't want to leave you, I really didn't. I just felt that I had to, I didn't think I could ever be far from Billy Joe." Kellie Jo said and Alicia saw the sadness in her eyes and how the tears were starting to form in those sad eyes. "You're never far from him." Alicia reminded her. "I know, someone made me realize that and realize that I could let someone else into my heart without having to push him out. I didn't think that I deserved to be happy after letting him die." Kellie Jo said and the tears did come. "Oh honey, you didn't let him die. You were a great mom to him and no one could stop what happened." Alicia told her. "How do you know what type of mom I was, you weren't there then. You were too busy trying to prove what a hotshot engineer you were." Kellie Jo shot back at her with lots of anger. "I know because you showed me what's in your heart. I know because you wouldn't let me disappear inside of my depression. I know because I talked with Bella and she told me how you fought with the doctors for both him and the other mothers who were in the same boat that you were. I know because I have seen you with other children and I see how they are drawn to you, how they know that they can trust you. You can even bring out the shyest child from their shell and get them to talk to you. I may be a stupid cunt but I can still see what is right in front of my eyes. You are strong and hard when you need to be but other times you are as soft as a marshmallow. So no, I didn't know you then nor did I know Billy Joe but I do know where he came from and that person is a great mom who will fight with her last breath for her child." Alicia told her. Kellie Jo lay there with the anger slowly slipping away, "I'm sorry I jumped on you but I guess that I'm still sensitive about Billy Joe." Kellie Jo told her. "You should be and you're right I wasn't there but I have been watching you for a long time now and even when I hated your guts and was regretting ever accepting your offer to stay with you, I couldn't help but to observe you. You were someone who I hated but couldn't help but to respect which killed me. I hated to admit that someone without the education that I had could actually be smarter than I was." Alicia told her as she let her fingers caress her face. "Well don't you ever forget that I'm smarter than you." Kellie Jo said with a smile. "How can I, when you keep calling me a stupid cunt so that sort of reminds me of my place." Alicia said with a grin. "I really don't think..." Kellie Jo was saying when Alicia put her fingers to her lips. "I like being your stupid cunt so don't stop calling me that, you bitch!" Alicia told her. Kellie Jo let out a laugh and she wrapped her arms around Alicia pulling her on top of her as she rolled onto her back. Alicia laid her head down on Kellie Jo's chest as she slipped her hands under her shoulders. She lay there listening to Kellie Jo's heartbeat and breathing as both slowed down. Soon she realized that Kellie Jo was sound asleep. She meant to get back up but sleep also took over her and she slept with her lover. But she did wake up after a couple of hours and she slipped from Kellie Jo's arms. She watched as Kellie Jo stirred for a moment then she went back into a deep sleep. She had no intention of waking her up after a couple of hours. She was going to let her sleep as long as she wanted. She gave her a tender kiss before leaving the bedroom to her tired lover. So as Kellie Jo slept Alicia put on an old tank top and a pair of panties then she went into the living room and started to go through the things that Kellie Jo had brought up with her. It was mostly clothes, dishes, and linen. There was also a trunk that was locked. This was something that she hadn't seen before and she wondered where it had come from. She didn't try to unlock it as she figured that it was something of Kellie Jo's and thus wasn't any of her business until Kellie Jo decided to share it with her if she chose to do so. She put the clothes into the bedroom checking on Kellie Jo each time. She had no worry of waking her as Kellie Jo was a hard sleeper and could sleep through anything, yet she woke up quickly and was wide awake when she did. She took some of Kellie Jo's dirty clothes putting them with hers then putting them into the wash. She knew Kellie Jo would love not having to go to the laundry mat anymore but then again she did seem to enjoy talking to the other women there. "What time is it?" Kellie Jo said sleepily as she came out of the bedroom and into the living room wearing an old tee shirt and a comfortable pair of cotton panties. "A little after eight," Alicia said as she waited for Kellie Jo to go off and she did. "I thought I told you to only let me sleep a couple of hours. Now I'll never get to sleep tonight." Kellie Jo yelled at her. "Honey, you were worn out and you needed the sleep so I decided to let you sleep." Alicia told her as she saved what she was working on in her laptop. "But I said two hours and I meant two hours." Kellie Jo said as she came over and stood over her. "I know you did but I wasn't listening to you when you said it." Alicia said as she looked up giving her a grin. "Obviously," Kellie Jo said a bit irritated at her, "What am I going to do with you?" "You can help me up then go into the kitchen and fix me something to eat. I'm starving." Alicia told her giving her what she hoped was her cutest grin. "Oh you are asking for it now." Kellie Jo said as she reached down grabbing Alicia under her arms and hefting her up. "I know, and I'm hoping that you'll give it to me." Alicia said seductively. "I plan on you little girl but not the way you're hoping." Kellie Jo said as she stared at her. "Maybe I want that too." Alicia said as she gave her a wink then she let out a giggle. "You would," Kellie Jo said as she let out an exasperated sigh. "And to think I left my home to come up here and put up with your shit." "You're home is with me now babe." Alicia said softly. "Yes it is." Kellie Jo replied just as softly. Alicia brought her hands to Kellie Jo's face using her fingers to caress her cheeks as she stared into Kellie Jo's eyes for a moment then she leaned in all so slowly until her lips touched Kellie Jo's. She just let their lips lightly touch for a long moment before she pressed her lips in harder and she felt Kellie Jo's arms scope her up lifting her off her feet. Alicia wrapped her arms around Kellie Jo's head as she wrapped her legs around Kellie Jo's waist. She felt Kellie Jo's hands grab her ass helping to hold her up. "I need you." She heard Kellie Jo whisper into her ear after she had ended the kiss. "Take me bitch, I'm all yours." Alicia grasped out as she felt Kellie Jo's fingers dig into her panties. Kellie Jo turned them around and she carried them into the bedroom as Alicia kissed her neck and face which made it hard for Kellie Jo to see where she was going but she wasn't complaining and neither did Alicia when Kellie Jo turned the corner into the bedroom a hair too quickly and Alicia bounced off the corner of the door. Alicia just let out a grunt between kisses. Kellie Jo took them over to the bed where she dropped Alicia onto the bed. Alicia let out a scream as she fell. "You bitch!" Alicia yelled at her but she was smiling as she yelled it. "Oh shut up cunt and get those damn panties off. I want at that fucking pussy." Kellie Jo yelled at her as she was in the process pulling her own tee shirt off. Alicia's eyes never left Kellie Jo's body as she sat up pulling off her tee shirt then she reached down to her panties pushing them down as she got up on her knees so she could get them off. Her pussy was already getting wet and the sight of Kellie Jo's body was turning her on. She thought that Kellie Jo had gotten even more beautiful than she was just a month ago. Alicia walked on her knees to the edge of the bed as Kellie Jo came to her. Alicia reached up pulling Kellie Jo's head down to hers kissing her and she felt Kellie Jo's hands going to her breasts cupping and squeezing them. Alicia let out a moan as she kissed Kellie Jo then she had to get Kellie Jo's breasts. She ended the kiss dropping her hands to Kellie Jo's breasts cupping them and giving them a squeeze. She kissed each nipple then she sucked the right one into her mouth. Kellie Jo's fingers were pinching and pulling on her nipples making her moan and groan. Alicia bit the right nipples before going to the left giving it a bite and sucking it into her mouth. Kellie Jo was doing her own moaning as Alicia was working one nipple then the other. She moved her right hand down to Kellie Jo's pussy finding it soaking wet, not that she was surprised. She ran her fingers up and down her pussy lips as Kellie Jo let out a groan and she started to pinch Alicia's nipples ever harder. Alicia slipped two fingers into Kellie Jo's pussy pushing them in deep. Kellie Jo's juices coated her fingers as she began to fuck her as she sucked hard on her nipples. Alicia used her palm to run against Kellie Jo clit and she could feel Kellie Jo shaking as she drew her close to an orgasm. Normally she would want to stretch this out making Kellie Jo orgasm be more intense but they were both too wound up to stop and take in the moment. Alicia drove her fingers in deeper and fucked her harder as she bit down on Kellie Jo's nipples. Finally Kellie Jo's hand went to Alicia's back holding onto her as the orgasm ripped through her body. Alicia had to half hold her up as Kellie Jo's body shook and she moaned out the pleasure that she was feeling. Kellie Jo's girlcum just soaked Alicia's fingers which Alicia brought up to her mouth to get a taste of those sweet juices. Alicia had gone back three times to get her fingers coated with Kellie Jo's juices and she sucked them down before Kellie Jo got her legs back under her. "Oh fuck, I got to taste you, cunt!" Kellie Jo said putting her hand to Alicia's shoulders. Alicia wasn't surprised to find herself being pushed down onto the bed but she was surprised when she felt Kellie Jo's hands on her ass pulling it to the edge of the bed and then Kellie Jo grabbed her ankles pushing them up until her knees were against her chest. Alicia watch from between her legs as Kellie Jo dropped to her knees so that she was facing Alicia's open pussy and asshole. When Kellie Jo let go of her legs to place her hands on Alicia's ass, Alicia grabbed her legs pulling them in harder and out more thus opening her pussy even more. Kellie Jo dipped her head down and began to lick and she licked hard and fast. Alicia felt a small orgasm wash through her body and her girlcum squirted out. Kellie Jo gobbled it up as she tongue went in so deep that she thought that her tongue was going to come out of her mouth. It felt like it was going in deeper than ever before. "Oh fuck bitch, lick me!" Alicia ordered Kellie Jo and she felt that tongue go in deep and move around. Then Kellie Jo went up to her clit sucking it into her mouth. "Ohhhhhh...." Alicia cried out. Kellie Jo sucked hard on her sensitive bud and the she bit down on it. "Ohhhhh..." Alicia let out again. She was so fucking close to cumming but then Kellie Jo let go of her clit. "Noooo..." Alicia cried out as she was on the edge of an orgasm. Alicia then felt Kellie Jo's tongue go across her asshole. "Yesss." Alicia then cried as she felt that tongue go around her asshole. Alicia relaxed her asshole and she felt Kellie Jo's tongue center her asshole and then she went inside. Alicia shivered and she pulled her legs up harder so that Kellie Jo had plenty of room to work. Alicia felt that tongue go deep into her ass and she just groaned. It felt so great and even better when she felt two of Kellie Jo's fingers entering her pussy. They went in slowly but they quickly began to fuck her fast and hard. Alicia was in heaven as Kellie Jo worked her asshole with her tongue and her pussy with her fingers. Kellie Jo's tongue would fuck her asshole for a moment then she would use the tip to rim it before plunging it back into her ass. Alicia twisted and moved around on the bed as Kellie Jo brought her to the edge of another orgasm then her mouth moved from her asshole to her clit. She sucked hard on it as she bit down. Kellie Jo's fingers went in so deep and hard that Alicia came harder than she had ever before. She squirted out her girlcum as Kellie Jo kept sucking and fucking her. Alicia cried out as she felt her soul leave her body and float above it for a moment as her orgasm just washed over her. When she was at her limit, Kellie Jo backed off and just licked her pussy for a few moments. Alicia reached down pulling Kellie Jo up to her and she saw her face coated with her juices. Alicia kissed the juices off of Kellie Jo's face then she kissed her getting the last of the juices. She held onto Kellie Jo hard as Kellie Jo lay on top of her. The weight on her felt so nice and feeling Kellie Jo's breasts pressing into her breasts. "Oh god have I missed you and I don't mean just this." Alicia told her. "I know and I missed you too. That's why I had to come back, I just couldn't stop thinking about you here all alone and I just knew that I should be here with you." Kellie Jo said softly. "I love you babe." Alicia told her kissing her softly and slowly just letting the kiss linger forever. "I love you too, you stupid cunt." Kellie Jo said making Alicia smile. "Turn around and let me get a taste of that nasty pussy of yours." Alicia came back with. Kellie Jo face just turned into a big smile and Alicia knew that she had just read Kellie Jo's mind. She got up off of herturning around on the bed and soon Alicia was reaching up to bring Kellie Jo's pussy down to her mouth so that she could get at those juices first hand. She placed the tip of her tongue at the bottom of Kellie Jo's pussy and she took a long slow lick upwards to her clit. She let Kellie Jo's juices slide across her tongue and into her mouth. "Oh god I've forgotten just how nice she tastes." Alicia thought to herself. Then her mouth got to the clit where she first kissed it causing Kellie Jo to moan, and then she sucked it into her mouth. She sucked softly at first then harder. She didn't want to get Kellie Jo off yet but she did want her very aroused so that she would have more juices to lick up. While she was licking on Kellie Jo's pussy and clit, Kellie Jo was doing the same thing to her and it felt fucking great. She worked slowly getting Kellie Jo to the edge of an orgasm then backing down. Kellie Jo was just as skilled at doing the same thing to her. Alicia would have to stop every few moments to let out a moan showing that she was loving what Kellie Jo's talented tongue was doing to her pussy and clit. Alicia only used her fingers to open up Kellie Jo's pussy. She just wanted to use her tongue and enjoy the favor of Kellie Jo's juices. Kellie Jo seemed to be content to do the same. Alicia wasn't sure who was copying who or if they both wanted the same thing at that moment. Alicia stretched out her licking for as long as she could but eventually Kellie Jo got her to the edge of a climax with her tongue on her clit. So Alicia latched onto Kellie Jo's clit sucking and biting on it. Even as she came, Kellie Jo was able to bring her to a climax a second or two before she was able to make Kellie Jo cum. Alicia laid back and let her orgasm take her to another world as she felt Kellie Jo lying on top of her and it seemed that was the only thing keeping her body on the earth. When she got her senses back she reached up with her hands to caress Kellie Jo's ass cheeks and she heard Kellie Jo let out a very contented sigh. She raised her head up to give Kellie Jo's pussy a kiss causing Kellie Jo to let out a moan and was about to do it again when Kellie Jo suddenly got up on her hands and knees thus disappointing her greatly. "Get up and help me cook us something to eat." Kellie Jo said. "I thought I told you to do that a couple of hours ago." Alicia said as she propped herself up on her elbows. "If you don't get your lazy ass up off that bed; then you're not getting anything to eat. So if I was you, I'd be getting up real quick." Kellie Jo warned her. "I thought that once you got back, then I wouldn't have to cook anymore." Alicia said still not moving. "Oh now the truth comes out, I bet that is the only reason you wanted me up here is to cook for you." Kellie Jo said as she looked down at her from the side of the bed. "Sure, why else you I want your fat, ugly ass around." Alicia told her with a straight face. Kellie Jo ignored that comment choosing another tactic. She said "Well if you're not going to get up on your own then maybe you need a little help." Alicia watched as Kellie Jo reached down grabbing her ankles and she began to pull her off the bed. Alicia screamed as she tried to grab the edge of the mattress but she couldn't hold on and her ass was soon off the bed with the rest of her following with the sheets that she had in her hands. "I give... I give. I'm coming." Alicia then screamed before she went tumbling from the bed then be dragged into the kitchen by her feet. "I thought you might be changing your mind." Kellie Jo said as she gently lowered Alicia's feet to the floor and Alicia was able to lower her ass to the cold floor easily instead of with a thump. "Not that you gave me much of a choice." Alicia said as she held out her hand to her. "That was my intention, my dear." Kellie Jo said as she pulled her up and then against her. "Obviously," Alicia replied, "So what you fixing us to eat?" "I don't know, what do you want?" she asked. "Something that's bad for me and that tastes great." Alicia told her. "Everything I cook is bad for you." Kellie Jo said with a laugh. "I know that is what makes it taste so great." Alicia told her as she pulled back grabbing Kellie Jo's hand and leading her toward the kitchen. "It seems like it has been years since I last ate any of your food." Alicia was telling her. "I left you a week's worth of food when I left." Kellie Jo told her. "I know you did, but it tasted terrible." Alicia said without thinking and she realized what she had said when she saw the disbelieving look on Kellie Jo's face. "What... I cooked all day for you and all you can say was that it tasted terrible." Kellie Jo said and Alicia could see that she had hurt her feelings. "That's not what I meant." Alicia was saying when Kellie Jo interrupted her. "But that's what you said, I heard you say that my cooking was terrible." Kellie Jo said still showing her hurt. "I know but that isn't what I meant. When I heated it up and I sat here at the table without you. Every bite just reminded me of you and how much I missed you. I would take a few bites and lose my appetite. The food was great I'm sure; it was just that I couldn't get any enjoyment from it. And I know I'm just going to dig myself in a deeper hole but..." Alicia was saying when Kellie Jo stopped her. "You know they say when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." Kellie Jo said and Alicia saw that she was no longer showing her hurt. "I know but I never seem to learn." Alicia said then she went on with what she was saying. "It is like when you are upset with me and cook up a storm, then the food doesn't taste as good as when I am in here trying to help you and end up being pretty much a pest." Kellie Jo gave her a smile and then she pulled Alicia to her. "I know what you're saying. It is always better when we do something together or when I'm cooking because I want to and not when I am upset. The food may be the same but the love that is supposed to go into the cooking isn't there and our taste buds know it. Food is always better when it is made with love as its main ingredient. That was the first thing that my grandmother taught me. " "She was one smart lady." Alicia said as she gave Kellie Jo a little kiss. "Yes she was." Kellie Jo said thoughtfully. Kellie Jo then turned to go to the pantry to see what was there when Alicia realized something that Kellie Jo had just told her. "You just said that spent all day cooking the food that you left me, but the letter that you left me said that you caught an early morning flight so just when did you leave to go to the airport?" "I caught a cab to go to the airport about five minutes before you were supposed to get home." Kellie Jo said. "You mean that Silvia came over and took you to the airport don't you?" Alicia asked her. Alicia could see that Kellie Jo was studying her carefully to see just what she knew and if she was bluffing her or not and Alicia was keeping her face neutral not giving anything away. She hesitated for a moment before she finally had to ask, "Just what do you know and be honest with me." "I know that Silvia took you to the airport, but I don't know when and that is what I'm really asking so it's your turn to be honest." Alicia told her. "I stayed until I had all the cooking done and put up before I had Silvia come and pick me up. She didn't know where she was taking me until she got here and then she didn't want to but I talked her into it. But why is it that important for you to know when I left?" Kellie Jo asked. "Because if I had known that you were still up here when I got home then I would have come after you." Alicia said feeling bad that she had a chance to stop Kellie Jo from leaving but she never knew it. "I know you would have and that is why I said that I had left early in the morning. I didn't want you to come after me." Kellie Jo said and Alicia started to butt in feeling angry with her about the sleight of hand that she had given her. "Before you get too angry, think a minute, everything worked out in the end and I'm here now. If you had forced me to stay I would have always felt like I should be in Georgia. By lying to you I was able to get far enough away from you to know that wasn't what I really wanted but I had to figure that out for myself. I had to leave my home on my terms and in the way that was right for me. I'm sorry that it hurt you, it hurt me too but in the end we both got what we wanted and we both learned just how much we each mean to the other. So which would you have preferred, making a scene at the airport or losing lots of sleep and shedding even more tears to end up where we both belong?" She asked. Alicia thought a moment before saying, "You know I hate it when you're right." Kellie Jo gave her a big grin before telling her, "Well get used to me being right all the time cunt!" "Shut up bitch and fix me some grub." Alicia came back at her. Kellie Jo leaned back and let out a big belly laugh as she pulled Alicia to her and she whispered into her ear, "Watch it slut, I have already promised to put you into the hospital for a month and that's still on my agenda." "So you say..." Alicia whispered back then she gave Kellie Jo a kiss on the cheek. "So what you cooking me bitch?" She asked as she pulled back. "I'm going to cook you ass here in a minute, now get me a skillet out so I can." Kellie Jo told her. "Yes ma'am," Alicia said as she gave a salute to her. "Smart ass," Kellie Jo laughed as she took the skillet from Alicia then she told her what to get out of the fridge. They bantered back and forth as Kellie Jo cooked them some biscuits, gravy, sausage, and western omelets. By the time that she had them all ready, they were both starving to death. As they stuffed their faces, Alicia had Kellie Jo tell her about her trip up and how she managed to drive that far without rest. Then she got her off on the store and how the training of Joan had gone and if she thought that she would do well running the store. Then as they drank their coffee, Alicia talked about work and the things that she was working on that week. They had some adjusting to do with their new lives in this strange foreign place that was so far from everyone and everything that they knew. So they started on things that wouldn't cause them a lot of thought or evoke lots of emotion. They sat and talked until about three in the morning when Alicia got too tired to think. Kellie Jo didn't think that she would be able to sleep however Alicia convinced her to come to bed with her anyway. Alicia cuddled up against Kellie Jo letting her hold her tightly. They kissed for a few moments before Alicia began to settle down. She felt Kellie Jo also begin to relax and before she could fall asleep, Kellie Jo had passed into that world of peaceful sleep. Alicia had to smile as she figured that Kellie Jo was still tired no matter what she said. So Alicia gave the sleeping Kellie Jo a tender kiss on the cheek causing a smile to come to Kellie Jo's face. Then she let herself drift off. "You know that we're going to have to start looking for some furniture. We need something more than a bed and that small table that Silvia let me borrow. Maybe we can look this afternoon thought I'm not sure where to start." Alicia said after got up after sleeping until after ten in the morning. "Let me worry about the furniture, I've got something in mind for getting us some things to fill the apartment." Kellie Jo told her as they got dressed. "And just what would that be?" Alicia asked wondering just what Kellie Jo had up her sleeve. "Don't you worry about it, I'll deal with that. You just worry about work and finding me someplace to work. I know they have to have some type of dollar store around here." Kellie Jo told her. "That's not where you should be working; you've got a talent for working with people and children. That is what you should be doing. Besides I'm making more than enough to support us." Alicia said as she saw Kellie Jo looking at her. "I've never heard of a job called working with people and children before, just where do I apply for this job." Kellie Jo said with just a bit of sarcasm. "I'm serious here Kellie Jo, you know that children love you and everyone is always asking you to help them out. That is what you should do. And no I don't know where to look for such a job or what job that it would be. I just know that is where your talents lay. You just got to keeping looking until you can find a place to put those talents to work. I just don't want you to go out and take the first job you can find. Take your time and look around, I don't want you spending every evening at some damn store while I'm here sitting alone." Alicia told her. Kellie Jo hesitated for a moment as she thought this over then she spoke, "Okay I'll look around but I don't want to be living off of you, I want to work." "I want that too but try to find something during the day and look around, maybe stop by the hospital and see if there is something there you can do. Or even look at the child care places." Alicia suggested. "Yea, like I would want to be changing dirty diapers all day long." Kellie Jo said. "Being around a bunch of babies all day long, you'd eat it up." Alicia said. Alicia saw that Kellie Jo was about to argue with her then she stopped herself and Alicia had to smile as she knew she had hit the nail on the head. "Oh shut up and wipe that stupid grin off that face before I do it for you." Kellie Jo told her. Alicia just laughed as she ran out of the bathroom with Kellie Jo yelling at her. When Kellie Jo came out, she decided that they needed to go to the grocery store as Alicia had forgotten half of the things that she needed to cook anything decent. Alicia laughed as she grabbed her purse and followed Kellie Jo out the door. They took their time going through the store stocking up on all the things that Kellie Jo would need to cook her dishes. Alicia had gotten most of the common basics but Kellie Jo needed a deeper pantry to cook most of her dishes. As Kellie Jo put things into the shopping cart, Alicia would ask her what it would eventually go into and thus get got an education on cooking without being in the kitchen. Alicia was putting up the last of the things that they had bought at the grocery store when she heard Kellie Jo calling her to come into the bedroom. Alicia said she would be right there as she put the last can of condensed milk into an overstuffed pantry. "What you need honey?" Alicia said as she came into the bedroom to see Kellie Jo sitting on the corner of the bed facing her. "I made a promise to you and I believe that the time has come to make good on that promise." Kellie Jo said as she put her hands on her lap. Alicia could feel her pussy getting wet as she asked in a nervous voice, "And just what promise would that be?" End of Part Five. To be continued... Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at