Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 17:36:46 -0800 (PST) From: Mas P Subject: Talk Nerdy To Me This story was inspired by a riddle and is an ode to all of my fellow geeks! This is fiction and from my brain. Don't copy it and say that it's yours, because that would be lying. Lying is bad. You CAN put it on your PC though. No geeks were harmed during the writing of this story. I should have posted in two parts...but I got lazy. You can break where I put the ***. If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch, or volunteer as a beta reader/editor (shameless advertising...) hit me up at: Talk Nerdy To Me By Mas "If a chicken and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long will it take for a turkey to hatch a light bulb on a lamp post?" Brady looked up from the laptop she was hunched over and met two pairs of eyes glazed over, mostly in confusion. Tammy opened her mouth to respond then promptly closed it and rubbed her eyes before looking at Brady in frustration then grumbling as she walked away. Brady heard something about a coffee and suicide. She looked at Jay as she nudged her glasses further up her nose. "What?" She asked innocently. "What." Jay threw up her hands in frustration. "You're hopeless, that's what!" "It's on a website with riddles, look. Not like I made it up. There's more..." Jay yanked the laptop over and closed the web page. "Hey?!" Brady grabbed the laptop back and slapped Jay's hands away. "I'm asking a logical question and I'd personally like to know." "Okay my little dorky one." "I say leave her in to her dorkiness Jay, she seems to be quite comfortable with herself." Tammy sat back down at the table passing around their drinks. Brady smirked as she noticed Jay's eyes locked firmly on Tammy's breasts. She still had no idea why the two of them didn't just get together already, everyone that they knew already thought they were a couple by the way they were always at each other's throats. "And they call me hopeless..." "We're gonna add talking to yourself too your list of dorky behavior hmm?" Jay poked Brady's arm with a straw until she yanked it from her fingers. "You know what? I really regret asking you about being cool. In fact, I take it back. Being cool is too much work." "Not when you're good at it," Jay said as she pulled out a mirror and checked to make sure her corn rows were neat and her face was still baby smooth. It was, Jay was very attractive and she knew it. Tammy though rolled her eyes. She was immune to Jay's looks after about two years. "Wait a minute while I get another chair for Jay's ego." Brady laughed. "Really Brady, I don't know why you asked her that, lots of girls are into dorks now. It's like it's the thing." She winced at Brady's scowl. "I mean geeks...sorry, nerds...?" Brady slouched in her chair and pouted. It was a cute look for the dirty blonde and Tammy couldn't help but smile as she ruffled her hair. She was cute period. The first time Tammy met Brady she had a huge crush on her. That crush melted into a great friendship that she was comfortable with. If you needed someone to talk to or rant at or just understand, Brady was there. She was a little shorter than average and wore slightly baggy jeans and graphic tees like a uniform. In fact, Tammy was sure she never saw her in anything else since she knew her except for when she slept. Then the jeans were replaced by boxers. Jeans, a t-shirt, Vans and those thick framed glasses. The quintessential dorky look. It looked good on her though, but Brady of course didn't see it. Tammy was more of a femme herself. Skin tight jeans and halter tops. She thanked the heavens for the summertime when she could show her body off to the ladies around town. Well, that was if Jay wasn't around scaring them all away. Jay. She rolled her eyes even as they turned to the good looking, black woman whose eyes were looking at her chest as if hypnotized. Jay. She found herself thinking about her, about being with her sometimes, and then she's open up her big, fat mouth and actually talk. "When you're fine as hell you're allowed to have an ego." Jay replied. "Hi Jay, up here." She smirked when she saw the embarrassment flutter past otherwise nonchalant baby browns. Baby blues were overrated in her opinion. "You're such a dude." "And you keep wearing these tight ass shirts..." Brady shook her head as the two began to snap at each other. She didn't pay it any mind. Five minutes later they'd be all chummy again. She gave them another two months before they jumped each other, but it may have to involve a third party. Alcohol. "Anywaaay," Brady began. "I really wanted Jay's help cause of that girl but I gave up. Actually I gave up a while back when I saw her with that other girl, Frena, Feena, Finna...?" "Fiona? Please, she wish that she could get a girl like Lauryn," Tammy said with a flick of her blond hair. "What? How do you know that?" Brady leaned over the small table eager for information about her year-long crush on Lauryn Garcia. She sighed as she said the name over again and again in her head. "I have it on good authority that Lauryn is not interested in her. Cindy said so." "Oh really? Cindy said so? And is this just like that time you had it on good authority that I could get in that club." Brady then made her voice higher, "Just tell them you're with Tammy Jenson, they'll let you right in!" Her fake smile slid off of her face. "I was standing in the cold for two hours," she dead panned. Tammy patted Brady's hand and apologized like she always did when Brady brought up the incident. She really thought that she added her friend's name to the list. She did add a Bradley though...but even Brady wasn't boyish enough to pull that one off. "Well, that's in the past now honey. Your Lauryn is quite single." "Single and into suave women with shit loads of money it seems. I think that Fiona chick had enough ice on her wrist to freeze all of Toronto. The most expensive thing I own is my skate board." She didn't factor in all of the computers and game consoles she had at home since they were more like an extension of her. "Which is mildly cool by the way." Jay piped in encouragingly but was only met with a depressed sigh. "Come on guys, I've given up on her. I'm so not in her league." Tammy looked at her watch then stood up and hugged Brady, ruffling her hair then hugged Jay. "I say don't give up. I think that she thinks you're cute. I gotta go guys. Later Brady, later Jane." Jay frowned as she looked around the coffee shop to make sure that no one she knew heard Tammy's reckless use of her given name. "That little..." she looked towards the entrance and scowled. "And just who is she taking to?" Brady looked over and saw a guy hugging Tammy then rubbing her arm. She looked back over at Jay and thought that she was about to jump from the table and break the guy in two...and then kill him. Jealous much...? "You need to lock the green monster up Jay and tell her that you want her...bad." She laughed as Jay's scowl darkened. "Not in a million years man. That girl's gonna have me committed in a minute." She sat back and studied Brady. "You know what, I think the freak is right, she does like you. I'm sure that I saw her checking you out a bit." "Oh, you mean in between out 10 seconds of meeting like a week ago?" Brady wasn't convinced. She'd been in Lauryn's presence officially twice before and both times had to ask Jay to pinch her arm to make sure she wasn't invisible. "Body language says a lot you know?" "Body language? I have a hard enough time with English language without you throwing in body language." Brady twirled her cup around as she looked outside the window then an idea popped in her head. "Hey, why don't I learn to speak Spanish?" "What? Why?" "Garcia...? It's obvious that she has Hispanic roots or something. I can walk up speaking Spanish. Spanish is sexy right? And cool?" Jay scratched her chin, feeling more unsure and confused by the second. "Umm, I don't think you should assume that she knows Spanish 'cause she has a Spanish name man." "No, it'll work. Then she'll fall for me and I'd marry her and she'd have my kids. Just like J-Lo." "J-Lo is married to a Spanish dude Brady. Ever heard of Marc Anthony?" "Well, not exactly like J-Lo then...but it'll work! I mean, she can't be serious about that Fiona chick, she's so wrong for her. I'd treat her so good man!" Jay agreed with her. "But the Spanish is gonna clinch it." Jay shook her head and began to tell her to just drop the idea when a familiar mass of auburn curls came into view. The curls were pushed away to reveal an exotic face that smiled after recognizing her. Her hair moved lightly around a nicely proportioned oval face with smoky eyes that scanned the crowded coffee shop even as she made her way toward Jay. She had a shapely figure and wore shorts and a tank top. Jay realized that she had a class with Brady's crush one week into her summer courses and made it a point to talk to her. At least Brady had good taste, she thought. "Jay, what's up?" Brady looked up absently as she sipped on her coffee and immediately choked on her drink. "Hey," Jay said as she stood up to slap Brady's back, not noticing Brady's face redden even more with each hit. "Whoa, are you alright?" Brady managed to look up through watery eyes and tried to put a coherent sentence together. Nothing was happening. "She's fine, you've met Brady before right? If not, then this is my boy, Brady." She ignored the glare fired at her from a still coughing Brady. She hated it when Jay did the "we're boys" thing as she didn't know much about being gangsta or the ghetto or being black for that matter. Then there was the fact that she wasn't a boy. "No, I've never officially met her before though I've seen her around." Brady felt her heart stop as the light brown orbs rested on her face. She reached out her hand and grasped the soft hand moving towards her. It was soft. Very soft and warm. All she had was her sense of touch in that moment since she heard nothing around them. It was as if everything else fell away except the two of them. She finally found something to say but wish that she rethought it...or at least added something intelligent to it. "Hola." When Lauryn tilted her head and smiled with an eyebrow raised an inch above normal, she felt like disappearing. Only Jay's hand firmly holding her knee in place kept her at the table. She thinks I'm retarded, she thought as she pulled her hand away. "Hola Brady." Lauryn looked at her for a moment, as if waiting for her to say something more or ask her something then she glanced at Jay. Brady saw this and promptly lowered her eyes to her laptop screen. An uncomfortable silence dragged on for a moment to long that Jay thankfully filled. She listened as they talked about class then she nearly jumped out of her skin when Lauryn touched her shoulder. "Huh?" She asked. "I said that it was nice meeting you and I'll see you around." She looked worriedly at Brady. "Are you sure you're okay?" When Brady nodded her head she smiled. "'Kay, see you around." Jay waited for Lauryn to walk off before she slapped Brady's arm excitedly. "Hey! You know what? You're bigger than me and stronger than me so you're little pats on the back are like punches!" She rubbed her arm as Jay tried to look innocent. "I mean, were you trying to kill me Jay?" "Sorry Brady, but come on man, you have to see that she likes you." "No, what I see is that she thinks that I'm an idiot who doesn't know a lick of Spanish, "Hola" I should have known some more. And don't think I didn't notice how she knows you. How in the hell DOES she know you anyway?! And why in the hell were you trying to slap my lungs out?!" Jay waited until Brady's rant winded down then calmly said, "I was trying to set up a surprise date for you and I just realized a week ago that I had a class with her." "I have a crush on her and you get a class with her, plus she likes you more. Figures." "What?!" "It's obvious, I saw the looks." Jay just stood up and motioned for Brady to pack up her laptop. They headed to the exit but not before Jay looked over and saw Lauryn watching her friend with a half-smile on her lips. She looked quickly at Brady but she, of course, didn't see a thing as she looked through her cell phone. Jay grabbed the phone and jammed it in her pocket. "You need to wake up and smell the coffee." "Oh, good one. Original, since we're in a coffee shop and all." Brady pulled out the cell phone and opened it back up defiantly. "Seriously, look, why don't you meet me at the end of class and you'll happen to see her. Then maybe you can say more that two words to her." "Or how 'bout I go home, watch some cartoons then sleep in tomorrow and watch some more..." "Goodbye Brady." "I mean she probably doesn't like Sponge Bob anyway. So it wouldn't even work out, probably for the best..." She sighed when she realized she was talking to Jay's back. "Well if I'm gonna do this I better do it right." She pulled her bag up her shoulder and headed to the library. It was hot. Really, really hot. Toronto summers were infamous for their stifling heat, today the city didn't disappoint. She dragged herself from bed for her morning class then did it again to 'meet' Jay outside her building. She had on a t-shirt but when she felt the temperature, she raced back inside to exchange it for a tank top. She had a couple for emergency purposes, and this heat qualified as an emergency. She was going to try to fry an egg on her sidewalk the next day. She always wanted to do that. A stream of people began to leave the building and Brady immediately spotted Jay walking with Lauryn. Lauryn. She looked hot as usual to Brady. Shorts and a tight t-shirt, then very white sneakers on her feet. Everyone else looked sweaty and rumpled, but not her Lauryn. She was so enthralled with her beauty that she didn't allow enough room for her shoulder to clear one of the walls of the building. She smacked against it just as Jay and Lauryn looked up and noticed her. "Mother FUCKER!" Her eyes watered at the pain as she shouted and rubbed her shoulder. She covered her eyes when she noticed Lauryn looking right at her in sympathy. To her horror she walked over. "Are you okay?" came the concerned voice. "I'm fine," Brady grumbled. "Man, that had to hurt." When Brady silently glared at her Jay cleared her throat, "So! What are you doing here Brady?" Brady winced at how staged Jay sounded. Why not just tell her we faked meeting so that I could talk to her Jay? Instead she said, "Oh just handing around I guess," Lauryn reached out and rubbed the shoulder, making Brady's hand still in surprise. "I was just...I...library..." "You need some ice or something? I live really close by." "Ummm..." Jay poked her side. Brady yelped and poked her back. Lauryn watched them for a while, smiling at their obvious closeness. "Brady would love to come by for some ice." "Well actually I promised to fix a friend's computer this afternoon." "No you didn't" "Ummm, yeah, I did." When Jay looked at her with eyes that practically screamed, "Shut up!" she finally did. "Well, I mean...okay." Lauryn stuttered then removed her hand. Brady became aware of not only the loss of her touch but her scent, something sweet, almost fruity. It was disappearing as she moved away. "I'll see you guys later then." "Later Lauryn." Jay waved as she thought of a few ways to strangle her friend. "Adios," Brady said with a nod, only to be met with the raised eyebrow again. "Uh huh," Lauryn mumbled as she walked away, shaking her head. "Adios?" Jay looked at her friend in pity. "What am I gonna do with you Brady?" "Shut up." "Oh! Shut up now? And here I was about to tell you about a party that Lauryn invited us to. Oh well, I'll just tell Tammy about it then." Brady scrambled after Jay who was strolling away. "Party?! Where? She invited me?" Brady couldn't contain her excitement at bay. "Yes she did. Her exact words were, 'tell your friend to come too, it's Brady right?'" Brady's excitement disappeared at that. "She doesn't even know my name?" She sunk down into the nearest bench. "Of course she does! It's a girl thing. They act all nonchalant so that you don't get too cocky." "Cocky Jay? Really now..." She didn't even have enough energy now to point out to her friend that she too was a girl. I know how to induce being bi-polar, she thought, start crushing on a Spanish woman. Jay on the other hand, was getting angry. "Listen, I'm just the messenger, you can do what you want with the message but stop being all girly about it." Brady watched her walk away for a while then she really thought about what Jay said. It did make sense, in a sense...and Jay didn't lead her astray...well for the most part. She jumped from the bench to chase down her friend. "Wait! Jay! What do I wear?!" It was like sardines packed in a matchbox. Brady breathed deeply suddenly remembering her slight fear of tight places. She had no intention of entering the house though and hoped that Lauryn was a thorough hostess. She smoothed out her t-shirt and looked down at her dark jeans and her tennis shoes. She bought a new pair of Vans for the night that Tammy, the epitome of style, told her were very cool looking. "'Kay, I look okay." She smelled her arm pits then checked her breath. "I smell okay..." She then shook her arms and legs trying to get rid of her nervousness. "I feel okay...good thing I got a shot of Tiny Toons before I left." "What are you doing Brady?" Tammy asked. "Checking myself." "Well stop it, Lauryn's coming over." Tammy smoothed out her dress and waved hellos to some familiar faces then Brady barely had time to check herself again before Tammy was hugging a similarly dressed Lauryn. Brady tried to keep her eyes above Lauryn's shoulders but the dress stopped mid-thigh and it was clingy; it begged for attention. So Brady gave it, freely. "Hey Brady, glad you could make it." Brady looked up and knew that she resembled a deer caught in the head lights. Lauryn watched curiously as a look of concentration came over the blonde's face, then she began to...speak Spanish? "Hola, como estas?" "Ahhh, I'm good." Lauryn looked at Tammy who looked just as confused. Jay walked up behind them, her hand naturally finding the small of Tammy's back. "Jay, hey glad you made it." They leaned over and hugged. "Hey, had to park the car but good to be here lovely. Now where's the booze?" Lauryn laughed then pointed Jay to the bar area. She took Tammy's hand pulling her away with a nod in Brady's direction. Brady was about to follow when Jay placed a hand firmly on her shoulder, "Stay." With that the couple left. "Oh no, I don't feel like a dog at all." She grumbled then looked up into laughing eyes and relaxed. At least she's not running away...yet. "Soooo, Brady. I hear you're quite the computer genius." Lauryn stepped closer and her scent immediately encompassed Brady. "Well, I don't know 'bout that..." She was about to tell her to back up before she jumped her bones then someone called out to Lauryn. She breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped back a bit but felt the loss of her at the same time. "Listen, I'll be right back. Don't move!" "Umm...okay..." She watched confused as she walked away, the muscled of her thighs and calves moving nicely with the lighting. "She's a goddess and I'm about to embarrass the hell outta myself!" Brady ran shaking hands ran up and down her face. Brady didn't drink. Whenever she did bad things happened. Bad, embarrassing things. Bad, embarrassing things that you can never undo. Tonight though, she wished that she had a nice, cold alcohol-filled beer in her hand. "Make that five," she mumbled. "Five what?" Came the now familiar voice. "Wha!" She jumped up and held her heart as Lauryn's guilty eyes met her own. "You scared the SHIT outta me!" "Sorry," she heard as a beer was thrust into her face like a peace offering. Though Brady loved the sight of Lauryn's lips pouting, she didn't like to think of her sad, so she took the beer with a smile and shrug. "No problem. No harm done." Brady decided to show off her quick search on "Yo soy muy centada esta a tu fiesta." She nodded her head when she finished and looked up hopefully into Lauryn's smiling eyes. She took a sip of her beer. "Uhh huh." Lauryn moved closer as she placed her cup on a nearby table. "You're really cute Brady, I mean I-" She seemed to stop herself from saying something and looked at the ground. When she looked up again, Brady saw an apology in her eyes. "Umm...well you do know that I don't speak Spanish right? I mean..." She saw Brady's dumbfounded look and hurried to continue, "No, not that I don't like to hear you speak it or anything!" "Shit, I'm an ass." Brady mumbled as she heard Jay saying in her head 'I told you so'. "Shut up Jay." "What?" "I said that I'm an ass." "No you're not." Lauryn took one of the hands that were about to be jammed into her pockets. "You're cute." "Cute! Hah! That's what Tammy said you'd say." She didn't know if she liked the endearment so much now. "Stop pouting, it's okay, really. It's actually pretty sweet." Brady looked at Lauryn unconvinced, "What's sweet? The part where I make a sweeping generalization about everyone with a Hispanic last name? Or when I went online to find what were most likely very crappy translations then told them to you? Or the part where I'm an idiot?" Lauryn placed her finger over her lips, effectively shutting her up. "The part where you went out of your way to impress me with Spanish because you thought that I spoke it AND the part where I never had someone do that for me before." She rubbed her finger over the soft flesh then raised her eyes to meet Brady's. "You're not an idiot, just very...adorable." "I knew it was too good to be true, I'm outta here." Lauryn watched in stunned silence as Brady placed her beer next to her cup and turned away. "Shoulda stayed home to watch Tiny Toons..." "Wha...wait." Lauryn reached out for Brady's arm. "Lauryn?!" Someone called out. Brady turned back to see a very attractive butch woman hugging Lauryn then moving in for a kiss. She turned and continued to walk away then collided with Jay. "Whoa! Where you off to?" "I'm going home, this was beyond stupid." "What? Br-" Brady watched Jay's eyes widen then she was being yanked around by her arm. Before she could shout at the person, Brady was face-to-face again with Lauryn. Her perfume filled her head again and she shivered as she stepped forward it was like her body took control of her mind. Her arm felt hot where Lauryn's hands touched her. "Don't go," she heard before Lauryn's face neared hers and she felt the warmth of her breath. She gonna kiss me? Good God she's gonna kiss me! Do I have beer breath? Are my lips moist? I haven't kissed a girl in months! What if... Then Lauryn's lips were on hers and quickly maneuvered so that her soft, wet tongue was snaking its way into her more than welcoming mouth. Welcome home, she thought. She felt hands grab her t-shirt and pull her closer, then those hands were on her ass. She blamed it on her five sips of beer, because she felt drunk enough to run her hands down a soft, bare back over a round firm ass to just as bare thighs. Thank god for mini dresses, she thought as her hand began to inch up her thighs. She dipped her tongue into Lauryn's mouth, finding just what she wanted, and began to suck on it greedily. A burst of arousal exploded from her when she gripped Lauryn's thigh and pulled it firmly between her legs. "Ummm," she heard. "Fuck yeah," Brady answered as her hands continued their journey up a heated thigh in search of her ass. "Mmmm," she heard and nearly passed out when she felt the material of Lauryn's dress caressing the back of her hands and the strings of her g-string teasing her. "You guys need to get a room man." Jay of course, Brady thought and pulled away with an audible pluck from shiny, swollen lips. She opened her eyes and focused on a face that looked just as out of it as she felt. Slowly hands moved from hips and ran up arms instead, then down to touch then clasp. "Don't go," Lauryn said. "Okay," she replied and couldn't hide her goofy smile even if she tried. "Another beer Brady?" It was about 2 hours later and they stayed close. Very close. Brady hand held Lauryn's or rested on the small of her back the entire night. She liked it. A lot she knew that she shouldn't be drinking anymore but she found herself nodding her head anyway. A moment later she had another cold bottle in her hand. This was number three right? She wondered this even as she placed her fourth empty on the table. "So," Lauryn began when they were finally alone again. Someone seemed to always be around trying to steal Lauryn away. Brady at some point though threaded their fingers into a tight link. She had no intention of letting her go. "About that Spanish..." Lauryn Laughed as Brady groaned. "Can we pretend that didn't happen?" Lauryn laughed even more then nodded her head. "We can. But I have to be able to bring it up every now and then." Brady nodded her head trying to think of anything she'd deny her. Nothing came up. "I wanted to talk to you since forever." She tried to rub away the fish look but it remained. She decided to muster up a few words instead. "Wha?" "Well, I'd try to walk over to ask you out or something but you always looked so busy." "Busy?" "Yeah, or I'd see you around campus and some girl would be all over you." At that Brady laughed out loud. "I must have a twin or something 'cause you have to be mistaken." When Lauryn simply stared at her she began to feel guilty, though she didn't know why. "Seriously Lauryn, I haven't had a girl friend in four months and I don't do the play around thing." "I know, they all said that." Brady rubbed her eyes wondering if all women were as confusing as the one in front of her. "They all said what? And who are these people?" "The girls, I asked around and they said that they'd throw out vibes but you never did anything. One girl said that she put a virus on her computer intentionally to get you in her apartment." Brady ran her fingers through her hair as she thought back. Slowly she began to make sense of her confusion about all of those girls who had computer problems. It was insane. She even looked into viruses that were attacking only their school's connection, but she didn't come up with anything. But why were they all...wait a minute, a look of wonder settled on her face, those girls were trying to get with me? "I didn't even notice it..." she mumbled. Then she thought back to Jay's teasing and her pleading for her friend's help. A slow smile creeped onto her lips, guess nerds aren't so uncool after all, she thought. Then she turned to a closely watching Lauryn. She stepped in front of her and walked until she had her leaning against a wall and lifted her lips to kiss her softly. When she pulled back she was surprised to see doubt in her eyes. "I didn't notice them because I've been trying to find a way to get your attention for weeks Lauryn." The sweet smile that she saw told her that she was hitting her target with each line. Her hands moved from the small of Lauryn's back to the thinly covered hips then onto the back of firm thighs. She licked her lips and moved her hand up again, beneath her dress. When her fingers grazed her g-string again her knees buckled and she pressed her against the wall. Brady looked around, glad to see that they were in a pretty secluded spot. She slid her fingers up and had to close her eyes when she felt the wetness there. "So you never got with any of those girls Brady?" Lauryn asked out of breath. Her hands slid beneath Brady's shirt. Soft, glossed lips skirted around her neck, choosing random spots to suck then sooth with the flat of her tongue. " Only scans, system d-downloads," Lauryn had her hand over her breasts, the tips of her fingers tracing along the edge of her sports bra. "One of them said that she got you in bed," Lauryn bent her knees, moaning when her dress inched up her thighs and she felt the roughness of Brady's jeans between her legs, rubbing against a very aroused clit. Gentle fingers began to move against her then slipped away and those same fingers began to massage the firm ass beneath them. "That girl was lying." Brady kissed her way up a smooth neck to waiting lips. Her tongue dived right in. Does she do like a thousand squats a day? "This is one nice ass." She got in between kisses. Lauryn giggled. "You'll have to back of that now you know?" "What? You're ass?" Brady moved her hands as if burned then sighed in relief when Lauryn placed her hands right back. "No, those good Samaritan computer visits to horny women." "Okay," Brady said then moved in for a kiss. Lauryn held her waist and looked at her skeptically. "Just like that?" "Well, yeah." Brady replied and tried to kiss her again. "No argument?" God, this is hard, she thought. "Do you want to argue?" She watched as a shy look changed Lauryn's expression. She had a glimpse into a much younger Lauryn. It was endearing. "Look, I'm still not fully convinced about what you saw, but I want you. I've wanted to get to know you for a long, long, long, long time." Smiles, Brady only wanted to see them on her lips. "And me..." "You what?" "Nothing," She said and surprised her as her hands moved up to begin moving over her wet and very aroused pussy. "Nothing at all." Her lips moved in to nip on her bottom lip and she heard and felt her labored breathing. Lauryn gripped her ass and began to grind against her. "Brady," she heard panted into her ear. "Yes?" Brady imagined that the next words to leave the swollen lips would have been "Take me" or even "Fuck me". "Shit." She heard instead. "Not exactly what I want to do at the moment..." Then Brady heard the voices around them. She turned around and saw mostly drunk faces every single one with overly enthusiastic smiles. "Oh man, my bad Lauryn! But we're headin' to the club district in half an hour. You comin' right?" Brady made sure that Lauryn's dress was covering what is was supposed to cover then stepped back, intending to leave her to her friends only to have Lauryn grip her arm. "Umm ladies, I was kinda busy." "We need to know now!" A drunken girl squealed. "We need to clear out the house." Brady looked up then, "You live here too?" Lauryn sighed then nodded her head. "I don't know..." Brady was rocking back and forth on her feet and stopped when she noticed Lauryn's eyes on her. She pushed up her glasses. "Do you want to come Brady? I'll go if you go.? No! She screamed in her head. A vision of her in a club dancing filled her head and it wasn't pretty. However, she thought, it seems like Lauryn wants to go and the only way we'll get to know each other is if we're together. So... "Umm, okay...?" "Cool!" A redhead shrieked. Then she was being ushered toward the still packed house but a flock of excited women. "Hey, isn't this the chick Lauryn's into?" Brady tried to fight off the hands holding her arms. "How 'bout I just wait outside." Brady shouted to a very annoyed looking Lauryn who was being pushed along too. "Hey, let her go Sarah!" "Oh yeah that's her. Can't believe it, you know I practically threw myself at you." The girl named Sarah moved in close and leaned in as it to kiss a stunned Brady when she was pushed away. "Hey! That 'urt!" Just then a hand groped her ass but by the time she spun around three smirking faces greeted her. "Back off Sarah, I mean it." Lauryn seemed to grow a few feet. Note to self: never get Lauryn angry. "Okay, okay. Jus' playing." With that they were ushered into the house and the scent of alcohol, sweat, and an array of colognes and perfumes hit like one huge, gaseous bat to Brady's senses. She stumbled into the crowd. "Hey, you okay?" Brady nodded her head even as she stumbled again and tried to catch her breath. "Oh I'm fine. Just a mild case of claustrophobia." "What?" Lauryn's eyes widened and she glared at her roommates. "Let us pass you idiots. I'd be lucky if she talks to me again after this!" Brady barely caught the last of Lauryn's reprimand as she stumbled up a stairway and into a dark bedroom filled with sweet, clean air. She fanned her now sweaty body and tried to breathe deeply. Lauryn led her over to a bed and lowered Brady's head between her legs. "Breathe deeply baby, that's it." She called me baby! The thought and the soothing way that her back was being rubbed had her calm and collected in a matter of seconds. "I'm sorry Brady." She sat up and looked over at worried Lauryn. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone inside." "But it's my fault since my friends are all a bunch of idiots." "I think that's a rite of passage in university." They sat looking at each other at a loss as to what to say, then they both spoke together. "I don't do clubs," Brady said. "I don't wanna go out." Their laughter broke the last of the tension between them. Lauryn shifted closer and took the hand that rested next to hers. "You first." "I don't do clubs Lauryn and it was silly to say yes. I don't club, don't know what clubbing consists of and I'm sure that if you look up clubbing online I'd be the antonym of it. My name. It'll say 'See Brady'." She smiled when Lauryn laughed. "The last time I went to a club I was nearly thrown out and arrested for reckless dancing and I get sleepy at 12 am..." Brady winded down, waiting on Lauryn's move. She was sure Lauryn was going to tell her that it wasn't going to work. Everything disappeared except her nagging insecurities. "I hate it too Brady. I don't want to go, I want to spend time with you. I hate clubbing. It's expensive and loud. I'd rather be at home watching old movies or reruns of Star Trek." When Brady's eyes lit up she nodded her head. "Yes, I'm a Treky." "No way?!" "Yup. I want to stay home Brady and I want you, but I jus' don't want you to think that I'm easy or anything." "I don't think that. I can't think that about you." Brady scooted closer and wrapped her arm around her shoulders. "Easy on the eyes maybe..." She smiled when she got the desired result. Lauryn gazed at Brady then pushed her glasses up her nose and leaned forward to place her lips against the soft lips a breath away. "I think that I could fall for you quite easily Brady." "And I think that I've hit rock bottom a while ago." Brady watched as a blush spread evenly over Lauryn's face, making the olive skin glow. "Why don't you chill here for a bit." Brady nodded her head in agreement and looked around the dimly lit bedroom. Her eyes lit up when they noticed an apple laptop. "You have one of the newer ones huh?" Her fingers already reached out to touch it. She looked up as Lauryn stood. The dress hugged her body and moved against her in a way that made Brady jealous. She sat on the edge of the bed to better watch her. "Lucky damn dress..." she grumbled. "What?" Lauryn was at her mirror, touching up her lip gloss. "I said that it's a nice laptop, good memory." Lauryn looked over her shoulder with a smirk and Brady knew that she was busted. Brady decided to act like she didn't see it and was relieved when Lauryn turned away. "It is? It's been giving me problems though. You can peek at it if you want." "Cool." Brady smiled and opened her legs as Lauryn stepped between them. The hands immediately found the back of her thighs and began to move up and down. "God, you have some great legs." Another blush graced Lauryn's face. "I'll be back. I have to help clear out everyone." "I can help." Brady stood up only to be shoved back down. "No. Stay. It's still crowded and I don't want to worry about you." Brady never had a girl care for her like that. In one night Lauryn made her feel ten times better than any of her former girlfriends combined. "Cool." Brady watched dreamy eyed as Lauryn lowered her face and her eyes slid close as their lips met. Can you orgasm from a kiss? Brady thought that she was about ten kisses from finding that out. By the time Lauryn came back about an hour had pass and Brady was happily pecking away at her computer trying to speed up Lauryn's laptop which she was sure had at least one virus on it. She looked up smiling at Lauryn who smiled back at her as she took off her heels. Brady was on her bed with her tennis shoes sitting on the little rug next to it. "I'm pretty sure you had a virus on your system. I'd rethink using your current antivirus program." "You would?" Lauryn crawled up on her bed and kneeled behind a rambling Brady. "Yah! And when's the last time you defragmented your computer? You need to do that often, then all the clutter you have set up each time you boot up, gotta get rid of half of it." "Can you do that for me?" She whispered. Brady finally became aware of the hands moving up her back then over her shoulders. "Umm, y-yes?" "You don't sound so sure." Lauryn smiled at the frazzled woman in front of her. She couldn't help herself and moved her hands down Brady's chest as her lips pressed kisses to the back of her ear. "That could be because all of my brain matter moved south." "Well that can't be good." Brady's breathing became erratic when nimble fingers began to unbuckle her belt then unclasp the jeans. "So, about my computer..." "Uhh huh?" "Is there anything else I should do?" Lauryn shoved the jeans down and quickly ran the tip of her finger over the thick band of her boxer briefs. "I love these," she murmured as she felt herself getting wetter. She then left the edge to rub over the front of the briefs felling the wetness seeping through the material. "Love what?" Brady's eyes slid close as she griped the sheet on the bed for dear life. "Boxer briefs." She sucked an ear lobe into her mouth. "Especially on you." She said around the flesh then began to trace Brady's ear with the tip of her tongue. The scent of her cologne made Lauryn close her eyes and breathe in deep. "Oh God..." Brady said as she felt an orgasm coming on. Too soon, she thought, way too soon! "Can you check my computer for me all the time? Install some," her fingers slipped past the band of her briefs and began to touch her boldly, "antivirus software?" "And adware and spy ware and an anonymizer and...God whatever you want. Just don't stop." Lauryn breathed in her ear as her hips began to move to the rhythm of her touch. "I love that too," Lauryn said as her other hand squeezed beneath her bra and held a breast, squeezing it in rhythm. " what?" Her thoughts were all scrambled as she tried to hold off the insistent orgasm. "When you talk nerdy to me." Brady would have laughed at that if Lauryn didn't choose that moment to enter her. She came with a shout and a firm grip on the pumping fingers. She moved her hips until she thought she's go blind from all the colors bursting behind her eyelids. "Ahhh fffuck," she said on a sigh as her eyes closed. "That's the idea baby," she faintly heard as she began to lose consciousness. She blamed the alcohol. Or maybe it was just Lauryn and that huge orgasm, because she never felt like falling asleep so badly right after one before. Within the next minute though, she was out like the dead with a laptop between her legs. It was the only light in the room for a while, bit it was bright enough to reveal the satisfied smile on her lips. Brady heard noises; the muffled sound of conversation right outside her little bubble of awareness. She registered that she was cold, but then she thought that her bedroom was generally pretty warm at night. Then she heard the sound of a door opening. What a real dream, she thought. "..wanna check to make sure..." "...fine Jay...damn drunken ass..." Tammy and Jay? I haven't dreamt about them since that elephant dream last year. "She fell asleep...okay..." Lauryn. She sighed in her sleep. Just hearing her voice made her feel all warm and fuzzy. She burrowed deeper into the pillow. "...see? Now let her sleep, she..." "...did you do to her?! Way to go Brady!" "Wha?" Brady opened a sleepy eye but only met darkness. Just a dream. "Hmm," she settled back to bed. A few minutes later she felt the bed shift and a warm body press against hers. "Umm, wha?" "Shhh, it's just me. Go back to sleep honey." "Lauryn?" She sighed and shifted over until her leg was draped over her and pulling her close. "Shhh, I'm here." That's all that she needed to hear to fall right back to sleep. ************************************************************************ Cotton. Lots and lots of cotton. In her head. In her mouth. Clouding her eyes. Blocking her from seeing the person sitting up in bed staring at her. Sitting up staring...staring? "Wha!" Brady shouted and jumped out of the bed. She landed on her butt with a loud thud. "Oww! Shhhit!" "Are you okay?" Came the very concerned voice. Gentle even if it was laced with laughter. Beautiful...She always seems to be asking me that... "Lauryn?" Brady asked unsure. Lauryn watched her as she stood up in her underwear rubbing her eyes with one hand as she rubbed her butt with the other, then doing all of this with a pout on her lips. She looks so cute. "Come back to bed," Brady crawled back beneath the covers. "Here are your glasses." Brady gratefully accepted them then dropped onto her back with a sigh when her vision cleared. She turned her head and tried not to pinch herself when a sleepy eyed Lauryn greeted her with a smile. "So this is one of my really good dreams feels like I guess." When Lauryn's smile slipped a bit and she frowned Brady started to doubt her sanity. "Okay, a very, very real looking dream." She pinched her arm and winced. "That hurt." Pain, therefore... "Are you sure you're okay, that was a very hard fall you had there." Brady's eyes widened. I'm lying in Lauryn Garcia's bed half naked with one of her very naked looking shoulders peeking over the top of the covers and the remnants of a very steamy night in my brain. Brady tried to keep the excitement from her face. "Is this weird for you?" "No! No, it's not. It's just," she searched for a word to describe how she felt. "Surreal's what it is...surreal." Lauryn smiled and shifted forward. Brady tried to keep her thoughts as clean as possible when she felt a bare thigh touch her own. "I mean, if someone told me that I'd be in your bed, half naked on a Sunday morning, I'd have told them to stop sniffing their markers." Lauryn raised an eyebrow in question. "Not that I sniff markers or anything," she hurried to explain. "Well not a lot at least." Lauryn was trying unsuccessfully to hold in her laughter. "Well they smell good..." Brady covered her eyes and rolled onto her stomach turning her head away. She knew she was okay when she felt a warm hand massaging her ass. "Still hurts?" "A little," Brady lied but she had no intention of passing on a free butt massage. "So what do you do on Sundays?" Lauryn asked. Brady turned her head and met curious brown eyes. "What do YOU do?" "Well, I asked first!" She poked Brady's side playfully. She squirmed away and sat up in the bed Indian style. "Okay, true, but before I answer you must understand that I'm very in touch with my inner child." Lauryn sat up too, dragging the sheet with her. "We're like best friends." "Who?" "Me and my inner child." She looked down and began to play with a loose thread then took a deep breath. "Okay, so generally I wake up, make a cup of coffee, turn on my TV to Animate TV then at 8 I watch Batman. At 9, Scoobydoo until about 11 or so, then I switch to Cartoon Network and watch their lineup 'til about 2 when I decide it I want to go skateboarding or not. If not, I just stay in bed and watch Space TV 'til 5. At 7 Star Trek's usually on but I make some food or something by then so that I don't miss Battlestar Galactica at 8." Brady looked up to make sure she didn't lose her. It seemed like Lauryn was following so she looked down again. "Jay or Tammy sometimes call to hang out around 9, but if not I watch Sponge Bob on Animate TV 'til 10 then I surf the net or fix computers until I pass out." Brady took a deep breath then raised hesitant eyes. Lauryn picked up her remote and turned on her television. She watched as Brady's eyes lit up when Batman filled the screen then she reached down next to her bed and sat up dropping 5 DVDs between them. Brady picked one up then realized that they were the old seasons of Star Trek. "I'm a closet geek," Brady took her hand and pulled her closer to plant a loud kiss on her lips, then she jumped up excitedly and ran for the door. "I'll get the coffee!" Lauryn laughed as she ran from the bedroom then squealed and ran back in grabbing the shorts and t-shirt Lauryn held out for her. "So, if a chicken and a half lays and egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take for a turkey to hatch a light bulb on a lamp post? I asked Jay and Tammy weeks ago and they just ignored me, personally I think that..." Brady trailed as she watched Lauryn holding her stomach in laughter. She shook her head in confusion. The riddle seemed to be provoking a wide array of reactions. They were in a small park near school relaxing. They had a few weeks until fall classes began and spent time together everyday since the night of Lauryn's party. Three weeks, she thought happily, three weeks since Lauryn told me I was her girlfriend. Her girlfriend, however, seemed unable to form a coherent sentence and would look at her or try to repeat the riddle and start cackling again. Finally she calmed down then shook her head. "Where did you get that? That was hilarious." "From a website I check out. There're tons more like it. I need to get some more for you." Lauryn wiped her eyes then leaned closer and kissed her cheek. "You're so funny honey." She placed her hand on Brady's thigh and squeezed it. Brady felt her stomach flutter and a certain awareness flare up between her legs that never seemed to disappear these days. "Down girl," she mumbled as she shifted on the bench. "What?" "Nothing." Brady took her hand and Lauryn settled down to lean against her shoulder. Three weeks, she thought now in frustration, three weeks and nothing. I'm about to burst I need to make love to her so bad. I'd settle for sex at this point, she thought. Lauryn gave not outward signs of wanting to do anything more than make out and hold each other. Brady had the feeling that she felt bad about fucking her that first night. If she only knew how much I wanted that night to be repeated over and over again, then return it two fold, she let her thought drift off. The image of them together filled her head and she smirked, almost missing Lauryn's question. "You wanna grab your board and hit that park near the water?" "Nah. How 'bout we play some PS2 at my place. I just got a new Prince of Persia." Brady let Lauryn walk on ahead of her then grabbed between her legs, rolling her eyes to the back of her head. She tried to make herself more comfortable for what she knew was going to be a long walk home. "Sooo horny!" She whispered. "What's that sweetie?" "Oh, just said that I'm soo ready." Relief washed over her as Lauryn just took her hand. Last thing she wanted was Lauryn to think that she was a nymphomaniac. I have to talk to Jay or Tammy about this! "I'm horny all the time! 24/7! I wake up horny! I go to school horny! I watch cartoons horny! Which is kinda weird when you're watching Sponge Bob. I mean, I hear hidden sexual messages in Mr. Crabs now! I go to bed Horny! I-" "We get the point Brady, why don't you do something about it? Fuck her." Tammy slapped Jay's arm. "Oww!" "Do you have to be so crass Jay?" She then turned back to Brady, "Seriously Brady, you need to talk to her. Lauryn could be feeling the same way." "Oh I doubt it! She sleeps like a baby while I'm trying to figure out how to sneak into the bathroom to masturbate every night. She took off her jeans in front of me last night and I nearly jumped her. If she kisses me again I might dry hump her leg Tammy!" Jay laughed as she patted Brady's arm then laughed even more when Brady slapped her hand away. "Chill Brady." Jay said. "Oh I've done that." Tammy shook her head, "I don't even wanna know." She felt for Brady. Despite what they both thought she hadn't shared her bed with another woman in over a year. Not for a lack of offers. She looked over at Jay who looked over at her in between teasing Brady and smiled. She was waiting...impatiently. Lauryn talked to her, a lot. Especially since she and Brady got together. She wanted to know everything about her little friend. Favorite foods, colours, classes she took, what were her pet peeves. It made her heart melt seeing how attentive she was to Brady, who definitely seemed to be flourishing under the care of the attractive woman. She always knew that Brady was going to find the perfect girl. She was too much of a good person not to. Didn't hurt that she had those boyish looks her friends were crazy about. She was about to break a lot of hopeful hearts to break within the next few days and didn't have a clue. Brady didn't know just how bad Lauryn felt about being intimate that first day. In that sense she was such a guy. She loved it of course, she seemed to love everything about the little blonde, but she had a few bossy and verbally abusive girlfriends in the past who still shouted in her head even as Brady assured her of how much of a goddess she was. She was speechless when Lauryn told her some of the adoring and even poetic words Brady used to describe her feelings. Lauryn seemed to be in a dreamy state of speechlessness herself most days. "What do you want her to do Lauryn," she asked after they settled down for an emergency coffee just a few days ago. "I want her to make love to me...then I wanna have hot, steamy sex." Tammy's eyebrows inched up into her bangs as she watched the telling blush make its way up Lauryn's neck. "Then tell her." "Yeah, right after you tell Jay that you're in love with her." That of course sent THAT conversation to a screeching halt and Tammy spent the next half hour trying to convince Lauryn that she was wrong. She wasn't convinced. " I'm gonna walk up to her and pull her to my bedroom then jump her?" Tammy came stumbling back into the present with Brady's question. When Tammy saw Jay nod her head enthusiastically she held up a hand. "Whoa! Whoooa! What in the hell are you two talking about?" She looked pointedly at Jay. "I'm explaining to my friend here how to take control, claim her woman." She sat back with a stern nod at Brady then frowned when a piece of donut hit her squarely in the forehead. "Keep your cave man ideas to yourself Conrad." Tammy turned to Brady and shook her head, "You need to sit with Lauryn and tell her what you want. Tell her that you're ready to take the next step. Talk to her Brady! You'll be surprised by what you could find out. Talk!" She turned to Jay. "'Cause if anyone ever approached ME like cave woman here, I'd clock her." "Hah! When I do it you'll love it." "Get over yourself Fabio." "Hey!" Brady shouted. "Can you two save your mating ritual 'til after I have my melt down please?" Jay stood and announced that she was getting more drinks. Brady leaned forward with a wary look in her eyes, "It seems like you have inside information..." "Just take my advice Brady. Trust me." "Should I use a strap on too?" "Do you want to?" "Hell yes!" "Then use one," Tammy rolled her eyes. "Okay, how 'bout fingers." "Do you want to Brady?" "Well...yes. Of course." "Then use 'em!" "How 'bout-" "Brady!" "What?! I'm just asking..." Tammy sighed at the nerve-racked woman before her. It was like she never had sex before! "Brady," she began in a gentle voice, "just do what feels natural." "Okay, I will." Brady sat back in relief. Her future didn't seem so bleak now. "So no throwing her over my shoulder I guess." "What did that idiot say to you?!" Tammy swiveled in her chair to stare at Jay who smiled when she met Tammy's eyes. Brady rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. "You two are hopeless!" Brady was fiddling around with a laptop when she heard Lauryn enter her apartment. "Hey babes!" Came the expected greeting. "Hey you! In here!" Brady looked up as Lauryn entered her bedroom/office. Lauryn stepped carefully over the electronics on the floor until she reached Brady. She sat on her lap with a sigh and held her cheeks as she kissed her senseless. "Mmm," Brady moaned as she picked up a trace of hot chocolate. She pulled Lauryn's tongue into her mouth and began to suck on it, then her clit began to throb...again. They pulled away and looked at each other, Brady felt a surge of hope when she saw the hungry look in Lauryn's eyes, but that melted away when she quickly hopped off of her lap and waked to the closet where she pulled out one of Brady's sweat shirts. "So, what are you up to?" "Jus' backing up some guys hard drive then trying to see why it's shutting down every 2 minutes." "You could make so much extra money if you charge people at least 10 bucks or something." "Nope. Don't wanna. College is already hard enough without taking their money." Lauryn took off her jeans as she watched Brady watching her. "You're so sweet. I'm so lucky I snatched you up." "I'm the lucky one." "I disagree," Lauryn said as she tugged the sweat shirt over her head, shedding her shorts. "I see your disagreement and raise you ten more." Lauryn laughed and walked slowly towards her. When she neared her seated form she pushed Brady's chair back from her desk and straddled her. She shifted until her center was pressed against Brady's jeans. "Brady..." she murmured as she felt Brady's lips attach themselves to her neck. Her eyes fluttered close and her fingers began to run through already messy hair. She leaned in, burying her nose in it, loving the low, musky scent of her shampoo. "Oh god." Suddenly she pushed away and Brady opened hooded eyes in time to see fear looking back at her. "No, no, no, noooo. Not again." "Brady I-" "God Lauryn! Do you know how horny I am?!" She gently pushed Lauryn until she stood up on shaky legs. She saw the fear in her eyes and a glimmer of tears but she couldn't hold it in anymore. "I've been waiting for you Lauryn. Really, I have. But I've been horny for days! Weeks! Since that night actually! I want to fuck you! I need to fuck you, make love to you...I'm surprised you can't feel my clit when we sleep. I've had a hard on for you since forever!" "Brady I-" "You are all that I think about now! When I write programs I end up typing your name over and over. You even make Batman sexy. He was just cool before I started to watch it with you!" Lauryn placed a hand over her mouth to hide her smile. "I want to fuck! Bad! I'd prefer to make love but at this point I-" Lauryn covered Brady's mouth with her hand and allowed her smile to grow. "I'm sorry baby. I thought...I didn't know how bad you had it, didn't realize." "Wellph I rooo!" Brady frowned. "I know, I'm so sorry." Lauryn ran a hand up and down her back. "Do you forgive me?" "Iffu iff be." "What?" Brady gestured to her mouth, "Oh, sorry." Lauryn took her hand away, wiping around her mouth then caressing her face. "I said if you kiss me I will." Lauryn lowered her head and did as she was told. Softly her lips moved over Brady's. She felt when Brady moistened her lips and slid her tongue inside just as Brady's disappeared. Their tongues danced and skirted away for a few minutes then she felt Brady say something. "What?" "I said I forgive you." Lauryn smiled against her lips. "I'm relieved," she said as she began to pull off her t-shirt and unclasp her jeans. Soon only a pair of dark blue briefs separated her hands from all of Brady's body. She told Brady to lie back as she slid them off. Butterfly kisses met a soft, faint trail of blonde hair that came together in a soft triangle. Her nose flared at the scent of arousal. "Wait, I wanted to-" Lauryn deliberately moved her tongue in one full sweep. "Never mind," she squeaked out as Lauryn began to make her feel very, very good. God she's good with that thing. She felt Lauryn move against her, licking her, sucking her, then keeping her on the very edge of release. When her lips loosely grasped her clit her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "Holy smokes!" She shouted and felt Lauryn chuckling against her. Then her lips firmly clasped her clit and her tongue began a firm pressure over her. As soon as two slim fingers entered her though, she was gone. She was shouting out every curse that she ever heard or made up as Lauryn seemed to be pulling her inside out. Then it all went black for a moment. She came back to earth with Lauryn gently licking her as her hands caressed her breasts. She felt her body responding again but groaned in protest. With surprising strength she pulled Lauryn up then rolled them over. "You're not gonna hit and run today." "Oh no?" Lauryn said as she watched Brady sit up to look down at her. She watched her expression change to one of tenderness. "You are so sexy, so beautiful to me. You know that right?" At a loss for words Lauryn nodded her head, then Brady pulled off her sweat shirt. Her fingers moved over her stomach then up her sides only to slip behind her and unclasp her bra. She gently kissed both nipples, smiling at the moans the created. She motioned for her to raise her hips and got rid of her panties. "You're gonna do it again?" Lauryn asked as Brady massaged her breasts, stopping only for kisses or small licks. "Do what?" She kissed her way around her stomach, running the flat of her tongue up to the bottom of full breasts. She breathed in and picked up the scent of her perfume. "Talk nerdy to me?" Brady stilled and looked up pushing her hair from her face then pushing up her glasses. "So that part wasn't a dream then?" When Lauryn shook her head she bit down on her lip. "And you liked that?" "Yeah, it's sexy." Came the shy response. "But I...I don't know how." "Yes you do." She pulled off Brady's glasses, placing them on her dresser and pushed down on Brady's shoulders until she was snugly between her thighs, "You can start by defragmenting my hard drive." Lauryn giggled when Brady blew over her skin. "Ahhh, a defragmentation. That I can do." She parted her folds with her fingers. "I think you need a disk clean up while I'm down here." She led the way with her tongue and felt her excitement grow as Lauryn's did. Her eyes closed as she tasted Lauryn for the first time. She really likes this! "I think I see a bug here, but I got some antivirus software." She clasped her lips around her red, pulsating clit. Oh yeah, she thought as her eyes squeezed close. She felt herself become more aroused and pressed into the bed. Her finger began to move around her entrance, teasing her. "I'll get you all fixed up..." "Inside" Her hips began to move in rhythm to Brady's lips. A hand slid up her torso and gently held onto her breast and began a slow massage. "God Brady." "Don't think you're ready yet," Brady used the tip of her tongue to rub over her, the hips beneath her were moving like crazy now, trying to speed her up. "Might need to install some more software baby." "God yes!" Brady ran her fingers up and down her engorged flesh, dipping her tongue down to barely enter her. When Lauryn was mumbling gibberish she had her right where she wanted her. She slid two fingers inside and curled them. "Fuck yeah," she mumbled as she slowly began to move inside of her. The pulsing heat around her making her even more wet. She looked up and saw Lauryn's eyes, hooded and unfocused looking back at her. Then her head began to move back until her chest arched from the bed to the rhythm she created. She felt her walls begin to gently pull at her fingers and removed her fingers, replacing them with her tongue. Bliss, she thought and closed her eyes as she felt Lauryn nearing her release. And release she did. Brady barely kept up with her as she came. "Yeah baby, keep it comin'". She nuzzled her thighs, kissing the soft skin there then felt Lauryn stirring again. She blindly reached down for her and Brady crawled up her spent body and happily found her lips. They exchanged lazy kisses as Brady watched her begin to drift off. "You can't fall asleep yet baby." "I'm not asleep," came the drowsy reply. "Not yet," Brady kissed her neck, "but after this you will be." Lauryn stretched like a cat, eyes still closed. Brady reached over her bed and pulled open a draw. She pulled out the item she wanted and sat up, straddling a very still Lauryn. "Lauryn..." she whispered as she kissed her eyes, then her nose. Her hand found her pussy and began to move against her. "Mmmm," she heard as Lauryn fought sleep. She slipped in a finger and smiled when Lauryn's walls immediately tightened around her. "Lauryn..." she whispered as she lowered her body to give her breasts needed attention. She kissed and sucked on them until she felt Lauryn begin to move against her. She moved back up again. "Lauryn...I have to ask you a very important question." Brady said against her lips. "What is it?" She shifted until the tip of the dildo rubbed against her, begging entrance. "Can I put my disk in you laptop?" Lauryn burst out laughing and Brady joined her. She opened sleepy eyes and took the dildo, holding it as her other hand guided Brady's hips forward. "By all means." They smiled at each other as Brady began a slow, lazy rhythm. Soon their smiles slipped away and Brady had her hands on Lauryn's thighs, pushing them further up her hips. "Oh God!" Lauryn grabbed her shoulders and held on. "Oh Fuck!" Brady bit her lip. Her eyes squeezed shut. "Oh God!" Lauryn reached down to roughly grab Brady's ass. "Oh Fuck!" They panted and groaned until Brady wedged her hand between their sweating bodies and began to rub her clit, then it all seemed to explode at once. Brady buried her face in Lauryn's neck as each pull of her strap on sent a delicious pressure to her clit. She moved in Lauryn even after she screamed out. She stopped only when her body couldn't take anymore and began to hurt from the pleasure. Lauryn rolled them onto their sides, fumbling as she removed the strap on. She immediately wrapped her legs and arms around Brady who was nearing unconsciousness. She caressed her quickly, cooling back as Brady rubbed a path from her hips to her knee. She smiled when Brady released a deep sigh. "We needed that." Brady mumbled. Lauryn chuckled and hummed in agreement. "So..." "So..." "Wanna watch some Sponge Bob?" Lauryn grabbed the remote from the night stand. Then reached over again and grabbed Brady's glasses. "Hell yeah," Brady laughed and shifted around until she was comfortably lounging against her pillows with Lauryn settled between her legs. She sat up to kiss Lauryn's cheek. "Thank you baby." "For what?" Lauryn rubbed her thigh as she pushed the sheet up their bodies. "For letting me be me." Lauryn looked up with a lopsided smile. I'm starting to day dream about that smile, Brady thought. Then she thought, I really like this woman, when the next batch of words left her mouth. "Oh, you're not so bad." Correction: I really like her A LOT.