Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 11:43:37 -0600 From: Biker Guy Subject: Darkest Secret The Darkest Secret Bethany Every thing about the night was normal, at least on the surface. The crickets were announcing the temperature, if one was willing to count the chirps, the gentle breeze ruffled the leaves of the sweet gum trees. The humidity levels had not risen yet, allowing one to relish the night. The musky smell of someone's backyard barbecue wafted through the neighborhood. But not all was peaceful. The sounds of a spousal disagreement could be heard from the ranch-style house on the corner. The sound of breaking glass, yelling, sounds of things being thrown precipitated a 911 call, from the elderly couple next door. It wasn't the first time the police had been called to this particular location. The calm was broken by the siren announcing the coming police. Several neighbors stuck their heads out of their secure cocoons to satisfy their curiosity. Bethany Aimi Sato maneuvered the patrol car through the narrow streets with ease. Her partner, rookie Jimmy Lee, sat tense next to her. Bethany had been on the job five years, still in her mid-twenties, she had entered the police academy when she turned 21. She had received her associates degree in criminology from the community college. Her dream had always been to be a cop, strange, since no one in her family had been in law enforcement, in fact one uncle had been in and out of jail his entire life. The five years, on the force, had taught her many things about life, not all of them pleasant. She had learned that domestic disputes were the most dangerous types of calls. Tempers were usually out of control and one never knew how violent a situation was until the door opened. Policy prohibited a drawn weapon, until an assessment was made. More than once the door had opened and she confronted a spouse with a weapon, usually a knife. She had been to this address before, but had never encountered a weapon. The husband liked to pound on the wife and Bethany had never been able to get the wife to file a complaint. The husband would likely spend the night in jail and be released in the morning. It seemed as in most cases of spousal abuse the woman never pressed charges. Bethany had a difficult time understanding why the wife or partner would behave in such an illogical manner. A quick acting partner was invaluable in that kind of situation, but this was the rookie's first such call, that would require more vigilance. "Keep off to the side of the door. If there is a threat, I'll rush the perp, you follow and cover." "Yes, ma'am," he answered. She could hear the adrenaline in his quivering voice. She still experienced the rush with every call. A rush that could keep you alive or get you killed. Her every sense was on high alert. It was one of those feelings that nothing else could supply, it electrified her body and mind, she felt supercharged. Normally, she wasn't an adrenaline junkie, but on the job she savored the feeling. She could hear the crickets individual chirping, smell the distinct aromas of the barbecue, and feel the breeze as it caressed her skin and blew stray strands of her black hair, carefully put up in a bun, her senses were magnified thousands of times. When they pulled up to the house, she cut the siren, but left the lights on. She checked her weapon, loaded one in the chamber, making sure it would slip out of her holster easy enough. She had Jimmy call in a code 6 and turned on the dash cam, pointing it at the front of the house. In this day and age, videoing everything had become not just a habit, but a necessity. Everyone wanted to sue the police for doing their job, many times the video had saved Bethany's ass in court against claims of excessive force. She admitted, to herself, that occasionally she would be rough, but being a woman had forced her to be that way, since many perps had thought she would be a pushover and had resisted. They didn't resist long. Bethany was smart enough to not leave bruises and the videos always supported her claims of innocence. They walked to the door, hands on the butt of their weapons. Bethany listened, but heard nothing. She knocked and announced their presence. After no response, she spoke into the microphone, pinned to the lapel of her uniform, that they were going in to investigate. She hand signaled Jimmy to cover her and they drew their weapons. She tried the doorknob, but it was locked. Contrary to all the police shows, kicking in the door does not work well on exterior doors, especially solid wood doors like this. She took out her baton and gave the door frame two quick whacks, shattering the wood frame around the deadbolt. A hard shove pushed the door in. She surveyed the lighted front room, quickly locating other entrances. She motioned for Jimmy to stay put. She saw the perspiration on his forehead and felt her heart thumping in her chest. With her weapon in front, she walked to the doorway on her right. The mixture of fear and adrenaline was the rush that could not be duplicated. Taking a quick glance down the hall, she calmly said, "Hall clear." She went down the hall, checking each room and announcing clear, after checking each. She came back to the front room and went to the kitchen/dining room. She had been to several macabre crime scenes, but never anything like this. Blood covered the chairs, table, and splatter on the walls. "Blood," she told Jimmy. She entered the kitchen, by now her body was way past high alert status. The sight she witnessed would haunt her for a long time. Two bodies, or what was left, were strewn around the kitchen. She announced clear to Jimmy and struggled to keep the bile down, that crept up her throat. Jimmy was not so fortunate. His gagging prompted her, "Not on the crime scene!" Jimmy turned and spewed his coffee and donuts into the front room. She keyed her lapel mic and called in a 10-54d, 10-55d, and requested a supervisor. She put on the latex gloves and went to inspect the bodies. She had no doubts they were dead, but felt for a pulse, as procedure required. Her thought was confirmed by the lack of any heartbeat. Even through the gloves, she could still feel the warmth of the deceased. The unique aroma of fresh blood permeated the air. Jimmy reentered the room, wiping the vomit from his mouth on his sleeve. "Keep watch, I'm rechecking the house." With gun still in hand, she checked under the beds, behind the clothes in the closet, the shower, and the attic. No sign of anyone. She checked the windows and back door, all which were locked and secured from the inside with a chain. She remembered a chain on the front door also. She checked the backyard, but no outside buildings were on the property. She heard the sirens of the approaching police cars and ambulance, as she headed back to the kitchen. To his credit, Jimmy had composed himself and was standing guard. Bethany took a closer look at the carnage. The male victim's hands had been severed and were laying on the counter, neatly arranged, fingers intertwined, as if in prayer. Eight fingers and two thumbs, belonging to the female, lay next to the hands, laid out like they were still on the hands. Unless one of the victims cut off the others hands, then their own fingers or visa-versa, then a third party was responsible. She noticed a huge gash in each of the departed's throats. She figured that would rule out them as suspects. Each body had multiple stab wounds in their torsos. She looked around for a weapon, but did not see any kitchen knife sets with any missing utensils or anything that might have been used. She heard cars pull up and went to meet them. Lt. Ben Greer met her on the sidewalk. "Two, bodies, DOA, no sign of the perp. House is secure." "Bad?" "Worst I've ever seen!" Lt. Greer put on his gloves as they entered the house. Together they wordlessly inspected the crime scene. "Damn, this is a mess!" Was his comment upon entering the kitchen. He called for a CS unit and waited for the coroner. "You've been here before?" "A couple of times, the husband would be locked up for the night and the wife took him back. She was beat up, but not severe to be hospitalized." "Maybe she enjoyed it," Greer commented. Even after five years and a stellar performance, she still had to endure subtle and sometimes not so subtle remarks that were degrading to women. She could have complained and others would have been punished, she would have been labeled a trouble making bitch and any chance of a promotion would have disappeared. Instead she chose to ignore most of the remarks and sometimes even responded to the crude ones with like comments. This had gained her a level of respect so that she had been accepted as one of them. Greer realized his mistake, "Oh, sorry, didn't mean it that way." Bethany grinned, She would never file a complaint, so in some way she must have agreed with his assessment. The coroner arrived and officially declared it a homicide and they cordoned off the property. She gave her report to the coroner and the CSU team when they arrived. She was careful to tell them all windows and doors had been locked from the inside. The CSU team set about taking samples and pictures. She and Jimmy were released and they headed back to the station to type up their official report. That was one aspect of police work she detested, but it came with the territory. Caroline Moving was just another activity her family was involved in. While other families went on vacation, her family moved. It was like a ritual, an unwritten law, a cosmic mandate, something like instinct that caused her family to not stay in an area too long. She smiled, her face belying the sadness she felt in her heart, she was a good actress, good at hiding her true feelings. It was an art she had learned from birth, a necessity for survival. No, the real reason they moved were the shady deals her parents had made with some of the prominent people in town. The same scenario had been played out in each town and would continue to occur, of that she was sure. That was about the only thing she could depend on. Her parents were confidence men, or would it be confidence persons, once again she smiled, as she packed her belongings in the battered, well used suitcases. Running con games was her parents career choice and they were good at it. They managed to make a good living at using other people's money. A normal, moral person would have felt bad about that, but it had been a part of her life for so long that it was the norm. Besides the con or scam as some would call it only took a little money from people who could obviously afford it anyway. Of course, there was always the risk that they would get caught, as was the case in any crime, but that's why she and her sister were included in the game, they were the ones that would be caught and being juveniles would not be prosecuted. Maybe a night in juvenile detention, but no jail time, although she often worried about child services taking she and her sister away. The cover story had been burned into their psyche since birth and both girls could tell the story without batting an eyelash, not that they were good liars, well maybe, but they had come to believe the lie as the truth. It wasn't that she didn't love her parents, she did, as much as any other child would love theirs. If her dad had been a truck driver and her mother a teacher, she wouldn't have loved them any more or less. They were her parents and she just naturally loved them. This didn't mean that she would have liked them to have a different profession, she would have preferred not to have to worry about them getting caught. But one plays the hand that one is dealt as best they can and she knew how to play well. Caroline was fourteen, showing the signs of womanhood and a conscience that did not approve of the game her parents were running. However, she did not have much of a choice at this time, but she knew someday she would break loose from this life and strike out on her own. Her sister, Genny was nine, still enough of a child that the game was just that. But Caroline had aspirations that she and her sister could get out of the game before it ruined their lives. Moving day was always hectic. "Caroline, you get the move on!" came the sharp command from her father, in the broken English that he had. His heavy accent identified him, to most people, as Russian, but to the experienced ear, the Ukraine influence could be heard. Her mother's English was much better and her accent was not as thick. She and her sister, being raised in America since birth had no accent, but were fluent in both languages. Not that many people spoke Russian, but it did give she and her sister a secret language they could use. She drug her suitcase to the moving truck and tucked it under the bed frames. They traveled light, taking only the minimum of furniture and clothing. Moving every year or six months did not allow much emotional attachment to things, especially heavy things. She took one last look at the house they had occupied for a whole school year, a long time in her eyes. Not that she had made any friends to speak of. Acquaintances yes, friends no. She had adapted to their gypsy lifestyle by not forming deep friendships. It was too hard to begin one and then have it trashed the next time they moved. Actually, she hadn't had the time to begin many friendships, just one that she still regretted, that was why she had forced herself not to become attached to anyone or anything. That was becoming harder now that hormones had kicked in and she was feeling emotions that she had a difficult time keeping under control. She had actually developed a crush on a boy the last few weeks of school. But once again she had been able to beat down the impulses to share her emotions, because she knew the inevitable move would be coming. Southern California had been their home for the last year. The west coast, east coast, the cold Midwest, she had been in 35 of the 50 states for some portion of her life. She hoped that where ever they were going would be warm. Her parents never told them the destination, so no trail would be left behind. Covering their tracks was an vital aspect of the game. Caroline knew the risks her parents were taking. She knew that serious jail time would be placed on them, if they were ever caught, so even though she did not approve of the game, she would never place her family in jeopardy. There are some things more important than the social and moral issues of conning people out of their money. She put the buds from her Ipod into her ears and relaxed as the minivan followed the moving truck out of town. She closed her eyes and didn't look at the buildings and scenery. She didn't want the memories to linger, it just made it that much more difficult to forget and start all over. The soothing sounds of new age music, her favorite, helped to wash and cleanse her mind of memories, and to fall asleep. After two days of travel they arrived at their newest home. Caroline was surprised when they pulled up to a small house in a small town in Louisiana. She was hit with the heat and humidity of the south as soon as the door opened and she got out of the minivan. After a year of the very pleasant climate of southern California, the increase in humidity as a shock to her system. As usual, she did not complain or even voice her lack of enthusiasm in her parents' choices. It was just another change she would adapt to and go on with life. She knew that in a few months they would be moving on, everything was just a temporary situation. After several hours of unloading the moving van she took a shower to rinse off the sweat that dripped profusely from her body. Standing under the cool water of the shower she washed her wavy, brown hair that hung almost to her waist. She wondered if she would have to cut it to keep her cooler in this thick atmosphere, but quickly dismissed the idea, her hair was a precious thing to her. She soaped up her body, letting her hands slide over the curves that had formed in the last year. Her hands lingered on her pert breasts, still not full, but prominent. She felt the nipples respond to the soapy slipperiness as her fingers glided over them. She could feel the hardness as adrenaline was released into her system and she rubbed her nipples until the feeling spread to her lower parts. She had discovered, in the last year, the pleasure of self stimulation and looked forward to pleasing herself. One hand slid down between her legs, she applied an ample amount of soap on the course brown hair covering her vagina. The feeling of desire grew as her fingers touch the knob of skin at the top of her vagina. Shivers of delight went through her body as she manipulated the clitoris. With one hand on her breasts and one on her clit, she climaxed within a few minutes, relishing the waves of pleasure that rippled through her body. The morality of masturbation never entered her mind, the pleasure was too great to even think that it was not a normal body function. She finished rinsing off and stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and dried off. She was aware that boys found her desirable, but her family business had prevented her from forming those relationships that would have resulted in having a boyfriend, so her self satisfaction was a logical step in keeping the hormones at bay. She wrapped the towel around her and went to her new room, at least she had privacy, not having to share a room like in the past, so that was an improvement. Her personality, although she had to keep secrets, was always wanting to look on the bright side of situations. She closed the door and began brushing the tangles from her hair. Slowly, as to not break the hair, she moved the brush through the thick mane. As the tangles were removed, the brush slid easily through the locks until it was mostly dry. She unpacked her suitcase, putting on clean panties and bra. She got out a t-shirt and shorts and slipped them on. She knew clothes would only trap the heat so dressing sparsely was a necessity, not a fashion statement. Her parents were busy setting up the computer that would soon be printing out the fake invoices that would be sent to unsuspecting people randomly selected from the phone book. The marks were always chosen from other states to lower the possibility of problems. Of the hundreds of fake bills that were sent and only a small percentage, roughly 5% were returned with a check, sometimes even cash, but it was enough to provide a solid income that allowed them to live comfortably. Her job was to mail the invoices and to pick up the mail from the post office box that was rented in each town they lived in. Caroline knew that if the scam was discovered, her role would not be viewed by a judge, as a willing one, especially after the story she would tell, the one rehearsed until even she believed it. By moving often, the trail would be harder to find, since the location of the return address changed so often. The huge bureaucracy of the government was their greatest ally in the game. By the time someone complained about receiving a bill in the mail that they didn't owe and by the time the post office investigated the scam, her family was long gone, leaving no trace of behind them. This scam had worked ever since she could remember and never had the authorities come close to catching them. The technology had advanced so that invoices could be printed without having to go to a printer, reducing the amount of risk considerably. Her parents felt very confident in the scam and by not becoming too greedy had kept the bills to a minimum of $50, an amount that just about anyone could afford, and enough people automatically paid any bills that came in to kept a good flow of income coming in. The weakest link was the bank account her parents had to set up to cash the checks. It had to be a business account and that meant taxes, business ID numbers and such. But once again, by moving and keeping the amount of money being collected to a reasonable amount had allowed them to circumvent the IRS and the game continued without any problems. Bethany "We won't discuss anything until after we finish the report, that way we won't influence each others recollection." She knew if they talked about it, their reports would be tainted. There would be plenty of time to talk about it later, although she was in no big hurry to recall the horrific scene, anytime soon. It took an hour to finish the report. The higher-ups would compare and look for discrepancies. But she was confident they would be satisfied. They returned to the patrol car and resumed patrol. "You can talk about it now." She informed Jimmy. It would be important for him to get everything out in the open and put it past him. It sucked that he would witness such a brutal slaying, just two weeks into the job. "What kind of person would do such a thing?" She had asked the same question after her first homicide There was no good answer. "The worst kind. A random killing would be the hardest to solve. The detectives will look for any related MO's. If they don't find any, then it will be that much more difficult. Considering the perp cut off fingers, finding a common MO shouldn't be that hard." She paused to catch her breath. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of weirdos out there. Jimmy talked it out for the rest of the shift until Bethany decided he would be okay. But she wasn't so sure about herself. Something about the case bothered her. Of course the grisly scene bothered her, but the fact that the house was locked up tight bothered her more. It was assumed that the deadbolt could be locked with a key and it was impossible to know how many extra keys had been made. Both sets of keys were accounted for. How could the perp have attached the chain after locking the deadbolt? Only an inch of the door could open with the chain attached. Much too small for even a child's hand to go through, much less an adults. Then the hand and arm would have to bend at a 90 degree angle and have the dexterity to get the chain in the clasp. She was mystified, but that was up to the detectives to find out, not her job. But she couldn't shake the feeling that she should know. She arrived home after her shift, grateful that she had three days off. Her apartment was small, just one bedroom and a kitchen/frontroom that were one room. It was all she could afford on a police salary, and the rent was so high in the city. She had managed to furnish it comfortably by shopping at garage sales. Besides, living alone meant she only had to please herself. She secured her weapon in her bolted down lock box and took off her uniform, placing it neatly in the hamper. She wasn't quite OCD, but she did like things in order. She put on a loose nightgown she liked to wear around the house, savoring the release from the binding uniform and heavy protective vest. She undid the bun that held her hair up, letting the straight, dark, locks fall past her shoulders. It was a provocative outfit to just be wearing, but one never knew when a friend might drop by. Sadly, due to her schedule and lack of a life outside of work, she didn't have any friends. Of course, she did have her hands and some toys that fulfilled some needs. Her hand automatically slipped beneath the nightgown and she softly rubbed the dark patch of hair above her vagina. Little tingles moved through the her groin in anticipation of better things. She parted the labia and inserted a finger and explored her depths, juices were already lubricating her insides. Her thumb brushed her clit that was sitting at attention and she shuddered with delight. Bethany moaned and she shimmied in the chair. She reached for the vibrating dildo in her bag of tricks and coated it with saliva, giving her clit one last rub, she inserted the prick into her slit. "Mm, feels so good," she said to no one. She waited for a few moments, savoring the fullness of the rod before moving it in and out of her pussy. She straightened her legs and gently pushed the cock deep into her hot twat. Now the moment she had been waiting for, she turned the switch on and the vibrations sent her libido into overdrive. She quickened the pace of her thrusting and turned the vibrator up a notch. She was feeling it now, the tenseness of her body as it prepared to rocket her into orbit. Moans and squeals emanated from her mouth as she neared the apex of her delight. She removed the dildo and touched the head to her clit, then jammed it back into her pussy. A loud yell came from her as she reached the climax. She turned the vibrator on full and her body spasmed as every muscle contracted. Wave after wave of pleasure engulfed her as she rode the orgasm to its finish. Bethany turned off the device, but left it inside her. She liked the feeling of her vagina squeezing the fake cock until she was completely done experiencing the orgasm. Then she removed the dildo and licked it clean, the taste of her fluids only added to the wonderful feelings she had experienced. Maybe someday, she thought, when could share this with someone else, but until then, she knew what to do. She popped a frozen dinner in the microwave and opened her laptop to check the email. She read and responded to an email from her mother. She skirted the probing questions from her mother about her failed relationship with her ex-boyfriend. Her mother thought she should be married and have at least two children by now. Her career choice of law enforcement had not pleased her mother and she had not let the issue go. She deleted spam, then the subject line "locked room" caught her eye. A shiver ran down her spine as she opened the email. "The Big Bow Mystery by Israel Zangwill" was all it said. She was about to delete it when she hesitated. The subject line couldn't be a coincidence. She clicked on her browser, oblivious to the ding of the microwave announcing dinner was ready. She googled the title and found many references to the title. She clicked on several and read the synopsizes. The story was written in the late 1800's and was supposed to be the first real "murder in a locked room" mystery. Now very intrigued, she explored several sites, that gave her no clue as too how the mystery was solved. She did see references to the victim having his throat slit. Then she found a site that offered an audio download of the story. She spent the next six hours listening to the story being read. The guilty party ended up confessing, but never revealing how he committed the locked room murder. Tired and confused she shut the laptop and crawled into bed, pulling the covers over her. She hoped for a good nights rest, but it was not to be. Nightmares plagued her all night. A medley of dreams, a mixture of her ex, her childhood, the crime scene, and the email all ran together, all of the blurred and overlapping. Caroline When her parents left their native Ukraine, the Soviets were still firmly entrenched in power. It wasn't easy, but after several weeks they had crossed into Germany, after traveling mainly at night to avoid patrols. They were granted asylum due to the help of a Jewish organization and after several months of paperwork and a few bribes they were given a temporary visa to the United States. Her father had been a medical doctor and her mother a nurse so they were welcomed into the states. However, the language barrier had proven too difficult to overcome and it kept them from getting a job right away so they had turned to other pursuits. The idea of the scam developed out of panhandling and how easy Americans would give up their money. The operation had grown into what now netted them about 150 K dollars a year. They could have made more, but that would have attracted more attention than they wanted. They were living the American dream and were quite satisfied with the results. Greed would only allow for mistakes that would jeopardize the game. No one was coerced into paying the fake bills, but so many Americans were so law abiding that enough paid them to keep the family well provided for. Caroline's parents had begun the process of setting up the fake business, which proved to be so easy, and opened a bank account. Several days were spent printing the invoices and they were mailed. Caroline knew that using the mail system for fraud was a felony and if they were caught her parents faced either a jail sentence or deportation. She had plan B for the last few years just in case that would happen. She noticed that some people still sent cash to pay bills, since most of the invoices were less than $50, and since she and her sister picked up the mail, it had been simple to remove the cash and keep it separate and hidden for an emergency. She kept it safely tucked away in the lining of her suitcase. She had skimmed about $73k so far and it was making quite a lump in the suitcase, but her parents never suspected, at least she didn't think they knew. Actually her stash had been discovered, but her parents were impressed with her initiative and survival instinct and found it to be a good idea, so they let her keep it without letting on. It would take a couple of weeks for the money to start coming in and since it was summer, no school had to considered, so there would be a time for leisure. She wondered what people did here for fun. Caroline decided to explore the new community. Her first walk down to the local shopping center, just a few blocks from their house proved to be an eyeopener. Although she had lived in many places, she had never lived in an area with so many black people and rednecks. She wasn't prejudiced against any races, just unfamiliar with these types of folks. Her personality was such that she could get along with anyone, but never formed close friendships. The pickup trucks with raucous boys in cowboy hats, whistling and yelling caused her to blush and be wary at the same time. Groups of black boys, with sagging pants, a fashion she had never understood, made lewd comments, which she ignored. She noticed that her body was attracting more attention than before. She didn't do anything like dressing sexy or displaying herself in a provocative way to attract attention. But she had been blessed with a natural beauty that could not be disguised. Now that she was maturing the beauty was now combined with a sexuality factor that made her even more desired. She had learned to fend off many suitors both her age and older men. Men in their 30's and 40's had approached her wanting sexual favors, but she had become familiar with the symptoms and avoided those kind. Boys her age were easy to deal with, mainly because she was more mature and treated them as inferiors. But there had been one boy that was 16 she had been tempted to form a relationship with, but as fate would have it they moved right before she had made up her mind. She bought some snacks and returned home, by now ignoring the jeers and comments from passing vehicles. She cut through the cemetery that was near her house, pausing to look at gravestones that dated back into the middle 1800's. As she continued she noticed a flash of blond hair off in the distance. Her curiosity aroused she walked towards the figure. As she drew closer she could tell that it was girl, a young girl, maybe about her age, judging from her size. She long wavy blond hair past her shoulders and was wearing a red halter top with an Indian print skirt. The girl looked over her shoulder at Caroline. "Can I help you?" Caroline stammered, "Uh, I was just taking a short cut home, sorry to bother you." The girl smiled, "What makes you think you're bothering me?" "Uh, I don't know, I thought maybe you were visiting a grave, or something." The girl chuckled, "So you think I would dress like this to visit my mom or something?" Caroline was intimidated by the girl's brashness and quick firing questions and Caroline was not easily intimidated. But the girl's country accent was pleasant to her ears. Caroline turned to walk away. She only got a few feet away when the girl said, "Wait don't go." Caroline turned around. "Actually, I come out here to enjoy the peace and quiet, she waved her arms around in a circle, the folks here don't make much noise." Caroline smiled, "Yeah, its quiet, but a little creepy." "Mmm not so much now, but at night it is." "You come out here at night?" Caroline was aghast. She smiled, flashing her bright teeth, "Best place in town to set up my telescope and do some serious skywatching." Caroline was once again taken back, "You're like an astronomer?" Brushing the hair from her face she said, "Just a hobby, I find the stars fascinating, both in reality and what they mean metaphysically." Then she extended her hand, "Name is Tarentella, Tatty for short." Caroline shook her hand, "Caroline, just Caroline." "Your the new family that moved in, huh?" "Actually, we moved here from Pennsylvania." That was the cover story. They had actually lived there several years ago. "I live around the corner on the next street. I hope we can become friends, not a lot of girls our age around this neighborhood." Tatty looked at Caroline for a few seconds. "I'd say 12, born in March, last part of the month, favorite color is blue, and you have lots of secrets." Caroline was blown away, "How.... I mean how did you know... that's just weird." Tatty laughed, "Just a gift I have, one of those things." Caroline was suddenly afraid, no one had ever known things like that about her. She was scared her secrets would be found out and put the whole family in danger. "I think I need to get home. Nice meeting you." Tatty reached out and touched Caroline on the shoulder. "I do hope we can see each other again, you're very pretty." Caroline blushed and mumbled, "Yeah, maybe." Then she turned and quickly walked across the cemetery to her house. Her shoulder burned from where she had been touched, not a physical burn, but a deeper burn, one she was not familiar with, but it intrigued her. Tatty's final words about being pretty haunted her the rest of the day, That night she found it hard to go to sleep. Tatty's words kept replaying in her mind. The touch on the shoulder had sent chills through her and the insight Tatty had about her greatly concerned her. She wondered how Tatty could know those things about her. Was it just coincidence or was it really some kind of gift? And her comment about Caroline being pretty was an odd thing for a girl to say to another, especially one she had just met. But it had made Caroline feel good, and as she reflected, she had noticed that Tatty was very pretty herself. She stretched out her arm and found her slit, already wet from thinking about the strange girl. How odd she would be wet, she thought, but she did not deny the thrill of Tatty's brief innocent touch. Caroline rubbed her clit until she had a very good ogasm all the while thinking about the girl she had met. She licked her fingers clean enjoying the scent and taste of her juices. Satisfied for the moment, Caroline drifted off to sleep only to dream about Tatty. Bethany She woke early, exhausted, more tired than when she went to bed. Frustrated, she put her running shoes on, strapped her weapon and badge around her waist, concealed under her shorts. Running helped to clear her mind, and she sure needed that. She strapped the Blackberry to her arm and popped the earbuds in and took off down the street. She ran to the 140 bpm club dance music. She had no problems keeping up the pace without breathing hard. The daily running kept her in excellent condition. Her running was interrupted by her phone. She answered, but kept up the pace. "Uh, um, Ms. Sato, this is Jimmy, your partner." "Yeah?" "I, uh, I didn't sleep so well last night, did you?" She didn't really want to discuss her nightmares with her partner. "I was okay." A moment of silence ensued, then Jimmy continued. "I was wondering if uh, you might be free for dinner?" She slowed down and stopped. "I don't date within the department. It's nothing personal, it's just my rule." She could detect the disappointment in his voice. "Yeah, okay, I understand. Well, see ya in a couple days." The connection was broken and the music resumed. She began running again. She meant what she said. It wasn't personal, Jimmy was actually quite handsome, but she had decided not to get involved with any co-workers. She had seen too many officers have marital problems because of work related affairs. Of course, she wasn't married, but she didn't want to be the third party that caused a marriage to break up and not dating within the department kept any personal problems from bleeding over into the job. It had earned her a reputation of being a cold-hearted bitch which actually helped her gain respect in the department, since everyone knew she wouldn't sleep with them. Besides, she was bent a different direction. She finished her run and climbed the stairs to her apartment. She was feeling much better, her head was clear, her body full of energy, much improved. That was about to change. In front of her door was a small box. Her instincts automatically kicked in and her hand went to her weapon, as she glanced around for the person that delivered it. There was no one in the hall or stairwell, at least not on her floor. She didn't know the neighbors, other than to say hello. She spent most of her time at work and the apartment was just a place to sleep. She checked out the parking lot, but saw no suspicious vehicles. Returning to her apartment, she inspected the box. It was about the size of a box of Kleenex. Wrapped in plain brown paper. Just her name was written in black marker on the top. There was no return address or stickers indicating delivery by one of the services. Being on the force had allowed her to come across suspected bombs in packages before. She got a pair of latex gloves, from her apartment and slipped into them. As she inspected the package, she didn't see any sign of a booby trap, so she gingerly picked it up. Because she was not expecting any deliveries, she was wary. She carried the package into her apartment, setting it on the table. She took a metal detector from the closet, one of her acquisitions, and passed the wand over the package. The detector did not signal anything. Most bombs would have some kind of metal in it. Of course, nowadays the bomb makers had become very sophisticated with plastic explosives, ceramic shrapnel, materials that would pass through metal detectors. But she figured who would want to waste an expensive bomb on her. She wasn't a threat to any terrorist group, she was just an ordinary cop in a small town. She gingerly cut the tape holding the box closed. She examined the box carefully, inspecting it for pressure switches or trip wires. She should have called the bomb squad and let them handle it, but the thought of them coming and finding a box of brownies or some knick-knack would have been totally embarrassing. She folded back the top and found a white paper basket, with red stripes, filled with brown rectangular objects. A basket of steak fingers from Dairy Queen. Now she was totally baffled. Why would someone send her steak fingers? A chill ran up her spine. Fingers! Her mind flashed back to the crime scene, the human fingers arranged neatly on the counter. Now she was greatly concerned. The email had spooked her, and could have been a coincidence, but this was not. Whomever delivered the box knew her name, address, and she shuddered at what else they might know. She thought about questioning the neighbors, but didn't want to raise any suspicions and alarm them, at least not at this point. She decided to handle it like any other complaint about a mysterious box, but she would do it off the books and that meant some solo work. She quickly showered, dressed in some comfortable jeans and white, striped blouse that she could show a little cleavage if necessary. She found that cleavage helped her get favors accomplished quicker, which she found very humorous. God had endowed her with a beautiful body and gorgeous looks and she had no problem using them to her advantage. She tucked her laptop under her arm and with a gloved hand grabbed the box. She drove to headquarters and went to her lieutenant's office. She explained the situation and got permission to take her stuff to forensics. She dropped the computer off at the tech's office so they could trace the email and carried the box to the lab to be checked for prints, DNA, or anything that would identify the origin. This would take several hours so she decided to canvass the DQ's in the area. After two hours visiting the Dairy Queens, with no luck. Not that she expected to find out much. The staff of fast food places were usually young, not too bright, and bored. All she discovered was that most of the food was full of grease and unhealthy to eat. If she had worked for the health department she had seen enough violations to shut the restaurants down. But she had other matters more pressing. She returned to the department. Ken was the resident tech wizard. Bethany had dealt with him before and had a good relationship with him. She always brought a bag of sugar-free candy for him and that simple act of kindness ensured his cooperation and he put her requests on the top of the list. "The email was routed through several servers around the world. It originated in Lahore, Pakistan." The tech guy told her. "Pakistan? How can that be?" "Maybe you have a secret admirer there." Ken had a crush on her, but was sure she would have rejected any advances by him. He had heard of her no dating policy, but didn't think she was the bitch others claimed she was. He found her to be sensitive, caring, and drop-dead gorgeous. "It's not that hard, you just find an email service that is based out of that place. Its how I would have done it." She leaned over his shoulder making sure she showed some cleavage. "So anyway of tracing it?" She was aware of his crush on her and although she would not date him, she knew he would appreciate a little flirting. Naturally, he couldn't resist a peek down her blouse, "No, they probably used a laptop at a wireless hot spot to connect to the Internet. I have the IP address, but its meaningless, unless they use the same place again." She placed her hand on his shoulder, "Thanks Ken, I appreciate it." She grabbed her laptop and strolled over to forensics. "There were multiple prints, just on the food itself, nothing on the box. We ran the prints through NCIS. No hits on any of them. No deadly chemicals, unless you count the preservatives in the food itself." Bethany laughed, "And they say you geeks have no sense of humor." He laughed back, "Other than that, Nothing useful, sorry." "I didn't expect much, this unsub isn't stupid. He has managed to cover his tracks well." She thanked him and reported back to LT. He warned her to be careful and she left. Back at home, she decided to do some research on her own. She spent the next couple hours looking on the Internet looking for similar cases. She didn't find anything that dealt with severed hands or fingers. She did read an interesting, albeit disturbing, article on people that were fixated on those appendages. These people were likely to be psychotic and were capable of very bizarre behavior. Bethany would certainly agree with that. The article went on to say that white males, between 20 and 30 were fit the profile. An alert about an incoming email popped up on her screen. She looked at the subject line. "Hands-on" was all it said. The hand reference was a not so subtle hint. She opened the email and read it. "How did you like my handiwork?" She was convinced that it was indeed a psycho she was dealing with. She wasn't sure she wanted to have a direct conversation with him/her. Conversing with wackos was not high on her priority list, but she was obviously the focus of his/her attention. Plus, her curiosity and police instinct wanted to know more about this person. She clicked on her chat client and logged in as 'coppergirl'. "Hi, how are you, copper." "As well as can be expected, psycho!" "Lol, love your sense of humor. But, seriously, did you read the book?" "Yes, but it didn't tell me anything." "I'm disappointed, I expected more from you." "Sorry I'm such a let down. Maybe you can stop harassing me now." "Ha, ha, its just started, sweetie, you obviously need more instruction. I'll give you another lesson shortly!" "No, no, don't do that!" But it was too late, he had already signed off. She cursed herself for prodding him, she decided he must be a guy, into action. She had hoped she could get him to talk more freely and reveal some details about him. She should have realized that he was not sloppy enough to do something that stupid. Caroline Caroline opened her eyes and yawned. Her night had been restless, tossing and turning, but at times dreaming strange dreams. She could remember being at the beach watching the waves hit the sand. Off in the distance she could see someone on a surfboard, gradually getting closer. As the surfer got closer Caroline could feel her heart beating faster, she stood up to get a better view of the surfer. Finally she saw the blond mane whipping in the sea breeze as the figure drew closer. Then the surfer rode the board onto the beach and stopped just inches from Caroline's face. The bright blue eyes of Tatty stared back at her. Tatty's red lips puckered and closed the gap. Caroline felt her heart racing as their lips touched. Then, of course, she woke up. Caroline got up, went to the bathroom and emptied her bladder, then sat back on the bed with her head propped on the pillow. Sleep was not going to happen now. She felt the stimulation of her dream still very much alive in her. She was confused! The crazy dream, the kissing, the 'I can't get you out of my head' thoughts and all about a girl she barely knew. But she couldn't deny the emotions she was feeling. Emotions she had not felt for any guy, emotions that were blossoming into desires. Desires that were demanding her attention. Almost without thinking her hand slipped between her legs. There she found what she was looking for. Her pleasure button already throbbing and the wetness already evident. She closed her eyes and touched her clit, involuntarily her body shook, every muscle flexing. She imagined that it was the girl from her dream that was touching her. She pictured in her mind Tatty's fingers softly caressing her vagina, sliding along the slit, spreading her juices, touching her clit. A low moan escaped from her mouth. She continued to probe as her other hand joined the busy one. Then one finger pushed between the labia a and entered the moist, warm insides. The digit wiggled, causing shivers to go up and down her spine. The finger pushed deep, further than she thought it could go and touched a spot that made her body stiffen. Then another finger rubbed her sensitive nub and she let out an audible gasp. Together they worked to fulfill Caroline's needs. One finger rubbing her juices on her clit and one gaining access to the warmth within her. While Caroline's hands were busy, so was her mind, this time it was Tatty that dominated her thoughts. She was back on the beach, now noticing that Tatty was naked. Caroline examined the round orbs on her chest, perfect mounds, each with a pink nipple standing erect. Tatty's tan and round figure drawing her attention. Caroline looked down and saw the triangle of blond hair covering Tatty's vagina, the light colored hair just barely concealing the details. Caroline's hands now furiously at work, bringing her to the edge once again. "You want me?" said the figure in Caroline's mind. Caroline not sure if it was a question or a statement. Did she? Was it right? What was going on? Caroline's hands had achieved their goal. Her body stiffened as wave after wave of climax washed over her leaving her panting on her bed. Her finger still inside, being soaked with fluids, feeling the contractions of her muscles. She loved the feeling and wanted more. Tatty! Caroline got up and went to the kitchen to find her sister Genny fixing breakfast. "Want some?" Genny said pointing to the bacon and eggs cooking on the stove. "Sure if you don't mind." Genny cracked a couple more eggs and added them to the skillet. Caroline had always had a good relationship with Genny. At times they had been left alone while their parents were involved in the game. They had made the post office run together many times. Now Caroline noticed how much Genny was growing up. Taller and already her body was beginning to take on the womanly curves. Must run in the family, good genetics. Genny dished out the food and they sat at the table and began eating. "Have you met anyone yet?" Asked Caroline. "A couple of kids in the neighborhood, but no one special. You?" Special? What an odd way to phrase it. "Met this girl yesterday, she lives on the street behind us. Kind of a weird girl though." "Weird, how?" "I don't know, she has like some kind of gift or power that she knew stuff about me, like what month I was born, how old I was, stuff like that." "Does sound strange. But could be lucky guesses." "Yeah, maybe," but Caroline didn't think so. "You like her?" Caroline could feel the rush of blood to her face, Like her? "Yeah, for a friend." "Oh, yeah, a friend. Maybe." Unlike Caroline, Genny had made lots of friends, even though she knew they would move, she always made lots of friends. Between bites Genny said, "Its better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." Caroline almost choked on her food, "What!' "Way famous quote, better to have friends than to be alone, even if you have to leave." "You're a pretty bright girl," Caroline commented. "Well, yeah!" Genny responded flashing her award winning smile. There was something about Genny's smile that always brightened Caroline's day, but this time there was a hint of something more, like she knew something that she wasn't letting on about. "Guess I'll go for a walk." Caroline got up and put her dishes in the washer. "Hope you find what you're looking for!" Genny added cryptically. Caroline wasn't sure how to decipher Genny's remarks. It concerned her that she seemed to be in the dark. She wasn't a control freak, but she also didn't like not having a say in her own destiny, one reason she had began a stash of cash. Caroline went out the front door and down the street. She took a left at the corner and found herself heading to the street behind her. She hadn't intended to go that way or did she? She wasn't sure of her thoughts. It irked her that she felt so out of control. These were all new feelings and newness was discomforting, not just emotionally, but the unknown was not a welcome player in the con game she was involved with. She turned left onto the back street, knowing who it was she was looking for. She didn't know which house was Tatty's. She was sure it was too early anyway. Most teenagers slept till noon and it was only 8:00 am. She continued down the street until she heard a voice. "Hey, whatcha doing out so early?" Caroline turned and saw Tatty sitting in a porch swing. "Uh, just out for a walk." She could feel her cheeks warm up. Tatty scooted over and patted the seat next to her. "Sit for a spell?" Once again Caroline wasn't sure if it was question or a command, but she walked up and sat down anyway. She could feel her heart racing and was sure she was blushing. "The 26th." Caroline was taken off guard, "Huh?" "The 26th, you were born on March 26th." Caroline was sure her face showed the surprise. "How did you know that?" "Told you, I have a gift for things like that." Tatty reached over and touched Caroline's hand, "I have many gifts and gifts were meant to be shared." Caroline thought she was going to pass out when Tatty touched her hand. She almost couldn't muster the strength to talk, "I really don't know what you're talking about." Tatty smiled and Caroline's heart fluttered, "That's okay, when the time is right you'll know." Tatty brushed her hand along Caroline's arm and Caroline felt the heat follow her hand. "So, you want to know the future?" Again with the questions. "I don't think anyone can tell the future." "The future, not want to know do you?" Caroline's confused face told the story. "A line from Star Wars when Yoda was talking to Luke." Still not comprehending Caroline said, "Oh yeah, of course." Tatty laughed, "You are so cute when you are confused." Caroline wasn't sure how to take that remark. "Sorry, but you speak in riddles, its confusing." Tatty leaned over, her face just inches from Caroline's. Caroline closed her eyes and pressed her lips together. "The nice things about riddles is that it keeps everyone looking for answers, even if there is no answer." Tatty whispered in Caroline's ear. Caroline opened her eyes to see Tatty back on her side of the seat. Totally embarrassed and humiliated Caroline felt her eyes begin to tear up. "Why can't you talk normal!" Caroline felt the tears flowing as she stood up. "I just wanted a friend and you just make fun of me." Caroline stormed off the porch and walked briskly down the street. Although, she was upset, one word from Tatty would have turned her around, but no such word came. That made the tears come faster. She got home and went straight to her room, burying her face in her pillow, she cried and let the emotions flow. When the tears dried up Caroline sat up and propped her head on the wall behind her. She was confused, both emotionally and mentally. She wasn't normally this emotional about anything. A lifetime of keeping secrets and not developing relationships, other than surface types, had honed her self-control, she was good at keeping the emotions in check. But now it seemed that she couldn't even control the most basic urges. She felt bad about her outburst. Now Tatty would think she was a spoiled little girl and want to have nothing to do with her, let alone be a friend. She felt embarrassed about her thinking that Tatty was about to kiss her. God, now Tatty would think that she was a lesbian now. Was she a lesbian? Caroline couldn't even answer that for herself. She did have feelings towards Tatty, feelings that were normally reserved for boys. But it went deeper than just sexual feelings, in fact Caroline wasn't sure that sex was involved. It was the emotional attachment that she longed for. The close, intimate, relationship she had never allowed herself to have was what she wanted. The hormones in her own body had betrayed her and she could not control the outcomes. Now, Tatty, the one that could fulfill those needs had been alienated by Caroline's behavior. She wanted to run over and throw herself on Tatty's mercy and beg forgiveness, but she didn't have the courage and she was afraid that Tatty would reject her. This caused another round of tears. God she was freaking mess! Bethany The phone rang, the sound startled her from her reverie. "Hey, Jenn!" The picture, of her friend on her phone, giving her the heads up the caller's identity. "Thought you might want to take in a movie or something." She had known Jennifer since childhood. They had grown up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools, dated guys from the same football team, they were almost like twins, except they looked nothing alike. Jennifer was very white, long blond hair, while Bethany had olive skin, long, black hair, and the typical almond shaped eyes. They were in reality very different, Jenn was much more social, dressed fashionable, was a take charge kind of person. Bethany was laid back, t-shirts and shorts were the dress of the day, and when off duty Bethany was content to be by herself. But for some strange reason known only to the cosmic wisdom they had become friends for life. They had gone to college together, that's when they became lovers, that had lasted for a year after they graduated, when Jenn met the man of her dreams. Bethany had never held it against Jenn, in fact she still cared deeply for her. They had had several trysts since Jenn had been married, just because they had feelings for each other. But Jenn had made it clear that she was married for life. Now that she had children, she was even more dedicated to the family. Their families were so close that they almost seemed to be one large entity. "That sounds like a great idea. You have a sitter?" Jenn had two kids, boy and girl, and a husband, working in the construction industry. "Do tonight. I told Daniel he was going to watch the kids tonight. I needed a break." "Good for you!" "Pick you up in an hour." "Roger that." She reminisced about their college days. They had been in their second semester when they had been invited to a frat party. Bethany was not the party type, but Jenn convinced her to put down the books and have some fun. She knew she fit the stereotype of the Asian over achiever and it didn't bother her, she had a 4.0. But at her bff's urging she went. Of course, there was lots of drinking and guys were plastered or on their way. Jenn had hooked up with some guy and were making out on the couch. Several guys had hit on her, but Bethany had no desire to kiss someone that smelled like a Budweiser. Jenn disappeared upstairs with her guy and Bethany tried to look inconspicuous in a corner of the room. She was so ready to go back to the dorm. How people could subject themselves to all the effects of alcohol, act like a fool, suffer the hangovers, was beyond her comprehension. She didn't judge them, different strokes for different folks, but she didn't understand the logic of it. Some shouting from upstairs attracted her attention and she followed several people up the stairs. Jennifer was in the hallway, her shirt torn and her skirt pulled down. "Keep your hands off me, creep!" She yelled at her 'date'. He swayed unsteadily, "Come on, bitch, you know you want it." He reached out to grab her. Bethany swung into action, literally, her right fist caught him on the jaw and he fell like a the proverbial sack of potatoes. The crowd in the hallway hushed, no one made a sound. Bethany took Jennifer by the arm and helped her pull her skirt up. "Let's get out of here." Jenn was bewildered, but nodded and let herself be led downstairs and out the door. "What just happened? Jennifer asked. "Where did that come from?" "Self-defense classes, part of my criminal justice curriculum." "Wow, didn't realize my roommate was a ninja." Bethany could tell Jenn had a few too many or she would have never made such a racial remark like that. Bethany managed to get Jenn back to their dorm without any problems. She got some antiseptic and cleaned up the scratches Jenn had received during the assault. Then she stripped her down to her bra and panties and put her in her bed. "Lay with me, please." Jenn asked. Bethany lay next to her friend, waiting for her to fall asleep. Jenn curled up in Bethany's arm. "Youre such a good friend," Jenn said. "You've always been there for me." Jenn raised her face to look at Bethany. "Kiss, please!" Bethany leaned over to kiss Jenn on the cheek as they had done many times, but this time Jenn pressed her lips to Bethany's. Bethany started to draw back, but Jenn put her hands behind Bethany's head and pressed her lips harder. Bethany could feel Jenn's tongue asking for entrance to her mouth. She knew Jenn was under the influence, but she wasn't revolted by the actions, in fact she felt a warmth in the pit of her stomach spreading out. She parted her lips and their tongues met. A fire welled up inside Bethany, a fire like she had never felt. Desires that she had subconsciously repressed came to the surface and she admitted to herself that she was in love with Jenn. They kissed for a few minutes when Bethany finally pulled back, "Jenn, you need to go to sleep. In the morning you'll feel better." It wasn't that Bethany wanted to stop, in fact she wanted more, but she couldn't take advantage of her friend's impaired condition. It wouldn't be right and she wasn't sure about her feelings, yet. Jenn finally fell asleep and Bethany lay wide awake, her mind spinning, not from any alcohol, but from the kiss. Her thoughts were confused and mixed up, but one theme continued to dominate her thoughts, she was totally in love with Jenn. She lay next to Jenn till morning. Jenn woke up and felt the slime in her mouth. Her head was pounding and she felt like shit. She remembered the incident with the guy, Bethany rescuing her, and kissing Bethany. God, she hoped that Bethany didn't think she was a queer now. Although the thought of kissing her friend was not an unpleasant thought. She smelled coffee and Bethany appeared with a steaming mug of Folgers and handed it to her. "Feeling better?" "No, feel like shit," Jenn remarked sarcastically as she sipped the coffee. "Thanks for saving me last night." Bethany just smiled. "And uh, .. about the other thing. I uh...." "The kissing?" "Uh, yeah, you know I had been drinking, its not that I uh...." "I liked it." Jenn was startled, "You did?" Bethany had always spoke her mind and she had decided last night that she did indeed love Jenn. "Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. Actually, I am in love with you. Probably have been for awhile, but last night I realized that I love you, more than just a friend kind of love, but a lover kind." Bethany felt a weight lift off her chest. Just professing her love for Jenn was such a therapeutic confession releasing years of pent up frustrations and emotions. Of course, it might also end their friendship, but Bethany couldn't hold her emotions in check any longer. "Oh, wow, that is pretty wild stuff, especially the morning after." Bethany continued, "Did you enjoy it?" Making a reference to the kissing, by puckering her lips. "Uh, well, kind of. But it might have been the alcohol." Jenn wasn't sure why she had enjoyed it, but couldn't deny that she had. "Then I think we should explore that avenue and find out if its what we want or not." "Maybe. Now?" Bethany grinned, "Nope, not until you've showered and brushed your nasty teeth." That made Jenn laugh, "Deal!" Jenn went to the bathroom, showered, brushed, and dressed. All the while she had been thinking about kissing Bethany and the more she thought about it, the more she looked forward to it. She toweled her hair and brushed it dry. Why did she look forward to it? She had been taught that a woman kissed a man, not a woman. But she still felt a tingling in her stomach when she thought of kissing Bethany. Bethany sat on the couch while Jenn was cleaning up. Her stomach was tingling as much from excitement as from trepidation about what might happen. Either they would become lovers or Jenn would reject her and their friendship would end. She didn't like the thought of not being close to Jenn, they had spent their entire lives together, it would be like a part of her would die. She felt her heart race at the thoughts of separation. Jenn walked back into the room. Bethany was seated at the table. Jenn sat down. "Well, this is awkward." Jenn said. "Now what?" Without a word, Bethany leaned over and placed her lips on Jenn's. She put her tongue on Jenn's lips and pressed. This would be the pivotal moment. Either Jenn would accept her or not. Bethany knew their relationship would change one way or another. Jenn's lips parted and their tongues touched. Bethany knelt in front of Jenn and they kissed long and hard. Excitement was building in both of them. Their kissing grew more ardent. Bethany drew back. "I still enjoyed it." Jenn had felt the desire growing in her, "Yeah, me too." She reached her arms out and Bethany embraced her. They kissed some more letting the familiarity of each other take hold. They didn't have sex right away, it took a few more days, but eventually they became skilled at pleasing each other and they devoted their time to one another. They kept their relationship under the radar, not because they were ashamed, but society still frowned on lesbian relationships and they didn't need the added hassle and stress from classmates and the administration. Although, their sudden change in dating habits and their increased devotion did not go unnoticed and most people knew something was going on. Going out with Jenn always made her feel better. And tonight she really needed a pick-me-up. She showered, lingering under the stream of hot water. She let the water soothe her tired muscles. She twisted her neck, trying to wring out the stress she felt. Partially successful, partially relieved, she got out and toweled off. She brushed her hair until it was dry. Then she dressed in nice jeans, a comfortable blouse, and her favorite sneakers. She wanted to look nice for Jenn, but didn't want Jenn to feel any pressure. After their breakup, Bethany always let Jenn control the situation concerning when to engage in love making, but once it began, Bethany assumed control. It wasn't the situation that she had desired. Back in college Bethany had envisioned them spending the rest of their life together. They had been so happy, their grades were top-notch, their love life was tremendous, it seemed like heaven. But then Daniel had come along and everything changed. Bethany didn't understand what happened, she was confused and dismayed. She couldn't understand why Jenn would choose Daniel over her. At first she dismissed it as a phase Jenn was going through, since she was very socially oriented. But things progressed quickly. Jenn withdrew her affections from Bethany and focused on Daniel. Bethany was crushed and became depressed. The crushing blow came when Jenn moved out and announced her engagement to Daniel. Jenn disappeared from Bethany's life. After graduation Bethany threw herself into the job and it became her lover. Bethany had a couple one-night stands, just for the fun of it, but no steady relationship, the job required too much time and energy. Then two years later she got a call from Jenn. "Hey, Beth, how are you doing?" Bethany was speechless for a few seconds. The shock of hearing the love of her life's voice brought to the surface all the repressed emotions and she was overwhelmed with love. "Hi, Jenn, sorry, just a surprise to hear from you." "Yeah, I suppose its a shock. I'm so sorry that I ran out on you, it was a bad thing to do." Well, duh, Bethany thought but didn't say it. "So how are you and Daniel doing?' "Pretty good, I'm pregnant now, we think its a girl, but don't know for sure, we want to be surprised." "Congratulations, glad things are working out for you." "Yeah, well, sometimes." She paused, Bethany could sense there was a conflict. "Listen, I really am sorry about leaving you and I want to try to make amends." Bethany felt the emotions swell up within her. "Amends?" "Yeah, I want us to be friends again. I know I was wrong and I ask your forgiveness and I want us to start all over." Bethany knew she should just say no and be done with it, but her heart still loved Jennifer. "I forgive you, but it will be hard to be friends with you living far away." Jenn sounded excited, "Actually, we just moved back into town. Daniel asked for a transfer and the office granted it. I so want us to get back together and be friends. I've missed you so much." Bethany could hear the pleading in her voice, "I would like that too." And with that they renewed their friendship and their relationship, albeit a haphazard one, Bethany was at the whim of Jenn's desires, but she loved her so much, some was better than none. The phone signaled a text message alerting her that Jenn was at the curb. She slid her holster into the back of her jeans, securing the compact 380 Ruger. Her badge went into her purse, along with her wallet. Taking care to make sure the door was secure, she hurried down the hallway and down the stairs, taking them two at a time. She opened the door to Jenn's car and hopped inside. Jenn leaned over and they gave each other a friendly peck on the cheek. "So good to see you, hon!" Jenn said, with a bright smile on her face. "Thanks for the invite, I really needed a distraction tonight. How are the kids?" Jenn pulled out in traffic as they talked. "Samantha is in preschool and loving it. Jonathan is doing well in kindergarten, although he is already complaining about too much work. They really push the kids now-a-days." "Sounds like they are growing up fast." "Too fast, Sam already wants a cell phone, and not just any phone, but an Iphone. I told her no three year old needs a phone." Bethany laughed. Hearing about her godchildren always brightened her day. "How's the job?" Jenn worked as a paralegal. "Boring," she said, rolling her eyes. "On TV they make it look so exciting, but its really mundane and tedious. No glamor at all." "But think of all the bad guys you're helping to convict." Jenn frowned, "Most of them plea bargain down and many don't serve any time at all. It's very frustrating." "Yeah, we feel that too. We bust them one week and the next week they're back on the streets. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth all effort." Jenn reached over and patted her arm. "It's worth it, sometimes the system works and they go away for good." "I guess so. I wish we had the old west justice, just hang them and be done with it. Jenn pulled into the theater's parking lot and shut off the engine. Bethany realized she didn't even know the movie they were going to see. "What movie?" "The Blind Side. It's supposed to be great." Bethany nodded her approval. "I heard its a great movie." "We'll find out!" They got out, paid for their tickets, bought some popcorn, and entered the movie house. She ate way too much popcorn and had to drink soda to quench her thirst. She thought about the miles she would have to run to make those calories disappear. Their hands held each others and several times Jenn's hands were running up and down Bethany's legs. Bethany found it difficult to concentrate on the movie. The closeness to Jenn, her perfume, the touch of her hand had her very distracted. The movie was enjoyable and they were both in tears at the ending. They walked out of the theater, still dabbing the tears. "Quick drink?" Jennifer asked. "Maybe one, didn't sleep well last night." "Job related?" Jenn maneuvered through the traffic like an expert. "Most of it." Bethany didn't usually say much about the stress from the job. "Anything you want to share?" Both of them knew the rules about discussing too much about their jobs, but also realized the therapeutic value in venting to each other. "There's this weird case, a double homicide The perp cut off some body parts and left them at the scene." "Gross!" Jenn commented as she pulled into a sports bar. ''Yeah, but the strangest part is I think the perp has contacted me. I got an email and a package with clues that only the perp would know." "Did you report it?" "Sure, forensics looked at it, but didn't find anything useful. I'm really mystified about it." They got out of the car and walked into the bar. "Are you scared?" "Concerned. If the package was from the perp, then he knows where I live, knows my email." They were seated in booth facing each other. "That concerns me, but I can take care of things. Besides that is information you can get off Google, so it could be anyone, maybe somebody with a shitty sense of humor back at HQ." Although, she didn't believe that. She had turned on her surveillance equipment before she left the house. The hallway camera and the outside camera were recorded on the same tape that recorded the living room. No one could get inside her apartment without her knowledge, now. She kicked herself for not having on while she went on her run. A little mistake, but one that could cost you your life. Jenn smiled, "You need some company tonight, at least most of it?" Bethany knew it was more of a statement than a question. She had never refused Jenn and wasn't about to start now. "I was so hoping you would." They ordered and chit chatted for about 45 minutes, all the while thinking about being together. They had touched hands several times. Bethany had let her foot move to Jenn's side of the booth and stroked her leg. By the time they finished having their Margarita and their flirting, they were pretty turned on. Jenn paid the bill as usual, it was her date night, then they hurried to the car. They slid in on their appropriate sides and immediately pressed their lips together, kissing passionately, tongues touching, saliva mingling. Bethany's arms went around Jenn, "God, I want you so much, I'd do it right here in the parking lot." Jenn chuckled, "Me too, but much more comfortable at your place." "Then drive this damn thing, I've got a badge, no speed limit!" Jenn roared out of the lot, well, as fast as a Corolla can do that. Even without a speed limit, Jenn was not careless, would be good to have an accident, then no one would get satisfaction tonight. They arrived at Bethany's apartment and went up the stairs. "Wait," Bethany cautioned as she drew her weapon and checked the hall. She checked the hair she had left connecting the door frame to the door, it was still intact. "Okay, come on." Jenn stayed behind Bethany as they entered. Bethany turned on the lights and did a quick check of the rooms. "All clear!" They raced for the bedroom, shedding clothes as they went, they hit the bed hard and embraced each other and kissed until their tongues hurt. They made mad, passionate love, fast and furious, until both of them erupted and the smell of love permeated the air. They lay in each others arms after their initial needs were met. Later they would take their time and make love this time. "I miss this," said Bethany softly as she stroked Jenn's hair. Jenn knew that Bethany was still in love with her. "I do too, but I have a family now. If its too traumatic for you, we can stop doing it." "No, I just miss it. Occasionally is better than never." "Good, because I love being with you. Always have and always will." Jenn caressed Bethany's face. Her hand flowed down Bethany's face to her neck and she left a trace of her fingernails down her neck across her shoulders and down her hips. Bethany felt shivers travel through her body in response to Jenn's touch. Jenn's hand lingered on Bethany's hips then moved towards the dark patch of hair between her legs. Jenn knew just where to touch to drive Bethany wild. Jenn loved the passion that Bethany that showed during their time together. The little oriental girl was a very wild child during sex. Jenn placed her hand on the dark patch and felt the heat radiating from Bethany's vagina. She felt the moisture and slid her finger through the juices that still lingered from their previous episode. She used the fluids to rub on the already hard clit. Bethany let out a gasp as Jenn expertly manipulated the button of pleasure. Soon, Bethany was writhing in time to Jenn's finger movements. Jenn pushed two fingers into Bethany's virgin, as far as a man goes, vagina and moved her fingers in and out. Jenn began sucking on Bethany's breasts bringing each nipple to an erect status. Between the slurping of her lips and the sloshing in Bethany's pussy, the bedroom was full of noise. But that noise got louder. "Mmm... coming, babe, coming," Bethany announced just prior to bucking wildly on the bed as she climaxed and poured juices into Jenn's waiting hand. After Bethany settled down, Jenn brought her hand to her face and both girls licked the fluids. Jenn was quite turned on and urged Bethany, "Baby, get me off, please, I'm about to bust loose." Bethany complied by moving her head to Jenn's waiting light, brown bush. Jenn parted her legs and Bethany lowered her head onto the waiting Jenn. Bethany inhaled, deeply savoring the aroma of her lover. Then she plunged her tongue into Jenn's wet, vagina, exploring the warm folds of flesh. She felt Jenn respond when her hips came up to push against Bethany's face. Bethany pushed harder and her nose rubbed against Jenn's clit. Jenn began humping her face and Bethany increased her tongue movements and was rewarded with a gusher of juices, which she hungrily sucked in. She kept sucking until every drop was drained from Jenn's pulsating pussy. Then Bethany licked all the moisture that had collected on the pubic hair. Finally, she raised her head brought her lips to Jenn's and they kissed, sharing their fluids. They lay together for awhile, just enjoying the closeness and intimacy. Bethany wished that it would never end, but she knew it would not last. "I have to go, Daniel is expecting me." "I know." Jenn could hear the sadness in Bethany's voice. She always felt guilty leaving her and going home to her family. But she understood that Bethany enjoyed their time together and would not want to quit seeing each other. Jenn enjoyed sex with her husband, but felt such an emotional tie to Bethany that she found space in her heart to love them both, for different reasons. They kissed and hugged a few more minutes, then Jenn got up and started dressing. Bethany watched her get dressed and let the images of her naked body burn into her memory for use later. Bethany got up and threw on some shorts and a t-shirt. "I'll walk you down." They walked to Jenn's car and embraced, one more passionate kiss to keep them until their next date. He peered through the binoculars at them kissing. Hmm, obviously more than just friends. This could get interesting. He said out loud. He jotted her license number down. Information that could be useful later. This was a development that he had not anticipated, but he liked it when surprises popped up, kept him on his toes. He watched as the woman left and Bethany watched the car until it disappeared. He put the binoculars down on the seat, the metal prongs of his hook, gently releasing the binoculars with a grace that had come from years of practice. He started the car and pulled into the dark street and cruised back to his home. Caroline The next few days seemed to drag by for Caroline. She was an emotional wreck, grumpy, callous, and generally not one someone wanted to be around, so she was by herself most of the time. Her parents were off working on the game and Genny was off with her new found friends. Why couldn't she make friends like that? Bored and cross, Caroline decided she needed some exercise. She dressed in shorts and blouse and left the house. She avoided the cemetery, afraid she would glimpse Tatty and fall apart. She walked against the traffic on the main road through town. The temperature was already oppressive and the sweat was flowing freely causing her blouse to stick to her body. The sweat seemed to have a cleansing effect, washing the toxins from her body. She walked faster and let the sweat wash away her embarrassment, fear, disappointments, and frustrations. Before she realized it she was at the other end of town at Wal-mart. Now very conscious of her thirst, she entered the store and went to the bathroom to rinse off the sweat. Feeling refreshed, she purchased a large bottled water and quickly downed most of it, while walking around the store enjoying the air conditioning. Then out of the corner of her eye she saw a familiar figure down one of the aisles. She turned down the aisle and couldn't believe her eyes. Genny was there with another girl that looked to be about her age. What was Genny doing with her? Was she alone? Concerned about her sister's safety she was about to go up to her when she saw an adult, probably the other girl's mother called them. She saw Genny holding hands with the other girl, which was not out of the ordinary, until she saw Genny put her hand under the other girl's shirt and rub her back. The other girl tapped Genny on the butt. Then both girls giggled, like little girls would do. It could have been completely innocent, but the way Genny rubbed the girl's back didn't look too innocent. She would have to talk to her about that when she got home. On the way home Caroline reflected on her feelings, especially concerning Tatty. She knew about lesbians from the Internet. Most of them looked ugly, but some were normal looking. She had often wondered how a woman could fall in love with another woman and have sex. She knew the mechanics of having sex, but she hadn't been able to understand the emotional issues involved. Now she was becoming aware of how that could happen. She didn't qualify her feelings about Tatty as love, but she couldn't deny that she had some kind of feelings for her. But she couldn't quite put her finger on what those feelings were. She recalled the rush she felt when Tatty touched her and the thrill she felt when she thought Tatty was going to kiss her. Could that be love or was it just her emotions going crazy and hormones running through her body? She felt so confused. Part of her wanted to say she loved Tatty, but part of her was abhorred by the idea. Life had been much simpler when she was younger. She still hadn't figured it out by the time she got home. When she did get home she found a flower and a note on the front porch. The flower was a lily, her favorite, and the note said, Meet me in the cemetery tonight about 8:30 and we'll do some stargazing. and it was signed, Love, Tatty. Caroline felt her heart skip a beat when she read the love part. She was already wanting to go, but it was much too early. The flower was her favorite, was it a coincidence or did Tatty really have a gift to know that. Now she was even more confused, but she did realize that the feelings she had for Tatty were real and ran deep in her heart. Genny came home and went to her room and Caroline was curious about Genny's friend and behavior. She wasn't sure how she would approach the subject without sounding like a mother or nosy sister. She knocked softly on the door. "Come in." Caroline walked in and sat on the chair near Genny's bed, where she was leaned up against her pillow reading a book. "What's up?" "Just wanted to talk to my sister and see how things are going." Genny wrinkled up her nose, "Really! Now when's the last time that ever happened?" Caroline squirmed in her chair, "Why, is it a crime to want to talk to my sister?" "Not a crime, but definitely suspicious." "Well, I saw you at Wal-mart today and was just wondering who you were with." If Genny was up to anything she didn't show it, she looked as calm as anything. "That was my friend Nikki, she lives a couple blocks down the road and her mom took us to do some shopping." "You make friends so easy, how do you do it?" Genny leaned forward as if she was going to reveal a secret of the universe, "I just open up and share my feelings. You are so closed up. You have a shell around you that no one can get through. If you would let someone inside that shell then they could get to know you." Really! Caroline knew she wasn't an extrovert, but she never considered that she was that closed up. "You think I'm that bad?" Genny scooted over and put her hands on Caroline's hands. "I'm not saying its a bad thing, but it makes it hard for people to open up to you if you don't open up to them. You're a smart, cute girl and someone out there is your soulmate, but if you don't let them into your life you could miss them." Caroline was blown away. Where did her little sister get so wise. "Are you sure you're only 8 and not an adult hiding in a small body? You sound so wise." "I have my moments." Genny hugged her sister, "Just hate to see you miss an opportunity for happiness." "I'll try to do better," Caroline promised. "Thanks." "Anything for my sister." Caroline got up to leave when Genny said something that rocked her. "Give her a chance!" Give her a chance, not him, but her, how odd. Caroline had not been able to ask Genny about her relationship with Nikki, if it was just a friendship or something more. Caroline mentally kicked herself for even thinking thoughts like that after all Genny was only 8 years old. How could she even think thoughts like that. Caroline wondered if she was turning into some kind of pervert that only thought about sex. Caroline tried to make the day go faster. She couldn't help herself from looking forward to meeting Tatty. She wondered if she should dress up and try to impress Tatty. No, that wouldn't work, they would be outside and overdressing was not a good idea. Should she dress sexy, try to catch Tatty's attention that way. No, that wouldn't be a good idea, cause she might be totally wrong about Tatty's intentions. She just might be trying to make a friend. Why did she even think that Tatty would be interested in her anyway. Just because she had made a couple of comments about her being cute didn't mean anything. Girls routinely said things like that to each other and it was just a friendly thing. Maybe, she shouldn't even go. God, things could be so confusing. In the end Caroline decided to just wear what she had on and treat the meeting as a friendly stargazing adventure. But deep in her heart she hoped for more. Finally, the sun went down and even though there was still a little sunlight left, Caroline was too excited to wait any longer. She left the house and headed to the cemetery. She saw Tatty at the same location she had seen her the first time. She felt her heart racing and the perspiration formed on her brow. She felt her breathing coming faster, but not from exertion. Tatty looked her way and waved, Caroline waved back aware that her hands were trembling. She hoped she didn't have a heart attack or something to mess up the evening. "Hey, girlfriend!" Tatty said with a very feminine lilt to her voice. Caroline felt her heart skip a beat. Girlfriend! "Hey!" was all Caroline could manage. "You ready to see the stars?" "I guess so. Can you really see them?" As if she was tutoring a child Tatty explained, "Actually, the stars won't look that much different, they're too far away. But the moon will look much bigger and we can see a lot of detail. We'll be able to see some of the moons of Jupiter and maybe the Great Red Spot on Jupiter." "Really? I didn't know you could see all that stuff." "Sure, but we'll have to wait for the sun to go completely down and the moon won't be up for a couple hours. So we'll have to wait a while. Is that okay?" Caroline would have stayed out here all night, just to be with Tatty. "No, problem, nothing on my agenda." Tatty smiled, "Cool." She took a blanket out of her bag and spread it out on the ground. "Might as well get comfortable. Can't stand up forever." Tatty stretched out on the blanket with her hands supporting her head. Then she patted the space next to her. Caroline laid down next to Tatty. Her breath coming in slow gasps. Being this close to Tatty was exhilarating. They lay in silence, except for the chirping of crickets and the locust in the trees. "Did you know the stars can tell you the future?" Caroline mustered a weak, "No." Tatty continued, "Its true. For example, you were born in March, that makes you an Aquarius. This month Aquarians will have good fortune and their wishes have a chance to come true, but only if its from their heart and not greed or something like that." Caroline just nodded her head, she was afraid to say anything. "Do you have a wish?" Caroline said, "Yes." After an awkward silence Tatty said, "Well, what is it?" "If I tell it won't come true." "No, that's wishing on blowing out candles, this is different, its better to tell." Caroline took a deep breath, "I wish I could find my soulmate." There she had said it. She had finally got it off her chest and she felt much better. "Soulmate, now that's very interesting." Tatty paused and propped her head up on one arm and stared at Caroline. Caroline looked up at Tatty's beautiful face, noticed her full lush lips, the sexy way her hair tumbled over her shoulders, framing her oval face. Caroline felt the desire burning inside her. The moments seemed to linger, time slowed down, Caroline could see every detail in Tatty's face. It was like a parallel world or something. "I haven't found mine either," Tatty said as a matter of fact. The spell was broken. Caroline felt the breath leave her. She felt deflated. She had so hoped that Tatty would say that Caroline was her soulmate. Caroline felt so foolish, how could she have deceived herself so much. How could she have thought that Tatty could or would have been remotely interested in her. She probably had a boyfriend and would think that Caroline was a queer and pervert. She was glad she hadn't said anymore. "But, I'm looking and I have a feeling that we both will find that special person, very soon. Remember I have a gift, and the stars say so too." Suddenly, Caroline felt as if hope had been restored. Both of them finding that special someone and soon. Could it be them? Together? "Ready to see the moons of Jupiter?" Without waiting for an answer Tatty jumped up and went to the telescope and began fiddling with the adjustments. Caroline looked up at the sky, now filled with pinpoints of light. "You see it?" Caroline looked, but they all looked the same to her. "No." Tatty pointed to the east, "See, over there, that bright one." Caroline looked again, "They all look the same to me." Tatty came up behind Caroline and put her right hand on Caroline's shoulder. A chill rippled through Caroline's body. Tatty took Caroline's left hand and extended it along side hers. "Right there." She lined their arms pointing towards Jupiter. Time once again ground to a halt. Caroline could feel Tatty's warm body pressing on her. She could feel the mounds of Tatty's breasts pressing into her back. Her butt was pressed against Tatty's loins and Caroline was sure her knees would give way and she would collapse, but she didn't. She could feel Tatty's warm breath on her neck and smelled the aroma of Tatty's freshly shampooed hair. The softness of Tatty's hand on hers made her want to just melt in Tatty's arms. "See it now?" "Mmm uh huh," Caroline mumbled, of course she didn't really see it, she was just so caught up in the moment. She wanted to stay close to Tatty like this forever. "Cool, but wait till you see this." Tatty pulled away and looked into the telescope and made some more adjustments. Caroline felt the cool air of the night invade the space left by Tatty's warmth and she shivered. "Come here and see." Like she was moving in slow motion Caroline got up and went to the telescope and looked in the eyepiece. She saw a large dot and four smaller dots. "Mmm.. yeah, I see it." Tatty's voice grew excited, "Isn't that just the coolest thing?" "Um, yeah, I guess so." Caroline tried not to sound disappointed, but her mind was not on Jupiter. "Well, it is. Jupiter's like 240 million miles away and we're seeing it and four of the moons. Its awesome." Caroline tried hard to sound excited. "Yeah, its pretty awesome." Tatty chuckled, "You're not a very good liar." Caroline sadly said, "Sorry, I guess I'm just not much of a scientist." "Well, maybe the moon will be more exciting, you'll be able to see more details." Tatty went and sat back on the blanket. Caroline followed her. "You know Venus was named after the goddess of love." Now Caroline's interest was piqued. "I didn't know that." "Yeah, because Venus is the brightest planet and very mysterious they decided that it was love. Love is so bright and yet mysterious. Everybody knows about it, but no one really understands it." Tatty leaned back on her hands and gazed at the stars. "Everyone wants someone to love and wants to be loved, but when it comes right down to it they are afraid to commit to the love." Caroline felt the emotions welling up inside her. She sat down next to Tatty and just gazed at her and listened to the soothing sounds of her voice. "I know that someday I'll meet that someone that will rock my world and I will want to give myself to them, heart, mind, and soul." She turned her gaze to Caroline. "Do you understand what I mean?" Caroline nodded and absentmindedly wet her lips. "Do you really understand? That heart, mind, and soul means complete dedication and loyalty to that person. Everything you do would be to make the other person happy and content. You would be theirs and they would be yours. Completely sold out to the other one." Caroline was mesmerized by Tatty's conversation. In her mind she kept inserting Tatty's name. "Yes, I would be willing to do that." Caroline said softly and tenderly. Tatty just stared into Caroline's eyes and they were silent. Caroline reached out to take Tatty's hand and held it. They sat that way for what, to Caroline, seemed forever. Tatty finally broke the silence, "I think the moon is up." Tatty jumped up and readjusted the telescope. "Oh, yeah, here it is, come look." Caroline couldn't move, she was stunned, that in that moment of what seemed to be their most intimate moment, Tatty suddenly went off 180 degrees. Caroline felt the tears roll from her eyes. What was wrong with her? Why didn't Tatty want her? Why would Tatty want her? Caroline suddenly felt ashamed and empty. "I have to go," she managed to say without crying. "Oh, yeah, well I guess you have to be in the mood to really enjoy it." Tatty replied. "Thanks." Caroline turned and walked away. She began sobbing and the tears flowed freely. She was so sad, sad that her hopes had been crushed. It seemed that Tatty was telling her everything she wanted to hear, even held her hand and the look in the eyes, Tatty's eyes seemed to encourage Caroline. Then nothing. Caroline felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her chest. Her heart seemed to stop beating, as if it had nothing to live for. Caroline made it home and went straight to her room where she cried until there were no more tears left and she fell asleep. Bethany Bethany walked slowly back to her apartment, tears rolled down her cheeks. It was always hard after Jenn left. She missed her so much. She had always hoped that her relationship with Daniel wouldn't work out and Jenn would come back to her. But Jenn wanted something that Bethany could never give, children. She knew that some women had adopted or had invitro done to have children, but Jenn wanted them the old fashioned way. Bethany laid back on the bed, still able to smell Jenn's aroma. Then she did what she always did after Jenn left. She opened her nightstand drawer, pulled out the vibrator, flicked the switch and amidst the smell and thought of Jenn, brought herself to one final climax, before turning over and cried herself to sleep. Bethany woke up the next morning refreshed, no matter what happened the night before, she always slept soundly and woke up in that manner. She padded into the kitchen, not bothering to dress and made a cup of coffee. She only had one cup a day just to get herself started. She made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sat at the table after turning on the news. The world, as usual, was in turmoil, but she felt compelled to keep abreast of current events. She checked her email and saw an ominous message entitled 'hands-on''. She opened it and read a very disturbing message. "Well, well, well, I see that you have a girlfriend and what I can tell its a very hands on kind of thing. I wouldn't have pegged you as a lesbian, but whatever floats your boat. I must say she is a pretty one. Nice hands! You might want to play nice with me, that is if you don't want your girlfriend or her family to be, uh let's say 'disarmed'. Lol Bye now. Bethany felt her face flush and the adrenaline flow through her veins, she felt her heart rate and temperature about to go through the roof. She replied with. "Touch one hair, or if I even think you did, I'll kill you so damn fast you won't have time to think. Don't fuck with me!" She sent the message and grabbed her cell, she had Jenn on speed dial and called her. "Hey, Beth, what's up?" Jenn answered. "You okay?" "Sure, baby, what's the matter?" Jenn could tell Bethany was agitated. "Listen, I just got an email from the psycho and he saw us together, he knows that we are lovers." There was silence then Jenn spoke, her voice cracking, "Oh my god, what are we going to do? Does he know who I am, where I live, my god, the kids." Trying to calm her down, "Jenn, listen, he doesn't know who or where you are. I'm going to have a patrol car keep an eye on your place, just in case, I'm going to get this guy and rip his balls off." Then it pained her to say so, "But until then, we should not meet." "Yeah, that might be a wise choice." Bethany could hear the disappointment in Jenn's voice and she figured Jenn could hear it in hers. "It's because I love you so much, I wouldnt want anything to happen to you, the kids, or Daniel." Bethany was serious. "I know babe. But call me, often, cause I miss you." "Miss you too, sweetie, love you." Bethany broke the connection and shed some tears, first from sorrow, then from anger, then from downright hatred. She called one of her cop buddies and asked him to cruise by Jenn's house and keep an eye on the house. She didn't say why, but he owed her a favor and he was happy to comply. I need to run. She said out loud. She dressed in her jogging clothes, gun, set the cameras, put a hair in place, then hit the streets. By the time she returned home, two hours had passed, she was bone tired, and dripping with sweat. She climbed the stairs, her Ruger in her hand. Hair still in place, she unlocked the door and did a sweep of the apartment. Then she checked the video, nothing, she reset it and relaxed. She hated living like this, living in fear of this psycho, when she found him, she would take her time slicing and dicing his jewels. She shed her jogging clothes, making sure to put them in the hamper and took a long shower, letting the hot water relax her muscles and wash the grime from her. She dressed in some very tight jeans and a t-shirt that hugged her chest like a second skin. She had to use a little sex appeal to get some things accomplished that she couldn't do by herself. She grinned at herself in the mirror. Being a girl had its benefits. With the right clothes and the right attitude, just enough flirtatiousness she could get guys to do just about anything she wanted them to do. Not that she abused it, but it had come in handy over the years and it kept her from owing many favors. She did have to go out with some of the guys, but that kept anyone from being suspicious about her sexuality. Cops, especially the detectives, were a suspicious lot, but then that was part of their job. Caroline The next morning Caroline laid in bed until nature insisted that she take care of business. Caroline went to the kitchen to get some water. Genny was there cooking. "Hey sis, want some breakfast?" "No, thanks," Caroline responded without any emotion. Genny looked at her, "What's the matter?" "Nothing." Which of course meant everything. Genny frowned, "Well, you look like your puppy just got ran over. Last night didn't turn out so good?" Caroline wasn't aware that Genny knew anything about last night. "No, I guess I'm just destined not to have friends." "What happened?" "We just didn't have that much in common, I guess." Genny flipped the eggs without breaking the yolk. "Sorry, but there will be other opportunities, it just takes some time." "Yeah, lots of time." Caroline went back to her room and cried some more. The next two days passed with Caroline moping around the house. She had no desire to go anywhere or do anything. Genny invited her to go shopping with her friend, but Caroline was in no mood for anything. It felt to her as if life had just ground to a halt and that would be the end of her life. The house was empty and Caroline was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. Trying not to think of Tatty proved impossible, the more she tried not to think of her, the more she did. She could still picture in her mind the touch of Tatty's hand in hers, the look in her eyes as they peered into each others soul. But it always abruptly stopped there. She heard a knock on the door. Reluctantly, she got up to answer it. She opened the door and found another lily and note. She looked around, but didn't see anyone. She picked up the note and flower and closed the door. She sniffed the lily, finding the fragrance pleasant. She unfolded the note, almost afraid to read it. Meet me at our spot. Love, Tatty. Our spot, love Tatty, against all odds, Caroline felt her heart lift. She threw on a clean blouse and ran out of the house headed for the cemetery. She spotted Tatty and ran even faster, her heart beating, pounding, about to explode. She stopped just short of Tatty and gasped, "Are you okay, is something wrong?" Tatty smiled, "No, everything is okay, in fact everything is just wonderful." Caroline regained her breath. "What do you want?" Tatty sat on a cement bench meant for mourners and motioned for Caroline to sit. "Remember the other night when I was talking about finding a soulmate?" "Yeah." Caroline braced herself for the bad news. "I found one." "Great." Caroline was ready to be crushed for the final time. "I've found someone that I want to give myself too and they're willing to give themselves to me." "Happy for you." Caroline slumped on the bench ready to just give up and die. Tatty took Caroline's hands in hers. "Do you want to kiss me?" Caroline's jaw dropped, she wasn't sure she had heard right. Was she just imagining this? "Huh?" Tatty smiled and squeezed Caroline's hands, "You, you are my soulmate. I want you." Caroline felt like she was going to pass out, her head was spinning, she felt light-headed, she couldn't hear the sounds of the birds chirping or the traffic from the highway. "Am I hearing you right, can you say that again." Instead of speaking Tatty leaned over and pressed her lips against Caroline's. The kiss was brief, but a tsunami or earthquake couldn't have wielded more impact on Caroline's mind. Tatty drew back and said, "Is this what you want?" Caroline was overwhelmed, "I thought you didn't like me. I mean all the stuff you said. I wanted this, but I was afraid you didn't want me." "I just wanted to make sure that you were the one. I wanted to make sure that I was the one for you." Tatty leaned over and kissed her again. "Its too important to rush into and make mistakes." Tatty's eyes looked deep into Caroline's heart. "Is this what you want?" Caroline began crying, this time tears of joy and relief. "Oh god, yes, I've so wanted to be yours. To be in your arms. I love you so much." Caroline poured out her heart and feelings. Feelings she had never allowed to come out before. "I just want to make you happy and feel your love." Tatty pulled her to her breast and held her tightly. "I do love you and I will take care of you and make you happy." Tatty stroked Caroline's hair and held her. Caroline felt so good, her mind had trouble grasping the full impact of what had just happened. All the words she had longed to hear had been said. The embrace that Caroline had been wanting had materialized. Suddenly, Caroline felt fulfilled, complete, and so loved. The emotional stress vanished, the disappointment melted, the sadness vanished like a puff of smoke. Caroline wrapped her arms around Tatty, not caring that anyone could see them. Her feelings for Tatty were so strong that she had no reserves about showing her affection. They kissed again, this time Caroline parted her lips and Tatty's tongue snaked in her mouth and their tongues touched. Caroline felt what seemed like a million volts of electricity surge through her. She hungrily pressed her tongue inside Tatty's mouth, searching for every taste of her. They kissed until Caroline thought her tongue was going to cramp up. When they parted Caroline gasped for breath. "Wow, that was so amazing. I have wanted to kiss you for so long." Tatty smiled, "I know you have, but it had to be at the right time." They sat for a while, sitting close, Tatty's arms around Caroline. Caroline felt so at peace, happier that she could ever remember in her whole life. "I want you to come spend the night with me, we have so much to learn about each other and so much I want to share with you. Will you do that?" Without any hesitation Caroline said, "Yes, I want to be with you all the time." "Good, my parents are out of town, so go home and get some overnight stuff and meet me at my house." Tatty kissed her softly, "Hurry, I have so much I want us to share." Caroline didn't want to leave, but the thought of spending the night with Tatty was so exciting that she was willing to forgo the moment for better moments ahead. "I love you." Caroline got up and ran back to her house as quickly as possible. Caroline ran in the house and to her room quickly throwing some clothes into an overnight bag. She giggled when she thought of what she would find in the bag later, because she was not paying any attention to what was going in the bag. She was more careful on the personal hygiene products, it wouldn't be good to forget the toothpaste. She licked her lips at the thought of kissing Tatty again. She felt so alive and on fire. Her every breath filled her lungs with air and her entire being with love. It was as if the air around her radiated love and she was the sponge soaking it in. God, she felt so good! She hastily scribbled a note for her parents and dashed down the short hallway to the front door. "Whoa, chief, we have a speed zone here," quipped Genny after almost being t-boned by Caroline. "Oh, sorry, but I'm in a hurry." Caroline proceeded to the door after dropping the note on the counter. "What's that all about?" "What's what?" Genny blocked her way to the door. "First of all, that silly grin on your flushed face, and secondly, where to in such a big hurry?" "We'll talk later, gotta go," Caroline said and thought, I love my sister, but annoying! "Nope, unacceptable," said Genny, not budging from the door. "The other day you couldn't wait to have a little talk with me, then you mope around the house for days, now all of a sudden you are like the happiest girl in the whole USA. What's going on?" Caroline stomped her foot in frustration. But Genny was right, she deserved an explanation. But how could she explain that she was in love, with a girl, no less. Caroline sat down on the couch. "Sorry, I was just in a hurry. I was rude. Forgive me?" Genny still didn't budge from the door, expecting a trick. "Maybe! Why the big rush?" Caroline took a deep breathe. "Okay, remember I was bummed out about not being able to make friends. Well, I made one and I'm going to spend the night with her, my first sleepover." Caroline thought that was a good explanation and got up to leave. Genny frowned, "Hmm, doesn't sound like the whole story, plausible, but you wouldn't be that happy over just a friend. What's really going on?" Caroline sat back down. Genny wasn't going to let go of this. One problem with living in a family of confidence gamers was that they all knew how to lie well, and detect lies and cons. "Okay, the whole truth, but it may shock you and you have to promise not to tell mom and dad." For the first time Caroline wanted to hide her true feelings from her parents. She felt guilty about that. She felt as if she had betrayed Tatty. She didn't like the feeling. "I found my soulmate, I'm in love." Caroline expected Genny to razz her or laugh or something, but she didn't expect this reaction. "Cool, who is she?" Taken back, Caroline struggled to regain her composure. "Huh, don't you mean he?" Genny smiled a wicked smile, as if she knew more than she let on, the Cheshire Cat smile. "Nah, no way you would have opened up to a guy in just a few days. You are way too insecure for that. You would only open up to another girl, someone that you didn't feel threatened by. Right?" Astonished, Caroline sat down, before she fell down. "That obvious, huh?" Genny nodded. Her name is Tatty, I met her a few days ago and I love her." Caroline looked imploringly at Genny. "Please don't hate me and don't tell mom or dad." Genny moved to the arm of the couch and sat down. "No way, I would hate you, and yeah, mom and dad should be left out of the loop on this one." Caroline smiled, "Thanks, sis. I appreciate your support. I was sure you would think I was a pervert or lesbian." Genny smiled back, "Even if I did think that, it wouldnt be a bad thing, being a lesbian, its just the way we are. Caroline wasn't sure she heard correct, we? She was about to say something but Genny continued. "My friend Nikki, we are girlfriends, like going steady girlfriends. We kiss and hold hands and other stuff." Now it was Caroline's turn to be speechless, although she did manage a, "What?" Genny laughed, "Now you have to promise not to hate me or tell mom and dad!" "You mean... I mean you and that girl... You are ?" Genny giggled, "You are so cute when you're confused. Yes, Nikki and I are girlfriends, lovers, lesbians, whatever you want to call it. We are in love." "But you're just nine years old, how can you be in love?" "Love knows no barriers, like age, old people are in love, young people, even some old people love younger people. Love isn't stopped by how old or young a person is." Properly chastised, Caroline relented. "That is so cool, that you are so mature. I'm glad you're happy." Genny smiled, "Not as glad as I am that you are happy. You were not pleasant to be around." Smiling back Caroline apologized, "Yeah, sorry about that, but things will be changing now. But I need to go, Tatty's waiting and I can't wait to be with her." Genny asked, "Just one more thing. Have you done it together?" "Done what?" "Have sex, silly, have you had sex with her yet?" Caroline was dumbfounded, she hadn't even considered sex. She was happy to just kiss and be held by Tatty, to be in her arms and feel loved. "No, we just kissed." Genny smiled, "Then you are going to have a blast tonight." Genny got up and gave Caroline a peck on the cheek. "Now get going and have fun." Bethany She climbed into her Jeep Cherokee and drove back to the precinct. She went straight to the computer lab to see Jerry. Jerry was the head computer geek and he was not the least bit ashamed of it. In fact, he was very proud of his computer skills, but not to the point of lauding it over the other officers. They came to him regularly for help with their computers. Jerry was very patient and helped all who came to him. He was very happy when Bethany came walking into his office. He tried not to stare, but she was the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen. Her long, black hair was framing her face, making her oval face seem angelic. Her almond, brown eyes were set perfectly on her face and her pert nose was strikingly beautiful. Then there was the mouth, the soft, red lips, just the right proportion surrounding the marvelous smile. And today she was wearing the tightest jeans, how could she even get into them, he had ever seen. And the shirt was loose enough to let her breasts jiggle slightly, yet tight enough to form a perfect outline. To say that Jerry was enamored with her was a vast understatement! Bethany knew how Jerry felt about her, it was so obvious. It's what she counted on. She sauntered over to his desk, purposely exaggerating her walk so her butt would wiggle provocatively. It had the desired effect. Then she leaned on his desk, bent at the waist and propped her head on her hands, giving him a generous view of the girls. Bethany found it difficult to keep a straight face. The look on Jerry's face was one of those credit card priceless moments. His eyes were irresistibly drawn to her cleavage where they lingered far too long. "Hey, Jerry, how's it hanging?" Completely flustered, his face reddened, "Oh, hey, Bethany." His words came out like a croak. "I mean Officer Sato." She gave him her best smile, "It's Bethany." He shifted nervously in his seat. She could tell he wasn't used to this kind of attention. "Yeah, Bethany it is. So what can I do for you?" "Well, since you asked, I need a favor. This guy has been hassling me, you know sending unwanted emails, presents show up at my apartment, stuff like that." She leaned in close enough for him to smell her perfume. "I think he's stalking me, its really giving the creeps." Bethany thought Jerry would have a stroke or something when she put her hand on his shoulder. "The thing is, I don't know this guy, I've never met him. I don't know why he's doing this to me," she let her voice crack just slightly, for emotional effect. "I really need to find out who and where this SOB is." Almost as if Jerry had been caught with his hands in the cookie jar, he shivered. She wondered if he had stalked some girls before. "Wow, that is creepy. I'll do whatever I can to help you find this guy." She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek, her hair brushing against his face. "You're a doll, I knew I could count on you." Jerry let out his breath that had caught in his chest, "Uh, you uh, wouldn't like to uh, go out for dinner or something, huh?" Bethany smiled, "You find out who and where this creep is, and we'll go out and celebrate, deal?" "Oh, yeah, deal!" She gave him a folder with all the information she had collected along with her cell number. "Call me as soon as you find out anything, okay." "You bet I will." He turned to his computer and began working on her problem. He did watch her as she left and thought about going out on a date with that nice piece of ass. After she left Jerry's office she went to her watch commander and explained that she had been threatened and he assured her that a patrol car would pass by her apartment several times through the day and night. She knew that there was little chance that they would be able to anything, but there was always a hope. Cops received threats all the time and 99% were just threats, but that 1% that carried out the threat was enough to make them look over their shoulder more than once. Bethany headed back to her apartment, keeping tabs on the mirror, looking for any suspicious cars following her. She made a few random turns, but didn't see any tail. She didn't feel bad about using Jerry that way. She would go out with him regardless, but she was pretty sure he could come up with something. It wasn't that she didn't like guys, in general, she hadn't had some bad thing happen to her in the past that turned her away from guys. She had gone out with several, made out, engaged in some foreplay, but she had always drawn the line at intercourse, nothing so noble as saving herself for her husband, she just didn't like the idea of a penis going inside her. Guys might feel different if the girl stuck something inside them and left a mess behind. As far as girls, Jenn was the only one she loved. Her affairs with the others were merely for convenience and curiosity. She thought the female body was beautiful and just preferred it over a hairy guy. So, she would go out with Jerry, maybe even make out a little. So, if people thought she was using him, Jerry would say, he didn't care, let her use him all she wanted. Back at her apartment everything checked out alright. She decided to canvass the neighborhood. She didn't think she would find any witnesses, but she just couldn't sit around and wait, she had to be in action. She asked all the neighbors in her building, but no one saw anything. She headed down the block and back up the other side. She smelled the odor of grass burning, heard several arguments, and other things that pinged her police radar, but she didn't want to get involved, unless someone was in danger, of course. MYOB, mind your own business, was a motto that had kept her out of many a drama. Caroline Caroline got up and went out the door. As she walked to Tatty's house she considered the following: Genny had a girlfriend, Genny had sex with this girl, Caroline was behind the curve on everything it seemed, and she hadn't even thought about sex with Tatty. She was amazed at how things can change in just a few minutes. She finally arrived at Tatty's. Tatty was waiting on the porch wearing a sexy outfit. "I was afraid you had second thoughts and weren't coming." "Sorry, I had to talk to my sister." "Did you tell her about us?" "Yes, but she also told me that she has a girlfriend, a girl named Nikki. I was so blown away, I mean she's only eight years old, I would have never thought that they could be in love, let alone be girlfriends." "I think I know her, is she Hispanic, really cute, long brown hair?" "I think so, the one time I saw her I wasn't really paying attention. How do you know her?" "I've checked out the girls in the neighborhood, she was really cute and I wondered if she was inclined towards girls. I guess I was right about her." Tatty picked up Caroline's bag, "Come on inside." They went into the house. Tatty put the bag on the couch. "Come here baby, I want you so much." Tatty stood with her arms outstretched. Caroline melted into her arms. They kissed passionately and Tatty held Caroline tight causing their breasts to press together. Caroline felt the heat of Tatty's body on hers and was loving it. She also felt a stirring between her legs. When they came up for air, Caroline asked, "Have you done it with other girls?" Tatty pulled her to the couch and they sat down. Tatty put her arm around Caroline and Caroline rested her head on Tatty's shoulder. "Yes, I've had sex with a couple of girls. But I didn't care for them like I care for you. I didn't love them, but I love you." "I haven't done it with anyone, just by myself." Tatty stroked her hair, "I know, that's why I'm taking it slow. But it will be wonderful, I will make you feel so good, and you will make me feel so good. You will feel like you've never felt before." Caroline sighed, "I already feel wonderful, being in your arms is a dream come true." "It will only get better." Tatty kissed Caroline again and they hugged each other tightly. Tatty slid her hand down Caroline's side to the bottom of her blouse. She slid her hand under the edge of the blouse and placed the flat of her hand on Caroline's stomach. Caroline gasped at the touch, the ripples of pleasure passed through her body. Tatty softly rubbed small circles on Caroline's stomach, gradually working her way towards Caroline's breasts. Tatty slipped one finger under the bra and pushed it over the top of the breast. She cupped the breast in her hand and gently squeezed it. Caroline felt her breathing increase along with her heart rate. Tatty rubbed the nipple between her fingers, feeling the nipple stiffen and become hard. Caroline kissed and explored Tatty's mouth with a fervor she had never experienced before. She could feel the heat between her legs and the moisture forming there. Tatty stood up and took Caroline's hand and led her to the bedroom. Once there she pulled Caroline's blouse over her head and removed her bra. Tatty sat Caroline on the edge of the bed and got on her knees. Eyes level with Caroline's breasts she placed her mouth on one and began to suck on it. Caroline gasped at the touch of Tatty's lips on her nipple. Caroline put her hand on the back of Tatty's head and pressed her face tightly against her bosom. Tatty sucked harder, bringing the nipple to an erection, then switched to the other breast. Caroline pushed Tatty's green tube top down and began rubbing her back, with no bra, she was able to feel the luxurious texture of Tatty's soft skin. Tatty pushed Caroline down on the bed and climbed on top of her. They kissed as Tatty ground her hips into Caroline. Caroline wrapped her arms around Tatty and moved her hands down to Tatty's butt. She pressed it into her groin, relishing the feel of Tatty's weight on her pelvis. Although inexperienced, Caroline did what she thought would feel good. She slipped her hands in Tatty's skin tight shorts and touched the soft flesh of her cheeks. The girls stayed this way for a few minutes, letting the passion build. Finally, Tatty stood up and quickly disrobed. Then she leaned over and pulled Caroline's shorts and panties off. "You are so beautiful, baby, I love you so much!" Caroline felt her eyes tear up from the tender words, tears of joy and happiness. Tatty lay next to Caroline, both girls facing each other. "I love you!" Caroline whispered, as she gazed into Tatty's blue eyes. "I know and it feels so good," Tatty responded. They kissed some more as each girl ran their hands over each others breasts. Caroline felt rushes of adrenaline course through her body as she touched Tatty. Each time Tatty would moan and wiggle and that made Caroline even more excited, knowing that she was bringing pleasure to her lover. The heat of Tatty's body created an envelope of warmth around Caroline and she felt encased in Tatty's presence. A warm cocoon of Tatty's love. Tatty let her hand drift down Caroline's waist, letting her hand linger on the smooth curves. Then she angled downward and rested at the top of Caroline's dark bush. Caroline was beside herself with passion. She knew her pubic area was awash with her fluids. Then she felt the touch of Tatty's finger on her clit. She felt like she was going to explode. She pushed her pelvis towards Tatty's hand and Tatty responded by rubbing harder on her clit. Caroline could feel the beginnings of her orgasm building deep in her loins. She began rhythmic motions in response to Tatty's touch. Tatty pinched her clit and Caroline felt the surge of pleasure as she tumbled into the abyss of her climax. Grunts of pleasure, too emotional for words, just primal grunts escaped from her mouth. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her entire body was one giant muscle spasm as the orgasm took complete control of her. Tatty's hand was drenched with fluids flowing freely from Caroline's gushing vagina. What seemed like hours, to Caroline, finally became reality as her climax subsided. Caroline felt like she had just ran a marathon and every muscle in her body was fatigued. She lay completely still as Tatty kept her hand on her vagina, feeling the aftershocks of the climax pulsating from between Caroline's legs. Tatty smiled, "That was so beautiful!" Caroline smiled back and nodded, "I never, ever thought it could feel like that. I thought I was going to explode." Tatty chuckled, "You did all over my hand." She brought her hand to her mouth and slid one finger in her mouth. She sucked Caroline's juices from her finger. "You taste so good." Then she offered a finger to Caroline who opened her mouth and sucked her own juices. It tasted sweet, yet pungent, and she wondered how Tatty would taste. "Thank you, so much, but you didn't get much out of it." Caroline apologized. "Oh, baby, I came already, just bringing you to the top made me come." Then she paused, "But it would be so sweet if you touched me too." Not needing anymore encouragement, Caroline pushed Tatty over on her back and they kissed. After a passionate kiss, Caroline moved her lips down to Tatty's pert breasts. She placed her mouth over a nipple and began to suckle. The feel of Tatty's nipple in her mouth caused her own fluids to begin flowing again. She felt the passion rising up in her as she sucked on Tatty's breast. She switched to the other one and pressed her face hard against Tatty. "Oh, Caroline, that feels so good, make love to me, please!" Encouraged by Tatty's words, Caroline let her hand trail down to Tatty's blond mound. She could feel the heat radiating from Tatty's mound. As she pressed her hand against the coarse hair she felt the moisture from Tatty's fluids. She instinctively found Tatty's clit and began rubbing it. Tatty responded with moans and groans. Caroline sucked harder and rubbed Tatty's clit vigorously. Caroline could feel herself getting close to another orgasm, although Tatty hadn't touched her at all. It was true, giving was just as good as getting. Caroline could sense that Tatty was getting closer. Tatty implored, "Oh, baby, get on top of me and fuck me." Tatty pulled Caroline on top of her and Caroline instinctively began grinding her hips into Tatty's. She could feel the movements forcing their clits to grind into one another. This intensified the feelings and the humping motions just made it even better. The two bodies slid against each other, mouths on mouths, breasts against breasts, and mounds against mounds. "Oooh, coming babe, coming hard," moaned Tatty. Caroline wasn't quite as vocal, but a few grunts escaped her lips too. Both girls gushed their fluids and they mixed in the thick bushes of their mounds. Caroline finally collapsed on top of Tatty and rolled off to the side, completely exhausted, covered in sweat and some vaginal fluids mixed in for good measure. She could smell the aroma of sex in the air. She desperately wanted to taste Tatty, so she put her hand between Tatty's legs and collected the liquid. She brought it to her mouth and licked her hand. It tasted so sweet. No sourness to it, just sweet, she wanted more. Tatty smiled, "It tastes sweet doesn't it? That's how you know we are soulmates, each others cum will taste sweet and not sour." Caroline grinned, "I love it." "Plenty more where that came from," Tatty said as she spread her legs. Caroline seemed to know exactly what to do. She found it interesting that without any training or teaching, or watching, she knew how to please Tatty. She took this as another sign that they were soulmates. Caroline lowered her head between Tatty's legs. She took huge breaths of air, inhaling the aroma that was Tatty. She wanted to burn that memory deep in her brain. She flicked her tongue out and licked the drops of moisture off of Tatty's pubic hair. Each drop was morsel of Tatty's love juice that Caroline now had in her body. Tatty would always be a part of her forever. That thought intensified the feelings in her own body. She slid her hands under Tatty's butt and pulled it up to her face. She licked all around the mound of hair, cleaning up all the fluids. Then she found Tatty's clit and licked it. That brought an immediate moan from Tatty. Caroline placed her lips on the clit and kissed it. Then she sucked it into her mouth and sucked on it. She could feel the clit growing larger and harder as she sucked. Her nostrils were filled with Tatty's aroma and the taste of Tatty's juices were sweet on her lips. She moved downward slightly and pushed her tongue between the labia and entered the wet, warm insides of Tatty's pussy. She explored the soft folds of flesh with her tongue, stretching it to its limits, trying to discover all the hidden regions of her lover's insides. Tatty was moaning and beginning to gyrate her hips in time with Caroline's tongue as she slid it in and out of Tatty's moist pussy. As the stimulation grew Tatty exploded and an orgasm wracked her body. Caroline could feel the muscles in Tatty's body contract and her body went rigid, then trembled. She could feel Tatty's vagina muscles contract as she pushed her tongue deep inside, then she felt the gushing of Tatty's juices cascading into her mouth. She sucked hard, intent on capturing every drop of the precious liquid. The taste was driving her wild, she couldn't get enough of the the sweet fluid. Then she felt her own body shiver as she too climaxed. Amazing, she thought, without Tatty's touch she could still have an orgasm. She knew for certain that they were soulmates. The thought brought tears to her eyes, tears mixing with Tatty's juices, a potion of love. The girls lay next to each other on the bed. Their energy expended from their intensive love making. The lust satisfied for the time being, they just looked at each other and rested. Caroline let her eyes travel up and down Tatty's body, soaking in the incredible vision, hoping that the picture would last forever in her memory. She looked at the details of Tatty's body. The way her wavy, blond, hair framed her oval shaped face, the bangs accentuating her light, blue eyes. Her pert, pointy nose, and her bright smile, to Caroline it was the perfect combination. Tatty's thin, lithe, figure, as compared to Caroline's slightly more full figure, mesmerized Caroline. The small, but firm, shapely breasts, with a nipple right in the center of the aureola, were just the right size for Caroline's full, plump, lips to cover. The sharp curve of Tatty's hips formed the perfect V highlighting her mound. Caroline wanted to just bury her face between Tatty's legs and stay there forever. The aroma, the taste, the warmth, the moistness just beckoned to Caroline. She felt her desire building even as she just gazed at Tatty. God, this was so amazing, that she could feel this way. "Whatcha thinking about?" Tatty asked. Even the sound of Tatty's low, gravelly voice made Caroline shiver. "You, every part of you, and how much I love you and how much you turn me on." Tatty smiled, "Well, I like those thoughts, but girl you wore me out." She reached over and place her hand on Caroline's cheek. "I don't think there is one drop of cum left in me, you drained me dry!" "But it was so good, I just wanted more of you in me." Caroline was so at peace with Tatty. Tatty's eyes traveled the length of Caroline, from the thick, straight, brown mane, parted slight off center as it encircled Caroline's round face. Her dark, brown eyes, her slightly wide nose, and the lips, those wonderful lips, the thick, full lips, the kind people pay thousands of dollars to get, the lips that were so luscious to kiss, I love those lips, thought Tatty. Tatty let her gaze move down noticing the full breasts, with the huge aureola that seemed to cover the entire breast, the huge nipples that got so hard. Caroline's waist curved to show off her full hips, with just the right amount of fat to fill them out so the flesh was plump and juicy. Then she saw the dark, brown patch of hair concealing the object of her desire. Tatty loved the pussy lips, that were twins of the Caroline's facial lips, thick and full. Bethany The last building on the block, she had spent about two hours talking to people, she expected more of the same. The door was answered by a young lady, maybe mid to late teens, Asian in ethnic origin. "May I help you?" Bethany was immediately struck by her beauty, she was gorgeous and it left her momentarily speechless, which didn't happen that often. "I uh, I'm Bethany, I live down the block and was wondering if you saw anything out of the ordinary the last few days. I'm a cop," she flashed her badge. "I did not, I'm only here a few hours each week, I assist Mrs. Fletcher, she's old and needs some help. I'll ask her. Come in." Bethany stepped into the apartment and was immediately struck with the aromas of the elderly. The girl disappeared into the other room and returned shortly. "She will see you." Bethany followed the girl into the other room. Her eyes on the lithe figure in front of her. The elderly woman was seated in a chair located near the window. Bethany explained once again why she was there. "I don't have much to do here, but I do keep an eye on the neighborhood." She swiveled the chair and looked out the window. "I did see several cars that don't belong in the area." Bethany was intrigued, "Why do you say that?" "Some were very nice cars, with middle-aged white men, that usually means they were looking for drugs or fast women. But there was this one car, older model, but it was just parked late at night and the driver never got out, as if he was waiting for someone." Bethany's heart sped up, maybe this could be a break. "How do you know it was a man?" The old lady held up a powerful pair of binoculars, "My eyes aren't as good as they used to be, but with these, I can see really good. But maybe I shouldn't be telling you this, you being a cop, there's probably some kind of law against it." Bethany smiled, "No, keeping an eye on the neighborhood is not against the law. So did you notice what kind of car it was?" Bethany was hoping that the old girl had a good memory. "Yep, it was a dark blue, Chevy Impala, about umm," she thought for a moment, "1978, yeah, that's it, four doors." My late husband had one like that. Bethany was writing the information down. "Anything else?" "Well, would the license number be helpful?" Bethany almost choked, "Yes, ma'am that would be very helpful." The woman handed her a notebook filled with car descriptions and license numbers, dates and times. Bethany jotted down several that were within the time frame of the incident. She handed the notebook back to the woman, "Thanks so much, this will really be a big help." The woman smiled, "You let me know if I helped to bust some bad ass!" Bethany chuckled, "I sure will." The girl walked Bethany to the door. "I didn't get your name." "Mika." "Well, thanks Mika," Bethany handed her a card with her number, "Call me if Mrs. Fletcher remembers anything else, or if you just want to talk." Was she flirting with this girl? Mika nodded and took the card. Bethany walked back to her place wondering why she gave the girl her card. Was she really flirting with the girl. Sure she was gorgeous, but it was unlike her to flirt. She got directly in her Jeep and headed to the DMV. It seemed as if she would be using some up some of the favors she had accumulated. She went in and presented her badge and went back to see Alice. She and Alice had gone out a couple of times, but it never really clicked. Alice had a long-time partner and they had gone out on a whim. They had remained friends and Bethany had gone to their place for dinner a couple of times. Alice looked up and saw Bethany and smiled, "Hey, girl, what is going on?" Bethany smiled back, "Oh, just the same old stuff." Alice looked her over, "Now you didn't get all dolled up for poor old Alice now?" Bethany blushed, "Oh, totally forgot what I was wearing. Had to ask a favor from someone." Alice laughed, "I bet you got the favor!" "In the process." "So what favor you need from me?" Bethany sat down and explained the whole situation. "Asshole, hope you terminate the scum." Alice said as she typed in the license numbers. "Let's see what we can get." In a few moments Alice handed her a printout of the names and addresses of the car owners. After a hug and friendly peck on the cheek, Bethany took her list back to the Jeep and began driving to the address where the Chevy Impala lived. She got her .357 Colt with a 15 round clip out of the storage area. There wasn't any place to hide her gun in these clothes. She checked the magazine and placed it in her purse. The nearer she got to the address the more excited she became. It was the rush a cop feels when they are entering a high risk zone. All the senses are on high alert, the body pumps some adrenaline into the blood, the muscles tense up, the brain focuses on one job, stay alive! She drove by the house first to take a look, turned around and checked out the house and area. Everything looked normal. She didn't see the car, but it could be in the garage. She parked a couple houses down, grabbed her purse and got out of the Jeep. Her purse, mainly ornamental, hung at her waist, it was medium size and made of soft canvas. It was big enough for the .357 and her hand to be in it. She could have a good grip on the weapon and aim it, without taking it from the bag. She walked up the sidewalk and turned into the drive of the house. She knew she should not be doing this. Never, never, go without backup, but this was personal, the scumbag had really pissed her off, with his threats against Jenn. She didn't want any law enforcement to witness her actions. She rang the bell, hand tight on the .357, and she held her breath as the door opened. A woman answered the door, "Yes?" Bethany was stunned, not at all what she expected. "Uh, is this the Joseph Hammer house?" The woman was suspicious, "Maybe, who's asking?" Obviously she wasn't impressed with Bethany's outfit, probably made even more cautious. Bethany pulled her hand out of her purse and showed her badge. The woman looked at it, "Mighty tight outfit for a cop." Bethany kept a straight face, "Undercover." Not impressed the lady said, "You here about the car?" Bethany's hand went back inside her purse. "Yes, maam." "So, did you find it?" "Find it?" Bethany was totally lost. "Yeah, it was stolen last week, did you find it?" "No, we didn't find it, but we did spot it and are checking it out," Bethany quickly recovered. "So you came all the way out here to tell me that?" "I was in the neighborhood," Bethany added lamely. "Women on the force, waste of taxpayers dollars." The woman muttered as she closed the door. Bethany walked briskly back to her Jeep. That was a big let down. Less than she expected, but it did give her some insight about the perp, he wasn't stupid enough to drive his own car. He would be harder to find, but he would make a mistake and she was going to catch him, of that she was sure. A little disappointed she hoped that Jerry would come up with something. She got back to her apartment and got into her running clothes, reset the video and went on her run. She varied her routine, turning here and there, even back tracking a few times. She was sure no one was following her. Then she put it on autopilot, she just ran, oblivious to her surroundings, her mind in a daydream state. Although, she was exercising, after she finished she would feel relaxed and refreshed, almost like taking a nap to recharge one's batteries. She stopped at a park to rehydrate and sat down on the bench. She scanned the park, always the cop. Then she heard a voice, "Hello." She turned around and saw the young girl that had been at Mrs. Fletcher's apartment. What was her name? "Oh, hey there." Bethany noticed the girl had been running. "Mika, right?" The girl demurely nodded. "You a runner?" Bethany asked. "Yeah, very relaxing." Bethany nodded, "You want to run together?" "Sure." Bethany got up and they headed down the path through the park. Bethany let the girl set the pace, which was brisk, she wasn't a slacker. They ran in silence for a few minutes. Bethany broke the silence. "You run often?" "Everyday." "You in school?" "Night school," Mika said without having to breathe hard. Not a big talker, "Dropped out?" "Yeah, had to take care of my granny. But she passed a coupled months ago." "Sorry." The girl picked up the pace. "It happens." They continued in silence, just the sound of their feet hitting the pavement, in perfect rhythm. Bethany noticed that the girl was not breathing heavy at all, she definitely was a runner in very good condition. "How old are you?" "Sixteen," the girl turned her head, "and you?" Bethany grinned, "Twenty-six." "Sweet." Was the girl's reply. That was an odd way to acknowledge her age. Something strange about this girl. They ran for a few more miles. They stopped to drink some water at the park they had met. "You live around here?" Bethany asked. She knew why she wanted to know. She was attracted to this girl. Her quiet, demure personality was a very big turn on. Plus, she was in great shape and had a petite, tight body. "Close by." Damn, she was not going to be easy. "You want to have lunch?" Mika angled her head, "That would be nice." "Should I pick you up?" "Here would be fine." Okay, doesn't want me to know where she lives, very mysterious, very sexy. "Okay, say about noon." "Noon is fine." Mika ran off as Bethany watched her until she was lost from sight. Tatty Even though Tatty had been with two other girls, Caroline was the one for her. Both the other girls had been younger than her and had not yet developed their womanly charms. But she had enjoyed the slim bodies, still having the preadolescence tummy fat, their nubs of breasts, and the clean, smooth, pussy. She hadn't set out to seduce them, it just seemed to happen. The first time had been two years ago when Tatty was just ten, her body just beginning to take on their adult features. She had been playing at the neighbors house with their daughter, a year younger than her. They had been in Manu's room playing house. Tatty had been chosen to play the husband and Manu the wife. It was a game played by thousands of girls all over the world. During the game, they would kiss and hug, like couples do. Then Manu suggested they have a child, like families do. Without thinking that there was anything strange about their actions, they had taken off their clothes and got into bed. They kissed and hugged like they had seen people do on TV, but then something changed. Tatty felt emotions that she hadn't felt before. Feelings that made her tingle in parts of her body that were new to her. Suddenly the game was more than a game, it was an exciting, exhilarating, time that she would remember the rest of her life. Tatty made the first move , after they kissed, Tatty let her hand trail down Manu's waist and over her hips to her tiny ass. Tatty began caressing the soft cheeks. Manu's eyes, her big eyes, widened with surprise, but she didn't shy away. Tatty moved her hand to the front and slid it over Manu's bare vagina. Manu let out a whimper, one of pleasure, not fear or pain. Tatty could feel the tingling between her legs grow stronger the more she touched Manu. They kissed again, but this time they let their mouths linger. Manu was first to part her lips and press her tongue against Tatty's lips. Tatty let Manu in and their tongues touched. The tingling got stronger. Tatty finally asked, "Do you feel a tingling in you?" "Yeah, right between my legs," Manu said in her girly voice. "Do you think that real husbands and wives feel like this too?" Manu giggled, "Maybe, I mean it does feel good, doesn't it?" Tatty giggled too, "Yeah, it does feel good." "Could we really make a baby?" Manu innocently questioned. "No way, it really takes a man and woman to make a baby." "So what will happen if we do it?" "Well, we can't really do it, cause I don't have a thing like a boy, but it does seem like it would feel good." Manu's reply signaled the beginning of Tatty's desire for other girls, one that she was not ashamed of, but she was careful not to flaunt her sexuality due to society's dim view of girl on girl relationships. The girls resumed their kissing and fondling. They rubbed their chests together, their nubs just sensitive enough to produce a wonderful sensation. They each rubbed each others bare vagina. Still exploring, they were quickly discovering which parts were more sensitive and produced a marvelous feeling. They discovered that when they put their fingers in each others pussy, the feelings multiplied a hundredfold. They also found out that it was wet and warm inside and that the juices inside smelled and tasted sweet. All this was just two girls exploring their bodies, it was just that the discovering was taking place on the others body. As they explored, touched, kissed, and with fingers in each others vagina, they had their first orgasm. The intense sexual satisfaction they experienced surprised, but delighted them. Whatever reservations they might have had about sex, which wasn't much, disappeared after they both climaxed. Their innocent game had now turned serious. They spent the next year learning how to please each other and how wonderful sex could make them feel. It wasn't until Manu's family had to move that the emotional bonding impact was felt. It was traumatic for the both of them, but they were resigned that there was nothing they could do. Tatty had kept in contact via email with Manu and had always hoped that they could get back together. These thoughts caused Tatty to feel guilty, because of her feelings for Caroline. She wondered if the three of them could ever get together. Recent photos of Manu had shown that she had grown up and was very attractive. Manu still professed her love for Tatty and their time together. Her second encounter was vastly different. She had been experienced and had gone looking for someone with like interests. It took some studying, but after awhile she was able to determine the chances of the other girl being open to a relationship or not. She watched, especially older girls, those of high school age. Until then, most of them were following the standard view of being boy crazy, but in high school you either had a boyfriend or you didn't. If you didn't have a boyfriend, then you were really ugly or retarded, had really high standards, or were socially awkward and therefore an outcast. Tatty wasn't into looks that much, but she did appreciate a cute face, so that left out the ugly ones. Those with high standards were too much into their education to care one way or the other. But the third group, now that was where she knew there was a need for attention and love, and they would reach out to anyone willing to give that attention, even if it was another girl. Even though Tatty was not in high school yet, she rode the bus with the older students. She watched who sat alone or didn't interact with the other kids. If theyre already doing their homework, Tatty crossed them off the list right away. Overachievers! The ones that paid attention to everyone's actions, but did not participate, those were the ones hungry for attention. She noticed after a couple weeks of observation, this one girl that always sat by herself, or it the bus was full, whoever shared the seat totally ignored her, seemed to be a likely candidate. She wasn't ugly, in fact Tatty found her to be rather cute. She wondered why she was being ignored. She didn't study, at least not on the bus, Tatty would have to do some digging around. First step, find out her name. That afternoon she got on the bus and found the girl, as usual she was by herself. Tatty purposefully passed up some empty seats and stood by the girl's seat, waiting for a response. When none came she said, "Mind if I sit?" The girl reluctantly scooted over and Tatty sat down. "Hey, I'm Tatty." The girl looked at her as if she had just asked her to tell all the secrets of her life. Tatty thought, this may be harder than I thought. "Tabata." Tatty heard the thick accent indicating that she was obviously from another country. That would explain the shunning she received from others. Perfect! "So, how long have you been living here?" Once again she didn't seem to interested in conversation. Tally thought its like pulling teeth here. "Six months." "Not trying to pry, but where exactly are you from?" "Colombia." "Do you miss your country?" Tatty was making a little headway. "Yes." "Well, I probably would to if I had to move to another country where I didn't know the language and leave all my friends behind, that would really stink." Tabata looked at this blond, haired chatterbox with wonder. She was actually the first person ask questions and she was impressed. Most of the other kids didn't take the time to find out anything about her. "Yes, it is not fun." Finally, more than one word. Tatty smiled, "I hope we can be friends. I know I need a good friend, and I'm thinking it wouldn't be a bad idea for you too." Tabata definitely would like a friend, it was lonesome not having any friends. "I would like that." Tatty flashed her award winning smile and patted Tabata on the hand, "Cool, I think we'll have a good time." Tabata didn't recoil from her hand, that was a positive sign that she wasn't afraid of another girl's touch, even though it was an innocent touch, it was first contact. Pressing forward, "Would you like to come over to my house or maybe I could come to yours and we can talk and get to know each other." Tatty subconsciously held her breath. Tabata took awhile to consider this. "I think that would be a good idea." Tatty breathed, relieved at the answer. "Great, so your place or mine?" "Mine?" "Great, where exactly would that be?" Actually, Tatty was glad she said her place. Although, having Tabata at her house would give Tatty the advantage, Tatty could learn more about her by going to Tabata's place. Tabata wrote down an address and phone number. Tatty was pleased that she volunteered the phone number. Things were looking better. Tatty gave Tabata her address and phone number just for the heck of it. For the next few minutes they exchanged ages, birthdates, and Tatty just rattled on about her life. She did gain some valuable information like Tabata was 15, never had a boyfriend, made straight A's and liked electronica music, especially dance music. Tatty already was forming a plan in her head using the dancing as an excuse to get close. "This is my stop." Tabata got up to leave. "I'll call when I get home and see what time is good to come over." Tatty flashed her smile again and Tabata actually smiled back. Yes, Tabata was very cute and had a terrific body. Filled out very nicely, without being fat, but just plump enough to fill her jeans out nicely. Her long, brown hair gave her a wild look, a wild, sexy look. Tatty couldn't wait to run her fingers through the soft tresses. By the time Tatty got home, she was already hot and bothered, thinking about Tabata. She went directly to her room and laid on her bed. She slipped her shorts down and went to work on herself. It didn't take long, in her excited state, to get off. When she finished, she retrieved her cell and called Tabata. They set a time right after dinner, around six. Tabata's husky and thick accent added to the mystique and the excitement level of the planned seduction. Tatty knew that it might take some time, but she had a feeling that eventually she would be able to have her way with Tabata. The grooming period was very exciting, because things could change, so the outcome was never predictable. She had no qualms about what she was doing. If she made advances and was rejected then she would just look for another. But she was sure that at the right time Tabata would be a willing participant. Making sure she had enough time, Tatty left for Tabata's house. She rode her bicycle, since Tabata's house was several miles from hers. She could feel the rise in her loins at the prospect of being with Tabata. She took her time so she wouldn't be all sweaty when she got to Tabata's, that would not be very appealing. She pulled up at the house and parked her bike in the front yard and knocked on the door. A middle-aged woman answered the door and looked questioningly at her. Tatty smiled and said, "I'm here to see Tabata." Tatty heard Tabata's voice sound from the back of the house speaking in fast Spanish. The woman smiled at whatever Tabata said. "Welcome, it is good." Then she stepped aside. Tatty entered and said the only Spanish word she knew, Gracias. Tatty could tell that the woman wasn't fooled into thinking that Tatty could speak Spanish. "Tatty, glad you came!" Tatty could detect genuine joy, wonderful! "I wouldn't miss it for a million bucks. What did you say to your mom?" Tabata blushed, "I told her that you were my best friend." Tatty grinned, "Oh, that's so sweet!" She followed the comment with by putting her hand on Tabata's shoulder and giving it a squeeze. Once again Tabata did not shy away. "Come to my room." They walked down the hall and Tatty followed her inside. The room was decorated with thick tapestries with lots of reds, oranges, and blues. There was a definite South American feel to it. "Very nice, it has such a nice warm, cozy feel to it." Tabata smiled, "That's exactly what I wanted." She twirled around the room. "Colombia is a warm country with a rich heritage, I wanted my room to reflect that." She said with obvious pride in her voice. "Well, I think you did a marvelous job, because I feel all warm and cozy." Tabata blushed again, "Yes, that is a good thing." She went to the Cd player and put on some techno dance music. "You dance?" Tatty was beside herself, she was looking for an opening to suggest that and Tabata was doing it for her. "Yeah, love to dance." Tabata started dancing, swaying to the music her body moving in perfect time with the beat. Tatty got up from her seat on the bed and started moving with the music. They danced around the room, arms waving in the air, legs keeping time with the rhythms, hips swaying. Tabata moved closer to Tatty and bumped her with her hips. Tatty bumped back and they danced like that for a few moments. With each bump Tatty's heart skipped a beat. It was going even better than she had imagined. The track switched to a softer rhythm, but yet didn't stray from the 140 bpm of techno dance. Tabata moved in front of Tatty and rested her arms on Tatty's shoulder and they bounced to the music. A layer of sweat was forming on Tatty's forehead, partly from the exertion and partly from her excited state that was growing by the minute. They danced close for a few minutes when Tabata said, "You are a very beautiful girl." Tatty almost fell over. Did she really say that? "So are you." Tabata smiled, this time a sexy smile. "I never had boyfriend, but I was not completely honest." Puzzled, Tatty said, "What do you mean." Tabata clasped her hands surrounding Tatty's neck, "I had girlfriend." Wow! Tatty was completely taken by surprise, she sure didn't see that one coming. She must have hesitated too long, because Tabata said, "Does this sicken you?" Tatty found it hard to keep the dancing going, but Tabata seemed completely at ease dancing and carrying on a very deep conversation. "Uh, no not at all." Was all Tatty could come up with, which sounded completely lame. "First time I look in your eyes, I know that you like me." Tabata said, her face closer to Tatty's. Had she been that transparent? "Uh, yeah sure I do." Tabata grinned as if she knew the secrets of Tatty's heart. "No, I mean you want me and I want you." Tabata leaned forward and pressed her lips against Tatty's. Tatty found it hard to breathe, she was completely surprised. She had been the hunter, now she was the hunted, she had been the seducer, now she was the seducee, if that was even a word. Her shock now gone, she parted her lips and slipped her tongue to meet Tabata's. Tabata pulled Tatty to her body and hugged her tightly as she kissed Tatty vigorously. Tatty had always been the dominant personality with Manu, so this was a role reversal for her. But not one that she couldn't adapt too, willingly. They kissed and danced close, Tabata making sure they didn't miss a beat. Tabata spoke firmly, "I am what you call horny, very horny. You want to have sex?" Tatty smiled, this was going to be more fun that she had ever dreamed. "Oh, yeah, lets do it." Tabata pulled her t-shirt off, reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. She threw the clothes into the corner. Tatty feasted her eyes on the full, ripe breasts with a dark aureola and a gleaming pink nipple in the center. Tabata was a few inches taller than Tatty, so Tatty's face was not that far from the luscious mounds in front of her. She bent her head down slightly and kissed the offered breasts. One at a time, she sucked on the nipples until they were firm and erect. Tabata reached over and pulled Tatty's shirt off and unsnapped her bra, flinging it aside. Tabata pulled Tatty up and as they kissed, Tabata squeezed Tatty's breasts roughly. Either Tabata was a rough lover, or she was as horny as she claimed. Tatty wasn't sure which she preferred. Tabata pulled Tatty to the bed and slipped her shorts down. Tatty followed suit until both girls were nude. "You make me very wet." Tabata said as she let her eyes roam over Tatty's body. "I want to fuck you very much." Tatty was getting more excited by the way Tabata was letting her feelings flow freely, she was obviously not new to this. Tabata pulled Tatty down to the bed and mounted her. Tabata kissed her as she lowered her body down on top of Tatty and began gyrating her hips. Digging her pelvis into Tatty. Tatty felt the surge of adrenaline rush through her as Tabata's pussy rubbed against hers. Then Tabata sat up and pulled Tatty into a sitting position. Tabata slid one leg under Tatty's leg and put the other one over the top of her other leg. Now their pussys were jammed against each other. Tabata began grinding away, grasping at Tatty's hips pulling her tight to her. The close contact of their groins intensified the feelings and soon they were both panting and ready to explode. Tatty felt the surge of her orgasm surface and she began convulsing, every muscle contracting. "Fuck me, fuck me!" shouted Tabata as she too began her orgasm. Both girls were thumping, slapping sounds emanating from their legs and the sweat was flying off in drops. Then as suddenly as it began it ended, They sat still letting the final waves of ecstacy flow over them. It has been a long time, it was good. Tabata said, brushing the hair from her face. "You like?" Tatty smiled widely, "Oh yeah, I like very much." As it turned out Tabata was not a rough lover, just a passionate one. They spent the next couple hours making love much slower, now that the need had been temporarily satisfied. Afterward they lay on the bed with Tatty nestled in Tabata's arms. "I was afraid your mom would hear us, we got rather loud." "Mother knows about me, she respects my decisions, so she would not interfere." Tatty was amazed, "You mean she knew what we were doing?" "Mother knows that I like sex with girls, so yes, she knew." Tatty was surprised that her mother would be so tolerant, but she wasn't complaining. She enjoyed the freedom of not being afraid of being caught in the act. Over the next few months Tatty experienced a wide range of sex with Tabata. She was introduced to sex toys, vibrators, didoes. Tatty was no longer a virgin. Tabata had used a strap on dildo and raped Tatty without mercy, of which Tatty loved every minute of. Tabata had introduced her to anal sex, not Tatty's favorite, but Tabata enjoyed it immensely and Tatty admitted, the orgasms had been very intense. But Tatty's favorite was when she used the dildo on Tabata. The feeling of being able to enter Tabata and the full strokes she was able to make had produced some of her strongest orgasms. Now she knew why guys like fucking so much. She had fucked Tabata missionary style, doggie style, backwards, ways she had never imagined. Tabata taught her much in the ways of satisfaction. They even did it in the bathroom at school. The thrill of doing it in public heightened the intensity so much. Their relationship had been mostly physical, neither girl professed their love, but the sex was intense and passionate. But as it would happen her parents got deported and Tabata left Tatty's life, leaving her enriched and enjoying the sexual side of being a lesbian, a fact she had come to accept whole-heartedly. Bethany Bethany ran back to her apartment, checked security, then went in and shed her clothing. She had about two hours before meeting Mika for lunch. She could feel the excitement growing inside her as she looked forward to getting to know this ravishing creature better. Mika had light blonde hair, unusual for someone with Japanese heritage, but one of her parents was obviously Anglo. But she had these down turned lips that just reeked of sensuality. She wasn't the least bit guilty about her feelings, it was who she was. Her relationship with Jenn was based on love, but also on need. Besides, Jenn and she had the understanding that Bethany was free to find another person or lover. Until now, Bethany hadn't even considered finding another partner, other than the one night stands she had. There was something about Mika that attracted her, it was more than just physical, there was a calm, a peace, a connection that Bethany felt. She hoped that Mika would feel the same way, but if she didn't then Bethany would understand and move on. She was trying to decide on what to wear. She didn't want to be too dressy, but she didn't want to be too sloppy. She tried on a blue dress, with only one shoulder strap, but she thought it might be a bit dressy. She tried on several outfits before deciding on a nice blouse and skirt, not too conservative or too suggestive. She settled on a white cotton dress, simple, yet attractive. It amazed her that she would be so excited about meeting Mika, she hadn't felt like this in a very long time. But she liked the feeling. She drove to the park and walked to the park bench where they had met. She sat down and waited. In just a few minutes she saw Mika in the distance. As she got closer she could see she was dressed in a black dress, with lace at the bottom, a few inches above her knees, showing just enough leg to be attractive, but not enough to be slutty. Bethany was impressed, Mika had a good sense of style and new how to dress appropriately. Mika's long, light blonde hair was blowing in the wind and Bethany felt a swirling in her stomach that she hadn't felt since she had kissed Jenn for the first time. "Hey, you look nice!" Bethany complimented her. "As do you." Bethany stood, "Any place you prefer?" "Not really, you pick, since you asked me out." Asked me out, Bethany liked the way she phrased that, almost like a date. Maybe this would work out. "Done, I know just the place." Bethany turned and Mika fell into step beside her. Many male eyes, and a few female, followed them out of the park. They climbed into Bethany's Jeep and she pulled into traffic. They rode in silence, but Bethany had so many questions, she bided her time. They arrived at the restaurant and were seated at the table. They ordered an appetizer and some soft drinks. "Have you lived here long?" Bethany began the questioning. "We moved here when I was ten, from San Francisco." "Have to ask, about your ..." Mika smiled, "My blonde hair? My father was Japanese, but my mother was American. I got my father's eyes and features, but my mother's hair." "Its a very attractive combination." Bethany said in a sultry voice. "I like your dark, straight hair, I've always loved that about Asian women.' Bethany laughed, "Well, it seems that we've complimented each other enough. So, how's school, you said you taking night classes?" "Yes, I wanted to get my GED, cause I want to go to college." "To be what?' "Nuclear physicist." Bethany was astounded, "A what?" Mika smiled demurely, "A nuclear physicist, a person that runs nuclear reactors. I know it sounds crazy, but I've always been interested in that kind of stuff." Bethany sipped her drink and munched on some salsa chips, "Sounds like pretty heady stuff. Better be good at math." "Oh, I am, I have a way with numbers that even I don't understand. Math is patterns and I have this thing about being able to see patterns. So math is actually easy for me. I'm taking advanced calculus also." Bethany was blown away by Mika, not only was she gorgeous, but very intelligent. Mika continued, "So did Mrs. Fletcher's information give you any help?" Bethany decided she'd better be straight with Mika. "Actually, I found out the car was stolen. So it helped in the sense that it eliminated a possibility." Mika leaned forward, "So, what was it all about?" Bethany wondered if she should tell all or not. "I'm being stalked by some freak. Part of being a cop, weirdos seem to come out of the woodwork. He threatened a friend of mine and I plan on putting his keister in jail." "Wow, that must be scary?" "A little, he seems to know a lot about me and has been watching me. So, maybe I shouldn't have asked you to lunch, it could be dangerous." "What's life without some danger." She paused, then gave Bethany a sultry look that made her tingle. "So, why did you ask me out?" Ah, the moment of truth, this would make or break it, "Because I find you very intriguing, sexy, and mysterious." Mika took a sip from her glass, her down turned lips pressing against the condensation on the rim. Little specks of water remained on her lips and she licked them off. Bethany thought she would have an orgasm right there. "Hmm... sounds like you are hitting on me." Bethany almost held her breath, "And if I was?" "Then, I would be most flattered." An ambiguous answer at best. Bethany exhaled. The waitress arrived with the food to prevent a very awkward moment. Bethany didn't know where to go from there. They started eating their food. Bethany was mesmerized by Mika's lips, every time she took a bite of food, the lips would wrap themselves around it and embrace it. God, was she ever horny! But it looked as if she might have to go solo later tonight. They chit chatted about current events. Bethany told her about her parents and her mother thinking that she should have kids by now. Typical stereotype of the Asian mother, thinking that the woman should be pregnant and taking care of the man, waiting on him hand and foot. "Sounds like you have issues with men." "No, not men in general, just don't want to get married and have children. I have too many things I want to do before I get all tied down with things like that." "No boyfriend, I assume." Mika had a twinkle in her eye as if she was playing with Bethany. "No, too busy at work. What about you. Someone as cute as you should have guys drooling all over themselves." Mika smiled, "Oh, they drool alright, but I'm picky. I want to find just the right person, before I let anyone drool on me. Besides, lots of school to become a nuclear physicist." "All work and no play, you know!" Mika giggled, "Well, I do manage to play some, albeit, by myself." Bethany did not miss the not so subtle reference to masturbation. "Yeah, sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do." They both laughed. They finished lunch and their cold soda. Bethany left a generous tip and paid the bill on the way out. Bethany asked on the way to the Jeep. "You want to come over to my place for awhile?" "Ooh, would love to, but I have to go help Mrs. Fletcher this afternoon." Bethany's heart suddenly sank. "But I'd be up for a movie tonight, that is if you want to go out with me again". Mika said. Bethany felt like a defibrillator had just hit her, "Of course, I'd like to go out with again, a movie sounds great." She hoped she didn't sound too enthusiastic. Mika grinned, "Sounds great, pick me up at Mrs. Fletcher's around six." Bethany dropped Mika back off at the park where she requested. Bethany was very curious about where Mika lived, but didn't want to pry or scare her away. She would find out when Mika trusted her enough. Bethany drove back home to take a nap then get ready for tonight. She felt confident that Mika liked her, at least enough to go out with her again. She sure had fallen for Mika, everything the girl did, every move, every word was making her want her more. She missed those feelings, long ago with Jenn, their first kiss, first touch, first climax, memories that she longed for. After her nap she cleaned her apartment, although it was never messy, she tidied up anyway. Fresh sheets on the bed, just in case. She lit candles to put a cinnamon fragrance in the air and made sure the stereo was loaded with soft romantic music. Then she took a long, luxurious bath, lots of bath salts and perfume. Then she began to get dressed. What to wear? She decided to go wild tonight and see what happens. She wore black mesh tights, short jean skirt, and a halter top, covered by a tight one button shirt. Plenty of leg and some midriff to hopefully tantalize Mika some. She couldn't wait to see what Mika was wearing, would she be daring or not. Bethany drove to Mrs. Fletcher's and parked outside. She was sure the old lady would let Mika know her ride had arrived. Sure enough a few minutes later Mika came down. She was wearing a long trench coat. That was odd. Mika opened the door and got in. "Hey, drive to the nearest gas station, please." "Okay, at your service," Bethany though as she pulled into traffic. "So, how did your afternoon go." Mika replied, "Fine, she's a really nice lady and pays me well to do laundry, cleaning, stuff like that." Bethany pulled into a gas station. "Be right back." Mika got out and disappeared inside. Bethany waited for several minutes and was just about to go look for her when she came out of the station, minus the trench coat. Bethany couldn't breath, Mika was stunning, looking radiant and so damn sexy. Mika climbed into the car and smiled at Bethany. "Had to change into something more comfortable." "My god, you look so beautiful." Mika giggled, "I bet you say that to all your dates." My dates! "No, just to the beautiful ones." "You're looking a bit punky tonight," Mika said referencing Bethany's outfit. Bethany smiled, "Can't always be the solid upstanding citizen." Bethany drove back into traffic. Mika's outfit was at the least suggestive, it was sheer, but the material gave the impression of see through. It was short. Bethany glanced over, she could see most of Mika's lean legs, not much was hidden. Mika asked, "What movie are you taking me to?" "Untouchable, I heard it was really a nail biter." "I love action flicks, gets the adrenaline flowing. I love it when the adrenaline gets going, making me feel all tingly inside. My heart beats faster, sweat a little, my muscles tense up, can't stay still. Then boom! I explode into action." Bethany was transfixed by Mika's narrative. She picked up on the description of an orgasm. Bethany could feel the tingle inside her and her panties were probably getting soaked from her precum. God, she was so turned on! "You have a very expressive way of describing things. Like an artist." "Artist or nuclear physicist, same difference, both require a steady hand and lots of patience." Bethany pulled into the parking lot of the theater and parked the car. Bethany got out and noticed that Mika was still inside. Bethany walked around and opened the door and offered her hand to Mika. "Thank you, you are so kind." Bethany was loving this little role playing thing. Bethany offered her arm and Mika hooked hers through and they strutted up to the entrance. To the outside eye, they could just be friends, girls do those kind of things and no one thinks anything about it. But to Bethany every move, every touch, every word, meant she was getting closer to Mika and her acceptance. They sat about half-way to the front and softly made fun of the trailers they had to endure before the movie. Bethany found out that Mika was very clever, not the quiet demeanor she usually had. She was still soft spoken and demure, but she could be extremely witty when she wanted. About half-way through the movie Bethany slipped her arm around Mika's shoulders and Mika scrunched down in her seat and rested her head on Bethany's shoulder. This intimate contact made Bethany want Mika even more, this time it was more physical than emotional, but they were so connected it would be hard to tell them apart. Bethany actually lost track of the movie because she was so caught up with Mika. She so wanted to stroke Mika's long hair, caress her face, run her hands up her long, lean legs, feel the heat of her golden triangle, inhale the aroma of her scent, taste her honey. Bethany was getting so hot and bothered. God, she was acting like a silly teenager with a crush for the first time. And she was loving every minute of it! After the movie, and it couldn't have ended soon enough for Bethany, they got into the Jeep. "So where to?" Asked Bethany. Mika leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes. "Somewhere quiet, secluded, and romantic." Bethany thought her heart was about to burst. "I know just the place." Mika smiled, eyes still closed, "I was hoping you might." They rode in silence unless you count Bethany's heartbeat that she was sure Mika could hear, like the Poe story about the Telltale Heart. Bethany's hands were moist as were other parts of her. She tried not to drive to fast, but her foot kept pressing the accelerator down harder. Her excitement level keeping pace with the RPM's of the engine. What seemed like hours, but of course were only minutes they arrived at Bethany's apartment. Bethany got out and ran to the other side and opened the door for Mika. This time there was no mistaking the actions. Mika slipped her arm around Bethany's waist and they walked to her building. Although, Bethany was in a highly agitated state, she did not forget the security issues. She checked the hair and it was still in place. They went in and Mika sat on the couch. Bethany lit the candles and put on some soft jazz. The mood was set. Unfortunately, Bethany did not check the video or she would have noticed a shadowy figure that slipped in the window, stayed for a few minutes and slipped out. Not that she would have recognized the figure, as she would discover later, or know what he/she had done while inside, although that she would discover, much to her dismay, what the figure had done. Bethany went to the couch. "Nice place you have, you keep it very neat." "Yeah, kind of OCD about that." "Where's the bathroom?" Bethany pointed and Mika walked to the bathroom. Bethany sat back and imagined Mika taking care of business. Even something as using the bathroom was cause for excitement. Geez, she was turning into a basket case. The bathroom door opened and Bethany almost passed out. Mika was standing in the doorway of the bathroom nude except for the long hair that obscured her breasts and her hands covering her triangle. Bethany willed herself to breath, she was looking a the most gorgeous creature she had ever seen. Mika held her arms out and whispered, "Come to me, my love." Bethany got up and walked over to Mika. She moved slowly, almost like in a dream, mainly because her system was still in shock from the beauty standing before her. Bethany reached out and touched the hair framing Mika's face. She gingerly let her hand flow down the luxurious mane to the ends touching Mika's petite bottom. Mika just stood there, not moving, not flinching, allowing Bethany to enjoy the moment of discovery. Then Mika spoke, softly and calmly, almost in a whisper. "If you take me, then its forever. I will always be with you and we will be as one. There will be no others." Bethany was amazed at how biblical, how spiritual it all sounded, but she could hear the sincerity in Mika's voice. Mika spoke again, "I have chosen you, if you choose me, then you are going to devote your entire being to me, as I have done to you." Bethany could tell Mika was waiting for an answer. Bethany would have to forever give up Jenn, something that would bring pain and sorrow. But she knew Jenn would understand and even be happy for Bethany. "I will!" These two simple words conveyed the fabric of Bethany's being to Mika. For Mika, it was all she needed to hear. She knew that Bethany loved her, now she had said it. "Then, it is done. Mika held her arms out and Bethany melted into her arms. Their lips met and it was like the merging of two souls, not just their tongues and saliva, but it was as if a part of each other's soul exchanged places. Bethany knew that she was not just Bethany anymore, but a melding of the two. It filled her with a passion, a feeling that words cannot express. It was the secret of the universe, the power that gives life, the force that holds all together. Mika led Bethany into the bedroom. Not everything was in a spiritual mode, there was the physical to contend with too. Slowly, but methodically Mika removed Bethany's clothing. First the one button shirt came off, then the tube top, releasing Bethany's ample breasts. Mika unsnapped the jean skirt and let it drop, then she slipped her hand under the waistband of the tights and slid them down, bending as she went. She stayed down on her knees and slid Bethany's panties off. Then she stood up and they stood face to face. They embraced and kissed, their hands caressing and roaming over their backs and butts. Feeling the smoothness, the suppleness, every flat, every raised area, nooks and crannies inspected. By now Bethany was out of control, she could no longer hold back the urges that had been building for the last few hours. This was just too much stimulation and she felt the wave of her climax rushing down on her. "Oh, my god, I can't stand it, I'm coming!" Mika held her tighter, pressing her groin against Bethany's. "Let it go, let it flow, share yourself with me!" Mika's words just made the waves crash harder and faster. Bethany trembled, shook, convulsed with pleasure. Mika pressed harder, eliciting even more response as Bethany climaxed like never before. Bethany felt weak in her knees, the sudden release of all her emotions that had been pent up over the last few days left her powerless. As if she could sense this, Mika half carried and half walked Bethany over to the bed and laid her down. Then lay down next to her. "Are you satisfied my love?" Bethany whispered, "No way, we are just getting started!" They kissed and Bethany said, "I want you so much, I want to taste you." Mika whispered back, "I am here to make you happy." Mika sat up and put her head between Bethany's legs. Bethany positioned herself under Mika and pulled her waist to her face. Both girls began licking and sucking on each other's mounds. Bethany drilled her tongue into Mika's wet pussy and began licking and exploring the moist, insides. She sucked the juices, savoring the sweet fluids produced by Mika. She was tremendously turned on knowing that she was taking into herself a part of Mika. She felt the excitement building in her loins as she felt Mika's tongue penetrating her. She pulled Mika's clit into her mouth and felt it react. She nibbled on the hard, erect clit and was rewarded with even more of the slick sweet stuff. She began to hump Mika's face and could feel Mika trembling under her. She knew they were both about to explode. Then the tremors came, one after another as she came. A gush of fluids shot into her mouth as Mika climaxed. Bethany sucked every drop into her mouth and let it sit on her tongue, getting every bit of taste. Knowing that Mika was doing the same made her come even more. Finally, Bethany got off and turned around. They kissed and held each other, breasts touching, groins still pulsating with contractions. They entwined their bodies, trying to get every square inch to touch the other. Bethany had never felt this close to another person. She could not believe the incredible feelings that she was experiencing. "I love you so much!" Bethany crooned into Mika's ear. "I know and you have all my love." Mika kissed her softly. "You know that I must move in with you, because I cannot be apart from you." "I know, I wouldn't want to be separated from you. But I do have to work." "Yes, that will be a hard time, but knowing that we will be together will keep me happy and satisfied." Bethany saw that the night had come. "We can get your things in the morning. Will your parents be expecting you tonight, do you need to call them?" "No one is expecting me. You are the only one that matters now." Bethany was so touched by Mika's devotion that she began to cry. "It is okay, my love, I will hold you and comfort you." Mika's touch sparked more emotions from Bethany and soon they made love again. Slowly, now that their needs had been met. This time they explored each other's body and after satisfying each other again, they fell asleep in each other's arms. The video feed was nominal, but clear enough to see what was going on. He had installed low level light cameras, so the picture was a bit grainy, but he could readily see what was transpiring. He was actually surprised that Bethany was a lesbian. He hadn't pegged her as such. The actions he had seen outside the apartment the other night could have been interpreted as good friends, but this could only be seen in one light. But it could be used to his advantage. He had not yet been able to identify the other woman, but this one would be around for awhile. He began to make plans on how to use her to cause Bethany more pain and sorrow than she could imagine. It wasn't who Bethany was that had him obsessed with her. He absently scratched his face with his hook. He remembered the ceremony that ended his career on the force. The woman that had taken his job after the accident. The weeks of rehab after his arm was destroyed, learning how to use this hook. He didn't blame Bethany personally, she wasn't even on the force at the time of his forced retirement. But someone would pay and pay dearly for his treatment. The plan began to formulate in his mind. Caroline "You okay?" The sound of Caroline's voice startled Tatty from her reverie. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." Caroline reached over and stroked hair and softly caressed her face. "You looked like you were a million miles away." "Just thinking about how much I love you." It was true, her relationship with Manu had been a childish exploration, discovering the physical feelings, basically just playing a game, sexual in nature, but a game none the less. Her time with Tabata was totally sexual in nature, although Tatty had feelings for her, they were feelings of a sisterhood bonding, not a love that would last a lifetime. It was different with Caroline, from the first day, when she saw Caroline walking in the cemetary, she had fallen for her. She had played it cool and taken it slow, just to be sure that Caroline would not reject her. But now she would devote her life to Caroline and do everything to make her happy. Caroline could tell that Tatty was experiencing some kind of introspection and didn't bother her. She was content to lay next to Tatty and revel in her love. The last two weeks had been crazy, Caroline had experienced emotions, feelings, highs and lows, that were completely new to her. She had been depressed when she thought that Tatty didn't want her and soared to the heavens when Tatty confessed her love for Caroline. Of course, she enjoyed making love with Tatty, but she would have been just as happy without the sex. Her bonding with Tatty had been emotional and it was strong. She had felt the pangs of love stab at her heart when she had seen Tatty in the cemetary, there had been something about the girl that struck the chord of desire in her heart. Caroline was so happy that she wanted to shout her devotion and feelings for Tatty to the world. "Something we need to talk about," Tatty began. "I'm not ashamed of my love for you, nor do I feel guilty about making love to you, but we cannot be open about our relationship." Caroline knew that their relationship was not a popular one. "I figured as much." Tatty scooted close and embraced Caroline and pulled her close. "Its not because I'm scared or ashamed, but there are lots of people that would cause us many problems if they knew about us. I love you and will protect you and take care of you. I am yours and you are mine." Caroline felt her eyes get wet, Tatty's words stoked her love into a flame. "It will be hard, but I understand the need for keeping it secret." As their emotions soared, so did their desire for each other. It didn't take long for their hands to begin roaming and exploring each other. Soon the foreplay turned into serious play and they satisfied each other once again. "I need a shower," said Tatty. She stood up and stretched, working the muscles and trying to get them relaxed, which was hard to do when you keep having orgasms. "Me too, all covered in sweat and your juices. Not that I'm complaining about the juices. It allows me to keep smelling your aroma." Tatty sprinted for the bathroom, "Last one in has to soap the other." Caroline laughed and made sure she was last. They showered, standing under the hot spray, they lathered each other up. They took turns washing each others's hair. Caroline never imagined that she could get so excited about washing someone's hair, but she found herself very hot, of course, the slick, wet body she kept bumping into didn't help! Needless to say, by the time the actual showering was finished, the girls had touched and poked each other enough to climax one more time. After the shower, they got dressed, fixed their hair, applied just enough makeup to look good, but not slutty and headed out for some lunch. "I am so hungry," said Tatty as they walked down the road. "Me too, who would of thought that making love takes so much energy." Tatty chuckled, "It's because you get me so turned on that I can't control myself." "I like that," Caroline commented. She so wanted to hold hands but was afraid to openly do it. Suddenly, she felt Tatty's hand take hers. Caroline looked at her questioningly. "Lots of girls hold hands, hug and even kiss, on the cheek, of course, and no one thinks anything about it. So there are some things we can do." Caroline was relieved, "So glad, cause I want to be so close to you, all the time. I don't know how I'm going to be able to go back home." "Yeah, that's one of the downsides of any relationship, you have to leave the other person for a time. But we are strong enough and in love enough to overcome obstacles like that. You are such a positive person, have you ever had a bad day?" Naturally, Tatty realized that it was a rhetorical question, but her mind flashed back to the worst day of her life. A day that would help to fashion her personality, her behavior, and the rest of her life. She was seven years old and at her cousin's house. Michelle was also seven and they had been best friends besides being cousins. Michelle had a brother, Sean who was fourteen. Sean was the source of trouble. They had been left in the care of Sean for the afternoon. The girls had been playing in Michelle's room, when Sean had come in wanting to play too. Michelle acted as if it happened all the time, so Tatty wasn't the least bit concerned, after all she was only seven. Sean suggested the play dress up, something the girls had done before. So the girls began pulling out all the dress up clothes and began trying them on. Michelle had stripped down to her panties, so Tatty did the same. After a few minutes she noticed that Sean was laying on the bed watching them. He had taken his pee pee thing out of his pants and was pulling on it. Tatty noticed how big it was and it looked stiff. Sean had a funny smile on his face as he watched them dress up. Tatty whispered to Michelle, "What's he doing?" Michelle glanced over, "Oh, he does that sometimes when I'm taking a bath or using the bathroom or when we are playing doctor." "Why is he doing that?" "He says it makes him feel good." "Michelle, come here," Sean called her over. Michelle went to his side and placed her hand on his penis. She began rubbing up and down on it, like he had been doing. "Tatty, you come try it," Sean said. Tatty wasn't sure what to do, she had been told that to mind Sean, so she walked over. "Put your hands on it too." Tatty looked at Michelle for guidance, "Go on Tatty, it doesn't hurt and it makes Sean feel good, besides I always get ice cream afterwards." Sean smiled, "That's right you can have ice cream if you play with us." Tatty didn't see the harm, so she put her hand on his penis. It felt warm and hard in her hand. Michelle let go and Tatty slid her hand up and down the shaft like she had seen Michelle. Sean was moaning and Tatty thought she was hurting him. "Does it hurt?" She asked and stopped rubbing him. "No, it feels really good, keep doing it." Tatty continued until Sean grunted and this white stuff came out of it and got all over her hands. Michelle came back next to her, "This is the part he likes the best, help me." Michelle started licking the white stuff from his thing. She seemed to like it, so Tatty started licking it too. It tasted very salty, but not bad, kind of like having too much salt in the gravy. Sean grunted some more and more white stuff came out. They finished licking the white stuff off and his thing started shrinking. "Did you like the way its tastes?" Sean asked. "It was okay, a little salty." Tatty responded. "Cool, next time you come over we can do this some more, but don't tell anyone, because they won't let you come back, you understand?" Tatty didn't really understand why they wouldn't let her come back over, but she nodded her head anyway, because she didn't want Sean to get mad and not give them ice cream. Sean gave them ice cream and Tatty forgot all about the incident, since it was no big deal. Sean started coming over Tatty's house to mow the grass and do odd jobs around the house. One day her mom asked Sean to watch her while she ran some errands. After her mom left, Sean came into her bedroom. "Hi, Tatty, how are you?" Tatty smiled, "Just fine." Sean sat on the edge of her bed, "Remember when you were playing with Michelle and I gave you ice cream?" Tatty nodded. "Would you like some more?" Tatty nodded. "Cool, then you have to lick my white stuff, okay?" "Sure, if you want me too." Sean smiled, "I do want you too." He pulled his pants down and took his thing out of his shorts. It wasn't hard like before. "How come its small and soft?" Tatty asked innocently "It will get big and hard, but I need you to take your clothes off, so I can make lots of white stuff, and you can get ice cream." Tatty didn't see the harm, nothing bad happened last time, and she really did want some ice cream. She took off her t-shirt and shorts. "Take your panties off too." Tatty slipped her panties off and stood naked in front of him. "You are very cute, you know," Sean said as he began stroking himself. Tatty watched as his thing grew, until it was hard and stiff. "You do it." Tatty reached over and slid her hand up and down his thing. Sean started breathing faster. He put his hands on her butt and rubbed it. "Tatty, you are so pretty and you have such a cute ass." Tatty wasn't used to this kind of talk, but he was saying nice things about her. Then Sean put his hand between her legs and rubbed her privates. "Oh, god, you are so pretty." He continued to rub her and she felt a tingling between her legs moving into her stomach. Feelings she had never experienced before, feelings that were not unpleasant, but she realized that this was not something that was normal. She wasn't sure why she suddenly felt like that, but yet the feeling persisted. "I don't think you should do that," Tatty said. This prompted a unexpected reaction from Sean. "What the hell are you talking about, you little slut. You made me do this, you said you wanted me to do this." Tatty was terrified, she backed away. Sean reached out and grabbed her. "I'll show you what you really need." Tatty started crying at his outburst. She saw his face, twisted and angry, his face turning red. He grabbed her and roughly threw her on the bed. He lay on top of her spreading her legs. "This is what a little bitch like you deserves." He poked between her legs and she felt his thing pushing against her privates. Then she felt the pain as he entered her. She tried to scream, from the pain and from the fear, but he put his hand over her mouth. "Shut up, you bitch or I'll kill you, I swear to god I'll kill you!" Tatty stopped screaming and closed her eyes as tight as she could. The pain was intense, but fear overrode the pain and she was able to remain quiet. She felt him sliding in and out of her and he was breathing heavy, drops of saliva dripped on her face. The she felt him go rigid and she felt a warmth from inside her privates as he filled her tiny orifice with his white stuff. He collapsed on her, his weight making it difficult to breath. Finally, he got off her. "See what you made me do." He started crying, from his own fear, not from remores. "If you ever tell anyone, I'll kill you and your family. You understand?" Tatty nodded, she couldn't speak. "Go in the bathroom and wash off, then get dressed." Tatty hurried into the bathroom and took a shower. Her privates hurt a lot and there had been some blood from the savage attack on her hymen, although she didn't yet know the proper terminolgy, she knew that she had been violated. She got dressed and curled up in her bed. He came in, "Remember, you tell anyone and I will kill you!" Tatty knew that he meant it. A week later, she heard that Sean had been beaten to death after raping a neighbor girl. The brother of the girl caught him in the act and took a baseball bat and smashed his head in. The talk was that the brother would not go to jail. Tatty felt no compassion for Sean. She was actually happy that he was dead. She hadn't told anyone what had happened and decided since he was dead it would do no good to tell. It became her secret and had insured that she would never want a relationship with a man. Bethany Bethany woke up before the sun began to rise. She always woke up early. She looked over at the sleeping form of Mika. Her face, relaxed in sleep, looked even more angelic than usual. Perhaps it was because of the love making last night, but Bethany felt so fortunate to find someone to love. Her only regret was that she would have to break it off with Jenn. She slipped out of bed and went to the restroom to take care of business, then she went to the kitchen to make some coffee. The aroma and taste of Mika still lingered in her nostrils and mouth. She brewed the coffee and sat at the table thinking about her new life. One day a solitary person, the next, now responsible for another life. What a difference a day makes. Her thoughts turned to the creep that had been stalking her. Now she had Mika to be concerned about. She would do anything to protect her. She hadn't heard from Jerry so she decided that she would check in with him today. She chuckled, guess she wouldn't be going out with him after all. Tomorrow she would have to go back to work. Twelve hour shifts without seeing Mika seemed to be torture, but the days off could be spent with her all 24 hours a day. She wondered if Mika would reveal where she lived and what she did all day. Bethany was on her second cup of coffee when she felt Mika's arms go around her and she felt the warm breath on her neck as Mika kissed her. "Morning, love." Bethany turned her head and they kissed. "It was so nice waking up next to you this morning." "You'll be doing that for a long time, so I hope you enjoy it." Bethany smiled, "Oh, I will." Mika sat down opposite her. "I know I haven't told you much about me, so I guess I owe you some explanations." "If you want to tell me." "I need to tell you. If we are to be one, there can be no secrets between us." Bethany nodded, she figured she would have to tell Mika a few things too. "I haven't lived with my parents since I was 14. I left them and lived on the streets for a couple years. I did some things I am not proud of, like sell myself for sex." Bethany had never thought that quiet, gentle Mika would have ever done that, but she managed to not show any shock. "I did not do drugs and I was a prostitute for just a few months. That doesn't excuse it, but I decided that I would beg before I did that anymore." Mika got up and poured a cup of coffee and sat back down. "I met Mrs. Fletcher and worked for her and made enough money to survive. She let me stay with her for awhile, but for the past year I have lived in shelters around the city. I can't stay at one longer than two weeks at a time, so I don't have many possessions. I am in night classes and intend to get my GED and then go to college. I am very serious about being a nuclear physicist." She sipped her coffee. "But now I will do what we decide, it is not just my decision anymore." Bethany digested all that Mika said. "You will not have to stay in shelters anymore, this is your home and I will do everything I can to help you pursue your dream. I'm so impressed that you got off the streets and stuck to a plan." Mika smiled, "I knew that you would not judge me harshly." Bethany reached across the table and took her hand. "There is no way I would judge you. I love you and am so happy to be with you." Mika squeezed her hand, "I knew when I first met you that you had a sweet spirit." Bethany was touched deeply. "Unless you have some important things at the shelter, you won't need to go back there. I mean we will get you anything you need." Mika's eyes teared up. "Nothing there is important anymore, there is only you." Bethany started crying, she hadn't cried this much since she was a kid. She scooped Mika up in her arms and carried her to the bedroom. Her emotions were like a runaway train, not much could stop the. "God, I love you so much." She laid her on the bed and they made love amidst the tears, sweat, and other fluids that eventually flowed. After they had satisfied their desires once more, they showered and went shopping for clothes for Mika. Bethany was ready to buy her the best of clothing, but Mika told her. I know you want to buy the best, but I would prefer just some simple things. Its how I have lived and have realized, its not the clothes, but the insides that make me who I am.. Bethany acquiesced, and they shopped for a few simple articles of clothing, undergarments, and personal products. In all Bethany spend less that $200, she spent more than that on getting her Jeep detailed. She would have lots to learn about what's important in life from Mika. On their way to the grocery store, Bethany was used to eating out, Bethany told her about Jenn and assured her that they would not see each other again. Mika said, "You can still see her and be friends, but just not share your body with her." "I appreciate your understanding, but it might be best to not see her again. Not that I would be unfaithful to you, but it would be painful." Bethany decided to tell her all about this guy. "The creep I told you about is a serious thing. He's knows a lot about me and even knew about Jenn. He might even know about you. I know he watches me, by some of the things he has said. I have some guys at the tech lab working on finding out where this guy is. Until then, I will protect you, but when I'm at work you have to be very careful. Don't open the door to anyone you don't know. Don't go out alone." Mika interuppted her, "I cannot be a prisoner in my own home or afraid to go out." "But its for your own safety!" "I've lived on the streets for over two years, I can defend myself." Exasperated Bethany pushed on, "I'm sure you can, but this guy is ape shit crazy." Mika rephrased her prior statement, "I will stay at home, if that is your decision." Bethany was not used to having her word questioned, and then Mika just rolled over, making her out to be the bad guy or girl, rather. "No, its what we decide." Mika's mouth had that downcast look to it. "How about we compromise. I will stay inside for a couple weeks, until we know more about this guy or you catch him. Then we'll reevaluate the situation." Bethany could see that Mika was a very smart girl. That will work. Then she remembered Mrs. Fletcher. "What about the job with Mrs. Fletcher?" Mika smiled, slyly, "I told Mrs. Fletcher last week that I would not be able to assist her anymore, because I would be moving in with you." Bethany thought about that for a moment, "Hey, that was before our first date. How did?" Mika giggled, "I told you, I had chosen you. I knew we would be together." "You continue to amaze me," Bethany said. "And I will continue to do so, forever!" They arrived at the grocery store and Bethany was lost. Her grocery shopping had been limited to frozen dinners and snack food. She figured that Mika could tell, because Mika just shook her head and took control of the shopping buggy. First, she went to the fruit and vegetable section first. Most shoppers followed the wide aisle with endcaps filled with junk food, but not Mika. "To be healthy, one must eat foods the body needs." Bethany had always considered herself healthy, "There's nothing wrong with me and I don't eat all that healthy." "Oh you will. When we get back from shopping I will show you what I mean." Bethany was amazed that there were that many kinds of vegetable, of course she knew about the basics, green beans, corn, and such, but Mika was finding vegetables that Bethany thought they might have come from another planet. Then came the fruits, they were almost as foreign as the vegetables. Bethany wasn't sure this was a good idea. "You sure all this stuff is edible?" Mika swished the hair from her face, "Of course, you will be the healthiest person on the force in just a few weeks." "I'm already healthy." "Ahh, but you will be healthier. I want you around for a very long time." Bethany couldn't argue with that one, because she wanted to be around for a long time too. They hit the lean meat counter and the chicken and turkey substitutes. "Don't worry, when I get through with them you won't even know your eating turkey." They turned down the spice aisle and Mika loaded up on those. They finally arrived on the dairy aisle and got a few select items there. "There that should do it." Bethany wasn't so sure, "Wait, we didn't get chips, cokes, or cereal." Mika snapped her head in a nod, "Very observant officer." "Funny! But no junk food makes me cranky." "Okay, we compromise. I stay inside for two weeks, no junk food for two weeks." "But that is for your safety." Mika smiled, "And so is not eating junk food, your safety." Bethany laughed, Smart girl. "Okay deal." She was beginning to understand just how much of a jewel she got with Mika and she loved her the more for it. They checked out and Bethany was amazed, she had never spent that much money on food before. Mika sensed the disapproval in Bethany. "It looks like a lot, but you spent that much eating out and more, this will be healthier for you and save you money." "How did you .. ?" Bethany just smiled and gave Mika a shoulder hug, "That is scary." Mika giggled, "You ain't seen scary yet!" They loaded the groceries and drove back to the apartment. They were barely able to fit all the food in the refrigerator. But afterwards, the refrigerator looked happy that it was full and Bethany felt like it was more of a home. Mika pushed Bethany into the front room. "You go relax, I will fix lunch, something special." "You're all I want for lunch, yummy," flirted Bethany. "Sex maniac, real food first, I'm the dessert!" Mika beat a hasty retreat before Bethany could coax her into the bedroom or on the couch. Bethany decided to check her email. She could already smell the tantalizing aromas coming from the kitchen. She opened the email and found a message from handson, with the subject line, new Lover? Hastily she opened the document and read the words, they seemed to leap off the page and she was furious. "I see you have a new girl in your life, now that makes two of us that do. More plans, more interesting turns, more intrigue. You make my job easier. Thanks, hand-y man." She fired an email back, "If you even come close to her, I'll kill you. Cop or not, I'll skin your ass alive." She grabbed her cell and called Jerry. "Jerry, this is Bethany, have you found anything about that guy yet?" "Uh, yeah, making progress. I've narrowed the server down to somewhere in the state. He's good, its taking a long time to track him down, but I'll get there eventually." Bethany didn't want to sound desperate, but, "Jerry, he's at it again and his threats are more personal. Please, hurry." "Okay, Bethany, I'll stay on it until I crack it." "Thanks, Jerry." She hung up just as Mika came in with a steaming plate of food. "Dinner is served, my love." She set the plate down. "What's the matter?" Bethany hated to ruin the moment. "Another email from the creep, he knows about you. I don't know how he knows, but he does. Do you know how to use a gun?" Mika hesitantly answered, "Yes, but I don't like them." Bethany stroked Mika's face, "I know, baby, but you have to have protection." Mika pushed her head into Bethany's hand, "I understand, but first eat then you can show me the weapons." Bethany inhaled the fragrance of the food. "Smells good." She gingerly put a fork of the meat into her mouth. It was delicious, the chicken seemed to melt in her mouth. "Mmm, tastes wonderful." She took some of the vegetables and ate them. "Wow, those are excellent. How did you ever learn to cook like this?" "Oddly enough, I helped cook at soup kitchens, I ate there too, but learned to cook the basic foods and make them taste like gourmet meals." "You are just a new surprise all the time." Mika sat down and watched Bethany eat. She found pleasure in knowing that Bethany was enjoying her labor. After eating, Bethany wiped her mouth. "That was delicious!" "And it was healthy, only 700 calories and zero fat. You're on the way to being the healthiest cop on the force." Bethany stood, "Thank you baby, now I need to show you the weapons." She led Mika to the bedroom and showed her the drawer full of pistols, revolvers and semi-autos, even a 12 gauge shotgun with a fold down stock. She showed Mika how to load them, get them ready to fire, and make sure the safety was off. "Have you ever shot before?" "Yes, my father taught me when I was a girl. We would go squirrel hunting every Saturday during hunting season. I got to be quite good." "I'll take you to the shooting range after your class tonight and we'll practice." "I need to get ready for class." Bethany waited until Mika was ready, then they left, Bethany making sure the house was secure. She drove Mika to the community college and escorted her inside. She squeezed Mika's hand, "Learn lots, Ms. Physicist." "I will." Mika went into the class and Bethany sat in the lounge and checked her email. Nothing new there. She was tempted to call Jerry, but she didn't want him to feel too much pressure. The stolen car was a dead end. Then she had a brain blast. How could this guy know so much about the two of them, unless he had planted something in the apartment. She had a sweeper device at home and would use it when they got back. Mika's class was three hours and time seemed to drag by. Maybe she should take some courses too, that would help her chances of promotion and give her something to do while Mika was in class. Mika finally came down the hall. Caroline "Yeah, I've had a couple of bad days, but I got over them." She squeezed Caroline's hand, "Besides, now I have you, that makes up for a million bad days." "God, I can't believe how much I love you," Caroline crooned. "I am so happy, I just want to shout it out to the world." They walked to the nearest fast food restaurant and went inside, enjoying the A/C. "If it gets any hotter, I'm going to have to walk around with no clothes on," Caroline said discreetly. Tatty grinned, "That's something we'll have to do. Just go out into the woods and get naked." Caroline grinned back, "Oooh, talk like that gets me you know what!" They ordered and took their food to a booth and sat down and began eating. "I shouldn't be eating all these calories," Caroline lamented, "I'm going to get fat." "Nonsense, I'll be working those calories off you my girl," Tatty said playfully. Caroline blushed, "Mmm.. are you going to be one of those controlling types?" "Maybe, but there are times I will share the responsibilities." "That sounds rather provocative," murmured Caroline. A loud, boistrous group of thugs, complete with sagging pants and do rags came in. Talking loudly and cursing the went to the counter and ordered food, giving the workers a hard time. Then they came back to the section where Caroline and Tatty were. They sat down at a booth in front of them. One of them leaned over and said, "Yo, bitches, you wanna to roll wit us?" Tatty had her back to them and didn't respond. Caroline was facing them and tried to ignore them too. "What, you too good to talk to us?" Caroline wasn't a violent type, but she didn't appreciate their attitude. "No, just not interested," she directed at him. He reached over and put his hand on Tatty's head. "What about you blondie, you want some of this dark meat?" Caroline jumped up and yelled, "Get your hands off her, asshole!" The thug reflexively jumped up, "Yeah, whatcha going do bitch." He grabbed Tatty's hair and yanked her out of her seat. Fear from memories of Sean paralyzed Tatty and she was helpless. Caroline grabbed his arm and twisted it back forcing him to let go of Tatty, she drove a knee into his groin making him buckle at the knees and he fell to the floor moaning. One of the other guys got out of his seat and came at Caroline. She side stepped his advance and caught his hand, in one twisting motion she bent his thumb back and a snapping sound reverberated through the now hushed building. He fell backwards to the ground yelping in pain. By now Caroline was in full fighting mode, she assumed a offensive stance and growled, "Whose next!" She had no takers. By now the manager and a couple of workers had arrived and saw the two thugs writhing in pain on the floor and a very pissed off Caroline. The manager said, "Better get your friend out of here before the cops arrive." Then he said softly, "Thanks, they got what they deserved." Caroline helped Tatty up and they hurried out of the restaurant and headed home. Caroline was still in attack mode, the adrenaline still pumping through her veins. "You alright?" Tatty had witnessed a Caroline she never thought existed. "Yeah, I'm okay. What about you?" Caroline spoke softly, "I'm fine," but she continued to survey the area just in case. "Where did all that come from," Tatty said with a definate sound of respect in her voice. "My dad taught me self-defense when I was a child." It was what parents did in Russia and her parents saw no reason to stop just because their children were born in America. Tatty was totally impressed, here she had thought she would be the defender, but Caroline turned out to the protector. She felt ashamed that she had been frozen with fear and vowed to tell Caroline so she could overcome that disability. "You're going to have to teach me some of that." By now the adrenaline had subsided and Caroline was back to normal. "Yeah, it'll help burn off some extra calories." Both girls laughed at that. On the way home, Tatty poured out her story about the rape and they shed copious amounts of tears by the time they got back to Tatty's house. They went inside and sat on the couch. Caroline wrapped her arms around Tatty and Tatty nestled in the warm embrace. "I'll never let anyone hurt you again." Tatty cried until she fell asleep in Caroline's protective arms. After Tatty fell asleep, Caroline picked her up and placed her in her bed. Caroline called Genny. "Hey Gen, mom and dad home yet?" "Nope, you okay?" "Yeah, listen, we'll have to make the mail run tomorrow, I can't leave right now. Explain that to mom and dad when they get home." "Yeah, sure, no problem. So how's it working out?" "Oh, jeez Gen, it was so glorious, so wonderful, I never thought it could feel so good." Caroline could hear Genny chuckling, "I knew you would like it. So happy for you sis." "Thanks, and thanks for the encouragement." "You'll have to tell me all the juicy details when you get home." "Will do, see ya." Caroline hung up and marveled at the conversation they just had. It seemed as if a new bond had formed between them. A bond deeper than sisters or family, a bond of the understanding of love. Caroline went back into the bedroom and lay next to Tatty. Tatty rolled over, still asleep, and Caroline put her arms around Tatty and she too drifted off to sleep. It was still dark when Caroline woke up. She had been sleeping soundly, her body needing the rest after the lovemaking and the intensity of the fighting. But nature had other plans, her bladder could only hold so much and she needed to address its needs. She went into the bathroom, lifted the t-shirt that covered her bare body and sat on the toilet. The steady stream of pee was satisfying as she felt the pressure subside. She considered the last few days of her short life. She had gone from a shy, lonely girl to one that now had a life partner, a lover, a friend, someone to share her hope and dreams with. She wondered just what were her hopes and dreams. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life. After all being fourteen usually meant ballgames, boyfriends, shopping, no time for thinking of the future. But her life was far from that. She had Tatty to think of. It never occurred to her that Tatty would be temporary. As far as she was concerned this was something for life. She was ready to devote her entire life to Tatty, but being fourteen she wasn't sure how to work that out. They both had parents, lived in separate houses, how could they have a lasting relationship if they couldn't be together. Things got complicated fast. She cleaned herself, washed and went back to bed. Drifting off to sleep. Bethany "So are you smart now?" Bethany grinned at her. Mika grinned back, "I was always smart, just know more now!" They held hands on the way back to the Jeep. Once inside the Jeep, Bethany said, "How open should we be with our relationship, in public?" "Holding hands and being arm in arm are socially acceptable now-a-days so that would be okay. I probably wouldn't ram my tongue down your throat at the precinct." Bethany laughed, "Yeah, that might raise a few eyebrows." Mika grew serious, "How will your coworkers feel if they knew about us?" "I've always had a no dating policy with them, so they probably joke about me being a lesbian, but I don't think we should flaunt it." "Yeah, too bad though, cause there are times I just want to grab your ass." Bethany chuckled, "My, you are such a bad girl." "Oh, yeah." "I'm going to check for hidden devices when we get home. So don't act out of the ordinary." "You think he is listening or watching? That is just creepy." "He seems to know a lot, it might be a possibility." They got home and Bethany went to her cache of stuff. She pulled out a tracking device and walked around the rooms. The light blinked near the vent in the bedroom. She used a tooth mirror to look in the vent and found the small camera. It was hooked up to a battery and a wireless transmitter. They went back into the hall. "Well, now we know how he finds out all his information." She called Jerry and Jerry said the receiver could be anywhere within a couple hundred feet and there was no way to track it. They went back inside and Bethany wrote in large letters on a sheet of paper. She held it in front of the camera. He was watching when the paper filled his screen. Busted, asshole! Then the camera went dead. That's my girl, you are a clever one. Let's see how you handle this one. Bethany took the camera and wireless and placed it in the bag. She would have forensics check it out in the morning, but she wasn't too hopeful, this guy would make a stupid mistake of leaving his prints on it. Unfortunately, the prior video had been overwritten on the tape so she couldn't find out how he got in. She checked all the windows and placed large screws to prevent them from opening, that would be fine until she could make them more secure. "You see, this guy is dangerous, we will have to be very cautious, especially when you are alone." Mika nodded, "Yeah, you are right, but don't worry, I'll be fine." It was too late to go to the shooting range, so they curled up on the couch and watched a movie. When they went to bed, they stripped and lay entwined with each other softly caressing each other until they made love and fell asleep. Bethany woke up early, as usual, went to the bathroom and showered. Her shift was from 7 to 7. It had never bothered her before, but now working 12 hour shifts would mean 12 hours away from Mika and that would not be pleasant. She came out of the shower and began to get dressed in her uniform. The apartment was too small to not wake Mika up, maybe they would have to find a bigger place. "You look very dashing," Mika said from her spot on the bed. "We serve and protect." Mika got up, still naked, and went to the kitchen, "Breakfast will be ready in a moment." By the time Bethany had finished putting all her equipment on she could smell the bacon cooking. She went into the kitchen and Mika had bacon, eggs, toast, and hot coffee set on the table. "You are going to spoil me rotten with all this home cooking, not to mention all the weight I'll gain." "Pshtt.. turkey bacon, whole wheat toast, under 400 calories and lots of fiber. You might lose weight eating this." Bethany sat down and they ate breakfast together, Bethany in her uniform, Mika in her birthday suit. "You do realize that having you sitting here naked is not making it easier for me to leave." Mika smiled, "I just want you to have a good memory of me all day." Bethany finished eating, brushed her teeth and reluctantly had to leave. They embraced as best they could with all of Bethany's cop gear on. They lingered on the kiss. "Don't forget, lock the door and don't leave the house." Mika bounced her head, "I know the deal, and no junk food for you." One last kiss and Bethany headed out. She heard the tumblers of the lock click into place and she placed the hair on the threshold and went to her Jeep. She felt a loss on the way to work, but felt the joy of knowing that Mika would be waiting for her when she got home. Caroline Caroline woke up and saw the sunlight streaming through the window. She glanced over at Tatty, she was still sleeping, her blond hair covering her precious face, the sunlight reflecting off her golden locks giving her an angelic look. Caroline was overcome with emotion, so full of love and affection for Tatty. How had she ever lived before her. Tatty stirred and opened her light blue eyes. "Morning, beautiful. Seeing your face first thing in the morning is such a delight." Caroline smiled, "Waking up next to you was pretty awesome too. Something I could get used to very quickly." "I would like that everyday." Tatty sat up, the sheet falling to her waist. Caroline felt the sudden desire for ravaging her body. Tatty got up, stretched her muscles and padded off to the bathroom. Caroline heard the sounds of her using the toilet and washing up. Tatty came out and flopped on the bed. "So, what do we do today?" Caroline grinned, "Well, after I ravage your sweet body, it really doesn't matter." They embraced and kissed, fondling each other playfully. Then they began the serious work of pleasing each other to the fullest. After they finished, they lay on the bed. Caroline felt compelled to bring up the subject. "Tatty, is this relationship something that will last forever, or is it just a passing interest?" Tatty was a bit shaken by the remark. "Of course, it will last forever, why would you even think it wouldn't?" "I've never had a boyfriend or even a close friend before. My feelings for you are new to me and very strong. I want, have to know that we are something that will last forever, if I'm going to commit my heart to you. I have to know its for real." Tatty could see that Caroline was pouring her heart out and she was touched. "I know I've had relationships with other girls, but you are the one, my soulmate, the person I want to spend my life with." Caroline felt relieved to get that off her chest. "I hope you don't get mad, but I had to know for sure." Tatty said, "If I got mad because you profess your love to me, I wouldn't be a very good soulmate, now would I?" Caroline smiled, "Then there are some things we need to talk about and work out." She hesitated and took a deep breath. "My family is involved in some illegal activities. We mail out fake bills and wait for some people to pay them, that's how we earn money. My sister and I pick up the mail, so that makes us a part of it. Using the mail, makes it a felony and there is a possibility that we may get arrested." Tatty was going to say something, but Caroline hushed her, "We've been doing this since I was born and that is why we move so much. Its also why I've never had close friends." Tatty took all this in, of course, she was shocked, not by the activities, but that she had no idea that Caroline was involved in anything like this. "Wow, that's a lot to digest, but none of it would change the way I feel about you. I would love you regardless of what you or your family is involved in." "I was hoping you would say that. But I told you, not so you would know about the illegal part, but so you would see that we have many obstacles to overcome. My family may be forced to move, or worse get arrested and I don't know how I would handle that situation. I know that I will never leave you or let anything separate us, but I don't know how." Tatty wasn't used to all the drama and making decisions. She thought she was so strong and independent, but now she realized that she was fooling herself, she wasn't grown up at all. "I don't know either, but somehow we will solve the problems when they happen." Caroline was always thinking ahead, that's why she has started setting money aside, but this was way out of her league. "I guess what I'm saying is that I should have told you before we got involved, just in case it was too much to handle." Tatty reached over and stroked Caroline's face, pulling it up to face hers. "Baby, I don't know how we'll handle stuff, but we will handle it. Somehow we will come through this stronger than ever." Without realizing it Tatty made a commitment that would be tested in the next few days and would push, to the limits, the strength of their relationship. Three days later while Caroline and Genny were on the mail run, police served a search warrant on their parents. They were arrested and hauled off to jail. The house was searched and evidence was gathered. They were cutting through the cemetary and saw the lights flashing in the cul-de-sac where they lived. "Oh, my god, Caroline, the cops are at our house, what are we gonna do?" Genny latched onto her sister's arm. Caroline thought quickly, this was a contingency that she had prepared for, hoped it would never happen, but it had. "We'll just wait for awhile and see if the cops go away." They sat on a bench and waited. "Its bad, huh?" Genny said dejectedly. "Yeah, we always knew it could happen, but I've planned ahead." Genny looked up, "What do you mean?" "I've save some of the cash we collect just in case this happened." "How much?" Genny thinking it might be a couple hundred dollars. "Over seventy thousand, last time I checked." Genny was shocked, "Seventy thousand dollars?" "Yeah, kept it in the lining of my suitcase." It sounded like a lot of money, but Caroline knew that it would go fast, depending on if they could keep out of jail, or if they could avoid child protective services. Since they were both minors, the state would step in and take custody and put them in foster care, if they were lucky, and maybe get split up. Caroline could not bear to be separated from her sister. They sat on the bench till after dark and finally the last police car drove off. They climbed the fence separating the cemetary from the neighborhood and used the back door to enter the house. "Don't turn on any lights, we don't want anyone to know we are here." Caroline pulled Genny by the hand to her room. She used a small flashlight to locate the suitcase and retrieve the money. She handed the flashlight to Genny. "Go pack your backpack with some clothes to last for a few days. Take only what you need, we may or may not get to come back here." Genny looked frightened. Caroline patted her on the head, "Don't worry, we'll get through this, I promise." Caroline hated that phrase, especially when she knew that there was no way she could guarantee they would be okay, but she would do everything in her power to make sure that they would be okay. They each collected a backpack of personal items and clothing. Caroline made sure every dollar of the hidden stash was secured in her pack. She grabbed her phone and called Tatty. "Can you talk?" "In a sec." Caroline heard the background noises fade. "What's up?" "The cops raided our house and my parents are in custody. We need a place to stay." "Hang on." Caroline could hear Tatty half asking and half telling her mom that Caroline and Genny were spending the night. "It's cool, come on over." "Thanks, babe." "Love you, hurry!" Caroline called softly for Genny. "We're staying at Tatty's house tonight, then we'll decide what to do. You cool with that?" Genny smiled, "Sure, beats jail or CPS." They left through the back door and hopped the fence back into the cemetary. "This is creeping me out," said Genny. Caroline chuckled, "They are the least of our worries." Genny reached out and took Caroline's hand, "I'm not worried, got my big sis to take care of things." "Very nice of you to say so, but I'm not sure what to do." "We've been more or less on our own anyway. Mom and dad were always out hustling, there were days we would be alone. I actually liked not having them around. Not that I didn't love them, but I felt grown-up." Caroline was seeing a new side of her sister. Should have been paying more attention to her than drowning in my self pity, she thought. "Well, you may have to be more grown-up than you bargained for. There is no way I'm letting you or me go to CPS or letting us get split up. That may mean some harsh realities may set in." Caroline couldn't believe she was talking like this. It was so out of her character to be this serious. Bethany She got to the precinct and went through the procedures to get ready for patrol. "Hey Jimmy, how was your time off?" "Okay, how was yours?" "It was wonderful." Bethany couldn't keep the smile from appearing. Jimmy looked at her oddly, "I couldn't get the murder thing off my mind." Bethany consoled him, "You will learn not to take work home with you or you'll become a nervous wreck." They sat through the briefing and picked up the lastest warrants that they would try to serve on people. They cruised the streets, making their presence known, on the way to their first stop. They talked shop and passed the time. "You seem extraordinarily happy today. Did you like win the lottery or something?" Bethany hadn't noticed, "It was a good few days off, no lottery winner." Although, finding Mika was better than winning the lottery. They stopped at their first address to serve the warrant. It was a middle aged woman accused of passing bad checks. Even though check passers were not a violent group, Bethany never took chances. She treated each stop as if it could be deadly. "You can lead this one. Try not to look threatening, but at the same time, be ready for anything." Bethany cautioned the newbie. Jimmy knocked on the door and Bethany stood off to the side with hand close to her weapon. The door opened and the woman in the warrant opened the door. Jimmy compared her photo and decided she was the one. "Ma'am we're here to serve a warrant for your arrest for passing fraudelent checks." The woman looked at him strangely. "What you talking about, I ain't done nothing wrong." She started to shut the door. Bethany slipped her foot in the door so she couldn't shut it entirely. Bethany motioned for Jimmy to proceed. "Ma'am we have to arrest you, so if you'll come with us..." "I ain't coming with nobody, you get the hell out of here." Bethany pushed the door open and grabbed the woman by the arms. She struggled, but Bethany quickly trapped her arms behind her and had the cuffs on in one smooth movement honed by countless repetitions. "Read her, her rights." As Jimmy read the Miranda rights, Bethany checked the rest of the house and found it empty. She came back to the front. "Is there anyone we could call and let them know or leave a note." Technically, they didn't have to do that, but Bethany had always been compassionate enough to allow the nonviolent people that option. "Just a no account husband, he probably won't even know I'm not here. He's the reason I had to write those checks, he spends all the money on getting liquored up." Jimmy reminded her she could remain silent. "It don't matter, a few days in jail will be a vacation from him, anyway." Bethany felt sorry for the woman, but she had a job to do. They led her out onto the porch. Three large, black men, probably in their teens were standing between them and the patrol car. They did not have on their happy faces. Bethany quickly assessed the situation and whispered to Jimmy, "Unless you see a weapon, do not take yours out. Use the baton or mace if you have too." Bethany put herself between Jimmy and the men. "Please step aside, gentlemen." "What you doing with my granny? Spoke up the one one in the middle." "We're arresting her for passing bad checks." "Why that ain't no crime, she always pays them back." "Sorry, sir, but we have to do this, now please step aside." "No, we ain't, and I don't think you can do anything about it you skinny white bitch." This was not a good way to start the shift, but Bethany had lots of energy stored up for these occasions. She spoke into her lapel mic and requested backup then walked directly at the three men. If you do not move, I will move you. Her tone was low and had a sharpness to it. The other two men looked at the middle guy for direction. He stepped forward and Bethany grabbed his outstretched hand, applying pressure to the thumb and had him on the ground in less than a second. He was in intense pain and with one hand she kept his arms locked and her knee in his back kept him helpless on the ground. She had her free hand with her baton in it and looked squarely at the other two, who stood, not sure what had just happened. "You can leave or go to jail, decide now!" They quickly turned and ran. Bethany cuffed the big boy and stood him up. "I understand you want to protect your granny, but this is not the way to do it. You bail her out and pay the checks off, chances are the store will drop the charges. If I take these cuffs off, you going to play nice?" "Yes, ma'am." Bethany released the cuffs and stood ready to take action if necessary. But the boy ambled off. Jimmy said, "You let him go, he resisted and interferred!" They put the lady in the car. "Sometimes you have to understand that there are lots of emotions involved. Its good PR, and, she smiled, less paperwork." She cancelled her backup call and they proceeded to the precinct to drop the lady off and resume their patrol. She let Jimmy process the woman while she gave Mika a call. "Hey baby, you okay?" She heard Mika's soft voice reply, "Mmm... missing you, but I'll survive the next few hours." "Whatcha been doing?" "Tidied up the house, did some yoga, studying my physics. How's your day?" Bethany related the incident to Mika. "I worry about you." "I'm very careful, but its sweet of you to be concerned. Gotta go, love you." "Love you too, hurry home." Bethany felt a rush at those words and leaned against the wall, she looked up at the ceiling and sighed. She turned to head back to Jimmy and saw him standing there with his arms folded and a slight smile on his face. "Eavesdropping?" She said, slightly miffed and slightly embarassed that he had sneaked up on her. "Called your name, but you were slightly preoccupied with your phone conversation." He paused as if he was considering if he should pursue that line. "Sounds serious." "Serious, but private." He held his hands up, "Gotcha." But Bethany could tell that he felt a degree of satisfaction at knowing that she had a love interest. The ice queen was melting. She would have to be more careful in the future, don't let the heart interfere with the head. But it was hard since her heart was crazy in love. "Come on, asshole, they ain't paying you to be a snoop." She said playfully. He followed her, "Just nice to know that you have a softer side that some guy can tame." "No way, a guy is ever gonna tame me," she replied truthfully. "Still nice to know that you have a heart." She hadn't realized that she had that hard of a reputation. She knew that she had been tough on not dating, and had been one of the guys but no heart, that was harsh. "So, what do the guys say about me?" Now it was Jimmy on the defensive. "Uh. Uh, well, you know, regular stuff." She smiled at him, "Right, regular stuff, level with me." They got back into the patrol car and she pulled back on to the street. Jimmy was obviously uneasy about the subject. "Well, there are a few that think that you are just trying to be the first woman chief." "And????" Jimmy shifted in his seat. "Some say you don't like men." He said in a low voice. "And what do you think?" "None of my business." "Good call." Now that the issue was settled, she relaxed and they settled into the routine of their patrol. A couple of traffic stops ended the day without any further incidents. She was glad for the slow day. Normally, she craved the action, but now she just wanted to get home to Mika. They checked out and said their goodbyes. She hurried to her Jeep and dialed the home phone. It rang several times before the machine picked it up. She heard Mika's soft voice make the announcement. Her heart began racing. Maybe Mika was in the bathroom or asleep. She gunned the Jeep and felt it leap ahead. Still being careful, she ignored the speed limit and headed home. She speed dialed again and again got the message. Now she felt the adrenaline surge and a feeling of dread that creeped into her mind and began to seep into her body. She pulled onto her street, eyes alert for anything out of the ordinary. She pulled up in front of the apartment complex, ignoring the fire hydrant. She raced up the stairs and checked the door. The hair was missing! Damn! She drew her weapon and inserted the key, she didn't feel the tumblers move as she turned the key. It was unlocked! Caroline They got to Tatty's house and she let them in. After saying the formal hellos to her family, they retreated to Tatty's room. Tatty kept her normal greetings for Caroline subdued until Caroline said, "Its okay, she knows about us." Tatty embraced Caroline and they kissed. "Sorry about your parents," Tatty said after their kiss. "What are you going to do?" Caroline sat on the bed, "Don't know for sure. I guess the first thing would be to see what their bail is. I've saved some money for an emergency." "What are you going to do if they can't get out of jail?" "Don't know at this point, just have to see what's going to happen." Tatty put her arm around Caroline, "Well, ya'll can stay here until you decide." "Your parents won't mind?" "No, they work all the time, I'm on my own most of the time." Caroline turned to Genny, "Do you need to call Nikki and tell her where you are?" "No, we broke up. She went to some church camp and said she got saved and it wasn't right to be playing around the way we were." "Oh, sorry, I didn't know." Caroline felt bad that she had been so out of touch with her sister. She put her arm around Genny. "I should have been paying more attention to you." Genny smiled, "That's okay, I can see how you might have been distracted." She looked at Tatty, "She's really cute!" Tatty giggled, "My, you are a very precocious child." Genny giggled back, "Oh yeah, very much so." Tatty got up, "You can put your stuff in the closet. The bed is kinda small, but if you want to sleep on the floor, I have an air mattress we can inflate." Genny grinned, "I'd rather cuddle up between you two, much more comfortable." Tatty looked, hesitantly at Caroline, who shrugged and nodded okay. Tatty grinned, "Cool." She pulled the blanket back and got an extra pillow. "Oh, jeez, I didn't pack any pajamas," Genny said with a laugh in her voice. She quickly stripped off her clothes. "Guess I'll just have to sleep naked." She jumped into the bed and pulled the sheet over her. Tatty giggled, "Very precocious." Tatty kept her t-shirt and panties on, as did Caroline. Then they got into the bed with Genny between them. "Mmm... very cozy!" Genny cooed as she snuggled between them. Caroline felt a bit awkward with her sister's naked body next to her, but felt a little exhilerated at the same time, which made her feel even more uncomfortable. Genny was not the least bit inhibited, she pressed her hand up against Tatty's breasts. Tatty found the touch to be very sensual, but she didn't want Caroline to get upset. "Girl, better keep your hands to yourself." She told Genny. "Aw, how could I do that, sandwiched between two gorgeous girls." Caroline was taken back by Genny's forwardness. Genny continued, "Sis, you wouldn't mind if I played with your girlfriend a little?" In spite of herself, Caroline did feel a little excited with the circumstances. "I guess it would be okay, if Tatty doesn't mind." Tatty said, "I just don't want it to be a problem with us." She really wanted to touch Genny, but she didn't want to offend Caroline. "Wow, you two are sounding too much like old people, lets have some fun!" Genny slipped her hand under Tatty's t-shirt and began caressing her breasts. "Nice tits you have, really big nipples." Genny softly twisted the nipples between her thumb and fingers. "Okay, little girl, you asked for it." Tatty pulled Genny close to her and wrapped her arms around her, letting her hands roam over the naked preadolescent body. Caroline lay there listening to the girls and imagining what they were doing. She felt her desire rising in response to the activities. She could feel Tatty's hands roaming over Genny's nubile body. Genny's butt was pressed into her groin and each movement rubbed her vagina the right way. "This is so cool!" Genny said, "Sis, rub my butt, please." Caroline wanted to, but felt ashamed, "I don't know if that would be appropriate." Genny responded, "Tonight we are just girls, not sisters, if that bothers you." Caroline let caution slip to the side as she placed her hands on Genny's little butt. "That feels so good," Genny whispered. Caroline could hear the sounds of Tatty and Genny kissing, which excited her even more. She moved her hands down Genny's hips and legs, feeling the curves of the eight year old. Genny said, after kissing Tatty, "It would be so much nicer if the both of you were naked too." Tatty quickly stripped and she pressed her body against Genny. Caroline took her clothes off too and felt the warmth of Genny body against her. She also felt some moisture between her legs. She could again hear them kissing as she let her hands move up Genny's curved waist and up to her chest. She moved her hand between Tatty and Genny's chests. She felt Tatty's breasts rubbing against Genny's nubs. Caroline began massaging Genny's nubs feeling the nipples harden in response to her touch. Caroline could detect the aroma of Tatty's familiar juices mixed with the aroma of what must be Genny's fluids. Together they produced a very pleasant and sensual smell in the air. Genny began moaning as Tatty slipped her hand between Genny's legs, touching her bare vagina. "Oh, yeah, that feels so good." Genny put her hand on Tatty's golden mound and found her clit. "God, its so huge! I love it!" Tatty giggled and spread her legs for easier access. "I want on top," Genny said. Tatty rolled on her back and Genny mounted her. Genny put her mouth over Tatty's breasts and sucked them one at a time. Tatty put both hands on Genny's butt and pressed her against her own mound. Genny began a rhythmic grinding against Tatty. "Touch me, sis, touch me." By now Caroline didn't care that the young girl humping her girlfriend, was her own sister. All she felt was the desire building in her loins. She moved her hand to Genny's butt and ran her fingers down the crack until she felt the lips of Genny's vagina. She stroked the labia and found the small clit emerging from inside and tweaked it. Genny moaned and began moving faster. Caroline pushed her finger past the labia and into the warm, moist insides. Genny's motion caused Caroline's finger to slide in and out, lubricated by the juices Genny was making. Genny's movements became faster and stronger as she got closer to coming. Caroline could feel the tension in Genny's body increase then Genny's body went rigid and her movements became spastic as she climaxed. Caroline pushed her finger in as far as she could and felt the strong vaginal muscles squeeze her finger, then she felt the release of fluids and the warm liquids poured into her hand. The contractions went on for a minute before Genny went limp still on top of Tatty. "Oh, my god, that was so intense! I've never felt that good before." Tatty said, "Girl, you are so hot, I'm about to bust loose." Tatty pressed her groin harder against Genny and rubbed her mound against her. "Mmm cuming!" Tatty humped wildly against Genny until she expended her load. "Oh wow, that was incredible!" Genny giggled, "Sis, you have one sweet girlfriend." Tatty added, "And one hot sister." Caroline smiled at the comments, it was a strange situation, but she felt so much love for the both of them. Genny said, "We better take care of her. We don't want her to feel left out." Tatty said, "I agree, top or bottom?" Genny giggled again, "Bottom." Caroline felt herself being pushed on her back. She felt Tatty's lips on hers and they kissed. Caroline felt Tatty's hands rubbing her breasts. Then a shiver ran through her body as her sister put her face between her legs. Caroline reflexively spread her legs as a tongue explored her pubic area. She found it very exciting knowing that it was an eight year old and it was her sister. She felt herself right on the edge of an orgasm. Then she felt Genny's tongue pressing on her labia and then gaining entrance to her vagina. The pressure on her clit and the feel of the tongue inside her was too much. She tensed as her muscles responded to the stimulation and then her hips began bucking wildly as her body could not contain the force of the climax. Tatty and Genny stayed at their position trying to please Caroline as much as possible and reaping the rewards. Caroline lay still, limp and exhausted from the sexual workout she had just went through. "I never was so excited in my whole life!" Genny assumed her postion between them. "It was awesome. I don't know how I'll be able to sleep tonight with these two sets of tits squeezing my head." She giggled. Tatty responded, "You'll just have to use them as pacifiers." Genny said, "Cool!" Caroline heard the sucking sounds as Genny began sucking on Tatty's breasts. Genny turned and Caroline felt the lips attach themselves to her breasts. Then Genny moved her mouth to Caroline's and they kissed. "Thanks sis, for taking care of me, in more ways than one." Caroline gave her a big hug, "I'll aways take care of you as long as you want." Genny turned back over and kissed Tatty. Then she took Tatty's advice and put one of Tatty's nipples in her mouth and curled up. Caroline stretched her arm across the bed and stroked Tatty's face and pressed her stomach up against Genny's butt. Satisfied, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Bethany She pushed the door open, gun at the ready, "Mika?" No answer. "Mika!" Still no answer. She saw nothing out of place. She looked into the kitchen and bedroom, then the bathroom, her heart skipped several beats. She felt a cold chill and shuddered. A note was taped to the mirror. "Now that I can't watch on TV, guess I'll have to catch it live!" No signature, just block letters, short, but to the point. Bethany sat on the toilet and cried. It was her fault that Mika was in the hands of this maniac, who knew what he might do? If she hadn't let Mika move in she would still be safe. Damn the heart for making stupid decisions. She sat there and cried for a few minutes, then the tears dried up and a clarity of thought came over her as hatred replaced the sorrow and anger replaced the love. She had to find this son of a bitch before he hurt Mika. She prayed that it hadn't happened already. She reviewed the video tape. She saw Mika doing her yoga, cleaning, all naked of course, then she saw a shadowy figure dart across the screen into the kitchen where Mika was. A couple of moments later she saw a figure in a trench coat carry Mika, wrapped in a blanket towards the front door. How did this guy get in, he must have a key, but how did he get a copy of her house key? So many questions too few answers. The figure stopped and she saw his face clearly. He mouthed the words, "Catch me if you can." Smiled then left the picture. Wait! She had seen that face before, but she couldn't recall where. A mug shot? A wanted poster? She wracked her brain trying to remember where that face had been. But, like the word on the tip of the tongue, she couldn't remember. Dammit, think! It must be a picture she had seen at the precinct, that was the only place she looked at mug shots. She changed into her civilian clothes and hurried back to the precinct. She scanned the mug shots of wanted posters in the ready room. She looked at the stack of warrants they were supposed to serve. Nothing! Frustrated she walked down the hall to her locker and it felt like someone hit her with a baseball bat. Staring at her from the wall of officers that had been killed or wounded in the line of duty was the same smiling face that had walked off with Mika. Officer Drake Simmons, wounded in the line of duty, lost an arm, retired in 1997. She ran down the hall to records and looked up his last address, wrote it down on her pad. She pulled out her cell as she hurried to her Jeep. "Yeah, what's up," replied the voice. "I need your help, don't ask questions, but meet me at 213 5th avenue and bring your weapon, its an emergency. Got it?" She barely heard the voice acknowledge her as she fired up the Jeep's engine and peeled out of the parking lot. In five minutes she screeched to a halt in front of the address. She looked around for her backup, nothing in sight. Maybe she should have asked for help at the precinct, but now there was no more time. She got out of the Jeep, gun in hand and went to the front door of the seemingly abandoned warehouse. She quickly glanced in the window, she saw nothing suspicious and tried the doorknob. It turned and the door opened to her touch. She slipped in and quietly shut the door. She waited until her eyes adjusted to the darker interior. The main floor of the warehouse was empty, but she noticed a light upstairs in what had been the offices. She tiptoed to the stairs and went slowly up. She could feel her heart beating faster in response to the adrenaline, she tried to control her breathing, but it came faster anyway. She got to the top of the stairs and edged closer to the window. She peeked in the window and saw Mika in a large container of water, big enough to hold her body, still naked. The container was glass, like a case an escape artist would use to perform a trick. A hose, like a divers hose, was attached to her face and she was flailing her arms around. She didn't see anyone else in the room. There were bubbles coming from the mouthpiece, so Bethany could tell that Mika was getting oxygen. Mika's hair was floating in the water, giving her an etheral other world appearance. She crouched low and tried the doorknob, it turned and she burst into the room, gun leveled and moving around the room looking for a target. Then she heard a voice from behind her. "I knew I wouldn't be disappointed." She turned and saw the face from the video tape. He was seated at a desk, no weapon in sight. She pointed her Glock at him, finger on the trigger. "Hands where I can see them, she demanded." He raised his hands, rather one hand and a prosthetic arm. In the good hand was a button attached to a cord. She had a bad feeling about that button. He saw her eyes dart to the button. "Yes, its a dead man's switch, as long as I hold the button down, she breathes. I let up like this," He removed his thumb. Bethany could see the bubbles stop coming from Mika's mouthpiece. "She doesn't get any air." "No, don't!" Bethany shouted. He pressed the button and the bubbles resumed. "Now that we understand each other, have a seat." He motioned to a chair. Bethany looked at the case, it was locked at the top, no way or time to get the padlock off. She could just shoot the glass and the water would come out. Yeah, that won't work, its plexiglass, you'd get holes in it, but the water wouldn't come out fast enough. She might hold her breath for a couple minutes, but you'll never get her out in time. It only takes a few seconds for the lungs to fill with water and the chances of survival plummet quickly. It was like he could read her mind. She sat down. "Much better." Bethany kept the gun trained on the center of his chest. "Shooting me or the case will not save your friend, or should I say lover." He smiled, and her trigger finger flinched. Oh how she wanted to pull the trigger until the clip was empty. If she could just wait her backup should be here soon. "Why are you doing this? What do you think you will accomplish. Why me?" "All in good time Officer Santos, all in good time." Bethany heard some noise downstairs, her backup? But making a lot of noise in the process. She smiled slightly," You know I wouldn't come alone. Between the two of us, you will die and Mika will be free." The look on the man did not waver. Odd, Bethany thought. She heard the footsteps on the stairs and then the door opened. She breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't turn around, not wanting to take her eyes off the man. "Jimmy, I'm going to shoot this guy, you grab that switch in his hand to keep the air flowing and then I'll get Mika out of the case and we have to hurry." Then she felt the muzzle of a gun in the back of her head. It was as if her heart stopped, every muscle in her body seemed to freeze. This was not supposed to happen. What the hell was going on. "Put the gun down, Bethany." She heard Jimmy's familiar voice, but it didn't make any sense. But her hand wavered. Her mouth refused to work. "Put it down." Jimmy took the gun from Bethany's unresponsive hand. Her head hurt, her vision not clear, nothing was making any sense. "Hey dad." "Good work son." Dad? Son? What the fuck! Jimmy walked around so Bethany could see him. "Confused? I bet you are, you fucking bitch." Jimmy backhanded her and she felt the sting of his hand. "Too good for me, huh? Bet you wish you hadn't rejected me now!" "Now, now, Billy, not too rough, we want to make this last." Bethany was reeling, not from the blow, but from the words. Billy? Jimmy/Billy grabbed her hair and pulled hard, "Too good for me, shit, you're too good for men, have to be a lesbian. Guess the guys were right." Finally Bethany's mouth was functional, "I don't understand." The other man spoke, "Of course not, how could you. All you care about is your selfish needs, you don't care who you hurt in the process. Do you?" She struggled to make sense of it all. "I don't even know you, what do you mean?" The man laughed, "Naturally, you wouldn't admit anything." He removed his thumb from the button, the bubbles stopped, Mika started struggling. "No, please don't hurt her!" "Oh, I won't let her die, at least not yet." He restored the oxygen flow. Bethany felt the tears well up in her eyes, knowing that Mika was suffering. "You see, after my accident on the job and the subsequent amputation, the department decided I was useless and I was retired. They hired a woman to replace me, can you believe that, a woman! Well, it seems that I am not useless, I can do some very incredible things and you would never have found me if I hadn't wanted you to know." He laughed, "What's the fun in torturing someone with no one to watch." Bethany was finally seeing some logic to this madness. "So, I'm the woman they hired?" She could hear the comforting sound of the bubbles gurgling in the background. "No, you were just a baby at the time, but you represent all the women that have ruined men's lives, including rejecting Billy, that was a big mistake." Bethany felt the anger rise up in her, "Yeah, well he's probabaly as fucking loony toons as you are." "Perhaps, but he is very creative and dedicated. He went through police academy and got the job, and managed to be your partner just to be close to you. I'd say that shows that a lot of dedication and love." Bethany looked at Billy, "You did all that to be close to me?" Billy nodded, "I've loved you since I saw you at my father's retirement ceremony." Bethany vaguely remembered her father taking her to something like that when she was ten or so. "But when you rejected me, it broke my heart and now I know dad was right, women are just out to hurt us." Billy glanced over at Mika in the cage. "So, now its my turn to hurt you." Bethany felt a cold chill go up her spine. "No, please don't hurt her! Hurt me, I'm the one that rejected you." Billy smiled, "Oh, I will hurt you, but hurting her will hurt you more." Billy went to the desk and retrieved the keys. "I'm going to do your precious little lover, let her know how a man feels inside her. Oh yeah, that will ruin her for you. She'll never be satisifed with your tongue when she feels a real prick inside her." Bethany jumped up intending to kill the bastard. Then she heard the bubbles stop and looked at the old man. His smile made her sit back down. She saw the bubbles resume. She thought, yeah, it will be a real prick. She ran some scenarios through her mind, but they all ended badly. Billy walked to the cage and unlocked it. Bethany saw a glimmer of hope. He stripped off his clothes, revealing his erection. As disgusted as she was, she was hopeful that he would take Mika out of the cage to rape her. But instead, he grabbed a mask and got in the water. At least the cage was unlocked. She glanced over at the father, he now had a gun in his hand and the hook was grasping the oxygen controls. "Just let Billy have his fun, then we'll put you both out of your misery." That didn't sound too promising, she knew she would have to move quickly. She turned her attention back to Mika. She saw Billy put cuffs on Mika, so she couldn't resist as much. That plus the father interrupting her oxygen flow caused Mika to become very still. Bethany saw Billy trying to manuever his erection between Mika's legs. But the water counteracted the mass of them and everytime he tried to enter her, inertia pushed her back. Thank you Isaac Newton! She looked at the father out of the corner of her eye and saw his attention was focused on the cage. Bethany made her move, she stood slightly, grabbing the chair and hurling it at the old man. Natural reflexes caused him to raise his arms to protect himself, effectively keeping the gun from pointing at her. She leaped to the desk, intent on getting the gun. She saw the button fall from his hook and knew the clock was running. She pushed the man back against the wall and grabbed the gun. She smashed his face and he went limp. She ran to the cage and climbed the ladder. Caroline Caroline woke up before the other girls, she got up to go to the bathroom. When she came back she stood and stared at the sleeping girls. Genny was all curled up in Tatty's arms and Tatty had her leg over Genny. Caroline was amazed at how beautiful they were and how much had changed in just the last two days. She wondered what to do and how to take care of Genny. She felt the weight of responsibility and at the same time felt the love she had for Tatty and her sister. She crawled back into bed and Genny rolled over into Caroline's arms, she held her tight. Genny opened her eyes and saw the sorrow in her sister's eyes. "Don't worry sis, everything will be alright." "I wish I had your optimism." "You've planned ahead and we'll have enough money to live on." "For now, but the money won't last forever, then what will we do." Genny snuggled closer to Caroline, "We can get jobs, keep the scam going, invest the money, there are lots of options." Caroline snickered, "Yeah, lots of people are going to hire an eight and fourteen year old." "Maybe not for big paying jobs, but there are smaller jobs available. Lots of girls our age have modeling websites that people pay money for pictures, not naked, but men pay money to download cute pictures of girls our age." "Genny, where do you get these ideas?" "Its all over the internet. Who knows, we might get real modeling or acting jobs. But no matter what, we'll make it." "What about mom and dad, do we just let them rot in jail?" "No, of course not, we try to get them out. We'll call the police later and find out what happened to them." Caroline wasn't to sure about how they could get them out, but they would try. Genny nudged her face close to Caroline. She puckered up her lips and they kissed. Genny pushed her tongue into Caroline's mouth and they kissed deeply. Genny placed her hand on Caroline's breasts and started rubbing them. Sensing Caroline's hesitation Genny said, "Girls now, not sisters, if that makes you feel any better." Caroline smiled, "Girls now!" Genny giggled and moved her head to Carolines breasts and began sucking her nipples. Caroline traced a line down Genny's back to her butt. She ran her fingers along the crack until she felt the moisture from Genny's mound. She began rubbing the clit and exploring inside Genny. "Now that is a wonderful sight to wake up to," Tatty said as she propped her head up on her arm. Tatty began rubbing Genny's back and butt until Genny was wriggling under the two girls' touch. Genny climaxed and Caroline's hand was covered in her cum. She offered her hand to Tatty who promptly licked the cum. "Mmm, quite tasty." Genny moved out of the way to allow Tatty and Caroline to embrace. Genny used one hand to play with Caroline's clit and the other for Tatty's. The kissing, touching and Genny's fingers helped both girls to climax. Tatty announced, "I'll make breakfast while you two shower and get dressed." Tatty put her t-shirt and shorts on and went to the kitchen. "You go first," Caroline told Genny. Genny padded off to the shower and Caroline relaxed on the bed letting the final tremors of her orgasm wear off. Perhaps they could make it on their own, if they were smart and careful. Smart to manage their money and careful not to get caught by CPS. Genny came out of the shower, drying her hair with the towel, her body glistening with water droplets. Caroline felt a surge of lust for her sister. She was no longer bothered by that fact. Caroline took her shower and dressed. She joined Genny in the kitchen where Tatty had prepared breakfast. "The parents are gone to work for the day, so we have the place to ourselves, just saying!" She said with a bright smile on her face. "I'm off to the shower." Caroline and Genny gave their thanks to her and sat down to eat. Between bites Genny said, "So, you're pretty serious about Tatty, huh?" "Yeah, I'm totally in love with her." "Do you mind us playing around. Be honest." "I would if it were anyone but you. You're my sister and I am happy to let you play with us." "Cool! Two of the hottest girls and they're all mine," Genny said with a sinister laugh. Caroline laughed, "No, I've got the two hottest girls for me!" Genny laughed, "Yeah, you're right Tatty and I are the hottest." Both girls laughed as they finished their breakfast. Tatty came in fresh and clean and dressed modestly. "I figured I better tone it down if we go to the police to check on your parents." She paused, "That is if its okay for me to go with you." Caroline held her hand out to Tatty, who took it. "You are family now, we are all family!" All three girls hugged and kissed each other on the cheeks. Genny giggled, "I just hope I can keep my hands off you when we go out." Tatty replied, "Well, a little touching should be okay, just don't be too obvious." "Well, don't do anything while we are at the police station," Caroline cautioned. "We don't want to attract any undo attention. They cleaned up the kitchen and left for the police station. Bethany Billy was focused on Mika and didn't notice Bethany until his oxygen was cut off. He quickly surfaced gasping for breath. "Don't move asshole." Bethany had the weapon trained on him. She reached over and pulled Mika to the surface. She tore the mask off and Mika exhaled and took a fresh breath of wonderful air. "You held your breath?" Mika nodded, "I saw what was happening so I hyperventilated and held my breath. Its one of the skills you learn in yoga." Bethany helped her out of the tank, all the while keeping her weapon trained on Billy/Jimmy. They hugged and gave each other a quick peck on the cheek. Bethany said, "So what do we do with these guys?" "What if we just call the police? I mean they kidnapped me, tortured us, that ought to put them away for along time." Bethany frowned, "I don't know, they are cops and many times they protect their own. Besides defenses routinely use diminished capacity to escape prison sentences. These guys are definitely crazy." Bethany could see the fear in Jimmy/Billy's eyes as they discussed his fate. Mika found the blanket she had been wrapped in and covered herself. "So what do we do? We just can't let them go." Bethany smiled evily, "Why not do what they were going to do to you." Mika glanced at the glass container. "You mean put them in there?" She pointed towards the water filled tank. "Why not, they were going to kill us anyway after raping you and torturing us. It would serve them right." Mika hesitated, "That wouldn't be right. I don't know if I could live with myself." Bethany didn't hesitate, "You could wait outside, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Then we wouldn't have to ever worry about them again." "No, whatever we do, we will do together." Bethany felt a surge of love and respect for Mika. Bethany looked at Jimmy/Billy, he cowered and pleaded, "Please don't hurt me, I wasn't really going to hurt her." Tears were pouring from his eyes and snot was dripping from his nose. He looked pathetic, naked and wet, his erection long disappeared. "I'm doing it." Bethany looked at Mika for approval. "We are doing it." Mika affirmed. Jimmy/Billy was sobbing. Bethany went to the old man and woke him up. She lead him to the tank and up the stairs. "Good call, Bethany, I would have disappointed if you had done anything else." He looked at his son, "He always was a disappointment." The father got into the water and put on the mask. Bethany had to push Jimmy/Billy into the tank. He frantically grabbed the mask and put it on. The old man smiled as he removed his mask. "I know that you will not let us die, you are far too noble to stoop to our level." Then he slipped the mask back on. "Don't be too sure of that," Bethany cautioned. "I'm pretty pissed off right now." Bethany closed the lid and locked the padlock, she tossed the keys across the warehouse. "Come on, lets go home." She made sure the oxygen from the tank was working. She guessed they would have a couple hours of breathing. She knew that she couldn't actually let them die. She knew she would call 911 in a while and let the police take care of them. She was upset that she had been raised with conscience. She led Mika to the Jeep and drove slowly home. Once the police were involved, she knew there would be an investigation and the news about her and Mika would be all over the papers. Her career as a cop would be over and their life would be dramatically altered. Even though they had escaped, they would forever be prisoners of these assholes. She wasn't sure it would be worth living that way forever. They arrived home and Mika took a shower and got dressed. "You can call 911." Bethany told Mika. "Use the VOIP phone, so they can't trace it." "Thank you," Mika solemnly said. "I knew you had too good of a heart to let them die." Bethany shrugged, "Yeah, cursed with a conscience." Mika caressed Bethany's face, "Not a curse, a blessing. One reason I love you so much." Mika dialed 911 and reported the location of the men then hung up. The adrenaline and excitement had taken their toll on the both of them. "I'm exhausted." Mika nodded, "Me too, lets go to bed." They climbed into bed and held each other and kissed. "You rescued me, my love." Bethany held her tight, "You rescued me first." For the first time they went to sleep without making physical love. Their need for love had transcended the physical and now they had bonded on an emotional and spiritual level. Bethany was first to wake up, as usual. She made coffee and turned on the news softly, as to not wake Mika. As she drank her coffee the lead story came on about an anonymous tip that led to the discovery of two men that had drowned in a glass tank. Speculation was that they were practicing an escape trick that went awry or maybe a drug deal gone bad. Evidently, there was not as much oxygen in the tank as she thought. No great loss in her mind, but Mika would be devastated. Bethany had to go to work today, but she was concerned that her prints would be all over the warehouse and that she could be implicated in their death. Now wouldn't that just be the pits! She dressed in her uniform, and for the first time did not feel like going to work. The thrill and excitement was not there. She felt miserable that she would feel like that. Mika came into the living room. Bethany tried to fake it, "Hey, babe, sleep well?" Mika rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Good, and you?" "Next to you is always good." Bethany knew she had to tell Mika the news. "I heard on the news that they died in the tank." Mika did not react. Bethany was puzzled. "I figured they would die." Bethany asked, "Why would you think that. We called in less than an hour." Mika confessed, "I saw the gauge on the tank, I knew they wouldn't survive that long." "You knew!" "Yes, but we decided together and we will live with it together." Even though they hadn't recited the words Mika said, "Its for better or for worse. We'll do it together." Bethany was amazed at the maturity of Mika, still in her teens. "I'm sorry that they died, I really am." "I know, that's why it will be okay. If you didn't feel sorry, I would have been disappointed." Mika smiled that wonderful smile, "But you have a good heart." "A heart that loves you so much I can't say the words to express it." "Go to work so you can come home and I'll express a few things to you." They kissed and Bethany left for work, ready to face whatever would happen. She got to work and of course, the buzz about Jimmy was the talk of the precinct. No one believed the escape trick story, but they did believe it could have been a mob hit or even a drug deal gone bad. They knew some cops were dirty, but Jimmy seemed to be an okay guy. Bethany listened intently for any mention of fingerprints or suspects, but she didn't hear of any. She received many condolences, since Jimmy had been her partner. She knew IA would be doing an investigation and she would have to appear before the board, since they would want all information about Jimmy. She knew her personal life would be brought into the mix, although she wasn't a suspect. That part sucked, not that she was ashamed of Mika, but some would give them a hard time. But if the facts came out at least the pressure of someone finding out was taken away, so liberating in a way. She also knew she would have to have an alibi, that's where Mika would have to step in, they would be each other's alibi. Keeping the story simple, they stayed at home all night just talking and went to bed early. No elaborate scheme or story to trip them up, just keep it short and simple. Until the investigation was over Bethany had been assigned desk work. That meant taking care of other officer's arrests and filling out piles of paperwork. Just what she always wanted to do with her life. The day went faster than she thought it would, the constant stream of suspect, felons, and whiners kept her busy until time to go home. On the way out her captain informed her that IA would be meeting with her tomorrow. She thanked him for the head's up, but she was okay with talking to them. Unless they pulled some information out their hat that implicated her, then she would just play it cool. She drove straight home, one reason so she could quickly see Mika, and two, so she could rehearse her alibi, that she went straight home after her shift. The truth would be the best, although the day would be different the actions would be truthful. She practically ran up the stairs, being away from Mika all day was more of a problem than she would have thought. She just wanted to be with her all the time. Bethany let herself in and saw Mika laying on the couch, just a sheet across her slim body, obviously nothing on underneath. "I thought you might need a little TLC after a hard day at the office." Mika stuck one leg out from under the sheet, exposing a good portion of her olive leg. Bethany smiled, "Oh yeah!" She quickly stripped off her equipment and uniform and within seconds was under the sheet with Mika. They embraced, kissed, and made love furiously and passionately. Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms as Bethany explained what events would probably be affecting their lives. "Tomorrow the internal affairs people are going to ask me a lot of questions about Jimmy, since he was my partner. They'll want to know where I was last night and I'll need you to be my alibi. That means they may want to talk to you. That means that our relationship will be out in the open. Are you ready to do that?" Mika nodded, "What will we say?" "We want to keep to the truth as much as possible. We'll use tonight as the model for what we did yesterday. I came straight home from work. We spent the night together, didn't watch TV, so they can't catch us on what was on. We just talked. Just like we are doing tonight, only it will apply to last night also." "What about when you went back to the station last night before coming to the warehouse?" Bethany cringed, that was a weak point in her story. "None of the IA people work at the precinct. If they ask around they might get lucky, but that's a chance we have to take." Mika nuzzled her head into Bethany's arm. "Hopefully we'll get lucky and they won't pry into our lives too much." Bethany appreciated Mika's optimism, but she knew that IA was like a hound dog chasing a coon, they wouldn't give up until they found what they were looking for. They cuddled for awhile and eventually drifted off to sleep. Bethany slipped out of bed and made coffee and sat at the table running different scenarios through her mind. In each of them her career in law enforcement ended, their private lives disappeared, and one or both of them went to jail. By the time Mika came into the kitchen, Bethany was thouroughly depressed. Mika noticed Bethany's downcast countenence. "Don't worry, whatever happens we will go through it together." All Bethany could think of was them being separated by one or both going to prison. Bethany got dressed as Mika prepared breakfast. How could life go down the tubes so quickly. Just as her life was making headway this incident put everything into jeopardy. She decided that happiness was just an illusion and that the gods were totally against mere mortals being happy. She trudged off to work not feeling good at all. As soon as she signed in on her shift she was summoned to meet with IA. In accordance with the union contract she was offered a lawyer, which she refused, no sense in giving them any reason to suspect her. In the back of her mind she was terribly afraid they would spring some evidence of her being at the warehouse. She was ushered into a room and the grilling began. At first they asked general questions about her career, time on the job, things like that. Then they got down to the brass tacks. "So, did you notice anything unusual about Jimmy?" Asked the lead investigator. She knew to keep her answers simple and not to offer more information than what was asked. "No." "You mean he didn't say or do anything that would lead you to think he was involved in any kind of illegal activities?" "No." "So you weren't suspicious when he asked you on a date?" That took her off guard. Evidently, Jimmy had said something to someone about her turning him down. "No." "Why not?" She couldn't answer that with one word. "Lots of guys asked me out, but I always said no." "Why is that?" "I never date within the precinct." "So who do you date?" "I don't date anyone." Bethany wasn't lying, she really wasn't dating. He got up and left the room, most likely to confer with his partner and make her sweat a little. She got comfortable, closed her eyes and relaxed. After about 30 minutes he came back in. "That's all for now, but we'll want to talk to you again." Bethany got up and left, satisfied that they didn't know anything for sure, but that could always change. She assumed her place at the front desk and started taking care of people and their problems. Three young girls came in, two sat down and one came up to the desk. Bethany immediately noticed how cute she was and that she was acting very nervous. Her police instincts kicked in. They went into the station to the front desk. An Asian woman officer was behind the desk. "Excuse me, uh Officer," Caroline looked at the woman's name tag, "Officer Santos." Bethany looked at the girl, hmm.. kinda cute. "Yes, what can I do for you?" "My uh ...some friends of mine got arrested and I need to find out what their bail is." Caroline was feeling a bit nervous, there was something about this woman that left her on edge. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, but she was different in some way. "Name?" "Caroline." "Is that their first or last name?" Caroline turned red, "Oh, you mean their name, its uh Lavenski, Thoom and Sara." Bethany cocked her head and looked at Caroline, should be blonde. She typed in the information and came up with the rap sheet. "They were arrested for fraud, hmm... looks like a federal case. They will be released from here and transferred to federal court. There's no bail, because they are here on an expired visa and considered a flight risk." Caroline had expected a high bail, but not a denied bail. She was flustered, first the lady cop was causing her to be super nervous, she didn't know why, not her parents would not get bail. "Can I see them?" Bethany looked at her closely, then at the two girls sitting on the bench trying to look nonchalant. The whole thing smelled fishy. "You a relative?" Bethany noticed that two children were reported not found during the raid. They weren't wanted, but the authorities would like to question them. Caroline wasn't sure what to say, to deny it would make them wonder why she wanted to see them. "Yes, I'm their daughter." Bethany checked the computer, "That your sister," she said pointing to Genny on the bench. "Yes." "Who are you staying with since the arrest?" Caroline had no choice but to lie, "With an aunt." Bethany wasn't convinced, she noticed the girl break eye contact when she said that, usually a sign of a lie. "I need to see some ID." Caroline produced her school ID card. Bethany typed her name into the computer. She still wasn't convinced that the girl was completely truthful. But she couldn't prove anything and the girl had the right to see her parents. "Okay, go to the third floor and give this to the person at the window." She handed Caroline a visitor's pass. "Thank you." Caroline accepted the pass and walked back to Tatty and Genny. "They were denied bail, but I can go see them. Wait here, I'll be back soon." She walked to the elevators aware that the lady cop was watching her. Bethany watched the girl, normally she didn't check out girls, especially underage ones, but she was very cute and Bethany's interest had been piqued. Besides, she had a really nice ass. Caroline handed the pass to the officer at the window and was told to take a seat. She waited about 15 minutes, then the officer motioned her to come through the door. She had to pass through a metal detector and was seated at a window with a phone. In a few minutes her mother came and sat down and picked up the phone. "Are you okay? And Genny, is she okay?" "Yeah, mom, we are staying with a friend of mine. How are you and dad?" "Well, we don't get to see each other, but I assume he's fine. I'm really sorry this all happened." "We all knew the risks," Caroline felt tears well up in her eyes. "Use the money you've saved for the time being and I'm going to give you the account number of a bank account that's in your name and one in Genny's name. There is enough money to take care of you for quite awhile." Caroline was surprised, "You knew about the money?" Her mom smiled, "Yes, we both thought it was very enterprising of you to keep some of the money back. Looks like it paid off. Never con a con man!" "We can hire a lawyer and get you out." "No. The people I've talked to say we'll probably get deported and avoid jail. Then we can come back under a new name, or you girls can come back to Europe. A lawyer will just be a waste of money." Caroline realized that her mother was right, but she still felt sad. "What about Genny?" "You take care of her, I know you will do that. You've always been the smart and sensible one in the family. We'll let you know when we get back to the old country and you can decide what you want to do." Caroline felt deep in her heart she would never see her parents again. "Okay, momma, I love you." "We love you too." Her mom made her write down the account numbers, then she got up to leave. Her mom waved goodbye and Caroline got up to leave. She collected her pass and made it back to the front desk, before the tears began streaming down her face. Bethany looked up and saw the girl, Caroline, yeah, that was her name, getting off the elevator. She walked unsteadily to the desk. Bethany saw the stream of tears rolling down her face. She handed the girl a tissue. "Thanks." "Didn't go too well?" Bethany asked. She felt her heart go out to the girl. Parents getting arrested must really suck. "They will probably be deported." Caroline wasn't sure why she was telling this woman these things. But for some reason she trusted this lady cop. "I don't know what we will do." "Thought you were staying with an aunt." "Well, we uh, are, but you know, we can't forever." Caroline was completely flustered, "That's okay, never mind, we'll be okay. Thanks for your help." "Wait!" It wasn't a request. Bethany, against her better judgement, took out a card and wrote her cell number down. She handed it to Caroline, "You ever need some help, you call me. You won't have to worry about me being a cop, I won't arrest you. So call me, please." Bethany shocked herself with those words. That was a direct violation of her work ethic to tell someone they would not be arrested, but something deep inside her said it was the right thing to do. Caroline was just as shocked, but for different reasons. She had never imagined a cop that would offer to help, usually they just busted you. She even said please. Caroline took the card and said, "Thanks." This time she offered a smile too. Bethany smiled back, this girl was a cutie. She watched Caroline walk back to her friends and they left the station. Bethany hoped she would hear from this girl. But first she would have to tell Mika, after all they were partners. Yeah, she was attracted to this girl, physically, but it went deeper than that, she sensed the girl was really in a tough spot and would need some adult help. Caroline relayed the message from her parents to Genny, who of course, broke down into tears. Even Tatty got teary-eyed. They stopped at a convenience store for drinks and sat on a picnic bench at the store while they drank and waited for Genny to recover. Tatty asked, "So what was going on between you and the cop?" Caroline feigned innocence, "What do you mean, there was nothing between us." Tatty smiled, "You're still a lousy liar. I saw the sparks flying between you two. What did she say and what did she give you?" Caroline took out the card, "She offered to help us and said she wouldn't arrest us. I believed her." Genny commented, "You sure you trust her?" Caroline replied, "I may not be a good liar, but I'm a good judge of people. I think she was sincerely wanting to help. She even wrote down her cell number." "And you weren't one bit attracted to her, huh?" Tatty pressed. Caroline looked at the ground, not sure what to say. She didn't want to hurt Tatty's feelings, but she didn't want to lie either. But before she could speak, Tatty said, "I understand. She was very pretty and there is nothing wrong about being attracted to her. I wouldn't even mind if you hit on her, but just don't keep it from me. After all, I was attracted to Genny, but that doesn't affect the love we have for each other. Just be honest." Now Caroline wanted to cry, Tatty was so mature about this. "Yes, there was something about her, it was like I knew I could trust her. Yeah, she was pretty, but there was something else about her. I don't know what it was." Genny said, "Don't lose the card, just in case we need help." "Yeah, never know when you might need the po-po's help." Tatty chimed in. "Let's get to the house, Mom said there were accounts in our names. We can get online and check the balance." They hurried home and Caroline got online. Tatty and Genny disappeared into the other room. It took awhile, but finally, she was able to access the accounts. What she saw took her breath away. She never had any idea that her parents had made that much money. They had always lived frugally, not needing anything, but not being extravegant either. She looked again at the 5 with five zeroes behind it, in each of the girl's accounts. Her parents had planned ahead too. Caroline got up from the computer to tell the girls what she had found out. She went to the bedroom and found them in bed. Caroline stood in the doorway and watched as Genny was laying on top of Tatty with her head buried between Tatty's legs. Tatty had her hands on Genny's butt with her face buried in Genny's vagina. Caroline could hear the sucking and slurping sounds of each girl as they cleaned out each others vaginas. They must have been at it awhile because both girls were wriggling and an occasional moan would eminate from one of them. Caroline felt the urges mount within her and wanted to join in, but there was a voyeur feeling about watching them that made her want to watch. Both girls started humping each others' faces and they climaxed within seconds of each other. The slurping sounds were louder as their mouths filled with their juices. Caroline's hand had slipped inside her shorts and had been rubbing her clit. She felt her own fluids flow as she imagined the tasty cum filling the girls' mouths. She shivered in delight. She walked quietly back into the front room. Genny lifted her head, licking her lips. "I just can't get enough of this." Tatty took one last lick, "Well, I've got plenty for you as long as I keep getting yours." Genny turned around and they kissed. "I'll never stop wanting you to lick me, it just drives me wild." Tatty got up and put her clothes back on. "We better go see what your sister is up to." Genny slipped her shirt back on, barely covering her bottom. They went into the front room. Caroline turned when they came in. "So what have you two been up to?" Genny grinned, "Just sampling your girlfriends honey." Caroline grinned back, "And how was the sample?" "Just wonderful, tastes great, less filling." They all laughed. "So what did you find out?" Tatty inquired. Mom and dad had prepared for this day. "They put a half a million in two bank accounts for us. One in my name and one in Genny's." Tatty was flabbergasted, "A million bucks, that is crazy!" "Crazy, but very practical. We won't have to worry about money for along time, maybe never if we invest it wisely." Caroline turned to Genny. "Of course half of that is yours, so you can do what you want with it." Genny thought for a moment. "You've always made the right decisions, so I'll leave it to you. I wouldn't know what to do with that much anyway." Caroline was very proud of her sister. Lots of people, adults, let alone a child would have squandered it. "We'll need some help deciding. Since we are juveniles we can't sign contracts and stuff. We can't even rent an apartment. We can't stay here forever." Tatty said, "I wish you could. I would really miss not being able to spend time with you." Caroline said, "I know, but if we could get a place of our own, you could spend lots of time with us, maybe even move in, if your parents would let you." "Regardless, you'll have to have your own place, cause you're right, staying here would become a problem for my parents." Tatty didn't like saying that, but she knew Caroline was right. "We need an adult to help us find an apartment, because we can't sign leases. Besides, no one is going to rent to minors anyway," Caroline said. She paused, knowing what the answer would be. "So who knows an adult that would help us?" Silence told the whole story. Finally, Genny spoke up. "How much do you trust her?" Caroline thought for a moment. "I know its weird, but I do trust her. There's just something about her that I identify with. Its like we are on the same wavelength or something. It's hard to describe. Kind of a kindred spirit thing." Tatty said, "Well, she's the only game in town right now. My parents definitely wouldn't help and I don't know anyone else." Bethany After her shift she headed straight home, she couldn't wait to see Mika. It amazed her how much she missed Mika when she was at work. She had never thought seriously about changing professions or even finding another precinct to work at, but now she was not so sure. Now she had some different news to tell her. She parked the Jeep and made her way to the apartment. Mika was waiting for her, god she loved that. They kissed and sat at the table. "So how was your day," Mika asked. "Interesting, these three young girls came in. One of them wanted to see her parents that were in jail. That was different, but there was something different about this girl, something I can't quite put my finger on. Anyway, I was really concerned about her so I gave her my card with my number on it and told her to call me if she needed help." Bethany paused. Mika digested this information. "That's something you don't normally do, I take it." "No, I've never given anyone my personal number." "So what kind of trouble do you think she's in?" "Besides the fact her parents are in jail and there's no bail for them, she said she was staying with an aunt, but I think that wasn't true. It was one of those gut instinct kind of things. She also has a younger sister about 8 or 9." "How old is this girl?" "I didn't ask, but she looked to be 14 or 15, hard to tell now-a-days. These kids grow up so fast." Mika smiled, "Is she cute?" Bethany smiled back, "Yes, but that doesn't have anything to do with it." Mika laughed, "That always has something to do with it, but I don't mind you looking or even getting involved. I just want to be a part of it. Don't do it behind my back." Then Mika leaned forward and said in a sultry voice. "Having some playmates might be exciting." "My, my you are such a bad girl!" Mika took Bethany's hand and pulled her to the bedroom. "I'll show you just how bad I am." Caroline "We'll wait a couple days then I'll call her." For the next two days the girls hung out at the house until Tatty's parents got home. Then they went shopping and came home only to go to bed. The two days passed and Caroline found the card and called the number. "Hello?" "Uh, hey this is Caroline, the girl that was visiting her parents in the jail. You said to call you if I needed help." "Yeah, I remember you. You had a sister, right?" "Yes." "So what's the problem?" "It would be better if I could talk to you in person." "Sure, you want to meet me, or should I pick you up?" "I'll meet you at McDonalds at 10:00, if that's okay with you." "Okay, see you then." Bethany The next couple of days went by smoothly, no more IA talks. Bethany hoped that the case would be closed soon, then she could breathe easier. Then she got a call from the mystery girl. After she hung up she relayed the information to Mika. "That girl I told you about just called. She wants my help and wants to meet me to talk." "Well, you did give her the number, so go see what she wants." Bethany wanted to make sure, "You sure its okay, I don't want to do anything that might cause a problem between us." Mika calmed her, "Its fine. See what she wants and we'll take it from there. She's probably just needing someone to talk to." Bethany kissed her, "You are so incredible! I love you." "Just don't forget that." Caroline Caroline hung up, feeling encouraged. "She's agreed to talk with me, so at least she seems to be willing to help. I really feel good about this." She reported to Genny and Tatty. "If she hits on you, you better tell me about it, every detail!" Tatty said playfully. "I seriously doubt that is going to happen, not every cute girl is like us," Caroline replied. She wondered about that statement. Was it normal for them to be in love and playing with each other? She knew that many people would say they are lesbians and need some kind of psychiatric help. She didn't mind the lesbian label, but psychiatric help, she didn't need that. She knew that most girls would have boyfriends and look forward to getting married and having kids. But she was comfortable having a girlfriend, it just seemed natural. And playing around with Tatty and Genny felt normal and wonderful. She wondered how many other women felt the same way. Genny added her two cents. "Yeah, cause she was really hot!" Caroline laughed, "Genny, you are becoming a little sex addict." Genny hopped up on Caroline's lap and kissed her. In a sultry voice she said, "Would you prefer I switched to drugs?" "Mmm, not at all, I like you just the way you are, except maybe naked!" Caroline told her sister, who by now was more like a lover than a sister. Another issue people would take offense at. But Caroline had come to grips with that. Just because they were related, didn't mean that they couldn't love each other. That kind of thinking was just society's way of trying to control the masses. "But I have to go, but when I get back I'll ravage you." Genny grinned, "Promises, promises, that's all I ever hear." "Young lady, enough talk like that or I'll have to punish you," Tatty said playfully. Tatty had become very close to Genny over the last few days, not just sexually, but emotionally. She was still head over heels in love with Caroline, but found that she also loved Genny. The sex was awesome, but she also felt a responsibility for the both of them. It didn't bother her in the least when Caroline and Genny were playing around. There was no jealousy at all, in fact it made Tatty happy when Caroline and Genny were enjoying each other, because they were happy. She decided there was enough love in her heart for both of them. Caroline got up, "I need to get going." They all kissed and hugged. "Take care of that bad girl," she directed at Tatty. Tatty chuckled, "Oh, I will!" Caroline left knowing that both girls were already in bed and getting each other excited. That thought made her stomach begin to tickle and she felt a surge of desire move through her loins. She briefly thought about stepping into a restroom and relieving herself, but decided to wait and let Genny take care of her later. Caroline arrived at the restaurant and spotted Officer Santos in the booth near the back. Caroline nodded and went to the counter and got something to drink. Then she went back to the booth and sat down across from the officer. "Thanks for seeing me." Bethany nodded, "No problem, that's why I gave you my number." Caroline sipped her soft drink, "Did you really mean that you wouldn't arrest me?" "I want to help, not put you in jail." Bethany confirmed. "Okay, I'll start at the beginning." She related all the details about her parents' scam and her involvement in it. She did not include Genny in the events or Tatty. Bethany listened intently, her suspicions were confirmed, there was more to her story that she first let on. But she sensed that the girl was still not telling her everything. Trust had to be earned. "The problem now is that I want to avoid CPS from getting involved. My parents left us money, but we are not old enough to get our own apartment, sign leases, stuff like that. We need an adult to help us." Bethany was surprised that this young girl was mature enough to have thought out these things. She knew adults that were less responsible than this teenager, Bethany was impressed. But what she was asking, while not illegal, was unethical at the least. She had confessed to being involved in a scam, although no jury would convict her, given her age and a lawyer would argue that she didn't fully realize all that was going on with the scam. But this would involve Mika and she would have to be consulted. "I would like to help you, but I do have a significant other that I would have to check with. You understand?" Caroline fully understood, "I understand, being responsible for other people is not to be taken lightly." She took another sip to wet her dry mouth. "So, is your boyfriend an understanding type?" Direct and honest, Bethany like that. She also had a sense that Caroline was far more mature than even Bethany thought. Even with her police skills she wasn't sure what it was about Caroline that was different. Bethany decided to take a chance. "Actually, she is very understanding." Caroline didn't miss the emphasis on she. "Oh, you have a girlfriend?" Caroline now understood why she felt so comfortable with this woman. They had like tastes. "Yes, I have a lover that happens to be a girl. Does that freak you out?" "No, not at all, I'm not one to judge." Actually, Caroline felt a rush in her lower parts knowing that Officer Santos had tasted the fruits of another female. She felt a surge of adrenaline and she was afraid she would leave a wet spot on the seat. She blushed, "I like girls too." Bethany was surprised, but that would explain the connection she felt. "Really, now that's interesting. So the blonde you were with, she is your girlfriend?" Blushing again, "Yes." Bethany was intrigued, "And your sister? Does she know?" Caroline smiled, "Oh yeah, she is not only aware, she is an active player." God, Caroline couldn't believe she was telling this stranger all this as if they were talking about the weather. Bethany was really surprised and even more intrigued. This was amazing that events had brought them together. "Wow, that is really interesting, but in a good way." Bethany was beginning to feel the desire for this girl in her loins, but she didn't want to push herself on her or interfere with her relationships. "So, Officer Santos." "Its Bethany." Caroline smiled, "So, Bethany can you help us?" "Like I said, I will have to check with Mika, she's my partner. But I would be glad to help you. You know it will take some money to get you set up in a place of your own." "My parents left us with enough money for quite awhile, so that won't be a problem. But that brings up another issue. We want to invest some of the money, so the future won't be a problem. But I don't really know where to start or what would be the best way to invest." "I know of some people that are financial consultants and we could ask them for advice." Bethany paused, then asked, "If you don't mind me asking, how did you become involved with a girl?" Caroline blushed again, damn, why was she so shy all of a sudden? "It wasn't because of any bad relationships with guys, I've actually never had a boyfriend. Because we moved around so much I never had any close friends. But then I met Tatty, in a cemetary, of all places. We seemed to hit it off and I found her so irresistable, I fell in love with her right away. We've been together for about two months now. Then I found out my sister was attracted to girls and it just seemed natural for all of us to be intimate with each other." Normally she would never have told anyone this kind of information, but she felt so at ease with Bethany and it just felt right to tell her these things. "What about you?" "I had my first experience in college with a friend I had known since I was little. I didn't realize I was in love with her until then. Kind of like you, it just felt natural. She got married after college, but we kept in contact and once in awhile we would get together. Then I met this girl a few weeks ago and she moved in with me. Never had a desire to be with a guy, don't hate them, just prefer women." They sat in silence for a few minutes. Caroline said, "Now I understand why I knew I could trust you, there was a connection. I guess it is our orientation." "That's very perceptive of you, but I felt the same thing, a connection. I don't mean to meddle, but your girlfriend is lucky to have found you. You're very intelligent and very beautiful." Caroline smiled, "So you trying to hit on me. Tatty said if you did to tell her all the details." Bethany smiled, "I would, but I don't want to interfere with your relationship or jeopardize mine." Then Bethany grinned and lowered her voice, "But it is a temptation. I'll talk to Mika and let you know." "Thanks," Caroline said. "You need a ride home? Its getting pretty hot outside." "If you don't mind, its a long walk." They walked to the Jeep and Bethany unlocked it and they got in. Caroline gave her the directions and Bethany drove. Caroline was never sure why she did what she did, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Caroline scooted over next to Bethany and laid her head on Bethany's shoulder. "It feels good to have someone I can talk too, it helps relieve the burden." Bethany could tell Caroline was under a lot of pressure, more responsibility that anyone her age should be under. Bethany took Caroline's hand and squeezed it. "Anytime you need to talk, you have my number." As they neared the cemetary Caroline said, "Could you pull in there for a minute." Bethany turned into the cemetary and switched off the engine. Caroline looked into Bethany's eyes, "Could you just hold me for a few minutes." Bethany was touched and moved. She put her arms around Caroline and held her tight. She felt Caroline begin to sob and Bethany stroked her hair while Caroline poured out the pressure that had built up in her over the last few days. After a few minutes Caroline stopped crying. She sat back up, "Thank you, I just needed to be held and feel secure." Bethany smiled, put her hand under Caroline's chin and tilted it up. She pressed her lips to Caroline and felt Caroline part her lips to accept her tongue. They kissed for a few moments. Bethany pulled away and said, "I want to help you as much as I can." She started the Jeep and continued to drive to Caroline's destination. Bethany stopped in front of Tatty's house. "Thanks, for everything," Caroline said. Bethany squeezed her hand, "I'll call you tomorrow." Caroline walked to the house and went inside. Bethany Bethany drove away and exhaled deeply. That was close, I was ready to ravage that sweet young thing, she thought as she drove home. But she had made a vow to Mika and she meant to keep it. She drove straight home and back to Mika. "So how did it go?" "Not what I expected," Bethany grabbed a cold drink from the frig. "She needs an adult to help her and her sister find a place to live. It seems that their parents left them quite a bit of money, but being minors they can't sign leases or contracts." "So, did you agree to help them?" "No, I told her I had to check with you." Mika smiled, "Well, that was sweet." "And," Bethany said with a lilt in her voice, "they are lesbians too!" "The girl?" "Yeah, she and her sister and her girlfriend. I knew there was something different about them. The oldest, Caroline has a girlfriend, Tatty, and her little sister, nine or something plays with both of them. They have been playing together for a couple months." "Wow, that is wild," Mika said softly. "The youngest is only nine? I guess the sexual revolution has really taken effect." Then Mika looked intently at Bethany, "So did you hit on her or she on you?" "No, she was really upset and stressed out, I did hold her, at her request, and kissed her, just to make her feel better. But nothing else." Mika smiled, "Turned you on, huh?" Bethany knew she couldn't hide anything from Mika, "A little, but I resisted, cause I love you!" "That's good, but it does sound very hot." "Yeah, it does." "So what are you going to do?" Bethany had this answer, "Whatever we decide, cause it would affect us both." Bethany paused, "We could help them find an apartment, sign the lease and stuff. Or, how serious were you about playmates?" Mika's eyes lit up, "You little wench you, are you serious?" Bethany grinned, "Just thinking, if you were serious, we need a bigger place anyway, having a couple more bedrooms wouldn't cost that much, plus they would pay for their share. Just think having two young girls, that are like us, living with us!" Mika licked her lips, "It does sound exciting, very erotic. But wouldn't that be illegal, after all they are underage." Bethany frowned, "Yeah, but who would know. After all they would be having as much fun as we would. Its not like we were forcing them to do anything against their will." "True, they would be enjoying it as much as us. You think they'll go for it?" "It has its advantages. They would have adults to help them and not be alone. I think Caroline would like to have some of the pressure off her. She really is stressed." Mika said, "I like it." "Cool, I'll call them in the morning." Bethany took Mika's hand and led her to the bedroom. "In the meantime, I want you so bad." Caroline Caroline found Tatty and Genny waiting for her. They assaulted her with questions. "Hold on, sit down and I'll tell you everything." They sat on the couch and Caroline told them. "She has to talk to her roommate, actually her girlfriend! She likes girls too. I knew there was something special about her." Tatty said, "No way!" Caroline nodded, "Yep, she had a girlfriend in college and one now." Genny said, "Awesome, she was so hot." "Anyway, she seemed like she would be willing to help, assuming her girlfriend approves." Genny laid her head back on the couch, "Just think what it would be like to have our own place. We could do anything we wanted. Playing all the time, running around the house naked!" Tatty laughed, "You are such a drama queen." Genny laughed back, "You like my drama, don't you?" Tatty said, "Love it!" "Well, lets not forget, she still has to check with her girlfriend and if she does, we can't do anything that would mess things up. People still don't accept girl on girl love, especially ones our age." "Yeah, that stinks, how come people think that just because we're young, we don't want to have fun or be in love." "Its just the way society is," Tatty added, "It takes years for people to change their ways." "Well, I still think it stinks," reiterated Genny. "I'm just glad that we have each other and don't mind playing." Tatty got off the couch, "Don't know about ya'll, but I'm starving. Ready for lunch?" All three girls went to the kitchen and began preparing lunch. Caroline thought it was so cool that they all helped each other without fighting. She had seen so many sisters always competing and fighting for attention. But she and Genny had always gotten along and now they were lovers, that made the bond between them even stronger. If only people could look beyond the outside and see the inside of people then the world would be so much better. After lunch they decided to walk to the park and play. They got to the park and pushed each other on the swings. Caroline watched as Tatty pushed Genny in the swing, her hair flying in the wind. Tatty's long lean legs and arms, muscles tight and taunt, her infectious laugh. Caroline felt a wave of emotions sweep over her, almost to the point of tears, those of happiness. Caroline's cell phone rang. "Hello?" "Caroline, this is Bethany." "Hey Bethany." "I talked things over with Mika, and we would like to take you girls out for dinner and discuss how we might be able to help you." "That sounds like a good idea, but can Tatty come, she's my girlfriend, like part of the family." "Sure, no problem. Would tonight be okay, say around 6:00?" "That'll work, see you then, and thanks again, for the hug and stuff." Bethany felt her heart skip a beat. "Like I said, anything I can do to help you. I liked it too!" "Cool, see ya tonight." Caroline went to the girls, "Bethany just called. She and Mika, her girlfriend, want to take us to dinner and talk tonight about 6 or so." "Really, we'll get to see what kind of girl can snag Bethany." Genny quipped. "Is that all you ever think about?" Tatty said playfully. Genny laughed, "Most of the time." Genny slapped Tatty on the butt and took off running. Tatty gave chase and tackled her on the far side of the park. They were wrestling when Caroline caught up with them. Tatty had her hand underneath Genny's shirt and was rubbing Genny's nipples. Caroline glanced around, but no one was paying them any attention. "Don't get too frisky, there are other people around." "Makes it more exciting," said Genny as she tried to get her hands in Tatty's shorts. "God, girl your shorts are so tight I can't get my hand inside." "You like me to be tight, don't you?" "Mmm, yes I do, but not so tight I can't get in." "Want me to take them off?" Genny giggled, "Well, duh!" Caroline intervened, "Jeez, don't do that, people will see. I can't take ya'll out in public without ya'll assualting each other. Animals." Tatty and Genny looked at each other and smiled, then they growled, jumped up, and came after Caroline. She ran as fast as she could, but was no match for the more athletic Tatty, who tackled her. Genny came running up and piled on top, while yelling, Dogpile! Bystanders saw three girls having fun and wrestling on the ground acting like girls do. What they didn't see was the hands that slipped under Caroline's shirt and the breasts that were squeezed and the words that were said. Then they saw the girls get up and run out of the park. They assumed the girls had to get home for dinner or something. But in reality they were running home to get naked with each other. "So should we wear something nice?" asked Genny. "Well, yeah, we don't want them to think we are skanks or something," Tatty said. "Modest, but desireable, that should be a happy medium." Caroline was looking through the closet deciding on what outfit to wear. "It's like going out on a date," Genny bubbled enthusiastically. "I've never been on a real date." "Maybe cause your only nine years old. How many dates do you think nine year olds go on? Not counting birthday parties and stuff like that." "Well, I'm not your normal nine year old." Caroline chuckled, "That is an understatement!" Caroline pulled out a black skirt with a white bodice and a checkered jacket. "What about this?" Tatty looked approvingly, "Demure, yet very hot, I like it." Genny emerged from the bathroom in a hot purple dress with matching tights. "Very nice," Tatty said. "Why thank you," beamed Genny. She was obviously very excited about going out on her date. Tatty got out a white shorts and jacket with a blue wrap-around shirt that showed some midriff. "I think I'll be a bit more adventurous than you two old fogies." Tatty slipped easily into the tight shorts and blouse. They spent time doing each other's hair, although they kept it long and straight preferring the more natural look. They took turns helping each other with their makeup, although none of them needed that much. Genny still had the smooth skin of a preadolescent and hadn't had any problems with acne or anything like that. So just a touch of blush on her cheeks and a little lip gloss made her look very desireable. Tatty had almost perfect skin and used just a little bit of lip gloss to bring out the natural color of her lips. Caroline used a little more, just to cover a few red blemishes and some pink lipstick to highlight her luscious full lips. The girls sat on the couch waiting for Bethany to arrive. Anxious about the dinner, but more so wanting to know what might be affecting their future. Tatty sat admiring the view. "You two are just the hottest girls I have ever seen. I'm having a hard time sitting here and not wanting to rip those clothes off you." Caroline laughed, "Just be patient, we'll have all night to do that. I just hope that Bethany was convincing enough to her girlfriend to help us." "I just hope her girlfriend is as hot as she is and not some dog, woof, woof!" Caroline scolded her, "Genny, don't you even dare hint that about her girlfriend. We're trying to make a good impression." Genny laughed, "Silly, I would never say that about her girlfriend, even if it was true. But I don't see a gorgeous girl like Bethany hooking up with an ugly woman." "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," Caroline reminded her. "Just because your drop dead gorgeous, doesn't mean that other girls are not." "Very sweet of you to say so." "Well no matter how it turns out, I've got the two most beautiful girls in the whole world right here with me." Caroline was keeping her eyes on the front of the house and saw Bethany's Jeep pull up. "They're here!" All three girls jumped up and went outside to the Jeep. Bethany rolled her window down. "Hop in the back." Caroline opened the back door and Tatty and Genny got in and Caroline got in last. Bethany turned her head, "Mika, this is Caroline, Tatty, and Genny." She pointed to each girl as she made the introductions. "This is my girlfriend, Mika." When Mika turned her head, Caroline couldn't breathe. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her long light blonde hair framed her oval face that had just a hint of Oriental influence. "Nice to meet you," Caroline said politely. Tatty managed a grunt and Genny was absolutely speechless. Bethany pulled away. "I hope you like Oriental food." "Love it," Tatty managed to say. "Yeah, sounds beaut... I mean sounds delicious," Genny said, her face turning red. Caroline could hear Mika softly chuckling, great now we've embarrassed ourselves in the first 60 seconds. Bethany turned up the music, some light jazz and continued the conversation. "So what grades are you in at school?" Genny responded, "I'll be in fifth grade this year. I made straight A's last year." "That's wonderful! Mika is going to college." Mika turned around and looked at Genny, "Going to be a nuclear physicist, what about you?" Genny just smiled, she was completely entranced by Mika. Caroline couldn't blame her, Mika had the classic 'bedroom eyes' and a small downturned mouth. "She wants to be a model." Caroline said. Mika turned and placed her hand on Genny's cheek, "You have the cheekbones for being a model, but it is a hard life." Genny bent her head towards Mika's hand and squirmed in her seat. Mika turned back around. Genny looked at Caroline, gave her a thumbs up, and mouthed the words, I'm already wet! Caroline smiled and glanced at Tatty, who didn't look all that happy. Caroline mouthed, You okay? Tatty looked sharply at Mika and extended her middle finger. Caroline leaned over and whispered, "I love you." Then she took Tatty's hand and held it. They couldn't afford to have hard feelings. Bethany and Mika were their only choice to be independent. Bethany asked, "Tatty, what about you?" Caroline could hear the attitude in Tatty's voice, "I'll be a sophomore, don't make straight A's, and don't have a clue about my future." Bethany could hear the tension in Tatty's voice, "Well, alrighty then." Caroline piped up, "Sophomore also, and not sure either about what I want to do, maybe something in the medical field." Bethany pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. Everybody spilled out of the Jeep. Mika said, "That is such a cute outfit." The comment was directed at Genny. Genny blushed. Caroline could tell Genny was smitten with Mika. "Your's is so cool, so retro," Genny said. "Yeah, Beth is always telling me I would have made a good hippy." Tatty grabbed Caroline's hand and held tightly and whispered to Caroline, "She thinks she's all that." Caroline whispered back, "Why so jealous?" "I don't know, I'm not jealous with you, but I don't like Mika hitting on Genny." "She's just being friendly." Caroline could tell that Tatty was not convinced. Then Mika took Genny's hand as they all walked into the restaurant. They got a corner booth. Mika went in first followed by Bethany, Genny quickly slipped next to Mika. Caroline and Tatty sat on the end. Caroline picked up the menu and studied it carefully. She didn't want the situation to escalate anymore. The waitress came and took drink orders and left. Bethany said, "Order whatever looks good to you. Its my treat tonight. Actually, a double treat, to be surrounded by all these beautiful girls is such a special treat." Caroline found herself blushing, but Tatty was still stern faced. Mika looked directly at Tatty, "Saggitarius." Tatty was startled, but intrigued, "Taurus." Mika cocked her head and gave a half smile of approval, "December 10th." Caroline could see the surprise on Tatty's face. "April 15th." Tatty fired back. "You're good, have you always had the gift?" "As long as I can remember." Mika gave Tatty a full smile, "Impressive!" "Likewise. I want to be an astronomer." Tatty told everyone, but was actually aimed at Mika. Mika responded, "Science is amazing, don't you think?" From there on out, Tatty's jealousy disappeared, Mika had completely won her over. Caroline glanced at Bethany, who nodded at Caroline, she nodded back. Caroline smiled and felt relief wash over her, she relaxed. The waitress brought an appetizer and the girls munched on taco chips while waiting to order. Bethany said, "Need to use the facilities." Everyone moved so Bethany could get out. Caroline saw the slight nod towards the restroom. "Yeah, me too." Caroline said, although the other girls weren't hearing her at all. They had already scooted close to Mika and were deep in conversation. Oh, well, thought Caroline, but acutally happy they were getting along. She followed Bethany to the bathroom. As they entered the facilities, Bethany put her finger to lips, then she checked the stalls. "They're empty." Caroline said, "Your girlfriend is very good. She managed to defuse Tatty and she had Genny hooked right away." Bethany smiled, "Yeah, I could tell Tatty was a bit upset." "Jealousy rears its ugly head, but she's okay now." Bethany said, "Glad of that. You look very nice tonight." "As do you do." Bethany came close, "Can I kiss you?" Bethany reached up and turned the lock on the door. Caroline felt her face flush and her breath grow short. "Yes, please." Her voice soft and demure. Bethany leaned in and their lips met. This time Caroline's mouth was ready receive Bethany's tongue. This kiss was much more passionate than their first. Bethany wrapped her arms around Caroline and Caroline pressed her body against Bethany's. Caroline felt her loins tingling as they kissed. After the kiss, Caroline would have shed her clothes right there and give herself to Bethany. "I guess we better get back," Bethany said. "Yeah," Caroline added weakly. Bethany pressed her lips on Caroline's once again and they kissed until they heard someone at the door. Bethany let out a huff and unlocked the door. Caroline had completely forgotten to pee! They walked back to the booth and sat next to each other. Caroline saw the slight nod and smile from Mika directed at her. She knew it was an okay for she and Bethany to get frisky. Caroline scooted closer to Bethany, until her thigh was pressing against Bethany's. She wasn't worried about Tatty or Genny, they were absorbed in being around Mika. She and Bethany could have left and they wouldn't have even noticed. That made her smile, it seemed as if things might work out for once. The waitress started bringing the food and the girls began eating. Caroline was actually hungry and practically devoured her food. They kept up some small talk during the meal. Fashion, pop culture, and of course, science. Tatty and Mika were talking about stuff that went way over Caroline's head. She had no idea that Tatty was so knowledgable about science stuff. She guessed there was lots of things that she didn't know and looked forward to learning more about her girlfriend. Genny was content to eat and sneak an occasional glance at Mika. Caroline was pleased that Genny had taken such an interest in Mika, but she hoped it didn't cause a rift between Mika and Bethany. As if she sensed Caroline's concern Bethany said, between her bites of food, "Mika seems to have taken quite an interest in Genny and Tatty too." "Yeah, I was a little concerned that would cause a problem between you two." Bethany dabbed her mouth with the napkin, "No, we are quite secure in our relationship. I don't think I have to worry about a nine year old stealing her away. In fact, Mika was very interested in meeting the three of you. But I can see she seems more interested in Genny." Bethany glanced at Caroline, "Which makes it easier for me to persue other interests." Caroline felt Bethany's leg press against hers. Caroline pressed back with equal pressure. "So what about Tatty, how is your relationship with her?" "We are in love, but having Genny with us has caused no problems. And I think she is warming up to Mika quite well." "What about you?" Caroline took a deep breath, trying not to stammer, "I have no problem with other interests." Bethany smiled, "Cool!" Everyone finished their dinner and the waitress refreshed their drinks and took the empty plates away. Then the serious talk began. Bethany started, "Mika wanted to meet the three of you before we decided if we could help you. But I can see that the question of whether we would help is a yes." Caroline scanned Tatty's and Genny's face for any objections. She didn't see any. Mika had her arm around Genny and Genny looked very content. Tatty was close enough for her shoulders to be touching Mika's. No problems on the home front. Bethany continued, "We could help you find a place, a nice apartment, big enough for the three of you. We could sign the lease and take care of the legal issues. As long as you had no problems paying the bills." Caroline said, "Paying the bills will not be a problem." "Good, because I make just a cop's salary, which isn't a lot, but I'm not complaining. One problem we thought about was, without adults around, people might wonder why three young girls are living without any adult supervision. If anyone should alert CPS or the police, that could cause a lot of problems." Caroline said, "Yeah, I wasn't sure how to overcome that problem." Bethany smiled, "Well, Mika actually gave me the idea." She paused and took a sip of her water. "Another possibility would be for Mika and I to find a bigger apartment and you could move in with us." Caroline felt her heart leap with joy. She glanced at Genny, who had a huge grin on her face. Caroline knew what she was thinking. She looked at Tatty, she was smiling too. Bethany continued, "That would solve your housing problems and we would be there to keep anyone from questioning the lack of adults." Bethany was silent allowing the information to sink in. "Of course, we would want you to talk it over and make your decision based on what's best for ya'll." Caroline looked at Tatty and saw Tatty nod yes. She didn't have to ask Genny because she already knew the answer. "I think we already know what we want to do. We think that is a great idea, we would love to move in with both of you." Bethany smiled, her hand slid under the table and squeezed Caroline's hand. Mika said, "And of course, Tatty if you can't move in with us, you are welcome anytime, in fact you'll have your own key. But I hope you could move in. We have a lot of stuff to discover about each other." Mika put her hand on Tatty's hand. Tatty took her hand and held it. Genny put her head against Mika's shoulder. Caroline thought she would start crying seeing her sister and girlfriend accept Mika. "Then its settled," Bethany picked up her glass. "A toast, to a long-lasting friendship!" All the girls raised their glasses and the clink could be heard around the restaurant. To bystanders, it looked as if the girls were celebrating a birthday, never in a million years would they have suspected the real reason for all the smiles and laughter. For Caroline the dinner was over way too soon, but time finally came for them to leave. They all got back in the Jeep, this time Genny crawled in the front seat with Mika. She was totally smitten. Bethany started driving back to Tatty's house. "It was so nice tonight, I really enjoyed it." Bethany commented as she pulled into traffic. Caroline reached over and took Tatty's hand. "It was fun, thanks for treating us, and thanks for offering to help. It was more than we expected." Genny said, "I want to stay with Mika." Caroline wasn't surprised, but Genny wasn't always tactful. But before Caroline could apologize, Mika spoke. "It might be fun to have a sleepover to celebrate!" Genny squealed in delight, "Oh, sis can we, please!" Caroline looked at Tatty questioningly. "I can tell my parents I'm spending the night with a friend." She smiled and licked her lips. Caroline knew Tatty was totally on board. "I think that would be an excellent idea!" Caroline said. Bethany said, happily, "Outstanding!" She reversed direction and headed the Jeep back to their apartment. The girls were all chattering with the excitement of the sleepover. Bethany was excited, even though she was the oldest. She missed the simple pleasures of being a child, one with no responsibilities. Then she thought of Caroline, she had all the responsibilities of an adult in a fourteen year old mentality. She was doing quite well dealing with the crisis. Perhaps that is why Bethany had feelings for Caroline. Bethany pulled up in front of her apartment and they all got out. Bethany noticed that Genny had latched onto Mika and wasn't about to let her go. She smiled inwardly, knowing how that would turn out. They entered the apartment and stood around waiting to see what would happen. Mika took the lead, "Since no one brought pajamas, I'll get some t-shirts that everyone can change into." Mika disappeared into the bedroom and returned with the shirts, she handed one to each girl. "You can use the bedroom to change and there are hangers in the closet for your clothes." Caroline, Tatty, and Genny went into the bedroom to change. "This is going to be so much fun!" Genny said with obvious happiness. "It will be interesting," Caroline said. Tatty was uncharistically quiet, as if she was pondering things she didn't know the answer to yet. They hung up their clothes and went back into the front room. Mika and Bethany had changed. Now all the girls had on t-shirts that covered all the essential parts, but under that was not much. It was obvious that there were no bras present and more than likely panties had been discarded too. Mika was in the kitchen and the smell of popcorn was in the air. Genny went to be with Mika as if she would cease to exist if she didn't keep an eye on her. Caroline sat on the couch with her hands in her lap. Tatty sat next to her, still looking unsure about some things. Bethany sat in a chair and crossed her legs, causing the shirt to ride up her thigh, almost to the point where nothing would be covered. "Well we have one bed and one foldout couch. So unless someone wants the floor, which I do not, we will have to share the sleeping arrangements. Of course, after we get a bigger place, that won't be a problem." Caroline smiled, "Well, its a problem that will have a simple answer." Mika came in with bags of popcorn and sat on the couch. She handed the bags around while Bethany put in a movie. Genny wedged herself between Mika and Tatty. Caroline laid on her stomach on the floor. They ate popcorn and watched the movie. Tatty joined Caroline on the floor as the movie progressed and Genny curled up in Mika's arms. Bethany surveyed the room. Her eyes rested on Caroline's full butt that was prominately raised up from the floor. She felt the desire for this adorable girl rising in her. A couple times during the movie the girls had to use the bathroom, but other than that they didn't talk much. There was a tension in the air, not tension caused by strife, but one caused by the excitement of things to come. Finally, the movie ended. Everyone cleaned up the trash and returned to the front room. Once again Mika took the lead. "So who wants the grand tour of the bedroom?" Genny hopped up, "I do!" Tatty started to get up, but then looked to Caroline for guidance. Caroline could tell Tatty really wanted to go with them, but was not out of respect for their relationship. That touched Caroline deeply. Caroline smiled and nodded. Tatty grinned and said, "Me too!" Mika laughed, "Right this way ladies, and watch your step." Mika led them to the bedroom and shut the door. The Duet Bethany unfolded the couch and put the sheets on it with a couple pillows. "Well, I guess that leaves the couch for us, unless you want the floor?" "No thanks, too hard, too cold." Bethany laid down, making sure there was room for Caroline. Caroline laid next to her and put her head on the pillow. "I was hoping it would turn out like this," Bethany said. "I've wanted you since I first saw you." Caroline turned her head, "I knew there was something between us, I could just feel the connection." "Me too." Bethany leaned over and gently pressed her lips against Caroline's. Caroline parted her lips and they kissed deeply. Bethany put her hand behind Caroline's head and pushed her tongue deep into her mouth. Tongues mingled as the girls explored each other. Caroline put her arms around Bethany and pulled her down on top of her. Caroline felt light-headed as they kissed and she felt the body heat from Bethany. Caroline pulled the t-shirt Bethany was wearing up past her waist and put her hands on Bethany's butt. She began rubbing and squeezing the tight cheeks. Bethany began moving her hips in a circular motion, feeling her groin pushing against Caroline's. Bethany knew she was already wet, she hoped that Caroline was too. Bethany stopped their kissing long enough to sit up and removed her shirt. Then she reached down and slipped Caroline's off too. She supported her weight on her arms and resumed her rubbing against Caroline' mound. Bethany's breasts were hanging down just above Caroline's face. She reached up and held one in her hands feeling the soft mound of flesh and softly squeezing it. She raised her head and took the nipple in her mouth and sucked. She felt the nipple harden in her mouth. "Oooh, that feels so good, suck it baby." Caroline complied and sucked until she thought the nipple would burst. She switched to the other breast and sucked as much as she could into her mouth. By now, Caroline could feel the pressure mounting in her groin. The rubbing of pubic areas was having its desired effect. Caroline started moving with upward strokes to meet Bethany. Finally, Caroline pulled Bethany down and they kissed as the passion mounted and Caroline started moaning. "Oh, yeah, rub harder, fuck me, please." She had never used that kind of language, but she was out of her mind with pleasure. Bethany moved faster and Caroline felt the beginnings of her orgasm. "I'm cuming!" She moaned as one last thrust from Bethany sent her over the edge. Waves of pleasure washed over her as she felt her vagina pulsing with energy, ripples of esctacy washed over her. Bethany felt Caroline start to tremble and knew that her climax as just moments away. She ground her clit hard into Caroline and felt her own orgasm begin. She moved in spastic like movements as their lips were smashed against each other. She felt the warmth of her fluids as they mixed with Caroline's. The last wave of spasms hit her muscles and she stopped moving. She could feel the aftershocks of her orgasm still causing her vagina to throb. She laid on top of Caroline enjoying the feel of flesh upon flesh. The Trio As soon as they entered the bedroom Genny through herself on the bed rolling over onto her back. Her t-shirt rode up, exposing her thighs and bare vagina. Without any hesitation, Mika took off her t-shirt, her long hair hanging past her waist. Tatty was mesmerized by her beauty. Mika kneeled over the bed and slid her hands up Genny's legs and spread them. "I hope you taste as good as you look." Genny giggled, "Feel free to sample the wares." Which Mika did, she put her face just a fraction of an inch from Genny's labia. She inhaled the sweet aroma of Genny's fresh scent from her juices that had already lubricated her entrance. Mika's tongue flicked out and snatched some of the pearly drops and pulled them into her mouth. "Mmm, very sweet." Then she kissed all around Genny's bare vagina, before finding the clit. She licked the small protrusion of flesh at the top of the labia and felt Genny shudder. "God, I'm already so close." Genny whimpered. Mika turned to Tatty, "Come on babe, my ass needs some attention." She wiggled her tight ass to invite Tatty's attention. Tatty ripped off the t-shirt and placed her face on Mika's butt. She rubbed her cheeks against Mika's cheeks feeling the soft skin on her face. Tatty licked the crack from the top down to the bottom where she found the bush of blond hair, neatly trimmed, so that only the labia were covered in the soft downy hair. She turned around and moved her head between Mika's legs so she was staring right at the luscious body part. She softly kissed the mound, her lips touching Mika's lips. She pushed her tongue past the layer of hair and found Mika's clit. It was bigger than any one she had seen. It stuck prominately out of the vagina, dripping with juices. She pulled it into her mouth and felt Mika tremble. The taste made her giddy and she clamped her hands on Mika's ass and pressed her face harder into Mika's groin. Mika pushed her tongue between the labia and felt the tightness of a preadolescent vagina and the strong muscles grasp her tongue. She blew softly, filling the void with air and then sucking it all back out along with the fluids inside. Genny was shaking constantly under the onslaught of Mika's tongue. Mika felt her own passion building and feeling Tatty's mouth on her vagina caused her to moan. "Oh, shit, that feels so good, Tatty, eat me, eat all of me." Tatty didn't really need the verbal encourgement, but she doubled her effort and licked and sucked harder. Genny had never been so excited from playing around. She felt as if every cell in her body was on fire. She was so close to exploding, yet everytime, Mika would pause as if she could feel the impending climax. Genny's body was wracked with pleasure from every point. No part of her was left out. Mika could no longer hold back herself and she plunged her tongue in as far as it would go and she felt Genny begin her climax. Torrents of juices flowed onto her lips and she licked up every drop. Tatty was also rewarded with a stream of cum from Mika's vagina. It literally squirted out into Tatty's waiting mouth. She swallowed every drop, savoring the precious liquid. Genny squealed with delight as she reached down and pressed Mika's face into her vagina. She humped her face until her muscles could move no more then she collapsed on the bed, still feeling the tremors of the orgasm crawl through her body like a virus. Mika's orgasm was intense, but over quickly, she knew she had deposited a load of cum into Tatty's mouth. She felt Tatty leave her position and she felt kisses up her back to her neck. She sat up and pulled Tatty to her and they kissed. The juices from Mika and Genny mixing with the saliva of the two. Mika pulled Tatty to the bed and laid her down. Mika said, "Genny, Tatty needs us, she is in desperate need of attention." Genny rolled over and placed her mouth over Tatty's breasts and began kissing and sucking them. Mika spread Tatty's long lean legs and once again placed her face on another sweet, wet vagina. She sucked the clit and felt Tatty respond by pushing her groin up to Mika's face. Mika spread Tatty's vagina with her fingers and inserted her tongue, exploring the soft, wet folds of flesh. She rubbed Tatty's slit with her thumb and within a few moments Tatty began bucking wildly as the first wave of her orgasm washed over her like a flood. Mika's tongue received the fluids as they poured out of Tatty's vagina. She sucked them all into her waiting mouth, once again savoring the liquid gold. Tatty felt as if every fiber of her being had expended every ounce of energy. She embraced Genny and they kissed. Mika crawled next to them and each girl placed their heads in the crook of Mika's arms, throwing one leg over her midsection. Tatty said, "You are so beautiful, that was the most awesome sex ever." Mika responded, "Doing it with the both of you was so intense, I could feel both of you touching me, drove me crazy." Tatty giggled, "I know it was awesome." Genny said, "Both of you do me, I want to go again." Tatty laughed, "Better get used to that, she never gets tired of playing." Mika said, "I will do my best to wear her out." Mika kissed Genny and spread her out on the bed. She motioned for Tatty to go below. Tatty began working on Genny's vagina and Mika sucked Genny's nubs. Together the brought Genny to another climax. The Duet Again Caroline lay in Bethany's arms, content from their love-making. "This feels so good, just laying in your arms. I feel so safe and secure here. I could stay this way forever." Bethany hugged her tight, "I'm glad you feel safe. Its time you get some of the stress taken off you. You're much to young to have to be responsible for Tatty and Genny. Hopefully, when you move in I can share some of that responsibility and give you a break. Let you be a normal teenager." Caroline snuggled closer to Bethany pressing her breasts into Bethany's side. "I don't think I want to be a normal teenager. I kind of like having a girlfriend and playing with you." "I meant normal in the sense of not having as much to take care of as you have." Bethany ran her fingers through Caroline's brown hair. "I like playing too!" Mika and Tatty came into the front room, naked, of course. Mika sat in the chair cross-legged, giving Caroline a perfect view of her mound. Caroline was struck by the enormous clit she had. "So did you have fun?" Mika asked. Bethany said, "Yeah, we did, and you?" "That Genny is insatiable, she just wanted more and more. I've never seen a girl cum so much." She turned to Tatty, "And you girl, you are just the sweetest thing." Tatty blushed, which Caroline thought was funny, since she was sitting on the edge of the couch naked. "So I just wondered if Caroline was in the mood for some more playing around." Bethany looked at Caroline, "You can come back and sleep with me tonight if you want." Caroline sat up, "Yeah, that sounds like fun. And yeah, I want to sleep with you tonight." Mika said, "We can go to the bedroom. Genny fell asleep and I don't think we will disturb her at all." Caroline got up and took Mika's hand. Bethany held out her arms and Tatty crawled in next to her. "See ya in a little while," Mika said. When they got to the bedroom, Mika scooted Genny over to one side. "I hope I don't seem too forward, but I've wanted to make love to you all night." Caroline was enjoying the open attitude Bethany and Mika had about sex. There was no jealousy or competion between them. It was just about having fun and making each other feel good. She wondered why other people couldn't be like that. "I like making love and I thank you for letting me have time with Bethany. I know it sounds strange, but I love Tatty with all my heart, but I still like making love to Bethany and I'm sure I will with you. How is that possible?" Mika took Caroline and pulled her to the bed. "Its not just about love, its about having the freedom to enjoy people and the gifts they have. Tatty is a voracious lover, fast, sensual, athletic. But Bethany is slower, more romantic, softer. Its all about making the other person feel as good as possible. I love Bethany and will spend the rest of my life dedicated to her. But I can still enjoy making love to you, Tatty, and Genny. That Genny is just so fresh and uncomplicated, she just likes to have fun." Mika pressed her lips to Caroline's. "You have such sweet lips, so full and juicy." They kissed and Caroline let her hands caress Mika's small, but firm breasts. They explored each other's body's for awhile, just enjoying the feel of the other. Then Mika pulled Caroline down next to her. They kept kissing and Mika's hand found Caroline's mound. Caroline moved her hand to Mika's vagina, she felt her clit which was already wet and moist. Caroline was amazed at the size of Mika's clit, it was huge compared to hers. She loved the way it felt when she slid her fingers over it. After a few minutes of touching Mika said, "Want to taste me?" Caroline whispered, "Oh yeah, I want your clit in my mouth." Mika turned around so her mound was right over Caroline's face. Then Mika slowly lowered her vagina until Caroline was able to kiss it. Caroline could feel Mika's tongue exploring between her legs. Caroline raised her head and pulled Mika's clit into her mouth and began sucking on it. Caroline loved the taste and the texture. She sucked on it feeling it throbbing and swelling. Both girls were sucking and tongueing each other trying to satisfy the other. Caroline felt the orgasm begin and she grabbed Mika's ass and pulled it down, smashing her face into Mika's bush. Caroline started humping and felt herself cuming. Then she felt the wetness of Mika as she too climaxed. The cum flowing into Caroline's waiting mouth and her tongue lapping up every drop that was produced. After the deluge, Mika turned around and they kissed and held each other. Caroline purred, "That was sweet, just slow and sweet." Mika smiled, "Mmm, I'm glad you liked it. I can see why Tatty loves you so much. You put your whole self into pleasing the other person. That's a very good quality in a person." She paused and yawned, "All this excitement and playing has worn me out. You ready to go sleep with Bethany?" Caroline said, "As long as you don't mind." Mika grinned, "Not at all, I don't mind sharing, besides I want to be next to Genny when she wakes up, I bet she'll be ready for another round." They kissed and Caroline went into the front room. Tatty was asleep in Bethany's arms. "She fell asleep right after we finished. She is really worn out." Bethany got up and they carried Tatty into the bedroom and laid her next to Mika who was between the two girls. Bethany leaned over and kissed Mika. "Sleep well, my love." Bethany put her arm around Caroline and brought her to the couch. They laid down and Caroline snuggled up as close to Bethany as she could get. Bethany kissed her on the forehead, "You sleep well too, my love." Caroline felt so good, exhausted from making love, safe and secure in Bethany's embrace. "I will, my love." Within minutes Caroline was dreaming. Epilogue Bethany eventually moved up the ranks of the police force and became station chief of her precinct. Mika graduated from college and went on to get a master's degree in physics. She never worked at a nuclear power plant, but she did become a teacher at the local community college. Bethany and Mika became lifelong partners. Genny pursued her dream of being a model, with Mika's help she started a website to display her pictures, which eventually grew into a modeling agency, that now has over 100 clients and a stable of 400 models. Genny became their unofficial adopted daughter. Caroline and Tatty started a billing company, this time a legitimate one serving over 438 clients, grossing 400K a year. Caroline and Tatty moved into their own place when they started the business and enjoyed each other's company into their senior years. Genny would flit back and forth between the couples enjoying each of them. Of course, everyone would have a sleepover every now and then to celebrate their time together. Genny never found a life partner, but she was never without a cute model on her arm.