The Monk's Power by Waldo How I got there As I slowly woke up, several realizations occurred to me at the same time. I was freezing although I was covered with heavy coverings and didn't even have my face exposed to the frigid mountain air. I also hurt all over and knew that my body had been badly damaged somehow. I couldn't feel anything below my waist; which could be bad. That could mean frostbite or something worse. Nor could I move any part of my upper body because of the restrains holding me into my sleeping bag. I could tell that I was being carried on a litter that was supporting my body. I struggled to groan "Where am I?" hoping that someone would hear me through the heavy cover over my face. The cover was pulled briefly from my face and a freezing wind bit at my already frozen body. Bowen's face filled the small opening as he said "Everything is going to be all right, Jesse. We are carrying you back down to a shelter on the lower part of the mountain. You had a nasty fall and it took awhile to get to you, but we got you. Everything is going to be all right now. Just relax. We are taking you down the mountain." Then the sleeping bag cover was pulled back over my face, shutting out most of the bitter Himalayas winter air and blowing snow. I wanted fresh air but knew that my damaged body could not stand much more of that bitter cold. Slowly, I remembered what happened. Although the calendar said it was late summer time, it was permanent winter time where we were. We were climbing the Aldonsia Gap Route which is very high in the Himalayas Mountains. There were seven of us, five Americans, one Englishman, and one German. All of us were experienced climbers, in our own rights. We had each applied and been accepted by the Climbing Leader, Bowen to participate in this seldom climbed route. None of us had ever climbed on the same team before, but we quickly jelled together as the team that we expected to climb the North Face of KR-4, a never before climbed Himalayas mountain face. After arriving in the mountains, we did a couple of small practice climbs and discovered each other's strengths and weakness; before we tackled our objective. Bowen told me that my team strength was that I would go ahead on a difficult climb where someone else would back out. He chose me to be the front man for most of the climb. The one that picks the path. The one that proves that something can be climbed. I was working my way up a very steep ice chimney. I remember telling Bowen that I had to remove my safety rope while I adjusted my backpack, which had a loose strap. I braced myself on a small ice ledge, feeling comfortable with my support. That is, until the ledge collapsed with me on it. I remember falling and bouncing off of the mountain face before I crashed on a snow ledge. I also remember hearing someone scream my name as I fell. I remember nothing else. How I got on this litter is unknown to me. I can only assume that they came down and got me. Where they are taking me, I don't know. I know that my odds of surviving this accident, are not good. I can feel the congestion in my lungs and know that they are filling with fluid which could be the start of pneumonia. I think that I am seriously injured in my lower extremities, which are constantly numb with pain. They should have left me to die while they continued the climb. I am not going to make it and am only slowing them down. Don't get me wrong. I want to live. I want to live badly, but I know when to accept the hand that you have been dealt, when to draw and when to fold. I have drawn against the odds, all of my forty-two years and now it appears that it is time for me to fold. I was the oldest man on the team. Bowen tried to turn me down several times because of my age, but I refused to be turned down and kept bugging him. When he objected that I would be more susceptible to cold and respiratory problems, I found world recognized doctors who documented their opinions on my overall health. Finally, Bowen gave in. After we started the climb, I pushed as hard as I could on everything, to show those young guys that I could still hang in there with the best of them. And now here I am. Being carried down a mountain side on a litter. And I am dying. I want to throw the cover off of me and tell them to leave me. To go on with the climb, but I can't because I still have a strong urge to live. Although I accept death which is my rapidly approaching fate, I don't have to agree with it. The Monastery I feel warmth as I wake up. We are no longer out in open weather because there is none of the constant wind blowing into my sleeping bag. I am not being jostled because I am laying on something that feels like a solid floor. A cold floor, but a floor never less. I must have passed out again. I can faintly hear Bowen talking to someone. "Listen, I must talk to your headman. I don't care if strangers are not permitted here. This is an emergency. You have heat and medical care in this monastery. You must help us with our injured comrade. There is no way that he can survive the rest of the trip down the mountain. It took a serious day of climbing to get here and this is the only shelter for over forty miles." An unknown voice calmly said "Our Master is resting. We cannot disturb his rest. This Monastery is dedicated to our order and for their meditation. Only members of our order are allowed beyond this point. We do not allow non-members inside our walls. You are welcome to spend the night here in this ante-room, but you must leave in the morning and take your comrade with you. We wish him well, but our rules are very strict. We cannot accept him or take care of him." "I don't give a bloody shit about your rules. If you don't help us, I will tear this place apart rock by rock. I will come back with explosives. I will bring newspaper reporters here and destroy your secret place. You will have pictures of your Monastery in the National Inquirer, with details on how you are protecting this place because it is secretly sitting on top of a gold mine. You will have every nut in the world trying to break in here to destroy this peace and solitude that you treasure more than human life. Now get your damn headman down here before we start kicking ass." screamed Bowen. "You don't have to shout or threaten us. I felt someone close by that was dying and came to see what is going on. Let me examine your friend." said a new voice, that was strong despite it's aged trembling sound. "Master, I beg your forgiveness of these strangers. I tried to explain our rules, but they would not listen." said the first monk. "Sometimes, rules have to be bent. Remove your friend's covering and let me examine him." said the Master's voice. Bowen snapped into action as he and the other's started to remove my protective coverings. As they uncovered my face, Bowen saw that I was awake "Hello Jesse, you are in luck. We carried you over to the Harknjia Ridge, where we were able to get down to the old Buddhist Monastery. We thought it would be abandoned but we found these monks here. Now, don't worry because everything is going to be all right. They just don't realize that they are going to help us yet." he said, trying to lie to me about my real condition. An old man leaned over me and said quietly "Every night when I go to sleep, I pray that death will come for me during the night. I accept death as being natural and will be ready to go when it is my time. I feel that you are near death and also accept it with the same calm that I do. You have an inner strength that I can feel. I will help you as I can. I will examine you and tell you what I can do or cannot do. Do you put yourself in my hand and accept my limited medical ability?" I groaned as I felt my trousers pulled off "Yes. I trust you." Then I continued "Bowen, you should have left me on the mountain. No matter what, I want you to continue the climb." "Shut up and save your strength." he replied as he helped strip me. I was quickly undressed so that the old man could examine me. I couldn't tell what he was doing to me below the waist because I couldn't feel anything. Then he said "Your friend will surely die if you try to move him to someplace else. Therefore, I will accept the responsibility for his welfare. We will take him into our Monastery and try to nurse him back to health, until such time as he can leave here. I do not promise that he will live because his backbone is broken, he has frostbite on his feet, legs, and hands. If he lives, he will probably lose some of his legs and hands. The broken backbone will take time to heal and he will probably never have control over his lower body again. I am not sure that he will live move than a couple of days but if he does, we will take care of him. I cannot permit the rest of your group to stay here more than one night. You are welcome to stay here in our semi-sheltered outer chamber for the night, but you must leave tomorrow morning." Bowen quietly asked "Is there any way to get him off the mountain?" The Master replied "He is too weak and may be bleeding internally. We will do our best. He is a strong man and has a strong spirit. I hate to see anyone with that strong a spirit die before his time. I will do everything within my power to help him survive, but I cannot promise miracles. If he is still with us in the springtime, we will get him off of the mountain." Bowen leaned over me and said "Jesse, I won't lie to you. You are hurt really bad. Your only chance is to stay here and to let them treat you. If you want, I will try to get you off of the mountain or will leave you here. What do you want to do?" "Leave me. I trust the old man. I feel that we are kindred spirits. I would rather die here and now, then to freeze on the trail, knowing that you are risking death for yourself and our comrades trying to save me. Go, my friend. I filled out the appropriate papers before we started, just as you did. I knew the risk and accepted it. Now get the hell out of here and make that climb. If you find something that has not been named yet, put my name on it." I said. Bowen tried to smile. A couple of monks picked up my stretcher as the Master said "I must start my work now if I have any opportunity to save him. I will have my followers bring you food and other supplies. Rest tonight and in the morning, go with God or whatever you believe in." A door opened and they carried me into the inner walls of the monastery. I heard the big door slam and bolt shut behind us. Then my carriers walked through a couple more big solid doors. Then I was carried upstairs to a warm room. Another man entered the room and said "I understand that you want to attempt the re-birth ceremony. Do you think that is wise with your current medical problems?" The Master said "My own rapidly declining health is not a concern. If I die because of this, then you are in charge until a new Master is selected. I trust your judgement. You will make a good temporary Master, Ali. If only you had not been born a foreigner, you would be my first choice to succeed me." The Master held my hand and I could not feel his flesh through my damaged frostbite skin and nerves. He said quietly "This is an religious order founded on some very old beliefs and traditions. We have age-old secrets where I can save you but I can't save your body. Your friends will be told in the morning that you did not survive the night. We will show them your dead body and they will leave, satisfied that they did everything to save you. Now, my friend, what is your name?" "Jesse. Jesse Brown. I am from Nebraska." I replied, knowing that what he had told me was the truth. The old man said "Your body is badly damaged. You have internal bleeding from the fall. You have frostbite on your extremities from the cold. Your backbone is broken. The skill to heal your body, does not exist on this planet. However, there are other options. But you have to make the decision. I cannot and will not make it for you. Using my order's secrets, I will offer you a new life. But it is not life as you know it now. You will become a new person. You will become a member of my Monastery, to serve me and my monks. You will learn our religious beliefs and will participate in our ceremonies. You will have no status here, except what I or my replacement offer you in line with our religious order. Your body is dead. You will be given a new body. A good body in excellent health. You will be taught how to maintain that body and how to use that body for our order's purposes. Jesse Brown will die and from his ashes, will rise a new person, with those memories. You can never discuss your previous life with anyone. Not even people within our order. The person that you will become, will be a lowly member of our order whose destiny is to serve our order as decreed by our rules. You will be subject to our rules for the rest of that body's natural life." He paused as he coughed, then continued "I cannot and will not tell you more. Before I ask for your answer, you should know that sometimes death is better than living. While you will be alive, you will be at the bottom of our social order. Do you accept my offer to save your soul?" I knew my choices were slim. Being a gambler all of my life, it was easy to make up my mind. I replied "Where do I sign? Yes, I accept." The old man said "Your verbal acceptance of the conditions is all that I need. Bring up the remains of Janan." His followers left the room and he put his warm hand on my forehead as he softly said "Now, it is time for you to sleep. Sleep well, my friend." Janan I wake up slowly. I felt very different, but I could not decide what felt different. I waited for a moment, and then try to get up. I have a splitting headache. I can't move because I am still tied down. I quickly remember why I am tied down. I remember Bowen carrying me off the mountain and bringing me to a Monastery. As I tried to remember what happened next, a voice said "You can open your eyes. I will release your bonds in a moment when your headache clears up. How do you feel?" "I have the worst headache that I have ever had." I groaned. My voice sounded funny. I opened my eyes and saw Ali sitting beside me. He said "Your friends think that you died. We showed them your body and they held a little ceremony for you before they returned to the mountain. They will not come back looking for you." I tried to sit up and Ali comes over to remove my restraints. As I slowly sit up, I recognize that I feel different for some unknown reason. I look at myself through my headache fog and see that my chest has changed. There were two very large breasts jutting out from my naked chest. I have boobs. As I move my legs out from under the covers, I also feel different in more ways. My legs reached the edge of the bed, and I turned to sit up. Immediately, I could feel a strange new motion on my chest and back. I could feel the extra weight of breasts, and a brushing against my back from long hair. The more I sat up, the greater the weight felt against my chest. It was a strange pulling against me as I stood up, and I paused. Without going further, I could feel hair resting against my back, and motion in my chest. I turned slowly, feeling the strange unfamiliar sensation of the boobs jiggling on my chest, and began to walk toward the mirror. With each step, my new breasts moved so slightly, with a new delightful sensation. I became aroused from the slight jiggle, and a warm sensation spread from my new boobs. The sensations were wonderful, but very different. Instead of the urgency of an erection, I felt a warmth spreading into my abdomen as I walked. As I touched the breasts on my chest, they seemed to be big. But then, never having boobs on my chest before, could make anything feel big. The feeling against my hands was soft, but the return feeling from the breasts themselves was wonderfully soothing. My new nipples felt erect against my palms, as I felt what still seemed to be huge breasts in each hand. I was becoming more aroused. I look up quickly and see in the mirror on the wall, that a young naked girl, with long black hair, is facing toward the mirror. As I move, her image also moves. I am that girl. I am now a young Tibetan girl. I look down at myself beyond the breasts and see a slender female body with a narrow waist and shapely hips. The boobs are definite female boobs, with large nipples and large areolae. I guess that they are about a B-cup size. My pubic area is dark and has a slit that appears to be a vagina. I look up at the mirror again and look at the face. It is a pretty face, dark skinned as the rest of the body. The hair is mid-waist length long and a very shinny black colour. I am a woman. I have an attractive, shapely female body. A body with a cunt instead of my familiar cock. I looked at the dark thatch of pubic hair between my legs as my hand slowly moved to my crotch. My fingers explored further within the hair, and located the expected slit. They probed inside, and I felt an electric feeling as my long fingernails touched soft, moist skin inside the outer folds. Everything a woman should have was there, and everything that I was born with, was gone. I felt a very strange, yet wonderful excitement as I touched the moist skin inside the outside folds. I continued exploring my new body, ignoring everything else around me. The sensations raced through me. My arousal increased as I massaged myself more and more. I could feel the tension increase throughout my whole body. The waves of pleasure began to wash over me, and I moaned. A cough brought me back to where I was. I look at Ali as he said "Yes. That is you and that is your new body. Her name was Janan. Her father sold her to us when she was seventeen years old. Her father gave her until she was fifteen to find a husband with a dowry but she rejected everyone that wanted her. When her father arranged a proper mountain marriage for her, she ran away from home. After he found her, he sold her to us, knowing that she would never leave our order. For some reason, she didn't blend in with us. She poisoned herself and died before we could save her. We saved her body, planning on using it during one of our future ceremonies, to punish one of our wayward members and to add emphasis to our strict discipline. But you showed up. Your body was almost dead but the Master was able to transfer your soul and memories into her body before your old body died. Now you are Janan. You will live the rest of your life, as her, serving our order." My headache was quickly clearing up as I tried to stand. I was full of questions. "Why? How?" Ali continued "Our order predates your bible. We have existed here in this Monastery for thousands of years and have developed a strong culture. As you can see, I am not a native. My parents were French tourists and they lost their young six year old son. I wound up here and quickly became one of their most dedicated converts. Over the years, I have worked my way into a position where I control day to day operations for this Monastery. When the Master dies, I will help in the selection of the new Master, but will never be eligible to become the Master myself, because of my foreign birth. Our order has two main goals. Goal number one is for our culture to survive. Therefore, we do not let outsiders come in and contaminate our society. Goal number two is to serve our God. Most cultures try to reverse those goals but we believe that our society has to survive first before our religion can survive. Being monks, we do not marry and raise families. We long ago discovered the problems that in-breeding can cause, so we frequently add new people to our society; but in such a manner that it does not impact our culture. They start at the bottom of our society, but we allow their children to take their rightful place in our society. Janan was bought from her father, to be a servant for our order, and to bring in new breeding characteristics that we need. She was selected to fulfil the role that we expect all women to play in our society. She was to provide sexual relief for any of our monks and to bear us male children to maintain our dying society. You are now Janan and will continue the life that she was destined to live." "Wait a minute" I replied "You can't treat me like this. This is 1995 and I am an American. I demand to see the American Ambassador. Slavery is not permitted in this country. I thank you for saving my life, but I refuse to become a breeding cow for you and your monks. Aren't monks supposed to be celibate anyway?" Ali quietly replied "American? Funny, but you don't look American. The American Ambassador is quite aware that some of my countrymen would do or say anything to gain American citizenship. I don't think that he will believe you. But enough of that, my job is to make everything run smoothly here. I understand your frustrations and have dealt with it before. You are not the first person that I have assisted in a transformation. Therefore, I will tolerate your bad manners for the rest of the day and not punish you today. When you get up tomorrow, you will behave as expected or receive the consequences. After all, we did this at your request. You volunteered and gave your acceptance to our terms." "I didn't know what your terms really meant or that I would be turned into a woman." I said. Then I quickly changed my tone and said "Listen, I don't want us to get off on the wrong foot. You saved my life and I am grateful for that. But I don't know about this life as a woman and being a breeding receptacle thing. I need some time and need to think things out. Everything is moving so fast and I have never been in a situation like this before." Ali said "I understand. That is why I tolerated your insubordinate attitude today. I will not tolerate it tomorrow. You do not know anything about us. You do not understand that I hold life and death or a fate worse than death over you. So I am prepared to offer you a small sample of my power." He held his ring up and rubbed it's blood-red stone. My head started bursting with pain. My lungs were burning and I couldn't get any air into them. I fell to the floor gasping and my body shaking with pain. Almost as quick as the pain hit me, it went away. As I laid in the floor, Ali said "I can do that anytime, at any distance. That was only five seconds. Starting tomorrow, anytime that you do not play the role required of Janan, you will get a pain dose. Everytime, I have to punish you, I will double your punishment time. When it gets to be a minute, then I will add one minute to what ever punishment you received before. I have never had to give anyone more than five minutes of punishment. Their body refuses to obey their mind when it gets that rough. Now, what is your name?" I looked up through my tears and said "Jesse." He shook his head to disagree with me as he rubbed his ring again. My body jerked with the sudden and very intense pain. It felt as if I was exploding from the inside out. After what felt like an extremely long couple of seconds, he said "Five seconds worth of pain but I am sure that you thought it was closer to a minute. Would you like to try for ten seconds? What is your name?" I looked up and mumbled "My friends call me Jesse but you can call me Janan." He laughed out loud and said "Very good. You might just make a very viable asset around here. I look forward to giving you the opportunity to carry my child. Marish, come here." A woman entered the room. She was Tibetan and looked to be about forty years old, although she was in good shape for a middle aged Tibetan woman. When she entered the room, she bowed her head to Ali. Ali ordered "This is our new woman. She needs to learn how to be responsive to our needs and to learn her place in our society. Her name is Janan. You are charged with teaching her how to be a woman and to accept her place in our society. Let her train on some of our novice monks. When I call for her in a week, I want her to be a woman and to be ready to serve me. Take her with you." She nodded and bowed her head. Then she looked at me as she motioned for me to follow her. I stood up feeling still weak from the pain. As she walked out of the door, I started to follow her. Ali said "One more thing, Jesse." I stopped and turned to see what else he had to say. He just shook his head and said "You should have kept walking because I was addressing someone named Jesse. You are Janan and should always remember that. Tough but you have to learn." And he touched his ring again. I fell to the floor as I exploded again. This time, I threw up on myself and rolled in my vomit. When he stopped, he only said "Twenty seconds. Do you think that you can survive five whole minutes of this? See you next week, my pretty Janan. Marish, have someone come clean up the mess that my new woman made." Marish helped me to my feet and led me down the hall. I was still weak from that last burst of pain and knew that I was a mess. I was walking down the hall naked with my vomit smeared on my female body. Marish quietly said "You must do as they say. You must learn quickly. Forget about your past life and become one of us. There is no escape. There is only pain which you cannot stand. Once you learn the rules and obey them, life is easy and pleasant." I replied "Never. I will never bend to his will. I will find someway to escape." Without warning, the pain struck again. I screamed with the agony. It felt as if my body was on fire and my brain was exploding. When the pain ceased, I was lying on the floor rolling in more puke as she quietly said "For the rest of your life, you must not talk or think about escape or any form of rebellion. Your body will not tolerate it. Your body is under their control. If you keep doing this, your body will take over complete control and you will become a zombie. You will hear and see everything going on, but you have no control over your body. Believe me, it is better to be in control of your body than to live that death. Once, they let me live in that world for a year. They released me when I promised to cooperate and I have cooperated ever since then. I have no desire to impose that punishment upon myself again. Save yourself some punishment and become who they want you to be." Marish's story She helped me get to a bathroom so I could rinse myself off. I walked slowly to the bathroom, feeling a wide variety of sensations. Not only was my body still suffering from the effects of the pain, but it was feeling weird. How do you explain, how the sudden jiggle of a boob feels, when there has never been a boob before? Another weird feeling was knowing that I was smaller. Not only was I shorter, but I was slender now. And all this long black hair hanging from my head, halfway down my back, ticking me with every step. We passed a couple of people in the hallway but they did not pay any attention to me as if they saw strange, naked women, covered with vomit every day. Marish started a hot shower. After I got in the shower, there was another new sensation of the warm water hitting my breasts. That strange feeling not only felt wonderful, but it also aroused me. My hands began to explore my new body. As I looked at my wet breasts, I realized that they were not really that big, but only looked big because the breasts were normal breasts on a small body. As I touched them, the nipples immediately became erect, causing a warm feeling to began circulating through my crotch. My hands immediately dropped to my crotch, and began to rub my clit. My arousal was immediate. I continued rubbing myself and quickly climaxed. What a feeling! It was great! It seemed that I was almost continually excited by the new sensations I felt. I let the water play over my long hair, and then washed it thoroughly, knowing that Marish was waiting on me. As I washed myself, I could not keep from rubbing between my legs, to the point that I experienced another overwhelming orgasm. Before I started masturbating myself again, I dried myself, and then realized the difficulty of drying the long hair. Marish was waiting and helped me to brush the hair. Once dried, I began looking through the feminine clothes that Marish had waiting on me. The first thing she handed me was a bra. It was a 34B, which seemed very tight over my new breasts. I changed into my new underclothes and looked at myself again in the mirror. The black hair set off my face. My dark eyes stood out. There was no mistaking that I was a real woman or that this body was not a native born typical American body. Ali was right, when he said that the American Ambassador would not believe me. Because I found it difficult to believe myself, knowing that it really happened to me. Then she gave me a clean robe and led me to a room, where she said "This is to be your room. It will be kept clean at all times. Breakfast is at 4 am unless you are serving a priest or higher. You will cleanse yourself upon awaking and again before evening prayers. You will have three robes and must change robes everytime that you bathe. What do you know about our order?" "Nothing. Not a damn thing except that I want out of here." I said. Then I jerked as my body convulsed with a quick brush of pain again. Marish smiled as she said "You must learn to think positive thoughts about the order if you want to avoid pain. Well, let me tell you the basics. The order's name is Yannnih. This order has been in existence for over ten thousand years. There are seven Monasteries within the various Asian mountains, with each having their own Master. There are seven layers of Monks at each monastery, with the Master being highest. Next is the Omni and Ali is our Omni. Next is the Priests, who wear a red sash on their robe and there can only be seven at any site. Next is the Aashieria and they wear the blue sash. We have forty two of them now. And then there are three layers of monks. The highest level monk wears a white sash, next wears a black sash and the lowest level does not wear a sash. There are three hundred and eighty five monks here at our site. Our total male population is about four hundred and thirty. Our branch of the Yannnih is composed of four levels of women. I am one of the seven elders. You can tell the elders by our gold rings. Under us are thirty-two different women, including you. You are the lowest level and will only advance after you have borne one child by a Priest or higher. Everytime that you bear a male child by a Priest, you will advance one level until an opening is available in the Elders. All women have the same jobs, which are to take care of the men and to take care of the children. There is an underground children's area where the children live until they turn fourteen, at which time they become the lowest level of monk and leave their area for the first time." "How many children live there?" I asked. "There are currently ninety-two children. We should add three more within the next sixty days. You can only have sex when a Priest directs that someone is to be rewarded. The Elder will give you a pill to take before you have sex. The pill is used to control child-birth. Sometimes, we give a pill that will ensure that you get pregnant from that coupling. Most of the time, the pill ensures that you don't get pregnant. When you are directed to give sex to someone, you will do it happily and make it a very enjoyable experience for the recipient. You are given as a reward, so the sex has to be pleasurable. When you were a man, did you ever have any homosexual experiences?" she asked. "No. Never." I replied. "Too bad. It would make it easier for you to learn how to satisfy a man and to adapt to being in a woman's body. Being able to give a satisfactory blow job is a mandatory requirement for each sex assignment and some of our monks like to use your ass. So, we will have to start you on a very basic training course of how to have sex with a man. Normally sex is only permitted after the evening prayers and as a reward for practising our doctrine, but I will have to arrange some daytime sessions to get you trained prior to returning you to the Omni." "I can't do that. I know that I am in a woman's body but I can't have sex with a man." I said quietly but firmly, waiting for the jolt that never came for some reason. "Yes, you can and will." she replied firmly. "I and several of the other women, know how you feel at this moment. About two thirds of the women that you will meet here, were not born in the body that they currently own. You see, I was also born a male child and was destined to be a monk here. I was a black level sash monk that was scheduled to get my white level sash. I got cocky and questioned some basic tenants. I was given the correct answer that they wanted, yet I still re-questioned the concepts even after being given extra guidance. Instead of learning, I challenged the leadership and tried to form my own group to challenge Ali; who was the same as me at that time. For my punishment, I was converted into the body that you see now, as punishment for my rebellion and guidance for other monks. I had to learn how to suck the cocks of monks that used to take orders from me. As a woman, I lost all friendships and position. I rebelled again and they turned my body into a zombie. I could not move a finger or any part of my body as I desired for a year. My body walked, moved, ate, used the bathroom, and other natural functions of it's own accord. It had sex as directed. We have one sister that has another three months left on her punishment that I will introduce you to. She will be offered the opportunity to re-join us. If she refuses, she will stay that way for five years and will be given one last time. If she refuses again, she will remain that way until her body dies. Or we will find someone else to put into her body. By the way, do you understand everything that I have said?" "Yes." I replied. "We have been speaking only the native Tibet language since you woke up. Thanks to the Omni's ring, Tibet is now your natural language that you speak and think in. You can still speak English, but you will have to think about what you are saying and your English speech will have an accent based upon your Tibetan pronunciation. With that new female body and language change, no one will ever recognize you as the former Jesse Brown." The Tour Marish showed me how to brush my hair after it dried and how to wear it during the day. Then she gave me a pair of slippers and took me on a tour. She showed me the kitchen and the dinning room. Women served the men and I could only eat with the men, if a Priest requested it. After they ate, the women would eat. Because I was new, my duties would be to wash dishes until I developed a higher skill level. She showed me the bathing area, the monks quarters and then we walked into the children's area. I was shocked by the children's area. Instead of a Kiddy Korner type playground, all of the boy children were sitting at desks, practicing reading and writing. There was no noise because everyone was busy. Marish said quietly "Our children are taught early to be productive and to concentrate on their studies. Playing is not permitted." As I watched them study, something weird dawned on me. I said "There are no female children." Marish whispered "Most children born here are males. What few female children are born, are kept on the lowest level until they reach puberty and expected to work in the laundry and heating plant. After puberty, if they are lucky, they will stay down there. The better looking women move up here and are frequently used to provide bodies to punish monks. When a female gets too old to serve the monks, she either dies or works in the lower levels, taking care of the little female children. My own mother died down there three years ago. I expect to die there also, when it is my turn. When I am no longer desired by the Master." As we walked back through the Monastery, a black sash monk approached us. He looked at me and said to Marish "This is the new one. She has a lot to learn. I requested permission to become her first instructor. Hakaka concurs with my request. After the lunch meal, I will be in my quarters." He turned and walked away. Marish said "He has the potential to become a Master someday. I am very proud of him. He was the first child that I bore. He is also excellent in bed. He frequently requests my service." I stopped and looked at her. Then I slowly said "He is your child and you fuck him as if he was a stranger." She frowned and quietly replied "We live by different rules in here. I know that I am only a woman now. In our order, motherhood stops when the milk stops flowing. We do not maintain attachment to our children nor they to us. I consider myself very fortunate that he likes to have sex with me because he is a good lover. I prefer to have sex with him rather than some other monks here, for that reason. Our pregnancy cycle is one baby every eighteen months. Except for two months around the birth, you are expected to have sex as directed. There is only one woman for every twelve monks. The higher priests have sex almost every night, while the lower monks have sex only about once every three months. Jakeed has been working hard and could have been rewarded with anyone here You are very lucky to have him request you. Come with me. I want to show you something." We walked back to the women's quarters. She entered a room. Sitting on a bed was a woman that was staring straight ahead at the wall. As we entered the room, Marish said "This is Janarak. She has lost control of her body. Her body knows when to eat and how to eat. Her body knows where the bathroom is. Her body knows how to receive or give sex as ordered. Daily, one of the Elders will lead her to the room where she will spend the night with a monk. We return for her in the morning and take her back to her room, where she stares at the prayer stand until she has to go to the bathroom or kitchen. Watch her eyes." Then she said "Janarak, this is Marish. I give you control of your eyes." Her eyes went from the dull glazed look to dark flashing eyes. Although her face was still staring at the wall, her eyes turned to glare at us. Then Marish said "I take back that control." Janarak's eyes glazed over again and returned focused on the prayer stand. Marish said "Stand and undress." The woman stood and let her robe fall to the floor. She had a beautiful body. Marish instructed "You spent the night with Hakaka last night. What did you do?" She slowly replied. "I undressed when he requested it. He had me lay on his face and hunch him as he tongued me. Then he had me suck him dry. Then I laid on my back and he fucked me." "What did you say?" she continued. "I responded to his every question. He wanted me to moan a lot and to breath hard when my body experienced an orgasm. He wanted me to tell him how big his cock was and how good he was." she said. "Did you have an orgasm?" she next asked. "My body had four." she replied. Marish looked at me and then said "Dress and continue your mediation." As we walked out into the hall, she said "Every woman here is under different levels of control of the Omni's bloodstone. He can do that to any of us. The pain that you experienced is mild compared to her punishment. I suggest that you quickly forget your past life and become what is required of us. You are now a woman, whose only purpose on Earth, is to serve the men of this monastery. To bear their children and to take care of them while they work on their studies. You have a beautiful body that has been given to you. You will be much in demand by the men. Now, I have to do my work. Report to your kitchen duties. When you are dismissed after the last meal, return to your room and clean your body. I will come by, examine you, and take you to the room where you will have sex tonight." "What if I refuse to have sex?" "You won't. Believe me, you will not refuse." She turned and walked away, knowing that I had no choice but to do as she directed. I slowly walked to the kitchen. As I walked, I ran into several monks and could now tell their level and rank. I quickly discovered that I was supposed to step aside and let them have the right of ways. Most of them ignored me except to look at me, knowing that I was the new woman. In the kitchen, I was assigned the dish washing job, relieving a fat girl whose name was Dalark. At lunch time, I was given a tray and told to carry milk to every table. As the dining room filled up, I saw a lot of what Marish had told me about. The men ate alone, except for a couple of women who ate with them and laughed as they talked. The other women got their own meals and then returned to their job assignments, leaving Dalark and myself to clean up the dinning room. As we worked Dalark said "I have been here two weeks and have been ordered to eat quarter rations until my body is the correct shape. I was working as a do- anything-for-a-dollar camp girl for tourists when I woke up and found myself here. Have you tried to escape yet?" "No, but I plan to try tonight." I said. Then the pain hit me again. I dropped my plates that I was carrying and fell to the floor as I jerked in pain. The cook struck her head out, saw what was happening and laughed at my misery. When it quit and I could stand again, Dalark said "The same thing happens to me. If you say or do anything that is against their rules, you get punished. But you can think it. It is almost as if something is watching and listening to us at all times. Say something about how you want to have sex with one of the monks and watch the difference." I looked at her very uneasy. I didn't like the feeling that every time that I opened my mouth, I got electrocuted. I very carefully phrased my words "I can't wait to have sex with a Priest. I want to have a priest's big cock in my pussy." It worked. I felt a sexual warmth flow through my body. My breasts were tingling and I almost staggered as I felt a warm, intense wet sensation inside me. Dalark said "Yeah, I do the same. When I rebel, I explode inside. When I play their game, I get rewarded with good sensations. In the two weeks that I have been here, my body has learned to jump into bed with them. My body has changed to have an very active libido." As we cleaned the dinning room, we talked. She was nineteen and had one child somewhere out in the mountains. She had never married and worked as cooks, bearers or prostitute for the tourists coming to the mountain. Since coming here, she had sex every night and had lost almost ten pounds. She was happy here because she didn't have to worry about where her next meal was coming from and she liked having sex with a different man every night. Her only concern was her baby that relatives were taking care of. She was very aware that I had been a man only yesterday and wanted to know what it was like. Did I enjoy sex more as a woman? I had to tell her that I didn't know because this was my first day as a woman and she laughed about what I had to look forward to when I presented myself to my first man tonight. Jakeed When I finished work, I headed to the bathroom to prepare for my first sex as a woman. Does that mean that I am a virgin? The bathroom had multiple shower stalls. I grabbed the soap, and adjusted the spray so it was like needles pounding down on me, hot and sharp. I stepped right into the middle of it and closed my eyes and just savoured the feel of the water sluicing over my flesh. The hot water pounding against my body felt good and it would have been easy to just stay in, enjoying the sheer, sensual pleasure of it. I worked some shampoo into a thick lather in my thick, dark hair, then stepped back into the spray and let the water pound the soap out. Then I stepped out of the spay again and grabbed the big bar of soap from the soap dish. I worked it into a thick lather all over my skin and savoured the slick firmness of my own body. I tried to grab my nipples, but the soap made my fingers slip off them, and I did it over and over again, simply because it felt so good. Naturally, one thing led to another. In moments, I was leaning back against the wall with the spray adjusted to hit my pussy. Instinctively I opened my legs, letting the spray tease my sensitive but protective clitoris hood. Although that felt fantastic, some aged old feminine impulse was directing me to instinctively use my fingers to spread my pussy lips. As the spray hit my clitoris, I shuddered; unable to keep my body from spasming from the pleasure wave that simple motion rammed through my body. Within seconds, I was so close to cumming that I wanted to scream. But as wonderful as that felt, it was still almost unbearable. I don't know how I found the strength to slip one finger inside my pussy to see how far I could go; but somehow I did it. The position was just the slightest bit uncomfortable, but the good feeling more than made up for that. I was right on the verge of cumming when the curtain was pulled back. Dalark said "Marish told me to make sure that you are clean." as she stepped into the shower with me, looking at me with a knowing smile on her face. I felt so sick from being caught masturbating that I was afraid that I would throw up. She turned around and shut the shower curtain as she held a washcloth up. "I am supposed to help you learn how to clean your sexual organs. I know that sometimes, it is very easy to get carried away. If I embarrassed you, then I apologize. I am only following my orders." I removed my fingers slowly, wishing that I had the nerve to take her by the hand; to let her use her fingers on me as I had been using my own fingers. After a couple of moments, she turned back around and whispered "It's all right to do that. If only we had time..." leaving her statement unfinished as she handed me soap and washcloth. The rest of the shower was uneventful as she helped me clean myself. Then she handed me a nozzle connected to a tube and bag. Under her very explicit direction, I learned how to douche myself so that I would be clean inside. Then how to give myself an enema, so that my ass could also be used. After we finished cleaning ourselves; we stepped out into the common area to dry ourselves. As we were drying, I met some of the other women as they also prepared themselves for their night's schedule. She went back to my room with me, talking to me as if we had been best friends all of our lives. In my room, she had me sit down as she helped me brush my hair so that it looked pretty. Before I put my robe on, I asked "Does anyone wear a bra here?" She giggled as she exposed her braless shoulder under her robe. "Most women here don't need them. The women have firm, small tits. They aren't like American women who are so big that they sag by the time they are twenty and droop by the time they are thirty. My tits sag now, but I am on a diet and exercise routine that will firm them up. Some of the women here are about bra size 25-A which looks like two mosquitoes bites on some mounds of baby fat. Americans call that bra size training bras. You are built nice. I guess that you have a nineteen-inch waist, twenty-four-inch hips and about a 32-B boobs. You don't want big tits with that little-girl waist and little-girl hips or you would look like a freak. By the way, Marish told me to report to Ali's room tonight. This will be my first time with him." When we were finished preparing ourselves, she showed me to Jakeed's room. I knocked on the door hesitantly. I thought and hoped that he was not there, but he responded "Enter." My course was set, requiring me to enter. My first thought was that his room was only slightly larger than mine, but just as sparsely furnished. Then I saw him. He was sitting naked and cross-legged on a mat. I stood in the open doorway while I admired his nice lean build, with a washboard belly. He looked up at me with a silly smile; knowing full well that his stiff cock stood up very prominent upon his very naked body. He said "My skin is dry from the dry heat. Remove your robe and put this lotion on me." Looking at his cock, all of my self-resolve to explore the fantastic capabilities of this body, immediately departed. Faintly, I heard my voice say "No." Without warning, my legs collapsed causing me to fall to the hard floor; where I rolled in pain as the unseen force pounded my sensitive body. After a couple of seconds of very severe pain, the force quit. While I laid on the floor recovering my breath, he said "You know that I am not doing anything to you or causing this. You are the one doing this to yourself by resisting my desires. What is your answer?" I looked at him with anger because of what had just happened to me. I took my anger out, using him as an escape valve as I grunted "Never." The next ten seconds were very miserable. I almost wished that I could die. When the pain ceased, I was wet with sweat from my exertions. He only looked at me and asked again "I don't enjoy seeing you do this to yourself. What is your answer?" Before I could respond, my body jerked as I twisted and screamed from the pain striking me again. As soon as I started screaming this time, my vocal cords shut down so all I could release, was a silent scream. When the pain quit as suddenly as it started, he asked "What is your answer?" I laid there for at least ten seconds, not breathing, not moving, not speaking. Then, knowing when to fight and when to surrender, I stood slowly, took my robe off as I stood naked in front of him. His face which had been expressionless up to now, showed a slight smile as his eyes left my face. I could feel his eyes travel up and down my body. When he was finished evaluating my body, he held up a small bottom of lotion. "I do not know how it is occurring, but we are being observed somehow. We both have to do things that we would prefer not to do at this time. Do we make it easy on ourselves and enjoy what we must do? Or do we fight it?" I knew the answer. There was only one answer. In response to his question, I took the lotion from him, slowly removing the cap as his eyes ignored my hands, concentrating upon my dark patch of pubic hair. As I poured the oil in my hand, it felt warm and smelled wonderful. Walking around behind him, so that he was not staring at my naked body; I poured some of the luscious feeling lotion on the middle of his back. As it slowly rolled down between his shoulder blades, my hand cautiously touched his skin; then firmly rubbed it on his back in an circle motion. "Face me and put it on my chest." he murmured, knowing that I did not want to do that; but had to do whatever he requested. Slowly, I walked back around until I was directly in front of him before I got down on my knees in front of him. I tried to ignore his staring at my jiggling boobs as I slowly rubbed the lotion on his chest. "Lower." he commanded His voice indicated that he clearly was the leader. From his authoritative tone, I could tell that he liked being in control of me. I froze for a moment, then the thought of the intense pain was the incentive to put some more oil in my hand. As I reached for his chest, his hand redirected my hand lower on his body. Much lower than I liked. As he positioned my hand on his lower abdomen, I decided that I had two choices. I could capitulate and comply like a whipped dog. Would whipped pussy be a better choice of words? Or I could learn to fight the battle on this very new ground, with the potential of losing some battles while winning the war. I know that he doesn't know why a smile replaced my look of disgust, but after I made my decision, everything became so much easier. Without any further hesitation, I started working the oil lower, into the pubic hairs; as if I had been used to lubricating men's cocks all of my life. The bold and decisive man bit his lip as he leaned back, exposing himself more to my touch. I knew that the position that he chose, using his arms to brace himself, was chosen because it made his cock stick straight up. Putting a generous dollop of oil on my hand, I decided to touch him before I allowed myself the opportunity to back out. His breathing became noticeably louder as I lightly rubbed the oil on the hard cock. "That feels so good and I enjoy your hands. We have all night. Continue with the rest of my body." he said as he rolled over. Now that I had allowed myself to touch him, it did not seem as bad to be doing what I was doing. Following his instructions, I started at his ankles, working my way up his legs. I could feel him tense up as I kneaded his taut muscles, knowing that he was enjoying my manipulation. His legs parted when I reached his knees and the higher my hands went on the insides of his thighs, the harder his cock became. I rubbed the lotion around his cock, knowing that I could only tease him for so long before I would have to make the ultimate sacrifice. We were staring each other in the eyes and I saw a glazed look in his eyes just a couple of seconds before he took my hand to guide it where he wanted it. He firmly placed my fingers on his cock. His cock was so stiff, it was almost bouncing off his belly in rhythm with his breathing. I really looked at it, then for the first time. While I had a limited knowledge of cocks, I assumed that it was a nice cock. It was only about five or six inches long and average thick; thank god. If it had been a foot long, I would probably have run away in fright. I quickly discovered that the soft hair around the base of his cock tickled. His balls looked as hard and tight as his cock, which surprised me. I gripped his dick lightly, because it was the first time I ever touched another man's penis, much less touching a hard, naked penis; other than my own. I felt a little sizzle of excitement run through me, as my body responded to my acceptance of touching him. As I massaged his cock, my breasts started tingling followed by that now familiar warm, wet sensation between my legs again. Dalark's comment on how they conditioned us to enjoy sex with them, echoed through my mind. My female body was definitely responding to this and causing my male brain to enjoy it. "Mmmmmm yes, keep it slow like that" he said. I continued stroking his swollen cock, watching the way that he now allowed me to do whatever I wanted to do to him. The way that he spread his legs and let me squeeze his most sensitive body parts, made me feel strange. But I didn't have time to analyse it, because it wasn't more than thirty seconds before he was groaning and his hips were moving. Another thirty seconds and he stopped as his cock exploded a wet mass of jism that rolled down his cock and my hand. "You are not going to get by that easy on your first time," he said soothingly. "I liked that," I said. "Did you like it? No, don't answer because I don't want to see you in pain again. I like to have someone jerk me off every once in awhile as we talk about fucking. When I was living on the children's side, I used to think about what it would be like to fuck Marish, who I knew gave birth to me. I would lie there in my bed and jerk myself off. So the first time that we had sex, I had her jerk me off. Then I ate her out with my tongue. She was not my first woman, but was my reward for exceptional work." He stared at my tits as he talked. His eyes followed my jiggling boobs as I stroked him, drawn to them as if they were magnets. Then he allowed his hands to wander over my jugs. He was surprisingly gentle the first careful squeezes, as he tested my firmness. I was enjoying his hands caressing me as he began playing with my nipples. "You have real nice tits. You have bigger tits than most women here." he whispered. "The Master likes small titty women, so I must like small titty women also. But someday when I am Master, I will have some larger boobed women to see what they taste and feel like." I stroked my hand up and down his cock quickly a couple of times, then stopped as he said "I want to suck your pussy while you kiss my cock. After you feel my tongue inside you, I think that you will want to suck me as much as I want to suck you." He rolled over and lay back on the rug. I hesitated just a second remembering my reluctance only minutes ago to even touch him. Now I couldn't get close enough to him. I wanted him. My sex hungry body was driving every emotion and logic that I had. I could feel and see his dick throbbing furiously as I climbed over him. He directed me to turn facing his feet. I straddled his chest with my knees so that my legs were quite wide open. I felt his hot breath on my mound and stretched forward till his dick was touching my mouth. He began to kiss and lick my cunt as I gasped and opened my mouth. He hunched his hips up so that suddenly about half of his hard dick was in my mouth. I closed my lips around his dick as he wrapped his hands around my ass. Then I closed my eyes and sucked his cock as if I was sucking for oil. I didn't know all the little movements that make a good cocksucker, but I felt this intense sexual desire to learn. My body was providing me so much pleasure that I couldn't quit and I wanted his cock more than anything I ever wanted in my life. I put my hands on his hips to moderate the thrashing of his fucking movements as I sucked and pulled on his cock with my lips. I started cumming first. He was an expert at cunt licking, causing me to suck harder when he licked my cunt with his tongue. He got a liplock on my clit and was trilling his tongue tip over it as fast as he could. I started cumming and didn't stop, not even when he worked one finger into my cunt. I felt a little tension and then his finger was deep inside me. My inner vagina muscles grabbed that finger and squeezed it. As I cummed, I clenched and almost froze as I bucked on his lips and tongue and finger. The combination of that finger-fucking and his prolonged arousal along with my desperate sucking sent him exploding into my mouth. His hips jerked, driving his dick further into my mouth, and then he was cumming. I didn't intend to swallow his cum, but there was no escape from his pumping, thick flow. I swallowed by reflex. I was sucking and cumming. He was licking and cumming. Both of us were moaning and cumming. I kept swallowing as he kept cumming, more than I'd suspected was possible. When he finally stopped spurting, I sucked as hard as I could. From somewhere in his balls, he summoned forth a last shooting gob of sperm. He groaned and his hands fell away from my butt as I released his spent, but still half-hard, cock from my spermy lips. His cum tasted thick and strong. I had sucked him dry and wished for more. I lay sprawled on him for a few minutes, my pussy backed against the underside his chin and my hips slowly, languidly revolving. His dick stayed half-hard against my face. Finally I climbed off of him and laid beside him. I was still tingling with pleasure that my new female body was providing me. At this moment, I would have taken on a football team. I wanted to be fucked. I wanted it so bad that I couldn't stand it. He sat up slowly, as if exhausted. His face was slick with my juices, as were the insides of my thighs. I reached out and gently stroked his half-hard dick a couple of times as I whispered. "I did not think that I could ever enjoy being a cocksucker." His prick began hardening again. I sucked the head of his hard dick into my mouth. I kept my hands on his lean hips to restrain his desire to jam the whole thing into my throat and after a minute of that, I pulled him next to me, urging him to lay back on the rug. I straddled his hips so that I was facing him. One of my hands stroked his cock against my cunt lips, discovering the pleasure that it brought me; as I maneuvered his dick over my swollen little clit. I felt his dick's head pressing into the slit of my cunt lips. As soon as it was in place, he hunched his hips up and began pushing it into me. His cock wasn't very thick, but it was still a tight fit. It went in slowly, very slowly, inch by inch. My little cunt was so tight that I didn't think it was going to go in at all. He just put his hands over the hard mounds of my ass and pressed down while his hips rammed that stiff, throbbing cock up me. As it found it's way deep into me, I bit his neck and dug my fingernails into his back. I loved it. I have never had such an intense deep sexual pleasure. This feels so damn good inside me that I don't want it to stop. Feeling his dick slide into me for the first time was a wonderful feeling, but not as wonderful as when he started to slowly hump me. His cock was spreading and opening me, filling a void that I didn't know existed until his hot cock entered me. My pussy lips were stretched tight and my clitoris was fully exposed as he humped me. I have never felt anything as delicious as the feeling of a cock throbbing inside me. I started cumming. My pussy went into spasms and all I could do was press down as hard as I could on him. Press down and feel his cock sliding slowly into me, spreading and filling me. I screamed from the joy of what I was feeling. When he started moving inside me, it was all over. I came so hard and so long that I was afraid I was passing out. All I knew was the wonderful pleasure ripping through my little body. My had-to-be-virgin pussy was tight and it only took a couple of minutes of that until Jakeed was cumming, too. I felt his dick swell inside me before he started groaning how hot and tight I was and how good my pussy was. I thought that he would never stop cumming this time. We laid there exhausted, me on top of him. My hips kept jerking and rolling as small orgasms rocked through me. As his cock shriveled and pulled out of me, our combined juices poured of me and drenched his thighs and the bed beneath us. For a long time, we just lay there with me sprawled on his hard body. Finally he whispered "If I ask you to make love to me again, what is your answer?" I raised my head and kissed his lips softly. Then I responded "If I had known it was going to be this wonderful, I would have raped you in the hallway earlier today." "Are you still mad at me? If it hadn't been me, it would have been someone else. I wanted to take you when I saw you today, but that would be against the rules. And around here, we obey the rules to the letter." he said as he tweaked my nipples. I burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. I kissed him, pressing my boobs into his chest, feeling his hard-on returning between his legs. I was enjoying the effect I was having on him. I liked the sweaty way he smelled from where we had excited each other. My nipples were tightening, just thinking about what did to me. I ran my hand down his chest, to his thigh, then to his bulge and squeezed. His eyes closed as he exhaled softly. His cock was as hard as a piece of steel. "Come here and let me feel those firm breasts rub against my chest." he suggested. This time, it was not a command; but was only a suggestion for both of us to enjoy. I ran my arm around the back of his neck and kissed him hard. I wanted him so badly that I ached. His tongue was probing frantically into my mouth and slowly the kiss became sweet. His hand slid off my tit and around my back and he held me close. I ran my hand down over his chest and to his crotch. "Do you like for me to do this?" I asked. He nodded as he replied "More importantly, do you like?" I answered by grabbing him around the waist, pulling his hard cock against my leg, and feeling my juices running hot and thick through my pulsing vaginal opening. He responded by grabbing my tits, just letting his palms explore them, learning their curves and contours. Finally, he pressed them slightly, then cupped them and lifted just a bit. His fingertips closed around my spiky nipple and compressed it slightly. He grasped the other nipple and began gingerly pinching and pulling and gently turning them. Each touch and movement sent a lurching spasm through my belly and straight to my cunt. He fastened his lips, sucked, and ran his tongue over the tip of my nipple and I came! I shook slightly and my knees buckled. My eyes closed and my knees started trembling. It was incredibly sensual. I felt that now very familiar heat in my belly and moisture on the insides of my thighs. I was so wet. His cock was standing straight out, waiting on me. He crawled over me and began madly kissing and licking all over my breasts, pausing only to take one nipple or the other between his lips and suck my whole tit. His fingers were in my clit and with his tongue never stopping, I had a couple more internal explosions. His finger slid into my cunt and he gasped, "It's so wet and hot!" as he crawled over me while I wriggled under him until my mouth was around his cock. I closed my lips on his shaft and began sucking as he moaned. Then he said "No, it's my turn." as he pulled his cock from my mouth. His hands were running over my quivering boobs. His lips worked their way down over my belly and then to my thighs. He started kissing his way down into the slit between my legs. His breath was like fire on my exposed cunt lips and throbbing clit. His tongue went into the hollows between my thighs then to my swollen cunt lips. He shifted the tip of his tongue from one side to the other, making me groan and buck. And the juices just flooded out of me. I was trying not to jump away from his tongue! He slid his hands under my butt, holding me tightly as he lifted my ass and pulled my cunt up to his waiting lips. He kissed my cunt before he stuck his tongue inside, licking as much as he could. I took his hands away from my ass and moved them to my tits, so his fingers could pull and play with my nipples. "More" I whispered, as he licked the top of my cunt. As soon as his tongue hit my clit, I jumped and wrapped my legs around his head. He closed his lips around it and sucked on it as he lapped at it. I came in one long, wild orgasm. I thought I was going to die from the pleasure and intensity of my orgasm. I continued to shudder with pleasure as I pulled him up to me and kissed him. We kissed frantically, passionately, tasting myself and his cum on my tongue and him tasting himself and my juices on his. I desperately wanted his hard cock in my cunt. I rolled him on top of me and said "I want you inside me! Now." I reached between us and gripped his hot, still hard cock. I instinctively raised my legs high and wide as I guided him to the opening. As soon as his cock was in my labia, he gave one long stroke that plunged his cock inside me completely. I groaned loudly and he pressed deeper as his cock ground against my clit. I wrapped my arms around his back and clawed at him as he began humping me. He banged away in short, hard, deep thrusts. After several minutes of this, I could feel his cock swell inside me. Then he jammed himself so hard into me and against me that it almost hurt and before he exploded in me. He kept cumming, as his balls kept manufacturing loads of hot cum to flood me until my cunt was filled and it was draining back out. My cunt kept contracting around him, causing him to make some more cum. Finally, he stop cumming. His cock stayed half-hard inside me as he collapsed on top of me. I tried to hold his half-hard cock inside me so I rolled to the side, but it didn't work as his prick slid out of me. His cum and my juices made my thighs glisten. He rubbed his hands between my legs and smeared his hand with our juice. He smeared this on my tits. My nipples were very, very hard. He tried to pinch them, but his fingertips slid off. We kissed and rubbed our slimy, sweaty bodies together and I was ready to cum again. Bur unfortunately, he wasn't. He fell asleep in my arms. As we laid there, I thought about what had occurred to me in the last day and how much I had changed in the last three hours. I am a man. I still feel like a man, but I have learned a new skill. I have found something that I really like. I don't feel like a woman. I think that I am still a man, even though I am in a woman's body. I think that being a woman, is like being a man. You have to have the correct attitude. What Next As he slept, I got up and went back to my area, knowing that falling asleep in a man's room was forbidden. I stopped in the bathroom and cleaned myself up before I went to bed. I raised my arms over my head and slowly turned in front of the mirror as I examined my reflection. I still could not believe that the reflected image was really me. My face was not round as most Orientals but was definitely Asian. My overall complexion is slightly dark. My long, straight black hair hung halfway down my shoulders. I had nice long, slender legs, that were very shapely. My tits were very firm, and looked large on my oriental body. My nipples were hard and sticking out. My belly was flat and blended into a perfect waist. I had some hips but they were not large. I had very black, thick, curly hair on my pussy. After I examined myself carefully, I went back to my room. I was very tired and fell asleep as soon as I laid down. I was shaken awake by Marish who said "Life is not all fun and games. It's time to go to work, if you know what is good for you." I got up and discovered that I was very tender between my legs, with one bruise on an inner thigh. I took another quick shower and brushed my hair, then reported to my job in the kitchen. Dalark was not there. When it was time for my morning break, I went back to her room. I knocked on her door and didn't get an answer. I opened the door and went in anyway. I found Dalark sitting and staring at the wall. Her eyes were blank and she did not see me when I stood in front of her. I called her name and she did not respond. I lifted her chin and when I let go, it returned to it's former angle. She had been turned into a zombie by Ali or something that she rebelled against last night. I turned to leave to go find Marish. She was standing in the doorway, watching me. She said "I have frequently checked on her today. Ali was not happy with her last night because she had promised to lose more weight than she had really lost. He took control of her body and turned her over to me. Every hour, I have her do vigorous exercises for forty minutes and then rest twenty. She is in her rest stage now. I will return her to him this evening and he will make her new exercise regiment part of her normal life. She will lose weight quickly and will stay in excellent shape the rest of her life. Don't worry about her. She is all right inside that shell and this little training exercise will help her adapt quicker to our demanding lifestyle. I recommend that you return to work. Do not interfere with Ali's punishment, if you know what is good for you." I nodded. She changed the subject "Jakeed is in very good spirits today. You pleased him and he let his friends know. I now have several requests for your sexual service for tonight. But I have already been told to give you to Dankrek. He is a white sash and you will be gentle with him because he is very inexperienced. It is the monk's choice to accept or decline most sex rewards. Dankrek for some reason, turns down most rewards." Then she stepped aside and I returned to my kitchen duties without looking back at Dalark. It hurt too much to see her like that. When it was lunch time, Jakeed walked by me without saying anything. After he got his food and sat down, he looked up to see if anyone was watching. When he determined that no one was, he looked at me allowing a slight smile to appear on his mouth before he started eating. After work, I cleaned up and prepared myself for Dankrek. For some unknown reason, I was feeling a wide variety of emotions. I wanted to go back to Jakeed's room. I wanted to cry and knew that it was the feminine hormones in my body and this situation. When it was time, I pulled myself together as I walked to Dankrek's room. I knocked on the door and someone said "Enter." I found a tall, skinny man sitting on a couch. His room was better furnished than Jakeed's room had been. He waved me to a spot on the couch beside him. I sat down as he said "Jakeed was very satisfied with your service. He rates you very high. For someone so new to your current identity, you have adapted quite well." I nodded and there was a minute of awkward silence while neither of us spoke. Then he said "I didn't ask for you or for the services that you are supposed to provide me. I work hard but I usually give my rewards away. I was told to accept this reward so I have no choice but to do as commanded. Just as you, I must also follow my orders. I suppose that we should start so that we can get this over with." As he got up, his eyes widened and he stared at my chest as if he'd just noticed that I had tits. He opened my robe and stared at my boobs as if he were an automobile mechanic looking at a powerful engine under the hood. I looked up at him waiting for whatever he wanted me to do. He said, simply, "Has this body ever nursed a baby? The breasts are very full and are not the breasts that I was expecting." "Not that I am aware of. I only know what the Omni told me about this body." I replied. Then he grinned as he motioned for me to rise. I noticed the hard bulge in the front of his robe. I liked the fact that I could do that to him because I was beginning to wonder about real sex orientation. I eased out of my robe so that I was standing naked. My nipples were hard and pointy even though nothing had been done to me, to cause that arousal. He was staring at them. "They're beautiful," he said. "I never saw such big, beautiful breasts on a woman. I have heard about Marish's breasts, but I have never seen them." He was standing there, just looking at me. I decided to take control of this situation and get it on the road. I asked "Would you like to suck on them?" He stammered and said "Why would I want to do that?" This guy was more of a virgin than I was. If I had wound up him with last night, I would still be a virgin. And would still think of sex only from the male perspective. "Let me see if I can find a reason for you to do that." I said as I put my hand over the bulge in his robe. He tried to step backward, but I moved with him and rubbed his crotch as I said "Take it out so I can play with it." He eased out of his robe as his dick sprang up and throbbed right in my face. It was about four inches long and below average, I thought. But as long as I am held here and have to play their game, I have to work with what is provided me. I wrapped my hand around his cock and squeezed on it. He groaned softly. I said, "Now, you have to play with me." He reached down with his finger, allowing his fingertip to touch against my nipple very gently. After a moment of finger play, he put his whole hand on my boob. He was still being cautious as he squeezed my breast carefully. But I didn't care, because the sensation sent a rush right through my body to my pussy. I had learned how pleasurable it could be to fuck, and I was turned on by the prospect of doing it again. Even with this dork. I knelt down and rubbed his throbbing cock against my breast. He squeaked in a high pitched voice "What are you doing?" "Earning my keep." I replied; as I put his dick into my mouth and sucked his cock head. I locked my lips around his shaft and started jacking him. With my other hand, I was rubbing my pussy, helping myself to get very turned on. I let go of his cock so that I could press my tits hard against his stomach as I said "Do you like to eat pussy?" "I ... I don't know." he replied truthfully. "We all have to go through a learning experiences. You would be surprised at what I learned just last night." I said as I stroked his dick, pulling him close to me. I leaned forward to kiss his cock. Then I let go of his dick as I laid back, my legs a little apart. "Start by kissing my tits," I instructed him. He bent his head down and started kissing my tits. He gently kissed my nipples before he sucked one lightly into his mouth. His other hand was gently pinching my other nipple. It didn't take too much of his alternating sucking and plucking before my hips were humping his legs. I pushed him over and spread my legs, to show him what I would like for him to do next. He kissed and nibbled his way down past my bellybutton, down to my warm and wet spot. His lips found the top of my mound. When his lips touched my clit, I jumped and shuddered from the pleasure of it. My legs were wide open and my hips were sucking his face into my body. He plunged in eagerly, lapping away at my cunt. I put my legs over his back, so my vagina was aimed right into his mouth. He held my cunt into his mouth and gobbled, with the tip of his tongue on my clitoris. He quickly learned to alternate using his tongue and rubbing his nose against my clit. It didn't take much of that action before I came and came and came. I rolled him onto his back and sprawled my sweaty, slick body on top of him. I straddled his waist, kneeling around his body. I reached back and found his hard and throbbing cock. I adjusted my position as I pressed it into my pussy, slowly lowering myself till it was rubbing my cunt. I was incredibly wet, or he never would have got into me. I pushed down and back, thrusting more and more of his dick into me. His hips had begun moving as I did this, resulting in his hard abdomen pounding faster and faster against my butt. He moaned and then started pounding long, hard strokes that plunged his shaft inside me. I was rubbing and twiddling myself causing my vaginal muscles to spasm almost constantly on him. His cock seemed to be going even farther than his four inches inside me, now, and I felt a strong cum building. After only a couple of minutes of this very enjoyable humping, he started cumming. His hands pulled my ass down and I had almost all of him in me before he stopped shooting. I could feel his spasms, but I was already so wet I didn't feel his jism in me. But he stayed mostly hard as I laid on top of him, giving him time to recover somewhat. I kept all of his dick in me, waiting for him to fuck me again. When his cock started feeling soft inside me, I started sliding around his body, rubbing my sweaty body against his just as sweaty body. I let myself fall forward onto him, so my titties were pressed into his upper stomach and I just let my hips slide up and down as I rubbed my body against his body as many ways as possible. He especially liked it when I traced small circles on his belly with my nipples, watching his chest hair part as my nipples combed his chest hair. He was quickly hard as a rock inside me again and I was starting to cum again. Unlike the orgasms when he was eating me, this one built and built and built, like a wave coming in. When it started, I could feel my cunt close around him. He was jerking his hips up, thrusting into me like a mad man. Or like a man who hadn't been fucked in months. I sat up and back and pressed my cunt down hard onto his stiff dick, enjoying that indescribable feeling. I started moving my hips up and down, slowly, savouring the feeling from that angle enjoying the different ways it rubbed inside me. As I started cumming, I glanced down, past the jiggling mounds of my swollen nipples to see his dick pumping into my pussy. I felt him creamed inside me and it started another orgasm for me. I was trying to retain his rapidly softening cock inside me but he grunted "No more. Please stop. I can't take any more tonight." I pulled myself off him and stood. As I pulled away, my cunt held onto his limp prick and stretched it out till it flopped back onto his belly, letting our mixture of warm and sticky juices flow out of my tight slit. I put my robe back on and was getting ready to leave when he said "Do not let Ali destroy you." I stopped to looked at him. He continued "Ali is impotent most of the time. He can only enjoy sex by using the power of the ring to control his body. When he turns the ring on himself, he becomes a battering ram. Several of the women have bled for days and a couple have almost died. When he takes the ring off, it is so that he can use it's power on himself." "I would think he has to wear the ring to use it's power." I suggested, wanting to find out as much as I could about the ring. He rolled over and said "Wearing the ring does nothing except keep the ring close by. Pressing the ring's stone, amplifies the wearer's thoughts and projects them. Just as all of us here and especially the women, you are under some degree of his mind control. He ordered you to accept his wishes and you have to comply. There is no magic except what is in your head. What instructions he has given you. When he takes the ring off, he is powerless." Marish's Gift I was walking back to the shower area when Marish came down an adjoining hallway. She smiled at me and said "You are the first woman that lasted over twenty minutes in his private quarters. Did you play chess with him?" I laughed as I said "Smell my box and you will know what we did." before I realized how gross that could be. She laughed back and said "I also can reward people. Come with me." I followed her down some halls and into a room as she shut the door behind us. In the center of the floor was a big bathtub. She undid the belt around her waist, letting her robe partially open as she said "You don't tell me what you just did and I won't tell you who I just did. But I really need a dip in the worst way." She must have seen the surprise in my face. She took both my arms in her hands, her fingers just above my elbows, and held me at arm's length to appraise me. Marish was staring at me, her robe opened and her cleavage exposed to me. Her gaze was focused on my breasts as she undid my sash and let my robe open. She pushed the robe open and said "When I was a man, I had a breast fetish. When I became a woman, I lost some of that desire because of my own breasts and the rest of the women have such small boobs. Looking at your very nice breasts, resurrects some of those old feelings. Have you got used to the jiggling feeling yet?" "No, but it no longer bothers me because I enjoy the jiggle sensation and the way that my nipples rub against my clothes." I replied. "I remember when my breasts looked as good as your breasts do." she said, surveying me as she pushed my robe so it fell off of my body and onto the floor. "Your breasts are absolutely perfect. Even with those red marks from his mouth still on them." She peeled off her robe and stood naked before me. "You've still got a beautiful body. If I was a man, I would never kick you out of my bed." I said. Her breasts were still firm and conical with just a little sag. She had really big aureoles and her nipples looked like they could get very thick and prominent. Her cunt hair was very black. She laughed and said "It formerly belonged to a prostitute. Her father started her by selling her body when she was nine years old. When the Master purchased her at age fourteen, she was an experienced, horny little fucktoy. I had her once as a reward. Less than three weeks later, I became her, because of Ali's insistence pleading to the Master that I must be punished for my heretic thinking. It was also because of Ali's planning, that my former best friend was my first lover. I resisted him, knowing that he had to treat me the way he was treating me or he would suffer a similar fate. The Master broke my spirit with his ring and soon I became the woman that they wanted. Yes, you are right. It is a beautiful body that I have. It's desires became my desires. I live now only to serve my body and it's sexual needs." She picked up a bottle of skin lotion. "Let me help you with those marks," she said, squeezing some of the lotion into her hand. She put the bottle down and then rubbed her hands together, spreading the lotion. I watched her face as she stepped close to me. She began massaging the slippery lotion into the sides of my boobs. Her fingers were gentle and her touch was sure as she spread and massaged the lotion into my sensitive, firm young breasts. "Tell me, Janan," she said, her face a foot from mine. "If I told you that I wanted to make love to you, would you be insulted?" I shook my head, "No. I would enjoy making love with you. I would do that of my own free will." "I was hoping you'd say that," she said as she bent her head to kiss me on the mouth. I opened my mouth to her allowing our tongues to met. As we kissed, her wonderful, soft hands never stopped caressing my breasts. My hands got busy, too. I rested my fingers on her butt for a moment and then started stroking her ass cheeks. She moved me a couple of steps backward onto a thick rug that we laid on. She half-turned me and we rolled on the rug with our arms around each other. Her half- inch thick nipples got very prominent and begged to be kissed. "Oh, yes, Janan, do that," she whispered, so I did it some more, moving my mouth from one firm, pointy breast to the other and back again. I started sucking her nipples, following her as she rolled onto her back. I rolled on top of her, still sucking, keeping my hands on the outer swells of each firm cone. Her nipples had swelled still more and she was moaning and moving slowly, sensuously beneath me. Her hands never stopped moving, caressing my face, my shoulders, reaching down to cup my tits and squeeze them a little. When she traced her forefinger around my lips as I sucked one of her nipples, I felt a surge of excitement go through me. I flicked my tongue rapidly back and forth over the nipple in my mouth and she arched her hips. "Bite it," she begged. "Bite my nipple." I closed my teeth carefully over that turgid nozzle and gently chewed it, my tongue continually moving over the tip. She gasped loudly and her hips began an unmistakable fucking motion. I continued my mouth work on the nipple and pinched the other nipple with my thumb and forefinger. Her hips moved more urgently and when I began to twist the other nipple, she came. She arched her back, her legs wide and her cunt jabbing at the ceiling. Then she froze and fell back, groaning. "Let's lick each other, " she said. She guided my hips back and up, settling my legs on either side of her head. I lowered my cunt on her mouth as she introduced me to the pleasures that a thoroughly experienced woman can lavish on another woman. I'd never experienced anything quite like what she was doing. Marish had a way of sucking my entire cunt into her mouth and then running the tip of her tongue over my labia and clit so the moist tongue barely grazed my swollen flesh. Thirty seconds of that and I was flowing like a stream, ready to cum. I ducked my head down and began licking the insides of her thighs and the edges of her pussy hair. Her cunt lips were very long and swollen. I took each one in my mouth, sucked on it, licked it and then let my teeth gently close on it. She groaned against my cunt and slowed her tongue's movements to a tantalizing, excruciatingly pleasurable caress. When I turned my attention to her clitoris, she got really wild. If I was flowing like a stream, she was a river. The juices just kept coming out of her pussy. Her feet were flat on the rug and her legs were wide apart, and so were her labia. Her pussy gaped at me and I could see it pulsing inside when I sucked the swollen little grain of her clitoris. "Put your fingers in me.!" she asked softly as she reached around my hips and used her fingers to open the tight clam of my cunt. She started licking the inner flesh of my cunt lips. The pleasure was washing over me in long, gentle waves, undulating orgasms that rocked my little body back and forth. I put two fingers inside her and there was plenty of room, so I added another. Her movements on my cunt and under my lips said she liked that. There seemed to be more room, so I put another finger in her cunt, filling it. I worked my four fingers in and out as far as they'd go and she moaned against my pussy and shook beneath me. I felt her cunt spasm on my fingers and knew she was cumming. I was ready to stop. She wasn't. "Put them all in there, Janan! Please," she cried. "Put your whole hand in me!" My hand? Well, I was small and she certainly had a big hole. She was also wet enough and I figured she knew what she was doing, so I worked my thumb into her cunt, too. Then I started moving my hand back and forth. "Push it in -- all the way! Please!" I pushed at her and she pushed at me and my hand slid inside much more easily than I'd have expected. When my wrist was caught in her cunt, she clamped down on me and came, hard, and then started revolving her hips and fucking at my hand. I couldn't keep my mouth on her clit anymore, so I just did what I could while she kept licking and sucking all the exposed pink flesh of my pussy. I wiggled my fingers inside of her and she came again, even harder, and then she sobbed at me from between my legs: "Please, Janan -- make a fist in me!" I was game for anything at that point, so I made the fist and she got crazy. "Ohhh, yeah, pump me with it! Fuck me with it!" I did as she'd asked, working my hard, clenched small fist in her sopping twat. She came and came, going rigid under me, then turned slippery as she bucked in rhythm with my fist. Her cunt was tightening around my hand and it took real effort to continue, but she kept yelling, louder and louder, "Pump me with it -- oh yeah! Fuck me harder -- oh, yeah!" Finally, I pushed my fist in as far as I could, till she had my fist and wrist in her. Then I began twisting my hand inside her. Her jerking and jumping led me to believe that she just plain lost control. She shrieked into my cunt so loud I thought the sound would come out of my ears and she came and came and came, for more than a minute. When she finally relented, she whispered, "Now take it out real slow, just like that -- oh yeah. Not too fast, and flex your thumb. Yes. Like that. Just hold it there for a second and let me catch my breath. Oh, that feels so good. I can't describe how it feels!" I pulled my invading hand out of her slowly and carefully and every inch or so, she'd shiver and have a little orgasm. When my fist almost came out completely, even her big pussy was stretched around my hand. Then it came out and with it came a regular flood of musky female juice. She lay back, spread-eagled, and panted and shook. Her swollen nipples looked ready to burst. I crawled up next to her and she pulled me into her arms as she held me tight. "Janan, that was so good," she said. "I love being stuffed like that." "I loved the way you were licking me," I answered. She kissed me, depositing some of my own juices on my mouth. "You have such a sweet, tight little cunt, so smooth and tasty -- mmmmm!" She licked her lips and then mine. "I could eat your pretty little pussy all day! No wonder Jakeed is so crazy about you." "Okay by me!" She laughed and kissed me again. Our breathing was returning to normal. "I couldn't believe how easy it was to get my hand in you," I told her. "Remember that this woman's body was turned into a prostitute's body at age 9. The vagina at that young age, had to be big enough to accept a full grown cock. I don't know what her father did to stretch it to it's current size, but since I have occupied it, this body has always had a big pussy. There just aren't any men in this monastery with large cocks who can fill me the way I like. When I have sex with them, I have to lie to them about how great it feels, when I really want so much more. Most nights, I come back to my room, still unsatisfied." She ran her hand over my ass and beyond to run a finger over my cunt. "You're so lucky to have such a tight pussy -- anyone's cock must fill you!" We lay there for a few more minutes, then got cleaned up. We washed each other and went to our separate bedrooms. Dalark Three days later, Dalark came back to work. She smiled at me quietly, not saying a word as she started doing her assigned kitchen duties. At breaktime, I sat down at a table with her. "How are you doing? I was worried about you." I said. "Don't be. I am all right. I learned my lesson. I will become what they want me to become. I will look the way that they want me to look. See, I am all right." she said as she tried to hide the tear forming in her eyes. I got up, moving close enough to her so that we could talk without anyone else hearing us. "What did they do to you?" I asked. "He called me a pig. He rubbed his ring as he commanded me to obey him. He wants me to have a lean, muscular body. He told me that I must weigh everyday. Depending upon how heavy I am, I must diet and exercise until I get down so that I weigh less than 105-pounds. So now I must exercise at least six times a day to lose this weight. To show me what he could do to me, he let me sit in my room for two days, without having any control of my body's movements. I would sit there staring at my prayer stand, not able to turn my head or shut my eyes. Only able to blink ten times per minute. I would fall asleep with my eyes open and then be jerked awake by my body. When Marish would enter my room, my body would start exercising and I couldn't stop it. My bladder would hurt but I couldn't go to the bathroom or even pee in my robe. Three times a day, Marish would tell me to go to the bathroom and pee and then return to my room. It was pure hell to be paralyzed, with no control over my own body. But it worked. They taught me that they can do anything to me that they want." she said quietly. I didn't know what to say. As I tried to think of something positive to tell her, she continued "He also greatly increased my sex drive. I must be fucked every night or I hurt. He turned me into a nymphomaniac. I cant get enough sex.", as a tear rolled down her cheek. ******* I had taken my bedtime shower to clean the cum from my body and returned to my room after providing my personal services to one of the priests. This priest only liked for me to bend over a table as he fucked me from the back. Then he would pull out and spin me around so he could watch his cum spurt onto my breasts, face and hair. After the third time of servicing him, I was a mess. Awakening around 3:30 in the morning, I heard someone in my room. I said quietly "Who are you?" Dalark's voice from the doorway, said "My sexual partner tonight didn't satisfy me. I gave him the best fuck that I could, but after only one time, he ordered me to leave his room. The monk doesn't like women and accepted me only because he was directed to screw me. Because of Ali's commands, I have these new, very strong sexual urges. I laid in my bed and masturbated myself but that did not help. Would you mind if I share your bed with you?" I held my blanket up as her naked body slipped into my bed. As I dropped the blanket over us, she started feeling my body. There was no further discussion between us as she burrowed under the blanket until her face was between my legs. Feeling her hot breath on my pubic hair caused an automatic reaction to spread my legs. She took advantage of that movement to slowly slid her tongue between my vagina lips. Her hot, oral tongue work on my sensitive clitoris and vagina lips, quickly aroused me. I loved what she was doing to me as much as she obviously loved doing it to me. I quickly learned to move my hips in rhythm with her tongue motions. I took her head in my hands to lightly guide her tongue where I wanted her. My body began vibrating as I felt a delicious warmth erupt and gradually spread through me. "You are beautiful," she whispered in a very husky, sultry voice as she changed position so that she was laying on the pillow beside me. "I wish that I was a real man, so I could put a real cock in you. I have never wanted a woman before, but even before Ali increased my sex desire, all I could do was think about having sex with you. Part of my desire for you, is because you used to be a man, but now you have this beautiful woman's body. I want you very much and want to help you learn how to enjoy your new body." With her eyes half-closed, her fingers caressed my body, returning frequently to focus on my nipples. In the dim light from the hallway candle, I could see her smile as she slightly pushed out her own chest, wanting me to play with her at the same time. I kissed her deeply in the mouth as I massaged her breasts. Her young, firm tits begged for attention, standing out with both nipples puckered and firm. I took one in my mouth to gently squeeze and suck, as I concentrated my attention on the nipple. Dalark held the breast in her hand, steering it to where she wanted my tongue the most. I reached between her legs, probing my fingers into her bush to find that she was dripping hot liquid. She spread her legs further and further apart to allow my hand access to her own vagina. She was drenched, and I wanted to suck her as much as she wanted me to. "Please eat me, Janan," she pleaded. "My cunt needs you." as her hand tickled my own wet pussy. Spreading herself to my searching hand, I maneuvered my fingers past her swollen lips and into her love tunnel as we kissed each other with growing passion. Our mouths opened wide while our hands feverishly massaged each other's mounds. I sucked on her tongue as it glided far into the back of my mouth. Then we reversed tongues and I "fucked" her mouth with my tongue. Finally I pulled loose from our embrace, spreading her legs as I burrowed under the blanket, looking for her gaping snatch. I was so hot with desire for her that I almost trembled as her very musky smell became stronger as my nose got closer. I kissed her cunt using my warm breath to part the hairs, then my lips to create a seal around her pussy lips so that I could suck her. At the same time, I used my tongue to capture the sweetness overflowing from inside her. The tonguing sensation made her jerk as I rolled her clit between my soft lips. She raised her hips to meet and then grind against my face. As I ate her, I found her nipples with my hands. With my palms, I was cupping and squeezing her breasts, while my fingertips pinched her nipples. I could feel her nipples swell even more as I played with them. She put her arms around me and pulled me on top of her, with our legs wrapped together. Still holding on, she rolled over, so she was on top of me. She ran her fingers through my hair, holding my head in place as she sucked my mouth, searching for my tongue. Our pelvises rubbed together, and I could feel her clit rub against my own. Dalark's intensity was startling and incredibly arousing. She shifted slightly, so that her leg rested on my mound. Her own damp mound pressed against my thigh. I desperately wanted to feel more friction within my cunt and softly humped so that my clit rubbed against her. She moaned as she felt the fucking motion. Within seconds, she began humping my leg. I repeated her earlier movement as I rolled over so that she was now beneath me. Disentangling our arms, I ran my hands up and down the insides of her thighs, pressing outward as I did so her legs would be wide apart when I arrived at her honeypot. She kept spreading her legs farther and farther to allow me entry. Moving down as I rubbed my nose against her clit, I teased, "Tell me what you want, Dalark. Tell me and I'll do it." My breath was close enough to her most sensitive spots that she trembled in rhythm with each breath. "Please suck me. Let me feel your soft, warm mouth on me while I do the same to you." she grunted. I swung around into the sixty nine position so that my knees were on both sides of her head. I rested my elbows below her legs, gently rolled back the hood of her clit and exposed its erect head, red, hard and glistening with moisture. I shaped my mouth into an erotic oval, darted my tongue several times against her clit, before ringing it with a moist suction. She writhed and wrapped her arms around my legs, pulling slightly at my own clit-hood so I would be as exposed to her as she was to me. I lowered my wet cunt close to her face. Dalark sucked on either side of my bush, mouthing my groin muscles. I liked it a lot. She repeatedly worked back and forth, occasionally grazing my lips with her tongue. My action was having a delirious effect, and her hips developed a circular, rolling movement. Her mouth found my opening. She licked teasingly. I reciprocated on her, rhythmically tonguing her clit as she slipped her tongue between my pussy lips. Her hip movements stopped abruptly and she moved her hands in place around my opening, spreading my lips far apart. She extended her tongue farther and farther, then stopped and held like that for a long moment. Her tongue started moving in and out of me, and I moved my hips in a classic fucking motion. A cat-like growl came from Dalark as she unexpectedly found my clit and focused on it. Our hungry mouths and wet cunts fused together in an embrace, rolling together on the bed. As we exchanged positions that way, our mouths never lost their teasing place. First Dalark was on top, fucking and eating me at the same time. Then I replaced her in the top position to bury my face in her snatch while receiving her. I gave her face a fast, hard fucking and fastened on her clit. Dalark cried out and madly humped my face. I held her down with my hands and fucked her as hard as she fucked me. My insides rolled and a shot of the most delicious heat tore through me. Dalark's cunt suddenly opened wide on its own. I sank my lips and tongue, even my nose, inside her gushing gash. I was rewarded by a series of strong contractions, and Dalark bucked out of control. She jerked over and over. The repeated tightening of her sexual muscles catapulted me into orbit. I let my orgasm go, sitting slightly on Dalark's face so she could thrust her tongue inside me. I drank deeply as she spun off into repeated orgasms. The Omni "You have been here three weeks now", Ali said with a smile. "Have we kept you busy so that the time has passed quickly?" "My days and nights have been very busy.", I replied. "You are not the same person that was carried in here. That person was brutish, self-serving. You have let that beautifully submissive new nature of yours take control of you in your new body. The real you is very interesting. My brothers have nothing but good reports on you. You are the most requested reward now. It's been hard for me to not try you myself. Yes, it has been very hard." "Do we have to wait any longer?" I ask demurely. "I really want to show you my appreciation for saving my life and giving me a new life. Do you have any doubts that I have accepted my new life?" I asked. "No, none." he replied. "Thank you. I'm so glad that you gave me this new body. I have been waiting to repay you sexually." I said sincerely. "Well, I like to go slowly, Janan. You've still got a lot to learn about how to conduct yourself in our monastery. I have some more rules that you need to be aware of." I nodded and replied quietly, "I will obey every rule that you give me." "Good girl! I have a great deal of flexibility and can use those rules in whatever way I deem it important for me to. You must know them and accept them." "Whenever you say, Omni! I really can't wait!" "As Omni, I can do things that no one else is permitted to do. All of the women here dress the same, wearing the same drab Tibetan robes and simple underclothes. I give you permission, when you are alone with me to dress as an American woman. To wear makeup and to wear American clothes so that you look like a whore. Marish will help you with your makeup and will obtain the correct clothes. Clothes that fit you. You can only wear them within my chambers. We would not want to upset the rest of the monastery. I want you to wear garter belts a lot, some pantyhose and your bras have to have matching bikini panties. You will also wear gowns that are see-through or short enough to show the cheeks of your ass. I also like for women to wear crotchless panties. But enough of that. Why don't you go see Marish. Tell her that you and I have had our little talk. She will know what to do." Following my explicit guidance, I left his quarters, not knowing where I would find Marish. I found her in the kitchen. "Ali and I have had a discussion. He told me to tell you to obtain clothes for me. I am supposed to be his American Whore." She frowned before she slowly said "Please be careful. He can be very dangerous. Come with me." We went back into an area close to the chapel that I had never been in. Marish unlocked a door as she led me down a hallway to a room that was filled with clothes. American clothes. She said quietly "He likes American sluts. He likes to have them model clothes for him." She handed me a tube of lipstick and I just looked at it. After a moment, she took the tube from me and applied a coat to my lips. Then she put some eye-shadow and blush on my face as she said "Always put it on heavy for him. He wants you to look cheap." She went through a pile of jeans and picked out a pair. She said "Strip naked and try these on." I undressed and tried to put them on. I couldn't pull them up and said "These are too tight. Give me a bigger pair." She laughed and said "That's the way he likes them. Lie on the bed and pull them up." I frowned and did as she instructed. I pulled and tugged the jeans up my legs and over my tight little ass. When I finished getting them on, I stood, looking in the mirror at how they clung to my body. "This is too tight. The crotch pulls tight against my cunt.", I said. "He will like those. Anything else is unacceptable." she said handing me a black garter belt. "Remove the jeans and put the garter belt and the black stockings on under these white pants and put on this white bra and that pair of white high heels.", she said. I was changing clothes as Marish stopped and looked at the door. I turned to see Ali standing there watching me change clothes. He nodded to Marish as he said "You may go." and Marish left the room, leaving me with him. He walked around me before he quietly said "Good. The pants looked good on you and the high heels tighten your ass cheeks and made them very attractive. The panties and garter belt show through the white slacks just enough to make it look wonderfully sluttish. I like the half-dressed look. I like to look at you in a bra and I like the way the garter belt and panties show through the slacks you have on. Only a slut would dress as you are now dressed, and every time I look at you, I see a slut. Who are you?" I bowed my head hearing my subdued voice echo through the room, "I understand, Omni. I am a slut! Your slut." He threw me a dress that was hanging on a rack. An American low cut, high hem, tight ass dress that you would expect to find a prostitute wearing. As I looked at the dress, he sat down on the bed, to watch me as I changed clothes. As I eased out of the white pants, he grunted in a negative way or positive way to let me know what to remove or leave on. He smiled as I put the dress on, over the garter belt outfit. Then he had me strut around the room before he ordered me to sit down. I knew that he expected me to flash my crotch before I crossed my legs in front of him. Then he smelled the crotch of a pair of bikini panties as he groaned "After the evening meal, you will change into the normal panties that all women wear here. I don't want anyone else to see them. During the day, you will wear a pair of my special panties. When you change, you will bring your panties to me so that I can enjoy the smell of your slut-cunt, my little whore. When you come to see me, you will always have a pair of panties which smell strongly of your sex. You will finger your cunt when necessary to keep the smell fresh and aromatic." He turned his hand so that his ring was pointing in my general direction. I winced in anticipation of more pain as he rubbed the base of the stone with his free hand. I felt some relief as he very politely requested "Take off the pants. I want you to show me how you will finger yourself. Leave your panties on. I like to see them when they look wet. I want to be able to smell your fresh cunt juice from here, my little slut." A hypnotic shock roared through my body as I heard his words. I could not help myself because now, I wanted to play with myself so badly that it hurt. I hurriedly removed the white slacks to get them out of my way. He groaned with delight as I opened my legs wide. Then my moans of delight covered up his groaning as I rapidly popped two fingers into my pussy, pressing the crotch of the tiny panties inside myself. I wanted to stuff my whole arm inside me. I wanted something inside me. As I touched myself, another shock went through my body. I had lost control of my body and my emotions. He was directing me to fuck my hips back and forth as my fingers plunged in and out of myself. "Yes, fuck yourself for me, Janan...fuck your dirty little slut fuck hole with your fingers while I watch you. You love finger- fucking, don't you?", he said, taking his cock from his robe. " Janan, feed your slut mouth some of your own cunt juice, lick your fingers as you taste your fuck", he commanded, stroking his hard cock eagerly as he watched me. I removed my glistening wet fingers from my hole so I could smell them as I began licking my cunt juice from them. "Lick it from your fingers as you spread the fuck on your face, all over your face, Janan. Yes, like that. I like to see you do that.", he said as his hand rapidly stroked his cock. I reached back to my hole and gathered more juice. I fingered myself hotly, moving my fingers from side to side, letting them become covered with my hot juice. Then I spread the juice over my cheeks, lips and nose. "Finger your hole some more you fucking slut. Keep your mouth open because I have cum to feed you!", he said, walking toward me as he stroked his cock before he held the head of his cock in front of my open mouth. I opened my mouth, eagerly accepting his purple cock head into my mouth. He shut his eyes, leaned his head back as he held my head in his hands. With a grunt as he thrust, he began fucking his cock in and out of my mouth. I sucked eagerly on his cock as I continued playing with myself. I wanted his cum more than I ever wanted anything in my life. His cock began to jerk inside me, spewing hot fuck down my throat with each spasm. I swallowed hungrily, enjoying every moment. He mouth fucked me until all his cum had been dumped into me before he slowly withdrew his semi-hard dick, allowing some thick, milky white cum to drip from my mouth. My memory returns I was sitting in the shower stall, with my back propped against the wall as the water poured over me. I was bruised and very tender from where Ali had violently fucked me. I had to let him do whatever he wanted to do to me. The first and second time, it was the thing that I wanted the most in the world. Then the third, it was the most disgusting thing that I had ever done; yet I had no choice and had to let him do whatever he desired. What caused the change in my attitude? I didn't know it until he released me a couple of hours ago. But from the minute that I first awoke in this body, Ali was controlling my mind and my very thoughts. He had given me suggestions as to how I should think, feel and act. Because I didn't know that he was directing my thoughts, I thought that I was feeling very natural; that it was the most common thing in the world to swap bodies, swap sexes and feel comfortable with whoever you were now. Because of his manipulation of my thinking processes, I was somewhat happy with the way things were going for me. I was alive. I had a new body. I had a new sex. I was enjoying my new role in sexual activities, to include being a world class cocksucker. I was enjoying the way that I looked. I was enjoying being a slave to the monks and serving them in what ever manner they desired. And then he had to show me what was really occurring. After he fucked me the second time, he rubbed his ring's stone with a finger; then chanted some strange words that I didn't know the meaning of. Then he said "Since your arrival here, I have been in control of your thought process and your memories. Maintaining that control has been very difficult for me. Now that you know who you are for the rest of your life, what is expected of you, and what it feels like to be a woman, I will release that control. When I return control to you, your normal personality will be in control of your body. Now we will see how you really adapt to being one of our women." When he removed his finger from the ring, it was almost as if a cloud was lifted from my mind. Suddenly, I knew that somehow, he had been controlling my thoughts, my emotions and my memories since my transformation. I knew that I had thought only what he wanted me to think. I knew that I had been happy with my new life because he wanted me to be happy. I knew that I had enjoyed being fucked and servicing everyone's sexual needs because he wanted me to enjoy it. And now, he had returned control to me. As I angrily stared at him, he said "Transition from your previous lifestyle to your current lifestyle is difficult. With my ring, I was able to help you for awhile. Now that you have seen what enjoyment your new sex and lifestyle can bring you, I suggest that you quickly forget about your previous life and become the person that you are now. Now suck my cock." I immediately refused him, which was what he expected and wanted me to do; so that he could give me another example of his powers. With one rub of a finger against his ring, he turned me into a zombie. My body willingly did what he told it to do as my mind fought to regain control of my body and movement. Against my will, I dropped down to my knees, sucking his cock into my mouth, gasping for breath as I wanted to gain enough control to bite his cock off while my body was cramming it into my mouth. I couldn't do anything that he did not command me to do. I was helpless as a baby, although my body was rippling with sexual energy and heat as it sucked his cock. My mind was screaming because I was fighting for control of any body part. I couldn't even get enough control to move my eyes. At first, he laid there letting me gorge my mouth with his cock, then he grabbed my head and face-fucked my mouth. His cock was suffocating me yet I couldn't resist and my body was acting as if I was enjoying what he was doing to me. After I had sucked him dry, he raped me. He threw me against the wall. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back as he pinned me to the ground. Although I am sure that my body would have done whatever he wanted it to do, he forced himself on me and took me violently in the middle of the cold stone floor. When he was finished, he stood and dressed, ignoring my motionless body lying on the floor. As he opened the door to leave, he touched his ring, allowing me to regain control of my body. I rolled over and curled up in a ball as I started crying. He said "Some people have a learning curve and require more training than others. It is very easy for me to train someone, while it can be very difficult for the person to be trained. At this moment, you are more in control of your destiny than you ever have been before. What I do next, is completely up to you. Do you understand me?" He waited five seconds for me to respond and then touched his ring. I jumped and rolled, feeling my ass burn as if it was on fire. No matter where I rolled or what I did, it was as if a blowtorch was stuck up my ass. After watching me squirm for over a minute, he touched his ring again. As the fire ebbed off, I began to cry. I was miserable. I wanted to die. I felt the worst that I had ever felt in my life. For over an hour after he left me alone in the room, I laid on the floor crying my heart out. Then I stopped almost as quickly as I started; realizing that he had commanded me to cry. But my face was hurting, my lungs were aching from the gasping and my face was all puffy. I somehow found my way back to my little room and fell into a deep exhaustive sleep as soon as I touched my bed. My sleep was very restless with many small nightmares about what could happen to me if I disobeyed Ali. Marish was standing in my room when I woke up. She softly said "There is no escape and last night's punishment is mild compared to what you can expect when he is really mad. He only wanted to demonstrate his power and complete control over you. The sooner that you accept your fate and learn your proper role in our society, the better off that you are going to be. Remember that I was at one time, a heir to the power that Ali desires; and now I am one of the older camp whores. I am destined to die in the laundry room when my body is no longer desired by any of the priests. I have witnessed the power of the ring from both sides of the gender and social order. You are lucky because he ordered that you take today off, relax and think about what you are going to do. I suggest that you adapt quickly. The person that you once were, no longer exists. You are now a woman. You must let the natural female desires of your body guide you. In time, you will learn to enjoy your new body. You will discover that you would not go back to being a man again. You will discover that the sex is better. As a woman, you will be far more gentle, and more passionate than a man can be. You are only the person that you are now. Ali told me to ask you this question today and every day for the next month. What is your mother's name?" I looked at her and said "My mother's name is ......." I could not remember my mother's name. No matter how hard I concentrated, I could not remember her name. Marish continued after a moment "You won't be able to remember it no matter how hard you try. Everytime that he has to punish you for something, he will remove something from your memory that you would never forget. It is his way of showing you that he controls you now, without using his ring's power constantly on you. You are lucky because he is not monitoring you as close now. It is time for me to go to work." All day I sat on my bed, staring at the walls, wishing I had a cigarette. Now that I had my memory back, or most of it because I could not recall my mother's name all day; some of my old habits were back. I heard the dinner bells and ignored them. I did not want to see anyone. I was thrown into their game where I had to play by their rules. To the world, they were celibate, righteous men of strong religious beliefs. To me, they were monsters, keeping me prisoner. When the last bell rang, I undressed, ignoring the coolness of my room. I laid on my bed with my legs spread, trying to think about escaping, but my body was warm and feeling funny. I let my eyes sweep over my glistening nakedness, feeling myself get aroused and excited. My body was petite, slender and flat-chested by American standards; but here among the other women, it was a very shapely and sexy body. My delicate body had a perfectly shaped figure with firm breasts, topped with puffy red areolae and large nipples. My tiny waist flared out into rounded hips and a flat, well defined stomach which sloped smoothly and gently to the extremely sparse, straight black baby-fine pubic hair. My vagina was red and wet. Fluid was already seeping through my opening. I saw my clitoris peeking through the folds of my slit. I wanted to put my finger against my clit and to play with it. I played with my nipples as I moved my hand more. I could smell my musky and heavy cum very strong. I wanted to touch myself. My vulva and clitoris were itching, almost begging for attention. I resisted as long as I could and before I let my finger touch my wet mound. As I brushed my thumb against my clitoris, I could feel it swell as it sent shocks of electricity into my limbs. I almost shook with excitement as I felt the very pleasurable dampness seeping from my vagina. In mere seconds, I had gone from hating my female body to enjoying the pleasures that it could provide me. I could feel my face grow flushed as I caressed myself. I could feel my passion build as I stroked faster, and deeper into myself. As I caressed the folds of my labia, warm wave after warm wave of pleasure flowed from my vagina to the outer extremes of my body. I stroked myself gently, resisting the urgency to stroke myself faster. As I continued to stroke my clitoris, contractions began in my lower stomach and groin. They rapidly began to build up, until I felt that I was going to burst from the pressure building in my crotch. I could hear a faint sound and realized it was me, moaning from the pleasure. I moaned and squirmed as I felt the buildup of an orgasm. Finally, I abandoned myself to the pleasure, and my groin pulsed with ecstasy. I moaned loudly feeling my pelvis hump forward as I came. ******* I needed something. Needed it badly. Unable to stop myself, I slipped a robe and sandals on. The hallways were deserted as I walked to Jakeed's room. As I knocked on his door, I realized that there was a strong possibility that he would have someone already assigned to service him tonight. When he said "Enter", I opened the door and stepped in. He looked at me "It is against our rules for you to be here, without being assigned by the Master." He had been exercising so that his almost naked body was glistening with sweat. I couldn't respond to his half-hearted refusal because now I knew why I had been drawn to his quarters. I wanted him to fuck me. Just being here in the same room with him was enough to speed my heart up so that it was racing. My mouth was absolutely dry and I could feel my whole body shaking with desire to feel his cock. I just looked at him as I unfastened my simple belt, letting my robe open. His eyes stared at my body. I used that moment to push the robe off so that I was standing completely naked. He slowly walked across the room to me and shut the door behind me. His body glistened from his exercise. I noticed that his cock had become stiff and erect under his underwear since I entered his room. He put his hand on my breast, pressing his hand against my warm, tingling breast as he whispered "We are going to get in trouble for having unauthorized sex. You will be punished by Ali while I will be punished by the Master." "I don't care. I just want you. I want you to fuck me. Now." I replied as my palm rubbed against the erection straining to burst through his underwear. It felt so wonderful for him to barely touch my female body as I touched his private male body areas. I felt that it was the most natural thing in the world. His hand slowly moved around my breast, cupping it underneath it to feel its weight and firmness, then up my swollen nipple to feel its firm, spongy pliancy. I could feel my nipples growing and hardening just as I felt the now familiar wetness seeping out between my legs. "I have never had sex before when I wanted it. It has always been scheduled and spread out over a period of several weeks. It feels so strange to have you here." Jakeed whispered as he slowly leaned in and kissed me. I nodded my head in response as his lips met with mine. I was so excited and aroused, that my rubbery legs were weak. His fingers remained on my breast, gently stroking my long, rigid nipple. The touch of his mouth on mine was absolutely wonderful. The touch of his lips against my lips was very satisfying, so electric, his touch so tender, that it was difficult to remember that he was a man and that I used to be a man. I wanted more of his lips and his body. I pressed my mouth firmly against his lips, kissing him passionately. I could feel his lips part slightly allowing the tip of his wet tongue to slowly force it way against my lips. I opened my mouth to allow his tongue to enter, welcoming it with my own tongue. After several seconds of very heavy tongue play, Jakeed stopped and smiled. "Having you here tonight with me is worth any punishment that Ali can give me" he whispered. Still holding my hand, Jakeed led me to the bed. My nipples were rock hard, jutting out from my swollen areolae like two ripe cherries as his eyes examined my body. He eased me down on the bed, fluffing a pillow under my head and then laid down beside me, pressing his body against mine as we kissed. Long, deep and passionately; probing each other's mouths with our hungry tongues. As we kissed, his strong hands moved sensually over my body. His touch was exciting every nerve fiber in my body. He eased my thighs apart and wrapped his legs around mine, pressing and rubbing his hard cock against my flesh as we continued to kiss. His hands continued to squeeze, fondle and massage my breasts. My cunt was feeling inflamed with desire and throbbing deep inside me, as I felt my juices flowing down my thighs. When he pulled his lips from mine, I tried to reclaim his mouth, but Jakeed smiled, as he rolled me over on my back. With one hand, he was squeezing my nipples between his fingers, rolling them between his fingers, gently tugging as he pulled the nipples upwards. I moaned loudly, twisting away, but Jakeed kept a firm grip on my engorged buds with his fingernails pinching them repeatedly, causing my whole body to shudder. Then he sucked my very aroused nipple deep into his warm, wet mouth. My tit just melted into his mouth as he lapped, licked and sucked my sensitive nipple. I moaned loudly as I pressed my breast against his lips. He pulled my nipple deep into his mouth, wildly sucking it, making me groan with pleasure as he swirled his tongue frantically around it. Then, squeezing my other puffy red areola between his thumb and forefinger, he began slowly and rhythmically licking the tip of it. As Jakeed continued to tease my nipples with his fingers and mouth, I spread my legs as he slid his fingers on his free hand along my belly, until he found my clit. There was a loud noise as the door was kicked open. Ali stepped into the room, with a big smile on his face as he said "Jakeed, my good friend. You have broken your vow. As Omni, it is my responsibility to punish you. Have you seen the new female cow that I am shaping up for one of our female bodies to use when we have a monk to punish? She works in the kitchen and her name is Dalark. How would you like to become her for the rest of your life?" "What do you want from me?" Ali looked at me as he commanded "Leave." I stood, grabbed my robe and left them alone in Jakeed's room. I ran naked to Marish's room and found her saying her prayers. I quickly blurted what had happened. She looked at me and said "I was expecting this, but did not know how he would do it. Ali is going to blackmail Jakeed into doing something that Jakeed would not normally do. Why did you go to Jakeed's room without being ordered?" "I don't know. I felt so horny and just wanted to relieve myself. It seemed like the right thing to do." "Ali must have given you a secret command to do that." "What can we do?" "Only wait." The Master's Death We didn't have long to wait. That evening, the Master died, which meant that Ali was the Master until a new permanent Master was selected. Almost everyone was up all night. The monks were praying for the Master and the women were preparing for the Master's funeral, including myself. My role was still limited to keeping the kitchen clean and to help feed the monks. After the morning's funeral, Marish came to my room where I was taking a catnap, exhausted from being on my feet all day and my back all night. She said "For some unknown reason to most of the other monks, Jakeed sponsored a change to our order's rules of succession. The change would allow Ali to be chosen as our Master. While this change has been proposed before over the years, it was never accepted. I think that Jakeed will be able to sway enough of the monks to make the difference that Ali needs. That is why you were in Jakeed's room. He is blackmailing Jakeed to support him. Just as Ali found me guilty of a crime and had me removed, he is doing the same to Jakeed. I cannot let this happen. Even if it means my death. Will you help me?" ****** I knocked on Ali's door, knowing that I risked death by being so impudent. My only hope was that Ali was in a very good mood from the way that his plans were working. "Come in." I opened the door and entered. Ali was trying on a ceremonial robe and turned to look at me, with a funny smile on his face as he asked "What are you doing here, woman? I did not send for you." "You commanded me to be your slut. I am behaving the way that an American slut would behave. I have enough of my American memory left, to know how an American slut would act. You are now the Master here. Seeing as how I will live here for the rest of my life, I want to quickly adapt. I plan to do whatever is necessary so that I am your favourite woman. Just as you found some way to change the rules so that you can rule, I want you to find some way to change the women's rules, so that I am in charge of the women. I came here to show you that I can satisfy you and keep you satisfied, now that I know what you like." I said as I stepped out of my panties and picked them up. With one finger, I started twirling the panties on my finger as I slowly and seductively walked across the room. He let me walk across the room, watching me, knowing that I was willing to do things of my own freewill that he had to command of the other women. Just before I got to him, I slowly dropped to my knees so that my mouth was right about his cock level. He did not resist me as I put my arms around his ass and pulled his body closer to my face. Through his robe, I could see his cock getting hard. I reached up slowly and pulled his right hand toward my mouth. I slowly separated one of his fingers and sucked it into my mouth as if it was a cock. As I sucked on it, he said in a suddenly horse voice "Why should I change the women's rules for you?" "Because I am the only person here who knows what to do when a man requests The Seven Winged Butterfly position." I gasped as I changed fingers, making sure to leave a lot of salvia on his finger as one of my hands slipped up under his robe and found his throbbing cock. "What is this Butterfly position? I have never heard of it." I stopped and slowly stood letting my robe fall to the ground, putting my arms around his neck as I ground my pelvis against his robe covered hard cock. With my lips only inches from his lips, I whispered in my most seductive voice "It's the Seven Winged Butterflies, which is different from most Butterfly positions. It takes all night and has seven different levels of ecstasy, with the last level being the supreme orgasm." His mouth dropped to my breasts and he began sucking and milking my hard nipples as his finger found my sopping cunt. I whispered in his ear as I nibbled on it "Men have been known to drop dead because of the Seven Winged Butterflies. Are you man enough to let me teach you how to do all seven positions?" He grabbed my hair, jerking my head back and grunted "Fucking cunt. No woman questions my manhood. I will fuck you as you have never been fucked before." I bit his nipple through his robe and responded "Good. Then get undressed and get ready for the fucking that you deserve. In the first position, you have to use your tongue to remove a marble from me, which is already placed inside me. At the same time, I have to swallow your entire cock and play with your balls in my mouth at the same time. If I do it right, some of your cum may dribble out of my nose because there won't be any room in my mouth." He started removing his robe as I picked up the little jar that I brought me. I started coating my hand with the petroleum jelly. As he undressed, he said "Why so much jelly on your hands?" "Because" I whispered "in the first position, I also have to bury each of my hands into your anus, one at a time, and play with your prostate. Doing that, will cause you to pump three times the normal amount of cum into my mouth." "Whoa. I don't know if your hand will fit in there." I held up my greasy hand and whispered "It's only the first part of the seven positions. They get better as we work our way through them. Hold up your hand." He held up his hand and I put my smaller hand against his hand as I continued whispering "See how much bigger your hand is than my hand. If I let you put both of your large hands inside me, one at a time, you will see how much pleasure it brings me; without hurting me. Then I will put my much smaller hands inside you. Take your jewelry off, so that it doesn't catch on something inside me. I don't mind going first and showing you what it can do." as I dropped down on my knees to his cock and started licking it. As I licked his cock, I could hear him take his ring off and the clunk as he laid it on the tray. Then he picked up the jelly and started spreading it on his fingers. When his hands were coated, I pushed him onto the bed, as his face jumped between my thighs. A second later, his soft-stiff tongue began licking, sucking, flicking, and swirling around my clit. That simple motion caused my hips to react as if they had a life of their own, bucking and gyrating uncontrollably against Ali's hungry mouth. As his tongue pried my cunt lips open and he plunged his stiff, wet tongue into my hole, I tensed up, tightening my legs around his head, covering up his ears. As his fingers probed my anal opening, I counted to ten, knowing that Marish only had one opportunity. I could not see because my face was buried in his crotch as I sucked on his cock, but I felt the quick and sharp touch of a woman's fingernail on the outside of my leg. I spread my legs quickly, exposing Ali's head to Marish. I felt him lift his head, and then felt a shock as something struck him heavily on the head. He collapsed on me, with his heavy almost dead weight. I was beginning to smother, with his weight still pinning me down, his still rigid cock stuck in my throat and then I felt the weight lessen as she started rolling him off me. As his unconscious body rolled off of me, I looked at Marish and Jakeed. Marish picked up the Master's ring and handed it to Jakeed who only looked at it for a moment before putting it on. Then they both started tying up Ali as I wiped the petroleum jelly off of me before I dressed. ******* I watched the ceremony for the selection of the new Master from the sides of the chapel with the other women. Ali gave a small speech about how our order must learn to live with the modern times. How civilization was something to live with, not to hide from. That shocked the monks but not as much when Ali told them that he was not qualified to lead that migration. Then he nominated Jakeed to be the new Master. There were no dissenting votes allowing Jakeed to be selected to be the new Master. As he placed the Master's ring on his finger, he only said "There will be changes. We must learn to adapt to those major changes." I smiled because I already knew what the most important of those changes were. I was looking forward to two of those changes. One of them would be my elevation to an Elder within the female portion of the order. There would soon be a vacancy in the Elders. The other one, would be my acceptance as Jakeed's and Ali's woman, where I could sleep with either of them after we had sex. No more of this getting up and leaving in the middle of the night. As the ceremony ended, Ali and Jakeed led the monks into the prayer chamber to complete the ritual. The women and children were excluded from this ritual so I went back to the women's quarters. I stepped into Marish's room and saw her on her knees, in front of her prayer stand. I softly said "It is done. Jakeed was selected and is the new leader. Ali's supporters voted for Jakeed when Ali stepped in front of the group and declined the position, in favour of Jakeed." I walked around to where I was facing her because she was still facing the same way; her eyes riveted upon the prayer stand. I said "You have control of your eyes." Immediately, the eyes filled with hatred as they jerked from looking at the prayer stand to stare at me. Looking deep into them, I could see that the former Omni did not like his new identity in this order. You see, once we had control of the rings, we swapped Ali and Marish's bodies, putting the person formerly known as Marish into Ali's body to lead this order and to help her son. The woman sitting in front of me now, was the person formerly known as Ali, but he was now in Marish's body. Where he would remain until that body died. After a moment, I said "No one will ever know that this occurred. Marish will be punished by her own son for breaking rules and will remain a zombie for the rest of her life. As she is the eldest woman in the woman's chambers, it is only a matter of time, before she will be sent down to the lower levels, to live the rest of her life, taking care of the children and washing clothes. The new Master will slowly, over time, make changes to the rules of this Order, bringing them into line with the thinking that is necessary to survive with the outside world getting closer. As for myself, the new Master and the new Ali both agree that I should become the woman that you wanted me to be. Well, almost the woman. I will leave when it gets to be springtime. I will go to America and learn how to be an American woman. Not a slut or a whore, but a real woman, free to do who and whatever I desire." The End