Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 15:04:16 +0800 From: Teddy Severe Subject: Twenty-Five Pairs by T.S. Severe MF/tg, MF/TG, SciFi, Rom, First, Oral, Anal Twenty-Five Pairs by T.S. Severe Chapter Eight Fredericksburg, Virginia 2012 "Who's that?" Dana's voice caught my attention and I looked up from my homework. I followed her gaze to see a boy, or a girl maybe, getting out of a grey sedan. Whoever it was had curling black hair to the shoulders, a black leather jacket, ripped jeans and dull black boots. An old army knapsack over the shoulder and as soon as he...she...was out of the car, a cigarette between the lips. "Beats me." I shrugged. "Is that a boy?" Dana was staring and she was almost fifteen, a little younger than me, and desperate for a boyfriend. She was cute enough, with her emerald eyes and red brown hair, but she liked to talk. "He's pretty." I decided. "If he is." "No shit." Dana bit her lip. "That's a girl." "Go say hi and find out." I suggested. "Let me do my homework." "Fuck that." Dana shook her head. "What's she doing here anyway?" "She's probably wondering the same thing." I laughed. "My dad's gonna have a meltdown when he sees her." My friend said. "Mom too." "Oh, I forgot." I looked up. "Your mom wants you to get the clothes off the line." "What?" Dana frowned at me. "Why me? Why don't you do it?" "Cause I got mid-terms starting in three days." I reminded her. "God! Why can't you be normal like everybody else?" Dana rolled her big green eyes. "I dunno." I shrugged. "It's a mystery, Shaggy." "It's a mystery why my mom doesn't use the dryer too." She grumped. "She likes the fresh air smell." I smiled, tapping my highlighter on my textbook. "They sell that stuff at the store." Dana said and she was getting up. "What stuff?" "Fresh air smelling stuff." She rolled her eyes at me. "See? You don't know everything anyway." "What did I do?" I frowned and looked back down as the girl wandered off. I actually had five minutes of peace. =-=-=-=-=-={25}=-=-=-=-=-= "Good afternoon, Jennifer." Mr. Fox's voice made him sound like a British stage actor; it had that Shakespearean flavor, like every word he uttered was important. I hated that. He was small and old and distinguished; a dapper gentleman with grey hair and ice blue eyes and he made everyone else seem trivial just by existing. He reminded me of God and I hated him. "Hi." I didn't look up right away. "How are you, my dear?" He wondered. "I'm taking my medicine." I sighed. "You know that." "Indeed I do." Mr. Fox was smiling, I could hear it. "I must say you look so lovely sitting there. You've truly blossomed since coming east." "Thanks." I smacked my lips and highlighted some random words just so I'd look busy. "May I present Ronald to you?" He asked, like he needed my permission for anything. I glanced up, realizing only then that the boy was standing there and he wasn't all that pretty, just mostly cute. "Sure." I breathed, like it was a chore, but this was the first time he'd ever introduced anyone to me, other than my caretakers, I mean. Maybe this Ronald was another one, but I doubted it, even Mr. Fox wasn't that sneaky. Was he? "Ronald, this is Jennifer. The young lady I was telling you about." Mr. Fox smiled politely at my surprised look and gave us a little bow that would have seemed pretentious coming from anyone but him. "Hi." Ronald said and he was very shy, or nervous, unwilling to look at me directly and wondered how much Mr. Fox had told him. "Hi." I said and there was an awkward silence and I wished Dana was there. "We were waiting for Mr. Steinitz, but it seems that he and Mrs. Steinitz have gone out for the afternoon." Mr. Fox told me. "Perhaps you would be kind enough to show Ronald into the house? I believe there should be a room prepared for him already." "Uh...Sure." I shrugged. "I don't know which one though." "Why, the one next to yours, my dear." Mr. Fox smiled at me and I blinked at him. "Okay, well..." I stood up slowly, grabbing my books and I smoothed the sun dress I was wearing. "...Let's go this way." "You just passing through?" I asked the boy, or young man really. He looked like he was nineteen maybe. "I don't know." He shrugged. "What are you doing?" "I live here." I laughed and glanced at him. "Oh." He nodded. "You didn't bring much." I said, eyeing his backpack. "I never had much." He replied and he didn't have much of an accent either to my ears, but I'd lived all over the place too, so it was hard to tell sometimes. "Come on, the bedrooms are upstairs." I led him through the house. "It's nice." Ronald said, looking around. It was old and more of an English Manor than a real farmhouse. "Your parents must be rich, huh?" "My parents are dead." I told him bluntly. "So don't talk about them, okay?" "Sorry." He swallowed hard and looked down cause I was staring at him. "So are mine." "Oh." I frowned at that and felt bad inside. It was easy to forget I wasn't the only one that ever lost her parents. "I didn't know them though." He shrugged. "Well...I knew mine." I said as we went up the stairs slowly. "I just don't like talking about it." "What do you like?" He asked me when we got to the top. "School." I shrugged. "The bathroom's down there, end of the hall. The pills and needles in the medicine cabinet are mine. You're not like a junkie or anything, are you?" "No." He shook his head. "Anyway, don't touch that stuff." I told him. "And the red toothbrush is mine too." "I got a blue one." Ronald offered me a little smile and I ignored it. "This is my room. That one's Dana's, you'll meet her, don't worry." I told him. "And I guess this one is yours." "Okay." He poked his head inside as I stood in the hallway. "You gotta keep it clean yourself, there's no maids or anything and Renee will get mad if you don't." I said. "She's nice, but kinda strict about that stuff." "Sure, okay." He shrugged. "How old are you?" I asked him. "Almost twenty." "I knew it." I smiled then. "I'll see ya later." "Hey, wait." Ronald stopped me. "Can't you hang out a little?" "I gotta study." I tapped my books as I held them to my body. "Study here." He looked at the room again. "There's a desk." "Why?" "I just don't like being alone." Ronald said. "Do you?" "Sometimes." "Like now?" "No, I guess not." I shrugged. "Just don't talk too much." "I won't." He promised. I tried to study and Ronald was being quiet, unpacking what little he had in his bag and it wasn't much. I was mostly just watching him though, because having someone new around was nice and anything that had to do with Mr. Fox made me curious. It made Ronald special and I wanted to know why. "What are you reading?" I asked him, looking at the paperback book he tossed on top of his one and only change of clothes. "Huh? Oh, Zane Grey. You like him?" Ronald asked, holding it up. "Never heard of him." I shrugged. "Rider's of the Purple Sage?" "Cowboys." Ronald smiled shyly. "I like westerns." "That's cool." "What do you like to read?" "Me?" I lifted a hand. "I dunno. I used to read a lot of cosmology, physics, stuff like that. Now I read genetics mostly." "Okay." He chuckled and I actually blushed a little. "I got no idea what cosmology is." "Um, the study of the universe. Like where it comes from. Where it's going. Stuff like that." "I thought it was just kinda...Out there." Ronald had sort of a short scrappy beard, but not a full one, just some hair on his cheeks and chin like he'd never shaved in his life. He rubbed his jaw and I could hear it scratching. "Well, yeah." I nodded. "Hey, there it is." Ronald held up his blue toothbrush. "See? I told you I had one." "Heh." I looked at him. "You got a razor too?" "Nope." He frowned slightly. "Why?" "You oughta shave maybe." I said. "You look...Scruffy." "I do?" He narrowed his hazel eyes. "A little." I smiled, just so he wouldn't be totally embarrassed. "A haircut too maybe." "I dunno." He cleared his throat a little and he was turning a bit red. "You got the rebel thing going, huh?" I teased him. "I mean the leather jacket and all." "Yeah, maybe." He looked up at me "You don't like it?" "It doesn't matter what I like." I shrugged. "What if it did?" He wondered, bringing his soft eyes up to mine, just for a split-second. "Are you like hitting on me?" I giggled and he blushed hard and looked away. "Hey!" Dana was there and she'd probably been eavesdropping for a while, waiting for a good moment to inject herself into Ronald's life like the cure for cancer. "Hi." Ronald looked at her and this was a good time to going back to my book. "What's your name?" Dana came in and sat on the guy's bed, sorta bouncing. "Ronald...Ron." "I'm Dana, that's Jen, we're not sister's or anything." "Okay." "I thought you were a girl." Dana said. "At first." "No, I'm a boy." Ronald cleared his throat. "Cool. You got a girlfriend?" "No." "I don't have a boyfriend either. Jen's got one, but he's in Utah." Dana told him. "She's totally in love too, even though she hasn't seen him like five years." "Just one year." I frowned. "Oh." Ron glanced at me. "She calls him every week, like Sunday nights, so you have to go outside." "Dana!" "Why's that?" Ron tilted his head. "Cause if you don't, you'll just end up jerking off." "Shut-up!" I stared at her and my face was turning red, Ronald's too. "My dad jerks off every time. It totally pisses my mom off too." Dana said happily. "He like paces in the hallway, you know? And then he just goes into the bathroom and does it. Is that seriously gross or what?" "That's enough! God!" I pushed my chair out. "What? It's true anyway." Dana shrugged. "You oughta at least warn the guy." "Don't listen to her, okay?" I rolled my eyes but I felt like I was going to puke. "She's just really weird." "I'm the only one you can listen to." Dana smiled at Ron. "I'm the normal one. Jen works for the CIA." "Okay." Ron wasn't looking at either of us and probably the guy just wanted to get away from here now. Stupid Dana. "Hey, you're not a brainiac or anything, are you?" Dana looked at Ron closely. "What? Smart? No, I'm definitely not one of those." Ron admitted with a self-conscious smile. "Cool." Dana giggled. "Me neither. Jen's got like an Einstein brain though; it's four times bigger than a normal person's. That's why her tits are so big." "Are you retarded?" I frowned. "My brain's normal, I just use it better than you." "Yeah right." Dana giggled. "She's gonna be a doctor before she even turns eighteen, is that weird or what?" "How, um, how old are you now?" Ron looked at me. "I just turned fifteen." I said. "Dana's gonna be eight next month." "Screw you!" Dana shook her head. "I'm gonna be fifteen too. How old are you?" "Nineteen." Ron nodded. "Almost twenty." "Awesome!" Dana grinned. "You wanna go out with me?" "Uh..." Ronald shrugged. "Yeah, whatever." Dana frowned. "You probably do have a girlfriend, huh?" "No, I really don't." Ronald shook his head. "You ever had one?" Dana asked. "No." "Why not?" Dana narrowed her eyes. "You're pretty cute." "I just...I'm a little shy, I guess." "Me too." Dana laughed. "You wanna play truth or dare?" "Dana, give the guy a break already." I rolled my eyes. "What? We ain't doing anything else." Dana grinned at me. "You can play too." "I don't wanna play." I sighed. "Yeah you do!" Dana stuck her tongue out at me. "Ronnie's playing, aren't you?" "I don't know how." He smiled and he did look a little confused. "It's easy." Dana told him. "Sit down here, you gotta ask somebody 'truth or dare' and if they say truth, you ask a question and they can't lie." "Okay." Ron sat down on the bed. "If they say dare, you dare them to do something and they have to do it." Dana wiggled her eyebrows. "What if they don't want to?" Ron asked. "Well, duh!" Dana giggled. "That's the point!" "Oh." Ron looked at me and I shrugged. "It's a dumb game." I told him. "It is not!" Dana frowned at me and then looked back at Ron. "I'll go first, just so you know how, okay? Go ahead and ask me." "Ummm...Truth?" He shrugged. "No, bonehead!" Dana made a face. "Ask me truth or dare." "Oh." Ron laughed weakly. "Truth or dare?" "Dare!" Dana giggled. "Now you just gotta dare me to do something." "Ummm..." Ron had no idea what to dare the girl. "Just...anything. It don't matter." Dana coaxed him. "I'll give you a dare." I said. "You said you weren't playing." Dana grinned at me. "If you dare me you gotta play." "Yeah, whatever." "Okay." Dana shrugged. "You dare me then." "I dare you to go outside for an hour and stay there!" I giggled. "What?" Dana gave me the finger. "You can't have any stupid dares." Ron was laughing though and smiling at me and I grinned back at him. "You guys suck." Dana hopped off the bed. "I'm gonna go have some fun without you!" Dana left, slamming the door behind her and I just shrugged. "Is she gonna be mad?" Ron asked. "Nah, she'll be happy again in half an hour, you'll see." I told him. "She's just like that." "Kinda hyper or something." "Yeah." I giggled. "I'm gonna take a shower maybe." Ron said. "Can I do that?" "Sure." I nodded. "Course you can, there's a little closet in the bathroom with towels in it. I'll, uh...I'll go to my room." "Hey, Jen." Ron smiled as I was picking up my books. "Thanks for hanging out a little." "Sure, yeah." I smiled. "Anytime, you know." "Okay." He sucked his lips and watched me leave. =-=-=-=-=-={25}=-=-=-=-=-= I opened the door to my room and there was Dana. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "What's it look like?" She shrugged. "Nothing." "You gotta relax a little." I told her, putting my stuff on my desk and she was on my bed. "That guy's kinda shy." "No kidding." Dana rolled her eyes. "What's he got a leather jacket for if he's shy?" "I dunno." "You think he never had a girlfriend?" "That's what he said." I told Dana, getting onto the bed next to her. "He's pretty hot though." She made a little face. "For a virgin, I mean." "Yeah right." I laughed. "What? You didn't think so? God! I just want to jump his bones, I swear." Dana looked at me seriously. "Feel me." "What?" I frowned at her. "Here, down here..." She took my hand and pressed it against the crotch of her white painter's pants and she was seriously hot, her pussy was soaked too, like she'd peed herself. "Why are you all wet?" I pulled my hand away, looking at my fingers like I might see something there. "I don't know, it's so weird." She blinked at me. "Like I was fingering myself, you know? Except I was just sitting there." "You're wet cause of him?" I blinked at her and my mind was already going in an impossible direction. "Hell yeah!" Dana giggled. "I swear, if he like just kissed me? I'd cum." "Really?" I dismissed the thought, thinking Dana was just being...Dana. "Uh-huh." The girl licked her lips. "He's like the sexiest guy I ever saw." "Okay." I smiled at her, but it was really strange cause yeah, Ron was pretty cute, but sexy? I hadn't really noticed that and I would have if... "You wanna do it?" Dana looked at me, licking her lips and distracting me completely. "No." I laughed at her. "Your mom and dad could come home any second." "So?" She was reaching for me. "I just gotta have something, okay? I mean, I still feel it. I took my pill this morning." "I don't wanna fool around, Dana." I rolled my eyes and we'd been having sex for almost six months and her parents knew it, but pretended like they didn't, which was weird. I'd gotten her birth control pills from Johns Hopkins. "Just go take a cold shower or something." "God." Dana sighed and she had her hand under my skirt and I closed my thighs. "I can't believe you don't wanna fuck that guy." "Don't say that." I was grabbing her wrist. "It's not nice." "What are you? My mom?" Dana tried to shake off my hand. "Let go! Fine, you don't wanna fuck. Whatever." "Dana." I let go of her wrist. "Just remember when you need to do it, I never say no." She pouted, crossing her arms over her smallish breasts and staring at the ceiling. "I know, it's just...The middle of the day." I said. "Come on." "I shoulda told him you have a dick." Dana said. "Don't tell him that, alright?" I said seriously. "I mean it." "I know." She frowned. "Not like it's gonna matter anyway. If you want him, all you gotta do is play with yourself a little." "What?" I giggled. "You know it's true!" Dana looked at me and I blinked as I saw her eyes were wet. "Like you're not already hot enough, you gotta have that stuff to make boys crazy? What's up with that?" "Dana, come on." I reached for her shoulders, trying to pull the girl close. "How come I can't look like you?" She asked, her bottom lip trembling. "Everybody loves you." "That's not true, come here." I whispered. "Yeah it is." Dana closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks. "Ronnie couldn't stop looking at you. He didn't even look at me." "You're really pretty, Dana." I was getting her closer, the girl turning so I could hug her. "You just gotta grow a little more." "I'm the same age as you almost." "People grow different." I shrugged, holding her face to my shoulder and rubbing her back. "I hate you sometimes." Dana sighed, her voice catching with a little hiccup. "It isn't fair." "I know it feels like that sometimes, but..." "Nobody likes me. You don't even wanna have sex with me." Dana wiped her wet face against my dress. "Yeah, I do." I lied. "I just don't wanna get in trouble." "No you don't." "Yeah, I do." I kissed the top of her head. "I swear." "Really?" She sniffled hard and tilted her head up to look at me. "Course I do." I smiled. "You're so pretty, Dana." "I'm ugly." She frowned. "Well, right now you are." I giggled, wiping at her cheek with my thumb. "Everybody's ugly when they cry." "All the time." She swallowed hard. "No." I shook my head. "That ain't true and you know it." Just then we heard Karl's truck outside and I nodded my head. "See?" I told Dana. "If we were doing it, we'd be in trouble. Your parents are home." "Yeah, maybe." She'd stopped crying at least and we were quiet for a few minutes, listening to her parents downstairs. "I wish you were a boy." Dana told me and she started getting up. "Why?" I smiled at her serious face, all pink with puffy red eyes now. "So you'd love me back." She said and then she left quickly before I could think of how to answer that. Sometime later I was at my desk and there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Wow!" I smiled. "Look at you." "Yeah." Ronald was standing there, cleaned up and shaved, with his hair combed straight back from his smooth forehead. "You did have a razor, huh?" I walked to my bed and sat down sideways on it, leaning against the wall. "No." He smiled, coming inside and looking around with his hazel eyes. "I found an electric shaver in the bathroom." "Oh, yeah. That's Karl's." I nodded. "I never shaved before." The man smiled at me a little self-consciously. "You look good." I decided. "I do?" "Yeah, sit down." I jerked my head towards the bed beside me. "It's gonna be dinner time pretty soon. Did you go downstairs yet?" "No." Ronald sat down slowly, and leaned against the wall with me. "I'm kind of nervous. I don't talk to people." "Why?" I wondered. "You grow up in Siberia or something?" "Heh." He shrugged. "Something, I guess. I was in the hospital a lot." "Hospital?" I looked at him. "For what?" "I dunno, being crazy, I guess." He licked his lips. "I mean I'm not crazy, I'm just. I'm not really happy, you know?" "How come?" "Oh..." He took a deep breath. "...Um, Mr. Fox, he told me that, uh...You..." "That I what?" I asked, because he was hardly getting the words out. "You and me." He turned his head, looking me right in the eyes for maybe the first time all afternoon. "We're almost...The same. Sort of." "The same?" I smiled but I didn't understand at all. "What do you mean." We were quiet for five minutes while he thought about it and I just sat there waiting. "I'm a boy." He told me. "Okay." I nodded and I looked at him, wearing clean corduroy pants now and a white t-shirt, sort of a tight one too, and he had a real body. A nice one and definitely a boy's. I could see sexy there. Maybe. "Hey you guys!" Dana popped her head through my open door. "Time to eat." "Okay, yeah." I nodded. "We'll be right down." "Yeah, we better go." Ronald said and I was willing to be late, but he looked relieved that he wasn't going to tell me what he wanted to. =-=-=-=-=-={25}=-=-=-=-=-= "So Ronald, you're going to be here a couple months, from what I understand?" Karl was saying and he looked like a Quaker, kind of round all over, with bushy sideburns and thick black eyebrows. "Yes sir." Ron agreed. "I guess." "Where are you going then?" I wondered and Karl gave me a look cause I knew better than that. Ronald wasn't our first visitor, only the most interesting one, and I'd learned not to ask too many questions. Most of our rare guests were just passing through and Dana thought they were spies and the farm was a safe house, whatever that was. She had a wild imagination, but I'd also learned not to underestimate the girl either; she wasn't stupid by any stretch. "I don't know." Ron smiled at me and Dana frowned slightly. "You like to ride horses, Ronnie?" Dana asked him and she'd washed her face and brushed her auburn hair, letting it fall loose around her heart shaped face for a change, instead of her usual ponytail. She'd put on a real dress too, which was unusual for the girl as she was a bit of a tomboy. "I never rode one." Ron smiled at her and that made Dana happy finally. "I'll teach you." Dana smiled back. "I'm really good at it too. We can go tomorrow." "Are you going riding, Jennifer?" Ron looked at me and I caught Dana's look and shook my head. "No, I really gotta study." I told him and that wasn't a lie at all. "You and Dana go, it'll be fun." "Yeah, okay." Ron nodded and Dana was smiling at me. "When are you going up to Baltimore, Jen?" Renee asked me and she was tall and thin and sort of stern looking, like she couldn't unclench her teeth even when she talked, but she was pretty nice anyway. "Mr. Fox is sending a car Tuesday." I shrugged. "Three days. I got tests, so I'm just going to stay up there til the weekend." "You go to school up there?" Ron asked me. "Yeah, medical school." I smiled at him. "I have a room and everything, right there at the school, but I hardly ever use it." "So you're really gonna be a doctor?" Ron smiled like he thought Dana had been joking earlier. "Yeah." I agreed. "Someday." "That's pretty cool." Ron nodded and Dana was frowning again and this was gonna get real old, real quick. =-=-=-=-=-={25}=-=-=-=-=-= "Hey there." I giggled into the phone. "Remember me?" "Jen." Josh sighed back in Utah and I felt my skin prickling. "I remember everything." "What are you doing?" I asked, leaning against my closed bedroom door with the phone cord running beneath it from the hallway. "I was waiting for you." "I was waiting for nine o'clock." I sighed. "It took forever to get here." "You could call earlier." "Nah." I smiled. "We have a tradition now." "Is that what this is?" Josh chuckled. "God, I miss you." "I miss you too." I whispered. "Where's your girlfriend tonight?" "Ohhh...Which one? The redhead?" "No, that black haired one with the big boobs." I giggled. "Oh, her." "Yeah, I hate her." "I sent her out for some more Viagra." Josh told me. "You know, they just wear me out." "Heh!" I laughed and then got a little serious. "If you did have a girlfriend, you'd tell me. Right?" "I do have one." "What?" "You." Josh said without humor. "You're still my girlfriend." "Yeah, I am." "Then I don't need another one." Josh promised me. "I don't want one." "I want to make love to you." I sighed softly. "Oh, Jeeze...Yeah." Josh sighed too and I smiled. "I'm hard just thinking about you." I told him. "How about right now?" "I'm touching myself." I giggled, looking down at my swollen cock as I jerked off slowly. "Me too." Josh chuckled. "I know." I paused. "You want me to suck it for you?" "Yeah, baby." "I love sucking your cock, Josh. It's so big and hard, God! I can feel it in my hands, how heavy it is." "Mmmm...Jen..." "Sliding my hand up and down the shaft, you're so thick. I can't even get my fingers around it. I have to use both hands, rubbing it up and down slowly, I love that. The way it pulls your balls up a little everytime." "Yeah, Jenny...Play with my cock..." "Is it wet for me? Do you want me to lick the head, Josh? I want to taste your precum and rub your cock all over my lips. My soft moist lips, would you like that?" "You're so sexy rubbing my cock all over your mouth, Jen...Don't stop, baby..." "Hmmm...Kissing your big hard dick, running my lips up and down the shaft, licking you all over. I want you good and wet and slippery, Josh. I'm getting you all wet for my mouth, for my throat. I'm gonna suck all of it." "The whole thing..." "Yeah, I want to get every inch of your fat cock inside me. I love the way you stretch my lips, Ummphh...Can you feel that? My lips wrapped around your cock? Sliding down while I lick the head, washing it all over with my tongue." "Oh fuck, Jennnn...Suck it for me, baby..." "My hot little mouth all full of your big dick. Wriggling my tongue underneath it as I swallow all that precum, all that spit inside my mouth now. Opening my throat and taking you deeper." "God yeah...Open your throat for me, baby..." "Uh-huh, I'm swallowing, Josh. Letting your cock catch my open throat. You know I can do it too. Sucking you so nice, letting your cock go into my tight throat, trying to swallow every inch of your big dick." "You're gonna make me cum, Jen..." "Yeah, I'm gonna make you cum in my mouth. I want to taste it tonight, Josh. I'm not gonna let you pull out, I'm so hungry for it. I missed you so much, all week I've been dreaming about eating your creamy ball juice." "Ball juice?" Josh chuckled softly. "Shhh..." I giggled. "...You're gonna make me choke on it, huh? All that sperm in your balls? I bet you have a lot for me now. Thick and salty and ready to fill my little tummy. Do you want me to swallow it for you?" "Fuck yeah...Eat my ball juice, Jenny." "I'm going to. I'm going to suck you dry, Josh. I want every drop! Mmmm...Sliding my mouth up and down, playing with your balls. Rolling them around in my fingers. They're so big and heavy, God! I love your balls!" "Yeah, kiss my balls, baby...Suck them too..." "Ummm oh yeah, you like that, huh? Your little fifteen year old girlfriend, sucking your balls while she jerks you off. You want to cum on my face? Do you want to shoot all over me while I suck your balls, Josh?" "Oh God!" "Do you think I'm beautiful with your hot sperm all over me? You can cum on my tits too, my big round tits. Did you see the pictures I sent? Remember those? You love my tits, I know you do. Slide your cock between them, Josh. Let me feel you fucking my tits." "Oh shit, Jen...I'm looking at you now...Your perfect tits..." "Yeah, I love it when you're on top of me, boyfriend. Kneeling over me, so I can press my boobs together and feel your cock fucking my body. Your balls sliding across my skin. My nipples are so hard right now, Josh. God! I want you to bite them for me. Pinch them. Twist them off for me, okay?" "I want to eat your tits, baby..." "Oh God! I'm gonna cum soon. Put your cock inside me now. Make love to me, Josh. I want to cum with your cock in my ass, fucking me. Fuck me, please? Kiss my tits and fuck my ass, I love you so much." "Yeah...Yeah, Jen...I love you...Fucking you with my dick..." "In my ass. Sliding in and out. Stretching my hot little hole. Fuck me harder, I like it. I like it when it hurts a little. It feels good. Put my legs over your shoulders, Josh. Fuck me...Fuck me...Oh..." "Oh shit...Jen...Yeah my cock's in your ass baby. Making love to you. Kissing you hard now, you taste so good. I love your mouth, licking your lips and sucking your tongue. Oh fuck...I need you so bad. I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum in your tight little ass, Jen." "Ahhh...Josh...Uh-huh!" I closed my eyes tightly, feeling my cock suddenly spasm and I was cumming hard, spraying semen all over my dress as it was bunched up around my hips and tummy. "Jennnn...Fuck!" Josh was cumming too, both of us working ourselves to cum at the same time, wanting to share it even if we were three thousand miles apart. "I love you so much, Josh." I breathed. "Jen, oh Christ. I love you too." End of Part 08