Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 09:27:56 +0000 From: Writer345 Subject: Stepsisters This story is fiction and all characters portrayed in it are fictional also. This is really odd if you think about it, for have you ever met anyone who actually claims to be fictional? Me neither! Anyone wishing to download this story for their own use is free to do so provided that it is done in its entirety and that this disclaimer is retained. If you want to post it on another site, please contact me on – I usually say "yes please!" So on with the story which is written in British-English by a dyslexic writer with mental health problems: need I say more? * * * * Stepsisters. by Writer 345© Chapter #1. Prologue, Preamble and Associated Whining. Okay, don't blame me: blame my Dad: if he hadn't re-married after Mom died then none of this would have happened. Or it might have done, but then it wouldn't have been me that caused it, would it? I suppose that I'd better introduce myself, I'm Abigail Yates, which is a name that is sadly in need of a deed-poll. I'm a chocolate-brunette (at the moment) and eighteen years old. I plan to go to University next autumn, if I pass my exams, but at the moment I'm working in a shop part-time and in a restaurant the other part – keeps me out of mischief and provides me with a meagre income. Oh, and I'm also a gold-star lesbian... I thought I'd better throw that one in early as it will make it easier to explain what happened in previous years and a lot did happen. Like I said when I began to waffle my way through this sordid and surreal chain of events: It was all Dad's fault really. Mom died over thirteen years ago: I could say that I don't remember her as it would make it easier to tell my story, but it would be a lie. I remember Mom and love her dearly – I always will, I got my looks and skin-tone from her: she was Indian, by the way. Dad, on the other hand was a white Brit, as you can probably deduce from my surname (Yates! Remember?). Not that a mixed marriage is any big deal in the UK these days – its common enough, after all, and nobody intelligent gives a hoot – we're not Yanks, after all. No, it's no big deal as far as intelligent people are concerned, but kids are another matter: being stupid, small-minded, vindictive bullies. (You don't agree? – My God! You've got a short memory... Just think back to when you were at school and recall what happened to the non-stereotypical kids in the small-minded, juvenile and very tribal group that made-up the population of your school.) If someone couldn't fit into one of the tribes then they got bullied! True? Damned right it's true! School was okay when I was younger: little kids don't seem to notice, well, anything! But as I got older my 'friends' so did my friends. Junior school was okay for the most part, although it became less alright the older I got. Then came the local Comprehensive School, where I was destined to remain for my formative years and the older I got, the more of an outsider I became. Eventually some idiot noticed that my Dad was white and wanted to know if I was adopted. I tried to explain that Mom was Indian but the smart-arse couldn't accept this as by now Dad had remarried a stunning red-head who clearly had no connections with the sub-continent. Again I tried explaining about Lucy being my stepmum but it was no good as idiot-brain had already made up his mind that I was a liar and was clearly trying to hide something nasty. Then as the lads in my year started to get older: testosterone levels rose and IQ's fell, you know the sort of thing that happens to males during puberty – how they seem to go through a sub-human phase during the transition from child to human being. As I said, I'm a lesbian, so when they started taking an interest in girls, I did too. Sadly, I was one of the girls who these moronic lads began to get interested in... Have you ever noticed that some males are incapable of taking "fuck-off" as an answer? Okay, so as pretty girls go, I'm up there with the best of them which meant that the more persistent/stupid of the boys couldn't understand why their enthusiastic and amorous approaches were met with a total lack of interest. Then, with impeccable male logic, they became even more persistent as they began to see me as a challenge although I soon learned that a well-placed knee was usually enough to dissuade them. Now they began to refer to me as a 'snooty cow'... Actually this was fine by me because at least they were no longer trying to inflict their bad-breath and body odour on me. The daft arsehole that came up with the demented idea that "your school days are the best days of your life" obviously never went to school himself! That mouthy git is probably the single major the reason that the rate of teenaged suicide is so high. (God, if this is the best, how the hell can I face the next sixty years????? Oh, fantastic! A bottle of rat poison – Glug! Glug! Glug!) So here I was, the complete outsider: a liar and an adopted lesbo snooty cow who thinks she is too good for the rest of us! Or at least that was what the rest of them seemed to think. Well at least I had Dad and Lucy and a loving home life... Yes you've guessed it – I already hated every minute of school by the time that I was thirteen and the bottom fell out of my world because Dad also died. I later found out that it was the big "C" and that he'd been ill for several years but had not told me. Why? Mum, well Stepmum that is, explained that he had been trying to protect me as he had been banking on a cure right up to the very end. I wish I'd have know, I probably wouldn't have been such a hateful little bitch if I had. Pubescent girls are just as obnoxious as boys but in different ways so I like to think that I'd have been nicer to my Dad if I'd have know he was dying – either way I still feel very guilty about it. Here I was – thirteen, with both parents dead, living with Lucy, my stepmum. She wasn't one of the wicked ones like you see on the television or read about in fairy stories... She was actually very kind and loving and a stunner to look at and given my sky-rocketing hormone levels and the fact that I was gay: well I am sure that you'll be able to guess the rest if you can visualize her... Five foot two, with the face of a loving angel... A beautiful, come-fuck-me smile... Long shiny red-gold hair... Sultry green eyes... A slim hour-glass figure... Big, firm, bouncy tits... A bum that you can stand an ash-tray on... Long, tapered legs that seem to go on for ever... Need I go on? By now you may have come to the tenuous conclusion that I fancied her like crazy – damned right I did: but I knew better than to show it! Lucy, that's (step)Mum, carried on taking care of me just like I was her very own daughter – I guessed that she had really wanted one of her own and I'm also sorry that she didn't have a daughter as every girl needs a sister. Instead, all she had Robby: an annoying, whining brat of a son! As you have guessed, the last thing that I needed at that time was a smelly brother. Robby unfortunately was a boy although still immature with his blond hair, freckles and slightly turned-up nose. He was also much paler than me – I'm half-Indian, remember? All golden-brown skin and raven-black hair. Robby, bless his little cotton socks, was younger than me. I don't think that he went out of his way to be a total dick-head but, well, as a boy, he came across as one without really trying. I wasn't going to put up with it, however. School gave me all of the shit that I could cope with so I was damned if I was going to take any more at home. And besides, although I couldn't control the massed idiots at the comp, home, where there was only one, was a different matter... Robby I should be able to do something about... And as you have probably worked out by now: this is exactly what I did and then some. You have probably also worked out that I can be devious little bitch. Okay, okay, admit it, I AM a devious little bitch but not from choice: as far as I am concerned it's all a part of survival. I will survive as anyone that tries to prevent this usually finds out to their cost. School was a battleground which made it all the more necessary that I should be able to relax when I got home. I didn't have to fight Lucy and I didn't want to fight Robby which is why I came to the conclusion that as he wasn't going to beat me he would damned well better join me. And to this end I gave him all of the help that I could – after all, what are big sisters for if it isn't too help their little brothers? And help him I did. Chapter #2. Getting a Grip, Fighting Back and Some Revelations. It was because of Robby that I began to get a grip of things – hell if I couldn't control an annoying little brother, there was no hope for me. I was an outsider at school and so I was damned well going to make sure that I was at the centre of everything at home and the first step was to keep everything was stable. I began to call Lucy, 'Mum' just after dad died. Luckily she was a lovely lady so it just seemed natural. Did I resent the fact that Dad had remarried? Well this is common enough and a lot of daft, jealous kids do, but I didn't see Lucy as a rival or a threat. I just missed my own Mom. Lucy had been a part of Dad's life and hence my own for some time before they got married. But I still didn't call her 'Mom'... Oh, I wasn't rude or anything like that: or at least not by the standards of me being a 'Daddy's Little Princess'. I suppose that I was neutral towards her, for want of a better word. But, as I said, things changed when Dad passed away. My anchor had gone and I needed an alternative support. School was shite, so I wasn't going to get it there: I was the outsider, remember? The one that didn't fit in, the one without real friends, the one without a 'tribe'. No! There was only home, there was only Lucy, so she became 'Mum' and I became the 'daughter' that she did not have. Robby? Well Robby became something to be tolerated... I mean he was part of the family so I was stuck with him and no, I didn't go out of my way to make him look bad: he was a boy so was an expert on doing that for himself. At school I had nothing to lose so I worked hard. If they decided that I was a 'swat', well then so what? I'd got no street-cred to lose. If I had to go there I was going to make the most of it... Actually even my status as an outsider worked to my advantage. You've all come across cases of 'cyber-bullying' when social media, such as 'Facebook', Twitter' and the like have been the site of an on-line campaign that is so vicious that the victim (usually an insecure teenaged girl) commits suicide. Being an outsider, what was the point of me having any social media accounts in my own name? I didn't have any friends to impress by making shallow posts so why have a Facebook page? I wasn't the victim of cyber-bullying simply because the turds couldn't find me. Oh, I went on line – but never as 'Abigail Yates'. Face to face bullying? That never went beyond name-calling simply because anything face-to-face resulted in retaliation for I had developed a sharp tongue and a quick wit and so usually came off better in any exchanges. As for physical bullying? Well as I have already said, I had already worked out that a well-placed knee works wonders when things got up close and personal. Forehead-to-nose works well too and also tends to be followed by a rewarding 'crunch' and a shriek of pain. The word soon got around and they began to leave me alone. As far as the teachers were concerned I was the quiet, polite, hard-working girl who always did her homework so they tended to believe my side of things when there was an altercation so I learned how to manipulate them. The average teacher is very gullible, after all, so my troubles began to decrease at this point because I had taken the trouble to workout what the rules of the game actually were. I had taken a grip of things at school so now it was time to do the same at home. The less trouble that I made for Mum(Lucy) the easier life would be for her and thus it would be for me also. Life was easier if I helped her around the house and generally supported her and if the threat of looming household jobs became too much, I could always plead 'homework' and get out of anything that I didn't want to do. – Damn it! I'm waffling again. Get a grip, Abigail! Get a grip! – By the time I was fourteen life had become noticeably easier: mom was happy with me: school had become tolerable. Yes, I was in control of everything except for my 'brother' and I was determined that things would definitely change as far as Robby was concerned. Okay, I didn't exactly plan things or at least not in the way that they turned out... They sort of happened as things fell into place and I guess that it really started when I was about thirteen and a half for it was then that I noticed that my best underwear had gone missing and not only that, but it was the second set that had gone-walk-about just lately. I asked mom who reassured me that she had washed them a couple of days before and as far as she knew they were drying on the rack in the utility room. I checked again: no panties, no bra, no fashionable lime-green tights. I stopped and thought – either the 'sock-monster' was getting adventurous or......... Robby!!! Why did I automatically suspect him? Well if you are asking that question then you are clearly not a teenaged girl who has had a younger brother inflicted upon her. Little boys tend to have an almost mystical attraction for their big sisters' clothing and possessions... It's all part of being a little boy. They need to be really annoying and what better way than to nose around in other peoples things and remove the odd item that attracts their magpie-like curiosity? So, putting on my best grim expression, the one I normally reserved for school, I made a bee-line for the little git's room. I flung the door open and stormed in catching my little brother completely unawares and quite frankly I was more than a little surprised myself. Remember, I was thirteen and a half and very innocent at the time, so the sight of my twelve year old stepbrother naked except for my tights, panties and bra was totally unexpected. We both stood staring at each other, mouths slightly open in shock. I guess that we both did pretty good impressions of a pair of goldfish: eyes bulging, mouths opening and closing: me paler with anger; him red with embarrassment. "You... You can't come in here!" He shrieked, eyes filling with tears. I remained silent and watched him try to shrink into the background. Boys! After staring at him for a few seconds, I whipped out my mobile phone and captured a couple of snaps on the grounds that they might conceivably come in useful at some time in the future. "Noooo!" He shouted, but I ignored him. He was the one that was in the wrong after all. I took a good look around at what I imagined was a typical boy's bedroom. Wardrobe, draw-unit, desk, posters, cluttered shelves with toys and an old suitcase open on top of the bed. The latter, quite frankly attracted my attention as it contained several items of clothing belonging to Mum, myself and no doubt too a lot of other people – courtesy of their washing lines. As I attempted to look inside he grabbed for it and yelled. "That's private!" Suddenly I heard movement from downstairs, Mum had noticed the noise. "What on Earth's going on?" She called. "Nothing, Mum." I answered while Robby froze – a terrified expression plastered across his face. Then there were footfalls on the staircase... The little git was going to get caught – good job too! Or was it? My mind raced as the footfalls got closer... Did I really want him to get caught? ...and closer... What was in it for me, if he was? That clinched it! I looked around and grabbed his dressing gown from the back of the door and threw it to him, motioning to him to get down behind the bed even as he struggled into it. ...and closer... I had just pushed the suitcase off the bed when the door swung open. "What's going on, Abbie?" Mum asked sounding rather bemused. I was pretty good at acting – school, with its resident leper colony of scummy idiots, had helped me master the necessary skills. "It's okay, Mum," I reassured her, "I found Robby's diary on the landing and brought it in to him." "Ah!" Mum said, associating me having his diary with him shouting 'that's private'. I didn't dare give her a chance to think about this so I continued. "I should have knocked and not barged right in, sorry Robby!" He looked bemused even as he mumbled. "'S all right." Mum sighed. "Please be more considerate in future, Abbie." "Yes, Mum, sorry." I said with as much sincerity as I could fake. ...And then she was gone, closing the door behind her. I turned to Robby and gave him a quizzical look, raising one eyebrow for emphasis. I heard him almost sob with relief because mum hadn't seen the contraband in his suitcase. "Thanks, our Abbie" He grinned, standing up behind his bed. I folded my arms and stared at him. "What?" He asked. I motioned him to come around my side of the bed and he did so. "Take the dressing gown off." I commanded. "What? No!" He almost wailed. "Take the dressing gown off." I repeated, only this time I flashed my phone. Was it my imagination, or did he go pale? Either way, the dressing gown slipped off his shoulders and fell to the floor giving my a perfect view of a sad little boy wearing nothing but my matching pink bra and panties plus my lime-green tights. "Hmm!" I commented as I gazed at him. "Those tights and undies don't go together very well, do they?" He went from pale to red instantly as he mumbled something incoherent. I gave him a kindly smile. "You may keep my undies just as long as you promise not to take any more." Well I didn't fancy wearing them: not after his boy-bits had been inside them. "Okay, little bro, let's take a good look at you." He was almost my height and build although clearly not my shape. I prodded and poked what he had got – probably a little more forcefully than I needed to but then I was trying to make a point and the point was that I was in charge and he damned well shouldn't forget it. A ghost of an idea began to form... I was in charge, wasn't I? And it was obvious to me that Mum would prefer having two daughters rather than a daughter and a thing Well I certainly would rather have a sister than the... whatever it was that was standing in front of me! It would be so much easier if Robby was a girl. I shrugged. I was stuck with a stepbrother, worse luck and there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it! Well there wasn't! There wasn't, was there? Well, was there? The idea sort of started to grow: it was one of those silly, impractical ideas that take root and nag at us. One of those ideas that keeps pointing out how good it is by drawing our attention to little things that seem to prove that it will work. I gave Robby a lopsided smile and he in turn gave me hope. "Robby, if you want to to dress in girl's clothes then at least do it properly!" I said as pleasantly as I could pretend to be. "I'm going to help you – it will be our little secret." He did a pretty good impression of a rabbit caught in a car's headlights and looked kinda cute. Actually I couldn't work out whether it was shock or because he couldn't believe his good fortune. I didn't give a damn which it was because I was about to take advantage of my unexpected good luck. I was the one in charge after all. Chapter #3. Get out of the way Machiavelli – I'm coming through! So here I was with all of these big ideas and no money to pay for them... Okay, I wanted Robby to pay for everything that I was going to do for him but this option wasn't very practical as the sad little git had even less money than I did. So what did this leave? How was I going to raise the necessary funds? Well there was Lucy – but if you thought that I was going to steal from her, well, think again! I love my Mum so I damned well wasn't going to hurt her. Besides she was working full-time just to put food on the table: the house was paid for, thanks to Dad's insurance but there was still very little money to spare. However, Mum working meant that she was out of the house for a couple of hours after we got home from school which could prove to be very useful. I had a little pocket money job: I helped out at the local newsagent's shop on Saturdays and they paid me a few quid a week so that was a start although not a very big one. Then it occurred to me, if I could work to raise funds this way then so could Robby – I would rent him out to do odd jobs: cleaning cars, dog walking, cutting grass and gardening: jobs like that. It was all for his benefit after all, so why shouldn't he earn the money to pay for the things that he would need? Even a useless boy like my brother should be good for a few quid an hour, so money would soon mount up (I hoped). I decided against taking out an advert for our 'Odd-Job Service'. Trouble with adverts was anybody could read them including the local weirdos. I knew that we should be careful and besides, if anyone was going to take advantage of Robby it would be me! That just left friends and family or rather Mum's friends and our family, with money in mind, I began asking around. Robby was easy to motivate – all I had to do was show him my phone and he suddenly became very enthusiastic about doing odd jobs... I had accumulated quite a portfolio of him wearing my clothes by now and I must say that he looked quite fetching in them especially as he was getting good at doing his own make-up, dear of him. Still, looking pretty or not, he dreaded Mum finding out, hence his strong work-ethic. I was pretty sure that Lucy wouldn't go ballistic if she did find out: she was pretty understanding after all and I was planning on working on her because she would have to find out sooner or later: preferably at a time of my choosing after she had been sufficiently prepared, that is. However it was in my best interest that Robby didn't know this as I could control him much more easily if he didn't and ignorance really is bliss. His ignorance – my bliss! Over the next few months my brother got very good at cleaning windows and cars; gardening and lawn mowing: even at housework, much to my surprise because the lazy little git never lifted a finger at home. Motivation wasn't a problem for besides his morbid dread of my mobile phone, I also paid him10% of everything that he earned which was just enough to keep him interested. It also allowed us to be truthful with Mum when we reassured her that 'we' were working for pocket money. The money soon mounted up and not before time as I had been doing some on-line research into the project. He seemed to like wearing girls' clothes so I quite rightly judged him to be a transvestite or at least to have tendencies in that direction – however, I doubted that he was actually transgender. But then he didn't have to be as I only had to make him think that he was which, let's face it, couldn't be any harder than convincing Lucy that he was... Well could it? I was quite good at convincing people that black is white so this should be well within my capabilities. I even got a couple of books on hypnosis out of the library but that didn't seem to be reliable enough for my needs. Hypnosis on the TV is always shown as swirling spirals and things while the stuff in the book seemed to be damned hard work and more along the lines of a con-trick: well I was good at con-tricks so perhaps there was something that I could use? Now for the main task – feminizing my little brother. And the more I found out, the more I realised that I was up against deadlines and biology. Robby was about to hit puberty which I needed to slow down or stop dead in its tracks. The best thing about discovering the problem on-line was that I found the solution at the same time. According to everything that I read, I needed to get him onto something called a 'testosterone blocker' to stop him turning into one of those semi-human yobs like the ones that had made my life hell at school. I looked at several of the sales sites, saw the prices and damned well nearly fainted! It was going to cost us over £100 every three months for these things alone. And believe me when I say that £100 to a thirteen year old is an absolute fortune! I did some more reading on that site and on others and discovered that Robby was going to need female hormones too if he ever wanted to grow his own breasts. Okay, okay! I'll rephrase that... Robby was going to need female hormones if I wanted him to grow his own breasts. I looked down at my own and smirked... They were small but were coming along nicely. Shurely Robby would just love to have a pair of his own... I did some more research and found that the hormones would cost about the same as the other stuff. Was this a conspiracy? Then there was the matter of the time scales that were involved! To my rather simple mind it had seemed that no sooner that I put him on the medication than he would stop being a boy, grow hips, tits, a bum and a pussy and so turn into 'Roberta'. Damnation, I really was wrong about the time scales, wasn't I? Very wrong in fact: for we were talking years and not weeks. I was wrong about the pussy too: that would need surgery and a lot of messy cutting and stitching. Cue massive disappointment, much wailing and a large amount of gnashing of teeth. There had to be an easier way... I stopped and thought then checked my little note book – the one that I used to keep a note of Robby's odd job bookings an my own earnings at the Newsagents... Hmm, the £1,000 year was achievable and judging by what we had earned so far, we would be quite a bit above that, too. My mind raced... I didn't want to overwork the little git as that might put him off. But at least he was enjoying working mainly because he was getting a lot of perks like praise, ice cream, snacks and drinks. The relatives seemed to love him and Mum's friends quite liked him too judging by the advanced bookings we were getting. I sat back and was feeling pretty pleased with myself when I heard Mum call out. "Abbie!... Robby!... Dinner's ready!" Something clicked as I hurriedly shutdown my computer. Mum was the key to all of this – I had successfully conned Robby now I needed to work on her – big time. * * * * * * * Time moved on and spring became summer: Robby, bless him, was working his little socks off and earning more than enough money to fund his own medication. I took him clothes shopping a couple of times but we didn't go mad and buy masses as I knew just how much his shape was going to change. Well it certainly would if my own development was anything to go by. We kept his girl clothes in my wardrobe and dresser to keep Mum in the dark and his make-up too was in my room. Buying things was easier as I had asked Mum about the best way for me to do on-line shopping. "Well you have your own money, so how about a credit card?" She suggested helpfully. I thought about it and nodded. "Thanks, Mum." I frowned and tried to look as vulnerable as I could. "But I'm only a minor" "Oh don't worry, darling, you are very responsible so I'll sign your application form for you providing that you promise not to run up massive bills." I threw my arms around her and gave her a big kiss although I did go all light-headed when I felt those big bouncy breasts squash against my on little ones. "Thanks, Mum," I whooped, "I promise to pay everything off monthly!" Well the banks have a damned site more money than me so why should I give them any of mine? "What are you buying anyway?" Mum asked. I hugged her again. "Oh mainly things for Robby with his share of the money we're earning. I thought that If I kept control of it, he wouldn't be able to overspend. You know what little boys are like." She squeezed me back and I shivered: those tits of hers really were divine and I longed to fondle them. "Oh you are such a good daughter!" She said out of the blue. "So kind and thoughtful." I kissed her cheek although I longed to kiss her somewhere else. "Thanks Mum, love you too!" Early summer was also my birthday – I was fourteen but Robby wouldn't be thirteen until the autumn. He had been on the anti-androgens for a shade over three months now and on the oestrogen tablets for about six weeks. I did a regular check on him every few weeks, always just after we got in from school, always in my bedroom and always while Mum was at work. Best she not see me examining my little brother's naked body: she would get the wrong idea and I would have hell of a job convincing her of my innocent intentions. I was pretty sure that I could talk her round but I didn't want to put it to the test. I took a good look at his body which was all girly and smooth and hairless. There was just a tiny patch of hair above his willy but it was much less than I had so I wasn't bothered. I examined said willy and scrotum: both were small and sort of cute looking. It twitched a little bit when I held it but didn't try to get hard like it had on previous occasions. "I don't get proper stiffies any more!" He moaned. "Good!" I chuckled. "Do you still play with it?" He went red and nodded. I thought about telling him not too but didn't have the heart: well I liked playing with what I had so I couldn't expect him to be any different. "Right, Robby, I want you to start wearing panties when you are at home." I suddenly insisted. He looked as if I had hit him but when I started to wank his soft little willy he relaxed. "But what about, Mum?" I smiled and carried on playing with his bits. "How often does she take your trousers down these days?" "Err..." He was clearly confused by what I was doing and so actually thought about the question before asking. "...Never?" "Right," I chuckled, "so who's going to know besides us two?" By now he was dribbling a little pre-cum so I carried on doing what I was doing. Suddenly he seemed to bend in the middle and his little willy spurted weakly a couple of times. I smiled, so it was still working, just not very well which was a sign that the tablets were doing their job. After he had cleaned himself up I rubbed his nipples. Was it my imagination or were they a bit puffy? "Oh!" He moaned. "Did that hurt?" I asked a little concerned. "No, but it was sort of like an electric shock... Nice though!" He exclaimed. "Do it again?" I did and got the same reaction. I smiled, so this chest was becoming more sensitive which was definitely a sign that the female hormones were having an effect there too. Suddenly I had an idea. I waited until he had got dressed, including in a pair of his own powder-blue cotton panties. Gently I took his arm and steered him over to my dressing table where I sat him down and applied very light make-up. Enough to be noticed but not enough to be glaringly obvious... It was time to start working on Mum. Over dinner that evening I noticed her taking sidelong glances at her son, but she said nothing immediately. Eventually, several minutes after noticing his subtle eye-shadow I saw her frown slightly. "Robby, are you wearing make-up?" She asked, sounding more intrigued than anything. Robby responded just like any other boy by looking down, blushing and mumbling something incoherent. "We were just playing dress-up, Mum." I said blithely. She looked a little surprised and said. "Oh!". Probably because she thought that were too old for such games. Robby nodded but I kicked him under the table before he said anything stupid. I knew what he was like when he panicked. "Suits you!" Mum chuckled which as the last thing that I expected her to say. Then she added. "I suppose you'll be wanting to grow your hair long?" "Yes please!" He blurted out before I could stop him. Then it dawned on me – he'd actually said the right thing. Lucy continued to surprise me. "All right." She said. "But make sure that you look after it and keep it tidy!" This time it was me that was speechless which as you will have gathered, does not happen very often. Chapter #4. Turning Fourteen... Turning Robby... Turning Mum... The months crawled past at the speed that they always do when you are a daft kid. Oh, there was progress: I had turned fourteen and Robby was sprouting tits – small ones, but real pointy tits non-the-less. Mum had surprised me one Saturday when I was at work: she had done something about my brother's straggly long hair. It had grown and I had tried to help him look after it but Mum went a stage further and took him to her hairstylist. When I came home I was surprised to see him sporting a nice page-boy bob, complete with fringe that framed his girlish face nicely and made him look quite feminine. He wouldn't be thirteen until the Autumn and was still in year eight which is the second year of secondary school. In the Autumn, when we went back after the holidays: he would be in year nine and I would be in year ten. The six weeks summer holiday would be the ideal time for major changes and with this in mind so I put a lot of effort into messing with his head. We wouldn't be going away anywhere during the holidays: we never did as Mum's office job didn't pay well enough to cover a vacation: I didn't mind as it meant that I would be able to work on the pair of them. As far as I remember, it was the beginning of July before Robby was ready for his party piece. I'd been bombarding him with ideas about gender for months now and not only did he fully understand what transgender meant but he now was beginning to think that he was. I'd spent months fucking with his head, showing him videos, getting him to like wearing girl's clothes and make-up as well as coaching him on act feminine. At one stage he was so confused that the poor little git didn't know just what he was and started to have mood swings and get very tearful. A bit of research told me that it was probably the hormones and that this stage would pass. Mum noticed that he was unhappy and I judged that it was time for a quantum leap and besides he was a decent 'A' cup and it wouldn't be long before he really needed a bra. I decided the the time was right so I did his make-up just before Mum called us down for dinner and crossed my fingers. "Mum?" I said to Lucy part way through the meal. "Yes, dear?" She asked without looking up. "Mum, Robby's got something to say to you." I added, trying to keep my voice level for this was make or break. She looked up and smiled pleasantly just like she always did and I kicked Robby under the table to let him know that it was time for his party piece... I'd been coaching him for a fortnight and he knew exactly what to say: if only I could get him to say it. "Is this about you wanting to be a girl, Robby?" She asked in a kindly, supportive voice. I was gob-smacked and my protιgι was almost in shock: in fact we both stared at her open mouthed. "I've been waiting for this." She said. "Why didn't you speak to me sooner?" "We were afraid that you'd be angry, Mum." I admitted and Robby nodded in agreement. "If I was going to get angry, I would have done so when I realised that you were both spending the money that you were earning on girls clothes and make-up for him." She gave us both a knowing smile. "Instead of getting angry, I started taking him to get his hair done. Did you think that I didn't know what the two of you were up to?" I'd misjudged her and felt a little silly: though not too silly for I couldn't have raised the matter with her earlier because Robby just wasn't ready... I realised that I'd best keep quiet and besides I fervently hoped that she didn't know everything that I was up to. Mum continued. "Please don't feel guilty, Robby darling, you can't help being what you are. I'll ring the doctor tomorrow and try and get an appointment for us to see her next week sometime. You'd better come too, Abigail, this concerns you doesn't it?" I nodded sheepishly although my mind was churning: Robby had a new script to learn, and I needed to start writing it! "Abbie?" Mum said quietly. ""Yes, Mum?" I said not knowing quite what to expect. "Thank you for supporting your Brother through this difficult time." At that she pushed her chair back from the table and threw open her arms. Dinner forgotten, both Robby and I jumped up and scampered over for a reassuring family hug. * * * * The doctor's appointment went so smoothly that it was an anticlimax. I had expected all sorts of probing questions with the doctor trying to trip us all up. This was just not the case and she seemed to accept everything that was said at face value. Robby was word perfect and told the doctor that he wanted to be a girl and had for as long as he could remember and although he was wearing-boy clothes I had insisted on female underwear and light make-up which the doctor noticed. The doctor was a nice Indian lady and Mum seemed to be on first-name terms with her. "Do you wear girl's clothes?" She had asked in a kindly voice: she smiled a lot and seemed to be doing her best to put us all at our ease. "At home in the evenings and weekends." He had said, although I suppose that I should stop referring to Robby as a 'He', shouldn't I? The doctor made a note. "Is anyone forcing you?" 'She' shook her head. "My sister has been helping me with clothes and things." Mum cut in there. "Our Abbie is very supportive. She got bullied a lot at school when she was younger and so she protects our Robby." The doctor turned to me and gave me a quizzical look. "Out of interest, why were you bullied?" I shrugged. "I'm half Indian and I'm gay!" I said as casually as I could. The doctor muttered something in Hindi and gave me a knowing smile, then then she nodded and turned back to Robby. "Before I prescribe anything I'd just like to listen to your heart: there's nothing in your records but I like to be sure. Take off your shirt, please." Robby nodded and pulled his tee-shirt off over his head and revealed that he was wearing a bra which the doctor requested that he also remove. After he had done so she leaned forward and raised her stethoscope but suddenly she noticed that his nipples were puffy and that he seemed to have little tits. She gently stroked one, frowned slightly and said. "Hmm." In an interested but non-committal way. She glanced at Mum and then locked eyes with me for several seconds. "Hmm." She said all over again and smiled leaving me with the distinct impression that she knew exactly what was going on. The Doctor nodded to me and then turned her attention back to Robby, listening to his heart and then taking his blood pressure before declaring that all was as it should be. She glanced at me again and smiled as she saw me relax. The doctor moved over to her computer and began to type. "I'm writing you a prescription for some hormone tablets that will make life easier for you." She said to Robby. "There are two types, take one of each with your breakfast every morning. They'll stop puberty and help you become a girl. You know about puberty?" Robby looked scared and nodded. He knew about puberty because I'd been using it as a horror story to frighten him with so that he was now terrified of turning into a big, hairy, smelly, ugly, stupid, sex-mad monster. The doctor noticed his negative reaction to the word and took this as another sign of him being transgender. She smiled knowingly. "Right, could you two wait outside please? I need a quick word with your Mom." In the car on the way home Mum gave us the gist of what the doctor had said and how it would affect us all. The doctor had told her about transgender kids having a very high suicide rate if they weren't treated and suggested that Robby be encouraged to 'go-girl' full-time from now on. She had written out a sick-note for school and advised that my brother not go back until after the summer holidays and that he should start the next school year as a full-time girl. The doctor wanted to see Robby in a month for an examination and some blood tests just to make sure that the hormones weren't causing health problems and added that she would write a referral to a psychiatrist who would make sure that everything was going okay. She reassured Mum that this was just a formality and was to check that Robby's mental health wasn't deteriorating. Finally she advised Mum to go to our school and make sure that the staff knew what was happening so that they could make adjustments and be supportive. I quietly breathed a sigh of relief and took a peek at the tablets that we had collected from the pharmacy that was next-door to the doctors surgery... I smiled to myself as they were exactly the same as I had been buying on the internet, although these were slightly stronger. We would be able to save one hell of a lot of money, Robby 'n me! One down; Mum to go! * * * * * * * So besides making sure that my new sister didn't have a relapse, what else did I do? Well I carried on coaching her on being a girl although by now all vestiges of 'consumer resistance' had vanished. The three of us had had a family meeting and Mum had pointed out that 'Robert' wasn't exactly a suitable name for a girl and suggested 'Roberta'. New-Sister had liked this and I suggested that we shorten it to 'Bobbie' so that the new-girl could make a clean break from the old-boy. Once again new-sister had liked this so that is how I will refer to her during the rest of this account... 'Robby' is 'Bobbie' from now on. Mum, assisted by Bobbie and myself, packed all of Robby's boy-clothes, shoes and most of his old toys into a couple black bin-bags so that they could be given to some charity or other: well she wouldn't be needed again, would she? Lucy then watched open mouthed as Bobbie and I moved all of her girl-clothes out of my room into hers she then made a list of what exactly was needed so that she could take her new daughter clothes-shopping the next day. She promised to phone the school and explain that there was a 'family-emergency' related to 'Bobbie' and that I was needed at home. This way I could accompany them and offer support which suited me very well as I didn't quite trust my sister out of my sight for obvious reasons. I still needed to fuck with her head a little more before I would be satisfied that she wouldn't open her mouth and say something embarrassing or daft. A couple of days later, after Mum had gone to see the Head Teacher and explained exactly what was going on and pointed out that the doctor's note excused Bobbie from attending for the remainder of the school year while she began her transition. The Head had agreed that this was for the best and promised that both staff and pupils would be informed as to what was happening so that unpleasant incidents could be prevented and special arrangements regarding toilets could be set in place. He had also readily agreed that I should be given leave of absence too so that I could help support Bobbie through 'this difficult time'. Mum, after all, worked full-time and felt happier if I, as the responsible elder sister, was present to keep an eye on Bobbie. Me responsible? You bet I was, but not in the way Mum thought! Yes, I was certainly responsible for her having a daughter instead of a son – a major improvement in my book! Now there was Mum herself – the beautiful and sexy Lucy. I wouldn't be lying if I said that I masturbated myself to sleep just thinking about her most nights. Okay, okay... I know that that sounds pervie... Hell it is pervie and I don't deny it! But I really did love my Step-Mum and fancied her like hell – now if that is pervie then I'm a pervert so get over it! Now Mum wasn't a lesbian: this I was pretty sure about: after all she had married my Dad and already had Robby when she did. I don't know anything about Robby/Bobbie's father as Lucy refuses to talk about him and I won't press the point. As I said, Mum wasn't a lesbian but neither did she seem to show much interest in men and I know that she hadn't been on a single date since my Dad had died... In fact it was this latter fact that gave me a lot of hope. If she wasn't interested in having another relationship with a man, could I get her interested in a relationship with a woman? Or more specifically: a certain young woman who was very close to her. This definitely bore thinking about and if I was happy as a lesbian then obviously she would be too – or so my version of logic reassured me! This would need careful planning and an awful lot of manipulation so I decided to give the matter of Mum's sexuality a lot of careful thought. However while I was thinking about sexuality it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't quite finished manipulating my sister... I hadn't put all of that time, money and effort in just to have her throw herself away on some repulsive boy. When she had been a boy I know full-well that he had liked girls – the browser history on Robby's computer had been enough to confirm this. Well as a caring and responsible older sister, I saw it as my duty to make sure that Bobbie's sexuality did not change. If she liked girls when she was a boy she was damned well going too now that she was a girl! In other words, Bobbie was going to be a lesbian: that much I was sure of! And if I could successfully guide her in that direction then perhaps I could guide Mum too: now wouldn't that be something? Chapter #5. Tempus Fugit – Fucking Quick, Especially When You Are Having Fun! The family seemed to settle down into a sort of weirdly surreal rhythm. I was off school – fantastic! Mum was working full-time and I had my Saturday job. Bobbie and me still had a couple of hundred pounds in our "Odd-Job" account... I had thought about this – there was no pressing need to raise new money at the moment so I decided not to send my sister out to do paid jobs as she had more than enough on her plate at the moment. She still had to master all of the life-skills that were needed for her to be a really convincing girl. Boys have it easy: they're scruffy, lazy and dirty: if they aren't they stand out and other boys make fun of them! Girls on the other hand have to put in a lot of effort just to be, well, girls. A monthly, or even annual, bath is more than enough if you are a boy while girls always have to be clean from head to foot at all times. And not only clean but immaculately turned-out too. It really is hard work. Why do we do it? Well the dim, ego-centric males think that it is all for their benefit. A few girls, usually the shallower ones, agree with this but it is a delusion, so dream on, losers, dream on! So, why do we do it if it's not to attract a man? Who do we do it for? Simple. We do it for ourselves and for each other because we have self-respect. Being a girl is like being a member of one huge, worldwide club. We're catty towards each other and are vindictive, backstabbing little bitches but... Well have you noticed that we always go around in groups making snide remarks about anyone not in that group? These groups are not for self-protection, they are a sign of superiority. Bobbie was finding out just how much harder it is to be a girl than a boy. And yes, being a boy must be easy because even boys can manage it! Hey! Am I having another rant? You bet I am because boys really have it easy – and I can prove this because they never have periods!!! Mum was at work and I was sitting in the lounge one morning, all hunched-up, face screwed up a little and insides feeling as if somebody had tied them in a knot. Bobbie chose that moment to bounce in: all pretty and bubbly and on top of the world. For a split second I really hated the little bitch "What's wrong, our Abbie?" She asked, obviously concerned. "Menstrual cramps." I muttered. "Oh!" She said, but clearly did not understand. How could she? I gave her a weak smile, just to reassure her that it wasn't her fault. "It's my period... It's always very unpleasant to begin with." "Oh!" She said again. She'd heard of 'periods'. "Does it hurt then?" "Of course it fucking hurts!" I snapped. She looked hurt so I felt a little guilty. "Be thankful that you'll never have periods. Believe me, you're better off without them!" She really surprised me by sitting on the couch next to me, putting her arms around me and giving me a cuddle and saying. "I wish there was something I could do." "Thanks." I said, genuinely grateful. And then it dawned on me – Robby would never have reacted the way that Bobbie was now: they were two different people and Mum really needed to told about about this. I snuggled up to my sister and let her hold me until the worst had passed. * * * * The extra-long holiday was great and allowed me to get to know my new sister while giving me the opportunity to mould her into the girl that I wanted her to become. Was I being selfish? I didn't think so and still don't because Bobbie was going to be happy being the 'Bobbie' that I wanted. After all I had created her and so she was my responsibility. I was happy as a lesbian – she would be too. She was a regular visitor to my bedroom when Mum was at work. I was determined to carry on teaching her how to be my kind of girl and that included checking regularly on her development. By the middle of August she had real little breasts that were quite a handful. I had got her to remove her 'Hallo Kitty' tee shirt and her bra so that I could check her progress. She giggled but did not object and it was obvious that she enjoyed the attention that 'Big-Sister' was lavishing on her and seemed to like it when I fondled her. I stood behind her, reached around and gently cupped both of her breasts. "How does that feel?" I asked. "Nice!" She purred and jiggled slightly, rubbing her developing arse against me. "No soreness or itching?" I asked, disguising my motives as concern. "Not now. There was a couple of months ago but that's passed." There was a pause. "How big will my nipples get? They look really huge now!" It was time to take things a stage further so I gently groped her for a minute or so more before I let go and remove my own blouse and bra. She turned around slowly and went goggle-eyed when she saw my more mature breasts with their larger chocolate-coloured nipples. "Oh, wow!" Bobbie raise a hand but hesitated and it was obvious that she didn't dare touch. I smiled reassuringly, gently seized the hand and pressed it to my breast. "How does that feel?" "Oh, wow!" She said once again. I grasped one of her breasts with my free hand and gently fondled it by squeezing and relaxing my grip several times. "Ahh-ahhh-ahhhhhh!" She sighed and then copied my actions so that we stood there facing each other while we both caressed the other's titties. "Nice, isn't it?" I suggested. "'s." She replied, clearly enjoying what was happening but becoming almost speechless because of it. "Breasts are very sensitive and should be handle gently which is something that boys don't seem to understand." I let her get used to intimate contact for a minute or so before saying. "Come on, love, lets see how else you've changed." Wide-eyed, she blushed slightly and nodded letting go of my tit as she did so. I loosed her and undid my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. In one fluid movement I wriggled out of my panties and steeped away from them when they too fell to the floor. Still blushing, Bobbie copied me but was unable to tear her eyes away from my more mature body. "Is that how I'll be when the hormones have done their job?" She asked naοvely. I smiled. "Something like this, yes, but you'll need an operation to give you one of these." I said as I spread my legs and thrust my pelvis forward to give her a tantalising glimpse of my pussy. Poor Bobbie... I probably shouldn't have done that for she was now almost in shock and just stood there eyes and mouth wide open. I ran my eyes over her body: she had breasts and her hips were showing signs of widening although at this stage it was probably just fat that was redistributing itself to them. "Verrreee nice!" I said drawing the word out for effect. She blushed again. "Do you think so?" She asked in a little-girl voice. I moved forward. "I wouldn't say so if I didn't." Then while she was still partly mesmerised by my " assets" I gathered her up in my arms and kissed her full on the mouth. It was a long, drawn-out kiss, during which her eyes fluttered closed and she seemed to almost melt in my arms. Yes, Bobbie, you really are very nice. I thought as my eyes too closed. Then, both a little breathless, we eventually broke the 'clinch' and I took another look at her particularly at the one part of her anatomy that held no attraction for a lesbian like me. I reached down and gently cupped her willy and balls in my hand. "It's shrinking, isn't it?" She nodded. "A bit. It used to get hard all of the time, but it doesn't much any more." She sounded disappointed so I decided to focus on the positive aspects. "It would cause an unsightly bulge if it did. "Girls should be all smooth down there." I fondled it experimentally. "Do you still play with it?" Bobbie nodded and sounded disappointed when she admitted. "Sometimes in bed. It feels nice but it doesn't squirt very much like it used too." "That's called an orgasm and it's the way nature rewards us for having sex." I said, determined to keep on training her. "Perhaps you should concentrate on other parts of your body when you play with yourself. You are a girl now and girls don't have willies." She frowned, clearly at a total loss, so I took her by the hand and led her up onto my bed where I lay down behind her and hugged her to me so that we were lying like a couple of spoons. I thought for a few minutes and realised that I didn't know much more than my little sister. Sure, I was a lesbian but my total experience to date didn't go much beyond a few sessions of heavy snogging with other girls of the a same sexuality. I hugged her to me and asked. "Right, what other parts of your body are sensitive and feel nice when you touch them?" Bobbie giggled endearingly. "My breasts and nipples!" "Good girl! What else?" I asked encouragingly and gave her a peck on the cheek. There was a hesitation. "Not my bum hole?" "That's right. Your arsehole and your taint." I said as I reached around and began to rub the palm of my hand in a circle over her areole. "Ohhh!" She moaned as I felt her nipple stiffen and press against my hand. "How does that feel?" I asked quite unnecessarily. "Nice... Don't stop." She hissed. I had no intention of stopping: instead I manoeuvred us both into a sitting position so that I was leaning back against the headboard and she was sitting between my knees and leaning back against me. This way I could give both of her nipples the attention that they deserved. No sooner had I started than she gasped and jerked, convulsively grabbing both of my hands with hers. I carried on for a couple of minutes only pausing to spit on each palm in turn. "Oh, ah! Ah!" She squealed and began to twitch, her back massaging my breasts and nipples as she did so. I won't pretend that I was an expert but an older girl had once done this to me in a quiet corner of the school playing field one lunchtime when I was less than Bobbie's age. I had liked it and so, it turned out, did Bobbie. In fact she liked it so much that she shrieked and came there and then. I looked down and saw that her useless little willy was trying to get stiff and had dribbled over my duvet cover. Never mind! It had been worth it. As we were getting dressed I noticed her frown. "Abbie? Did you really mean it about playing with my bum-hole?" I nodded. "Uh-hu!" She carried on frowning. "But that's dirty!" I smiled. "There are a lot of people who say that what we were doing this afternoon is dirty. In fact there are still a bunch of sick-nutters who claim that all sex is dirty!" "But bum-holes?" She persisted. "Well keep yours really clean – wash it every time you go to the toilet and I'll show you what you can do with it sometime." I promised knowing full-well that I hadn't got much of an idea myself. God, being a kid is so frustrating because we know fuck-all – no wonder we can't wait to grow-up! I glanced at the clock... "Come on, our Bobbie, its half past four and we promised Mum that we'd cook the dinner." As we both galloped down the stairs I knew that I would have to do a lot of research on the internet if I was going to teach my sister how to play with that bum-hole of hers. * * * * My sister and I had worked out a routine: Mum worked full-time so while we were both off school we looked after the house and as you may have gathered from the above, we also did the cooking. I don't claim to be a half decent cook, Mum once observed that if I boiled an egg I was quite capable of burning the water, but Bobbie seemed to be good at it. In fact I tended to leave the actual cooking to her and just helped with the preparation and clearing up afterwards. It was a fantastic summer, quite unlike anything before or since but all good things come to an end sooner or later and before you know it, it was September and time for the dreaded 'back-to-school'. However, there was more to life than Bobbie with her tits and bum-hole: I was planning on taking on a second project, remember? With this in mind I began to make a few subtle changes. I had always kept a framed photo of my real Mom on my dressing table in my room. Lucy was always telling me that I looked a lot like her which as true and as I got older, looking at that photo was a bit like looking in a mirror. I still love you, Mom, and if you are looking down on me from somewhere better, then I'm pretty sure that you'll understand... Mom's photo went into a draw and a new, bigger one of my Step-Mum, Lucy, replaced it. Lucy, after all, was in the here-and now. I chose the photo carefully: it was one that I had taken in our garden last summer and in it she was wearing a light-weight sundress with a nice floral pattern and a rather low-cut top. The net result being that her assets were well displayed. I also made sure that she knew that I had her photo on my dressing table. How? Simple, I asked her to come into my room to give me her opinion of the new purple lipstick that I'd bought. She said that she liked it and that it suited my complexion much better than brighter colours did. Then she noticed her picture and almost did a double take. "Why did you pick that one?" She asked slightly bemused. "A lovely lady in a lovely dress. What could be better?" I answered trying to sound innocent. She chuckled. "It makes me look fat." I shook my head. "No! It highlights your beauty – just look at the way the sun brings out the colour of your hair." Suddenly she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Oh, our Abbie...." With her fantastic tits pressing against me like that I nearly came there and then. Now how would I have explained that away? Chapter #6. Every Silver Lining Has A Grey Cloud Around It! I'm not going to say much about Bobbie going back to school in September other than it went far smoother than we had all thought that it would. My sister had been pleasantly surprised by how well things went but the most surprising aspect had been the reaction of the girls who seemed to welcome her to her new gender. I think Bobbie was touched by this because it was the last thing that she had expected. The girls, who hadn't paid much attention to her when she had been a boy, gathered around her and together they had giggled, gossiped and made snide, bitchy comments about the boys. "The boys were just standing staring and at me!" My Sister had told me afterwards. "But when I stared back most of them sort of looked confused and turned away. A couple of lads who had been my besties gave me a nod and I knew that we would stay friends – sort of! One of them, Dave, even came up to me a bit later on and said something like. 'I had no idea! Why didn't you tell me what you were going through?'" Bobbie had smiled at this point and added. "Charlie was the best of all, though. He come over when he thought that no one was looking and said. 'Hey, Bobbie, you're pretty: you make a nice looking girl.' I noticed that he had this bulge in his trousers so I'm sure that he meant it!". We both giggled as we gossiped and I was relieved that my sister had had a good day. I saw no need to tell her that I'd had to do my scary big-sister act and pin a couple of juvenile dick-heads up against the wall by their throats while explaining to them that it wasn't healthy to be nasty to my sister. Having a reputation can come in very useful in situations like that. Mom, however wasn't having it so easy, she hadn't needed to do much around the house and garden when we had been at home but now that we were back at school, the housework landed on her like an avalanche. Oh, we still tried to do our bit but pressure from homework meant that I, for one wasn't able to do everything that I would have liked too. Year Ten, which was the school year that I was now in, meant the start of my GCSE courses and a massive homework explosion. I noticed that Mum was wilting and saw my chance. It was about ten o'clock at night and I think that it was our third or fourth day back: Bobbie had already gone to bed and Mum and I were sharing a pot of tea before we too called it a night. I was sitting next to her on the couch and the telly was on but neither of us were paying it much attention. I snuggled up to her and she slipped a maternal arm around my shoulders. "Sorry we're not doing more, Mum." She gave me a tired smile and I shuffled even closer to her. "Don't worry about that, my darling girl, I am grateful for everything that you and your sister do around here. Believe me I am." She frowned prettily – Mum was a beautiful woman no matter what her expression – and snorted. "Listening to some of the other girls in the office, you two are little angels – their daughters don't seem to do anything except sit on their fat backsides and expect to be waited on!" I chuckled. "Oh, Mummy!" Then gave her a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "What was that for?" She asked, slightly bemused as this was the first time that I'd ever called her 'Mummy'. "I do love you, Mummy!" I gushed and an idea starting to form in the foetid depths of my convoluted mind. "Love you too, darling." She said and kissed me on top of my head. I smiled, slightly disappointed that the kiss wasn't more intimate and less maternal. "Mum?" "Yes, dear?" She said sounding totally relaxed. "I've worked it all out... I know what you really need..." I said as dreamily as my acting skills would allow. "What's that, dear?" She said, sounding equally dreamy. I sighed. "You won't be mad with me?" "No, dear, I never am." her voice was dreamy but she also sounded happy and possibly lonely. "You need a wife!" I almost whispered and felt her start with surprise. Whatever she had expected me to come out with, this obviously wasn't it! "Abbie!" She chuckled but as she said it I felt her relax again. "Yes I suppose that I do!" Mentally I heaved a sigh of relief. So far so good. "She would be your soul-mate, care for you, do the housework and love you in the ways that us kids can't." It must have been a combination of the warm evening, the soothing background, music on the telly and her general sleepiness that caused Mum to relax even more and open up a little. "Oh, Abbie, you say the sweetest things." She purred wistfully. "A wife – what a lovely idea." I gently move my hand until my fingers were brushing the inside of her thigh: her only reaction was to sigh again and look thoughtfully dreamy which, oddly enough, reminded me of my sweet Bobbie. Gently I began to massage the soft flesh on the inside of her thigh and as I did so I spoke to her soul in a dreamy voice. "If I were your wife I'd make sure that nothing ever happened that could upset you, I'd buy you little presents, I'd make sure that you never had to lift a finger around the house and I'd protect you from all of the nasty things out there in the world." She twisted slightly, just enough to make eye contact and smiled. "Sounds to me that you are applying for the job." I smiled back as I carried on rubbing her soft skin. Gradually I let my mouth fall open slightly hoping to hell that I looked seductive and not stupid. Suddenly a change came over Mum, may be it was her hormones or my pheromones; may be it was her loneliness after years of enforced sexual abstinence: or maybe it was all of them but her eyes seemed to cloud over and I heard her moan. Then her head slowly descended and the world turned red-gold as her beautiful long hair enveloped me in a scintillating curtain. Without really knowing what she was doing she pressed her wonderfully soft lips to mine, hugging me tightly as she did so. Needless to say, the kiss was anything but maternal. We parted after an eternity that must have lasted at least two minutes and just sat there, arms around each other; my head resting on her shoulder, hers against mine: had I died and gone to heaven? Surely I had... "Oh, Abbie..." Mum seemed to sigh. "...I do love you." "Oh, Lucy..." I sighed back. "...I love you too." Then we sort of just sat there hugging each other: each lost in her own thoughts. * * * * Time drifted by and I tried to be as good as my word and began to buy Lucy the little presents that I had mentioned... A box of her favourite chocolates; an Indian-style (fake) gold bangle; a cheesy ornament; a bunch of flowers... Things like that. And although the gifts were all part of my on-going campaign, I got a real kick out of seeing her face light-up each time. Bobbie and I did what we could to support her with housework and stuff but school work cut into what we could do and I still had my Saturday job that I was going to keep on doing for as long as I possibly could. Then there was school and the time that I came close to being suspended, okay it wasn't my fault: not really although I admit that I should have been more careful and checked that no one was going to see me when I jumped this fifteen year old idiot. By 'no-one' I really mean 'no-teacher' and by 'idiot' I really mean 'boy'. Everything would have been fine if Mrs 'Nosy-Parker' Johnson hadn't appeared out of the blue and caught me explaining certain facts of life to Patrick Walker. Okay so I had tackled him to the ground and was sitting on him and banging his head against the floor – it was that sort of explanation (Well he was bigger than me.). "Abigail!" A surprised voice exclaimed. I looked up and saw Mrs 'Nosy Parker' staring down at me so I smiled sweetly. "Yes, Miss?" I asked without interrupting the head-banging. "Stop that this instant." The teacher ordered. "But Miss, the was making transphobic comments about my sister!" (Bang! Bang! Bang!). 'Nosy Parker' hesitated. "That's enough! Get off him now, please." She finally squeaked, trying to sound all-authoritarian." "Yes, Miss!" I said and complied with her instruction, however I did manage to kneel on Patrick's ribcage as I stood up and it was quite rewarding to hear the prat yelp. "He also called me a 'fucking wog'. Is he allowed to say things like that?" I added trying to cloud the issue. "What? No! Of course not!" Mrs Johnson yelped. Then she thought for a few seconds and decided to pass the buck. "You two had better come with me so that the Headmaster can sort this out!" Mum wasn't too pleased to get the letter which claimed that I had 'over-reacted' and injured a fellow student. "Oh, our Abbie!" She said sounding hurt and disappointed. "Why?" I tried to explain. "Well our Bobbie isn't a 'gay-sissy-freak' and I'm not 'a lesbo-wog-bitch'." I exclaimed, the words coming out in a gabble of pent-up feeling. "Oh, our Abbie!" She said but this time there was a lot of sadness in her voice. It was all too much for me and suddenly my control slipped and I burst into tears – well I was only fourteen, remember? I just stood there, eyes clamped shut and sobbing noisily: suddenly I felt maternal arms around me as Mum gathered me up and hugged me to her where I remained for several minutes, sobbing and crying uncontrollably. She held me protectively, stroked my hair and whispered that everything was going to be alright. "You're under a lot of strain, aren't you?" She said quietly when my distress had subsided somewhat. I nodded but still couldn't say anything. "Thank you for protecting your sister." She said quietly. I nodded and managed to say. "Somebody has to because school doesn't do anything." "We'll see about that!" She said sharply, in fact rather more sharply than I remember her sounding at any other time. She sat down and wrote a long letter which I was instructed to deliver to the Headmaster the next day. As they say, 'Every silver lining has a dirty black cloud around it!" Well School was certainly my cloud! * * * * Time marched (slowly) on and a month or so later it was Bobbie's thirteenth birthday. I was sixteen months older than she was which put me in the school year ahead of her, my birthday, you may recall, is in June. She was maturing into quite the young lady as her hormone-assisted puberty changed what once had been a nasty boy-body into a beautiful feminine one. I spent as much time as I could with her while we were at home although obviously we were very discrete. Mum was fairly easy-going as to what us kids got up too but I am pretty sure that she would have objected to the degree of intimacy that we were sharing although admittedly we weren't getting up to much besides touching each other up, heavy-duty snogging and playing with each others tits and naughty bits. As time went on, Bobbie was getting more adventurous and was using the internet to get ideas. I'd shown her how to cover her tracks and clean-up her browser history so there wasn't much danger of Mum finding out just what we were getting up to on line. Okay, looking back, I'm sure that she suspected that we were both looking at mucky stuff but she didn't seem too bothered as she never tried to catch us out.. It was about a week after Bobbie's birthday and we were both up in my room: I think Mum was out on some work-related thing so we had the whole evening to amuse our selves. It was about half past six and we'd had dinner and cleaned up after us. Bobbie had made us a pretty good spag-bol so I was feeling quite full and very relaxed. "Abbie?" She purred in that sexy way that she had. "Can I lick your pussy?" I did a double take... Had I heard her correctly? "Come again." "Will you let me lick your pussy? Only I've seen some ladies doing that in a few videos and they seemed to like it and it looks fun." She said Well I'd been watching videos like that for far longer than she had and tended to agree with her – it really did look fun, as she put it. "Sure, if you want too but I'm not sucking your willy!" "Oh!" She sounded disappointed but I wouldn't relent: touching it was bad enough! I eagerly got rid of my skirt and panties and perched myself on the edge of my bed with my legs spread wide. Bobbie knelt between them and peered at my pussy, with an interested expression on her face. Suddenly she looked up at me and grinned. "It looks a bit wet." "That's because you are turning me on you little minx!" I chuckled. She leaned forward and sniffed at my slit before her tongue poked out and she gave it an experimental lick. She hesitated. "What's it taste like?" I asked. "Sort of spicy and nice." She said and then gave me a good lick which started near my arsehole and ended up on my little clitty. I jumped because it felt almost as if I'd been given an electric shock. "Oh, wow!" I squealed and grabbed hold of her hair to stop her from pulling away. Okay she wasn't very good at it because it was only her first time. Hell it was mine too, but I was on the receiving end and I was the only one out of the pair of us who knew how it felt and it was up to me to steer her so that she was licking the good bits. Not very good? That's unfair because she managed to bring me off in a couple of minutes... I don't know just what she had been watching or reading on line but Bobbie had certainly picked up a few good ideas and had earned ten out of ten for effort! I as really glad that Mum was out as my shriek would have brought her upstairs at a run and god-knows what she would have said if she had seen Bobbie with her face jammed firmly into my lady's place! When I kissed her afterwards I could taste my own juices because they were plastered around her mouth and all over her lips. And without any shadow of a lie I can say that it was a taste that we both enjoyed! We spent the next twenty minutes or so just lying on my bed cuddling and touching each other up and after that orgasm I was feeling relaxed and more than a little bit adventurous. Without saying why, I helped her out of her panties and told her to lie on her belly. "What you gonna do?" She asked. "You'll see. Now spread your legs." She did just that and gave me an unobstructed view of the little pink star that was her arsehole. I sniffed it – it smelled clean, so I licked a finger and used it to draw a circle around her orifice. "Ooooo! Nice!" She exclaimed. I next gave her inviting little rosebud an experimental lick. I was rewarded by seeing her back-end buck upwards in reaction to my efforts. Well it didn't taste too bad and was the nearest thing that she had to a pussy so I sort of returned the compliment. In fact I was a lot more successful than I anticipated and eventually had her screaming her release as she came after I worked my tongue in and out countless times. Once again she left a little puddle of cum on my duvet cover and once again I didn't mind. The evening could be counted as a successful milestone in both of our development as we had both brought each other off. We cleared up the mess as best as we could and were downstairs watching the telly when Mum got back at about half nine although we did stop cuddling each other when we heard her open the front door an thoughtfully call out. "Abbie, Bobbie, I'm home." Chapter #7. What I have I hold! (And what I hold I fondle!) By now you will have realised just how protective I am. Small wonder as I had lost Mom, my real one, and then I had lost Dad. After that I was damned well sure that I wasn't going to lose anyone else and I was going to do whatever it takes to protect Mum and our Bobbie. I'd stuck my neck out at school and would continue to do so... After Mum's letter things quietened down and the teachers seemed to be going out of their way to stamp out the silly behaviour that had been obvious earlier in the term It didn't end entirely since we are dealing with daft kids and not with real human beings but it did die down and become very intermittent. Thanks to my efforts, Bobbie had an easier time than she would have done otherwise. But hell, I was responsible for her actually being Bobbie so I took my role as her protector very seriously. Even though I was protective, I wasn't jealous. In fact my sister had managed to get herself a girlfriend by the end of October which pleased me no end! In case you are wondering about my reaction, I'll give you a few clues... I was determined that Bobbie was going to be a lesbian when she grew up, remember? Okay next question: Which type of person has a girlfriend... A straight-girl or a lesbian? Get it? Well Bobbie certainly would! Linda was a brunette and a little stunner. She was in the year above my sister and had a figure that was better than the ones that many older girls possessed.. The girls started out as BFF's and it had sort of developed from there. Good for you, sis, you certainly have fantastic taste in women and having Linda in your life proved that I had managed to shunt you onto the right track. Mum seemed happy about it too and I'm pretty sure that she was aware of Bobbie's sexuality however she made no objections to the girls having sleep-overs. And as the sleep-overs resulted in them sharing the same bed then she must have had a good idea as to what would happen once the lights had been turned off.. I didn't need to use my imagination, however as I was Bobbie's confidant and always got a blow-by-blow account of what she had been up too. Bobbie wasn't Linda's first girlfriend and as such was no stranger to juvenile lesbian antics. Me? I kept clear as I didn't want to be accused of cramping my little sister's style or of trying to steal Linda. Good luck to you, kid, I thought, if you learn anything new you're bound to share it with me! Actually it was one of Bobbie's sleep-overs at Linda's house that gave me the sort of opportunity that I'd been hoping for. My sister was out of the house from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon: no doubt getting fucked several times too. This gave me a clear run at Mum so I talked Mr Smith into giving me the Saturday off from my job at his Newsagent's Shop so that I could take Lucy out and pamper her. Okay, so it was a day-off without pay, but I didn't care: Mum was going to have a good time and I was going to have Mum! I dived into my wardrobe and looked at my more feminine outfits – I might be a dyke, but I'm still a girl! I chose a powder-blue dress with a full three-quarter length skirt that billowed out and emphasised my hips and waist. I wore it over a couple of full underskirts and loved the way that it seemed to exaggerate everything. I needed a top to go with it so I chose a low-cut waistcoat in aqua that allowed me to emphasise my tits and display as much cleavage as could. I topped it off with a pashmina shawl that I could wear around my shoulders or over my hair, Kashmiri-style. Footwear? Why strappy sandals with three-inch heels, what else? I wasn't planning on walking any great distance so they would be ideal! I finished everything off with full make-up, gold nail polish, gold eye-shadow, purple lipstick: the full works. Finally, after packing my make-up repair kit into a little gold shoulder bag I examined myself in my wardrobe mirror and wow! Just who was that sophisticated Indian woman who as staring back at me? As a final touch I draped my shawl over the back half of my head so that it adorned my raven-black hair and gave me an air of mystery. I smiled and the woman coyly smiled back. I half recognised her. I gasped... "Mom? Oh, Mom..." I looked away, if I hadn't have done, I would have got all tearful and I didn't want to ruin my make up, but all the same I turned and headed downstairs a little sooner than I had intended. I found Mum waiting for me in the lounge and bobbed her a little curtsy. She just stood looking at me for twenty or thirty seconds but didn't say anything: her face unreadable. Suddenly she smiled and said. "Excuse me, Miss, but have you seen my daughter anywhere?" I smile back. "She couldn't make it but has asked me if I would like to take a beautiful woman out for the day. Will you be my date?" Mum smiled. "I would be delighted!" And at that she offered me her arm which I slipped mine through. I then led her out to the waiting taxi and we driven across town to watch a late matinee performance of a musical at our local theatre. Lucy, stylish as ever, was wearing a sophisticated charcoal-grey trouser suit over a cream silk blouse. She also had an aqua scarf tied around her neck which was a close colour-match for my top. Her make-up was restrained but served to highlight her femininity while her beautiful long red-gold hair was swept back and secured behind her neck with a large leather ornament complete with a matching pin. Although the cast of the musical was strictly amateur, they were still very good and performed 'Oklahoma' with enthusiasm and not a little talent. I am forced to admit, however, that, good or not, I didn't pay them a great-deal of attention as I was greatly distracted by the beautiful lady seated next to me. Every now and again I caught a whiff of her perfume and so shuffled sideways in my seat so that I was as close to her as was possible. She slipped her arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on her shoulder and sighed contentedly: were we only mother and daughter? Well I could dream, couldn't I? Theatre was followed by dinner at a 'proper' restaurant: I had let Mum book this part of our date as I knew that she had a lot more experience of eating out than I had. Even so, however, I as a little disappointed when the taxi turned into a rather shabby-looking side-street and pulled up outside an old anonymous building that had more than a hint of 'factory' about it. My disappointment vanished when my date got out first, walked around the taxi, opened my door and helped me out. I took her arm and smiling proudly, she walked me along the footpath towards a large, vaulted oak door. There was a large window next to it but it was obscured by the same sort of frosted pattern that can be found on older pub windows. Above them both was a large gold Gothic sign that just said 'Heather's in 3D cast letters. I must have frowned because Lucy chuckled. "It really is a very good restaurant, darling and I know that you'll feel right at home here. Trust me?" I nodded and she opened the door and motioned that I should step inside: wide-eyed, I did so and she followed me, her hand resting on my shoulder both protectively and possessively; suddenly I begun to wonder about just who had designs upon whom. We had entered a hallway were we were confronted by a tall, angular, grey-haired lady. "Lucy! What a rare pleasure!" She gushed. "Welcome back to my restaurant. And who is your beautiful, er, companion?" I felt the hand gently squeeze my shoulder. "Good evening, Heather," Mum answered, "this is my daughter, Abigail." But her tone also said, 'Back off!' Heather seemed not to notice and smiled warmly. "A table for two, isn't it?" Mum nodded and we were then escorted into the restaurant proper which was as chic and sophisticated as the street outside was shabby. I glanced around as we followed Heather to our table: almost all of the diners were women... I took another look. No! All of the diners were women although a few were wearing somewhat mannish attire and two were dressed in stylishly tailored dinner jackets. I gasped: had Mum brought me to a lesbian restaurant? Several heads turned in our direction as we passed by and we received more than a few looks of interest. When Mum greeted several of the women either with smiles or nods of recognition I began to wonder if I had seriously misjudged her. Heather's was a cut above any of the restaurants that I had ever visited previously: in fact none of the 'greasy-spoon' cafιs that I frequented were anything like it. I gazed around feeling rather small and inadequate until Mum smiled at me. "Smile!" She said. "At least try and look as if you are enjoying being here." "I am!" I gasped. "But it's so... Posh!" "I think that 'sophisticated' is the word that you were searching for." She said turning over both of the wine glasses that where in the middle of the artistically arranged table. "Am I allowed some wine?" I asked incredulously. "Well you are fourteen and so they can legally serve you, provided that you are dining, that is." Mum said knowingly. "But I would advise caution: it wouldn't do for you to get tiddly – not here." I nodded. I wanted to favourably impress Mum, not show her up. "Just a little for me, then." I said, trying to sound as sophisticated as my fellow diners appeared. Just then an immaculately dressed young woman appeared by our table and presented us with leather-bound menus. Mum barely glanced at hers. "I'll have the lobster thermidor." She said quite casually. "With the chef's mushroom soup as a starter." Suddenly both the waitress and Mum were looking at me as I puzzled over the menu which to my untutored eye seemed to be written in Hebrew or Welsh or some other strange language. "I'd recommend the chicken-chasseur," Mum said conspiratorially, "the chef, here, does rather a good one, and how about fruit juice as a starter?" I smiled weakly and nodded. "That sounds good!" I said trying to keep the sound of relief out of my voice. The waitress made a quick note on her pad and then Mum ordered half a bottle of a sweet white wine which she thought that I might like. The food was fantastic and I can truthfully say that I had never previously tasted anything quite as good... I knew then that I would have to bring Bobbie here on a date – when we were both older, that is! I limited my wine consumption to about half a glass and even that made me a little light-headed although the food reduced the alcohol's affects so that I became happy rather than silly. Mum, not having to drive, disposed of the rest of the wine quite efficiently: much to my relief. Part-way through the meal she had needed to pay a call so excused herself and vanished in the general direction of the ladies' room. I glanced around and then retrieved a vial from my bag and put a couple of drops of something special into her wine glass. Luckily no one saw me or if they did, they didn't say anything. When Mum reappeared I made a show of topping up her wine glass. "Please drink it, Lucy, If you don't I'll only be tempted and I've had quite enough already!" She smiled, no doubt thinking that I was quite the responsible young lady, and drank what was in her glass: luckily the stuff that I had put in was both odourless and tasteless. "Where would we be without wine?" She asked rhetorically. After the main course, I suggested a sweet and Mum chose the chocolate pudding but insisted that we split one between us. "Us girls need to watch the calories, don't we?" Although slightly disappointed, I nodded my agreement: as far as I was concerned, Mum was a perfect shape just as she was so I didn't want her to get fat and spoil her figure. After the bill had been settled, Heather phoned for a taxi and then thanked us both for coming. "I hope to see you more often," she said to Mum, "and please bring this beautiful young lady again: you are both most welcome here!" Mum giggled her thanks and then apologised. "Sorry about that: I guess that the wine was a little stronger than I remembered – I don't drink very much and it seems to have gone to my head!" I had to help her out of the taxi when we got home because by now she had become decidedly merry. Once in the house, I sat her down in the lounge and made us some coffee and while it was brewing I was fervently hoping that I had not over done it with the Flunitrazipam that I had used to dose her wine... I was banking on it reducing her inhibitions, nothing else. I knew that a larger dose would cause her to forget everything that happened, that's why it is used as a date-rape drug. I wanted her to remember everything... This was a seduction, after all. After drinking our coffee I asked giggly-Lucy if she would be kind enough to come up stairs and help me out of my dress. A request to which she readily agreed and seizing her hand I led her unsteadily up to my bedroom, although I only turned on the tiny bed-side light. I carefully removed my best pashmina shawl and draped it over a hanger, it had been Mom's so I was determined to look after it. I moved across the room to where Lucy was standing gazing at the large framed photo of herself. "Please unzip my dress and help me out of it." I requested making my voice as low and husky as I possibly could and at that I turned to face her. She reached around me, fumbled for a few seconds and then found the zipper which she tugged at until it ran down. Then, slipping a thumb under each of the shoulder panels, I eased the dress off and allowed it to fall into a heap around my feet which left me standing inches away from her wearing just my little black lacy bra and my two gauzy underskirts. She looked confused so I reached across and gently stroked her cheek. Mum moaned but still didn't move so I carefully unbuttoned her jacket and eased it off her shoulders so that it joined my dress on the floor. Deliberately I placed both hands on her breasts and gently fondled them, enjoying the feel of her silk blouse as I did so. I love breasts and knew exactly what to do with hers... Suddenly she moaned, grabbed me and pressed her lips to mine in a kiss that went on and on. Her tongue slid into my mouth where it danced with mine and I slid my fingers into her hair and gently gripped it to control what she did. I slipped my other arm around her waist and I felt her relax completely: her inhibitions were gone and I knew that she would be mine for as long as I wanted. The kiss went on. Eventually we both had to 'come up for air', when this happened I steered her across the short gap to my bed. To my relief, she made no objections and we both lay down side by side and gazed at each other. I felt a hand slide up my leg and up under the hem of my underskirt. It moved on up until her fingers began rubbing at my pussy through my panties. I shuffled into a new position and began to undo the tiny pearl buttons that ran down the front of her blouse. As I did so the rubbing became more urgent and then the blouse fell open giving me real access to her magnificent breasts. I heard someone sigh... Someone moan... It may have been me, it may have been her but was probably both of us. I fondled her breasts and licked her nipples through the silky weave of her bra and was rewarded by seeing them make little tents in the damp fabric. I pressed my crotch against her fingers, while she pulled my head closer to hers and we kissed again. "Thanks for a wonderful day, Abbie." She said in a breathy voice. "Please make love to me..." Chapter #8. The Month After The Morning After The Night Before. I woke up next morning rather later than I usually do. Panic! I can't move. I Frowned. What's pressing against my back? Against my bum? Against my thighs? I opened my eyes. The light is a sort of red-gold colour......... I sighed contentedly. Mum! It's Mum's hair all over my face. Pretty hair! Silky hair! Red-gold hair! Mum was holding me, but not just holding – she was hugging me too her and we were lying like a couple of spoons. She had her arms around my flat tummy and was pulling me into hers. I could feel her breasts pressing against my back: her breath against my hair and her love flowing over my body. I lay as still as I could and just basked in that wonderful love. "Oh, Lucy. I do love you!" I purred quietly. "I love you too, my darling, Abbie!" She sighed back: so she was awake. I heard her stir and then she asked. "We did didn't we?" "We really did!" I chuckled. "And it was wonderful!" She hugged me too her, but more gently than last night. "I'm sorry, Abbie," she almost sobbed, "it was so wrong of me to seduce you." I jiggled so that my bum rubbed against her pussy and was rewarded with a moan. "You didn't!" When she relaxed her grip I rolled over to face her then kissed the end of her nose. "Come on, lighten up, Mummy, after a wonderful date and all of the wine that you drank, you never stood a chance." I said in my best 'little-girl' voice. I reached up and found one of her wonderful breasts with its big, puffy, coral-pink nipple and began to fondle and rub gently. She moaned and then said. "Stop that, Abbie." "No!" I said, then added. "Make me!" I rolled again but this time I took her with me and ended up straddling her. She frowned so I kissed her again and by her reaction I could tell that she didn't really want me to stop. I broke the kiss then nibbled her ear-lobe. She sighed but it was almost a scream of relief: I wasn't going to stop, and she knew it. I felt her relax and we made love again but this time without the animal-urgency of last night's rutting. "Oh, Abbie..." She started to say as we both climbed out of bed and prepared to face the new day. I sent her off to shower first and she seemed happy enough to follow my instructions and I hoped it was because she was submissive at heart. While she was showering I carefully sorted through our discarded clothes which still littered the floor from last night: some I put away or folded for Lucy to move but most went into the laundry bag. She breezed back in wearing a towelling bathrobe and I used the shower to to wash away the traces and smears and scents of last nights love-making. Afterwards, dressed in a similar robe, I joined her in the kitchen where we nibbled toast, drank tea and chattered about everything except what we had been up to. As I did the washing-up afterwards Lucy came up to me and hugged me from behind, her damp hair cascading over me once more. "Oh, Abbie, I do love you..." She purred, the sentence dying as she nuzzled my neck affectionately. I arched my back so that it pressed against her breasts. I was terrified that I was going to over-do things when I said. "Love you too, my darling Lucy." I heard her sigh and felt her breath wash over my ear as she did so. Everything had changed since this time yesterday and we both knew it. "You know what?" I said. "Bobbie really should have a bigger room – that tiny box room is far too small for her now that she is getting older..." Lucy chuckled and took up the thread of what I was thinking. "Yes" she said, "she needs a bigger room and bed to entertain her girlfriend. Why don't you move in with me? My bedroom is too big for just one and I've got far more wardrobe space than I need..." She rubbed her cheek against mine. "There's a king-sized bed too, remember?" After we had finished tidying the house, she helped me move my things into what was now our room: I had mixed feelings. This had been Mom's and Dad's room once-upon-a-time; then it had been Dad's and Stepmums: did I have the right to even be in it? What would Mom say if she knew what her daughter would be getting up too all these years after her sudden death? Lucy saw the look on my face. "Penny for your thoughts?" I smiled and carried on staring at the bed. "I was just thinking about Mom." She hugged me comfortingly. "I often think about her: she was my best friend – we were at school together – it was me that introduced her to your dad – I loved her too you know." "I – I didn't know!" I felt Lucy shrug. "You never said." She kissed me, but maternally this time. "I didn't want to burden you with my life history: you've got enough trouble trying to make sense of your own." She helped me drag my little dressing table in and we shuffled furniture around to make room for it. "Every woman heeds a dressing table of her own." Lucy had insisted. "We'll buy Bobbie now that she won't be able to use yours." She found my framed photo of Mom and stood it up on my dressing table where it had always been, smiling knowingly as she did so. "I won't take her place." She said emphatically. We finished off by moving Bobbie's stuff into my old room and then went down stairs where we were just in time to see a car pull-up outside: Linda's Mother had brought my sister home after her sleep-over. I opened the front door and let the three of them in. Did she know that my sister and her daughter were holding hands? "She's been a little angel!" Linda's Mother had gushed. "She's such a good influence on my Linda and I hardly knew that either of them were in the house!" Lucy smiled at this and then, while the two of them settled down to chat in our lounge and the two girls ran upstairs with Bobbie's overnight bag I made us all some coffee. There was a scream from upstairs. Whoops! * * * * That night, while Mum-Lucy was downstairs relaxing and watching telly, Bobbie and I were lying side-by-side on what was now her bed. I'd helped her re-make it and she had draped her 'My Little Pony' bedspread over it afterwards even though it was a bit too small as her new bed was Ύ width – wider than her old one. I'd promised to get her a new one but realised that she wasn't listening. "I licked her pussy and she sucked my willy." Bobbie said dreamily. "Oh?" I said, not really minding that she was changing the subject for Bobbie's sex-life interested me, even if her willy did not. "Yes, she took it into her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue. I thought that I was going to explode it was such a nice feeling." She said struggling to find the right words. She shuffled closer to me and let me hug her. "Thank you for giving me your room. Are you sure that you'll be okay sharing with Mummy?" I gave her a throaty chuckle. "What do you think?" She pulled away and stared at me... I could see the little wheels going around. "You haven't?" She said in a surprised voice. "We have!" I chuckled. Her mouth fell open in surprise. "Abbie!" She exclaimed before seeming to lose the power of speech. At first I thought that she was shocked, but no... The little wheels were going round again. "There's room for a double bed in here." She mused. "Alright. I'll ask Mum about it but she might not say yes." I sighed. Bobbie cuddled up to me. "Hmmm!" She purred while slipping her hand up under my skirt and stroking my pussy. "I'm sure that you can convince her!" She went quiet but carried on rubbing for a minute or so, causing me to gasp a few times. "Linda's got a vibrator. How come we don't have any toys?" So that's what she was working towards. "We don't need any toys to make you cum, do we?" I said trying to change the subject... Christmas was coming and she didn't know what was wrapped up in the bottom of my wardrobe – all I knew was that she was going to get the surprise present of her little life. Suddenly she jumped off the bed and within seconds had got rid of her clothes. She stood there her smooth pale skin catching the light from her bed-side lamp, the little patch of pubic hair that had sprouted just before I'd put her on hormones glinting all-silky in the lamp light. She thrust one of her small hips to one side and tried to look sexy. "Prove it!" I noticed that she had a bow of yellow ribbon tied around her little willy and smiled because it looked kind of sweet. "Linda?" I asked. Bobbie nodded. "She said I was to wear it whenever I was with her and told me that she would check. It's to remind me not to get hard." She jiggled in a way that she thought was seductive. "Come on, let's do it!" As I was still rather tired after last night and so I tried to put her off. "Didn't you get enough from Linda?" She jumped on top of me and gave me a kiss. "What if Mum comes in?" I said, genuinely worried by the prospect. "Then you will have to talk her around." She giggled. "Either that or she can join us!" I gasped and realised that she was actually serious. "Bobbie!" Her knee forced mine apart and then she pressed it against my pussy causing me to go "Oooh!" in pleasant surprise. Without meaning to I ground my crotch against it. "Linda does that as well!" She chortled. Suddenly, and not before time, my Sister's antics were brought to an end by Mum calling up stairs. "Time's running on you two and you've both got school tomorrow." * * * * School: That black-hole that seemed to greedily absorb time and spew-out depression in its place. Have I told you just how much I loath it? I have? Well I am not surprised! School swallowed November and the first part of December and soon Christmas was on the horizon. Much to my surprise, I had got the end of term without being suspended. It was a quiet Christmas as we did not have a whole lot of relatives. Oh, there had been enough to keep Robby going when I was renting him out to do odd-jobs but luckily there were not enough of them to make a constant nuisance of themselves as seemed to happen in other families. My Dad had been an only child so there were no aunts or uncles to descend upon us from that direction. As to Mom's relations: well I never met any of them – I suppose that there must be some, probably in India or somewhere but with my life-style and sexuality, I doubted that we would have anything in common. Lucy however did have a sister although Auntie Madge, as she is called, had steered clear ever since she learned that 'Robby' was transitioning into 'Bobbie'. What's wrong with her? I wondered. Doesn't she like girls? Then I thought – she had married a Jehovah's Witness, so she probably didn't like anybody or anything. This left Grandparents and there were a few of these around, although Dad's parents had moved upcountry somewhere and hadn't figured much in my life since I was very little – I don't think that they had approved of Mom, anyway. I still received a card and a small present at Birthdays and Christmas but this was the sum-total of their involvement in my life. Lucy's Mom and Dad were nice and came around for Christmas lunch which Lucy and I helped Bobbie to cook – well she is the best cook in the house and as I have said, has a real talent for it! Grandma and Grandpa descended on us mid-morning and it was present-opening time. But why, I wondered, was our Bobbie going red? Suddenly I remembered something that I had gift-wrapped for my sister and, well, I don't go red because of my Indian complexion... I sort-of darken which I did. Lucy noticed and suddenly covered her eyes and groaned. She knew how old-fashioned and straight-laced Grandma actually was. Lucy leaned closer to me and almost whispered. "Just what have you bought your Sister?" "Vibrator!" I mumbled, then I added brightly. "I think she bought you one as well!" Now it was her turn to go red however she also buried her head in her hands and I heard her mutter. "Next year's Christmas list is going to be a whole lot shorter." Still, it was Christmas, after all and soon colourful wrapping paper was being torn and discarded. Lucy cooed over the pashmina shawl that I got her and said that I shouldn't as they are very expensive. I threw my arms around her and told her that she was worth it. Bobbie got a 'My Little Pony' bedspread for her new double-bed and, squealing, ran upstairs to put it on. I was happy and surprised by the black leather boots that Lucy had got for me. Although Grandma 'huffed' and remarked that she thought that the heels were too high for a girl my age. Grandpa scoffed at this and said that as I was now quite the young lady they were ideal. I pulled the boots on and walked up and down the lounge happy, if a little unsteady, while Grandma sniffed and Grandpa cheered. Bobbie, who chose this exact moment to come back in, shrieked. "I want some!" "Next year, maybe, darling." Lucy said , knowing full-well that lines had to be drawn somewhere. The other presents were the usual run of the mill Christmas fare: the silly, the trivial, the downright useful and the totally indispensable, such as chocolate. And then Lucy came to the box that was about six inches long: she tore off the paper that said 'From Bobbie, with all my love!'. Then as she opened the end of the box I think that both Lucy and myself stopped breathing for out slid a sleek vibrator. "Oh!" Exclaimed Grandma brightly. "I've got one of those... They're very good but they do eat batteries!" Suddenly you could have heard a pin drop as Lucy, Bobbie, Grandpa and myself were suddenly rendered speechless. "What?" Asked Grandma as we all stared at her. I didn't get a vibrator, oh no! Bobbie bought me a strap-on harness with interchangeable seven-inch thingies: one slim and one thicker; I didn't need diagrams to work out just who I was supposed to use them on! Luckily Grandma didn't see this present as she was too busy arguing with Grandpa when I unwrapped it. Neither did she see the toy that I had bought my sister – it was a vibrator but with a large round base to stop it from slipping right up inside her bum-hole! There was also a large bottle of lubricant! Later, much later when Lucy and I were heading for our bedroom we had to pass Bobbie's bedroom door. The buzzing hum was almost drowned out by the little squeals, moans and yelps that told us what she was up too. Lucy shrugged and said that at least the spare room was between us and should shield us from the noise – not that we were planing on getting too sleep straight away! I twirled the strap-on harness around my finger... Well I wasn't, anyway. Chapter #9. Epilogue, Or How We All Lived Happily-Ever-After-ish. All of that was a good few years ago now: which is a life-time when you are just a silly kid! I always thought that I had a rocky start but comparing it with what some of other kids at school had to put up with, I had things pretty easy. My exam results worked out okay and I'm down to start at the Medical School at Ludlow University in the autumn as, after a bit of encouragement, I decided to study to be a doctor... Possibly a psychiatrist I haven't decided yet. Lucy said that I'm bright enough and that I have a knack for getting inside people's heads and for rooting around in there too, so why not? There is something else... Something weird even by my standards... Now that I have finished feminizing Bobbie, I have found that the experience has left me with a tremendous feeling of satisfaction. I turned a boy into a girl virtually single handed and enjoyed doing it. I changed his mind and I changed his body and got a tremendous kick out of doing it. An insignificant boy is now a happy, beautiful and outgoing lesbian woman, so I did her a favour didn't I? In fact I really think that I should do it again as everywhere I look I see males who seem to be crying out for help! As for Lucy, well we're still an item, she and me and I wouldn't have it any other way as I do love her and always will. She still works full-time but I am determined that after I qualify and get established, she won't have too: in some ways I am very old fashioned and firmly believe that no wife of mine should ever have too work! Okay, this is the opposite of what I told her all of those years ago, but so what? She seems happy with the relationship that we have established. Bobbie has settled down and is doing well: she's seventeen now and will have the option of the operation on the NHS next year. The yellow bow didn't last long and neither did Linda. It was soon replaced by a sky-blue one from Jashumati: an orange one from Sadie and then by one in shocking pink from Angela: the list goes on for teenaged romance hardly ever lasts, does it? Still, she's a pretty girl, my sister and I'm happy for her to play the field until it's time to settle down. In the meantime she's got Lucy and me and we both love her to bits. We always will and before I leave for university I am going to give her two pieces of bright green ribbon which I rather think that will last longer than all of the other colours that she has warn over the years. Why two? Well the second one is for her hair: where else? Actually I have a third piece and intend for Mum to wear that one – it will make a beautiful bow round her long red- gold hair. Our relationship might not be very conventional but it suits me and I'm serious about returning home to them both after I qualify – either that or I will take them with me when I move on to pastures new. Lucy is our Mum and we are her daughters and that is all that counts. No matter what else happens – I intend for us to remain together so that we are always there for each other.