Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 18:41:22 -0600 From: Charles Cox Subject: Alone For Christmas prt 1 2023 had not been a good year for me. I met a guy who was exactly the type of guy I had been looking for. Average height, long hair, beautiful green eyes, skinny. Sure he had his problems but who doesnt? I never heard from him again. Then I met another guy and my loosing streak as far as dating seemed to be over. We dated and not too long after he proposed to me. Then he got into some trouble and decided to leave me after that. So here I was 40 with no relationship to speak of. Facing the prospect of spending another Christmas alone. After what my ex did, I was done. I deleted all my dating and hookup apps and figured if a guy wasnt gonna love me for who I am rather than what I am, it wasnt worth it. My friends meaning well tried setting me up on blind dates but I wasnt interested. Why set myself up just to be disappointed again. Thanksgiving was ok but now that it was over, the Christmas holidays were comming up fast. Before I continue my story, I should probably tell you a little about me. I identify as male to female transgender but Im not your typical trans woman. I dont wear makeup and womens clothes all the time. I havent had top and bottom surgery and dont plan to. Also the fact that Im a big girl with boobs, a small "micro dick" and a big, flabby ass didnt help either. So it makes it very hard to find a relationship with someone who doesnt see me as a exotic novelty or a kink they can explore. Shhh! Dont tell the girlfriend or wife. One day a friend invited me to their house for a Christmas party and although I didnt really want to go, I went. I showered, put on my best pair of boot cut jeans, a sweater and boots. I combed my hair and sprayed my favorite perfume. I really wasnt expecting to meet anyone there. Just spend time with my friends, have a few drinks and eat some good food. Everyone was really nice and there were some cute guys there. One kind of caught my eye. He look to be about 22 with long dark brown hair, dark eyes, thin mustach and goatee. He wore a tshirt that had Santa on it, jeans and Converse high tops. Still, I didnt pay him any attention as I wasnt really looking. I stepped outside for a smoke. It was chilly, the sky was cloudy and the moon was full. I was so engrossed in moon gazing that I didnt hear the sliding glass door open and close. When I turned around the cute guy was standing there smiling. "Cool party huh?" I nodded. "Mind if I bum a smoke?" I held out the pack and his long, nimble fingers grabbed one. "Im River". I smiled. He laughed. "Yeah! I know. Weird name right?" I shrugged. "Not so weird". I turned back and continued watching the moon. "I love Winter" he exclaimed standing next to me. "Me too. Fall and Winter". He nodded. The wind blew and I caught the scent of his cologne. "You a....didnt tell me your name" he stuttered. I smiled. "What do you think it is?" he shrugged. "Nicole?" I smiled. "Nope". "Lisa?" I shook my head. "Prudence?" I laughed. "Do I look like I can move things with my mind?" River chuckled. "No, not really". I took a drag of my cigg. "So what is your name?" I finished my cigg. "Thats for me to know and you to find out!" I went back inside and thanked my friends for inviting me. When I got home I ran a hot bath and thought about River. Was he interested or just making conversation? Didnt really matter, Id probably never see him again....or so I thought. To Be Continued. Send me a email if you like part 1 and if I should continue. As always, be sure you support Nifty.