Would You Take My Son

The following is a work of fiction. It is not based on any real events or people. Please, consider donating to Nifty, to keep erotic literature free http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

This story is about the day to day activities of two adults and two children that form a family. It includes bisexual, cross generational, and young friends sexual exploits. If it were published as a paperback, it would have around 500 pages. If you are just entering this story, you may want to start at chapter 1: www.nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/would-you-take-my-son/would-you-take-my-son-1.html

The number of characters has grown, so I've added a link to the Cast of Characters.

This story is written and copyrighted by The_Curmudgeon@Yahoo.com


Chapter 21, Marriage Counseling

My three month leave of absence was set to expire September 1, so I called my boss to tell him I was making the leave permanent. He told me he was really sorry to see me go, and if I ever wanted to come back, he would be glad to rehire me. He even asked if he could list me on the approved contract labor list, in case I wanted part-time jobs. I agreed, but didn't see myself ever exercising the option.

It was Tuesday and at 4 PM we gathered up our notes and headed up the freeway towards Long Beach. 4 o'clock is not the time you want to be on the 405 freeway. Traffic was slow, but our old neighborhood of Los Altos was just off the freeway and there was no faster way to get there. We were already late as we exited on Palo Verde Ave, when we pulled in the driveway, Pastor Jim was sitting on the porch reading the Long Beach newspaper.

He welcomed us in to his living room and we all sat down. I don't know what marriage counseling is like, but if Pastor Jim's is normal, I don't see what the big deal is.

First he went over the normal portions of a wedding ceremony and we said yes or no as to whether we wanted it in our ceremony.

"The Processional?"

Since Jenifer had done this before, I allowed her to answer this one, "Let me be clear about this. One of the things I want, is to be a participant in my whole wedding. The wedding party will be there, dressed in my gowns and tuxes well before the ceremony begins. We will be there as the guests are arriving and we're going to be mingling and meeting everyone. I'll be damned if I'm going to sit in some tiny room waiting to make an entrance. When it's time we'll all move to our places and yes, Karen then I will march down the aisle. When I arrive at the archway, Aaron and I will remove our clothes for the ceremony. Karen and Donny will place our clothing over two chairs placed on either side of the arch.

"The Welcome Statement?"

"Yes you can welcome everyone, there will be about 300 people there standing, so keep it a brief welcome.

"Who gives this bride?"

"Well, almost. Yes, Karen will answer that then you'll ask who gives this groom and Donny will answer.

"Speak now or forever...?"

"Jim, you know me. Do you really think I can what anyone else thinks? Don't even think about it."

"Wedding Sermon?"


"Next is usually is the exchange of vows?"

"Yes we've each written our own vows and this is the heart of the entire ceremony."

"Declaration of Intent? This is when you each answer the question if you will take the other?

"Yeah, we want to do that."

Any other little ceremonies like tying the hands or the mixing of the sand representing the blending of the families?

"No, skip those."

The exchange of rings?

Yes, but keep it simple.

Next I pronouncement you husband and wife. And then you kiss the bride.

"Yes, that good, and this is where we want the Karen and Donny union with an introduction as to what's happening, the vows, the declaration, the rings, and the pronouncement.

Then you get to present both couples, Mrs. and Mr. Aaron McKinney and brother and sister, Karen and Donald McKinney.

For the recessional, we're going to walk right out into the audience and it will be over.

"Mom?" Karen interrupted. "I want that to be my real last name. How can we do that?"

Jenifer wrapper her arms around her daughter and held tight. "It's not difficult dear, we'll make it happen right after the wedding."

I was so filled with emotion I nearly cried as well.

Pastor Jim showed us sample statements of the parts of the ceremony we were including and we picked what we preferred.

Jim asked us how we wanted him dressed. In our minds we always imagined him nude with the rest of us, but we asked him what he wanted. He told us he preferred to be nude for the whole ceremony, but we convinced him to at least wear his collar identifying him as the officiant and a place to clip your microphone to.

We also explained he would also have a directional microphone he would be holding. He assured us he was familiar with that and had done it several times.

We each had to give him out vows to read. He knew we didn't know exactly what the other had written, he just wanted to make sure we were on the same page and not contradicting each other. He made a couple notes on each set of vows and returned them.

That was the end of the marriage counseling.

We asked when he was coming out to Natural Arches. He asked if he could come Friday evening but he could only stay through Saturday night as he had commitments on Sunday at his own church. We told him he would stay with us and was welcome to come earlier if he wanted. After all he was directly responsible for Jenifer and me meeting.


Wednesday morning there was a buzz from the gate. I was in my office and answered over the intercom. "Hi Mr. McKinney, I have your carved Hang-Out sign. I buzzed to open the gate and went out to meet him. The sign was perfect. The rope painted a blue color matching the sides of the letters, the bottoms of the letters were painted black. There were 2 4x4 posts extending 3 feet below the sign, and he had a large sack of post hole cement for mounting it in the dirt. We loaded it directly into the back of the Suburban. He handed me an invoice and told me to mail the payment when I got a chance.


I noticed Jenifer, `borrowing' my office again with a couple ladies from yet another cleaning company. This was at least the 4th company she interviewed. I stood back and watched and waited. I knew one of her interview tactics. Her secret weapon was Donny, and Tom and Tim if they were here. Here it comes. Tom and Tim aren't here at the moment so Donny has employed the help of his sister this time. They are using the pretext of wanting assistance selecting a garment for an upcoming non-existent event. They are both naked and would hold different shirts or dresses up to see which mom would prefer, then with a flourish, would whisk away one outfit, leaving them completely uncovered, only to hold up another to see if she preferred that one. She always selects the first outfit so they could go through the whole routine again.

She is testing the company's reaction to household nudity. It was a matter of everyday life in this house and if the interviewer flinched or otherwise couldn't handle it, the interview was over, as was this one. One of the ladies was saying something like "Well, I never...," as she headed for the door.

This process of hiring a company was not going well. Perhaps we needed a personal recommendation.


Next Chapter: www.nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/would-you-take-my-son/would-you-take-my-son-22.html

Cast of Characters: nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/would-you-take-my-son/cast-of-characters.html

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