Would You Take My Son

The following is a work of fiction. It is not based on any real events or people. Please, consider donating to Nifty, to keep erotic literature free http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

This story is about the day to day activities of two adults and two children that form a family. It includes bisexual, cross generational, and young friends sexual exploits. If it were published as a paperback, it would have around 500 pages. If you are just entering this story, you may want to start at chapter 1: www.nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/would-you-take-my-son/would-you-take-my-son-1.html

The number of characters has grown, so I've added a link to the Cast of Characters.

This story is written and copyrighted by The_Curmudgeon@Yahoo.com


Chapter 27, The Overdo Explanation

Still sitting on Doc Parkers porch, mom started talking, "Son, there's something we've needed to tell you for some time now.

"Every parent makes mistakes raising their children and we realize we made some doozies raising you six kids.

"When we moved into our house right after Abbigail was born back in 1944, one of the first things we did was to join the church down the street from us. They held classes for new parents and being only 17, we needed all the help we could get. We attended those classes each time we had another baby, eventually we even helped teach the classes.

We were taught that in the eyes of God, being naked was dirty, lewd, sinful, and the devil's work. That it would lead to sexual relations between brother and sisters and was a sure way to earn a permanent place in hell. We didn't even bathe you as toddlers without leaving your underpants on. We taught all of you to be ashamed of your naked bodies.

It took many years, but we came to realize, that the way we raised you, was unnatural. Some of your older brothers and sister rebelled against us leaving home very young and against our wishes. It drove a stake right through the heart of our family and we nearly ended up divorced. Instead we went to marriage counseling. We were shown how those perverted beliefs of how to raise you children, made all of you rebel in some manner, and almost made our children hate us. Did you know that 3 of your brother and sisters are now naturalists? We believe that's how you and they rebelled against what you were taught. You 4 went the exact opposite direction, seeking out nudity. As part of our recovery therapy, we moved to a naturalist community for 3 months. We found out being naked is not dirty or sinful or any other kind of wrong."

"So when I was back there with Donny why didn't you say something?" I asked.

"Well at that time we didn't know how you turned out. We only knew that you had pushed us out of your life and haven't had much contact with us. Your trip was so quick and Donny was always around you, there just wasn't time to sit and discuss this with you. So while you were there, we left our clothes on and welcomed our new grandchild. That was your first trip home since you graduated from college and we didn't want to mess it up.

We raised our children the way that damned church taught us, little did we know how wrong our church was. We quit church and haven't been back to any church since. Whose word of which God are we supposed to believe? The minister who taught us how to raise our children said that we were following the word of god. Our opinion of religion is that it's a scam, all churches are perpetuating that scam. We're so sorry for what we did to you. We know we hurt you son. I hope you'll forgive us."

That was a lot to process. I told them I was going for a walk. Jenifer joined me walking arm in arm. She never said a thing. She was just there for me.

On that walk, I did some self-analysis. I can understand my affinity for being naked considering I wasn't allowed to be as a child. Was I rebelling against my parents by avoiding them? In the past 10 years or so, I've only talked with them over the phone maybe once or twice in any year. Was I punishing them for the way I was raised? Was how I now interacted sexually with Karen and Donny somehow related to being raised in an environment that was devoid of human sexuality? 3 brothers and 2 sisters, and I never once saw any of them naked ever? Never once did either parent sit down with me and explain the birds and the bees. Why didn't I have Mom and Dad sign as our witnesses on our marriage certificate, was I rebelling against them for paddling me as a toddler just for being naked in the house?

I could see that I did rebel, it made sense. I got the hell out of Ohio and never looked back. Getting past this would take time.

When we got back to the house, I spoke with them frankly. "I can see now and somewhat understand the origins of my interactions with the family over the past several years. I can see that I did rebel against you both, the rest of the family, and the way I was raised, and am certainly raising my children differently. I allow, I even encourage nudity. We interact with each other in a loving consensual way sexually. The children know everything about sex they want to know. They have safe sex with each other, with us, and with their friends. They would probably have sex with you, if that is something you wanted.

"We have taught them that sex is a beautiful, good thing. You can have sex with male or female friends for fun because sex is a fun thing to do. That you can have sex with someone you love because it is a way to show your love for them. And above all we taught them that your partner always comes first.

"I see now that my lifestyle is the exact opposite of how you raised us. You have asked that I forgive you. I'm not sure that there is anything to forgive. I believe forgiveness is for someone who has done something that they did knowing it was wrong. For now, just know that I understand what you did was not your fault, it was result of the minister and his followers and you were doing only what you were taught and what you thought was right."


Next Chapter: www.nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/would-you-take-my-son/would-you-take-my-son-28.html

Cast of Characters: nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/would-you-take-my-son/cast-of-characters.html

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