The following is a work of fiction: Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. It depicts sexual situations between males of various ages and, may include incest as well. if reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author Kewl Dad and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission.
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Tween to Teen
(sequel to My 11th Summer)

Chapter TEN
    New Kid on the Block
by: Kewl Dad


On September 1st at about 8 pm mom gave birth to my little brother Michael. I'd wanted a baby brother when I first learned mom was pregnant, but over time I had decided that a little sister would be cool too, so I was going to be happy either way. But I have to admit I sure was proud that I had a little brother, even if we were so far apart in age.

His full name was Michael Edward Warren, but almost immediately we started calling him Mikey. He was average I guess for a baby, almost 7 pounds, but unlike most babies he wasn't all red and wrinkly. In fact he was pretty darn cute, or maybe I just thought so cause he was my brother.

Johnny loved that kid almost as much as me and when mom finally got to bring him home, Johnny just couldn't leave him alone. I smiled as I watched him talking baby talk to Mikey and letting him wrap his little hand around his finger. It made me wonder if someday Johnny wouldn't want to be a dad and that sort of bothered me since to do that he'd have to marry a girl. I mean this was the 60's and back then no one ever thought  that gay men could adopt kids and be a real family.

Mom bounced back quickly and took on most of the daily care and feeding of the New Kid on the Block, but dad did his share too and of course me and Johnny were only too happy to keep Mikey occupied.

Johnny and I spent so much time with Mikey that our sex life sort of quieted down, but at night when one of us stayed over at the other's house we burned up the sheets, usually coming at least twice. 

But as big an event as the birth of my baby brother was, the biggest event was still to come, the start of school and our first day in Junior High. Back then school didn't start till after Labor Day, not like today when kids go back to school in August. Of course back then we didn't have air conditioning so I guess part of the reason was to wait till the weather got cooler. 

Unfortunately that wasn't the case that year. In fact it was unseasonably warm that first morning Johnny and I walked the six blocks to the Junior High. Johnny was dressed in jeans and a new button up shirt and new Keds and he looked very sexy in my eyes. I wore new Sears Roebucks jeans and a striped pullover and of course new keds, but I didn't feel quite as well dressed as Johnny. I mean this was junior high, the big time, and we'd be meeting a lot of new kids, kids who'd gone to the other elementary schools and even a few who went to country schools up till 6th grade. 

Yep, this was the big time and I was so nervous I wanted to throw up. If Johnny was nervous he didn't show it, but then that's how Johnny was. Sometimes you couldn't read what he was thinking just by looking at him.

Of course we'd still have our old pals, Donnie and Larry and the rest of the kids from Washington Elementary, but we wouldn't be having every class with them like we did back in 6th grade. We knew we'd meet new kids and probably make some new friends, but it was till nerve wracking.

One thing I'd heard about from other kids was that the older kids, 8th and 9th graders, liked to pick on the new kids and one of the things they did was throw kids into the biting bush. The biting bush, we'd soon discover was some kind of evergreen bush with sharp scratchy branches that grew on either side of the east entrance of the building. 

Because the biting bush was at the far end of the building, away from the main entrance which was in the middle, there were seldom any teachers around and I guess that's why the bullies were able to get away with picking on the younger kids.

Of course we'd heard these rumors most of the time we were in  grade school, sometimes from kids who had older brother's or sisters, and for us the biting bush was sort of a legend. Fortunately that first day we entered at the west end and weren't anywhere  near the biting bush, but we were curious enough to want to see it before the day was over.

Getting used to traveling from class to class was maybe the biggest challenge of Junior High, but luckily Johnny and I had two classes together, English, PE, plus homeroom with Donnie and Larry.

Johnny had math with Larry and I had Science with Donnie, but other than that we didn't share any  other classes. There were a few kids I knew scattered in my classes and by the time lunch rolled around I was feeling pretty good about things.

I met Johnny at the Cafeteria door and pretty soon we were joined by Larry and Donnie. The cafeteria was actually in the High School building which was actually only a few yards away from the Junior High and on the way we passed by High Schoolers who looked more like adults than kids, but so far no one had messed with us.

The food was about the same as in grade school, but the portions seemed a little bigger which suited us just fine, cause we were starved. Both of us had been too nervous to eat breakfast, but now that we'd actually faced our fears and survived, we were back to our regular old selves.

We found a table near the windows and sat down and pretty soon a few of the other kids we knew from Washington drifted over and sat with us. I looked around and noticed that most of the tables were occupied by kids who seemed to know each other and I realized that just like us, the other kids were sticking with the kids they knew. I wondered how long it would be before the kids started to make new friends and join new cliques, but for now there was safety to be found with old friends and acquaintances. 

Suddenly I saw this kid across the room and he was sort of staring at me. I think he was thinking the same thing that I was, that I'd seen that kid somewhere before, and then almost at once we figured it.

I tapped Johnny on the arm and pointed at the kid, "Remember that kid Gerald who went to Jefferson? He's sitting over there."

Gerald jumped up with his tray and came over and we made room for him at our table by asking a kid to scoot down. As Gerald slid into his seat he looked at us with a big grin on his face and laughed.

"I thought that was you, Robert right...and Johnny?"

"Yeah, Gerald right?"

"Uh huh, so how ya liking it so far? Have you got thrown in the biting bush yet?" He asked with a goofy laugh.

"Naw, I think that stuff is just a story to scare new kids."

"Huh uh, my brother said he got thrown in there his first day and it hurt like heck," he said looking serious.

"But...what about the teachers? They're not gonna let kids get hurt...are they?"

"The teachers are too busy, and besides they don't hang out down there much. It's mostly the men teachers at that end and they think it makes a man out you you to get thrown in the bush."

"So...we just stay away from that end of the building...right?"

"Good luck on that," Gerald said rolling his eyes, "Hey, what are you guys doing after school? Wanna come over to my house?"

"I don't think we can today, but maybe some other time," I said eying Johnny for his approval.

"Yeah, we got stuff to do today. Maybe this weekend or something..." Johnny added.

"Yeah, okay. Hey, it's nice seeing someone I know anyway," he said sounding a little sad.

"What about all your friends from Roosevelt?"

He shrugged, "I don't got that many friends."

"Well, you definitely got us, right Johnny?"

"Yeah, sure...right. We can definitely hang out at school and maybe on the weekends sometimes."

"Yeah, thanks," Gerald said smiling. 

I felt a little sorry for him. I wondered if his being kind of poor was why he didn't have many friends. Roosevelt was in an older part of town, but most of the kids who went there were from what is called middle class nowadays. 

After lunch the five of us decided to go down to the east entrance and see the biting bush for ourselves. Instead of going through the Junior High building we decided to walk across the campus and around to the east end to avoid any teachers that might be hanging around.

As we turned the corner of the big red brick building we noticed there was a group of older boys in a circle and as we got closer we could see that in the middle of the circle was a younger boy, probably a 7th grader, one of us.

We didn't recognize the kid, so he wasn't from our old school, but that didn't mean we didn't care about him being picked on.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Johnny said trying to sound cool.

"Look guys, some more newbies. You guys want to meet the biting bush too?" one of the boys laughed. He was slender and dark haired and not all that good looking, but from the way the others were looking at him it was obvious he was in charge.

"I'd like to see you try it," Johnny said going from sociable to bad boy in a heartbeat.

The tall boy laughed, "Ah a tough guy huh?"

"Tough enough that I don't need a whole bunch of guys to handle a little kid like him," he said pointing to the little kid in the middle.

"Hey, we're just having some fun. Don't get you panties in a wad," he said sounding a little defensive.

"Yeah, great fun for the new kid. Why don't you guys pick on someone your own size?"

"Like you," the tall kid said taking a step toward Johnny.

"Yeah, like me," Johnny said bringing his hands up in fists.

For a minute they stood with their eyes locked sizing each other up. I was holding my breath, and waiting for what was to come next. One thing was for sure, if Johnny needed my help, I was there for him, and I was sure Donnie and Larry felt the same way. Fortunately a teacher walked out of the door at the top of the stairs at that moment, took one look at the scene, and began to yell for us to break it up.

We were tough, but we were still kids and we still feared adult authority, especially teachers, so we scattered. The big kids headed around the front side of the building and we started back the way we'd came, but we hadn't gone far before the little kid they'd been picking on caught up with us.

"Hey, you guys...wait up?" he said running up to us. 

We stopped and turned around and for the first time we got a good look at him. He was maybe 4' 5" or 4' 6" and couldn't have weighed more than 70 lbs soaking wet. He had mousy blond hair and big blue eyes and a few freckles scattered across his nose. He was so cute it hurt to look at him, and how anyone could pick on someone that cute I couldn't figure out.

"Thanks guys for savin' me," he said in a voice that sounded like it belonged to a first grader.

"Did you know those guys?" I asked almost laughing at his little voice.

"That big one is Greg, he's mean. He's in 9th grade."

"Why were they picking on you?" Johnny asked frowning.

"I don't know. I was just trying to go back inside. They said they were gonna throw me in the bush thing and I got scared," he said making a face.

"Well, he won't pick on ya anymore," Johnny said, "cause we got your back, right guys?"

"Yeah, we're not afraid of those guys," Donnie said gritting his teeth. 

"What's you name kid?" Larry asked.

"I'm Timmy...Timmy Robbins."

"What school you from?"

"Jefferson, I live over by the IGA on Elliott, you know where that is?"

"Sure, my folks shop there," I said. Then I introduced myself and the others and we walked back to the side entrance of the school.  As we climbed the stairs and pushed open the door I began to worry that we might run into Greg and his buddies, but fortunately we didn't see any sign of them. 

The school was basically built in the shape of a cross with double doors at either end and a set on either side of the cross in the middle. The far end where the biting bush was, was where the 7th grade classes were, the eighth were in the middle, and the ninth or Sophomore classes were at the west end. There were some classes that were shared by all three grades, such as art, but for the most part the three grades were separated.

We hurried to our lockers and grabbed our stuff for the next class which for Johnny and I was English and to our surprise it was also Timmy's next class. He seemed very happy that he'd be sharing class with us, but I wasn't sure how I felt about it yet. I mean, yeah I felt sorry for the kid and was glad we'd helped him out, but did we really need a new friend that was going to be the target of every bully that came along? Johnny seemed amused by the kid and didn't seem bothered that he was so clingy, but then I guess Johnny  felt like a hero since he'd sort of rescued the kid.

Our English teacher's name was Mrs. White and like all the other classes so far this one was a lot harder than what we'd been used to in grade school. Fortunately Mrs. White must've known that and she took extra time to explain things and let us get used to the more intense lessons and she would eventually become my favorite 7th grade teacher.

After English I had math and Johnny had Social Studies so we had to split up, but as luck would have it, Timmy was in my math class. We took seats about half way toward the back and sat down side by side and Timmy kept giving me little looks and smiling at me the whole class. It was sort of annoying in a way, but he was just so damned cute that it was hard not to like the kid.

After English was PE which I had with Johnny but there was no sign of Timmy, though we did have a few of the guys from our old school in class with us. Our coach's name was Mr. Sullivan and he was tall and athletic looking and we learned he was also a 8th grade algebra teacher. He was strict, but not mean, and once we got to know him and understand him we liked him well enough.

That first day he ran us through some basic exercises and stuff, sizing us up I guess, so he would know who was the strongest or whatever and it was pretty obvious he was impressed with Johnny.

"Williams, you ever thought of going out for football?" he asked Johnny as we were getting ready to go to the showers.

"Naw, I like baseball better, but I like to play with my friends and stuff."

"You should give it a try, I think you'd be good at it.  You strike me a guy who's a natural born athlete."

"I'll think about it," Johnny said grinning. I could tell he was pleased by Coach's compliments, but I wasn't sure if he'd be up for playing on a team.

Showers after gym were something new to us boys and at first we weren't too keen on the idea of stripping off butt naked in a room full of strange boys. I stuck close by Johnny but after a while I began to relax and actually enjoy being naked. 

One good thing was I got to check out a whole lot of different boys, some I knew from our old school, and a lot of new guys, and I was amazed at the variety of cocks and hair and all the other things that make us boys.

One kid sort of caught mine and Johnny's attention pretty fast. His name was Daryl Wheeler and  he was a kid who had attended a country school until this year. He lived on a dairy farm and from the look of his body he must've worked hard on the farm. His body was hard and muscled looking and tan from head to toe except for the part where his underwear would cover, and on top of that he was one handsome guy. But what really caught our eyes was his boy parts. 

His pecker was uncut like ours, but definitely bigger. In fact soft he was almost as big as I was hard. Now I know there are showers and growers, and he could have been a shower, but I was willing to bet that hard that boy's pecker was man-sized and his balls sure were. In fact they were so big I was surprised the kid could close his legs. In addition to his huge pecker and balls the kid had hair in places that we only dreamed about. Even his pits were hairy, but later I found out why, the kid was actually almost 14 years old. He'd been sick for a long time when he was a little kid and missed a lot of school and it took him a long time to catch up.

"Hey, how you guys doin?" Daryl asked as we dried off in the locker area. 

"Fine," I said leading the way, "I'm Robert and that's Johnny," I said trying not to stare at his hot body.

"I'm Daryl, Daryl Wheeler," he said sticking out his big hand for me to shake.

I was afraid he'd crush my hand, but his handshake was firm, but gentle. 

"How old are you anyway?" Johnny asked as he shook hands. Leave it to Johnny to cut  to the chase.

"Almost 14, I got put back a year and I was sick when I was a little kid and I'm sort of behind," he said blushing.

"That's okay, you're here now," I said smiling. There was something about this kid that I liked and it wasn't just his big pecker.

"Thanks, do you guys live here in town?"

"Yeah, we live over on the west side, on the other side of the tracks. We used to go to Washington Grade School."

"We've known each other almost all our lives, we're best friends," I said then blushed.

"That's neat, I don't got that many friends, just my brothers and cousins mostly cause we live so far out in the country."

"Well, now that you're going to school in the city, I bet you'll make lots of friends."

"You really think so?" he asked looking hopeful.

"Why sure, heck me and Johnny could be your friends, right Johnny?"

"Yeah, sure...we could use someone your size to help us stay out of the biting bush," he laughed.

Daryl laughed, "Well, if anyone tries to pick on ya, I'll sure nuff help ya."

We got dressed as we talked and I noticed that Daryl's clothes were sort of plain and maybe a little small. I wondered if his folks were poor, or if they were just thrifty people, but none of that really mattered cause I decided I liked Daryl just the way he was.

We walked Daryl to the bus and said goodbye then Johnny and I waited around for Donnie and Larry and we walked home together.

"Well, it wasn't so bad," Larry said kicking at a rock in the back alley behind McCrory's. The alley ran behind the stores downtown and was a straight shot from Mill to the school. Since there was little traffic in the alley and we didn't have to wait for the traffic lights, it was our favorite route to take to school.

"Did you guys meet any interesting kids?" I asked curiously.

"Naw, not really...just that kid at lunch," Donnie laughed, "that little kid was so funny."

"Well, we did," I said eying Johnny and smiling, then I told them all about Daryl from his huge pecker to his living on a farm and being older.

"I saw him," Larry said excitedly, "he was in my science class but I thought he was an 8th grader or something at first."

"Wow, so you guys made friends with him. That's really good...cause we might need him if those guys start any trouble again," Donnie laughed.

"I can handle those guys," Johnny said looking serious.

"I know, I was only funnin' you. Heck, I kin handle that kid Greg all by myself."

"So what are we gonna do about Timmy?" Larry asked grinning, "Are we gonna let him hang out with us now that you saved him?"

"What? No, I mean...I don't know...maybe. He's okay I guess. What do you guys think?"

" for me," I said trying to not to sound too harsh, "I think we should get to know him better before we decide whether to let him into the group."

"The group?" Johnny chuckled, "You make it sound like a secret club."

"You know what I mean. I mean I feel sorry for the kid and all, but he's sort of immature for us."

"How do you know? He might be a wild boy in bed," Johnny laughed.

"Ha, very funny. That's not what I meant. I mean we're 7th graders now and we're not little kids any more. We don't want other kids to think we're babies or anything."

Johnny frowned, "How is helping the kid making us look like babies?" he said sounding a little miffed.

I shrugged, "Just forget it, whatever you decide is fine by me," I said clouding up. 

"Gees, what got your panties in a wad?" Johnny laughed.

"Nothing, just forget it. You're the hero, so you decide." God what was happening to me? I was sounding like a...a girl or something.

Johnny gave me a "we'll talk about this later" look and thankfully changed the subject. I mostly listened but I didn't want him to think I was mad or being pissy so I did contribute to the conversation. 

My house was first on our route home and we entered through my backyard and I walked the guys to the street in front of my house. We talked a little while more then Larry and Donnie said they had to get home. Johnny hung back though and I think the other two were expecting it.

As soon as they were out of earshot Johnny began. "What was all that about with the new kid?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry..okay?" I said trying not to sound like a little bitch.

"Hey, you're usually the one who says we ought to be nice to other kids and make friends. What is it about this kid?"

I sighed, "I don't know," I admitted, "Nothing really. I mean he's cute and he seems nice, but he reminds me of some first grader, that's all."

"Hey, remember you're a big brother now. You should be practicing with little kids," he teased.

"I guess. Like I said, whatever you guys decide is fine by me. I don't care really...I mean it."

"You're not mad at me are you?"

"No, why would I be?" I said sincerely.

"I don't know. You just sounded mad, that's all."

"If we had time, I'd show you that I'm not mad," I said grinning.

He wiggled his eyebrows comically and moved a little closer, "There's the treehouse, or the clubhouse."

I was about to take him up on the suggestion when my mom appeared at the front door and yelled for me.

"Robert, honey...I need your help. Tell Johnny goodbye and come in please."

"I gotta go," I moaned, "maybe tomorrow we can find time."

"I hope so. Well...see ya tomorrow. Hey, kiss Mikey for me, okay?"

I laughed, "Okay, I will. Bye."

"What's up mom?" I yelled once I was inside.

"Shhh...I just got Mikey to sleep. Your father called and he needs me to come bring him some papers he left here. I need you to watch Mikey while I'm gone. Can you do that honey? He'll probably sleep the whole time I'm gone."

"Sure mom, as long as I don't have to change his diaper," I teased.

"You won't. Like I said he'll sleep through it. I just want you nearby in case he does wake up."

"Okay, but can I have a snack first?"

"I already have some cookies laid out. You can pour yourself some milk and just check on him every now and then."

"Okay, see ya in a while then."

She grabbed the papers and her purse and started for the door then paused, "And when I get back I want you to tell me all about your first day in Junior High."

I poured my milk and carried it into my folks room and checked on Mikey. He was all wrapped up in a blue blanket with puppies on it and he looked so cute. I smiled as I watched him sleep and thought about what a miracle it was that he came out of my mom's tummy because my dad had put his sperm in her. 

I guess I knew a lot more about sex than most kids my age, heck even more then some older kids, but it was still amazing no matter how you looked at it. I tried to figure out who Mikey looked like, but I couldn't decide. Sometimes he looked like mom, but sometimes he looked like dad, and mom said he was a spitting image of me when I was a baby. I liked to think I was that cute as a baby, but I guess all babies are pretty cute and it was possible.

"Hey Mikey," I whispered, "are you having a good dream?"

He made a little sound and his mouth twitched into sort of a smile and I laughed. The kid was definitely fun to watch asleep or awake. Mom said he was a good baby so far, which meant he didn't fuss or cry a lot, but why should he? He had us trained to be at his beck and call all the time.

I finally carried my snack into my bedroom and changed before I finished it. I thought about Johnny and how we'd almost got to have sex and I felt sort of frustrated, but I knew we'd find time soon and it wasn't like we were deprived. We had lots of sex, not as much as before, but plenty for two 12 year olds.

I checked on Mikey again and he was still sleeping so I went in the living room to watch some TV. There was this sappy kids show on right after school with this guy and his friend who was dressed in a tiger suit and they showed cartoons. It was pretty lame, but the cartoons were okay so I put up with the sappy stuff.

Mom was back within thirty minutes and I'd checked on Mikey a couple of more times by the time she got home. After checking on Mikey she came in and sat down next to me on the couch.

"Thanks honey, I could have taken him with me but then he fell asleep and I hated to wake him."

"No problem."

"Okay, now I want you to tell me all about your first day,"  she said turning toward me.

For the next half hour I filled her in on as much as I thought a mom should know, naturally omitting the biting bush, the bullies, the way we met Timmy, and of course Daryl's big pecker. She listened attentively and when I was done she asked me a few questions then said she needed to go start dinner.

I felt bad that she had to work so hard since the baby was born and all, so I decided to help her out. We talked while I peeled potatoes and she put together a meatloaf and we had a nice visit.

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate the way you've pitched in and helped with your brother and I want you to know that you're still my baby too," she said smiling.

"Mom, I'm not a baby," I laughed, "and I don't mind helping with Mikey. It's fun actually."

"You're a good boy, you and Johnny both. I swear that boy loves your baby brother almost as much as you do."

"Yeah, he wishes he had a brother instead of his wicked witch of a sister," I laughed.

"Robert! Don't call her that," she said trying to hide her smile. She knew Johnny's sister wasn't what you'd call a nice person as well as we did.

"Sorry. So what was it you had to take to dad?"

"Oh, just some forms he needed to get the hospital bills paid."

"For the baby?"

"Yes, but it was  nice to get out of the house for a minute," she said sighing.

"Hey, anytime you need me to watch Mikey just let me know."

"Maybe when he gets older...but right now since he's breast feeding I can't be away from him too long."

I blushed bright red thinking about that. I mean I'd seen mom nursing Mikey, but her breasts were always covered up, not that I would have looked.

"You were a titty baby," she teased, "you were a hungry boy too and now look at you."

"Mommmm," I groaned, "that's embarrassing."

"Why? It's all part of nature. Someday you'll have a wife and she'll have babies and probably want to breast feed them. It's the best way, it's mother nature's way and there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"I guess, can we please talk about something else," I begged.

"All right. You pick a subject."

So we talked about school some more and she told me about when she was in Junior High and High School and it didn't sound much different than it was now. 

"Did you meet dad in High School?"

"No, I met your dad at my cousin Linda's wedding. He was one of the ushers and he was so handsome," she said dreamily, "he still is, but that day he was positively glowing."

"So what happened?"

"Well, I guess he noticed me too because at the reception he asked me to dance and I said yes. Later we had some punch and went out on the patio to talk and it was like we'd known each other all our lives. We started dating after that night and a year later we were married," she said looking all gushy like women do.

"That's so neat. So it was like love at first sight then?"

"Yes, I guess it was. And the great thing was we both felt the same way. I mean I think we knew from that first dance that we were meant to be together and now just look at us, we're a family with two wonderful boys."

I thought about the kind of love my mom and dad had and suddenly I felt very sad. I'd never know that kind of love, because the kind of love I had for Johnny was not something I could share with the world, or even my parents.

Dad breezed in just as the meatloaf was coming out of the oven and while he changed, mom and I got everything on the table. I filled my dad in on my first day at school while we ate and he acted really interested.

"I knew you'd like it son. Grade school is a good start, I mean you make good friends there, but it's when you get mixed up with all the other kids that you start to realize the world is a whole lot bigger place than what you've seen so far."

"I guess, we already made one new friend and met this kid that we already knew from Jefferson."

"That's great. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends. You and Johnny might even find a girlfriend," he chuckled.

I didn't know how to answer that so I just nodded and started talking about my teachers and finally gym class. I told him about Coach Sullivan wanting Johnny to go out for football and he seemed interested in that.

"I've always wondered why Johnny didn't play sports. He's so athletic looking and as tough as nails. I bet he'd do well if he could keep his ego in check and not beat up the other players," he said then laughed.

"What if I wanted to play?" I said suddenly a little hurt that he thought Johnny was a better athlete than I was, even if he was right.

"Then I'd say...we will help you in any way we can, right ma? And be at your games to cheer you on. We just want you to be happy son and if playing sports, or being in the band, or anything else does that then we're all for it."

"I'd rather you did something less dangerous," mom said softly, "but your father is right, we'd support what ever decision you made."

"I don't really like football, but I might want to play baseball...if Johnny did."

"Now that's a sport I can get behind," mom said grinning, "I think baseball is not only safer, but more fun to watch."

Dad laughed, "On Ruth you just don't understand how much fun it is for boys to chase one another and try to tackle each other."

"Yeah, that is pretty fun...but only when it's just a bunch of us guys playing and we don't have to worry about beating another team."

"Well, sports can teach you a lot about life, about playing as a team, and about being a good loser as well as a good winner. It's hard work, but it can be a lot of fun and very rewarding."

"Did you play football dad?"

"Yes son, I was a Pryor Tiger," he said making a funny roaring sound, "and I made some really good friends on and off the team because of it. I wanted to go on to college and play, but I hurt my shoulder my senior year and had to rethink my plans."

"And that's why football scares me," mom said, "but if that's what you want to do..."

"Naw, I don't thing so and I don't think Johnny wants to either, but if he does that's fine."

Dad smiled. I always felt like he knew more about what was going on with me and Johnny than mom did, but he never came right out and said anything. It was all in the little smiles and looks he gave me and of course the way he blew off the whole thing the day he'd caught me and Johnny kissing.

The baby woke just as mom finished her dinner and while she went off to feed him dad and I cleared and I washed the dishes and dad dried them. Yeah, I know it was the 60's and men weren't supposed to do women's work, but my dad was way ahead of his time and he didn't mind taking on a little more of the load to help mom out.

When mom came back in packing a happy well fed baby Mikey she looked shocked to see the dishes were already done.

"You boys, you make me want to cry. You're so good to me," she said giving us both a kiss on the cheek.

"It was no big deal mom. Can I hold Mikey?"  I said making funny faces at my little brother.

"You are going to spoil this kid rotten and he will love you forever," mom laughed. She handed Mikey over to me and I kissed his little face and he smiled for me. Gosh it sure was something to have a baby brother to love and who loved you back.

We went into the living room to watch TV and I played with Mikey and he made little faces and gurgling sounds. Like I said he was a good baby and hardly ever cried and mom said it was because he had so many people around who loved him and took care of him. I felt sort of proud to know that I was already starting to be a good big brother and I was looking forward to when he got older and all the fun we'd have.

Day two at school was dull compared to day one. There were no bullies at the biting bush and we didn't see Timmy all day. We did see Gerald at lunch and he asked us again about doing something that weekend. We had sort of forgot about it till he brought it up so we decided to go ahead and make plans. We were pretty sure our folks would agree with anything we decided so we agreed to meet him downtown at McCrory's and go from there. 

"Can you bring enough money for a pop or something?" I asked Gerald. I knew he didn't have it as good as I did, but surely he could muster up a dime or a quarter.

"Oh sure, I got a whole dollar I been saving."

"Cool, we'll make a day of it then."

In gym class we talked to Daryl again and learned a little bit more about him. He was a really nice guy and I found myself liking him more and more each time I talked to him. If he didn't live so far away I was sure we would have been close friends, but as it was I guessed just having him for a school friend was okay too.

This time on our way home Johnny and I decided to make a stop and take care of business before we hit my house. We ditched Donnie at Larry at the railroad and and stopped at the box car by the train depot long enough to blow each other. As I stood there in the sand  covered floor with Johnny kneeling at my feet I thought about how far we'd come since our first clumsy attempts at sex. We knew exactly how to please each other now and I think a lot of it was that fact that we cared so much for each other.

As Johnny got serious with my dick he looked up at me and winked and I reached down and started running my fingers through his dark hair. In my eyes he was just about perfect and even more handsome and sweeter than the first time I realized we were more than just friends. 

I threw my head back and closed my eyes. I shook with excitement and anticipation and when the feeling hit me in my balls and began to work it's way up to the tip of my dick I cried out in ecstasy.

He laughed at this effect on me as I trembled beneath his hands and his talented mouth and soon I was pumping my boy seed into his hungry mouth. He smacked comically as he gobbled it down and then when the last spurt had landed on his tongue he licked me clean and stood to kiss me.

I pulled him me and stuck my tongue in his mouth tasting my own flavor there. We kissed for a few moments while I cooled off and came back to earth, but as soon as I  had my head about me again I swapped places with him and knelt before him.

Looking up I unbuttoned his pants and slowly lowered the zipper revealing his new back to school Fruit of the Loom underwear were already tented by his hard pecker. I buried my face in his crotch and breathed in his musky boyish smell and moaned lowly. It's amazing to me even to this day what an effect things like his scent or the taste of his skin had on me. He was more than just a boyfriend, more than just a sex partner. It was like he was a part of me, a part I needed to survive, and I had to have  him and now.

With trembling hands I lowered his briefs and let his pecker spring free. I pulled his foreskin back and inhaled his musky boy odor, almost swooning from it's effect on me. His cockhead was angry looking and glossy with his pre-cum and I lapped it up like a dog dying of thirst. His pre-cum tasted like that sugary drop of moisture that you get when you pull the center of a honeysuckle flower out, only instead of a singe drop, his was plentiful and I couldn't get enough of it. 

He produced a lot more pre-cum than I did and the longer I teased his cock the more of his delicious nectar I got to taste. He was leaning against the weathered wooden wall of the boxcar now, his pants and underwear at his ankles, while I licked his cockhead like it was a Tootsie Roll pop. 

But as much as I enjoyed the taste of his pre-cum I knew we didn't have all day to play. Pausing to give his balls a good working over I grabbed his hard pecker and popped it in my mouth and began sucking like my life depended on it. 

Johnny was moaning and thrusting before too long and it was pretty clear he wasn't going to last very long. I was torn between wanting to make it last and getting it done and getting on home, but suddenly Johnny cried out, thrust into my mouth and began unloading his tasty boy seed. 

I gobbled it down as fast as he pumped it out and when I was sure he was finished I pulled off of his still oozing dick and licked it clean. Standing up I kissed him, but we didn't linger this time. We pulled up our pants and underwear making sure there were no tell tale signs of cum or spit on them, and exited the box car into the bright sunshine and fresh air.

The fresh air felt wonderful after the stuffy box car and I felt wonderfully alive. I tagged Johnny and took off running, both of us giggling like little kids, and Johnny took off after me. He caught me eventually but I was lighter and fast for a kid even if I didn't have as many muscles as he did.

When he caught me he pulled me to a stop and we fell giggling to the ground. Fortunately it was past the tracks and the rocks and on the grass of the siding. We lay there breathing heavily and looking at each other and I don't think I had ever loved him more than in that moment. I felt like crying and laughing at the same time and it was so confusing.

When we finally caught our breath we sat up and leaned back on our arms and stared up at the sky.

"You ever think about what will happen when we get older and stuff?"

"Huh, not really. I mean I know I want to get a car when I'm old enough and maybe get a job at the IGA or somewhere and make some money. What about you? What do you think about?"

I sat and thought for a moment. Should I voice my fears that Johnny would want to find a girl and leave me behind or just keep my mouth shut and see what happened?

"I dunno, I guess the same thing...but what I really wondered you think we'll still know together like we are now?"

He turned and looked at me and smiled. He was so beautiful and I felt like crying at that moment.

"Robert, we're always gonna be friends. We were born to be friends. I don't know if it will always be like it is now, but if it's not...we'll still have our friendship...right?"

I sighed, "Johnny...can I tell you something really personal?"

"You know you can," he said softly letting his hand wander over and touch mine.

"I know, that I' know...queer. I don't like girls like know for sex. I like having sex with you and I love you and I guess that makes me queer."

"Naw, don't say that. You're just a kid...we're both just kids...we're just trying to figure things out...that's all."

" don't love me?" I asked feeling as if I'd been gut punched.

"I didn't say that. I do love you, but that doesn't mean we're queer or anything. You love your folks right, and Mikey..."

"Yeah, but I don't have sex with them...this is different...this is serious....isn't it?"

He fell back on the grass and covered his eyes with his arm, "Can't we just be friends and have fun and not try to figure things out right now?"

"I...I guess. I didn't mean to cause no trouble. I shoulda just kept quiet. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be...sometimes I wonder about that stuff myself, but even if we know, queer, we can never tell got that?"

"I know, and that's what makes it so hard. Sometimes I feel like I'm living a lie. I can't tell my folks how I feel. I can't tell them how much I love you or how happy you make me. I don't mean the sex, that's not important. I mean it's great and I love that too, but other people don't need to know that part...that's just for us. I just wish I could say to the world, I love Johnny Williams and he loves me and we're together...that's all."

"Well, you can't and that's that. Look, we can be...we an love each other and do all that other stuff, but except for our friends no one can ever know."

"I know, but I can dream...can't I?"

"Why do you want to make yourself sad and crazy by thinking about this stuff? We're doing okay just like we are...aren't we?"

"For now, yeah, but what about next year, or the next? What if you decide you like girls and want to start dating and stuff?"

"I don't know. What if you decide the same thing? You know you might change your mind about me someday."

"No, I never will," I said sadly, "even if you do find a girl and stop loving me, I will always love you," I said as tears ran down my face.

"Awww...don't cry...please. I can't stand it when you cry. It hurts to see you like this. I do love  you and I'll always love you too. Just don't worry so much and things will be fine. If things change we'll deal with it then, okay?"

I nodded, "I'm sorry. I guess you're right. Maybe as we get older things will be different and we'll just have to figure them out then."

"Yeah, but for's just you and me and it''s great...right?"

"Yeah," I said jumping up, "We should get home, my mom might need me to watch Mikey or something."

"Help me up," he said offering his hand. 

I pulled him up and we stood toe to toe, eye to eye for a moment. Then he smiled and I smiled back and everything was okay again. 

"I do love you," he said simply, "and not like a brother or like a friend. It just scares me sometimes."

"Me too, but it'll be okay. It's like you said, we just have to let things go and see what happens."

"Yeah, well...we better go."

As we walked along side by side we talked about school and about our plans for the weekend and surprisingly things seemed to be back to normal. I wished I'd never brought all that stuff up, but now I knew Johnny was as scared and as unsure as I was and that was actually reassuring to me. I knew now that I wasn't alone and between the two of us I was sure we could figure things out eventually.

"Want to come in and see Mikey?" I asked when we got to my house.

"I better get on home, it's late and mom will wonder where I've been."

"Okay, be sure to ask her about staying over Saturday night and going downtown with Gerald and me."

"I will, they won't care. Well, bye...see ya tomorrow," he said walking backwards as he talked.

"Bye, see ya tomorrow."

I went inside and found both mom and Mikey asleep. Mom had pulled the bassinet into the living room and she was fast asleep on the couch and Mikey was asleep in the bassinet. They looked so peaceful and my heart ached with love for them. I wondered if mom and dad would still think I was such a great kid if they knew I was a queer and a sex maniac. And when Mikey got older would he hate me if he found out?

I fixed myself a bowl of corn flakes and dumped a bunch of sugar on them and drowned them in milk and sat down at the table and started feeding my face. I thought about the look in Johnny's eyes when I'd brought up being queer and I realized it was fear I was seeing. It wasn't that he didn't love me or feel some of the same things I did, it was just that it was terrifying to think about what it all meant. When I had cried I saw the Johnny that I loved. He was quick to comfort me and make everything okay and I loved him even more for that.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear mom come in until she put her arms around my neck and kissed the top of my head.

"Hi honey, did you have a good day at school?"

"Yeah, it was okay. Sort of boring actually."

Mom laughed, "Well, that means it's back to normal I guess."

"Yeah, hey mom...remember I told you about our friend Gerald. I was wondering if it would be okay if me and Johnny met him downtown on Saturday and  hung out for a while?"

"Is Johnny sleeping over Saturday night?"

"Yeah...if it's okay, but not Gerald, we're just gonna hang out and maybe get some ice cream or something. See this kid, Gerald, he doesn't have that many friends and we're just trying to make him feel like he fits in and stuff."

"That's very sweet of you boys. Well, it's fine with me...maybe you can bring him by so we can meet him before he goes home."

"Okay, I'm sure he won't mind."

"I assume Johnny's mom and dad are all right with all this?"

"He's gonna ask em tonight, but he's sure thy won't care."

"Well, its fine with me and I'm sure your father won't care. Are you going to the Allred? They're having that Kid's Matinee again for 50¢ and it includes free popcorn. I guess they figure if they give you free popcorn and make you thirsty you'll buy their pop," she laughed.

"I don't know, that sounds like a good idea, but I'll have to make sure it's okay with Johnny and Gerald."

"Well, it's your choice. Oh, I hear someone waking up," she said as Mikey made a little whimpering sound in the living room.

I finished my cereal and put the bowl in the sink and went in to see my baby brother. He was just waking up and when he saw me I swear he acted all excited and smiled, or maybe I just imagined it.

"Oh dear, you're soaked," mom said checking his diaper, "Robert honey will you go wet me a wash cloth under the warm water and bring me a diaper.

I ran the water in the bathroom till it was warm and wet the the wash cloth and squeezed it almost dry then grabbed a diaper and took them to mom. She had Mikey's plastic pants off and was unpinning his diaper. 

His umbilical cord was sort of gross looking, but  mom said that eventually part of it would fall off and he's  have a navel just like mine. Since mom and dad didn't have Mikey circumcised he was just like me down there, only his penis was so small that it looked more like a little flower than a penis but his balls were big, like they were swelled up or something.

I watched with detached interest as mom wiped his little penis and butt with the washcloth then doused him with baby powder before pinning on a new diaper. So far I hadn't had to change his diaper but I figured it was something I would need to learn eventually.  I didn't mind the thought of changing a pee pee diaper so much, but I just wasn't sure if I could change a poopy one without puking.

When she had him changed she handed him to me and I sat down in dad's favorite chair and played with him while mom cleaned up the mess and took the diaper out to the hamper in the garage.

I took care of Mikey while mom cooked dinner and when dad got home he found us in his favorite chair and he laughed.

"Well, I see my two boys have taken over my favorite spot."

"Naw, just till you want it."

Dad stopped to kiss Mikey on the head then patted me and went off to talk to mom.  I looked down at Mikey and made some coochy coo sounds and Mikey smiled. He was so cute and so warm and smelled so good, well usually. I still wasn't too crazy about the pooping and peeing, but most of the time he smelled like baby powder.

After dinner we watched TV and passed Mikey around then I took a shower and went to bed. Mom and dad stayed up a bit longer and as I lay in bed listening to the soft sounds of the TV and mom and dad talking I thought about just how great my life was. 

I had two great parents, a new baby brother, and great friends, and then there was Johnny. I couldn't help but smile when I thought about him. His soft voice when we were intimate, his big brown eyes, his muscled body, and of course the parts that made him all boy. I loved every inch of him, every angle, every curve, every scent, every taste. He was mine, and I was his and no matter what the future brought us, we had this, and even if that was all there was, it would be enough for a lifetime.

The rest of the week passed quickly and by Friday we wondered what we were so worried about. We seemed to fit right in and we'd already made new friends among the kids and even the teachers. We did see Timmy a couple of times, but he was with another boy, a little red-haired boy, and they seemed to be close. I was glad he'd found a buddy and I felt bad for being such a butt about not including him in our group.

On Friday dad took us out to eat for the first time since Mikey was born. Fortunately he slept through the whole meal so mom actually got to enjoy her dinner. We ate at Thomas' Restaurant, which was about the nicest place in town and the food was really good, but not as good as mom's. We saw some friends of my folks and they came over to see the baby and I was sort of proud to hear them talk about how cute he was and all that stuff.

After we ate dad drove around for a while and Mikey slept the whole time. Dad said there was something about riding in a car that made babies sleep and it sure did seem true when it came to Mikey. 

Mikey woke up when we got home and was starved and while mom nursed him I went off to shower and get ready for bed. When I joined my folks in the living room Mikey was fed and ready to play. I sat down by mom and played with Mikey while dad watched us from his chair smiling the whole time.

"I swear son, I have never seen a boy take to a baby as much as you have your little brother."

"He's really neat," I said grinning, "I mean I wish he was older so we could play regular games and stuff, but he's fun like this too."

"You love your big brother, don't you sweetie," mom cooed to Mikey who smiled and watched her face with loving eyes.

"I think I must be the luckiest man in the world," dad said softly, "a beautiful wife and two great kids, what more could a man ask for?"

"A swimming pool?" I teased and mom and dad laughed.

We talked for a while more but it had been a long hard week and I was beat. Besides I knew I wouldn't get much sleep tomorrow night so I kissed everyone goodnight and headed off to bed. I was tempted to jerk off, but decided to save it for Johnny and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

Saturday Johnny came down early and we had breakfast before heading off to meet Gerald. He was standing in front of McCrory's dime store and when we got closer he ran up to meet us.

"Hey you guys, I'm sure glad to see you."

"We told ya we'd be here," Johnny said.

"I know, I'm just glad to get away from my house. My mom and my brother are fighting today and it's no fun there."

"How come?" I asked.

Gerald shrugged, "Cause my step brother Billy stayed out late last night and drank some beer."

I thought about Billy and the fun we'd had that day at the school. I wondered how much he'd grown since we last saw him and if he was still letting Gerald suck his big old pecker. I remembered that day at the gin mill too and that Gerald's pecker had been bigger than mine. He was a few months older than us, but way ahead of us in that area. He's had lots of hair down there even back then and I figured he had more now.

"Is he in big trouble?"

"Naw, not really. They'll just fight about it and then she'll forget it and  he'll just go out and do it again."

"So what are we gonna do guys?" Johnny asked impatiently.

"Well, we could check out McCrory's and see if they got any new models," I suggested.

"Okay, and get an Icee," Johnny suggested.

McCrory's was the biggest store in our town and one of two dimes stores, as they were called back then. This was way before Walmart started invading small towns and destroying the local merchants and forcing businesses to move out of downtown. Back then if you went shopping you went downtown and Saturday was the busiest day of the week.

We got our Icees and headed back to the toy department and checked out the models first. There was nothing new, but there was one model I'd been looking at for a while now and I checked it out again. I still hadn't talked myself into buying it, but I was close.

Johnny and Gerald started tossing a beach ball back and forth and pretty soon one of the clerks came over and told them to stop. I covered my mouth to hide my laugh as they mocked her once she walked away.

"Don't do that in here, you might break something..." Gerald sassed.

"Come on let's go down to Ben Franklin's," Johnny suggested. BF was the other dime store and though not as large as McCrory's it had some neat stuff.

Ben Franklin's was in the next block on the same side and after crossing at the light we passed the office supply store where we got our school supplies and then a half dozen or so shops including the barber shop where I got my hair cut.

Ben Franklin's had wooden floors and lazy ceiling fans hanging from the ceiling, but like most shops downtown it also had air conditioning. Air conditioning was sort of a novelty back then. No one that  I knew had air conditioning in their house, but most businesses did, and we loved visiting those places in the summer. 

Even though it was September it was still warm and the a/c was going full force in BF and it was almost cold inside. We got a dirty look from the lady at the register when she saw we had Icees, but we didn't let that bother us as we headed to the toy section.

Their selection was nothing like McCrory's but they did have a good selection of models, some that even McCrory's didn't  have. I found one I liked and promised myself I'd come back and get it later since I hadn't brought enough money today.

We got bored after a while and headed out, hitting Western Auto and Otasco, before parking ourselves in front of the Allred theater. We'd talked about going to the Saturday Matinee earlier in the week, but decided we didn't want to be tied down for an hour or so when the weather was so nice.

"Want to go to the big park?" Johnny suggested.

"Okay," Gerald said looking at me for my approval.

"Sure, that sounds like fun."

The walk to the park took about 15 minutes and all the way there we were cutting up and wrestling around. The Icees were long gone and we were thirsty by the time we got to the park. There was a water fountain near the bathrooms and we headed there first.

After drinking our fill of water, Johnny said he needed to pee and of course Gerald and I followed him inside. Inside it was dark and cooler and as our eyes adjusted we took in the layout. On the wall to the left was a toilet with a patition that went almost form wall to wall but had no door. Against the same wall as the door was  a sink, but there was no urinal. Johnny headed toward the toilet while Gerald and I hovered near the door and pretty soon we heard the unmistakable sound of piss hitting the water.

Gerald gave me a nervous look and pulled at his crotch and then looked toward the toilet. I wasn't sure if Johnny would be up for messing around with Gerald but I figured it wouldn't hurt to see. 

"If you shake it more than twice, it's playin' with it," Gerald joked.

"Come shake it for me then," Johnny giggled.

" that how it is?" Gerald said laughing, "Cause I will."

"Come on then," Johnny said sounding serious.

"Okay, here I come..." Gerald said stomping his feet loudly but not really moving that much.

"I'm waiting, I'm hard and ready...."

I smiled and stepped toward the wall and the toilet and Gerald followed me. Johnny was facing away from the toilet and sure enough his dick was out and hard. 

"Oh, you weren't kidding," Gerald  laughed.

"Put up or shut up," Johnny said wiggling his hips and causing his pecker to flop from side to side.

"I will..." Gerald said lunging forward, but still not grabbing Johnny's pecker. 

I wondered, why was he being so shy all of a sudden? He sure hadn't been shy the two times I'd messed with him.

"Do it," I said pushing Gerald a little, "suck it if you want."

"Yeah, suck it," Johnny said sounding excited.

"I will..." Gerald said again.

"Do it, suck it..." I said pushing him even harder this time. I watched as he fell to his knees and at first I thought I'd pushed him too hard, but it was obvious after a minute that he'd intended to do it.

He grabbed Johnny's cock and looking up into his eyes to make sure it was really okay, he put his mouth on it and went to town. Johnny threw his head back and closed his eyes and I could hear him moaning softly as Gerald blew him. I saw Gerald reach down and start squeezing Johnny's balls and that caused Johnny to moan even louder.

"This kid is good," Johnny gasped.

"Not as good as me," I said moving up behind him and hugging him around the waist. 

Gerald looked up but didn't slow down and when I reached around to pull Johnny's pants and underwear down he didn't miss a beat. When I had them down I started rubbing Johnny's butt while Gerald sucked him and pretty soon Johnny started breathing really heavy and grunting and I knew he was gonna come.

Gerald must've noticed it too because he speeded up and pretty soon Johnny cried out and I felt this whole body tense up as he began firing his hot boy sperm into Gerald's mouth. Gerald didn't miss a drop and when Johnny was done he pulled off and licked him clean before standing up.

There was a definite tent in Gerald's jeans and from the looks of it he was even bigger than he'd been when I first met him. Moving around in front of Johnny I reached down and started unbuttoning Gerald's jeans while Johnny pulled his own jeans and underwear back up.

"Nice," I said as I finally freed Gerald's pecker. It really didn't look that much bigger than before, now that I had it out, but it was still a respectable size and definitely fatter than mine.

Pulling him to the toilet by the dick I sat down and pulled him closer and swallowed it in one gulp. He looked surprised that I could do that, but I'd learned a lot since the last time I sucked him off. Johnny stood just behind him and before too long he was rubbing Gerald's butt as I sucked him off.

"Too bad you came," Gerald said softly, "you could have cornholed me."

I heard Johnny take in a deep breath and then he craned his neck around Gerald and looked at me with curiously.

I pulled off long enough to say, "Fuck him Johnny, give him that big old pecker."

Ordinarily Johnny would have needed a little more time to get hard and horny again, but I guess he wanted Gerald's ass pretty bad. Maybe he'd been thinking about it while he was getting his blow job, or maybe it was cause he'd actually seen it all pink and round and sexy looking, but for whatever reason he was already hard and ready to go again by the time he got his pants down.

Using a little spit he worked his finger into Gerald's butthole, but I guess Gerald was pretty loose cause next Johnny spit on his pecker and guided it in.

"Uh...feels good...don't it?" Gerald said sounding far away. I didn't know if he was talking about his blow job, or Johnny fucking him, but either way it made me horny for both of them.

Gerald bent over a bit draping him self over me to allow Johnny better access, and I had to move down a bit to keep his dick in my mouth. We finally managed to work it out and it was hot knowing Johnny was fucking the kid while I was sucking him off.

Gerald came first with a series of moans and shudders and Johnny just kept on pumping in and out as fast as he could. I licked Gerald clean, amazed at how much cum he'd shot, and just sort of held him as Johnny finished up in the rear.

When Johnny came he cried out and then pulled Gerald tight against him and sort of collapsed against him. He stayed that way a few minutes then pulled out and inspected his pecker.

"Hand me some toilet paper," he said to me and I pulled off a long string and handed it to him.

He waddled to the sink with his pants around his knees and I heard the water running and I figured he was washing off his pecker. Apparently Gerald hadn't been as clean back there as I always was.

"Change places," Gerald said as he pulled up his pants and underwear.

I was too horny to argue and by the time Johnny was back with his pants in place now, I was almost there. It didn't take more than a few more bobs to send me over the edge and I saw stars when I came. I waited for Gerald to finish licking me clean then I stood on shaky legs and pulled up my pants.

"Well, that was fun," Johnny said speaking for all of us.

"I'm hungry now," Gerald said.

"Even after eating our sperm?" Johnny laughed.

"It was good, but cum makes me hungry," he said rubbing his tummy.

"Hey, we could go to my house and eat lunch," I suggested, "My mom said she'd like to meet you anyway."

"Won't she get mad?" Gerald said looking worried.

Johnny laughed, "His mom is great. She's  so nice. Come on, I'm hungry too."

The walk to my house was filled with more laughing and cutting up but for some reason we didn't talk about the sex we'd just had. 

As we crossed the tracks Gerald pointed toward the cotton gin and said, "I remember that place. Me and Robert met there."

"Yeah, that seems like a long time ago," I said, "At least a year. I never thought I'd see you again after that day, then me and Roger saw you over at your house that one day."

Fortunately I'd filled Johnny in on all that happened long ago, so there were no surprises.

"Yeah, who would have thought we'd be friends now?" he said grinning.

"It's cool how you meet new people, but sad when someone goes away. Remember Roger?"

I told him about how Roger had moved back to California and how we'd never heard from him again and  he shook his head knowingly.

"I had this cousin, and he moved away and then I heard he got killed in a car wreck. It was sad. I hope nothin like that happened to Roger, he was neat."

We arrived at my house and found mom and dad sitting on the back porch with Mikey. 

"Hi boys, we were just getting some fresh air. Is this  your new friend?" 

"Hi mom, hi dad. Yeah, this is Gerald. He's used to go to Jefferson only now we're in 7th grade together."

"Hi," Gerald said sounding shy all of a sudden. He was hanging back and watching my folks like he was ready to run.

"That's my little brother Mikey," I said proudly. He's only a week old."

Gerald smiled and moved a little closer, "He's so little."

"So was Robert, but just look at him now," Dad laughed.

"We're hungry mom, can I fix us a sandwich?"

"I can do better than that," she said handing Mikey over to dad, "I have some fried chicken left over and some potato salad that I just made this morning."

We followed mom inside and Gerald seemed to be a little more at ease. She had us sit down at the dining room table and pretty soon she brought in a plate of fried chicken and a big bowl of potato salad.  I grabbed us plates and silverware and mom poured us glasses of lemonade and told us to eat as much as we wanted then went back to sit with dad.

"Wow, your mom is nice," Gerald said smiling around a chicken leg.

"She's just like my second mom," Johnny said as he dished up some potato salad, "I've known Robert and his folks since I was a little kid."

"That's neat, so you two are like best friends..."

"Yep, the best," I said smiling at Johnny.

We ate chicken and potato salad and drank our lemonade and made plans for the rest of the day, and when we were done I got up and raided the cookie jar. Mom always kept it full of cookies, mostly home made, but that day there were Hydrox and Vienna Fingers, two of my favorites. Gerald looked like he'd won the lottery as he slowly gnawed on a cookie.

"Wow, I wish I lived here with you Robert. It's nothing like this at my house."

"Well, maybe sometime you can sleep over," I offered.

"How bout tonight?" Gerald said quickly.

"Well, Johnny is staying over tonight and my folks might not let me have two friends over." That was total bullshit and me and Johnny knew it, Roger and Ricky had both slept over when Johnny did and my folks never cared. But somehow it was different with Gerald. I mean I liked him and all, but I wasn't sure I wanted Johnny fucking him again, especially in my bed.

"Oh, okay. Maybe some other time then."

Johnny looked at me and I frowned, "Hey, you wanna see my treehouse?" I asked Gerald.

"Sure, can we take our cookies with us?"

"Yeah, just put  your plate and stuff in the sink."

We scrambled out the back door and my parents were still there. Mikey had fallen asleep and mom had wrapped him up and was holding him close.

"Thanks for lunch mom, it was good."

"Yeah, thanks mom," Johnny laughed and mom smiled.

"Thank you ma'am," Gerald said politely, "it was really good."

"You're welcome boys. What are your plans now that your tummies are full?"

"We're gonna show Gerald the treehouse. If we decide to go anywhere else we'll let you know."

Gerald seemed genuinely impressed with the treehouse and I felt pretty proud of what we'd done with it. Over the last year we'd made some improvements, including an old rug on the floor and we'd blocked up most of the holes and it was pretty much water proof as long the wind wasn't driving it sideways through the cracks.

"Boy this is neat, do you ever sleep up here?"

"Sometimes, when it's warm. Last summer we spent a couple of  nights up here."

"Did you do mess around?" Gerald laughed.

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't lie, "Yeah, of course. It's private here."

"Hey, what if I spent the night out here? I don't have to spend it in your house, but I just don't wanna go home."

I felt bad that he didn't want to go  home, but I couldn't have him sleeping in my treehouse. Mom and dad wouldn't understand anything like that. So what could I do?

"Can I talk to you Robert?" Johnny said looking me straight in the eyes.

"We'll be right back," I told Gerald as we started for the trap door in the floor.

When we reached the ground I noticed that mom and dad had gone inside and when Johnny pulled me over toward the clubhouse I was glad they weren't around.

"Why don't you just ask your folks if he can sleep over?"

"I don't know. I kinda wanted it to be just us two."

"I feel sorry for the kid, that's all. He don't wanna go home and he probably won't. If he can't stay here he might just stay out all night or something. Heck, we might wake up tomorrow and find him in the treehouse whether you want him to stay there or not."

"You may be right, but I'm not sure mom and dad will let him stay."

"Are you kidding?  Your folks are the best. If we both ask there's no way they'll say no ."

" want him to stay?"

"What? Well, yeah...don't you?"

"I guess..."

"What is it? Oh, you're not jealous are you? After all you messed around with him first...twice, but if you don't want me to mess with him I won't."

"That's not it," I lied, "I just wanted you all to myself tonight that's all."

"Okay." Johnny said stubbornly, "I won't mention it again. It's your house and your decision."

He started back toward the tree and I just stood there staring after him for a few minutes. When he reached the ladder and started up I called out to him and told him to come back. I think he might have been expecting that since he knew me so well, and he was grinning as he approached.

"What's up?"

"I guess I could ask, but what do you think about sleeping in the treehouse tonight?"

"It should be warm enough, we could bring some blankets just in case."

"Okay, I'll ask."

"Want me to come too?"

"Nope, I'll ask em alone. And don't say anything to Gerald yet, just in case."

Johnny nodded and sat down on the back porch and waited. Well, as expected my folks didn't have any problem with us having a sleepover in the treehouse and I had to admit it was starting to sound like fun. So what if Johnny messed with Gerald? It was no different than it had been with Roger, or the way it was with Donnie and Larry. 

Gerald was so excited he could barely stand it. I ask him if he needed to go home and tell his mom and he said he could call her if he could use our phone. I was surprised they even had a phone (some people didn't back then) but I told him that we could go in later and he could call.

"Boy this is gonna be fun. Do you have any games to play, or some cards? We could play cards. Do you have a flashlight? Can we bring food up here?" He said non-stop.

I laughed at his excitement and he sort of got me excited too. Gerald was turning out to be a good fit for us and maybe even a replacement for Roger. Even though we had Donnie and Larry now, that hole that Roger left had never been filled and I was wondering if Gerald couldn't fill it.

We climbed down and we showed him the clubhouse then we went inside and he called his mom. She was still fighting with his step brother and he said she sounded glad that he wouldn't be coming home tonight. I thought he sounded a little sad when he said that, but he soon got over it and was bubbling over with excitement again.

We walked over to the railroad afterwards and we showed Gerald the boxcar and we found some wine bottles that some hobo had left in there. Gerald suggested we sit them on the tracks and throw rocks at them and we did that until there wasn't much left of them. We walked the rails and we told Gerald about our first campout at Salty and then about our adventure at uncle Joe's and finally about our campout at Spavinaw and how we almost drowned. I painted Johnny as a big hero and he ate it up but he insisted that if I hadn't woke him up he wouldn't have even known about the flood.

"Wow, maybe next year I can go with you guys," Gerald said excitedly, "that would have been so rad...even if it didn't flood."

"Well, maybe we'll do something different next year, but you can probably come," I said feeling very generous. Gerald was one of those kids that just seemed to grow on you the more you were around him and by the time we headed back to my house it was as if we'd been pals forever. I think Johnny felt the same way too, and I kicked myself for being jealous. Johnny was just a good guy and  he saw what I didn't, that Gerald needed us to like him and to be our friend.

Mom fixed spaghetti for supper and we all ate together at our big dining room table. I could tell that Gerald was a little nervous being around my folks at first, but after a while he started warming up to them. My parents were the kind of people who treated kids like they mattered and never talked down to them like some adults do. The result was that all of my friends felt at home in my house and that was so cool.

"So Gerald do you have any brothers or sisters?" mom asked.

"Just a step brother. His name is Billy and he's 15."

"Well, that's not too far of any age gap. Do you boys get along okay?"

"Sure, yeah...we like each other okay. He's got his own friends though and we don't hang around that much, except at home. I don't really have that many friends though."

"It's good that you get along. Well, maybe now that you're in Junior High you'll make some  new friends."

"Yes ma'am, I already have," he said looking at me and Johnny shyly.

"He's got us mom," I said.

"Yeah, he's got us," Johnny chimed in, "we get along just fine."

"That's wonderful." Mom said and I think she knew right then that we'd found a replacement for Roger as well as we did.

"Do you boys want to go for ice cream after we finish dinner?" dad asked grinning.

What boy would turn down ice cream?

"Yeah, thanks dad."

"Yeah, thanks Mr. Warren," Johnny said, "I mean dad..." he giggled.

My dad smiled, I swear he loved Johnny as much as he loved me, but that was just fine by me.

"Thank you sir," Gerald muttered politely.

"You're welcome boys. It will give us all a chance to get out and enjoy the fresh air some more. I hear DQ has parfaits on sale for 29¢, how does that sound?"

"You can even keep the glasses, well they're plastic, but they're neat," I said mostly to Gerald who seemed clueless about DQ parfaits.


We helped mom clear and dad helped her do the dishes while I held Mikey. I was sitting on the couch with Johnny on one side and Gerald on the other. At first Gerald didn't seem too interested in Mikey, but when he saw Johnny playing with him and talking baby talk to him, he soon joined in.

I think it was about then that I began to realize how different my home life was than Gerald's. I had two great parents and lived in a nice house and had great friends. Gerald lived with his mom and step in a run down old house with two dogs in the backyard and as far as I knew they didn't even have a car. I didn't know if his mom worked or just drew Welfare, but I knew they didn't have a lot of money. Billy seemed okay, but from what Gerald had said about his trouble with his mom, I guessed he might be running with a bad crowd.

When mom and dad were finished in the kitchen we piled into the Chevy and headed to DQ. I could tell Gerald was impressed by the almost new car and he kept looking around and touching stuff like it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen.

"Is this car new?"

"Almost, it's about a year old, but mom and dad take good care of it."

"Wow, this is the first new car I ever rode in. It must've cost a bunch of money."

"Not so much and dad makes payments on it. Otherwise we couldn't afford it," I said trying to make us seem more like a normal family I guess.

I caught my dad's reflection in the rear view mirror and he was grinning. He was proud of the way he could provide for us, but  he wasn't arrogant and he certainly didn't feel superior to anyone. He helped people when they needed it and he was an all around nice guy and a good neighbor and a great dad.

Since Dad didn't trust three unruly boys not to make a mess in the new car, we sat outside at the picnic table in the back of DQ while we ate our parfaits. I watched Gerald eat his parfait and I wondered if this was his first time eating one. He seemed shy again, and kept thanking my dad over and over for the ice cream.

When we finished we wiped our parfait glasses out with our napkins and got back in the car. Dad drove slowly and as the wind came in through our open windows we could feel the temperature drop a little. It would still be warm enough for the treehouse, but we might need our blankets before the night was over.

When we got back home mom insisted that we all three take showers before we bedded down for the night. Johnny and I were used to nightly bathing, but I think this was something new for Gerald. I mean he wasn't really all that dirty, but I figured he was more of an every other day or three times a week bather.

I suggested Gerald go first and I showed him where everything was and left him to shower while Johnny and me hung out in my room. Since Gerald didn't have any clean clothes to change into mom suggested I lend him a pair of clean underwear, but said he could just put his other clothes on over them.

Gerald was completely dressed when he came back and he looked and smelled shower fresh. When Johnny and I grabbed our stuff Gerald gave us a curious look.

"Are you guys gonna shower together?"

"Sure, we always save...time...and water," I said blushing.

"And so you can mess around?" Gerald laughed.

"Sometimes," Johnny agreed, "but not tonight. We'll hurry so we go get in the treehouse."

Good old mom had some snacks packed for us as well as an ice jug full of Kool-ade and we grabbed the rest of our stuff and headed out to the treehouse. Besides my sleeping bag, we had blankets and pillows and of course our flashlights and a deck of cards, a spiral notebook and pencils, and some other odd stuff in case we got bored.

Mom had popped some popcorn and there were apples and cookies and of course the Kool-Ade and plastic cups for us to drink out of. 

"Wow, you mom sure is nice," Gerald said once we got settled. "I can't believe she fixed all this stuff for us."

"My mom is like the best mom in the whole world," I said proudly, "She treats all my friends just like they're part of the family."

"Boy I sure feel like part of your family and I only just met them. Will you adopt me?" he asked grinning.

"I dunno, we got two boys all ready. I think mom wants a girl next time."

"I could wear a dress," Gerald giggled and talk like this,"Oh Robert you're sooo cute," he said in a girly voice.

We all cracked up at that but pretty soon we got serious and started setting up the stuff. We opened my sleeping bag and used it for padding then piled two of the blankets down on it for more padding, leaving two free to cover with if we got cold. That took up most of the floor so we pulled off our shoes so we wouldn't get the bed dirty. 

"Let's strip down to our underwear," Johnny suggested, "it's hot in here."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Gerald said shucking off his pants quickly. 

When we were down to our  underwear we fell down on the floor and sat in a circle facing each other. 

"What do we do now?" Gerald asked.

"Well, we can play cards or hangman or just talk or tell stories."

"I got a new story," Johnny offered.

I groaned, "Not a scary one about someone cutting up kids in a treehouse...please."

"Naw, it's not about a treehouse. It's about a school. See this kids gets locked in his school..."

The story was actually pretty interesting and pretty soon we were laying down on either side of Johnny as we listened. I rolled onto my side and scooted close to Johnny so my legs were sort of touching his and he let his hand wander down between us and graze my tummy.

It was fun to flirt with Johnny with someone so close by, but I don't think Gerald even noticed, and if he did I'm sure he didn't care. Still it was exciting and I continued just to see how far I could go before Gerald or Johnny said something.

Next I put my hand on Johnny's chest and just let it stay there for a while. Gerald had rolled over on his side facing Johnny and had his head propped up on his arm so I knew he could see what I was doing, but so far he hadn't reacted to it in any way.

"So, the kid is like running down the hallway and he goes in one of the bathrooms..."

"Aggghhh...big mistake kid, there's no way out..." Gerald said looking as scared as if he was the kid being chased.

"Did he need to poop?" I giggled.

"No, just pee, but he already peed his pants," Johnny said laughing, "but seriously..."

I listened for a few more minutes just letting my hand lay on Johnny's warm firm chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath and drinking in his beauty and his unique scent. I was getting a little hard just being this close to him and what I had planned next was going to make me even harder.

Gerald had scooted a little closer and was so close to Johnny now that I'm sure he could feel the heat coming off of his body and he was staring right at me as I made my next move. Slowly I let my hand move down Johnny's chest to his flat stomach. Beneath my hand Johnny sort of trembled but I just pretended to be totally into the story as if I wasn't even noticing where my hand was going.

I felt his belly button beneath my fingertips and I rubbed it through his tee shirt causing him to squirm a little and take in a deep breath. Still Gerald didn't seem to notice what was going on right in front of him so I decided to take it further.

Letting my hand drift down a little further I stopped just short of the slight bulge in his Fruit of the Looms. These were a pair of his older ones and sort of gray looking with sagging elastic at the leg holes and waist band for easy access.

I locked eyes with Gerald for a moment and I finally saw a glimmer of interest in what I was doing. He smiled and I smiled back and flattened my hand out and moved it down till the heel of it came into contact with the base of Johnny's pecker which had grown a little over the last few minutes. It wasn't totally hard yet but you could see it bulging up and to the right and as I moved my hand side to side against it, it started to grow.

"That's my pecker," Johnny laughed.

"Uh uh, it's mine," I said finally giving in and squeezing it through his briefs.

"Aggghh..careful,"  he hissed.

"Leave his pecker alone. I wanna hear the rest of the story, then you can play with it," Gerald laughed.

"Okay, but I'd rather play with his pecker than hear the story."

"There's not much more," Johnny said reaching down and adjusting his now fully hard pecker so it would fit in his undies.

"Okay, tell it," I said pulling my hand back. I'd made my point and I could wait.

I think Johnny sort of hurried through the story, but it was still pretty good and Gerald really seemed to like it a lot. When it was over he rolled over to where we'd stashed the snacks and grabbed an apple.

"Want one you guys?"

"Not now," we both said almost at once.

"I love apples...yumm, all fruit really. Last year my brother and me went out to my uncle's farm and picked black berries and I ate so many I got sick. And boy did I get a lot of chiggers. They got all over my balls and dick and I was scratching like mad."

Gerald never ceased to make me laugh with his stories and I was starting to like him more and more by the minute. In a way he was a lot like Roger, even if they didn't look much alike. It was more his personality and the way he looked at things. It was obvious from the way he talked about his life at home that he wasn't too happy about it, but he didn't seem to let that get him down. He was one of those rare people who just seemed to  live in the moment and enjoy life while he could.

"I need to pee," Johnny said getting up, "you cocksuckers want to join me?" he laughed.

"I'll pee on ya," Gerald giggled.

"Uh uh, not on me. I'd have to whoop your ass if you did that."

"Okay, let's go. Do we gotta put our pants back on?"

"Huh uh, cause one of our new additions to the treehouse is...a piss tube."

"A piss tube, what's that?"

"Well, it's actually a funnel with a hose on it and it drains out at the base of the tree and runs out under the fence. That way we don't have to climb down to piss."

I was pretty proud of that particular invention cause I'd thought of it myself one day when I saw my dad using a funnel and a hose to put gas in the mower. We'd used it a few time when Larry and Donnie were over for a meeting of the Bad Boys Club and it worked great.

Johnny went first and took a good long pee before letting Gerald have his turn. Gerald was giggling as he whipped out his pecker and when it came time to stick it in the funnel he really cracked up.

"Oh baby, you're so tight..." he giggled, "take my big ole dick and let me pee in you."

"What's with you and peeing on someone?" I asked laughing almost as hard as he was.

"My brother peed on me once and it was...nasty, but I sort of liked it," he said looking back at us to see how we reacted to that bit of news.

"Nasty is right. Who wants to smell like piss?"

"Yeah, it's bad enough when Mikey pees on me," I laughed, "at least he can't help it."

"I was just kidding," Gerald said, but he wasn't very convincing. I think he was just embarrassed that he liked something that weird and that we didn't.

I peed last and I could smell Johnny's and Gerald's piss smell on the funnel, but not for long as my scent washed it away. After I finished I poured myself a glass of Kool-Ade and offered the other two one. 

We settled down with our Kool-Ade and some cookies and talked a while as we snacked. It was maybe 8:30 by then and we still had plenty of night left to enjoy ourselves so we were in no hurry. 

Gerald opened up a little more about his home life and I really started to feel sorry for him. His mom only worked part time and drew some kind of check from the government, but according to Gerald there was never enough money. 

Billy was the son of the last man his mom had married and he'd gotten himself killed in a barroom fight leaving her with yet a another mouth to feed. Gerald's dad was long gone, and though not dead as far as they knew, he hadn't been around in years.

They didn't have a car and had to depend on neighbors or taxi's for rides, but most of the time Gerald or Billy used their bike to run errands or do the shopping. I guess to me and Johnny it sounded a lot worse than it was and since it was the only life Gerald knew he'd gotten used to it and didn't give it much thought. That is, not until now when he finally saw how other kids lived. 

Not to brag, but I had it pretty good. Two great parents, a nice house, plenty of food, and not one but two cars in our driveway. Not to mention a color TV and a new bike and plenty of toys. I felt a little guilty for all that I had, but I decided if Gerald became our friend that I would share as much of my stuff with him as I could.

Johnny's home life wasn't quite as great as mine, but it was certainly better than Gerald's. He had two parents and they lived in a pretty nice house, and except for his stupid sister he was pretty happy there. His dad wasn't quite as attentive and loving as mine, but he still found time to do stuff with Johnny, like fishing and hunting, and Johnny and his mom were pretty close.

"Billy's gonna get a job next year when he turns 16 and then a car and things will be better. That is if momma doesn't kill him before that," he laughed.

"Is it that bad?" I asked wondering what all Billy was up to.

"Naw, not really. He's just sort of a smart ass and likes to do things his way. He has some buddies that are kind of bad though, and sometimes he gets into trouble by hangin with em."

"Too bad. Does he get drunk a lot?" Johnny asked sounding interested.

"Naw, not really. I don't think he was even drunk the other night. I think he only had like one or two beers. See he has this friend who's dad buys them beer, but he makes them stay at the house when they drink so they don't get into trouble."

"Have you ever had a beer?"

"Yeah, once my mom left half a bottle on the coffee table and when she went to bed I drank it. It was nasty, but I drank it all and I felt really weird after that."

"Wow, did you get drunk?"

"Naw, there wasn't enough to make me drunk, just enough to make me want more."

"I tasted beer one time," Johnny volunteered, "my dad left it sitting on the table and went to pee and while he was gone I took a drank. It was nasty tasting."

"I guess you have to drink it a lot till you get to like it. Or maybe you just have to be older," I suggested.

"I wonder what wine tastes like," Johnny said thoughtfully, "the hobos drink it all the time and that's how come those bottles were over on the tracks."

"It must be cheap if hobos can drink it. Too bad we can't find someone to buy us some."

"We don't need to get drunk to have fun," I said frowning, "besides our folks would probably never let us have a sleepover again if they caught us."

"Yeah, you're probably right," Johnny said, "Hey, do you guys want to play some cards?"

We played cards for a while till we got bored then ate some more cookies and drank another cup of Kool-Ade. We peed one more time before finally settling down on the floor to try to sleep. Johnny switched off the flashlight and as we lay there in the darkness we talked softly. 

I was in the middle with Johnny to my right and Gerald to my left and pretty soon the subject of sex came up.

"So how long you guys been doing sex stuff?"

"Since summer before last, when we were 11," I said, "Roger was really the one that started it."

"Yeah, I remember at the school..." Gerald said softly.

"I guess he sort of got things going. I mean we all  used to jerk off and stuff, but till he came along we never thought about doin' stuff together."

"Yeah, well Billy taught me all about that stuff when he came to live with us. I was bout ten then and he was 12. He had a big dick even then and could shoot cum and he had hairs and stuff."

"Do you guys still do stuff?" I asked remembering how big Billy's pecker had seemed to me that day.

"Yeah, we share a room and when he's horny he let's me suck his pecker."

"Does he suck you back?"

"Sometimes, but mostly he just jacks me off."

"Does he mess with his buddies too?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know, he never talks about it if he does."

"Does he have a girlfriend or anything?"

"Naw, not that I know of. This one friend of his has a sister that he sort of likes, but I don't think she likes him back."

"Boy all this talk is making me horny," Johnny said rubbing his dick through his briefs.

"Me too," Gerald giggled.

"Want to take off our underwear and get all naked?" I suggested.

"Yeah, let's get all naked," Gerald giggled.

We peeled off our underwear and tee shirts and fell back down in a pile rubbing our hard peckers and figuring out what to do next. Johnny started it by rolling half way onto me and rubbing his hard cock against my leg. Gerald took that as an invitation to begin and did the same thing on the other side of me. 

I had to admit it felt pretty good to have both of them rubbing their hard peckers against me and before long my own pecker was rock hard. Johnny reached for it and skinned the foreskin back and suddenly Gerald moved down and licked the head causing me to moan softly.

If you've never had two guys working on your pecker before then you sure should try to make that  happen, cause that was bout the best feeling in the world. Gerald was licking on it on one side and Johnny scooted down and started licking on the other side and both of em were rubbing around on me, one on my nipples and one on my nuts and it was amazing. 

Gerald moved up and started sucking on my nipples and Johnny was nuzzling my nut sack with him nose and trying to get him tongue down there in my taint. I lifted my legs a little to give him a better shot at it and his tongue found my pucker and he began to lick it and slurp on it.

Gerald sat up and looked at what Johnny was doing with wonder in his eyes. Maybe this was new stuff to him, but he didn't seemed to think it was  yucky or anything. He smiled at me and before I knew what was happening he'd grabbed one of my feet and stuck my big toe in his mouth.

Now, up to that point in my life, I'd had a tongue in or on pretty much every part of my body, but that was the first time anyone ever paid much attention to my feet and boy I gotta tell ya, it was really an eye opener.

Gerald looked up at me, I guess to make sure I was okay with what he was doing, and when he saw I was liking it he stuck my whole foot in his mouth as far as he could get it.

"Gaaaaa," I cried out causing Johnny to look up and he looked as shocked as I was.

"You gonna eat him alive?" Johnny teased, "feet first."

Gerald didn't miss a beat as his tongue began to swirl around and between my toes causing me to moan even louder. Johnny went back to licking my hole and for a few minutes I was so wrapped up in what they were doing that I almost forgot to breathe.

Gerald moved over to the other side and started on the other foot and Johnny went back to my dick and was sucking it like a starved calf now. With Gerald's tongue bathing my foot and Johnny's hot wet mouth sucking the very life out of my cock I didn't last long. 

I bucked up and cried out and kicked a little, but Gerald had a good hold on my foot and didn't get his teeth kicked in. I shot five times that night and it was the strongest and most plentiful load I'd shot to date.

Johnny swallowed it all down like a pro then just held my pecker in his mouth till I was done oozing. He licked the head off and I knew what was next, only I wasn't sure Johnny would do it with Gerald there. I could see the hesitation in Johnny's eyes and body, but in the end he decided to be true to himself and me. 

Crawling up my body he leaned down and kissed me sharing my tasty boy cum. I could feel Gerald's eyes on us, but I could also tell that he not only accepted this act of intimacy, he was excited by it.

"Wow, neat," he said coming up off my foot and wiping his slobbery lips on his hand, "did you taste your own cum on his lips?"

"Yep, that's how we do it," Johnny said proudly, "we like the taste so we share it."

"Wow, I never done that before."

"Well, I never had my toes sucked before either," I chuckled, "but I sure did like it."

"Well...see...Billy likes it when I do that. He even likes me to do it when he has his socks on. The first time I thought I'd get sick cause his feet were kind of damp and smelly, but I'll be durned if I didn't like it."

So I learned something new that day and something new about myself. After that day I had a thing for feet, especially Johnny's, and I also loved having my feet played with too.

After I recovered from my intense orgasm it was Johnny's turn. I started by sucking him to get him good and hard, but I knew the way he was licking my hole that what he really wanted was to fuck me.

We didn't have any lotion or Vaseline in the treehouse so we had to use spit, but fortunately we'd done it enough times that it wasn't a big deal. Gerald watched with interest as he worked his pecker over and when Johnny got going he moved closer I reached over and took over.

As Johnny fucked me I jerked Gerald but what I really wanted was to suck him. If I'd been on my hands and knees I could have done it, but on my back it was sort of awkward.  Fortunately Johnny came before Gerald did and once Johnny pulled out I pushed Gerald down and started blowing him. He didn't last long since he'd been jerking the whole time, and when he came he pumped out a pretty good load. He tasted a lot different than Johnny or Roger or any of the other guys I'd sucked, but it wasn't bad.

As we lay around naked on the pallet we'd made we talked about everything but sex and what we'd just felt. It was as if sex was just something we did, like playing cards, or building models, and once it was over we moved on to the next thing. We liked sex and sometimes we got a little crazy for it, but it didn't really run our lives...yet.

It was starting to get a little cool and after a while we got up and peed down the funnel again and put our underwear and tee shirts back on and got under the covers. This time Johnny was in the middle and I snuggled up to him on my side, but Gerald kept his distance. 

Nothing had ever been said to Gerald about Johnny and I being a couple, but I think the kiss he witnessed pretty much marked the borders of our relationship. Sex was okay, but intimacy was something else, saved just for your boyfriend, and even then we understood that.

As I snuggled up to Johnny and felt his heat and smelled is unique scent I felt safe and secure and full of love. I was so happy at that moment and so content with my life. I had it all and I never wanted things to change. The future seemed far away and I put it out of my mind wanting things to be this way forever. I fell asleep thinking about how much I had and counting my lucky stars for Johnny and my folks, Mikey, and all my friends.

Gerald woke first and was peeing when I stirred from my sleep. Untangling myself from Johnny I stretched and yawned and shivered a little as the blanket fell down around me. It had turned cold overnight and I was anxious to get dressed and warmed up. I took my place at the funnel draining my morning wood and got dressed quickly.

Gerald was already dressed and slipping on his shoes by the time Johnny finally woke up stretching and yawning. He stood up slowly and rubbed sleep from his eyes before draining his bladder and grabbing his jeans.

"Man I slept good," Johnny said, "but it's cold as a well digger's ass in here. Can we go inside?"

"Yeah, hopefully mom has breakfast cooking."

We climbed down and made our way to the house. There was dew on the grass and a cool breeze blowing that said fall was starting to make it's way to our sleepy town. We'd still have a few more weeks of decent weather, but eventually the leaves would start to fall and the days would get shorter and we'd move into a whole new season.

Mom never ceased to amaze me when it came to timing. She already had breakfast started and when we ambled in she looked up and smiled. Mikey was nowhere in sight and when I asked where he was she said he was snuggling with dad in their bed.

"Wash up and get ready for breakfast boys. When your hands are clean you can come set the table Robert."

I left Johnny and Gerald in my room while I went in help mom, but they wandered in just about the time dad did. He was carrying Mikey and when I saw him I ran over and gave my little brother a kiss on the head and patted him.

"Good morning son. Did you ornery boys stay up late?"

"No sir we actually went to sleep pretty early. We were tired after running around all day." And having sex, I didn't add.

"Did you get cold?" mom asked with the usual motherly concern.

"Not till we woke up," I said. "I guess I slept through the night and didn't even know it turned cold."

Mom fixed biscuits and gravy, sausage, potatoes, and eggs and from the look on Gerald's face you'd think he'd never seen that much food at one time. At first he was kind of shy and only took a little of everything but good old mom saw what was going on and made sure he got his share before the meal was over.

He seemed sort of tense at first but as before once my folks starting talking to him he loosened up and began to feel more at ease. I figured by the second or third time he was over we'd have him trained and he'd feel like one of the family. I remembered Roger's first time at our house it was the same with him, but pretty soon he was just like one of us.

Johnny could really put the food away and he ate like four biscuits, two with gravy and two with butter and jelly. I ate my usual two, one each way, and Gerald ate three, but fortunately mom was used to cooking for hungry boys and there was plenty.

Afterwards I volunteered us to help with clean up and Johnny and Gerald gladly pitched in while mom went off to the bedroom to feed Mikey. Dad sat at the table and read the Sunday Tulsa World and supervised the whole time.

There were two local papers but neither published a Sunday paper so dad subscribed to the Tulsa World so he could get his news seven days a week. Back then we didn't have instant news or social media and news traveled slower than today. 

In some ways I think that was best. I think today there is too much media coverage and I think it's adds to the violence and copy cat killers that fill the news these days. In other words I think news gives sickos ideas about cruel and evil stuff to do.

By the time we finished the clean up it had warmed up some and we decided to enjoy the sunshine while we could.

"What time you have to be home?" I asked Gerald. I knew Johnny didn't have to be home till 5 or so.

"I don't know, whenever you tell me to go," Gerald said almost sadly.

"Well, you can stay as long as Johnny I guess. You're here till 5 right?"

"Yeah, so what can we do till then?"

"Let's walk down to the little park and play catch or something," I suggested.

We grabbed my bat and some balls and my glove and headed out to the park which was just across from our old school. We showed Gerald around our old school first then went to the practice field at the park and took turns hitting, pitching, and catching. 

After a while we were tired and thirsty and went over to the water fountain to get a drink. It was near the bathrooms and of course after drinking we had to pee. The bathroom here had a urinal and a stall with a door, but we all three lined up at the urinal and let loose.

We crossed streams and giggled like most boys do and when we were done Gerald challenged us to a sword fight and we were swinging our dicks around and of course they got hard. That really made it fun when they collided and rubbed together and  one thing led to another and pretty soon we were grabbing each other's dicks and jerking them.

We stood in a circle with me jerking Gerald and Gerald jerking Johnny, while Johnny jerked me. For some reason that seemed like plenty for us and no one attempted to take things further. Sometimes jacking off was just as much fun as sucking and fucking if you got someone else to play with.

We shot almost at once peppering the floor with our white cum and then wiped off and zipped up and after getting one last drink we started playing ball again. We played another hour or so then climbed up on the monkey bars and talked. 

Those monkey bars had been a part of my life since I was old enough to climb them and I'd spend many a happy day on top of them. Johnny and I had had our moments there too, first being just friends, and then being lovers and working out our problems. I know it's sounds silly, but those monkey bars, the park, the school, and all the other places in my childhood were so dear to me that even today I get a funny feeling in my stomach when I think about them.

"Where do you live Johnny?"

"Right behind the school, you can see the house from here. See that Ford Pickup, that's my dad's truck."

"Oh, yeah...I see a dog in the backyard."

"That's Peck, we named him that cause his pecker is so big," Johnny laughed.

"I had a dog one time, but it got runned over. It's name was Lightening...only I guess he wasn't as fast as lightening cause he got hit by a car."

"That's too bad. I could probably have a dog, but I just never wanted one," I said, "but maybe Mikey will want one and if he does I'll help him take care of it."

Gerald was hanging upside down now and his tee shirt had fallen down (or up) exposing his flat tummy. I stared at it as if it was the first time I'd seen it and noticed his inny belly button and smiled. I liked how Gerald looked and I guess that was as important to me as the fact that I liked how he acted and who he was. I mean it wasn't just about sex, I liked his face and the rest of him too. Our friendship and attachment was growing by the minute and I could see that Johnny was feeling the same things I was.

"Ever wished you were someone else," Gerald said softly.

"Not really," I said wondering what that was about. Although I envied Johnny, I didn't really want to be him, I wanted to be me, but with Johnny as my friend.

"I do, all the time. There's this one kid at school. His name is Nathan and his dad is like a bank president or something and he lives in this big house with a swimmin' pool and stuff and he's good looking and everything too and all the girls love him."

"So you wish you were this stuck up rich kid?" Johnny laughed, "Man, I'm glad you're not. I like you just like you are."

"Yeah, you're cool just like you are," I added enthusiastically.

"Really, you think so?"

"Sure, I mean it would be okay to be rich I guess, but if I was rich I'd never be stuck up like some people."

"I guess, but sometimes I just get tired know, of my life."

"Well, we can't help you with your home life, but you got us now, and school, and we'll have fun time. You'll see," I said actually reaching down and patting his butt as he hung upside down by me.

He giggled, "You like my butt Robert?"

"It's okay," I said blushing, "It was just all I could reach."

He swung back up and pushed his shirt down, "I know, I'm just funnin' with ya. I'm kinda hungry, are you guys?"

"Yeah, hey I got an idea. Let's walk down to the Deep Rock and get a pop and a candy bar. I'll even buy," I said feeling very generous. I had a dollar in my pocket and what better way to spend part of it than feeding my friends.

"Shoot yeah," Gerald said excitedly.

We climbed down and headed off up 1st Street toward my street then passed it and went across the tracks and up to Mill Street. On the corner was The Deep Rock service station and a favorite of us boys, the pop cooler. 

I guess there were regular refrigerated pop coolers back then, but this one was filled with water that was cooled by a refrigerant unit, but the water just made it seem so much colder. To get your pop out you put in your dime and then pulled the pop bottle down a slot to the end where you pulled it out. 

The bottle was dripping with ice cold water and so cold it hurt your mouth and was so delicious. That day I chose my favorite Mt. Dew and instead of a candy bar I chose a bag of salted peanuts which I poured into the bottle of Mt. Dew. This was a favorite thing to do and sometimes I'd even put my M&Ms in the bottle.

I think Johnny got a 16oz RC, but I know for sure what Gerald got cause he mocked me and got the dew and peanuts. I think Johnny got a Full Diner bar cause I seem to remember him eating all the chocolate off it before he ate the center part. A Full Dinner bar was a lot like a Butterfinger but square on the ends.

From the Deep Rock we walked up Mill Street passing the Lumber Yard and Hardware Store which was of course closed on Sunday, then the laundromat, and eventually we made it to the corner where Mill crossed Graham, the main street of town.

 We turned down Graham and headed back toward my house, but when we got to the tracks we veered off and walked north toward the Gin Mill.

"That's where me and Robert met," Gerald said as we got closer.

"Yeah, Robert told me," Johnny said quietly. He'd been sort of quiet since we left The Deep Rock, but  sometimes he was just like that.

"I never told you this Robert, but I didn't go home that day. After you left I went back and I slept there all night."

"You did? Weren't you scared?" I said in awe.

"Uh uh, it's scarier at home sometimes," he laughed, trying to make a joke of it, but I could tell it was no joke to him.

"Does Billy treat you okay?" Johnny asked suddenly taking interest in the conversation.

"What? Yeah, me and Billy look out for each other. I mean as far as steps go he's the best."

"That's good. Do you guys share a room?"

"Uh huh, and he's a total slob," he laughed, "and I have to clean up his stuff sometimes."

"I got my own room, but my dumb old sister is a real pain in the ass," Johnny said making a face.

"How old is she? Maybe you can hook her up with my brother," Gerald laughed.

"Hell no, I wouldn't do that to anyone," Johnny laughed, "besides she has a boyfriend and they fuck. I know they do cause he told this one kid and that kid told me he fucked my sister. Gross..."

Gerald laughed, "I'd fuck a girl."

"Me too," Johnny said quickly, then looked at me and blushed.

"We'd all do it I guess," I added, "but no girl our age is gonna let us near their twat," I added laughing.

"Yeah, so we gotta fuck each other," Gerald giggled.

We passed on by the Gin Mill and headed down to the next street and walked west till we came to the Rodeo grounds. I don't think Gerald had ever been there before and he went bout' crazy running around and pretending to be a bull or something. Pretty soon me and Johnny joined in and we wound up tackling him in the middle of the arena and we all got dust all over us.

We were beating the dust off of each other's butts and laughing up a storm as we walked out of the arena. We stopped at the block outhouse to pee but the smell was so bad in there that we didn't linger. It was a three holer made of concrete and the crap and pee just fell down into a big pit under it, and when it was warm like that day it really smelled bad.

We walked back toward Graham and when we crossed the street we saw Chrissy and Evelyn out in front of their house. We waved and hurried on up the street to talk to them.

"Hi, this is Gerald," I said grinning, "Gerald this is Evelyn and Chrissy."

"Hi," Gerald said looking shy all of a sudden.

"You're in my English class," Evelyn said smiling, "you set right behind me."

"Oh, yeah...hi," he said blushing even redder. Was the boy in love or something?

"What are you guys doing?" Chrissy asked giving Johnny a coy smile. For some reason she had always had this thing for Johnny.

"We been all over the place today, to the park, down to Deep Rock, and then to the old rodeo grounds. We all spent the night in Robert's treehouse."

"That sounds like fun, we were at my aunt's house all weekend. We just got home and granny and grandpa are taking a nap."

"Oh, well...we really need to get going," I said, "we weren't supposed to be gone this long."

"Oh, wish you could stay. We could play in the backyard," Evelyn said looking Gerald over again.

We managed to get away without too much trouble and we headed back down Graham passing in front of Larry's house, but apparently no one was home. We turned the corner at Whitaker and as we neared Donnie's house he came running out looking all excited.

"Hey you guys. Whatcha' up to. Did ya come to play?"

"We were on our way to my house. We spent the night in my treehouse last night."

"Aw man...I wish I'd been there. I been bored all weekend. My brother was workin' and Larry's been gone."

"Next time," I said, "but it was sort of crowded as it was."

"You all ready for school tomorrow?"

We talked for a long time and I finally had Donnie go in to see what time it was. It was almost 4:30 and Johnny had to be home by five, so we decided to walk him home and Donnie came with us.

We talked about the camping trip and Donnie cracked us up with his take on things. He was such a funny guy and him and Gerald seemed to get along just fine. When we got to Johnny's we hung around a few minutes then walked back down to Donnie's. We cut through Donnie's yard and Donnie walked us to the alley then waved as we cut through The Rudd's yard and headed back to my house.

It was almost five by then and I could tell Gerald was dreading going home. We stalled as long as possible and then I got a great idea. I left Gerald on the back porch and went in to talk to my folks. I knew they'd go along with my plan and when I told him what was up he was all smiles.

"My folks said you could eat with us and then they'd drive you home."

"Oh man, that's great. Thanks so much. I'd probably have had to fix my own dinner. Baloney sandwich or something. What are we having?"

Usually on Sunday we had chicken, but since mom had fixed chicken on Saturday we had roast beef that night. It was cooked with carrots and potatoes and mom had warmed up the left over biscuits from breakfast and made a salad. 

Gerald was more relaxed this time, but I could see he still hadn't figured my folks out yet. I guess I never really thought about how different other kids' lives were till I met Gerald. 

Mom had baked a peach/apple cobbler for dessert and served it with a scoop of ice cream and Gerald looked liked  he was as happy as a cow on a teat. We lingered over dinner, talking and enjoying ourselves, but eventually my folks said we needed to get Gerald home.

We left the dishes for when we got back and all piled into the car. Mom held Mikey while dad drove and Gerald and I piled into the back seat. We talked quietly as we drove to Gerald's house and I could almost feel his dread as we got closer and closer.

The house was even worse looking than I remembered and except for a light in the front of the house it was dark. Dad parked on the street and Gerald opened his door and gave me one last look.

"Well...see ya tomorrow. Thanks for invitin'' me. I had fun. Thanks sir, thanks ma'am. I really appreciate you having me over. I had a real good time. Your house is nice are you," he said blushing.

"Bye Gerald see you at school tomorrow."

"We enjoyed having you Gerald. You're welcome anytime," my mom said speaking for him and dad.

I watched Gerald scamper up the walk and when he reached the porch he spun around and waved then went inside. We drove away in silence, but I think each of us was thinking the same thing. That we felt sorry for Gerald and we'd try to help him anyway we could.

End Chapter Ten
Next: Tragedy strikes.


    Thanks once again for your support over the years and I value your emails and your input. Please address all emails to I promise to answer all of them in a timely fashion.



I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. Adolescent (A poem and story by Kewl Dad)
  2. A Christmas for Joey
  3. Accidental Dad
  4. Alex and Aidan *
  5. Andy Tastes Like Candy
  6. At the Dike
  7. Black Cock
  8. Boy Glory Hole
  9. Christmas Boy
  10. Cory *
  11. Corey's Scent
  12. CL Cock Sucker
  13. Dirt Bikes and Blowjobs
  14. DMV Boy
  15. Dougie's Story * (#Part three of a series)
  16. The Family *
  17. The Ginger and the Chub
  18. Hair Salon Boy
  19. Little Brother's Feet *
  20. Lost in Fear *
  21. Mars
  22. McChicken
  23. My Best Friend's Dad  (Related series to my Son's Best Friends)
  24. My Not so Miserable Life (This story is one of my favorites)
  25. My Little Runaway * (#Part one of a series)
  26. My Son's Best Friends  *
  27. My 11th Summer
  28. One Night
  29. Poindexter Files *
  30. Rabbit: A Christmas Story
  31. Second Chance for Love
  32. Six Black Boys
  33. Skateboard Christmas 2015
  34. Skateboard Boy *
  35. Sudden Family *
  36. Taking a Chance on Love
  37. The Year I Learned to Love my Brother (TYILTLMB) *
  38. The Reynolds Twins *
  39. Tommy Boy * (#Part two of a series)
  40. To the Max
  41. Tracy *
  42. Tween to Teen
  43. What a Dollar Will Buy
And as Smoothperator52

It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (the story of a boy's first time with a boy and first time with a girl)