The following is a work of fiction: Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. It depicts sexual situations between males of various ages and, may include incest as well. if reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author Kewl Dad and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission.

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Tween to Teen
(sequel to My 11th Summer)
By: Kewl Dad

Chapter Nineteen
   Baby Steps


 Johnny never got a chance to talk to me or give me his address because he never came back to school. Since the school year was almost over his dad had arranged for Johnny to return his books and get his grades that next day. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye because they went straight to the office, took care of business, then went home and loaded the truck and went to the new house.

Of course I didn't find all this out until later and boy was I upset. The only good thing was, Johnny's mom called my mom and told her all this and gave her the mailing address and their new phone number. When I got home that day, that was the news I got dropped on me.

I went to my room and changed as usual, but instead of going in for a snack I fell down on my bed and pouted. I wasn't at the crying stage yet, but I was plenty mad at the world at the moment and didn't feel like being around anyone.

Mom eventually came to check on me and she had a couple of cookies and a glass of milk with her.

"Bad day huh? Here eat something, it will help. If you want to talk you know I'm here for you, but if you don't that's fine too."

"Thanks mom, I just want to think for a while."

"All right honey, I'll leave you to your thoughts," she said smiling with love in her eyes.

I wondered at that moment what she would think if she really knew what was going on with me and Johnny. We were more than just two friends being pulled apart by the move, we were two boys in love trying to figure things out and find a way to survive. I didn't think mom, or anyone for that matter, could ever understand what we felt, or how depressed I was. I'd wasted all that time being mad and hurt when I could have been with Johnny and I was determined that if there was anyway on this earth I was going to fix things.

I was depressed, but still a teenager, and teenagers are always hungry, and pretty soon the cookies were gone and the milk glass was empty. I fell back down again and stared at the ceiling and thought about my next move and suddenly it dawned on me to exactly what I had to do. 

Jumping up I grabbed my school notebook and pulled out a couple of pieces of paper and slipped then on my clipboard and began to write:

Dear Johnny,

Sorry we didn't get to say goodbye, but I know it wasn't your fault. Mom told me what happened and gave me your new address and phone number. I will try to call you this weekend if mom and dad let me. I will write you a lot too.

I am sitting in my room writing this. I had cookies and milk for a snack but I ate them in my room because I needed some time to think. I been doing a lot of that lately and I have decided that I was wrong. I shouldn't have been so stubborn and listened to what you were saying. 

I see you were right now. Nothing is forever and I wasted all that time being mad when we could have been together.

I don't know if you can forgive me, but I have to try. Please, please, please forgive me and be my boyfriend again. I am crying while I'm writing this because I don't want to lose you. I know it was all my fault now  and I want to say I am sorry. Please, say you will take me back.

I don't know how we will make this work now that you have moved but I promise I will come see you every chance I get and you can come visit me. We have the whole summer ahead of us to figure things out.

I hope it's okay to write you this stuff. I don't know if your folks read your mail or not, but if they do we are screwed...ha ha. I know mine would never read my mail so you can write me anything you want.'

Well, I guess I will end this letter. I feel better since I wrote this, but I will be worried till I know how you feel. Please think about what I have written and write me back as soon as you can.

I love you XXXOOO


I sat there staring at the letter for a minute, then reread it and decided I'd said all I needed to for now. What I really wanted was to talk to Johnny face to face and hold his hand and kiss his lips, but that would have to wait. That is if he would take me back. But the letter was a start.

I folded it carefully and grabbed an envelope and copied Johnny's new address carefully. It was a rural route number so that meant that Johnny lived in the country and not in the town itself. That was interesting news. Was it a farm? I wondered. Would he have a barn and a big garden like uncle Joe? Maybe I could spend a week there or something and help out if they did. That is if Johnny even wanted me there.

I had a supply of stamps in my room since I wrote Ricky pretty often, and once I had the letter sealed and stamped I carried it to the mailbox and pinned it on the front with the clothespin mom kept there. That way the mailman would pick it up tomorrow, assuming we got mail, which we almost always did.

"Did you write Ricky?" mom asked when I got back inside. I guessed she had seen me carrying the letter.

"Nope, I wrote Johnny."

"That's good. Can I assume that you two have buried the hatchet?"

"Well, I have. Now I'm gonna find out if he has. That's why I wrote him."

"Oh I don't think that's going to be a problem," she said smiling, "I'm glad that you made the first move though."

"I'd like to call him this weekend, if it's okay," I said giving her my puppy dog eyes.

"I think that would be fine. I don't think that's considered long distance."

"Okay, thanks. Need any help with dinner or anything?"

"Sure, but first go get that milk glass from your room so I can wash it..."


The last day of school seemed way too long, but we actually got out right after lunch and for a while I was caught up in the excitement of the freedom just handed us. Donnie, Walter, and Gerald wanted to celebrate so we walked downtown and got cherry-limeaids at Cherokee Drug and walked around while we drank them.

"So what are you guys gonna do this summer?" Gerald asked as we entered McCrory's.

"Well, my Uncle Joe has asked if a few of us can come out and help on the farm again. And...I'm going to try to patch things up with Johnny," I said grinning.

"You are?" Donnie said patting me on the back, "that's great. But ain't it gonna be kinda hard with him livin' so far away?"

"Well, my mom and dad said they'd take me to see him, or even pick him up and bring him to our house, but...that really depends on whether he wants to get back together."

"No worries there," Walter said, "the guy's been miserable since you two broke up."

"I wrote him a letter and I plan on calling him this weekend, so we'll see."

"So, when are you guys going to the farm?" Gerald said changing the subject.

"Not sure yet, not till the garden is producing though," I said hoping he'd let it drop, but no such luck.

"So...who's all going?"

"Well, Donnie and Gerald for sure...and I asked my friend Ben but, he doesn't know if he can go yet."

"Ben, that 7th grader?" Gerald smirked.

"Yeah, well you were always hanging around with Todd," I said feeling a little irritated at the way he'd said Ben's name, like it was a bad word or something.

"I still like you guys," Gerald said defensively, "but he lives by me and, you know, we just started hangin' out. But not anymore."

"Well, if Ben can't go I guess you could go," I said easing up a little.

"Don't do me no favors," Gerald said sounding really pissed. "I gotta' get home, I'll see you guys around...maybe," he said practically running away.

I was too shocked to move and Walter and Donnie just stood there staring like he was on fire or something.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Maybe it's cause of what happened to his step-brother," Donnie said. 

"What happened to him?"

"He got sent to reform school for getting drunk with a bunch of guys and breaking into this guy's house. The guy caught them and he had a gun and he told em' he would shoot em' of they didn't come with him."

"God, that's awful. He seemed like a pretty cool guy to me. Maybe it was the other guys that got him to do that stuff."

"Anyway, the guy was like friends with the Sheriff and the DA and instead of a warning they got six months at Rader in Sand Springs."

"Oh shit, that's awful. I feel so bad for them both. Why didn't he tell me this?"

"You haven't exactly been around much lately," Walter reminded me.

"I gotta go guys, I gotta go talk to him," I said feeling ready to cry.

"Let's all go," Walter suggested.

"Thanks guys," I said with relief, "I know I've been a real drag these last few months, but I promise I'm gonna change back to how I used to be. Even if Johnny and I don't patch things up, I'm gonna be a good friend to you guys again."

"We don't blame ya' Robert, we know you been goin' through a hard time," Donnie said rubbing my back as we walked up the street.

"Yeah, but I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as Johnny's concerned," Walter said grinning.

By the time we got to Gerald's I felt a little better, but I started getting nervous as we walked up to his front door. Gerald and Donnie stood to the right of me and I knocked softly, suddenly hoping no one was home. After a few minutes Gerald's mom came to the door carrying a baby in her arms.

"Oh, hi boys," she said giving us a curious look.

"Hello ma'am, is Gerald home?" I asked politely.

"He's in his room, go on back," she said opening the screen door for us.

There was another little kid toddling around the living room with a pacifier in his mouth. I'd been to Gerald's a few times and knew his mom sometimes babysat for extra money so it wasn't a surprise to see the two kids there.

Gerald's room was at the end of the hall next to the bathroom and was small and messy the few times I'd been there. Until recently he'd shared it with his step-brother, Billy, and my stomach lurched a little as I knocked.

"I said I'm busy ma?" Gerald screeched.

"Uh, Gerald, it's us...Robert and Donnie and Walter."

"Just a minute," he said not quite so loudly. 

It seemed like a long time before I heard the latch thrown back and then  the door opened slowly, Gerald sort of hiding behind it. 

"Come in," he said stepping back a little to open the door wider.

When we got inside he closed the door and threw the barrel bolt again. He was wearing only a pair of ratty Fruit of the Loom underwear and from the lump in them I was pretty sure what he'd been busy doing.

"What's up?" he asked falling down on his messy unmade bed. It smelled like dirty socks and teenage boy in his room, but I'd grown accustomed to those smells and they didn't offend me anymore.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened back there...and about your Billy."

He shrugged, "It's okay. He was a jackass and he got what he deserved," he said, but I could tell he still felt bad about things.

"I liked him," I said sitting down next to him, "remember that first day over at the school?"

"Yeah, him and his big weenie," he laughed.

"It's only 6 months, he'll be back...right?"

Gerald shrugged, "If mom lets him. She's bout' had it with him."

"Maybe this is for the best, maybe he'll change."

Gerald sniffed and for the first time I realized he was crying. I scooted closer and put my arm around him and we just sat there for a minute. He finally sighed and pulled away a little.

"I'm happy...really, I have my room all to myself now. No more stinky underwear laying everywhere or his cum socks," he laughed.

"If we go to my uncle's farm I want you there with us."

"Aww, that's okay. You don't have to invite me just cause you feel sorry for me."

"I don't feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for your brother," I laughed, "you got the room all to yourself now. Shame you don't clean it up a little," I said wrinkling my nose.

Gerald laughed then we did, "What were you doing when we knocked?" I said grinning and craning my neck to look at his crotch. I could smell his sweaty sexy smell and it was almost overpowering.

"Nothin'," he said blushing.

"Then what's this?" I said grabbing his bulge.

He jumped and giggled "Stop you sex maniac." It was good to hear him laugh.

"Need any help with that?" Donnie laughed.

"No, I'm not in the mood now," he said frowning.

"Well, we should probably go," I said after a few minutes, "I gotta get home before my mom comes looking for me."

"Okay, what are you guys doin' tomorrow?"

"Sleeping till noon," I said grinning, "then having a big breakfast. After that I'm free."

"I got nothin' going on," Donnie said.

"Me either," Walter added.

"Why don't we meet at the big park about 1:30?" I suggested.

"Okay, I'll stop by and we can walk down together Robert," Donnie said.

Walter and Gerald agreed and then Gerald slipped on a pair of dirty shorts he picked up off the floor and walked us to the door. Gerald's mom was feeding the baby and the toddler was asleep on the couch.

"Where you goin' honey?"

"Nowhere ma, just walkin' my friends to the street."

"All right. Are you boys excited about summer vacation?" she asked us.

"Yes ma'am, we're probably going to my uncle's farm later when the garden is producing and we were hoping Gerald could come with us again."

"We'll see, ask me later after I see how he's behaving," she said looking tired.

"Yes ma'am, thanks. Bye now."

"Goodbye boys. Gerald when you get back I need you to clean up that pig sty you call a room."

Gerald rolled his eyes, but he didn't sass her, "Yes ma'am."

Outside Gerald laughed, "Gee thanks, now I gotta be good if I want to go with you guys," he laughed.

"Ah, my plan worked," I cackled, "when I come back I expect that room to be spotless."

"Why you..." he said chasing me to the street. When he caught me he tickled me a little then just sort of hung on me, "Thanks though for coming over here."

"You're welcome. Hey, by the way where's Todd?"

He sighed, "His mom don't want him hanging with me anymore. She said she doesn't want him to wind up in Raider."

"That bitch," Walter said angrily.

"It's okay, I still got you guys, right?" he said grinning.

"Forever," I said putting him in a head lock and messing up his shaggy hair.

"Stop butthole," he said laughing so hard I could barely understand him.

I let him up but kept my arm around his neck, "Well, see ya tomorrow. Better get after that room or your ma might not let you come to the park," I laughed.

"Wise guy," he said pulling away. "I'll be there. Bring money guys, and we can walk down to The Dairy Queen later."

"Come on guys, let's go."

We said goodbye and Gerald watched us walk away then went inside. I didn't know if he'd clean his room or not, but I was sure of one thing: he was back where he belonged, in our gang.


The next day I didn't get to sleep quite as late as I planned, but it did feel good sleeping a couple of hours later than usual. Mom fixed me bacon and eggs and I made myself some toast and had a big glass of Ovaltine. Afterwards she had a few chores for me to do but I was done by noon. 

The postman had picked up my letter that morning and it was on the way to Johnny, no turning back now. Not that I wanted to, in fact I wished he'd already got it and read it and wrote YES a hundred times and mailed me back. But I figured it would be at least Tuesday of next week before I heard back from him.

I dug a dollar out of my stash in my sock drawer, grabbed my ball cap, and sat on the front porch waiting for Donnie. He was right on time, and after telling mom where we were going we started for the park.

We talked about things and sort of got reacquainted again and by the time we got to the park I felt pretty good about things. As we got closer to the park we could see Walter and Gerald sitting on a picnic table waiting for us.

When we got closer they got up and met us at the  little bridge that passed over the creek and we walked back into the park and headed toward the pond on the other side of the park.

"I brought some bread for the ducks," Walter said holding up a bread sack with a few pieces of stale bread in it.

"Oh, good idea. One time I had some left over popcorn from the swimming pool and fed it to them and they went crazy," I said.

"Yeah, but I heard all the salt and stuff isn't good for em'," Walter said.

"They didn't die, did they?" I scoffed.

The ducks swarmed us and we were surrounded as we each took a piece of bread and tore it into pieces and threw it to them. When the bread was all gone they hung around a little while longer then quacked off to the pond. There were a few baby ducks, all soft and fuzzy looking, and it reminded us that spring was here.

"Wish we had tennis rackets," Donnie said as he gazed over toward the two tennis courts, which were unoccupied at the moment.

"Ben has two and we played one time," I said suddenly wishing Ben was there with us. While I'd been growing apart from my old friends I'd gotten closer to Ben and to some degree Brandon who was one funny kid.

"Does he have balls too?" Donnie said.

"Yeah, two," Walter joked, "Don't you?"

We all laughed and Donnie said, "You outa' know."

 Then Gerald surprised us all by saying. "We should go over to his house and see if he can come over to the park with us and bring his rackets."

I shrugged, trying not to look or sound too enthusiastic, "We can if you guys want. He lives over by the school."

"Why don't me and you walk over there Robert and you guys can wait here for us?"

I wasn't sure what Gerald was up to, but Donnie and Walter didn't seem to mind, and as we walked away I saw them headed to the bathroom, no doubt to mess around.

Gerald noticed too and popped me on the arm, "They're gonna go play nasty in the bathroom."

"Lucky them," I said. I hadn't played nasty in a while and I was really starting to miss it.

"Well, you and Johnny will be butt fuckin' again before too long," Gerald laughed.

"Stop, you'll make me get hard," I groaned.

"Hey, did you and Ben ever mess around?" he said looking at me with a smirk.

"Nope, we never even talked dirty. He's just a kid," I said frowning.

"He's only a year younger," Gerald frowned, "it's not like he's a baby or innocent or something. I bet he jacks off as much as we do."

"Probably, but we never talked about it and that's just fine by me."

"Oh man, you been holdin' out for JOHNNY," he said making a kissy face, "haven't you?"

"Maybe, but it was kind of nice just having friends that didn't expect sex all the time, Ben and Brandon are like that."

"I guess, well I sort of understand, cause Todd and me never did much except jack off a couple of times."

"That's Ben's house up there," I said pointing, anxious to end the sex talk. I just hoped Gerald didn't say anything to Ben about it.

Ben was inside and when his mom hollered at him he came running out all excited.

"What are you guys doin'?"

"We came to see if you wanted to come to the park and maybe bring your tennis rackets and balls."

Gerald giggled when I said balls, but Ben didn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, let me grab em' and tell mom. Be right back." 

"No Jake today?" I asked as we walked back to the park.

"Naw, I haven't seen im' today. I'm glad you guys came over I was gettin' kinda bored."

"First day of summer vacation and you're already bored," I clucked, "Boy not me, I can find a million things to do."

Donnie and Walter were sitting on a picnic table waiting for us and Gerald just had to smart off, "I guess they got done in the bathroom," he snickered.

Fortunately it slipped past Ben without him saying a word and Gerald didn't bring it up again.

Since Ben only had 2 rackets we took turns playing. Ben and Gerald played first and Ben won that one. Then Walter took Gerald's place and beat Ben, but just barely, and Donnie took Ben's place. Walter won again and then I got to play, and  I beat Walter on the final play. He said it was because he was tired and we all laughed.

I really wanted to play Ben because we were pretty evenly matched and it was always a close game when we played. He might have been a year younger than me, but he was fast on his feet and had a wicked backhand.

We were tied most of the game, but in the end Ben pulled off an impossible backhand shot to my left side and I couldn't get to it in time.

"Good game," I said offering my hand to shake at the net like I'd seen other players do.

"I'm tired and need a drink, you guys can play now if you want," Ben said shaking my hand.

"I'll go with you," I offered, and left the three to figure out who played first.

There were two water fountains, one on the side of the bathrooms and one free-standing one across the street on the corner and that's where a Ben headed with me following right behind.

"The water in that one by the bathrooms tastes funny," he said making a face, "I think it comes out of the toilet," he laughed.

"Ewww nasty," I said laughing, "You mean I been drinking piss all these years?"

"And poop, don't forget poop," he teased.

"Awk...I been poisoned," I said clutching at my throat while Ben cracked up.

"Quick drink some of this nice clean water out of this fountain," he said holding the button down for me.

I took a big swallow, then drank till I was full. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand I burped causing more laughter.

"This water comes straight from the swimming pool," he teased, "but the chlorine kills the piss and poop germs."

"Awww yuck, I ain't never gonna drink water again," I said spitting, causing Ben to double over with laughter.

After the laughter subsided Ben bent over the fountain and drank deeply. Mocking me he wiped his mouth and burped and we both laughed.

"So did you ever mention going to the farm to your mom?" I said sitting down on the merry-go-round which was right next to the fountain.

"Yeah, she said probably, but she wants to talk to your mom first," he said sitting in the next section of the merry-go-round.

"My mom will be glad to talk to your mom. I already told her I'd asked you."

"Are all those guys going too?" 

I assumed he meant the three over on the court and I nodded. "And if things work out, Johnny will probably be going too."

"I thought he moved."

"Just to Locust Grove, it's actually not that far from my uncle's farm."

"Oh, okay. Does your uncle care that there are so many of us?"

"The more the merrier, he always says," I laughed, "I mean we have to work while we're there, so it's just more workers to pick the vegetables and help out around the farm."

"He might not be able to pay us as much as last year, but I don't care, heck I'd do it for free just to help my uncle and spend time on the farm."

Ben was quite for a moment, but he looked as if there was something on his mind, and eventually he spoke.

"I don't think that one kid, Gerald, likes me very much," he said in a soft voice so low I could barely hear him.

"Aw, Gerald's okay. He's just been going through some stuff lately with his step-brother. He got into trouble and got sent to Rader, it's like a reform school or jail."

"Oh, sorry," he said perking up a bit. Then sighing, "Thanks for being my friend," he said blushing.

"Hey, you're a neat guy, I like you. It's not like I don't have fun when we hang out, cause I do. I enjoy spending time with you."

"Thanks, I like being with you too," he said smiling, and he looked so innocent and so cute. It was all I could do not to reach over and hug him.

"Hey what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing I guess, being bored is all. Why?"

"Think your mom would let you sleep over at my house?"

"You want me to sleep over? Really?" he said excitedly.

"Well, yeah. If the weather is warm enough we could even sleep in the treehouse if you wanna."

"I'll have to ask my mom, but if she says yes, I'll do it. Man, the only time I ever slept over was at Jake's, and it wasn't that much fun."

"Well, you can ask her tonight and...oh shoot I forgot, you don't have a phone."

"I can borrow the neighbor's phone long enough to tell ya' if I can. I still have your number."

"Okay, great. I hope you can."

"Uh, will there be anyone else there?"

"No other friends, just my folks and my little brother."

"Okay, yeah..sounds like fun. I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"Yeah, well..shall we go kick some tennis butt?"

Walter was promptly trouncing Gerald when we got back to the courts and I could see the frustration on Gerald's face. When he lost the match he screeched and turned red and looked like he was about to throw the racket against the cement. Then I guess he thought better of wrecking Ben's racket, and instead he handed it to Donnie and stomped off toward the bathrooms.

"What did you do to him?" I joked.

"He's just a sore loser, that's all," Donnie said speaking for Walter.

"Remember he's kind of sensitive guys," I said sighing, "I'm gonna go check on him."

"Okay, but no jerking off while you're in there," Walter joked and all three laughed, although Ben was blushing bright red.

"Oh grow up," I said, but I was grinning.

I went inside the mens room, but no Gerald. Since I hadn't actually seen him go in I wasn't really sure where he went, but I knew he couldn't have gone far. I soon found him behind the bathroom sitting on the ground leaning against the rock wall.

I slid down beside him and just sat there for a minute, trying to think what to say, but he beat me to it.

"I can't go back there," he said softly, "actin' like a spoiled brat and all. I don't know what's wrong with me," he whined.

"I think I know, maybe you miss Billy more than you think. That's okay, you know. Even if he's just your step, he's your brother. I know I'd be upset if anything ever happened to Mikey, and he's just a little kid."

"I do miss him," Gerald confessed, "and I'm worried about him. I heard that place is tough. What if someone beats him up know uses him for their girlfriend? I heard that happens in prison."

"It's not really prison and I bet they make sure that stuff doesn't happen to kids."

"I guess you're right, but what if ma won't let him come back home?"

"Look you can't worry about that stuff now. If that happens he'll figure something out then. He'll be old enough to get a job and a place of his own by then."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right," he said smiling, "and maybe I could go live with him."

"See, nothin' to worry about."

"I guess you're right, but I still miss him. His stinky feet and his big ole' pecker," he laughed.

"Well, we'll keep you busy this summer and he'll be back before you know it. Come on let's go get the guys and walk down to the Dairy Queen, I want a slush."

The others had tired of tennis and eagerly agreed to follow us to DQ. I was going to pay for Ben's slush, but Gerald surprised me by beating me to it. I thought that was nice of him, but I figured he was just trying to make up for being a butt earlier.

We sat on a picnic table beneath a big tree at the back of the lot and sipped our slushes and talked about our summer plans.

"Ow, ow, " Donnie yelped, "brain freeze!."

We all laughed and of course had to experience it too, so we sucked down our drinks as fast as we could making a competition of it.

Soon we were moaning and laughing as our heads felt like they were going to explode.

"I heard a guy died from a brain freeze a few years ago, and he was only eating ice cream," Gerald said excitedly.

"Bull," Walter said shaking his head, "that's just a story someone made up. You can't die from a brain freeze."

"Yeah, it just feels like it," I laughed, "I wonder why it hurts so much."

"Yeah, you'd think it would numb your head, not make it hurt," Gerald said holding his head.

"Hey, lets walk over to the railroad tracks and follow them to Cesspool Road," Donnie suggested.

"Oh man that's a long way," I whined, "but I'm game if you guys are."

"Aw, come on Robert, where's your sense of adventure?" Walter laughed.

Well, that was all the challenge I needed and soon we were off. Ben was the new guy and had never been where we were going, but he was eager to join us. I think he was just happy to be with us bunch of older boys and he was trying hard to please.

The MKT tracks ran along Dog Pound Road (named that because the dog pound was on it) and then about  a quarter mile ahead we turned onto a gravel road that was 9th Street on the other side of the highway, but on this side it had some county number. We called it Cesspool Road though because the water treatment plant was on it, which we called Jock's Pond. It was named after Jock Mayers a notorious miser and slum lord, who my dad said still had the first nickle he ever made. 

The trip up the tracks went fairly quick, but we were sweating by the time we got to the gravel road.

"How far is it to the bridge?" Ben asked staring up the road.

"About a mile I guess," I said, wishing we'd gone back to the park instead.

"That's not so far," Ben said sounding upbeat.

"Yeah, stop being a poopy pants," Donnie laughed. He and Johnny were the only two people who knew my mom and dad called me that when I was being difficult.

Everyone laughed and I punched Donnie in the arm. "If I'm a poopy pants then you can can change me," I laughed turning around and bending over to push my butt out. He slapped me on the butt and everyone laughed. 

It felt good to be outside in the fresh air with my friends. The only thing that could have made it better was for Johnny to have been with us, but I had a feeling I'd be seeing him soon. And when I did fireworks were gonna explode.

We talked and laughed the whole time and the gravel moved beneath our feet quickly. At first Ben just listened, but eventually he started to join in and I could see a change come over him. I guess what Ben wanted most from life was to just be accepted and to have friends, and were giving him that.

Finally the bridge came into sight and we ran the last 100 feet or so till we were standing in the middle looking down at the water of Pryor creek.

The bridge was one of those old steel spans with a wooden roadbed that was only wide enough for one car at a time, which made it challenging to navigate if there was a car coming from the other direction. That meant someone had to wait for the other car to pass, but the road was never really busy and so it wasn't that big a deal. In fact the whole time we'd been walking the road we hadn't seen a single car.

The bridge was slightly elevated from the road which meant driving up an incline just to get onto the bridge. Then down the other side and back onto the roadway. In addition the bridge roadbed was wooden and made a clackety clack sound as you drove over it. I'd been over it a few times with my folks and I always felt like we were taking our lives into our own hands when we crossed it.

"Look, down there," Gerald said pointing to something in the water, "it's a water moccasin."

"Those things will kill you if they bite ya'," Donnie said excitedly, "My dad was sitting on some rocks one time fishin' and one crawled out right between my legs. Good thing he had his pistol with him, cause he blew that sucker's head clean off with one shot."

"I hate snakes," Ben said looking worried.

"Aw, mostly they won't bother you if you don't bother them," I assured him, but truth was: I hated them too.

"Let's go under the bridge," Donnie said starting across, "I need to pee."

"Me too," Walter said.

Ben looked even more worried and stuck close to me, but once we got down the embankment and he saw that the area under the bridge was for the most part clear of any vegetation where snakes might hide, he relaxed a little.

Donnie and Walter found a spot uphill, and with their backs to us unzipped and hauled out their dicks and started pissing. I saw Ben look that way then he blushed when he saw me watching him and turned to look at the creek.

We'd had a wet winter and the creek was flowing full which meant the fishing was probably good, but that time of day and being in the middle of the week, no one was there but us.

Gerald didn't even bother with walking away to piss and suddenly he was pissing into the river, "Here fishy fishy," he giggled, "have a drink. It's good for ya'."

"Damn it Gerald," I teased, "you just killed all the fish and ruined this fishing spot."

"Maybe I should jack off in here and give em' something good to eat," he laughed.

"Then they'd have to condemn the whole creek," Walter laughed.

"Ha, Robert eats the stuff, don't ya'? So it must not be poison."

Damn him, I thought seething, Why did he have to bring me into this.

"Not me man, you must have me mixed up with someone else," I said giving him a harsh look.

I guess he took the hint because as he was zipping up he said, "I'm just kidding, don't get your panties in a wad."

We all laughed then and Donnie added, "Yeah your poopy panties," and we all died laughing.

We poked around the river bank and eventually Ben and I took a piss too, but separately and away from the others. When it was time to go we debated what to do next, but Ben said he needed to go home and so did Walter so we wound up splitting up at the tracks. Walter and Ben headed toward the highway and Donnie and Gerald and I headed on north up the tracks. 

Before we parted Ben and I firmed up our plans for the sleepover and he told me he'd call as soon as he talked to his mom. Gerald gave me a funny look, but the others didn't seem to think much about it.

At Graham Donnie and I said goodbye to Gerald and he headed East and we headed West. At my street we turned off and at Mr. Rudd's house Donnie said goodbye and cut through  his yard to his house across the alley.

I got home around 4:30 and Mikey was so excited to see me he was jumping up and down.

"Can I take Mikey outside for a while?" I asked as he clung to my pant legs.

"Yes son, he could use some fresh air and I could use a rest. Just be careful and watch him every minute. At his age he wants to touch and feel and taste everything he finds."

"I will," I said picking my kid brother up and carrying him out the back door.

Dad was still at work and if I had to guess, I'd have bet mom was probably gonna lay down for a few minutes while I corralled Mikey. She was right, he was a terror on two legs these days, and I was constantly chasing him, but it was fun and I didn't mind.

I thought about Johnny and how much he loved Mikey and how much Mikey loved him and I smiled. Since he'd lost his sister he had no one at home to talk to or fight with, and I think he sort of thought of Mikey as his little brother too.

I couldn't wait to talk to Johnny again and see him and touch him, but I knew it might be a while before we could really be together that way again. I'd taken the first step when I mailed the letter and Sunday I would take the next step and call him. I was nervous and excited, but I had a good feeling that things were gonna work out just fine.

When dad got home he came out back and we both watched Mikey and kept him out of trouble while we talked. I told him about playing tennis and about Gerald's brother and how it had affected him, then about walking to the creek and he listened with interest.

"Well boy, sounds like you had a humdinger of a day. I'm sorry to hear about Gerald's brother though. I hope this will help to straighten him out though and put him on the right path. Sometimes it takes something like this to get someone's attention. Shame Gerald has to suffer too though."

"Yes sir, I feel bad for him."

"What about that other friend, Ben? How's he fitting in with the others."

"Just fine, really good actually. At first he was kind of shy, but once he saw my friends were good guys he was okay. I invited him to sleepover tomorrow night and mom said it was okay. He's supposed to call later, after he asks his mom."

"That sounds like fun. You know, I'm proud of you for taking this boy under you wing and standing up for him, but you wound up making a friend and that's even better."

"Thanks dad. I like Ben a lot and I'm glad we're friends. Hey, was mom asleep when you came home?"

"Not asleep, but resting. I told her we'd go out for dinner so she could relax a while longer," he said smiling.

"Neat, where we goin'?"

"I was thinking maybe The Spot Cafe, how does that sound?"

"Good, I love their Swiss steak."

I'd forgotten about Ben calling till just before we left for the cafe. I was just lacing up my shoes when I heard the phone ring then mom yelling for me. I practically tripped over my own feet as I ran to the kitchen and took the phone from mom.

It was Ben and he had great news, he could come over tomorrow and spend the night. Mom had offered to go get him, but Ben said he'd ride his bicycle instead. That way we could ride bikes the next day.

When we got back from dinner I spent a while cleaning up my room and mom insisted on changing my sheets for me. I was glad she offered cause I always had a hard time getting the bed made right. 

When I was finished with my room I took a shower and once I was naked one thing led to another and before too long I was jacking off like mad. The whole time I was thinking about Johnny and what I'd like to do with him and to him and I came so hard I nearly passed out.

I was exhausted after all the exercise I'd gotten that day, and the orgasm finished me off. I piled into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.


Ben arrived around one the next day and I was as happy to see him as he was to see me. Mom made a big fuss over him and offered us a drink, but we decided to wait till later, and go have some fun. 

"Are we going to sleep in the treehouse tonight?"

"If you want. I think it'll be warm enough. We'll have to ask my folks, but they'll probably say yes."

We tossed a ball around in my backyard for a while then rode bikes and we wound up going by Evelyn's house. As luck would have it the back-stabber was out in her yard, but Chrissy was nowhere in sight.

She yelled at me and motioned me over and I considered ignoring her, but in the end I decided I couldn't avoid her forever. I told Ben to wait for me by the road and he nodded. I'm not sure what he thought was going on, but I didn't have time to explain at the moment.

"Hey," I said riding up and standing astride of my bike.

"Hi," she said looking as uncomfortable as I felt.

"Where's Chrissy?"

"With her new boyfriend Clark. Who's that you're with?"

"Just a friend," I said not explaining further.

She sighed, "Robert...I...just wanted to say, I feel really bad about what happened with Johnny. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just didn't understand, you know..about how much you and Johnny liked each other."

"It's not like you didn't know we were friends...we been hanging out forever," I huffed, "but I don't blame you for all of it."

"I know, I know..." she said looking ready to cry.

Damn, tears were a girl's secret weapon and I found myself easing up a little on her.

"It's okay. We're over it now and we're friends again."

"But he moved..."

"It's not that far," I said then let her fill in the blanks.

"So you guys are okay then?"

"We're working on it."

"That's good. I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me and we can all be friends again someday."

"I forgive you, it may take some time to get over it completely though."

"Okay, well..if you want to come by and talk sometime, just let me know."

"Okay, well..gotta go. Ben's waiting," I said at last.

"Okay, bye," she said, then she did the weirdest thing, she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. Girls! Who could understand them?

"When I got back to Ben he was grinning, "She your girlfriend now? Hey, isn't she that girl that your friend was with for a while?"

"It's a long story," I said chuckling, "Maybe someday I'll fill you in."

Ben didn't nag, that was one thing I liked about him, if you told him no, he accepted it.

We rode by Johnny's old house and my heart skipped a beat. It was still empty, but I knew eventually someone would move in and part of my past and Johnny's would be erased. Ben must've sensed my mood because he asked me what was wrong, and this time I didn't put him off.

"That was Johnny's house," I said pointing to the white clapboard house before us, "I have a lot of good memories about that place. Just feels kind of sad seein' it empty."

"You'll make new memories at his new place," Ben said smiling, "and I bet you have good memories at your house too."

"Yeah, you're right. It's just a house. Come on, let's ride over to the park."

The park was busy that day. Summer vacation had begun and I guess a lot of moms had sent their kids out to play. The basketball court was busy, the swings full, and in the corner a sandlot baseball game was in progress.

"Wanna see if they'll let us play?"

"Okay, but we don't have gloves."

"So, no harder than these kids throw and hit we can handle it bare-handed."

We walked around the playing field and behind the backstop and watched for a minute till they changed sides then I spoke up.

"Need two more players?"

"Sure we got an extra glove one of you can use. Do either of you pitch?"

"I can," I volunteered, so Ben took the glove and I hit the mound.

The players were a mix of kids, the youngest probably 8 or 9 and I was the oldest.  A couple of the kids looked like brothers, and I found out later they were, and two of the other boys were cousins.

None of us were what you'd call pros, but we had fun and our side won the game. I liked to think it was because of my pitching, but the truth was, the other boys earned the runs, not me. When the game was over we sat around the backstop and talked.

The two brothers were Mike and Ken, but I don't remember the other's names. Mike was 12, and a rough looking kid that had as many scabs as he had teeth. And speaking of teeth, he was missing a few of those as well. The kid had brown shaggy hair and and green eyes, freckles on his nose and cheeks, and was not the cutest boy I'd ever seen. Ken his brother was a little softer looking, and though he shared his brother's basic looks his face was clear of freckles and as far as I could tell he had all of his teeth. Ken was 10.

"Do you guys live around here?" I asked wondering why I'd never seen them around before.

In a small neighborhood like ours I knew most every kid within a few blocks of me, but of course there were always new kids moving in every year and old ones moving out.

"Down that street, all the way at the end. We only lived there a little while. We moved from Salina," Mike said spitting between his teeth and sending an impressive amount of spit out to hit the grass.

"Did you finish school there or here?"

"Here," Mike said not going into detail.

"So did you go to Washington?"

"Yep, but I hated it. Too many mean-assed teachers there."

I laughed, "Like Mr. Neal, the principal?"

"Yeah, I had him for 6th grade as a teacher too. I got two whuppins' the first month," he laughed.

"I went there for 6 years and never had a whipping," I said proudly, "but my friend Johnny had a few, one time for biting this kid."

"Was he hungry?" Ken laughed.

"No, he just had a bad habit of biting," I said smiling as I thought about the Johnny I knew back then. "We finally broke him of it, but it took a few years."

"Where's he live now?"

"In Locust Grove."

"Oh, where do you guys live?"

We told him where we lived and talked about the neighborhood and I filled them in on what there was to do. I wondered about the other boys and discovered that the cousins were only visiting and still lived in Salina, but the other boys lived near the park.

Eventually the neighborhood boys began to drift away in small groups leaving only Mike and Ken and the two cousins. Mike stood up after a bit and said he had to pee and we all went with him to the bathroom. It was sort of crowded with all six of us in there, but four boys at a time could use the urinal trough and there was the toilet so we all managed to pee pretty quickly.

Standing at the urinal with Mike on one side and one of the cousins on the other I fished out my teenage pecker and let it rip. Mike didn't try to hide the fact that he was staring at my pecker, but the cousin was a bit cooler about it, only stealing a peek when he thought I wasn't looking.

I didn't care, after all I was older and I knew they were curious about how they compared to an older boy. We made small talk as we pissed and then Mike surprised me by blurting out what was on his mind.

"You got hair down there. I bet you shoot when you play with it don't ya?"

"Like a cannon," I joked, "I been spittin' since I was 11 though."

"I just started, Kenny ain't even got any hairs, he's bald as a baby."

"Shut up Mike," Kenny said from the far end where he'd just finished zipping up.

"Well, you are, but it don't stop im' from playin' with it," he laughed.

"Mike!" he screeched, "Shut up about me."

"It's okay Ken. We all do it, it's no big deal. My dad told me it was natural and healthy," I said feeling very good about being able to help these younger boys.

"Your dad talked to you about jackin' off?" the older cousin asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, my folks are the best."

"Wow, my old man would flip out if he saw some of the stuff we do," Mike laughed.

"Well, then don't get caught," I said zipping up.

"Don't worry, we won't, right guys?"

Ben had used the toilet in the stall and had missed all the sex talk and that was fine by me. I didn't want to have to explain my sex life to him just yet.

We had just emerged from the bathroom when a girl about my age or a little younger came running up yelling at the boys.

"Momma says get your butts home right now, then suddenly she stopped in mid speech and looked me over. Then blushing and pushing her hair back she smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Joyce," she said in a flirty voice. Boy did she have the wrong guy.

"Uh, hi, I'm Robert and this is Ben, I said pushing Ben in front of me. I was willing to sacrifice him just to get away from another scheming female.

"Hi," Ben said smiling like a crazy person. I guessed, unlike me, Ben liked girls.

"Hi, you're cute too," she said to Ben, "do you all live around here?"

"He does," Ben said ratting me out, but I live over by Jefferson...uh school."

"Okay, what grade are you all in?"

"Uh, Ben will be in 8th grade, I'll be a Freshman," I offered.

"Oh, then I'll be in your grade Ben," she said forgetting all about me to my great relief.

"Watch out Ben," Mike hooted, "Joy is boy-crazy."

"Shut up Mike, at least I don't go round' playin' with myself all the time."

"Jealous," Mike laughed.

Joy rolled her eyes and huffed off then. Looking over her shoulder she said to Ben, "I'll see you in school, or you can come visit me," then to her brothers and cousins, "You guys better get home or you're gonna get it."

"See ya guys," Mike said gathering up his gang, "Don't mind her, she's a bitch."

When they were gone I punched Ben in the arm and in a sing-song voice I sang, "Ben's got a girlfriend, Ben's got a girlfriend."

"Naw, I think she liked you better," he said blushing.

"Maybe at first, but when she found out you two were going to be in the same class, she started flirting with you. Besides, I don't like girls that much."

"But that one girl kissed you..."

"Okay, maybe it's time to explain that, let's go climb up on the monkey bars."

Ben scampered to the top and I followed his lead. Once again I found myself in this very special place, and what better place than here to tell my story to Ben?

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Ben asked as he gazed out across the park.

"Well, let me tell you a little story..."

I began by telling Ben how Johnny and I met and how we became closer than brothers. I told him about Evelyn and Chrissy and how we used to all hang out as kids. I told him about Roger and the campout that summer, omitting the sex parts of course.

"Then Roger moved away and we never heard from him again. That's when Donnie came back into our lives."

"I like Donnie, he's funny," Ben said grinning.

"Donnie is a good guy, we've been friends as long as Johnny and me have, but we weren't as close."

"Oh, okay. What about Walter and Gerald?"

Next I told him how they came into my life, once again omitting the sex, but I think he knew there was more to my tale than I was telling.

"What happened between you and Johnny? Did it have something to do with that girl, Evelyn?" he asked cutting through all the bull shit.

I sighed and looked out across the park. Beyond it was the school I'd attended for the first six years of my life. It was a place full of memories, memories of my childhood, and Johnny, and for a moment I was too emotional to speak. 

Ben waited me out and I finally wiped at my eyes and began, "Ever have a best friend? A friend that you wanted to be with all the time? A friend that was closer to you than a brother even? A friend that you would do anything for? A friend you'd die for?"

"Well," Ben said looking unsure of himself. "Jake and I are pretty good friends, but not that good. Actually...I think I like you a lot better than Jake now," he added blushing.

This wasn't exactly going like I'd planned.

"Well, I like you too, but it's different with me and Johnny."

"Cause you knew each other so long..."

"Well, that was part of it I guess, but there's more to it I guess," I said, struggling to make him understand without telling him too much. "Anyway, let's just say that we were so close that when Johnny started dating that girl, Evelyn, it caused problems between us?"

"Why? Didn't you want him to have a girlfriend? liked that girl too, is that why?"

Boy, this definitely was not going like I'd planned. It was obvious I was going to have to either tell him more than I intended or just forget the whole thing.

"Well, no...not exactly. Evelyn and I have been friends for a long time, but I don't think of her that way. I guess that's why it bothered me so much. It felt weird. I mean she was like our sister or something."

"Oh, okay. So you guys had a fight about it and quit hanging out, right?"

"Sort of, but it didn't work betweeen them anyway."

"So why didn't you guys make up and after that. Were you still mad at him?"

"It's complicated, but let's just say that I finally realized I was being an idiot. Then Johnny moved and well, I decided I had to try to fix things. So that's pretty much it."

Ben sat there for a minute digesting what I'd said then he frowned, "Can I ask you a question?"


"Promise you won't get mad?"

"I promise," I said as my hackles went up, what now? I wondered.

"How come every time someone mentions sex and stuff around us you change the subject?" he said blushing, "I'm not a little kid, I know about that stuff."

"Oh, well," I said trying to stall for time, "it's not that I think you're a little kid or anything, I just didn't think it was that big a deal with you."

"It is with you though, isn't it?"

"I'm older..." I stuttered, "I guess it's more important to me," I said lamely, knowing sex had been the monkey on my back since I was 11.

"You don't have to change the subject or protect me from that stuff," Ben said frowning, "Just treat me like you do your other friends."

"I'm sorry, I just wanted our friendship to be...different I guess. Sometimes I just want to forget that other stuff and just be a kid again."

"Robert, do you trust me?"

"What? Yeah, sure. You've never given me any reason not to."

"Good, cause I trust you too, and I'd never do anything to mess that up."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you can tell me the truth about you and Johnny."

I stared out across the park again and considered what to do. Could I tell him the truth and still have the kind of relationship I wanted to have with him? Or would it make things weird and uncomfortable for me and eventually push us apart?

"Why do you think there's more?" I asked deciding to play dumb.

"If you don't trust me enough to tell me, that's okay," he said sounding hurt.

"This is important to you, isn't it?"

He nodded, "How bout' if I go first and tell you something personal, something I've only told one other person, Jake."

"Okay, you know you can trust me..."

"Okay, here goes," he said taking a deep breath, "I told you about my dad dying, well...that's not  exactly true."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"My dad's not dead...he's in prison," Ben said looking white as a sheet.

"Wait, so your dad is alive...?"

Ben nodded, "He's in prison because of what he did to Brandy, my older sister."

I wasn't sure I wanted to hear this, but I knew Ben wasn't going to stop till he'd freed himself from this burden.

"Brandy is 15 now, but she was like 11 when it happened. I was just a little kid, maybe 7 or 8 and I really didn't understand all of it. Mom said he was sick and just sort of ignored what was going on for a while, then one night my dad...went to far and he hurt Brandy...really bad. Mom knew she couldn't hide what he'd been doing anymore cause she had to take Brandy to the hospital."

"That's awful. I'm sorry. Is she okay now?"

"Yeah, he just caused her to bleed, but there was no permanent damage. The Doctors figured out what had happened and called the cops and dad got arrested. He got 10 years. Mom divorced him and we moved here eventually to be near my grandparents. So...if you don't want to be my friend anymore...I...I understand," he said sadly.

I slipped my arm around him and we bumped heads, "It wasn't your fault. I'm glad you told me this though, cause it makes my stuff seem really silly," I said grinning, and then I told him the same story I'd told him earlier, but this time I didn't leave anything out.

"So you and Johnny are like in love huh? That's neat really. And you do all kinds of sex stuff. Man, that must be fun."

"It is, but sometimes I just want to forget all that stuff and just have regular fun."

"Like what we do?"

"Yeah, is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's neat. I'm glad you told me all this stuff though, cause now I don't feel like I'm doing something wrong."

"Naw, you never did anything wrong. So now you know and we can just go back to being friends."

"Yeah, that's good."

"You ready to go? I bet mom has some cookies or something good baked."

"Yeah, let's go."

The ride back was fun, the wind in our faces and our bikes between our legs, and it was as if some great burden had been lifted off our shoulders by sharing our secrets. After that day Ben and I became closer and we remained friends all through school.

As expected mom had a tasty snack for us, home baked cinnamon rolls, and we took them outside and ate them. Ben took a big bite of his cinnamon roll and then washed it down with a swallow of cherry Koolaid and gave me a big smile.

"I sure do like coming to your house. Your mom treats me like I'm her son, not like a pest," he laughed. 

"My mom's like that. Heck Johnny was here so much he didn't even have to ask for anything, he just went and got it. He was like part of the family and everyone loves him. I think Mikey misses him a lot."

"And you miss him the most I bet," Ben said grinning.

"A lot, but I'm hoping things are gonna' change pretty soon."

We finished our snack and I suggested we walk over to the tracks and maybe go downtown if we had time. I carried our glasses back inside and told mom where we were headed and she dug a dollar out of her purse and handed it to me.

"In case you boys want a drink or something," she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks mom, see ya' later."

We decided to walk since it was only a couple blocks to the tracks and on the way we talked about our plans for that night. When I'd brought up the idea of sleeping in the treehouse, mom had shot it down, saying the nights were too chilly for that right now. Later, she said, when it was warmer we could sleep out there, but not tonight. I didn't whine or beg, she was probably right anyway, and I don't think Ben really cared one way or the other. He was just glad to be spending the night.

We checked the tracks for any signs of an oncoming train, and finding none we headed uptown. As we crossed Mill street a huge semi sat waiting at the light. Ben raised his arm and pretended to be pulling a rope and the truck driver smiled and honked his air horn causing us to laugh. We waved to him and started up the sidewalk and soon the light changed and the truck sped off with a roar.

"My dad used to drive trucks like that," Ben said sounding far away, "I was gonna be a truck driver someday too, but now I might be a policeman or fireman or something...or maybe go into the army."

"Not me, I want to be a teacher or a writer."

Ben looked at me curiously and smiled, "That's neat, do you write stories?"

"Yeah, I've written a few stories, mostly about boys having what happened to us on the camping trip, you know...the flood."

"Wow, neat...can I read one sometime?"

"Sure you can read one tonight if you want."

"Cool. Do you ever write about, you know? the sex stuff?"

"Gosh no, I'm not crazy. If my folks ever found something like that they'd kill me," I said in horror.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but it would be fun to read," Ben said grinning.

"Wanna go to Western Auto and look around?" I said hoping to get Ben's mind off sex.

"Yeah, is that where you got your bike?"

"Yep, it was a Christmas present."

"You're lucky, my mom says we can barely afford food and rent."

"That's tough," I said sincerely, "Sometimes I forget how good I have it, but I try to share with my friends when I can."

"I know, thanks. I just like coming over and hanging out. It makes me feel safe and good," he said softly.

"What do you mean? Aren't you safe at home?"

Ben shrugged, "You know...sometimes I feel like we're gonna get kicked out of our house or we won't have anything to eat, but so hasn't happened."

"You shouldn't have to worry about stuff like that," I said frowning. Even as a kid I was very protective of my friends and sensitive to their problems.

Ben shrugged, "I'm the man of the house."

"You're 13, you shouldn't have to be a man yet."

"I'm all there is," he sighed.

I didn't have to be an adult to know that what was going on with Ben wasn't fair or right. He was 13 years old and he shouldn't have to worry about stuff like that. I thought about his sister and I felt kind of sick to my stomach. How could a dad do that to his own daughter? I couldn't understand how sex could be such a good thing sometimes and something awful another time. Sex could be beautiful, but it could be ugly too. I was learning fast and some things I didn't want to learn.

We browsed around in Western Auto for a while, but neither of us had much money, so browsing was all we did. From there we walked across the street to the thrift store. They sold all kinds of things but the only reason us kids went there was for the used comic books. You could buy them for a nickel or trade two for one if you had comics to trade. Sometimes there wasn't much to look at, but some days there were, and that day was one of those days.

We looked through the bins and I found six comics I hadn't read and Ben found four that he liked.

"Let me pay for them," I said as we headed to the counter, "but we can share them. When I finish mine you can read them and I can read yours."

"Okay, but I got a quarter..."

"Hang onto it, mom gave me a dollar to spend so I'll use part of that."

Ben didn't argue, but then he seldom did. I hoped I hadn't hurt his pride, but I knew he didn't have much money and I wanted to do what I could to help him.

I paid for the comics and we asked for two bags so we could keep them separate and go into other stores without worry that someone thought we were stealing. Next we went to Ben Franklin Five and Dime, then up the street to McCrorys. I found a model I liked, but I hadn't brought that much money with me, so I decided to wait till I made some money mowing lawns to buy it.

On the way out we got a cherry Icee and then walked up the street towards the school. We passed by the Safeway where I'd got my lights punched out, then turned the corner and walked along Hogan Street toward The Graham Memorial Auditorium at the end of the block.

The auditorium served both schools and was also used by the city for other events. It was here that Johnny and I would run the spotlights for our Junior play and attend many other programs and events,  including our Baccalaureate service when we were seniors. We must've been in that pink dome shaped building a couple dozens times in the six years we went to school there, and it still holds a lot of memories for me. Ironically years later, when the harmful effects of asbestos were discovered, it had to be torn down, but during it's time on campus it was the cornerstone of student life.

"Looks like a big flying saucer or something," Ben said as we neared the big pink dome.

"It's really cool inside though. I love having assemblies there."

"Yeah, I only been in it once, but it is pretty neat. When I get in High School I want to be in a play," Ben said then blushed.

"That sounds like fun. I wouldn't mind helping with a play, like doing scenery or something, but I'm not sure I'd want to be an actor."

"Acting is cool," Ben said perking up, "when you're an actor you can be someone else and just leave your own life behind."

"I guess I like my life too much to want to leave it behind."

"Yeah, well...I didn't mean I hated my life or anything, I just think acting would be fun."

Years later Ben would not only perform in local theater, but he was cast in a part in a film made in Tahlequah in the 70's called, Where the Red Fern grows. He was 19 when the filming began and after that movie he moved to California and went to work behind the cameras in the movie industry. I lost touch with him, but as far as I know he's still out there doing what he loves.

Eventually we made our way back to my house but along the way we talked a lot about the things that were important to us. Our hopes, our dreams, our fears and disappointments and I think by the time we got to my house we were as close as two boys can be and without having sex.

Mom always made a big deal over company and that night was no exception. She fixed a big roast with carrots and potatoes, and for dessert there was German chocolate cake and her homemade fruit salad which was something we usually only had at Christmas.

Ben was a little overwhelmed at first, but my folks had a way of making my friends feel like family, and not guests, and before long he was stuffing his face and chattering like a magpie. 

After supper we offered to help mom with the dishes, but she shooed us out and told us to go take a shower and enjoy  the rest of the evening. When we left the room dad was clearing and when we go to my room Ben asked me if my folks were always like that.

"Like what?"

"Nice, and helping each other and stuff?"

I laughed, "Well...yeah, I told you my folks were the best. My dad isn't like any of my friends' dads. He helps mom around the house and he even changed Mikey's diapers. Even I wouldn't do that," I said holding my nose.

"I guess I just never really thought about how other kids' folks acted before. My dad was kind of mean to me all the time, but...he was nice to Brandy," he sighed, "I mean I know why now, but at the time I hated both of em'," he said looking sad. 

"What about your mom?"

He shook his head, "When dad was messing with Brandy she didn't do nothin', not till he finally hurt her, and then I guess she had to do something to protect herself. Don't you could have been me getting hurt if my dad had liked boys."

Wow, that was a lot for someone my age to comprehend, but it had to be even worse for Ben.

"What about now? How is she now?"

"Mad most of the time. She hates her job and I think she hates us, but I think she hates Brandy most cause she feels like Brandy is the reason she's alone now."

Even I knew that was bull, and it sort of made me mad, but mostly I was sad for Ben and for his sister.

"That's awful. Have you tried to talk to her and tell her how you feel?"

"Ha, fat chance," Ben snorted, "my family is not like yours, even Brandy acts like a bitch most of the time. I can sort of understand Brandy bein' that way though, but she doesn't have to take it out on me."

God, no wonder Ben was glad to spend time with me, his home life was horrible. I don't know how the poor kid made it through the day.

Instinctively I put my arms around him and hugged him and then the tears started falling. I'd begun to think I'd done the wrong thing, but as it turned out it was exactly what the poor kid needed. I held him for a long time as he cried and let all the stuff that had been bottled up inside him out. Eventually the tears ran out and he pulled away and wiped at his eyes.

"Sorry bout' that...actin' like a dang baby," he said sniffing back snot.

"Come on, let's go take a shower and you'll feel better. And don't you worry none about cryin'. I've cried so much this last year I coulda' filled a creek."

We grabbed clean undies and I led Ben across the hall to the bathroom and shut and latched the door behind us. I hadn't even thought to ask Ben if he was okay showering together, and it suddenly dawned on me that he might not be as keen on the idea as my other friends.

"You can go first if you want or we can just both go and get it over with," I offered.

Ben blushed, "Do you shower with your other friends?"

"Yep, I guess we been doin' it so long it's just no big deal to us anymore, but I understand if you want some privacy."

"Robert, am I as good a friend as they are?"

"Well, yeah..of course. Why?"

"Then I want to do the same things they do...I mean, shower together," he said blushing.

"Okay then, let me get the water going..."

While I was getting the water just right Ben was stripping down and when I turned back around he was down to his white Fruit of the Looms. I hadn't really thought about how I'd feel seeing Ben naked, but it was too late now, and I was already excited and he wasn't even all the way naked yet.

I stripped off my own clothes until I was down to my undies then I turned to Ben. He really was a cute boy and in just those tighty whities he was one sexy boy. His chest wasn't as developed as mine or Johnny's but it was nicely defined and his nipples looked like the erasers on the end of my number 2 pencils, sticking out like that. His tummy was flat, his belly button was an innie, and he had just enough baby fat (what dad called love handles) on the sides to be adorable. This was going to be an interesting shower for sure.


"Yeah, uh, if you are."

"Yeah, come on before all the hot water is gone." With that I quickly stripped off my undies with my back to Ben and pulled back the curtain and stepped into the warm spray.

Ben followed me a few seconds later, his hands covering his privates and I smiled. I remembered when I used to be shy like that, but it seemed like a million years ago. I guess you could say that summer of my 11th year I had lost my innocence, but I wouldn't have changed a thing if I could.

"Here swap places." I said turning sideways with my back to him so my almost hard cock wouldn't jab him, "that way you can get wet and soap up," I said handing him the bar of Dial.

He made a big show of soaping up with his back to me, which really didn't help my condition any since his cute little butt was right there in front of me. I kept telling myself, be good, don't let sex get in the way, but damn if my pecker didn't have a mind of it's own.

"Here, let me have the soap and I'll wash your back for you."

"Oh okay," he said sounding shy all of a sudden.

"You okay, is this too weird or something, us being naked"

"Nnnnooo, it's fine. Sorry, it's just my first time being naked with anyone."

I laughed, "Wish I could say that. It's no big deal really. You haven't got anything I don' you? Cause' so far I haven't seen anything except your cute butt."

"You think my butt is cute?"

"I know it is, I've seen enough to be a pretty good judge," I teased.

I was soaping up his back as we talked and my hands were moving lower and lower and when I reached the top of his cheeks I hesitated, "Do you want me to go lower?"

"Uh huh," he said softly.

"Okay, I'm going to wash your cute butt then, have to do mine too."

"Okay, I will," he said sounding excited.

"Just relax, this won't hurt a bit," I joked.

I lathered up those two soft little pillows and even let my hand wander into his crack and he automatically raised one leg to give me better access. I ran the bar of soap up his crack and across his b-hole and he shivered a little.

My face was close to his ear and I whispered, "You like that?"

"Uh huh," he said dreamily.

"Then remember what to do when you wash mine," I laughed, then slapped him on the butt and handed him the soap, "My turn."

We swapped places and I was not surprised to see that Ben had a hardon. His dick was probably 3.5 or 4 inches and slender, but it was a nice one. He was cut, but not too tightly and it looked like he had enough skin to make jacking pretty easy. His balls were hanging low and were a good size, so I figured he could squirt, but they were still smooth and the only hair was a thing strip right above his dick.

"Nice one," I said sincerely as I let him get a look at my 5 inches of uncut wonder.

" too," he said blushing.

When we were in position he began to lather up my back, awkwardly at first, but as he got into it he became more comfortable with touching me. When his hands finally wandered down to my gorgeous butt he hesitated only a minute before lathering up my buns and then snaking his slick hand between them. This was different, where I'd used the bar of soap, Ben was going in with his soapy hand and it felt great as it it grazed my b-hole.

"Mmmm...that feels good," I murmured, "Just don't get any ideas back there, keep that hard thing away from my hole," I teased.

"I wasn't..." he sputtered, "I've never...I mean, does that stuff really happen?"

"I told you about me and Johnny and the others, didn't you think I was telling you the truth?"

"Oh, yeah...sorry, but I swear I wasn't thinking that..."

"I'm just joking, relax. I'm clean enough, let me rinse off and then we can get out."

Once we had all the soap off I turned off the shower and we stepped out onto the fuzzy blue rug mom kept there. I handed Ben a towel and as I did we looked each other over. Naked he was even cuter and his pecker and balls were sexy looking. This was the first time I'd seen him naked and I was trying to form a mental picture for later, you know...because I sure wasn't going to do anything else.

I could tell that he was impressed by my size and the amount of hair, but he didn't say too much right then. His eyes were all over me though and I guess I felt kind of proud of my body and that he thought I was worth looking at like that.

"Do know, spit when you jack off?"

"Yeah, I started right after I turned 12, but lately it's a lot more."

"Yeah, I started when I was 11, which is unusual, but then so did a lot of my friends. I guess we were early bloomers," I laughed.

"So we can make babies now," Ben laughed.

"Not me, I don't want to do that with a girl..ever."

"You don't...never?"

"Nope, is that weird or what?"

"I... I don't think so. I guess it's just how you are. It don't matter none to me."

"Good, cause' I don't tell just anyone that kind of stuff."

"So, I'm sort of special?" he asked grinning.

"Yep, you sure are. In more ways than one."

"Like what?"

"Oh, well...cause you're the only friend that's seen me naked that hasn't, you know, messed around with me."

"Oh," he said sounding embarrassed or something.

"Sorry, I was just teasing. I wasn't trying to embarrass you or anything."

"It's okay. Want me to dry your back?"

"What?  Yeah, okay. Then I'll dry yours."

Ben's hands felt good on my body and I felt myself feeling relaxed and sleepy. I wondered what he was up to though. Was he thinking about what I'd said about him being the only friend who'd seen me naked and hadn't messed with me? I hadn't intended that to mean that he needed to, I was just trying to make him feel special, or was I?

When his hands got down to my butt he didn't hesitate at all and I felt my pecker start to get hard again just from his touch. I closed my eyes and relaxed into his hands and he took his good slow time as if he was trying to get a good feel of my butt.

"I think I'm dry now, let me do you."

"Oh, okay," he said as he slapped my rear with the towel.

I didn't spend as much time drying Ben as he did me, mostly because looking at his cute ass was causing me to have some very naughty feelings, and I wasn't sure I could control myself if we didn't get some clothes on soon.

"All done," I said hanging his towel on the shower bar and grabbing my clean undies. With my back to him I slipped on my briefs and arranged my hardon to fit in them as well as I could. 

Ben watched me for a second before he finally grabbed his own briefs and slowly slipped them on. He didn't have as much to arrange as me but it was just as hard and it took him a minute till he was satisfied.

"Sorry, you know how it is..." I said blushing.

"Yeah, me too," he said grinning.

"Come on, let's get to my room before my folks need the bathroom."

"Uh, what if they see us in just our underwear?"

"Trust me, my mom and dad have seen more boys in underwear than a Sears catalog has." I laughed.

"Okay, I'm ready when you are."

"Wait, first gotta brush my teeth. Did you bring a toothbrush?"


"Okay, well...I think we have a new one in there," I said pointing to the medicine cabinet.

"Oh, okay..." Ben said poking around in there, "is this it?"

"Yeah, and here's some toothpaste." 

After we brushed our teeth we grabbed our dirty underwear and I stuffed mine in the hamper and Ben carried his to my bedroom. We made it to my room without seeing my folks, which I think made Ben happy, and once we were inside he stuffed his dirty undies in his gym bag.

"What can we do now?" Ben asked.

"Well, let's check out some of the comic books we bought today."

"Oh, okay, that sounds fine. What else can we do?"

"You said you wanted to read one of my stories, did you mean it?"

"Yeah, I'd rather do that. Can I?"

"Sure, let me grab it." I dug out a spiral notebook and handed it to him, "Hope you can read my handwriting."

"You're kidding, right. It's perfect."

"Well, I do write sort of neat."

"Hmmm..." Ben said as he settled in on my bed and began reading.

I grabbed the comic books and started thumbing through them and found a Green Lantern and fell back on the bed and began reading. Occasionally I'd sneak a peek at Ben and smile at the way he was mouthing the words as he read. But I had to admit he looked like he was into the story and I felt pretty sure he would like it.

The story was basically the story of our campout, minus all the sex parts, plus I added some things like more adventures and a bit more at the end. The story filled a whole 50 page spiral notebook but I only wrote on the front of the pages cause I didn't like the way the writing faded through on the backside of the page.

"Man..." Ben mumbled, "this is good."

"Thanks," I said grinning, man it felt good to have someone like something I wrote. It was a feeling I would learn to crave as my writing continued and to this day I still get that same thrill seeing something of mine in print.

"I'm gonna grab us a snack," I said after a while and Ben nodded, but didn't speak.

I went to the kitchen and looked in the ice box and found some grapes and grabbed a couple of apples and fixed us a glass of Koolaid. When I returned to the bedroom Ben was laying across the bed on his tummy with his head propped up on his arms and the notebook in front of him.

"Man, this is good," Ben said looking up, "I can't believe you can write this good."

"Thanks, I brought some fruit and some Koolaid," I said blushing at his compliment.

He sat up but didn't stop reading as he ate his snack. I went back to my comic book and for a while things were quiet. Ben must've been a pretty good reader cause he didn't take that long to finish the story and when he did he closed the notebook and sat it on his lap.

"Man, I didn't want it to end. Did any of that stuff really happen?"

"Yeah, a lot of it is true, but I added some more stuff to make it more interesting, and I had to take out some stuff, you know...naked stuff," I laughed.

"Wow, I'd like to read that version," he teased.

"I can't write that stuff, I'd get arrested," I joked.

"Wow, really...that good?"

"Yeah, non-stop pretty much once we were sealed up in the tent."


"Yeah," I said tossing a grape in my mouth.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Naw, I'm a blabber mouth," I teased, "You know you can trust me."

"Yeah, I know...sorry. Well, it's about me and Jake."

"Oh, is it naughty?"

"Yeah," he said grinning, "We do stuff sometimes at his house. His folks are hardly ever home and he has a lock on his door."

"That's cool. Nothing wrong with two buddies having some fun."

"Yeah, well...we didn't do too much, just showed each other and jacked off together."

"No touching?"

"Well...a little," he said grinning.

" big is it?"

"Not as big as mine," he said grinning.

"Any hair?"

"Nope, he's smooth."

"Okay, well...was it fun?"

"Yeah," Ben said blushing.

"Good for you. I bet he's jealous of your hair and big pecker," I teased.

Ben just smiled, "Like I'm jealous of yours."

"Don't worry you'll be there soon. Heck, you're pretty big right now."

"Think so?" Ben sighed, "Will you tell me about the stuff you had to leave out of the story?"

I thought a moment then decided it might be fun to relive that happier time.

"Okay, but this is just between you and me, okay?"

"Yeah, I promise, cross my heart and hope to die," he said making the sign.

So, I began. Now I can't promise that I didn't add a few things or make some things a little sexier than they were, but that's what happens when someone tells a story. As Tom Hanks would say years later in that movie Radio Flyer, the truth is in the telling.

I can say that reliving all that sweaty and satisfying sex caused me to get hard again and from the bulge in Ben's briefs I'd say he was feeling something too. I hadn't realized how much fun and how stimulating it could be to recount sexy times like that, but it was something that would eventually spill over into my writing, when I was older, but of course only a select few ever got to read it.

"Oh man," Ben said as I finished up my sexy story, "I can't believe you guys did all that stuff. My head is swimming and my dick is so hard it hurts."

"Mine too," I laughed, "I can't believe how sexy it felt to tell all that stuff to someone."

"I need to go to the bathroom," Ben said suddenly looking at me closely.

"To pee, or to jack off?" I laughed.

"The last thing," he said blushing.

"Look, Ben...if you want to do that here, that's okay. We can both do it if you want, but...I just don't want us to touch each other, is that okay?"

"Heck, that's fine, but can we turn out the light first?"

"Okay, and we can lay on my bed. Do you need some lotion or something?"

"What for?"

"For lubrication, or do you use spit?"

"Uh, well...I usually just spit on my hand, but lotion might be nice," he said blushing again.

I grabbed my bottle of Jegens lotion and handed it to Ben and went over and turned off the overhead light. This left just the little lamp my bed, which I hoped Ben would let me leave on. I wanted to see him even if I couldn't touch him.

I stretched out on the bed and patted the space beside me and Ben moved up beside me. He looked nervous and I could smell a sexy scent coming from him and that made me anxious to get going.

"Can I leave the lamp on?"

"I guess. What about your folks, what if they come in and catch us?"

"First of all my folks would never come into my room without knocking and waiting for me to tell them it was okay, and second, I locked the door."

"Oh, okay. Should we take off our underwear first...or just pull them down?"

I reached down and stripped my undies off in one movement in answer to his question and he slowly followed my lead. When he had them off he folded them neatly and laid them beside me on the bed.

I looked over at his pecker and smiled. It was even bigger than I remembered, maybe cause it was harder now, and it was all I could do not to roll over and take that beautiful piece of meat in my mouth. This was going to be harder than I imagined, but with any luck it would be over quickly and we could move on to other things.

"Wow, that looks neat...the way your skin just goes up and down like that. I bet it feels really good, don't it?"

"Mmmm...yeah, so does yours I bet."

"Yeah, this lotion feels good on my...dick."

"Smells good too," I teased.

Ben closed his eyes but I kept mine open, watching his hand go up and down on his hard pecker. There was a squishy wet sound with each stroke and it was making me even hornier than I already was. I closed my eyes and visualized what it would feel and taste like to put my mouth on Ben's hard pecker, but I was determined not to give in to those desires.

I wondered what his pecker would feel like in my butt too. It was smaller than Johnny and my friends, but plenty big enough to have fun with. Would it be enough to satisfy that itch inside that I sometimes had? 

Then I thought about him and Jake messing around, touching each other for the first time and feeling that heat and pleasure that it brought. Maybe we could at least touch each other, I thought. No, that would just lead to other stuff and I didn't want my friendship with Ben to be based on sex. Damn why did I have to start this anyway. I should have just let him go to the bathroom and jack off.

"Are you close?"

"Nope, not yet. It takes me a while, are you?"

"No, kind of nervous," Ben said in a low quivery voice.

"Why, don't you trust me?"

"Yeah, it's not that. It's well...seeing you all naked is making me know, sexy."

"Horny? That's the word for it. I know, I feel that way seeing you too."

"So...can I? No, you'll just say no," he sighed.

"What, touch mine? Only if I can touch yours," I said forgetting all about my promise not to let this thing go too far.

"Okay," he said blushing. "Uh, who goes first?"

"On the count of three we do it together, one...two...three, and grab it," I laughed.

His hand felt warm and soft on my pecker and his pecker felt hot to the touch against my hand. I knew it wouldn't take much to finish either one of us, but for some reason I wanted it to last. I slowly stroked him then let my hand wander down to his balls and he mimicked my actions. His hand felt really good on my balls and I spread my legs a little to give him better access.

"Ever had a blow job?" I suddenly said before I could stop myself.


"Hmmm...too bad, that's one of the best feelings ever."

"I don't know anyone who'd do that, but if I did I'd do it back..."

I knew he was hinting, but I still wasn't sure if this was something I should do. I knew I wanted to, badly, but I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do at the moment. Would it screw up the relationship I had with Ben, and more importantly, would it mess up my getting back with Johnny?

"Too bad you got that lotion all over it," I said suddenly making up my mind, or maybe my pecker decided what to do.

"I could go wash it off," Ben said quickly, then blushed.

"Wait here," I said grabbing my underwear and slipping them on. I tiptoed to the bathroom and wet a washcloth with warm water and went back to my room, locking the door behind me.

"What's that for?" Ben asked looking interested and excited.

"For this," I said sitting down beside him and wrapping the warm wet cloth around his dick and washing off the lotion.

It was a wonder he didn't come right then and there, but maybe he was too nervous. Once I had him cleaned up I laid the washcloth on the nightstand and climbed back into bed.

"I'm gonna show you how it's done first, then I'll show you how we can both do it at once."

"Oookay," he said nervously.

"Watch and learn," I chuckled.

Now I don't know if you'd say I was an expert at cock sucking at that age, but let's face it I'd sucked my share and most importantly, I liked doing it. To Ben though, a 13 year old kid who'd never had a warm mouth on his dick before, it must've felt like I was a pro. He was moaning lowly and thrashing around on the bed like he had ants in his pants, only he didn't have any pants on.

"You see what I'm doing here?" I said coming up for air, "tongue, lips, and throat, but no teeth. Wrap your lips around your teeth. Got it?"

"I...I think so."

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"I want to, but I'm afraid I won't be any good at it."

"Heck, it's not that hard. Even a bad blowjob is better than nothing, but I bet you'll do just fine."

"Okay, thanks."

I flipped around then and pushed and pulled and coaxed Ben until we were head to foot, in the 69 position and he caught on quickly.

"Oh, yeah...I see how this works," he said grinning as he stared at my hard pecker and balls right there in front of his face.

"Okay, just do what I do," I said before diving back in.

Ben was hesitant at first, I mean after all most boys are a little skittish about having anything to do with another boy's privates, and to put them in your mouth is a challenge for most. Of course for me and Johnny and our bunch it had seemed as natural as breathing, but I knew that wasn't true for most boys.

"Just lick it first and get used to the taste," I suggested, "if you don't like it that's fine. I'll still do you."

I shivered when I felt Ben's tongue swipe my cock head and then a second later I felt his warm wet mouth surround my cock. Now a lot of boys, their first time sucking cock, will just put their mouth around it loosely and not let it touch anything but their lips if they can. But not Ben, he took me into hot little mouth and began sucking like a starving calf.

Now they say that there are natural born cocksuckers, and I always considered myself to be one, and I figured I'd just found another one. Ben slurped and sucked and not once did I feel his sharp little teeth, and to his credit, he even took it in his throat a few times even though he gagged each time it didn't stop him from trying again.

Of course I was doing the same thing to him and I guess he was trying to mock me, but it was obvious that he was liking what he was doing and I sure as heck did. I didn't let the good feeling Ben was giving me stop me from returning the favor though, and he was squirming and thrusting his crotch at me in appreciation.

I don't know which of us came first, but suddenly there was a lot going on. My balls were emptying and then I was tasting some sweet thin liquid on my tongue and I sort of lost track of things. When I was spent and starting to go soft I gave his dick one last lick and rolled onto my side pulling my dick from his mouth.

"Oh wow," Ben said sounding exhausted and excited at the same time. He was breathing heavy and I could see his chest falling and rising and I swear I could see his heart beating as well. 

Of course I was feeling pretty much the same and once I had my breathing under control I flipped around so we were face to face again.


"That was great. So that's a blowjob, man that was the best thing ever. I can't wait to show Jake," he said then blushed.

"Careful, make sure he's good with that first, don't want him to think you're queer or anything," I joked.

"Uh...queer? Do you think that's what I am?"

"Not really. You like girls too....right?"

"I guess, but I don't really know any girls."

"Well, promise you won't hate me, but I don't like girls that way at all. I guess I am queer," I said realizing I was risking a lot telling Ben this, but somehow I trusted him. I guess that's what having sex with someone does.

"I could never hate you. I think it's neat that you know for sure what you like."

"Yeah,'s not something I want everyone to know. A guy could get beat up for that, you know?"

"Yeah, but no one has to know...right?"

"Only the people who matter."

"Am I one of them?"

"Course you are, after all we just had sex...sort of."

"Yeah, we did, didn't we?" Ben said grinning, "Wow, I had sex. Man this is the best sleepover ever."

"Well, it's too early to sleep. Whatcha' wanna do now?"

"I don't know. Do you have any cards or a board game?"

"Sure, ever play The Game of Life?"

From sex to board games, that was how it was with us boys, and soon we were immersed in the game, and though we were still basking in our afterglow, we didn't discuss what had happened till later. We finished our Koolaid as we played the game, and when it was over we went across the hall to the bathroom.

We peed standing side by side and Ben seemed to have lost some of his modesty. We laughed as we crossed streams and then when we'd shaken off the last few drops we played sword fights with our semi-hard dicks. What two buddies haven't played that age old game, and we were no different, just two boys having fun.

Back in my room we piled down on my bed and talked for a while about nothing in particular, just being boys and enjoying each other's company. It was getting late and pretty soon we were yawning and I suggested we climb under the covers and try to sleep.

As we settled in I was aware of the heat coming off of Ben's body and his unique scent, mixed with the smell of our come from earlier. It suddenly occurred to me that Ben had swallowed my come and never commented on it.

"Hey, you didn't say, how did I taste?"

"Huh, oh you mean the sperm?"

"Yeah, yours was sorta sweet."

"It was good, I liked it. I was afraid I wouldn't and that it would be nasty, but it was nice really. I liked it."

"Neat, well...goodnight."

"Goodnight...and thanks," Ben said sighing as he sank into his pillow.

After a while I heard his breathing become regular and he began to so snore softly. I rolled over and watched him sleep for a minute and couldn't help from placing a little kiss on his cheek. I loved Ben, but I wasn't in love with him. That I saved for Johnny, and I would discover as I grew older and had many other loves in my life, that that would always be true. I have always believed that you can love more than one person in your life, but there is always that one love that is special and wonderful, and Johnny was that love in my life.

I touched Ben gently and soon I was asleep. I awoke several times during the night feeling what I like to call the "married" feeling  and each time found I was either snuggled up to Ben or he was snuggled up to me. It was sweet, but not sexual at all, like two puppies snuggling, and each time I fell right back to sleep feeling warm and loved.

Sunday we woke early and mom fixed a big breakfast for us. Afterwards we rode bikes and since Ben had to be home my noon I asked mom if I could ride to his house with him. On the way we talked about what fun we'd had and made plans to get together soon, but it would be a while before we made good on those plans.

At Ben's house we said goodbye and I rode off to the park. I stopped by the pond and sat watching the ducks for a while then climbed on my bike and rode home. Dad was puttering around in his workshop out back and I watched him for a while and we talked then I went in to see what mom was doing.

"Honey, did you forget about calling Johnny?" mom said as soon as I walked in.

"Oh yeah, I sure did," I said feeling dumb. I guess with all the excitement of Ben visiting it had slipped my mind, "Can I try now?"

"Yes dear, why don't you use the phone in the living room, that way you'll have some privacy."

I rushed to the living room and grabbed the phone and sat down on the couch. Back then phones had cords on them, but fortunately ours had a long one so it would reach almost any seat in the living room.

I unfolded the piece of paper that held Johnny's number and dialed the number. Back then there were only rotary dials and it took some doing to get it right, but I finally managed to get a connection and then it was ringing on the other end.

"Hello," a deep voice said and I recognized it as Johnny's dad.

"Hi Mr. Williams, this is Robert. How are you sir? Can I talk to Johnny?"

"Oh, hi Robert. Yeah, hold on, he's out back I'll go get im'," he said sounding friendly for a change.

I waited nervously and I heard him yelling in the background, then a screen door slam, and the phone knocking around, then Johnny came on the line.

"Hi," he said and I almost cried when I heard that sweet voice.

"Hi, it's me," I said lamely, "how's it goin'?"

"Good, I hated it at first, but I'm starting to like it some."

"That's good. Ummm...I wrote you a letter..."

"Yeah, I got it yesterday," he said sounding casual.

"Well...did you read it?"

"Yeah, I read it," he said softly.

"I asked you a question...have you thought about it?"

"Yeah, I've thought about it..."

"And what did you decide?" I said as my heart nearly beat out of my chest.

"I've decided..........................................................................................................................."

Continued next chapter....




End of Chapter 19


Oh I know I am going to get some hate mail over this cliffhanger, but I figured this chapter was long enough already.'ll just have to wait till next time to find out what Johnny has decided. Please, please, please, whether you are a new reader or you've been following the story all along, please write me and let me know what you think. I know it sounds egotistical or silly, but your emails and support are what keeps me energized and moving forward. Your emails are my only pay for this labor of love and they are more valuable than you will ever know.

Thanks to those who have written and shared their own personal stories and for your encouragement over the years.


    Thanks once again for your support over the years and I value your emails and your input. Please address all emails to I promise to answer all of them in a timely fashion.


Kewl Dad


I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. A Christmas for Joey

  2. A Christmas With Nick

  3. Accidental Dad*

  4. Adolescent

  5. Alex and Aidan*

  6. Andy Tastes Like Candy

  7. At the Dike*

  8. Black Cock

  9. Boy Glory Hole

  10. Bullied

  11. Christmas Boy

  12. CL Cock Sucker

  13. Cory*

  14. Corey's Scent

  15. Cody's Christmas Wish

  16. Dirt Bikes and Blowjobs

  17. DMV Boy

  18. Dougie's Story #Part 3 of a series

  19. The Family*

  20. The Ginger and the Chub

  21. Hair Salon Boys

  22. I Heart You

  23. Little Brother's Feet*

  24. Lost in Fear*

  25. Mars

  26. McChicken

  27. My Best Friend's Dad *Related story to My Son's Best Friends

  28. My Not so Miserable Life

  29. My Little Runaway #Part 1 of a series

  30. My Son's Best Friends *Related series to My Best Friend's Dad

  31. My Little Runaway

  32. My 11th Summer*

  33. One Night

  34. Poindexter Files*

  35. Rabbit: A Christmas Story

  36. Second Chance for Love

  37. Six Black Boys*

  38. Skateboard Boy*

  39. Skateboard Christmas

  40. Sudden Family*

  41. Taking a Chance on Love

  42. The Year I Learned to Love my Brother (TYILTLMB)*

  43. The Reynolds Twins*

  44. Tommy Boy #Part two of a series

  45. To the Max

  46. Tracy*

  47. Trick or Treet Dress Up

  48. Tween to Teen*

  49. What a Dollar Will Buy

  50. It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (as smoothoperator52)