The following is a work of fiction: Although it is based on actual characters and locations, the rest is purely fictional.  This story depicts sexual situations between males and females of various ages and, may include incest as well. If reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author Kewl Dad, and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission. © 2017-2020

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The High School Years
(Tween to Teen)
By: Kewl Dad

Chapter 40

Burning crosses

Note: This part of our story was told to me by Caleb, Tony, and Caleb's Granny, and I decided to try out some of my writing skills and put it into a third person perspective. Hope you like it. I have tried as best I can to capture the emotions that this event caused all of us.

"Wake up gran, wake up Caleb, the house is on fire," Tony cried as he banged on the doors of their rooms.

"Whats going on?" a sleepy Caleb said emerging from his room in just a pair of underwear.

"The house is on fire, I woke up and saw the flames. I think the downstairs is on fire," Tony said sounding frantic, "We gotta get granny out."

By then Caleb's granny had emerged from her bedroom wearing a robe, and she took one look at the two boys and gathered them up in a hug.

"It'll be all right," she soothed, "we can go out the back way."

They cautiously moved down the stairs then, but there was no sign of fire or smoke as they approached the first floor.

"Are you sure you didn't dream it?" granny said patting Tony.

"I saw the flames reflected in my window, I mean...I think I did," Tony said looking confused.

Meanwhile, Caleb had moved on down to the front door, and throwing it open he screamed, "Oh my God!"

Tony and Granny soon joined him, and what they saw caused both of them to cry out in disbelief.

"Is that...a...a, cross?" Caleb gasped, "It's a cross. But why would anyone...?"

"It's the KKK," Tony said softly, the tears stinging his eyes, "they're trying to tell you that you shouldn't have taken me in," he said sadly, "Now I done brought them down on you good people."

"That's crazy," Caleb said, "it must've been those guys from the drive-in, that's all. They're just using a cross to make us think it's the KKK."

"Son, no one is gonna tell me who I can have in my house," Granny said firmly, "I love you like my own, and they'll have to come through me to get to you."

"That goes for me too," Caleb said, rubbing Tony's back affectionately, "you're like a brother to me, and for that matter, to the other guys too. We've all got your back."

"I don't wanna cause you no trouble," Tony said, staring out at the burning reminder that hatred and intolerance existed even in our small town.

"You shush, you're not causing anyone any trouble. Caleb, you stay here with Tony, I'm gonna go call that joke of a Sheriff Hokie Foreman and tell him to get his lazy butt over here and find out who did this."

However, a neighbor had already reported the fire, and before she could move, a fire truck and a city police car pulled up out front.

"Caleb honey," she chuckled, "you boys better go get dressed. I'm not sure if you should greet the police in just your skivvies."

"Oh yeah," Tony said grinning, "I guess that might not be a good idea, they might arrest me for indecent exposure."

While the boys ran upstairs to get dressed, Granny walked out to greet the firemen, led by the Fire Chief, Gene Rudd, who incidentally lived across the street from Robert. The city didn't have a full time fire department, and Mr. Rudd was the only paid member of the volunteer fire department.

By the time Caleb and Tony returned, the fire was out, and the policeman and Fire Chief were talking to Caleb's granny. When the policeman saw Tony approach he actually reached for his gun and Granny went crazy.

"What do you think you are doing?" she screamed at the cop, "that's my adopted son Tony and my grandson Caleb, are you crazy?"

"Sorry ma'am," the cop said, but he didn't sound sincere, "I heard there was a Negro living in town, but I didn't know he was living here." He was in fact lying, because the entire police force was aware of Tony's living arrangements and warned not to harass him unless he got out of line.

"Land sake, what a world we live in when peaceful, God-fearing folks can't enjoy a night's sleep without some heathens burning crosses on their front yard. I am telling you right now young man, you had better find out who did this, and put them in jail, or I will find out myself and go after them."

"Ma'am, just calm down. There's not much we can do unless someone saw who did this. There are a lot of folks who don't like the idea of a black boy living with white folks, or datin' an Injun girl..."

"Go, get out! Send your captain, or your chief, someone else. I won't deal with anyone who's a complete idiot and only making things worse," she said, becoming agitated.

"Jack," Chief Rudd said, giving the officer a stern look, "I think it's best you call Chief Fields in on this one. I'll stay here till he gets here, why don't you go make your rounds or something?" he said in a no nonsense tone.

Chief Rudd was an important man in the town, and the cops had a lot of respect for him and his tireless sense of duty, and the officer knew not to cross him if he wanted to keep his job.

"All right, sorry ma'am," he said to Caleb's granny, then excusing himself he went to the squad car and called the station.

While they were waiting, Chief Rudd suggested they go inside so granny could sit down and rest. She was happy to get away from the still smoldering cross and the stench of ignorance and intolerance that the officer exuded.

Inside, she hurried to the kitchen to brew some coffee while they waited, and when it was ready she poured herself and Chief Rudd a cup and offered the boys' a soda or some tea, but they both declined. They were both too upset to think about their stomachs for a change.

"Have you had any other instances like this?" Chief Rudd asked, looking at the three.

Tony and Caleb quickly outlined what had happened at the drive-in, but added that until then they'd never had any problems.

"Hmm, my guess is it's the same bunch. I know most folks in town don't have a problem with Tony, and from what I've heard he's a good fellow and doesn't cause any trouble. (It should be noted that Chief Rudd used the word fellow, as opposed to boy, because of the derogatory meaning of the word "boy" among blacks).

"How will we ever know if it was them or not?" Caleb asked frowning, "I'm sure they're not gonna go around bragging about it."

Chief Rudd laughed, "I'm not a cop, but I've seen lots of guys trip themselves up by doing just what you're talking about. Some guys can't wait to brag about how brave and big they are, and sometimes they tell the wrong person."

"But even if they figured out who did it, they won't do anything to them, will they?" Tony guessed.

"Arson is a serious crime," Chief Rudd said, "They might not do any prison time, but certainly some jail time and probably a fine."

"And when they get out they'll be after us again," Tony said looking down, "Maybe...maybe I should find a place of my own, move out, to protect you."

"I won't hear any more talk like that," Granny said, reaching over to comfort Tony, "You're mine now, and ain't no one gonna cause you to leave till you're ready. Next year you'll be goin' off to college with Caleb and the others, and that'll be soon enough to lose you."

"College?" Tony said, looking confused, "How am I gonna afford college?"

"You just don't worry about that young man, you just do good this last year of High School and the rest will be taken care of," she said looking over at Caleb who winked.

Tony didn't push it, he figured there would be time to hash that out later. Right now the problem at hand was more than enough to keep them occupied.

Eventually a knock came on the door, and as expected it was Police Chief Fisher. He and granny went back a ways, and in fact were distant cousins, and she had had a long talk with him before adopting Tony to make sure he understood what she expected of him and the police department. He loved the old woman, and though he thought she was a bit crazy taking on a black teenager to raise, he had to admit that so far things had gone well.

He listened as they re-told the story of the drive-in confrontation and what had occurred that night and he nodded. "I know the guys from the drive-in, the manager reported the incident and gave me their names. They're a bad bunch, and into all kinds of trouble every chance they get. I'll have another talk with them, but I'm not sure I can do much about what happened here tonight."

"Any chance you could have your boys put this block on their patrol route?" Chief Rudd suggested.

"Yeah, I'll do that. It's close enough to downtown and near the park, so it's probably already on the route, but I'll have them cruise by more often, especially at night."

"Well, there's not much more I can do," Chief Rudd said, "I'll get rid of the, um, the cross for you ma'am."

"Thank you Gene," the old woman said, "and for getting out of bed to come to an old woman's rescue."

"You're welcome ma'am. Oh, and thanks for the coffee, best cup I've had in a long time," he added as he headed toward the door.

"Well, feel free to come by anytime for a cup. I can use the company."

She walked Chief Rudd to the door, then returned to find Police Chief Fisher standing, "I should go too. I'll file a report, and when it gets daylight I'll go talk to these boys, but don't expect much."

"Anything you can do will be appreciated," she said walking him to the door, "And don't send that Jack Ferguson to my door ever again," she added loudly, "the man isn't much better than the ones that did this."

"I'll have a talk with him. Thanks for the heads up," he said frowning.

When he was gone, she turned to the boys and held out her arms, "Come on boys, let's try to get some sleep."

They swarmed into her arms, and after a brief hug they went back upstairs. Caleb hadn't been in bed more than a few minutes when there was a soft knock on his door. Thinking it was his granny, he pulled the covers over his naked body and gave whoever it was permission to enter.

He smiled when he saw Tony, dressed only in loose fitting boxers, and he threw back the covers and invited him into his bed.

"Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?" Tony asked as tears stung his eyes.

"Yeah, more than okay little brother," he said leaning in and kissing the handsome black boy, "are you interested in more than sleeping?"

"Well, it might help me forget all the bad stuff and make me sleep better if we did something."

"Yeah, I think so too," Caleb said scooting closer and running his hand down Tony's marbled stomach to his crotch, "Oh, you're ready I see," he chuckled as he reached inside his boxers and wrapped his hand around Tony's hard pecker.

"Mmm...that feels real good," Tony said reaching over to return the favor, and soon the two were kissing as they fondled each other, headed toward a night of bliss that would hopefully help them to forget about the evil that had invaded their world as of late.


"Holy shit, are you serious?" I said as Johnny and I drove toward Caleb's house, "A burning cross? What kind of shit is that?" I usually didn't curse, but this thing had me mad as hell.

"Tony said he thinks it's the KKK, but Caleb and the cops think it's that bunch that cornered Tony and Suzy at the drive-in."

"The cowards, we should've stomped their asses while we had the chance."

"Whoa, settle down," Johnny chuckled, "although, you're very sexy when you're all riled up."

"Shut up," I said grinning as I shoved him playfully, "You're the tough guy, I'll just back you up."

"Yeah, I agree those guys need a lesson, but it might not have been the same bunch. We'll have to wait and see what the cops find out."

"The cops couldn't find their asses if it was attached to their face," I said causing Johnny to burst out laughing, "well, it's true, especially Hokie Foreman and that bunch. I heard they busted this guy over at the lake and took them in for having weed, and guess what? It turned out to be a bag of grass seed the kid's dad had in the trunk of the car he let his son borrow."

"Yeah, I heard that one. I bet his face was red," Johnny laughed.

When we reached Caleb's, we knocked on the door and Caleb's granny met us with hugs.

"Come on in boys, we're just sitting down to lunch. There's plenty, why don't you join us?"

"Well, we were gonna go to The Dairy Queen, but I'd much rather have a home cooked dinner," I said sniffing the air.

"Oh, it's just fried chicken and potato salad," she said, as if it was nothing special. The truth was, anything that sweet old lady cooked was Heavenly.

"Hi guys," Tony said looking up.

"You okay?" I said, walking over and leaning down to hug him.

"Yeah, I got my brothers here, and my granny," he said grinning, "I'll be fine."

"How about you two, are you okay?" I said, looking at Caleb and his granny.

"It'll take more than a burning cross to upset me," Granny cackled, "bunch of cowards," she muttered.

"I agree," Johnny said, "nothing but low life cowards. I wish I'd caught em'."

"Well, the cops are making the rounds now and watching the place, so I don't suppose they'll try that again, but then who knows? They're pretty stupid, so they might," Caleb offered.

"Let's not talk about that, okay?" Caleb's granny said, "don't want to spoil our meal. Now, what are you boys up to today?"

"We thought we'd go swimming over at the lake. You guys wanna come with us?" I asked, looking up from my chicken at Tony and Caleb .

"Sure, okay..." Tony said, "if Caleb wants to."

"Yeah, I could use the exercise and work on my tan."

"Yeah, you are a little pale," Tony said grinning, "Maybe someday you'll have a tan as good as mine."

We all cracked up laughing, even granny, and I was glad that at least for the moment things weren't so glum.

Caleb and Tony slipped on swim trunks and grabbed a towel while Johnny and I helped granny clean up the mess. I think she only let us help because she wanted to talk to us in private, and what she said brought tears to our eyes.

"You boys have been good friends to my Caleb, and to my Tony, and I want you to know that I think of you as my own sons," she said with wet eyes. "It's a terrible thing, racism, and it was a lot worse when I was your age. I shudder to think about some of the things than went on back then, beatings, and hangings," she said leaning against the counter to compose herself, "but things are getting better all the time. We've been sort of sheltered from such things here in our little towns, but changes are coming, big changes. You mark my word. The colored folks are tired of being treated like second rate citizens and nothing more than animals, and I can't say that I blame them."

"Yes ma'am, since we met Tony I've done some reading up on the subject and I have to say I'm almost ashamed to be a white man sometimes," I said, "but as far as Johnny and me, and all our friends go, Tony is just as good as any of us, and if anyone messes with him, they're gonna have to answer to all of us."

"They can call us whatever they like," Johnny added, "but Tony is our brother now, and as far as I'm concerned he's as good as any man, better than some in fact."

"You boys make me proud of young folks today. You know you boys and your generation are the ones that can change all this for the better. Just remember that, and never give up. Meanwhile, I want to ask a favor of you both. Will you watch out for my Tony until things settle down? He'd be upset if he knew I was asking, but I'd feel safer if I knew you two had his back."

"Ma'am, you don't even have to ask," I assured her, "we already have his back, always have, but we'll watch it even closer now."

"Thank you boys," she said, giving us a hug just as Tony and Caleb came thundering down the stairs in a race to see who could get there first.

"Land sakes, I can use a break from you two," granny laughed, "will you boys be back in time for supper or are you going to the Dairy Queen like you said earlier?"

"We were thinking about taking some hot dogs and stuff with us and eating there, but we might still be hungry when we get back," I said grinning.

"Well, then I'll fix extra and you can eat if you're hungry."

"Will you be okay alone?" Caleb asked as he kissed his granny.

"I'll be fine, you youngins' go and have some fun.  Don't worry about me. I have plenty to keep me busy."

"Are you sure granny?" Tony asked, suddenly worried about leaving the old woman alone in light of all that had happened.

"I'm sure, now scoot, I'm going to take this opportunity to mop the kitchen and bathroom floors while you two aren't here to track them up," she laughed, even though she knew they never would do such a thing.

"All right, but don't overdo. You should take a nap later," Caleb suggested.

"They'll be plenty of time for sleeping when I'm dead," she chuckled.

"Don't talk like that," Caleb scolded, "I want you around a long time."

"As ornery as I am, I'm sure I will be," she laughed, "but I'm looking forward to the day I join your grandpa in Heaven," she said sobering.

"Not for a long time," Tony repeated as he leaned in to hug the old woman, then planting a kiss on her cheek he sighed, "thanks for everything."

"You're welcome son. Well, better get going," she said pulling away and dabbing at her wet eyes, "enjoy yourselves boys."

"We will," we all echoed as we headed out to the Bug Bus.


"I'm still worried about leaving granny alone," Caleb confessed as we drove off.

"Aw, not to worry," I said grinning, "I just happen to know that Johnny's mom and mine are going to come over later and take her shopping. She won't be alone."

"Yeah, and afterwards you can bet the three of them will sit around and drink coffee and gossip," Johnny laughed.

"That's great, thanks guys. I feel much better now."

We stopped at Johnny's long enough to tell his mom what we were up to and to grab the ice chest. We stopped at Safeway and got pop, hot dogs, buns, chips, cookies, and ice, and then headed toward Salina and the lake.

The drive over was noisy and fun, and by the time we got there we were ready to hit the water and have even more fun. The temp was perfect, in the high 80's, with just a little breeze that kept us cooled down once we got wet. The water was warm in most places, but there were pockets here and there that were almost ice cold and very refreshing.

We swam and played grab ass, and dunked each other until we were wore out, then waded to shore, fell underneath a shade tree on the blanket we'd brought, and stared at the sky as we talked.

"So how's it going with Suzy?" I teased, "have you gotten serious enough to get naked yet?"

"A gentleman doesn't talk about his love life," Tony said grinning, "but I will tell you this, she has the cutest little titties," he added beaming.

"Oh, and did you get to play with them?" Johnny teased.

"Or suck on them?" Caleb laughed.

"I can't say, but you can use your imagination."

"No fair," I said, "we tell you everything, in fact we let you watch and sometimes join in," I added.

"I know, I'm just kidding. Suzy won't mind. We talk about everything, and she's fine with things as they are."

"Wait, everything?" I asked in shock, "she knows we fool around?"

"Yeah, apparently her brothers are like that, and she's seen plenty."

"Wow, I wonder...if she ever..." Johnny mused.

"Yeah, she said she messed around with them some when she was younger, but when she got older she quit cause she decided it wasn't something she wanted to do. She wanted to save herself for the right boy, and well...then I came along."

"And you were worth waiting for," I said sincerely, "are you thinking about getting married some day?"

"I don't know, I mean...I think that would be just fine, but we're both still young, and there's so much we haven't seen or done."

"And you'll be off to college," Caleb reminded him.

"I still don't know how that's gonna work. Last night was the first I heard about it."

"When my folks were killed," Caleb began, "the insurance company paid my grandparents a lot of money. And because I was still underage, they took control of it. They used a little to fix up the house and add a bathroom for when I moved in, but the rest is in a trust fund that becomes mine when I turn 18 next year. There's more than enough to pay for both of our college tuitions, and plenty left over for us to get a good start. Since you're my brother now, it's going to be for both of us."

"I don't know what to say," Tony said as tears slid down his face, "I can't let you spend your money on me like that..."

"Try and stop me," Caleb laughed, "all you have to do is keep your grades up, and do well on the entrance exams, and you're going to college with us. Don't you want that, the four of us together?"

"Well, yeah...of course, but that money is yours..."

"No, it's ours now, mine, yours, granny's, though she won't take a dime, and trust me I've tried."

"I'll have to think about this some more," Tony finally said, "but for right now, let's just forget it and enjoy the rest of the day."

"Suits me, who's hungry?"

We found a spot with a cooker and a picnic table and laid out our food and started a fire. We roasted two packs of hot dogs, and none were wasted I might add. In fact, there was nothing but crumbs of chips and a few cookies by the time we were done.

We put out the fire and smothered it, then packed everything back in the bug bus and threw away the trash. We decided to let our food settle awhile before going back in the water, and as we lay on the blanket once more we all drifted off to sleep.

When we awoke, the sun was lower in the west and the temperature had dropped about 5 degrees. Out on the lake we could see motor boats and one pristine sailboat, it's white sail with a rainbow on it, cutting along through the water.

"That's so pretty," Tony said, "someday I'd like to sail one of those."

"You can," Caleb assured him, "in fact, there's nothing you can't do if you just put your mind to it. You're smart and handsome..."

"And sexy," I added with a chuckle.

"Yeah, and sexy," Caleb said going on, "and you are going to have a wonderful life, I just know it."

"You know, there was a time when all I wanted was to finally be old enough to go out on my own, but now that I have a family...a home, I don't know if I want to leave all that behind."

"You will always have a home and a family,"  Caleb said, including all of us with a motion of his arms, no matter where you wind up. But we both know you're not meant to be stuck in a little town like Pryor. You have big dreams, and you need to get out there and live them. Just remember though, you always have a home to come back to, no matter what."

"I worry about granny," Tony confessed, "I just love her so much," he said squeezing his eyes with his fingers, "she saved me. She gave me a home, and love for the first time in my sorry life, and I owe her so much."

"All the more reason to do good and make her proud," I added.

"Yeah, I're both right. I will, I'll make all of you proud of me someday."

"Hey, I'm already proud of you," Johnny said, patting him on the back, "now, if you guys are through being all sad, let's haul our sorry asses off this blanket and into the water before it gets dark."


Not much happened the next few days. We were all busy with our jobs and family, and of course Johnny and I spent as much time together as we could. Now that our folks knew we were a couple and we'd gotten over the awkwardness of it, we weren't as careful about showing affection.

Mikey seemed to pick up on the changes that were taking place, but of course he was an innocent little boy and had no idea what it all meant. All he cared about was that he loved his big brother, and Johnny, and we loved him back ten times over.

We took him with us a lot of times, sitting him in the seat between us and Johnny driving like he had a bowl of goldfish on the seat, while I held him back with my hand around his shoulders. Yeah, I must be horrified to think that Mikey wasn't in a car seat or at least buckled up, but this was the 60's, way before such things were mandatory or even thought of. Most little kids were held on the laps of the adults, or wedged between other kids in the back seat, and surprisingly, a good number of us survived.

Mikey's favorite place to go was the big park, and since Johnny lived nearby, we'd often go to his house for a snack afterwards. His mom would always dote on Mikey, and he had come to love her like a second mom. We were basically just one big happy family, though I sometimes sensed that Johnny's mom was a bit sad that Johnny wouldn't be giving her any grand kids. In a way Mikey was easing that pain some though, and over the years to come he would become a frequent visitor to the Williams home, even after Johnny and I left for college.

On a clear hot day in early August as we spun Mikey on the Merry-go-round, Johnny and I discussed our last fling of the summer. Unlike our carefree days of childhood, we didn't have as much free time as we'd like, but we were determined to find a way to end the summer with a bang.

We'd settled on the last weekend in August, but still hadn't decided exactly what we were going to do, or where we were going to go. Everyone had already gotten the time off approved from their jobs, and we had Friday through Sunday open for our adventure.

"Spavinaw?" I suggested.

"Nice, but we've been there so many times. I think it's time to find a new place for our adventures."

"Hmm, my uncle Joe said that he and some of his buddies went to Sequoya State Park one time and that it was pretty cool. I remember mom and dad taking me there once a long time ago, but I don't remember much about it. Maybe the Chamber of Commerce has some pamphlets about it."

"Or, we could drive up there and check it out. It's only an hour or so away. How about Sunday afternoon we drive up there? We could take the other guys if they're free."

"Sounds good to me, but in the meantime I think I'm going to see if I can get those pamphlets too."

"Great, so we have a plan. Meanwhile, I think Mikey has had enough merry-go-round," Johnny laughed, "he's looking pukie."

"Oh, yeah," I said slowing the thing down with my hands.

Mikey stumbled off and immediately fell to the ground, giggling and rolling around like he was drunk. Johnny and I fell down next to him and tickled him till he was laughing so hard he couldn't talk, but eventually we settled down and just lay there looking up at the sky.

Mikey climbed onto my legs and began riding me like a horse as he giggled, and Johnny moved a little closer and rolled onto his side to watch our play.

"You know, this is nice. It's almost like Mikey is our kid and we're married or something," he said smiling.

"Shhh...little pitchers have big ears," I laughed.

"Your tune Johneee," Mikey cried as he jumped on my boyfriend.

Johnny let out an oomph sound, then began bouncing my little brother up and down, causing more excited giggles. Johnny was right though, this was nice. Even if having Mikey with us kept the intimacy in check, it was still nice just to be with Johnny and to share our love for this little bundle of energy that was all boy.

"Maybe...maybe someday, we'll have a kid of our own," I suggested.

"Are you gonna give birth to it? Cause I'm not," Johnny laughed.

"No, but there are ways. One of us could knock some girl up," I teased, "Or we could adopt."

"Yeah, they're gonna let two Q.U.E.E.R.S. adopt a kid," he said spelling the word out to keep Mikey in the dark.

"Well, they don't have to know, do they?"

"Dream on, but I guess anything is possible."

"Yeah, well...first we gotta get through college and then get our lives figured out."

"Yeah, we got time," he said, rolling Mikey onto me and tickling him to boot.

Mikey grabbed me around the neck and planted a butterfly kiss on my cheek then, and glared over at Johnny who was grinning mischievously.

"Bad Johneee," Mikey said pointing his finger.

"Aww...I was just playing," Johnny pouted.

"Okay, but be good," Mikey said jabbing his finger into Johnny's arm.

"I'm sorreeee," Johnny said making a pouty face, "can I have a hug and a kiss too?"

"Okay," Mikey said, and all was forgiven as he swarmed into Johnny's arms and smooched him up. Mikey lay there atop Johnny for a long time just resting as I rubbed his back, and for a minute I thought he had gone to sleep.

Then suddenly Mikey jumped up and ran toward the little foot bridge that spanned the little creek that divided the park, and the chase was on. We caught him easily, and Johnny picked him up and carried him across his shoulder like a sack of feed.

I don't think I had ever loved my boyfriend, or my little brother as much as I did at the moment. As tears stung my eyes, I remembered what I'd learned so many times before, that family and love was the most precious commodity on earth, and I was blessed to have both.


On Sunday Caleb, Tony, and Gerald drove up to Sequoya with us to check out the park. Unfortunately Donnie and Walter couldn't make it. They were going to Tulsa with Donnie's dad and wouldn't be back until late.

Mikey had cried to go with us, but mom promised him she and dad would take him to the park, and for ice cream, and he settled down after that. I was glad that he'd given in so easily, cause it was hard for me and Johnny to refuse anything to that kid.

The drive was pleasant, the temps were hot, but at highway speed it was bearable, even if a bit noisy. We talked about what had happened since we'd last been together, and of course the burning cross came up again.

"So far the cops haven't figured out who did it, but the Police Chief says he's pretty sure it wasn't the real KKK, probably just those guys from the drive-in," Caleb said.

"Well, at least they haven't tried anything else," Johnny said, "they're all a bunch of cowards if you ask me. If they want a fight they should come out in the the daylight."

"Evil hates the light," Gerald said, causing us all to look his way, " does. That's what they always say."

"Yeah, that's why monsters only come out at night," Tony laughed.

"Those guys aren't monsters though, they're slimy rats, that's all," Johnny snarled.

Our talk turned to other subjects then, and soon we arrived at the park. Sequoya is located just east of the town of Wagoner, and is smack in the middle of Lake Gibson. Nearby is the Fort Gibson Dam, though it's rather tricky getting there the way the roads are laid out. I'd learned most of this from the pamphlets I'd gotten at the Chamber of Commerce, but before the day was over we'd explore most of the area.

From the first moment we located the campgrounds, everyone was sold on having our camp out here, we just needed to figure out exactly which area suited us best.

All of the areas we visited were nice, but some were more populated and those were the ones we wanted to avoid. All we really needed was a spot with a picnic table, a cooker, and preferably bathrooms and showers. We finally found the perfect spot after our third try, and I noted it on the map. The trick would be getting here early enough to find a good spot in that area, but we were confident we could do just that.

There was even a park grocery store where we stopped and got a cold bottle of pop and more maps of the area. The lady at the register was very friendly and asked us where we were from, and when she found out we were from Pryor, she went on to tell us all the people she knew there, though only a few of the names were familiar to us.

We finally managed to break away, and we were laughing as we piled into the Bug Bus.

"Man she must know everyone in the state," Johnny laughed.

"Well, working here she probably meets a lot of people," I said, "I think it might be an interesting place to work. I bet she meets people from all over the country. Not just locals come here you know. It's a state park after all."

"And there is a big lodge here too," Caleb added, "let's go check that out. Maybe when we're older we can come back and rent a couple of rooms and camp out in comfort," he added laughing.

The Lodge was on the farthest end of the park, surrounded on three sides by water, and to us it looked like something out of a magazine. Except for a time or two with my folks I'd never stayed in a motel, let alone anything as luxurious as the Lodge, but like Caleb, I looked forward to some day enjoying the view from inside.

Around five, we finally headed for home, stopping in Wagoner to eat, and it was around 6:30 by the time we got to Pryor. No one had any plans or anywhere they needed to be, so we wound up at Johnny's house first, then walked over to the big park across the street.

It had been a long time since we'd seen some of our other buddies, but that day, as luck would have it, we were united with some of them. We'd been walking around the duck pond talking when we saw three boys approaching from the south end of the park, and when they got closer we were surprised to see that it was Fred and his brothers Jacob and Micheal.

Though Fred was our age, he was more into girls and we only saw him at school. As for Jacob, he spent most of his time with his friend Eddie, and of course Michael had never really warmed up to us like the other two, and we really didn't know him that well at all.

"Long time no see," I said greeting the three with handshakes.

"What are you guys doing?" Fred asked with a big grin.

"Just hanging out," Johnny explained, then between the four of us we told them about where we'd been and what we were planning.

"Oh man, that sounds like fun," Jacob said enthusiastically, "Wish I could go."

"Where's Eddie?" I asked, realizing I hardly ever saw one without the other.

"He's at camp and won't be back till the end of August," Jacob said, "I wanted to go too, but my folks said no."

"How's Linda?" Johnny asked looking over at Fred.

"Great, we're still together, and I think she's the girl I want to marry some day."

"That's great," Johnny said enthusiastically, "I'm glad. Everyone should have someone special," he said giving me a knowing look.

"You make me sick with all that lovey dovey stuff," Michael said rolling his eyes, "I'm glad I'm not all love sick over some stupid girl."

"You'll figure things out someday," I laughed, "till then, enjoy your freedom."

"I will," he laughed. Michael had always been a bit different, but I'd always figured he was straight and would be eager to find a girlfriend. I'd never seen any indication that he liked boys either, and that made him somewhat of a mystery to me.

We hung out with the three till the sun began to go down, then said our goodbyes and promised to keep in touch, little did I know that at least one of them would be in touch sooner than I'd expected.

We drove Caleb and Tony home, but Gerald wrangled an overnight stay and we went back to Johnny's and had supper with his folks, then drove around town for a while before returning and settling in for the night.

Johnny's bed wasn't big enough for all three of us, so Gerald slept on a pallet on the floor, but before we settled down to sleep we did manage to have some fun in Johnny's bed.

After Gerald was stretched out on the pallet and settled in, Johnny and I did some snuggling and making out, but we were tired and soon fell asleep. I remember waking up once or twice snuggled up to Johnny and feeling contented and loved, but soon fell back asleep.


Two days later as I was washing my motorcycle and considering taking a ride, I had a visitor. 

"Hi," Jacob said riding up beside me in the driveway.

"Well, hello. What are you up to?" I said, happy to see my friend again so soon.

"Just riding around, bored actually. I thought I'd come see if you were home. I figured you might be home since you weren't at Johnny's."

"How did you know I wasn't at Johnny's?" I chuckled.

"Cause I went by there, and he was helping his dad do some stuff in the yard. I stopped and talked to em' for a while then rode over here."

"Are you thirsty?" I said, "I was about to go for a ride, and stop at Dairy Queen and get a slush. Wanna come with me?"

"Can I, really?" Jacob asked excitedly.

"Sure, hold on, I'll grab the other helmet."  

I hollered at my mom and told her what I was up to, and of course Mikey begged to go, but mom managed to corral him long enough for me to make my getaway.

"Hold on tight," I instructed Jake, "and just lean with me when I turn."

"I know, I've ridden on a motorcycle before," Jake assured me.

"Okay, here we go," I said as we started off. I took it slow at first, but soon sped up once I was sure Jake was all right with things. 

Before heading to the DQ, I zipped up main street and did a loop at The Sonic on the other end of town. Jake had a tight grip on my waist and I could feel his warm body pressed against mine and it felt good. Jake was growing up fast, and he was even more desirable now than he had been when I first met him. I tried not to think of him that way, but I was tingling as we rode along, our bodies meshed together, and pretty soon I was hard. It didn't take long to figure out that Jake was suffering from the same condition, because I could feel his hardness pressing into my lower back.

At the DQ we climbed off the bike and I noticed Jake was adjusting himself, just as I was. Neither of us said anything, but something passed between us as we locked eyes and it sent a tingle up my spine.

We ordered at the walk up window, and I paid for our drinks and we went out back to sit on one of the picnic tables under the shade trees. I sat on the seat, but for some reason Jake chose to sit on the table top and that put his crotch right at my eye level.

It had been awhile since I'd seen him down there, but it was obvious he'd grown some, and what's more he was still hard as a rock. I tried not to stare, but it was as if Jake were putting on a show for me. He would squirm, and wiggle, and occasionally tug at the crotch of his jean shorts, and it was all I could do not to tackle him right there on that picnic table.

"Ants in your pants?" I teased, trying to break the tension.

"My dick itches," Jake laughed.

"Is that why it's hard?" I dared to ask.

"Nope, it stays hard a lot, and the motorcycle ride got it really hard." he said grinning, completely unembarrassed.

"Yeah, I get that way sometimes too."

"Like now?"

"Yeah, like now, but I can't blame it all on the motorcycle. Having a warm body pressed against me didn't help," I chuckled.

"But you liked it, right?"

"Yeah," I sighed, "it was nice."

"Where could we go?" Jake asked licking his lips.

I didn't have to ask what he meant. That thing that had passed between us earlier was back, and it was as if we were reading each others minds."

"I was going to ride down to Grand River, is that too far?"

"Naw, that sounds fun," he said grinning.

"Are you sure?" I said, but it wasn't the trip I was asking about, it was what we both knew was going to happen once we got there.

He nodded and smiled, "I want to, a lot...but only if you do."

"I do, but I know I shouldn't..."

"Why, cause of Johnny?"

"No, Johnny will be fine with it. I just worry sometimes that this stuff is all I think about."

"Heck, it's all I think about too," he laughed, "me and Eddie do it all the time."

"And Eddie's gone, and so you came looking for me..."

"Yeah, is that okay?" he said, not denying that I was being used.

I laughed, "Hell, what difference does it make? Finish your drink and let's go."

I was filled with all sorts of emotions as we rode along toward the river, guilt, doubt, fear, but lust won out, and by the time we got there, there was no doubt that this was going to happen.

It didn't take me long to find a nice private trail for us to go down, and when I finally parked the bike we were deep within the woods and completely alone.

"It's nice here, and private," Jake said as he hung his helmet on the back of the bike.

"I need to pee," I said pulling out my dick and forcing a stream out despite  how hard I was.

Jake followed suit, but instead of just whipping his dick out he pulled his shorts and underwear off, leaving him dressed in just his  shoes and socks and a dirty white tee shirt.

His body had filled out and he had some muscle definition now and his body was a thing of beauty. His cock was even bigger than I'd guessed and his balls were the type that didn't hang down a lot, but clung to his upper body. There was a little patch of hair just above his cock, but his balls appeared to still be hairless and smooth as a baby's butt.

Speaking of butts, when he turned to let out his stream of piss, I got a good look at those two perfect globes of smooth flesh, and my mouth was watering just thinking about what I'd like to do with them.

"You've grown up some," I managed to say, "you look good."

"You think so?" he said, smiling shyly, "Do I get to see all of you too?"

"Yeah, let me finish pissing."

We finished peeing, and Jake watched intently as I undressed, leaving nothing but my shoes and socks. He stripped off his tee shirt then and we stood naked staring at each other for a long time.

"You look good too," he finally said, "can I...touch it?"

"We didn't come all this way and get naked for nothing," I laughed, "as long as I can touch yours."

"Yeah," he said grinning as he moved in closer.

We were so close I could smell Jake's sweat and his excitement, and my head was filled with him. That musky smell that boys in heat have only stocked the furnace of my own desires, and soon we were both lost in lust.

His cock felt so wonderful in my hand, silky smooth, yet hard and stiff, like velvet wrapped around steel. And the heat of it was so intense I thought it might catch on fire. His flaring read piss slip oozed a single drop of pre-cum and I wiped it off with my finger and brought it to my tongue and savored it.

"Oh, man," I gasped, "can I...can I suck it?" I asked shy, as if this was my first time and I needed permission.

"Yesss," he hissed lustily, and when I knelt before him he ran his soft warm fingers through my hair and just help on for dear life as I swallowed  his hardness to the hilt, "OH...oh...oh," he managed to squeak out, "you're better than Eddie," he added chuckling softly.

I moaned my approval at his observation, but didn't let up as I began tongue bathing his cock and his baby makers. His balls were plump and ripe and I expected full of sperm, which I couldn't wait to taste.

"I'm close," he panted, when I swallowed his cock once again, but I didn't want him to come yet so I backed off again and began nuzzling his pubes as I rubbed his smooth butt.

"You know, fuck me, if you want," he said sounding far away, his voice husky with lust.

"I don't think this is the best place for that," I said, "besides, I'm pretty big now and I might hurt you."

"Naw, you wouldn't, Eddie is big too, but that's okay. You're right, we should just suck each other. Can I...can I suck you now?"

"Don't you want to finish first?" I said as I continued to work his cock.

"Not yet, let me suck you off, then you can do me, okay?"

"Sure, whatever you want?" I agreed eagerly. The thought of Jake's sweet mouth on my cock had be dripping pre-cum like crazy, and I could feel my balls churning, ready to spew out a big load for him.

Jake had learned a lot since the last time we'd been together, and his oral skills were first rate now. It was not something I thought much about back then, but as I got older I realized that the difference between a good cock sucker, and an okay cock sucker, was how much they enjoyed the act.

A good cock sucker, or in this case an excellent one, loved sucking cock and it showed in their actions. Occasionally Jake would look up at me, a loving look in his eyes and smile around my cock, and I could feel that love of cock sucking reverberate in his actions. On a scale of 1-10, Jake was about a 12 when it came to cock sucking and it was obvious that it was something he not only enjoyed, but practiced often. Eddie was a very lucky boy to have Jake tending to his needs that way, but for the moment, Jake was all mine and I was enjoying one of the best blow jobs of my life.

I threw my head back and stared up at the canopy of trees, and it was as if my senses were suddenly heightened. I could feel the tingle of the slight breeze on my sweaty body, the flutter of the occasional insect that found my bare flesh, and the warmth and wetness of Jake's mouth on my overly sensitive cock. I knew I was close and I never wanted this to end. I considered warning him, but in the end it was too late, and suddenly my whole body spasmed as I blew my load in Jake's mouth.

I heard him gag a little before he finally got things under control and I could feel his throat muscles work as he began to swallow down the massive load. When I had finished and all that was left was a slow ooze, Jake licked my cockhead clean, then stood up and smiled at me.

"Come here," I said pulling him against me and kissing him and tasting my own flavor mixed with his.

"You taste good, bettern' Eddie," Jake said breaking the kiss and pulling back a little.

"You're really good at that, Eddie is lucky," I said pulling him in for a hug, "and now it's my turn."

"Okay," he said eagerly, "Eddie ain't that good at it, he mostly just jacks me off, but I like gettin' sucked a lot."

"Well, I love sucking a hot stud like you off, and I am going to take my time."

"Okay," he said grinning, "I got lots of time."

I began by touching and rubbing his all over, including his luscious rear end, and for a moment I regretted not taking him up on his offer to let me fuck him. A nice rut in the woods would have been good, but when I made love to a boy I liked to have time to do it right and I preferred laying down, and not bending them over as they stood.

"Are you clean back here?" I said parting his buns and sniffing. I should have known he was or he wouldn't have offered his ass to me to begin with.

"Sure, I haven't pooped today," he said simply.

That was all the assurance I needed as I pried his cheeks apart and attacked his pucker with my tongue."

"You change your mind?" he asked dreamily as I continued eating his ass out.

"No, just wanted to taste you back here," I said, coming up for air.

"Oh..okay, feels good. Eddie won't do that stuff. He says it's dirty."

"Eddie has some things to learn," I chuckled, "maybe we need to give him an education."

"He don't know...about you guys," Jake said looking back at me, "I don't go around tellin' just everyone what goes on with you guys."

"Thanks," I said, letting that sink in. Was Eddie not trustworthy, or was Jake just trying to be a responsible friend?

"Okay, time for the main course," I said after about ten more minutes, "turn around and let me at that dick."

I like to say that I didn't suck Jake's cock that day, that I made love to it, and I think Jake would have agreed. He moaned, and whimpered, and thrust and twisted, and finally took over and began fucking my mouth almost violently.

As I held those perfect globes in my hands he pistoned in and out of my hungry, wet mouth until I felt his whole body tense up and he began firing off round after round of his tasty boy spunk. I didn't know what was usual for him, but from the feel of this load, I'd say it was an especially big one and I swallowed it down eagerly.

When I had him cleaned up I stood and kissed him again, this time sharing his taste with him, and he practically collapsed into my arms.

"Whoa, you okay?" I laughed.

"Just weak, that was a big one," he said smiling up at me, "You do that really good."

"You did most of the work," I chuckled, "you were really going at it."

"Sorry," he said blushing, "it just felt so good."

"Don't be sorry. I loved it, and you shot a lot of sperm."

"Yeah, I know. I feel like my balls are turned inside out," he laughed, "Kind of sore now."

"Well, hopefully by the time you need them again they'll be okay."

"Yeah, Eddie won't be back for a while, so it's just jacking off for me."

"Maybe not, maybe you can come see me again," I suggested.

"Really?  Yeah, okay. What about Johnny?"

"Yeah, come see us both. I bet Johnny would like a taste of that too."

"That's not what I meant, but yeah...okay."

"Well, we should go I guess. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just need to piss again."

"Me too, what is it about sex that makes a guy have to piss?" I chuckled.

"I don't know, but I'm still hard," Jake laughed, "it's gonna be hard to piss, just like before."

"I'm a little hard myself," I added, "but that's just cause I'm staring at your naked body."

"Sure you don't want to..."

"I want to, but not here. Um, what are you doing tonight? Think you could sleep over?"

"I bet I can. We could go by my house and ask," he said excitedly.

"Okay," I said, letting my little head take over, but little did I know that things would work out even better than I planned.

We dressed and rode back to town, but neither of us was as hard as we'd been on the trip out. We stopped at Jake's house and found his mom and Michael home, but Fred was off with his girlfriend Linda.

I was surprised at how easily Jake's mom okayed him spending the night with a boy almost three years older than he was, but things were simple back then and parents less suspicious I guess. Michael gave us a little grin and I wondered if he knew what we were really up to, but if so he never let on. He might not be into the same stuff we were, but  he was no rat fink.

"I have an idea," I said as we climbed on my bike, "what if we invited Johnny too?"

"Okay," Jake said eagerly, "that way I won't feel so bad know?"

"Don't worry, Johnny won't care about what we did earlier, and he'll be up for some fun later."

"Oh, okay, sure...let's go get him."

Johnny was sitting on his front step when we rode up, almost as if he'd been expecting us. Whatever he'd been helping his dad with must've been finished, because his dad's truck was gone and only his mom was home.

"What you two up to?" Johnny said, stretching and moving over to the middle of the step so we could sit down beside him.

"Went for a ride, got our rocks off," I whispered, causing Jake to blush and look at Johnny with undisguised fear.

"Without me?" he pouted.

"You were busy, but Jake is spending the night, want to join us?"

"Sure, I was going to come over later anyway. What are we gonna do?" he said grinning.

"Get our rocks off again," I suggested.

"Okay, but what else? I was thinking about us going to the drive-in tonight. How does that sound? And afterwards we can drive around and go to the DQ or something."

"Really? Can we?" Jake said excitedly, "Aww, you guys probably don't want me tagging along."

"No, it will be fun," Johnny assured him, "then, at Robert's house we can have some fun," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay, sure...that sounds fun. Uh, I don't have any money though."

"No problem, we got you covered," I piped in, "after all, I invited you."

"Oh, okay..thanks guys."

We went in and visited with Johnny's mom for a bit, then Johnny said he was going to take a shower and change, and that he'd meet us at my house. I drove me and Jake back to my house and filled mom in on our evening plans and she just nodded. She had long ago quit trying to control my life with Johnny. She knew we were basically good boys and didn't get into trouble, and though she might wonder what we got up to when we were alone, some things she didn't want to know.

"Are you eating supper with us, or eating out?" was  her only question.

"I think we'll stop and get some chicken or something and eat at the drive-in," I said, "that okay with you Jake?"

"Yeah, great," he said easily.

"Well, you boys should probably shower and put on clean clothes before you go."

"We will, come on Jake. I'll show you where everything is."

After stopping in my room, Jake grabbed the clothes he'd brought in an old worn gym bag and I led him to the bathroom. I left him to shower and get dressed while I grabbed some clothes and waited in my room.

About twenty minutes later Jake reappeared looking and smelling clean and I took my turn. Despite having gotten off earlier, I wished we could have showered together, but I knew there would be plenty of time for messing around later.

I showered and primped and finally joined Jake who was chatting up my mom and playing with Mikey. Mikey loved all my friends and was always happy to see them, and Jake was no exception.

"Jakey play," Mikey said handing Jake a toy truck.

"Okay, vroom vroom," he said gleefully making noises as he ran the truck across the living room carpet.

He looked like a little kid himself at that moment, and I had to smile at how kind and patient he was being with my kid brother. Jake was a special kid, and I was glad we'd reconnected.

Dad came home shortly after that, but still no Johnny, and I began to worry. Then about 6 o'clock Johnny finally showed up looking as sexy as ever. He was wearing new Levi 501's and a button up shirt and his hair was combed perfectly, not a hair out of place, and he smelled really good, thanks to the after shave I bought him for his birthday last year.

I met him at the door and gave him a kiss on the cheek, an act that did not go unnoticed by Jake, who blushed and looked at my folks to see if they'd noticed as well.

"They know," I said grinning at Jake.

"Oh, um...okay," Jake said, blushing brighter.

"And apparently so does Jake," my mom chuckled, "so now that that's out of the way, we can move on as if nothing was wrong, okay?"

Jake nodded, but it would take him some time to come to grips with the fact that my folks could accept what Johnny and I had.

We visited till around 8 then headed off to get the chicken and some stuff for the cooler Johnny had brought, and by 8:30 we were parked in a good spot near the back at the drive-in.

While we waited for the movies to begin we ate chicken, potato salad and coleslaw and slurped down sodas. When the movie began we let Jake move up front with us on the bench seat so he could see better. It was a little tight, but nice, and though we didn't do any messing around, we found ourselves half hard most of the time.

Between movies we hit the bathroom and got rid of the soda, then stopped by the snack bar and got popcorn and candy. We couldn't help but think of the last time we were here, and though Jake had heard the story before, we wound up retelling it for his benefit. That led to the telling of the newest incident, and Jake was seething mad by the time we'd finished.

"Tony is a good guy," Jake said frowning, "why would anyone want to say those things or do that stuff?"

"I don't know," I said sighing, "it doesn't make sense. I guess it goes back to the day of slavery and stuff. Some white folks think they're better than black folks and that they don't belong here.  It's crazy, but I bet if they took the time to get to know guys like Tony, there's no way they'd hate them."

"Yeah, I think so too. It's just getting them to do that that's hard," Johnny said.

"But we did," Jake reasoned, "why can't they?"

"That's a good question," I said, and one I would ask many times over the years to come.

The movie started and we munched our popcorn and candy and slurped down more soda. Neither movie was really that good, but it was a diversion, something to do, and we enjoyed the conversation and the comradery as much as the movies.

It was late by the time we left the drive-in, and unfortunately DQ and Sonic were closed by then, but we dragged main for a while before finally heading to my house.

The house was dark and mom and dad and Mikey were asleep, so we tried to be as quiet as possible. We peed and brushed our teeth, then headed to my room and undressed down to our underwear.

My bed was only a double, and though big enough for Johnny and I, it was a bit crowded for three. However, it was fine for some messing around and afterwards we'd make a pallet on the floor for Jake.

Laying across the bed gave us more room, and we positioned Jake in the middle, and Johnny and I both worked on him. I could see the lust in Johnny's eyes and I'm sure it was mirrored in my own. Despite being a committed couple, we loved each other enough to be able to share ourselves with others as long as there were no secrets.

I'd had no qualms about being with Jake that day, because I knew when I told Johnny about it, he'd be fine with it, if not a bit envious. I also knew it would be best if I gave him a chance to have some fun with Jake too, and that was why I suggested this get together, and it was working out perfectly.

"Oh, you guys are really good at this," Jake gasped.

"Lots of practice," I said as I licked his nipples and Johnny worked on his cock.

"We've been doing this stuff since we were 11 or 12," I added, "and you know what, it just keeps getting better as we get older and learn new stuff."

"Oh wow, I never knew my nipples were so sensitive," Jake gasped, "I wonder what else is like that?"

"Your feet maybe," I said, giving him a wicked grin, "want to find out?"

"Okay, but I might be ticklish," he warned.

"Trust me, I know how to do this without causing you to kick and scream," I assured him.

"Okay, do it then."

I scooted off the bed and onto my knees between Jake's legs, then backed up enough so I could comfortably reach his feet. As was the rest of him, they were perfect and since he's showered earlier the only odor was a slight musk from wearing his socks and shoes that evening.

I playfully lifted his left food and made a big show of sniffing it was Jake raised up to watch me, a huge grin on his face.

"Do they stink?"

"No, they smell great, and I bet they taste even better," I said, then holding his foot steady I drew my tongue down the center of his sole from toe to heel.

"Oh, that feels weird, but good," Jake said, sucking in a breath then releasing it slowly.

"And now for some piggies," I said grinning as I moved back up to his toes, "here goes, you ready?"

"I think so," he said sounding a little nervous.

"It's okay if you don't like it, just tell me and I'll stop."

"Okay, but I think I'll like it."

"I think you will love it," Johnny pitched in, "Robert loves feet, and he knows  how to make it feel good."

"Okay, I'm ready," Jake assured me, and I began.

"Oh, that feels so weird, but nasty too," he said softly, "like my toes are connected to my dick or something."

"That's cause your feet, just like your nipples are very sensitive and not something that gets played with a lot, so your brain thinks it's naughty and fun like sex."

"Wow, that makes sense," Jake said, "and you were right Johnny, I do love it."

"Then how about double?"  Johnny said as he slid down to join me.

Together we slobbered up Jake's toes and feet, and licked and fondled and caressed every square inch of his size 7's. When we figured he'd had enough and was ready to move on to the next step, we moved back up and resumed our nipple and dick play.

"You guys want to fuck me?" Jake whispered softly after a while.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe," I said looking over at Johnny who seemed surprised at the question.

"You like that?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, I kinda do," Jake said blushing.

"I don't know, are you sure you can handle a dick as big as mine and Robert's?"

"Yeah, Eddie is pretty big and he does it all the time."

"Let's see how things go, okay. I'm not saying no, just not sure I'm ready for that yet. How about you Robert?"

"I'm with you, let's just see how things go."

"Okay, can I at least suck you guys for a while?"

"Yeah, help yourself," Johnny said flopping onto his back.

"Wait, change places, Johnny in the middle, so I can get a piece of him too," I said.

We took turns being in the middle and having the other two work us over, but when the person in the middle got close to coming we'd switch places. It was sort of like foreplay, and sort of like torture, and eventually it had the desired effect that Jake was hoping for.

"Now, you wanna do it?" Jake asked softly when it was Johnny's turn to be in the middle again.

I looked over at Johnny's wet throbbing dick and smiled. How was he going to resist Jake's charms and cute behind as horned up as he was?

"Okay, but I don't want to make a big mess. We're going to use a rubber, that okay?"

"A rubber? You can do that? I thought that was just for girls," Jake asked looking confused.

"It works good for guys too, it keeps the mess down and it's safer that way too."

"Oh, okay, I guess. I don't really care if you don't."

"Robert, you still got those rubbers we stashed?"

"Yeah, hold on."

Like Johnny, I had a secret stash in my closet and it was there that I kept a few items I didn't want my folks to know about. Why I decided rubbers were one of those things, I don't know, but I had four of them stuffed down in a sock and buried in a shoe box at the back of my closet.

I fished two out and replaced the box, then walked back over to the bed to find Johnny licking Jake's butthole in preparation for the real thing. I grabbed the bottle of lotion we used as lube while I was up, then fell down beside the two and watched them as my own cock throbbed in anticipation.

Johnny took his time getting Jake ready, and when he finally got down to business he pulled Jake to the end of the bed and knelt behind him. I watched with lust as he slipped on the rubber and then slathered up his dick and Jake's butt with lotion.

"You ready?" Johnny asked softly.

"Yeah, do it" Jake growled, glancing back at Johnny, then looking over at me.

Johnny took his time working his dick into Jake's hole, but as far as I could tell Jake showed no signs of discomfort. Apparently Eddie had broken him in right. From the look on Johnny's face he was enjoying himself, but he didn't last long after all the teasing we'd done to him. Grunting and thrusting one last time, Johnny began to fill the rubber with his cum as he collapsed onto Jake's back.

Then planting a kiss on the younger boy's neck, he withdrew slowly and rocked back on his knees. The rubber was full to the tip with Johnny's sperm, but other than a little lotion it was clean on the outside.

Pulling the rubber off, Johnny held it up for me to see as he chuckled, "I came a lot."

"My turn," I said grabbing another rubber and skinning it on.

I didn't need any lotion since Jake was already opened up and pretty slick, so without any fanfare I moved up behind him and worked my hard cock into him. He was tight, but it was obvious he was used to being fucked, and from the way he was moaning, he was enjoying himself as much as I was.

Like Johnny, I didn't last long, and when I was spent I pulled out slowly and compared my rubber to Johnny's.

"Almost as much," I said holding it up.

"That would have been a lot of sperm up my butt if you hadn't used the rubbers."

"Yeah, you would have been pooping that out all night," Johnny chuckled, "Now, it's your turn to get off, how you want it?"

"I kind of liked it when you were both working on me, only this time you can make me come."

"Okay, get up here then," Johnny said pointing at the bed, "in the middle, so we can get at you from both sides."

We proceeded to do what we'd done before, me working Jake's nipples and upper body while Johnny worked on the bottom part. We switched off after a while, and it was me who finally brought Jake off with one of my great blowjobs. I was rewarded with a tasty load of Jake's come, which was almost as plentiful as mine and Johnny's had been.

Afterwards we piled into bed and just lay there side by side, but eventually we decided it was time to get some sleep. We slipped our underwear back on, but instead of making Jake sleep on a pallet we somehow managed to make room for him in my bed, and though it was a bit cramped, it was cozy, and we all three slept well.

                        End of Chapter 40

Author's note:
    I couldn't let the events of the past few weeks go by without addressing the issue of racism in this country. Though this story depicts racism in the 60's, have we really made that much progress? Yes, and no. We've made some strides, but until there is no need for protests, no more senseless deaths, or abuse of power, we still have a lot of work to do. I was sickened and disheartened by the death of George Floyd and the events surrounding his death. And I truly understand the anger of those who have taken to the streets to protest what continues to be an ongoing problem with law enforcement and our attitudes toward our black brothers and sisters. The time has come for change, and I pray that this is the time. That at long last we will all say, enough is enough, and it's time to fix what has been broken for so long. To all my brothers and sisters of every race, creed, color, or orientation, I say: you matter, we all matter, and that there is no room for hatred, bigotry, and racism in this world of ours.

On a lighter note, those of us in the LGQBT community scored a victory this week when the Supreme Court ruled that employers could be held accountable for discriminating against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Quite a surprise considering two of the judges were appointed by our President who has time and time again proved that he is not a friend of the LGQBT community. One small victory, but we still have a long way to go to insure equality for all.

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Kewl Dad

I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. A Christmas for Joey

  2. A Christmas With Nick

  3. Accidental Dad*

  4. Adolescent

  5. Alex and Aidan*

  6. Andy Tastes Like Candy

  7. At the Dike*

  8. Black Cock

  9. Boy Glory Hole

  10. Bullied

  11. Christmas Boy

  12. Christmas on the Street

  13. CL Cock Sucker

  14. Cory*

  15. Corey's Scent

  16. Cody's Christmas Wish

  17. Dirt Bikes and Blowjobs

  18. DMV Boy

  19. Dougie's Story #Part 3 of a series

  20. Emoji  (The Story of Joe)

  21. The Family*

  22. The Ginger and the Chub

  23. Hair Salon Boys

  24. Happy Valentine's Day Toby Grayson

  25. I Heart You

  26. Little Brother's Feet*

  27. Lost in Fear*

  28. Mars

  29. McChicken

  30. My Best Friend's Dad *Related story to My Son's Best Friends

  31. My Not so Miserable Life

  32. My Little Runaway #Part 1 of a series

  33. My Son's Best Friends *Related series to My Best Friend's Dad

  34. My 11th Summer*

  35. One Night

  36. Poindexter Files*

  37. Pride-Pride

  38. Rabbit: A Christmas Story

  39. Rolo

  40. Second Chance for Love

  41. Six Black Boys*

  42. Skateboard Boy*

  43. Skateboard Christmas

  44. Stranded on Christmas Eve

  45. Sudden Family*

  46. Taking a Chance on Love

  47. The Year I Learned to Love my Brother (TYILTLMB)*

  48. The Reynolds Twins*

  49. Tommy Boy #Part two of a series

  50. To the Max

  51. Tracy*

  52. Trailer Park Christmas

  53. Trick or Treet Dress Up

  54. Tween to Teen*

  55. What a Dollar Will Buy

  56. Wild Wild West Again

  57. It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (as smoothoperator52)

  58. At Awesome Dude: The Secret Life of Nerds